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Why the little of tool insert does micro milling easily?


While the milling of micro was successfully applied in the biomedical compo
nents of manufacture, the matrices of embossing and the coders microphone,
the rupture of little tool was identified per many users like problem of st

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micro milling, micro machining, tool, microphone, little tool, milling, mac
hining, precision, precision machining, suwa, technology, manufacture, Japa
n, miniature

Micro milling is one of the three techniques microphone communes of cutti

ng used in micro machining.

In micro milling, little of tool with the diameter as small as 0.1mm is hel
d in an axis at high speed revolving to 20.000 to 150.000 t/mn, and used to
mill steel, brass and aluminum with the depth of cutting to approximately
30 microns and rate of entry of 120mm/m with 240mm/m to provide completions
of external quality as good as 0.2 micron.

While the milling of micro was successfully applied in the biomedical compo
nents of manufacture, the matrices of embossing and the coders microphone,
the rupture of little tool was identified per many users like problem of st

Why the little of tool so much easily insert does micro milling compared to
conventional milling?

There are 3 primary reasons:

Firstly, when metal is removed by machining, there is a substantial increase

in specific energy required like reductions thickness of piece. This means th
at in the case of micro machining, because the piece becomes meaner with smal
ler depth of cutting, the micro not very of tool prone to a greater resistanc
e will once be compared with conventional machining. It is as if the material
of object becomes harder during micro machining. This force of resistance is
enough strong to exceed the limit of resistance of the inflection of the too
l bitten even before the tool tests any significant use, and leads to the rup
ture of little tool. The one-way to prevent this is to make the thickness of
piece smaller than the ray of edge of little tool.

Secondly, a big rise of the forces of cutting and the effort of the obstructin
g piece during the process of milling micro would make break the little of too
l. In the majority of milling operations microphone using the miniature micro
tool bit with two edges, each edge removes the pieces of the sector of machini
ng only in half of a rotation. However, if to block piece occurs, the forces a
nd the efforts of cutting will increase beyond the limit of resistance of the
inflection of the tool bitten in some rotations of tool, and the little of too
l will break. Some users prefer the little of high-speed cutting steel tool be
cause they are much more flexible and tolerate to block better than the little
of carbide tool.

Thirdly, the little of tool tends to lose its edge due to the edge made up and
cannot machine effectively. Because the object starts to push on the end of lit
tle tool, the little of tool will guide slightly. The increase in the clearance
of tool and the effort produced by milling with each rotation will cause there
after the rupture of little tool. This process is also called the rupture to su
bject to constraint-related wide.

Because of the phenomena above occurring in micro milling, the micro majori
ty of the milling machines are sold with the probes to measure the forces a
cting on the little of tool, and the advanced software of FAO to envisage t
he load of piece in all the process of machining micro. In this way, the ma
nufacturers of precision seeking a place in the milling of microphone could
try to continue their machines to function without jolt with the minimal t
ime of breakdown of machine.

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