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NAVIGATION KEYS IN ALL MODES: General navigation in GAME display modes (PS3 PAD, MOVE, BD REMOTE): [X] - Load

a title [O] - Exit to XMB [ ] - Settings menu for selected title [/\] - System Menu In XMMB MODE: [X] - Load a title (or activate function) [ ] - In XMMB - Group content (SELECT+[SQUARE] group by Title for Game/Favorites /Retro columns) [/\] - Settings menu for selected title General navigation (PS3 PAD, MOVE, BD REMOTE): [R1] - Switch to next game display mode [L1] - Switch to prev game display mode [R3] - change current FreeType font [L3] - Switch Title Names font size / paths [SELECT]+[O] - rename game title (changes PARAM.SFO) [SELECT]+[L2]/[R2] - change overscan options [SELECT]+[L3] - force content refresh from all devices [SELECT]+[START] - launches File Manager / mmOS [START]+[SELECT] - restarts mmCM [START]+[/\] - enable PFS driver (for external USB NTFS HDDs) [START]+[R2] - Screenshot to RAW RGB (saved in /dev_hdd0 or connected /dev_usb00 0 or /dev_usb001) [START]+[left] - Previous MP3 song in the playlist [START]+[right] - Next MP3 song in the playlist [START]+[UP] - Increase playback volume [START]+[DOWN] - Decrease playback volume [START]+[ ] - stop music playback (for mp3 and background theme audio) * * * * * * * * * BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD Remote: Remote: Remote: Remote: Remote: Remote: Remote: Remote: Remote: [ENTER] and [PLAY] keys will act as [X] [PAUSE] will pause music playback [PREV]/[NEXT] will skip to previous/next audio track [STOP] will stop music playback [SLOW<<]/[SLOW>>] will change playback volume [BLUE] will switch to File Manager / mmOS and back [GREEN] will turn on the Screensaver [YELLOW] will restart mmCM [RED] will quit to XMB

Navigation in FILE MANAGER / mmOS mode: ======================================= - Right Stick - Move mouse pointer (can be changed Swap Sticks in mmOS") - Left Stick - Move active window (can be changed "Swap Sticks in mmOS") - LEFT/RIGHT - One directory level back (history) - UP/DOWN - Scroll up/down window contents - L2/R2 - (PgUp/PgDn) Scroll window contents

to Left Stick in Settings " to Right Stick in Settings / forward in pages

- CROSS - CROSS - CIRCLE - SQUARE - TRIANGLE - R3 - L3 (desktop) - L3 (icon) to cancel move)

(single tap) Select/Deselect entry (double tap) Execute/View/Play/Open folder (right click) Open command/context menu (ALT-TAB) Switch active window Quit to XMB (if button is held pressed) Change font Reset mmOS Move icon (CROSS/L3 to place to new position; CIRCLE/TRIANGLE Open folder in new window (CTRL-A) Select All (ALT-F4) Close active window (F5) Refresh active window (refresh desktop wh

- SELECT+(CROSS double tap) - SELECT+(CROSS hold) - SELECT+(CIRCLE) - SELECT+(SQUARE) en no windows are opened) - SELECT+(TRIANGLE) - SELECT+(UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT) roller) - SELECT+(L2/R2) ****************************** Navigation in PICTURE VIEWER

- Minimize active window - Move mouse pointer (useful with BD-Remote Cont - Scroll to top/bottom of folder/file list

[X] - Next image [L1]/[left] - Previous image [R1]/[right] - Next image [L2] - Zoom In [R2] - Zoom Out [Left Stick] - Pan [Right Stick] - Zoom [L3]/[DOWN] - Zoom image to fit width [R3]/[UP] - Zoom image to fit height [SELECT] - Show file information [START] - Starts picture slideshow [/\] or [O] - Exit picture viewer ****************************** Navigation in HEX file viewer [UP]/[DOWN] - Scroll in pages (512bytes) [left]/[right] - Scroll in blocks (8KB) [L1] - Seek to start of file [R1] - Seek to end of file [L2] - Scroll up one line (16 bytes) [R2] - Scroll down one line (16 bytes) [/\] or [O] - Exit HEX file viewer [SELECT] - Switch between file and GameOS memory view mode [START] - Create LV1/LV2 memory dump file (when in GameOS memory view mode and p roper payload present) ****************************** Navigation in TextViewer [UP]/[DOWN]/[LEFT]/[RIGHT] - Scroll UP/DOWN and Pan LEFT/RIGHT [L1] - Scroll up one page [R1] - Scroll down one page [L2] - Zoom Out (-5%)

[R2] - Zoom In (+5%) [R3] - Change Display Font [SELECT]+[L1] - Skip to start of file (SOF) [SELECT]+[R1] - Skip to end of file (EOF) [/\] or [O] - Exit TextViewer file viewer ****************************** NAVIGATION WHEN USING USB MOUSE OR USB KEYBOARD: MOUSE NAVIGATION: LEFT BUTTON = [X] RIGHT BUTTON = [O] WHEEL UP = [UP] WHEEL DOWN = [DOWN] WHEEL BUTTON = [L1] (to switch display modes) KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: In game display modes: [F1] - [F6] - directly select display modes (1-5 and 6th is file manager) [TAB] = [L1] (switch to next display mode) ARROWS = UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT [NUM+] - increase mp3 volume (select+UP) [NUM-] - decrease mp3 volume (select+down) [NUM /] - previous MP3 song [NUM *] - next MP3 song [PageUp]/[PageDn] - Scroll games in pages [F7] or [CAPS LOCK] - switch title names size/paths (like L3) [F8] - USB patch mode [F9] - TEST source [F10] - Check for updates (like R3) [F11] - previous display mode [F12] - next display mode [C] ENTER DEL = [ESC] Copy [O] = [X] Launch game [ ] Delete game - Quit [/\]

****************************** In FILE MANAGER / mmOS mode: [F2] - rename current file/folder [TAB] = [L1] (switch to next display mode) ARROWS = UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT [NUM+] - increase mp3 volume (select+UP) [NUM-] - decrease mp3 volume (select+down) [NUM /] - previous MP3 song [NUM *] - next MP3 song [PageUp]/[PageDn] - Scroll current pane [F11] - previous display mode [F12] - next display mode [C] - Copy [O]


Move [select-O] View file in HEX viewer = enter folder or play mp3/ac3 or view jpg/png Delete file Create new folder - Quit [/\]

****************************** In STERO PLAYER (for .avi3d video files) [START] [RIGHT / LEFT] [DOWN / UP] [SELECT] [R3] [CIRCLE] [TRIANGLE] [L1/R1/L2/R2] Pause / Resume Skip 120 sec forward/rewind Skip 10% forward/rewind Toggle 4x fast-forward / normal playback Toggles SBS and TB/OU modes if autodetection fails Return to mM Exit to XMB Change L/R-eye color bias in anaglyph display mode

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