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A partnership between the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor College of Engineering (CoE) and the University of Michigan Flint has been formed to foster s ccess among promising engineering st dents! "n an opport nity that is ni# e to UM$Flint st dents, transfer admittance to U$M, Ann Arbor CoE is g aranteed if st dents meet the prere# isite and %&A re# irements! 't dents transferring to the College of Engineering choose a program from among the following( Aerospace Engineering Atmospheric, )ceanic * 'pace 'ciences +iomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Comp ter Engineering Comp ter 'cience Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering &hysics "nd strial and )perations Engineering "nterdisciplinary Engineering Materials 'cience * Engineering Mechanical Engineering ,aval Architect re * Marine Engineering , clear Engineering * -adiological 'ciences

2+2 Guarantee A !"t Pro#ra!

.he first two years will consist of completion of early co rsewor/ at UM$Flint in the College of Arts and 'ciences (CA')! .his co rse of st dy will incl de 0oint advising and mentorship programs and will offer st dents the advantages of the low st dent to fac lty ratio learning environment that UM$Flint offers! "n addition, st dents will be afforded e1change opport nities between camp ses to b ild familiarity, confidence and a sense of comm nity! At the end of the second year, st dents will be provided the option of transferring to the engineering program of choice in the U$M, Ann Arbor CoE provided they meet certain transfer re# irements! 't dents may choose to remain a third year at UM$Flint to p rs e a d al degree or ma0or! 't dents p rs ing this option will earn a bachelor2s degree from UM$Flint co pled with a +!'! or +!'!E! from U$M, Ann Arbor CoE! 't dents are strongly enco raged to meet with their advisors at the earliest to design a proper plan of st dy!

Guarantee A !"t Pro#ra! Re$u"re!ent%

.he following prere# isite co rses m st be s ccessf lly completed at UM$Flint for transfer credit to U$M, Ann Arbor( En#"neer"n# .o enroll in the program st dents m st s ccessf lly complete Engineering 334! En#&"%' A minim m of 5 semester credit ho rs of English composition6writing E,% 333, College -hetoric E,% 337, Critical 8riting and -eading Mat'e!at"(% M.9 373, Calc l s " M.9 377, Calc l s "" M.9 774, Elementary =inear Algebra P')%"(% &9> 75:, &rinciples of &hysics " C'e!"%tr) C9M 7?4, &rinciples of Chemistry " M.9 777, M ltivariate Calc l s M.9 :4;, <ifferential E# ations

&9> 75;, &rinciples of &hysics "" C9M 7?3, %eneral Chemistry =aboratory

Co!*uter Pro#ra!!"n# C'C 3@;, &roblem 'olving and &rogramming " +u!an"t"e% an So("a& S("en(e% A minim m of 3? credits of 9 manities and 'ocial 'ciences is re# ired for grad ation from UM$AA CoE, b t not for admission! 't dents are enco raged to complete some of these classes prior to admissions! At least two classes (totaling a minim m of ? credits) m st be ta/en in 9 manities! )ne se# ence of co rses m st also be ta/en in 9 manities or 'ocial 'ciences, which incl des ta/ing at least one co rse at the :446544 level! Gra e Po"nt A,era#e% Each of the 3? ndergrad ate degree programs in the College of Engineering re# ire two minim m %&A2s (%rade &oint Averages) of -./ 0 -.1, depending on the program!

3! C m lative %&A

7! C m lative math, science, and engineering core %&A

De*art!ent o2 Co!*uter S("en(e, En#"neer"n#, an P')%"(% 23- Mur('"e S("en(e Bu"& "n#, (43/) 562--3-3 777.u!2&"nt.e u8(%e%*
=atest -evision( 4@634! "nformation s b0ect to change! &lease cons lt the Catalog for most recent information!

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