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Your intelligence - IQ, EQ or SQUARE?


How much time did we hear others of how the “intelligent one― they con
sider somebody being? The intelligence is a description in the way in whic
h good somebody is to be done something mentally. The intelligence implies
the thought. The intelligence includes the capacity to reason, envisage,
solves problems, thinks abstract, includes/understands ideas and the langu
age and to learn.

Do you regard yourselves as being intelligent?

The schools and the system of education would make us believe that we are
only intelligent if we can in measurement…

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IQ, SQUARE, EQ, intelligence, success, spirit, spirtiual, emotion, emotive

How much time did we hear others of how the “intelligent one― they con
sider somebody being? The intelligence is a description in the way in whic
h good somebody is to be done something mentally. The intelligence implies
the thought. The intelligence includes the capacity to reason, envisage,
solves problems, thinks abstract, includes/understands ideas and the langu
age and to learn.

Do you regard yourselves as being intelligent?

The schools and the system of education would make us believe that we are o
nly intelligent if we can solve complex abstract problems or to remember fa
cts and figures. I would agree that it is a type of intelligence and this t
ype of intelligence indicated normally under the name of the intellectual q
uotien of IQ or of “― (an expression invented by an American psychologi
st called Lewis Terman).
A small proportion of the population has a high IQ and they find the type sc
hool of study and the activities at the relatively easy school. But the larg
e majority of people do not make. Thus where it differently makes this leave
each one?

Well, the good news is that the IQ is not a measurement of success. The maj
ority of the people with a high IQ do not continue to be as succeeded as th
eir points of IQ can carry out us to believe. The majority of the people wi
th a high IQ take paid reasonably good, but the routine, employment. The ma
jority are not happy with the risk and rather do not limit their own succes
s by “becoming comfortable― and do not fall remote shorts from what pot
ential suggests to them.

There is another type of intelligence which can be more important for succ
ess in the life and this was made public by the book more sold “emotive
intelligence― (or EQ) by Daniel Goleman (although the term was employed
the first time several years earlier by two academics - Mayer and Salovey)

EQ must make with identifying, including/understanding, and to choose how we

think, we feels, and acts. It forms our interactions with others and our ar
rangement of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it enables us to f
ix priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions.

EQ is the capacity to create positive tests in our relationship with ourselves

and others. These qualifications learnable create the joy, the love, and the su
ccess of all the kinds.

Étudiant EQ it appears clearly that the IQ has less to make with success in
the life that EQ. The good news is that we all have EQ and that it can be d
eveloped. We can develop our EQ to help us to draw up our relationship with
others, to employ our emotions suitably, to focus our efforts and to gain a
great success more over the life.

EQ can be so important that it could be the best predictive factor of which wi

ll succeed with any sector of the life.

Can we look beyond the IQ and of the EQ?

When do you look at yourselves the world, see you only space and time, mass
and energy, logic and reason? Or do you also see connectivity and the desi
gn, the goal and the significance, the faith and the mystery?

In its book “what is your SQUARE?― Michael Guillen developed the idea
of the spiritual intelligence of “― or SQUARE SQUARE considers your
sights beyond the life materialist of the modern life. Without spirituali
ty it is possible to become very unhappy or dissatisfied with the life an
yhow the much material possessions us accumulate.

Can you be succeeded if you are not really happy? I would not discuss and
that a balance of IQ, EQ and SQUARES are necessary during a happy and su
ccessful life.

Are there other forms of intelligence? Yes, there is another important theory
on multiple intelligences and you can be informed of that in another article

To be happy and succeeded with the hearth of the life on your EQ and SQUAR
E. If you are too enough lucky to have the all best IQ then - but not to c
ount on your only IQ.

© 2005 Wiseman maximum

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