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Individual Seminar Prep: Happiness and Meaning

[10 process points]

DUE: By Email on Tuesday, 2/18 by 11:59 pm. Also, BEFORE class PRINT a copy to bring to seminar. Essential Questions:

What is the purpose of your existence? We may never know the purpose of our existence, but I think it is important to have some idea of what you were put on this earth to do. In the movie Happy, we saw that the people living in community housing had a good sense of existence and meaningfulness. We also saw that the best thing to do for a child is teach them how to love. People that love their way through life always seem to have a better grasp on what they are on this world to do, and people that surround themselves with others enjoy other peoples presence and existence. I really have no idea what the purpose of my existence is, but I hope to one day know what I am meant to do. 2. What is happiness and what makes one/you happy? I think that The Amazing Adventures of Phoenix Jones best answers this question. We have been talking a lot about how acts of kindness and doing things for others. Since we first started discussing kindness I have noticed that I do not do much for others, and that I am sort of selfish, so I have made an effort to do things for others that I would not normally do. This short story talks a lot about how these real life superheroes are very happy, probably because they do so much for others. Phoenix Jones says on page 236 WE break up two or three acts of violence a night. Two o r three people are being hurt right now and Im stuck here. Phoenix also says Im tired of people doing things that are morally questionable. He knows that there is evil in the world and he wants to try and stop as much of it as humanly possible. 3. What does it mean to live a meaningful life? I find meaning in my life through other people and reflecting on how things have happened in my life. I thought that it was very interesting that many of the articles we read about social media state that we as a society use social media so much that it might be degrading the meaningfulness of out lives. Document A states, As people invest time building ever more expansive social networks online, the quality of their offline networks and relationships diminish es. I think that this writer is trying to say that relationships that we build face-to-face creates meaning. Document A also says that truly meaningful connection demands a degree of vulnerability. Its true, we do not have to be as vulnerable through a screen, and maybe vulnerability is meaningful.

DIRECTIONS: COMPLETE PART 1 and PART 2 Part 1: Synthesis of Project Content and Essential Questions
Which readings/media best addresses the three essential questions? Choose a reading or piece of media that you think best addresses each. You MUST select a different source for each essential question. Write one full paragraph for each essential question explaining how that source addresses the question. Include TWO pieces of evidence (direct quotes) for each source to support your claim. Include the page # when drawing from readings.

Part 2: Ted Talk Selection and Response

Choose one Ted Talk from the table below. Google the title of it and make sure to watch it through the TED Talk website. In bullet point form, summarize the main points from the talk Write a paragraph reacting to the talk. Here are some questions to help guide your response: Do you agree with his/her ideas? Do they make sense with your own experience(s)? Did the say something(s) that inspired you that you think important to share with your partner? Write one question about the Ted Talk that you can pose during seminar.

List of TED Talks

Title Happiness and its Surprises by Nancy Etcoff Description Etcoff reviews what we know about the biology of happiness, exploring the structure and chemistry of the reward and pleasure pathways in the brain and the dynamically interacting systems that govern positive and negative reactions to our environment. This "new science of happiness" based on brain research is changing the way Etcoff and her colleagues are thinking about traditional psychotherapy.

The New Era of Positive Psychology by Martin Seligman

Martin Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, describes the shift in modern psychology from relieving misery to building happiness. As many psychologists move away from the traditional disease model treatment, is there more than one definition of a happy life and what types of intervention can build sustained happiness? The founder of the positive psychology movement reveals some answers in this powerful TEDTalk.

The Power of Vulnerability by Bren Brown

Bren Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. If you cant measure it, it does not exist Lifes messy clean it up Lean into the discomfort People always seem to go to the negative Shame-the fear of disconnection Excruciating vulnerability In order to connect we have to allow ourselves to be seen A sense of worthiness have a sense of belonging and love The difference is the people who have a sense of love and belonging think they are worthy of love and belonging Fear not worthy of connection Courage to be imperfect, compassion-kind to yourself the others and connection as a result of authenticity Vulnerability fully embrace- what makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful We numb vulnerability We live in vulnerability You cannot selectively numb vulnerability Making uncertain to certain We perfect We pretend that what we do doesnt have an effect on people Let yourself be seen Love with your heart even though nothing is guaranteed. Believe you are enough

I guess I have never really thought about being vulnerable. All that we have been learning about human behavior is really interesting to me, but I also think it can be very overwhelming. This woman found that being vulnerable is not a bad thing, but I think that society makes it seem like an individual is weak. This defiantly changed my perspective on how vulnerability can be helpful in your life but I still feel that if you are vulnerable it is like heart break waiting to happen. Seminar Question: How should we balance being vulnerable and putting a guard up? Yale University Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science Paul Bloom suggests that the pleasure we draw from fine wine, original works of art and hand-tailored suits may not be about status, but instead our beliefs about an object's origins and the human act of its creation.

The Origins of Pleasure by Paul Bloom

The Surprising Science of Happiness by Dan Gilbert

Can we be happy with our second choice, third choice, or no choice at all? The happiness we may find when we don't get what we want-what Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert calls synthetic happiness-will challenge our basic assumptions about the value of choice, and for some, prove to be profoundly liberating.

The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz

Psychologist Barry Schwartz draws a line between rising rates of depression and the explosion of choice in almost every moment of modern life. Is freedom of choice as we're experiencing it today too much of a good thing? Schwartz explains why this abundance of options is actually making us miserable.

Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti Sauce by Malcolm Gladwell

Food industry researcher Howard Moskowitz was in pursuit of the perfect spaghetti sauce. In explaining what Moscowitz discovered, author Malcolm Gladwell makes a light-hearted, but well-articulated case for embracing diversity and choice as a means to greater happiness.

List of Sources from our Project: Readings

Existentialism ideas (see the powerpoint) The Stranger The Catastrophe of Success +The Ambitious Guest August, 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains Franny Social Media SAC documents Jennifer Aaker: Happiness v. Meaning the lesson of the moth The Amazing Adventures of Phoenix Jones Research on Gratitude from Harvard Health

Podcasts/Ted Talks
How to Buy Happiness Ted Talk Success Podcast NPR (5 talks) Science of Happiness: An Experiment in Gratitude Happiness Ted Talk selection

Salinger Happy Stranger than Fiction

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