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A Study on He That Is Spiritual Written by T.O.D. Johnston A concise study on the book He That Is Spiritual, by e!

is Sperry "ha#er, #irst published in $%$& and re'ised in $%(). The book is totally based on Scripture. *y purpose !as to di+est and concisely co'er the ,ost i,portant points o# this len+thy study o# the sub-ect. All the appropriate Scripture is included. .ead the book in its entirety here / http011barti,aeus.us1pub2do,,l The author o# this study, T.O.D. Johnston, has been a student o# Scripture since $%)3, and !as licensed to preach the 4ospel by 5aran 6aptist "hurch on *ay 3(, $%)%. He !as an art teacher #or o'er 78 years in 9lorence School District 7. He no! en-oys spendin+ his ti,e !ith his !i#e, and at his studio on $$& Sauls St, ake "ity, S"., http011!!!, 5ublished by O!en Johnston : http011o!, 9inished ;dition $.8

3 A Study on He That Is Spiritual : He That Is Spiritual, chapter $. Accordin+ to 5aul<s teachin+, hu,ans are di'ided into 7 +roups0 $= The natural ,an, unre+enerate> 3= The carnal ,an : a babe in "hrist> 7= The spiritual ,an. These are related accordin+ to the ability to understand and recei'e a certain body o# Truth re'ealed by the Holy Spirit. This relates also to the ne! birth and a surrendered li#e. The thin+s o# 4od are deep and can only be learned throu+h the Holy Scriptures as aided by the Holy Spirit. All those sa'ed ha'e recei'ed the Holy Spirit, thus all ha'e the potential to kno! the thin+s #reely +i'en to us o# 4od. The !ords used are o# ,an<s in'ention and #a,iliar to the earthly conte?t o# their ori+in and nor,al usa+e, but also used to re'eal spiritual thin+s throu+h the inspiration o# the Holy Spirit. The natural ,an is not able to discern the,. They are #oolishness unto hi,. He can only identi#y !ith natural thin+s !ith his spirit o# ,an, co,,on to all hu,ans. @I "orinthians $0$&,33.= They can understand the historical #acts about "hrist<s ,inistry and sacri#icial death !ithout e?periencin+ rede,ption throu+h 4od<s +race and all its eternal i,plications. Satan has his brand o# counter#eit <doctrines o# de'il<s @I Ti,othy A0$,3=, to sidestep and entan+le in e'ery 'ariety o# cults. The ,ost studied and erudite people, thou+h #ull o# kno!led+e and sincere, !ill not percei'e the spiritual truths, the deep thin+s o# 4od. The sa'ed people are the direct opposite o# the unsa'ed, <natural< ,an, and there#ore the spiritual, nor,al state o# e'ery "hristian. Bn#ortunately there is a lo!er condition o# the belie'er that is labeled carnal, as babes in "hrist, #ed !ith ,ilk. ;'en thou+h hi+hly educated in all hu,an !isdo,, science, and reli+ion @or reli+ion and their 'arious syste,s o# !orks=, that person cannot think o# the 4ospel but as #oolishness. The concept o# sin as breakin+ 4od the "reator<s la!s and the penalty bein+ death, and the substitutionary death o# "hrist #or all ,en<s sins, is nonsensical to the,, not ha'in+ any ob'ious earthly 'alue. There#ore, the spiritual !orld is to be denied and discounted, !hich includes the 6ible, 4od as "reator and Sustainer o# the uni'erse, the re+eneration o# the ne! birth, and the pro,ises o# 4od #or #or+i'eness, lo'e, peace, -oy, trust, and hope. This is all a crutch, the opiate o# the deluded : the natural person re,ains in darkness, unable to percei'e the li+ht o# the Spirit. The ind!ellin+ Holy Spirit brin+s the li+ht, the ability to percei'e the thin+s o# 4od. esson I

7 A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson I continued The "arnal *an In co,plete contrast to the natural @unsa'ed= person is the sa'ed person. Ho!e'er, 5aul identi#ies t!o conditions a,on+ the sa'ed0 the spiritual and the carnal. The spiritual one is the nor,al and ideal "hristian. The carnal is described as those <babes in "hrist<, !ho are only able to take in ,ilk, and not the ,ore serious and spiritual thin+s0 the <,eat<. The di##erence is in attitude and beha'ior. The babes still ha'e <en'y, stri#e, di'isions<, as still actin+ accordin+ to ho! the !orld operates. The child o# 4od as ,ature is to !alk in the Spirit, !hich is !ith lo'e and unity. The carnal person is in#luenced by the #lesh, e'en as the ,a-ority o# unsa'ed people. There is a hi+her callin+. The Spiritual *an He discerns all thin+s. These are re'ealed by the Holy Spirit @I "orinthians 30%,$8=. They are described / eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither ha'e entered into the heart o# ,an. The Spirit !ill re'eal the <deep thin+s o# 4od.< The di'ine !isdo, resides in the Word o# 4od, but only discerned spiritually throu+h the reborn spirit o# ,an and +uided and e,po!ered by 4od<s Spirit. The carnal "hristian is born a+ain and has the ind!ellin+ Spirit, but earthly, #leshly thin+s hinder the #urther ,inistry o# the Spirit. The spiritual person puts on the ,ind o# "hrist. This co,es #ro, surrender to 4od and His !ill. 5aul, upon con'ersion by "hrist<s appearance on the road to Da,ascus, si,ply said ord, !hat !ilt thou ha'e ,e to doC @See Acts %0A/(.= It is a path to be #ollo!ed.

A A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson I continued He That Is Spiritual, chapter 3. *inistries o# the Spirit. Three parts0 $= The Old Testa,ent in#or,ation> 3= The 4ospels : see Acts $80A7> 7= Accordin+ to the rest o# Acts and the ;pistles $. In the Old Testa,ent, the Spirit o# 4od is re'ealed as a 5erson eDual in deity o# attributes eDual to the 9ather and the Son. He is acti'e #ro, the be+innin+ o# creation and all throu+h the centuries. He ca,e upon certain people to acco,plish certain thin+s, and !hen done, le#t a+ain. 3. In the 4ospels and the Acts @throu+h $80A7=, a period o# transition, a pro+ressi'e relationship o# the Spirit !ith people. Jesus prayed to the 9ather #or another "o,#orter to abide !ith the disciples #ore'er, the Spirit o# truth. He d!elleth, !ith you, and shall be in you @See John $A0$(,$)=. The Spirit brin+s po!er to be !itnesses o# "hrist. This reDuires a #illin+ o# the Spirit. On the Day o# 5entecost, the Spirit ca,e and re,ained, and beca,e the bond bet!een e'ery belie'er and "hrist. He is the head, the church His body, a li'in+ or+anis, : other ,e,bers bein+ added as they belie'ed. One body, ,e,bers, all e,po!ered to e##ect this ne! ,inistry o# !itnessin+. When the 4ospel !as o##ered to "ornelius and his household, the Holy Spirit <#ell upon the, !hen they belie'ed< @See acts &0$&> $80A7,AA> $$0$A,$E=. This !as a ne! dispensation. 7. The Spirit in the rest o# the Acts and the ;pistles. The Spirit has ) di##erent roles or ,inistries a,on+ the people, until the end o# this a+e in 4od<s ti,etable. T!o are to the unsa'ed, #our are to all belie'ers, and one to those belie'ers that beco,e totally surrendered to 4od. The ) *inistries. $. The .estrainin+ 5o!er o# the Spirit is described as bein+ !ithdra!n -ust be#ore "hrist<s return so that the ,an o# sin ,ay take o'er his role as the Antichrist @see II Thessalonians 30(/&=. This !ithdra!al directly relates to the .apture o# the "hurch by the po!er o# the Holy Spirit. A portion o# the Spirit !ill continue to repro'e the !orld @e'ery indi'idual= o# sin, ri+hteousness and -ud+,ent @see John $(0&/$$=. The +uilt re,ains on all those that did not belie'e on Jesus. This is 4od<s pro'ision #or sal'ation throu+h #aith as re'ealed by the Spirit. 3. FThe *inistry o# the Spirit in .epro'in+ the World o# Sin, .i+hteousness and Jud+,ent.F O# ri+hteousness, that no person can

E A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson I continued i,pro'e the,sel'es, or do !orks to attain sinless per#ection that Jesus did, there#ore only "hrist has that ri+hteousness acceptable to 4od, and only He is the Way, the Truth, and the i#e to ,an<s sal'ation and acceptance !ith 4od because o# His ri+hteousness. The -ud+,ent has already passed0 the prince o# this !orld is -ud+ed and no lon+er has the ri+ht to threaten and accuse people about their sins. The price has been paid, once and #or all, and o##ered to all !ho belie'e @"olossians 30$7/$E=. The Word o# 4od, !hether !ritten or spoken, !ill be used to enli+hten by the Spirit, the ,ind and heart and spirit o# people unto the 4ospel o# 4od<s +race. 7. The Spirit .e+enerates the 6elie'er. This is the second birth unto a child o# 4od, a -oint/heir !ith "hrist. A. The Spirit Ind!ells the 6elie'er. This is the +reatest +i#t and the earnest o# eternal sal'ation. .o,ans E0E / 6ecause the lo'e o# 4od is shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit !hich is +i'en unto us. @See also .o,ans &0%,$$> I "orinthians 30$3> (0$%,38.= E. The Spirit in 6aptiGin+0 it is the or+anic placin+ o# the belie'er in the body o# "hrist. This is a position, a standin+ as part o# the uni'ersal "hurch @e'en as the body o# "hrist, He bein+ the head=. @See I "orinthians $30$7> .o,ans (07.= ;ach belie'er is in union to "hrist : to be part o# His li#e, His ri+hteousness, and His +lory. There is no indication that this !as or !ould be repeated. It appears ob'ious that the baptis, is the initial co,in+ upon and i,,ersion o# the belie'er by the Holy Spirit. Once co,plete, the Spirit d!ells !ithin the belie'er #or e'er. (. The Spirit seals unto the day o# rede,ption : ;phesians A078. The Spirit is the seal o# appro'al by 4od unto eternity. The A ,inistries o# the Spirit #or the belie'er take place at the ,o,ent o# belie# : sa'in+ #aith : and are co,pleted and continue. The belie'er is ne! born, ind!elt @anointed=, baptiGed, and sealed o# the Spirit, the earnest @II "orinthians $033> E0E=, and the #irst#ruits @.o,ans &037=. The rest o# this book concerns the #act o# and e?tent and conditions o# this ,inistry.

( A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson II He That Is Spiritual, chapter 7. True Spirituality, or the 9illin+ o# the Spirit. The contrast re,ains bet!een the carnal belie'er and the spiritual belie'er. The carnal one li'es accordin+ to the in#luences o# the #lesh, still in the shado!s. The spiritual belie'er li'es accordin+ to the in#luences o# the Spirit, "hrist, the branch in the 'ine, the ,e,ber in the body. There is a -ourney #ro, the one to the daily !alk. Thou+h e?periences ,ay 'ary !idely, the arri'al is described as yieldin+ to 4od and #indin+ peace, po!er, assurance, lo'e and blessin+. This is called bein+ #illed !ith the Spirit. His purpose is to re'eal and +lori#y "hrist @John $(0$3/$E=. The co,,and to continue to be #illed !ith or by the Spirit @;phesians E0$&= is daily. This is our need as children o# 4od to speak and act abo'e and beyond our hu,an abilities, the enablin+ +race, po!er, and +uidance o# the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We do not need ,ore o# the Spirit, but the Spirit needs ,ore o# us. To allo! the Spirit to !ork in us unhindered !ill brin+ us to speak and act ,ore like "hrist. The sho!in+ #orth o# the Spirit ,ay be seen in ) !ays. $. "hristian character, the #ruit o# the Spirit0 lo'e, -oy, peace, lon+su##erin+, +entleness, +oodness, #aith, ,eekness, te,perance @4alatians E033,37=. These are not accordin+ to hu,an nature or ability. These are necessary #or the child o# 4od to ha'e #ello!ship !ith Hi,, and all ha'e been +i'en the po!er o# the Spirit to produce these #ruit o# the Spirit. The !orks o# the #lesh are the opposite and describe all that the person !as be#ore bein+ reborn. We are called to Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not #ul#il the lust o# the #lesh. @4alatians E0$(.= The o'e 5roduced by the Ind!ellin+ Spirit0 Se'eral types o# hu,an lo'e are part o# our o!n hu,an nature. "hristian lo'e is a sho!in+ #orth o# 4odly lo'e throu+h the hu,an heart. .o,ans E0E states0 because the lo'e o# 4od is shed abroad @+ushes #orth= in our hearts by the Holy Spirit !hich is +i'en to us. Se'eral thin+s are noted0 this lo'e is not e?perienced by unbelie'ers. 4od<s lo'e e?tends in belie'ers in the desire #or the sal'ation o# others. This lo'e is #ar abo'e the lo'e in the !orld, in the #lesh0 the lust o# the #lesh, the lust o# the eyes, and the pride o# li#e. The lo'e o# 4od is to!ard His born/a+ain children. John $7 records "hrist<s ne! co,,and,ent0 to lo'e one another e'en as He has lo'ed us. This !ill be reco+niGed by the !orld as a Duality that sets "hristians apart. E. This testi#ies and is proo# o# 4od<s lo'e d!ellin+ in us. 4od<s lo'e is eternal. (. 4od<s lo'e is e'erlastin+ concernin+ Israel. ). It is sacri#icial. "hrist +a'e up His place in hea'en to beco,e hu,an and help us by +i'in+ up e'en His li#e in our place. We

) A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson II continued are called upon to sacri#ice #or others out o# this di'ine lo'e. II. The Spirit 5roduces "hristian Ser'ice. ;phesians 30$8 / 9or !e are his !ork,anship, created in "hrist Jesus unto +ood !orks, !hich 4od hath be#ore ordained that !e should !alk in the,. 4od pro'ides <+i#ts< as !orks o# the Spirit throu+h the belie'er. The +races o# "hrist are produced in and throu+h the belie'er. There are di'ersities o# +i#ts @I "orinthians $30A/$$=. The only prereDuisite is a yielded li#e. So,e o# the +i#ts as seen in the <introduction< o# the Spirit<s !orkin+ throu+h belie'ers, but no! ha'e ceased in the <continuation< o# the Spirit<s !orkin+ in <,odern ti,es<. The ,inistry o# restoration is only #or spiritual belie'ers @4alatians (0$=. A ,an o'ertaken in a #ault should be brou+ht back in repentance to rene! the #ello!ship o# the "hurch, in the spirit o# ,eekness, reco+niGin+ one<s o!n !eaknesses. The e?act ,anner o# ser'ice !ill be di##erent !ith each indi'idual. Only a yielded heart and li#e opens the !ay #or the Holy Spirit to sho! #orth its po!er. III. The Spirit Teaches. Jesus pro,ised the Spirit that !ould +uide belie'ers into all truth. He !ill +lori#y "hrist, and re'eal also the 9ather and thin+s to co,e. @John $(0$3/$E.= This +oes abo'e and beyond all !orldly !isdo,. He that is spiritual discerneth all thin+s. We should al!ays re,ain teachable. IH. 5raise and Thanks +i'in+. ;phesians E038 / +i'in+ thanks al!ays #or all thin+s unto 4od and the 9ather in the na,e o# our ord Jesus "hrist. H. The Spirit eads. .o,ans &0$A / 9or as ,any as are led by the Spirit o# 4od, they are the sons o# 4od. It depends on a !illin+ness to +o !here the Spirit !ould ha'e us +o. HI. Witness !ith our o!n spirit that !e are sons o# 4od, to cry Daddy, 9ather. To be stren+thened in the in!ard parts, rooted and +rounded in lo'e. ;phesians 70$(/$%. $( that he !ould +rant you, accordin+ to the riches o# his +lory, to be stren+thened !ith ,i+ht by his Spirit in the inner ,an> $) that "hrist ,ay d!ell in your hearts by #aith> that ye, bein+ rooted and +rounded in lo'e, $& ,ay be able to co,prehend !ith all saints !hat is the breadth, and len+th, and depth, and hei+ht> $% and to kno! the lo'e o# "hrist, !hich passeth kno!led+e, that ye ,i+ht be #illed !ith all the #ulness o# 4od. This is the abidin+ o# the branch in the 'ine.

& A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson II continued HII. *akes Intercession 9or Bs. .o,ans &03( / 3( I ike!ise the Spirit also helpeth our in#ir,ities0 #or !e kno! not !hat !e should pray #or as !e ou+ht0 but the Spirit itsel# ,aketh intercession #or us !ith +roanin+s !hich cannot be uttered. This is speci#ically !hen prayin+ #or others. The Spirit helps our in#ir,ities. To pray #or others is perhaps the +reatest ,inistry co,,itted to the child o# 4od0 intercession, not in our o!n na,e or po!er, but in the Spirit. Spirituality is the condition o# a belie'er !ho does not hinder the sho!in+ #orth o# "hrist/like character, as seen in the #ruit o# the Spirit. This is sho!n in ser'ice, true praise and thanks+i'in+, +roundin+ in the Word o# 4od, a !alkin+ in the Spirit in re-oicin+ o'er the position and possessions in "hrist, leadin+ into intercession in prayer. This is described not by !hat a belie'er does not do, but by his !ords and actions, in e?pression, in li'in+ out "hrist. Spirituality is not to pose as pious, or re,o'e rela?ation and play. We are to ser'e in ne!ness o# spirit and not in the oldness o# the letter, not by li'in+ by a set o# rules, but by !alkin+ by the Spirit o# 4od, in unbroken #ello!ship !ith our ord. .ules #or daily li'in+. 9irst, the a! o# *oses : o'er Israel, #ro, *oses to "hrist @John $0$)=. Second, the a! o# the Jin+do, / the Ser,on on the *ount. The lust in the heart breaks this la! !ithout the act> the a! o# *oses concerned only the act. Third, the Teachin+s o# +race #or the sa'ed. These include the +uidance and e,po!er,ent o# the Holy Spirit. The distinction is in Hebre!s $7038,3$ / 38 I Ko! the 4od o# peace, that brou+ht a+ain #ro, the dead our ord Jesus, that +reat shepherd o# the sheep, throu+h the blood o# the e'erlastin+ co'enant, 3$ ,ake you per#ect in e'ery +ood !ork to do his !ill, !orkin+ in you that !hich is !ell/pleasin+ in his si+ht, throu+h Jesus "hrist> to !ho, be +lory #or e'er and e'er. A,en. The #illin+ o# the Spirit is not tau+ht in Scripture as so,ethin+ to be prayed #or. It is the nor,al !orkin+ o# the Spirit to #ill those yielded to 4od. T!o issues o# sin in a belie'er<s daily li#e a##ect and li,it the Spirit<s !orkin+. Ke?t0 4rie'e not the Spirit. @"hapter A.=

% A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson III He That Is Spiritual, chapter A. 4rie'e Kot the Holy Spirit. Sin in a "hristian is the 'ery opposite condition to bein+ in 'ital union !ith the in#initely holy Spirit. When this sin is tolerated, the Spirit is no lon+er able to ,inister throu+h hi,. It ,ust then plead !ith hi,, no! bein+ +rie'ed @;phesians A078=. 4od<s pro'ision #or sin in a "hristian<s li#e0 $.= it ,ay be pre'ented, 3.= the e##ect o# sin ,ay be cured. The cure @#or any sin, but only kno!n sin= includes the Spirit ,akin+ it kno!n to the conscience o# the belie'er. The cure0 con#ess. "hrist alone can ,ake hi, clean @John $70$/$$=. "on#ession leads to #ello!ship, #or+i'eness, and cleansin+. I John $0$/303. We are to !alk in the li+ht as He is in the li+ht. We !ill ha'e #ello!ship !ith the 9ather and !ith H is Son Jesus "hrist. This li+ht ,akes sin seen #or !hat it is and does. The Spirit is +rie'ed. That sin ,ust be dealt !ith at once. @Herse %.= I# !e con#ess our sins, He is #aith#ul and -ust to #or+i'e us our sins, and to cleanse us #ro, all unri+hteousness. This is our Hea'enly 9ather dealin+ !ith His child. "hrist<s sacri#ice has paid #or e'ery sin, and 4od<s #or+i'eness is -ust. @*atthe! 3(03&> "olossians 30$7.= Ko +round o# conde,nation #or e'er, only parental #or+i'eness to!ard the sinnin+ child to rene! #ello!ship o# #ull blessin+ !ith the 9ather and "hrist. 5rayin+ #or #or+i'eness is ,issin+ the ,ark. Only con#ession is acceptable #or #or+i'eness. 7rd Sel#/-ud+,ent Sa'es #ro, "hastise,ent I "orinthians $$07$,73. I# sel#/-ud+,ent and the #ollo!in+ con#ession are ne+lected, 4od !ill chastise His child. Ath "hastise,ent is the 9ather<s "orrection and keepin+ on the ri+ht path @trainin+=. Hebre!s $307/$E. This is #or e'ery child0 <!ho, the ord lo'eth He chasteneth. This is correction and de'elop,ent : teachin+ and trainin+ the ,aturin+ child. In I "orinthians $$078, 5aul describes so,e o# the results o# His children sinnin+0 <,any are !eak and sickly a,on+ you, and ,any sleep. In John $E0$/$), the branch that doesn<t bear #ruit is re,o'ed #ro, its place. It does not cease to be a branch, !hich su++ests also death. Also, loss o# e##ecti'e prayer, #ruit/bearin+, ser'ice, -oy, and #ello!ship in the ord. Da'id e?pressed the an+uish o# this state in 5sal,s 7307/( and describes con#ession and #or+i'eness #or his sin.

$8 A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson III continued Eth An e?a,ple o# "hristian repentance II "orinthians )0&/$$ This relates the trans#or,in+ e##ect o# repentance and con#ession in a "hristian<s li#e. Sorro! #or sin unto repentance : a trans#or,in+ po!er and continuin+ e##ect. (th The .epentance, "on#ession, and .estoration o# an Old Testa,ent Saint 5sal,s E$0$/$% Da'id, Sin, and a "ontrite Heart He prayed #or the restoration o# the -oy o# his sal'ation that had been eclipsed by his sin. Also, his testi,ony !as da,a+ed. )th The 5arable o# Illustration in the 4ospels uke $E0$/73 It describes a lost sheep, a lost piece o# sil'er, and a lost son. The ,ain ,essa+e is the co,passion seen in the restoration o# a sin#ul belie'er. The e,phasis is on the shepherd, the !o,an and the #ather, rather than on !hat !as lost. The Old Testa,ent co'enant in this re+ard is the sa,e in the Ke! Testa,ent0 the blessin+ can be lost throu+h the sin o# the belie'er, then restored. The !ay o# restoration !as repentance and con#ession. The parables are descriptions o# the heart o# 4od. This #irst parable concerns sheep @Israelites and later, "hristians=, and the one that !as <lost<. So the piece o# sil'er and the son. These do not ,ention sal'ation, but #indin+ the !anderin+ one, and restoration. The second parable about the coin centers on the -oy o# #indin+ it. The third is about the heart o# the #ather. The one that le#t ne'er stopped bein+ a son, but had de+raded hi,sel# to the !orst e?tre,e to a Je!, that o# #eedin+ s!ine. It !as there that the son ca,e to hi,sel# and 'o!ed to return and con#ess to his #ather. The #ather had continued to look #or the son to return, and sa! hi, #ar o##, and had co,passion on hi,. This lookin+ out corresponds to the search by both shepherd and the !o,an. The !ay the returnin+ son !as treated re#lects the Ke! Testa,ent truth o# "hrist<s sacri#ice ha'in+ paid #or all sin. There !as not to be any punish,ent. .estoration !as the outco,e. The responsibility o# the belie'in+ child o# 4od is to a+ree !ith 4od as to sin and reco+niGe and con#ess !hen sin is brou+ht to li+ht. Thus the Spirit is no lon+er <+rie'ed<. Any hindrances to the #ullest sho!in+ #orth o# the Spirit are re,o'ed. He That Is Spiritual, chapter E. Luench not the Spirit. I Thessalonians E0$%. Sayin+ no to 4od, resistin+ the Spirit, the opposite o# yieldin+. .o,ans (0$7 / 6ut yield yoursel'es unto 4od, as those that

$$ A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson III continued are ali'e #ro, the dead, and your ,e,bers as instru,ents o# ri+hteousness unto 4od. 4od<s di'ine plan and purpose is !hat is the 'ery best #or us. He alone has the po!er to put our #eet on the ri+ht path and keep the, there. Ko person has the ability to direct his o!n li#e. The only ri+ht and best path is accordin+ to 4od<s di'ine plan, !ith His +uidance and e,po!er,ent. We ,ust reach the point to say Thy !ill not ,ine be done. 5aul pleads #or a rene!in+ o# the ,ind, to #ind and #ollo! the +ood and per#ect !ill o# 4od. This is our reasonable ser'ice @see .o,ans (0$7=. The opposite is to be con#or,ed to this !orld. "hrist is the 5attern, yielded to the !ill o# the 9ather. Hebre!s $80E/)> 5hile,on 30& : the attitude o# !illin+ness. This includes +oin+ on 4od<s ,ission, to be !hate'er 4od !ants Hi, to be @o# ser'ice, o# no reputation=. He is also to co,plete the task that 4od<s !ill prescribes. 4od !ill i,part the necessary po!er to brin+ His !ill to pass. 4alatians 707 / 9or it is 4od !hich !orketh in you both to !ill and to do His +ood pleasure. The ter, Jesus used in John $E0$/$) is abidin+ in Hi,. The results include e##ectual prayer, #ullness o# -oy, and continual #ruit bearin+. This co,es as a result o# obedience to the kno!n and !ritten Word. Jeepin+ His co,,and,ents is abidin+ in His lo'e -ust as Jesus yielded to the 9ather<s !ill. This reDuires openness to do anythin+ at any place and ti,e, in co,plete trust that His !ill #or us is al!ays best. One clear point is that 4od<s !ill is al!ays +oin+ to be accordin+ to the Scriptures, but not in sin+le selected 'erses. His leadin+ is indi'idualiGed and not necessarily repeated in a person<s li#e. The leadin+ is by the Spirit ind!ellin+ the belie'er : an in!ard conscience rather than out!ard si+ns. We are to !alk the conscious reality o# the ind!ellin+ Holy Spirit. Satan<s counter#eits are hal#/truths, pain#ul and ne+ati'e. The Spirit<s leadin+ is s!eet and positi'e and +ood. @.o,ans $303> Hebre!s $703$.= .ebellious children ,ust be chastised to !ork #or their best bene#it o# 4od<s desi+ns #or their li'es. "hrist died #or all, that they !hich li'e should not hence#orth li'e unto the,sel'es, but unto Hi, !hich died #or the,, and rose a+ain. @II "orinthians E0$E.= A sacri#icial li#e is o##erin+ one<s li#e in ser'ice to another accordin+ to their !ill. This includes peace in the heart and -oy in the +i'in+. Satan<s choice !as the opposite, in choosin+ the I !ill @Isaiah $A0$7=, thus re-ectin+ 4od<s !ill.

$3 A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson IH He That Is Spiritual, chapter (. Walk in the Spirit. 5ositi'e attitude o# reliance on the presence and po!er o# the ind!ellin+ Holy Spirit. 4alatians E0$( / Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not #ul#il the lust o# the #lesh. The person does not do the !alkin+ but depends on the Spirit to do the !alkin+ in the "hristian. The belie'er neither leads nor directs the Spirit, but depends on the Spirit. The belie'er<s daily li#e should be #ocused around honorin+ 4od, but not !orked at by hu,an stren+th or stru++le. The #ocus is instead on reliance upon the Spirit. As a train en+ineer cannot push the train, so the belie'er is called upon to rely upon the po!er and +uidance o# the Spirit. This #unctions to ,ake use o# each person<s #aculties in !alkin+ !ithin the blessed !ill o# 4od. @Thus not be #ul#illin+ the lusts o# the #lesh.= Three reasons or causes that hinder spirituality in the child o# 4od. $. The !orld<s standards or 'alues. 3. The #lesh and the lusts thereo#. 7. The de'il that opposes e'ery plan and purpose o# 4od. The call o# the "hristian describes the, as pil+ri,s and stran+ers in the earth, not in their #inal habitation. They are representati'es and !itnesses o# 4od as His children in !orldly, #leshly, ene,y territory. ;'en the thou+ht o# atte,ptin+ an unre+enerate population to li'e accordin+ to "hristian standards is unreasonable and pointless. "hristians are citiGens o# hea'en and are called upon to !alk !orthy o# their hea'enly callin+ as under +race. We are to lo'e one another e'en as "hrist has lo'ed us @John $707A> $E0$3=. <And +rie'e not the Holy Spirit o# 4od< @;phesians A078=. 6e obedient to "hrist in our thou+hts @II "orinthians $80E=. +i'e thanks al!ays unto 4od the 9ather in the Ka,e o# our ord Jesus "hrist @;phesians E038=. 5raise Hi, @I 5eter 30%=. .e-oice and pray !ithout ceasin+ @I Thessalonians E0$(,$)=. Jeep the unity o# the Spirit in the bond o# peace @;phesians A0$/7=. All these are e?pected as part o# the belie'er<s li#e, but cannot be produced by the belie'er alone, but can be supplied and produced by, in, and throu+h the ind!ellin+ Spirit. 4od !orks in us both to !ill and to do o# His +ood pleasure. A+ain, !alk in the Spirit. The ;ne,y !orks a+ainst the saints o# 4od. The head o# the po!ers o# darkness rules o'er this !orld and those con#or,ed to it @the unsa'ed=. He and his an+els can appear as <an+els o# li+ht<, a counter#eit pushin+ the ideas o# hu,an e##ort and !orks o# ri+hteousness, all hu,an 'irtues entan+led in any 'ariant #or,s or reli+ions. The ,ain point is stated in I John A0A / +reater is He that is in you, than he that is in the !orld. 5ut on the !hole ar,or o# 4od. Walk by the ,eans o# the Spirit.

$7 A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson IH continued The Duestion o# sin as related to the belie'er. The Scripture is pro#itable #or doctrine, #or reproo#, #or correction, #or instruction in ri+hteousness0 that the ,an o# 4od ,ay be per#ect @#ully ,ature=, thorou+hly #urnished unto all +ood !orks. @II Ti,othy 70$(,$).= There are certain errors o# doctrine that clai, so,e hi+her le'el o# holiness that is held as abo'e the correction by the clear teachin+ o# Scripture. I,portant points about sin in the belie'er in the Word0 $. The continued presence o# the hu,an nature o# Ada,. 3. The di'ine cure o# con#ession. 7. What Scripture says about per#ection. A. Also, !hat it says about sancti#ication and the belie'er<s death in "hrist. The Doctrine o# 5er#ection0 $. Old Testa,ent per#ection ,eant bein+ sincere and upri+ht, not !ithout sin. 3. In the Ke! Testa,ent, in "hrist our sal'ation is per#ect as is our <sa'ed< position in Hi,. Kot in and o# oursel'es. 7. A per#ect belie'er is one o# ,aturity and spiritual understandin+ @I "orinthians 30(> $A038=. A. 5er#ection is pro+ressi'e. It is a path, not a #i?ed position @4alatians 707=. E. The +reatest ,easure is bein+ in the !ill o# 4od @"olossians A0$3=. One aspect is i,itatin+ 4od<s +oodness e'en to unbelie'ers. 6e at peace !ith all ,en, and !ell practiced in patience @Ja,es $0A=. Blti,ate per#ection o# the indi'idual !ill be co,pleted in hea'en, and thus the entire body o# belie'ers !ill be in unity o# #aith and kno!led+e o# the Son o# 4od @;phesians A07=. The Ke! Testa,ent !ord translated per#ection has no re#erence to sinlessness, but to bein+ ,ature and !ell/ad-usted. Sancti#ication, its use in both Testa,ents and the related !ords saint and holy, are translated #ro, the sa,e root !ord @in 4reek and Hebre!=. The root ,eanin+ o# sancti#y, saint and holy, re#ers to the settin+ apart o# a person unto 4od. Bnder +race @Ke! Testa,ent=, the child o# 4od is under a three/#old sancti#ication. $. The once/#or/all position in "hrist as a saint, and sancti#ied @I "orinthians $078> Hebre!s $80$8=. 3. The process o# sancti#ication, pro+ressi'e, throu+h the po!er o# 4od throu+h the Spirit and throu+h the Word. @John $)0$)> II "orinthians 70&> ;phesians E03E,3(> I Thessalonians E037> II 5eter 70$&.= Sancti#ication in relationships0 $. The belie'ers yieldedness to 4od as a li'in+ sacri#ice, set apart unto 4od co,pletely, or partially to reDuire #urther de'elop,ent. 3. In relation to sin, either partial, pro+ressi'e, all as inclusi'e deli'erance #ro, the po!er o# sin. 7. "hristian +ro!th or de'elop,ent. This is pro+ressi'e in kno!led+e and !isdo, o# truth. Add de'otion and ser'ice as pro+ressi'e e'ery day in a "hristian<s li#e. All !ill be per#ected in sancti#ication !hen the saints are

$A A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson IH continued +athered in His presence in +lory @John 703> .o,ans &03%=. The Doctrine o# the Hu,an Kature o# Ada,. The belie'er has been sa'ed #ro, the <penalty< o# sin by "hrist, and is sa#e in the +race o# 4od. Still bein+ only a hu,an bein+ on earth, the belie'er cannot so control hi,sel# as to a sinless or 4od/honorin+ li#e. Only by relyin+ on di'ine po!er, in the Holy Spirit, can he be sa'ed #ro, the po!er o# sin. The #allen hu,an nature continues to ha'e the disposition to sin. Anyone !ho clai,s di##erent deludes hi,sel#, throu+h a lack o# sel#/kno!led+e or a ,isunderstandin+ o# his o!n ,oti'es or i,pulses, or a ,is+uided idea o# !hat constitutes sin. 9or anyone to clai, sinlessness can only co,e #ro, such delusions or ,isunderstandin+. It cannot be based on the clear teachin+ o# Scripture. Sin as de#ined by 4od is any 'iolation o# His per#ect !ill : the di'ine standard. Ko Old Testa,ent person e'er ,ade the clai, o# bein+ sinless be#ore 4od. Indeed, the patriarchs o# Israel, #ro, Abraha, and on, included their i,per#ections in the 6iblical record. The "hristian and the <#lesh<. The physical body is #lesh, but the !ord can also include the natural i,pulses and desires : the <lusts o# the #lesh<. 5aul describes hi,sel# as #leshly @.o,ans )0A= as the sel#. The unre+enerated sel# is helpless and hopeless, under the po!er o# its sin#ul, #allen nature @in !hich d!elleth no +ood thin+ @.o,ans )0$&=. Into this <natural< person a ne! di'ine nature is i,parted, upon con'ersion to "hrist. As bein+ <born a+ain< unto 4od as His child. A re+eneration, or ne! creation !ithin the old natural person. These t!o #orces are contrary to one another @4alatians E0$)=. The only 'ictory o'er the #lesh can be +ained by the po!er o# the ind!ellin+ Holy Spirit. A belie'er ,ay e?perience an unbroken <!alk in the Spirit< and <not #ul#il the lust o# the #lesh.< The !ord <sin<. It re#ers to the #allen nature o# Ada, as sin#ul. 9ro, this sin#ul nature co,es all o# the sin#ul #ruits or actions, that are done in one<s li#e. We are born in sin, !ith a sin#ul nature, also re#erred to as the <old ,an<. This re,ains a part o# the child o# 4od in the earthly body, or like an <earthen 'essel<, also labeled as the <body o# our hu,iliation< @II "orinthians A0)> 5hile,on 703$=. The sa,e personality, indi'idual traits and characteristics, re,ain throu+h the e?periences and chan+es in'ol'ed in con'ersion, #aith, hope, learnin+, and trans#or,in+, ad'ancin+ in +race, !isdo,, and ,aturity. That person and their past are #or+i'en, -usti#ied, sa'ed, and +i'en the ne! di'ine nature that inherits eternal li#e. The personality and the !eaknesses o# the #lesh re,ain until hea'en.

$E A Study on He That Is Spiritual : Any doubtC I John $0&/$8 / & I I# !e say that !e ha'e no sin, !e decei'e oursel'es, and the truth is not in us. % I# !e con#ess our sins, he is #aith#ul and -ust to #or+i'e us our sins, and to cleanse us #ro, all unri+hteousness. $8 I# !e say that !e ha'e not sinned, !e ,ake hi, a liar, and his !ord is not in us. The ne! nature in#luences the belie'er to not <practice< sinnin+ as be#ore. Ho!e'er, Scripture no!here describes a "hristian as bein+ !ithout sin or bein+ <unable< to sin. The Scriptures identi#y t!o opposin+ #orces in the belie'er. 4alatians E0$(,$) / $( I This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not #ul#il the lust o# the #lesh. $) 9or the #lesh lusteth a+ainst the Spirit, and the Spirit a+ainst the #lesh0 and these are contrary the one to the other> so that ye cannot do the thin+s that ye !ould. .o,ans &03 / 9or the la! o# the Spirit o# li#e in "hrist Jesus hath ,ade ,e #ree #ro, the la! o# sin and death. The po!er o# the Holy Spirit is +i'en to us throu+h Jesus "hrist our ord, as !e are -oined !ith Hi, in His sacri#ice and death. "hrist<s death !as as our substitute, takin+ the place o# all hu,ans, o# in#inite 'alue and o# in#inite results. This should be continually brou+ht to re,e,brance, as He instructed His disciples at the ord<s ast Supper, our co,,union. He bore the penalty #or our sins, thus reconcilin+ us to our Holy Hea'enly 9ather !hat !e could ne'er do oursel'es. 6y His +race !e only ha'e to accept this +i#t by #aith. The penalty o# sin !as taken a!ay, and in addition the po!er o# sin !as broken #or 4od<s children. .o,ans (0$/$8 clearly describes this ne! pro'ision o# 4od #or His children. The "hristian ,ay not continue in sin but !alk in ne!ness o# li#e. Sin no lon+er has do,inion o'er you, no lon+er bond/sla'es to sin. This raises the callin+ upon our li'es to be to 4od<s +lory and accordin+ to His !ill. esson IH continued

$( A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson H He That Is Spiritual, chapter (, part 3. Walk in the Spirit, continued. We partake in "hrist<s resurrection li#e0 that !e also should !alk in ne!ness o# li#e accordin+ to the po!er and +lory o# the resurrection beyond this li#e, e'en unto eternal li#e. The Duestion to be ans!ered is, <Shall !e !ho are no! sa'ed and sa#e in +race continue in sinC< 4od reckons all belie'ers< position as to their sin nature to ha'e died and !ith "hrist, thus ali'e unto 4od, to !alk in ne!ness o# li#e. The natural, necessity to sin is broken, #ree to ,o'e on in the po!er o# the Spirit and "hrist<s resurrection li#e. This is a ne! li#e principle. "hrist #ore'er satis#ied the ri+hteous de,ands o# 4od a+ainst the #lesh, the sin#ul hu,an nature. Our responsibility is that !e are to reckon oursel'es dead unto sin, but ali'e unto 4od throu+h Jesus "hrist our ord. et not sin there#ore rei+n in your ,ortal body, to obey the ord thereo#. Mield unto 4od and consider yoursel# as ali'e #ro, the dead, your #aculties no! are to be used as instru,ents o# ri+hteousness unto 4od, under +race, and unli,ited po!er o# the Holy Spirit o# 4od. We ha'e there#ore unli,ited encoura+e,ent to #ollo! His plan and purpose into 'ictory. Actions include settin+ our a##ection on thin+s abo'e, put on the ne! ,an !hich is rene!ed in kno!led+e a#ter the i,a+e o# Hi, that created hi,, deny one<s sel#, abide in "hrist, !alk in lo'e, in the Spirit, in the li+ht, in ne!ness o# li#e. The su,,ary is #ound in .o,ans &07,A. Se'en aspects or #actors relate to a belie'er<s possible 'ictory o'er sin. $. a! o# the ri+hteous !ill o# 4od. This cannot be achie'ed by hu,an e##ort, but only throu+h the po!er and +uidance o# the Holy Spirit. 3. The #lesh re,ains !eak. 7. Anythin+ o# the #lesh that opposes the Spirit is <sin in the #lesh<. A. "hrist ca,e <in the likeness< o# sin#ul #lesh but did not ha'e the sin#ul nature, and did not sin. E. "hrist ,et e'ery clai, o# the ri+hteousness o# 4od a+ainst the sin#ul nature. (. This pro'ided the !ay #or the !ill o# 4od to be #ul#illed in us. Kot by us, but in us by the Holy Spirit to produce 4odly #ruit. ). We are to !alk not a#ter the #lesh, but by the Spirit. 4od has pro'ided the Spirit to control the old nature and sho! #orth the ne! creation in "hrist. The #reedo, is e?perienced in the ne! desire not to sin. The ability and !eakness o# the #lesh to!ards sin re,ains. Thus the constant need #or the po!er o# the Spirit to counteract the in#luences o# the #lesh. Thus !e are called upon to !alk in the Spirit. This brin+s true spirituality. And thus !e can consider oursel'es to be dead unto the de,ands o# the !orld, the #lesh and the de'il. The stru++le re,ains as lon+ as !e li'e on earth.

$) A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson H continued 5aul uses !ords o# action to describe this stru++le as a <#i+ht<, a <race<, or a <!alk<. All reDuire continual e##ort0 to !alk !ith 4od and His Son in a li#e o# bearin+ #ruit and ser'in+ others to the +lory o# 4od. True spirituality is hindered by +rie'in+ the Spirit because o# uncon#essed sin, by Duenchin+ the Spirit by not yieldin+ to 4od, by pushin+ the Spirit aside by doin+ e'erythin+ under one<s o!n plans and po!er. True spirituality ,eans con#ession o# sin, yieldin+ to 4od, and !alkin+ in the Spirit, dependin+ on His +uidance and po!er to #ul#ill the per#ect !ill o# 4od, e'ery day, hour, and ,o,ent. Thereby co,es the 'ictory throu+h Jesus "hrist our ord. He That Is Spiritual, chapter ). Analo+y and "onclusion. T!o aspects o# sal'ation. $. Sal'ation #ro, the +uilt and penalty o# sin, -usti#ied and secure throu+h "hrist<s rede,ption. 3. Sal'ation #ro, the rei+nin+ po!er o# sin in the daily li#e o# a child o# 4od. et us look at the condition o# the unsa'ed, and o# the sa'ed. $. The condition o# the unsa'ed. They are lost, conde,ned, and spiritually dead. Ko one is ri+hteous : all ha'e sinned and co,e short o# the +lory o# 4od. The solution0 6elie'er on the ord Jesus "hrist and thou shalt be sa'ed. 3. The condition o# the sa'ed. What is needed is sal'ation #ro, the po!er o# sin. This is pro'ided by the po!er o# the Spirit, so that the belie'er !ill not #ul#ill the lust o# the #lesh. The Di'ine 5lan : its ob-ecti'e and ideal in sal'ation. $. Throu+h sal'ation #ro, the penalty o# sin, !e beco,e the sons o# 4od, and con#or,ed to the i,a+e o# Jesus. 3. We are deli'ered #ro, the po!er o# sin by abidin+ in "hrist throu+h our !alkin+ in the Spirit daily. Sal'ation is o# 4od alone, because it is beyond hu,an po!er, !ill, and stren+th. It is the po!er o# 4od unto sal'ation. He -usti#ies those that belie'e. It is 4od !hich !orketh in you both to !ill and to do o# His +ood pleasure. The la! o# the Spirit o# li#e in "hrist Jesus hath ,ade ,e #ree #ro, the la! o# sin and death.

$& A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson H continued 7. 4od sa'es by and throu+h the "ross0 #ro, the penalty o# sin. "hrist<s death as sinless paid the !a+es o# sin #or others. The sinner need only belie'e that 4od has #or+i'en sin, throu+h His son<s sacri#ice. 4od is thus ri+hteous and -ust, the price ha'in+ been paid by "hrist. "hrist also died unto sin. Our old ,an @the #leshly po!er o# sin= !as cruci#ied !ith "hrist. 4od is thus #ree to e?ercise His po!er #or our sal'ation #ro, the bonda+e and ser'itude to sin. Sal'ation is by 9aith. $. 9ro, the penalty o# sin. 6elie'e 4od<s +race and ,ercy in the 4ospel. That act o# #aith is recorded in the a,b<s 6ook o# i#e once and #or all ti,e. 3. 9ro, the po!er o# sin in the belie'er<s li#e. ;Dually a !ork o# 4od. The yieldin+ o# one<s !ill to 4od<s !ill throu+h the !orkin+ o# the ind!ellin+ Holy Spirit is li'in+ by #aith. The +oal is a constant attitude to obtain and ,aintain the 'ictory. The Spirit !orks throu+h the hu,an sel#, a!are o# the !ill, e,otions, choices, desires, and disposition o# the indi'idual. The sel# is also a!are o# its indi'iduality, and the belie'er trusts the Spirit to +uide, direct, and e,po!er 4od<s choices in !ords and deeds o# e'eryday li'in+ in "hrist, #or 4od<s +lory. This is the uniDueness o# e'ery child o# 4od. The "onclusion. 5ractical su++estions that !ill be help#ul in i,ple,entin+ the doctrines o# a spiritual li#e. Set aside a ti,e #or 4od e'ery day. ;?a,ine your attitude about sin and your yieldedness to His Spirit. .e,e,berin+, as His child, He has pro'ided #or your li#e and bene#it to think and act accordin+ to His re'ealed !ill. Mour !eakness !ill be e,po!ered by His stren+th. We are not to e?pect unusual or supernatural e'ents as a ,atter o# course. *uch o# li#e !ill be as is co,,on but #or the "hristian there should be the con'iction and assurance one is ri+ht !ith the 9ather, in #ello!ship throu+h the ind!ellin+ Spirit. I John 703$ / 6elo'ed, i# our heart conde,n us not, then ha'e !e con#idence to!ard 4od. Do not ,istake !orn ner'es, physical !eakness or #ati+ue, or depression, #or unspirituality. Sleep, then, is needed, ,ore than prayer, physical acti'ity ,ore than heart/ searchin+. I# there is an ob'ious and si,ple hu,an solution @eat ,oderately !hen hun+ry=, then no spiritual content should be e?pected or looked #or. .e,e,ber our i,per#ections. What 4od pro'ides is absolute and per#ect. Our co,pliance !ith the, !ill not be absolute and per#ect. As !e ad-ust, there !ill need to be i,pro'e,ent, and +ro!th to ,aturity. I# !e are yielded and in a state o# readiness to act accordin+ to His !ill, !e ,ay rest in the ord. We re,ain as spiritual !hen restin+, playin+, asleep, or incapacitated in so,e

$% A Study on He That Is Spiritual : esson H continued !ay. We should not look #or opportunities #or sel# e##ort to !ork #or attention or praise or other !orldly reco+nition e'en #or spirituality. Ser'ice to 4od is e,po!ered by Hi, #or His +lory, not e'en our o!n. There !ill be te,ptations. 4od has also pro'ided #or these0 4od is #aith#ul, Who !ill not allo! you to be te,pted abo'e that you are able to bear, but !ill also ,ake a !ay to escape. These are co,,on to ,an. There is the possibility to sin, but not the necessity. One te,ptation is to take on a <reli+ious pose<, to ha'e a holy tone o# 'oice, as i# unco,#ortable around anyone that is <less than< they are, o#ten critical and -ud+,ental. Also, holy clothin+, !orn to appear holy, and holier than those not in holy +arb. In I "orinthians %0$%/33, 5aul practiced adaptin+ to his audience in order to reach the, !ith the 4ospel. Our "hristianity should ,ake us attracti'e to others. An attitude o# lo'in+ concern, o# in!ard peace and stren+th, and -oy. All these thin+s co,e #ro, !ithin. We ,ust not also i,itate others, to take on speech or actions !e think !ould ,ake us look ,ore <holy< or acceptable. 4od as our hea'enly 9ather !ants to lo'e and brin+ blessin+s and bene#its to each o# His children, kno!in+ e'erythin+ about us, and seekin+ to help us +ro! and ,ature in His !ill. 4od is supre,ely #aith#ul, and His lo'in+ purpose #or us !ill ne'er #ail. Our #aith is based on His co,plete and eternal #aith#ulness. The ind!ellin+ Spirit ca,e not to re'eal Hi,sel# but to ,ake "hrist real to the heart o# ,an, and throu+h the heart o# ,an to others. Thus rooted and +rounded in lo'e, you ,ay be able to co,prehend !ith all saints the lo'e o# "hrist, !hich is beyond all kno!led+e that you ,i+ht be #illed !ith all the #ullness o# 4od. He is able to do abo'e and beyond all that !e ask or think about, accordin+ to the po!er that !orks in us. This is the +lory o# 4od in the church by "hrist Jesus throu+hout all a+es, !orld !ithout end. A,en.

38 A Study on He That Is Spiritual : ;phesians 70$A/3$. 5rayer #or o'e Which Surpasses Jno!led+e $A I 9or this cause I bo! ,y knees unto the 9ather o# our ord Jesus "hrist, $E o# !ho, the !hole #a,ily in hea'en and earth is na,ed, $( that he !ould +rant you, accordin+ to the riches o# his +lory, to be stren+thened !ith ,i+ht by his Spirit in the inner ,an> $) that "hrist ,ay d!ell in your hearts by #aith> that ye, bein+ rooted and +rounded in lo'e, $& ,ay be able to co,prehend !ith all saints !hat is the breadth, and len+th, and depth, and hei+ht> $% and to kno! the lo'e o# "hrist, !hich passeth kno!led+e, that ye ,i+ht be #illed !ith all the #ulness o# 4od. 38 I Ko! unto hi, that is able to do e?ceedin+ abundantly abo'e all that !e ask or think, accordin+ to the po!er that !orketh in us, 3$ unto hi, be +lory in the church by "hrist Jesus throu+hout all a+es, !orld !ithout end. A,en. esson H continued

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