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@UrologyQuiz Quiz7 Follow-up MCQs: (ANSWERS BELOW!

1. Urethral stricture disease is potentially caused by all EXCEPT: A) Infection B) Urethral instrumentation C) Trauma D) Haematuria 2. Investigation of urethral stricture disease does NOT necessarily include: A) urethrogram retrograde and antegrade B) urinary tract ultrasound C) urine culture D) finding a definitive cause 3. Urethral stricture disease may be treated successfully (i.e. cured) A) by dilating alone once in 50% B) by optical urethrotomy in once 50% C) by either dilating or optical urethrotomy once in 50% D) all of the above 4. In a younger patient the best form of management of an initial urethrotomy: A) Repeated dilating B) Single urethrotomy or dilate and then definitive repair C) Repeated optical urethrotomy D) Intermittent self-catheterization 5. Regarding urethral stricture disease this is FALSE: A) Occurs predominantly in men B) Is managed by a single procedure in most cases C) Is significant in the community D) does not always needs intervention 6. Urethral stricture surgery is A) Easily performed in most cases B) Best done by a junior surgeon in training C) Requires a breadth of skill that generally requires fellowship training D) rarely required as dilators suffice

Q1 Answer D: Haematuria is a symptom and sign not aetiology. A-C are all well-established causes. Q2 Answer D: finding the cause may be helpful if due to infection but an obvious cause trauma but otherwise. A-C are generally done to investigate urethral stricture disease Q3 Answer D: because dilating and urethrotomy considered equally effective at treating a stricture: Q4 Answer B: ideal for a younger man as 50% will be cured by the first procedure and a definitive repair is best done before extensive scar tissue forms making repair more difficult. A) and C) likely to worsen stricture and D) selfcatheterization not ideal in a younger man Q5 Answer B: Is not managed by a single procedure in all cases (only half) However It is TRUE that A) Occurs predominantly in men; it is C) significant in the community (for generally a non life-threatening disease consumes significant resources) and D) does not always needs intervention (strictures not impacting on voiding with few symptoms can be treated expectantly) Q6 Answer C: Requires a breadth of skill that generally requires fellowship training whilst there is a misconception that Urethral stricture surgery is A) Easily performed in most cases B) Best done by a junior surgeon in training and D) rarely required as dilators suffice (will at least be half of patients)

By @lawrentschuk Editor-in-Chief @UrologyQuiz Assoc. Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, University of Melbourne AUSTRALIA

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