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Third-generation mobile radio networ !" o#ten d$bbed a! %&" ha'e been $nder inten!e re!ear(h and di!($!!ion re(entl) and will emerge aro$nd the )ear *+++, In the International Tele(omm$ni(ation! -nion .IT-/" third generation networ ! are (alled International Mobile Tele(omm$ni(ation!*+++ .IMT-*+++/" and in E$ro0e" -ni'er!al Mobile Tele(omm$ni(ation! S)!tem .-MTS/, IMT-*+++ will 0ro'ide a m$ltit$de o# !er'i(e!" e!0e(iall) m$ltimedia and high-bit-rate 0a( et data, Wideband (ode di'i!ion m$lti0le a((e!! .CDMA/ ha! emerged a! the main!tream air inter#a(e !ol$tion #or the third-generation networ !, In E$ro0e" 1a0an" 2orea" and the -nited State!" wideband CDMA !)!tem! are ($rrentl) being !tandari3ed, Thi! arti(le 0ro'ide! a (om0rehen!i'e introd$(tion to wideband CDMA, It al!o 0ro'ide! a re'iew o# the wideband CDMA air inter#a(e 0ro0o!al! in(l$ding WCDMA in E$ro0e and 1a0an" (dma*+++ in the -nited State!" and wideband CDMA in 2orea

The CDMA !tand! #or Code Di'i!ion M$lti0le A((e!! alternati'el) !igni#ie! a digital air inter#a(e !tandard" more 0ower#$l e4$ating abo$t eight to #i#teen time! the (a0a(it) o# (on'entional analog (ell$lar !)!tem!, It in'ol'e! (ommer(ial a00li(ation o# a militar) !0read-!0e(tr$m te(hnolog), It e5tend! ne(e!!aril) the !imilar !er'i(e! and 4$alitie! a! that o# wired !er'i(e in'ol'ing the !0read !0e(tr$m theor), The elementar) di##eren(e i! that a((e!! to the lo(al e5(hange (arrier .6EC/ i! e!tabli!hed thro$gh a wirele!! 0hone, Irre!0e(ti'e o# the #a(t that the CDMA a00li(ation in (ell$lar tele0hon) i! (om0arati'el) o# re(ent origin" it i! not regarded a! a new te(hnolog) 789, The CDMA i! di'erted #rom other (ell$lar wirele!! te(hnologie! in the wa) the in#ormation i! tran!mitted o'er the air, The CDMA $tili3e! the !0e(i#i( (oding #or ea(h tele0hone (all or data !e!!ion that allow! the mobile e4$i0ment to ignore other tran!mi!!ion! on the !ame #re4$en(), The CDMA gi'e! a((e!! to all in the 'i(init) that $tili3e! the !ame 0ie(e o# the !0e(tr$m and i!olate! the (all! b) 0ro'iding ea(h o# them the !0e(i#i( identi#i(ation (ode!, The CDMA data tran!mi!!ion i! !imilari3ed with an international (o( tail 0art)" where a gro$0 o# 0eo0le are !itting and tal ing in di##erent lang$age! that are not meaning#$l to a 0arti($lar 0er!on, :owe'er" !0ee(h on hi! own lang$age allow! him to $nder!tand b) t$ning hi! brain to de(i0her the (ode amid!t all the !ho$ting 7;<9, The CDMA i! being $!ed in man) militar) #$n(tion! li e Anti-=amming" !in(e it i! hard to =am or meddle with a CDMA !ignal d$e to it! !0read !ignal> ranging that i! mea!$ring the di!tan(e o# the tran!mi!!ion to be(ome aware o# when it will be re(ei'ed> !e($re (omm$ni(ation! !in(e the !0read !0e(tr$m !ignal i! 'er) hard to dete(t, The CDMA i! a !0read !0e(tr$m te(hnolog)" whi(h im0lie! that it !0read! the

C. CDMA2000 CDMA te(hnolog) i! al!o nown a! IS-?8 or (dmaOne, IS-?8 re#er! to an Interim Standard .IS/ o# the Tele(omm$ni(ation Ind$!tr) A!!o(iation .TIA/" and (dmaOne i! the brand name o# @$al(omm Wirele!! Tele(omm$ni(ation! Re!ear(h and De'elo0ment Com0an) .Wi i0edia" *++8/, CDMA i! a !0read !0e(tr$m te(hnolog) that $!e! a m$lti0le a((e!! method that doe! not re4$ire di'iding the (hannel b) time, It al!o allow! !e'eral radio! to !hare the !ame #re4$en(ie! in a gi'en band or !0a(e .International Engineering Con!orti$m" *++8/, Sin(e the $!er! are i!olated b) (ode !e4$en(e! .bi0olar !e4$en(e!/ and the) (an !hare the !ame #re4$en()" it al!o eliminate! the #re4$en() re$!e 0roblem that i! en(o$ntered with AMAS and DAMAS .International Engineering Con!orti$m" *++8/, F$rthermore" CDMA (an 0ro'ide more reliable and !e($re tran!mi!!ion d$e to it! e##e(ti'e blo( ing o# inter#eren(e #rom (on#li(ting !ignal! .6ittman" *++*/, The CDMA*+++ i! (on!idered the %rd &eneration wa) o$t b$ilt ba!ed on IS-?8, It i! di##erentiated #rom the %& !tandard! ba!ed on it! e'ol$tion #rom an e5i!ting wirele!! !tandard, The CDMA*+++ i! (om0atible to %& !er'i(e! in (on!onan(e with the 0re!(ri0tion! o# International Tele(omm$ni(ation! -nion -IT- #or IMT-*+++, The %& networ ! will 0ro'ide the wirele!! !er'i(e! with better 0er#orman(e" greater (o!t-e##e(ti'ene!! and !igni#i(antl) more (ontent, The ob=e(ti'e i! to 0ro'ide ea!) rea(h to all the !er'i(e! #rom e'er)where at e'er) time #rom a !ingle terminal $nder the (a0tion tr$e (on'erged" mobile !er'i(e!, The CDMA *+++ i! 0$t #orth a! one o# the wa) o$t #or wirele!! o0erator! de!iro$! o# being bene#ited #rom the new mar et !(enario !trengthen with mobilit) and the Web, The CDMA*+++ i! (on!idered to ha'e both an air inter#a(e and a (ore networ !ol$tion #or (atering to the !er'i(e! that the ($!tomer! are ne(e!!itating 0re!entl), The!e

!er'i(e! are 0re!entl) regarded a! %&, The CDMA*+++ and %& are being $!ed inter(hangeabl) 7B9, The CDMA*+++ i! (on!idered to be a mode o# the Radio A((e!! CFamil)D o# Air inter#a(e! a00ro'ed b) the O0erator! :armoni3ation &ro$0 #or de'elo0ing and #a(ilitating integration o# third generation-%& networ !, One ob=e(ti'e o# !$(h harmoni3ation i! to e5tend $nlimited international roaming world wide between the di##erent mode! o# %rd &eneration CDMA i,e, CDMA*+++ and WCDMA, The $!e o# (ommon (ore te(hnologie! b) Eri(!!on enable! $! to ma e (om0atible #or the whole #amil) o# %& CDMA mode!, The CDMA S)!tem! Eri(!!on B$!ine!! -nit e!tabli!hed in San Diego i! (on!idered to be the 0remier $nit o# Eri(!!on #or de'i!ing the CDMA*+++-(om0atible %& in#ra!tr$(t$re 0rod$(t!, The CDMA *+++ i! !tr$(t$red to red$(e ri! !" !a#eg$ard in'e!tment! and to e5tend !igni#i(ant 0er#orman(e boo!t! to o0erator! a! the) e5tend their networ ! to o##er %& !er'i(e!, The CDMA*+++ networ ! are al!o !$00orti'e to the CDMA-one a00li(ation!" !a#eg$arding the in'e!tment o# o0erator! in CDMA-one ba!ed networ ! and e5tending !im0le and (hea0er tran!ition to the ne5t generation te(hnolog), Be!ide! the CDMA*+++ networ ! al!o en!$re! enhan(ement in the 'oi(e 4$alit) and 'oi(e (a0a(it) that i! !$00orti'e #or high !0eed and m$ltimedia data !er'i(e! 7B9, The te(hnolog) e5tend! the abilit) to attain the in(rea!ed data tran!#er rate! and enhan(ed !0e(tr$m e##i(ien() $tili3ing a ;,*8M:3 (arrier and a %,<8M:3 (arrier, Thi! will be !erio$! to the (arrier! im0lementing 8M:3 o# !0e(tr$m or le!! and de!iro$! o# e5tending wideband data !0eed! and im0ro'ement in o'erall !)!tem-(alling (a0a(itie!, It i! (om0atible in three mode! in re!0e(t o# the 0ilot (hannel!E tho!e are (ommon 0ilot" 0ilot 0er tra##i( (hannel and 0ilot 0er !0ot beam en!$ring higher e##i(ien(), The te(hnolog) i! (om0atible to the integration in the ba!e !tation tran!(ei'er in order to ee0 the !$b!(riber $nit (o!t! to a minim$m, CDMA*+++ i! (om0atible to an ade4$ate n$mber o# Wal!h (ode! re4$ired to (ater to wirele!!-lo(al-loo0 a00li(ation! !$00lementing the mobile !)!tem!, It i! !$00orti'e o# both &SM-MAA and IS-F; networ !, The CDMA*+++ i! al!o (om0atible to a (on!i!tent re'er!e lin #or enhan(ed (a0a(it), It al!o 0ro'ide! #or a 'aried rate 'o(oder de!ign #or im0ro'ed 'oi(e 4$alit) and (a0a(it) in CDMA networ ! 7F9, 4. CONCLUSION To (on(l$de" the 0re!ent da) #l$(t$ating b$!ine!! en'ironment i! generating inten!e (om0etition

among the (or0oration!, The mar et! are #l$(t$ating more ra0idl) 0re!entl) than that in an) other time, New and new 0rod$(t! are being entering into the mar et within !hort !0an o# time and old one! are e4$all) o$tdated thi! throw! the b$!ine!! (omm$nit) to global ($tthroat (om0etition, The em0lo)ee! are ne(e!!itated to !0end more time with their ($!tomer! !o a! ma e their organi3ation! more (om0etiti'e, Thi! ne(e!!itate! them to be deta(hed #rom their land 0hone!, The mar et (ondition! 0re!entl) th$! ne(e!!itate the entre0rene$r! to a!!e!! the mobile te(hnolog) a! a !$b!tit$te to the (on'entional landline tele(omm$ni(ation! !er'i(e! to ma e their (or0oration! more (om0etiti'e, The modern (ell$lar te(hnolog) in(or0orating &SM" CDMA and %&SM e5tend! the limit! o# the (a0abilitie! that the e5i!ting (omm$ni(ation in#ra!tr$(t$re e5tend! 7;%9, REFERENCES 7;9 1one!, .*++F/, Ameri(a Embra(e! %&SM, Wirele!!Ad'i!or,(om For$m! 7M!g *89, Me!!age 0o!ted to htt0EGG#or$m!,wirele!!ad'i!or,(omGar(hi'eGind e5,0h0Gt-*FHF 7*9 Ba er" 2, .*++F/ %&SM la$n(hed in the -SA, Tele(omworld Wire .00E <-;+/, 7%9 Be$tm$eller" A, .*++%/, Cor0orate &SME Remote A((e!! #or B$!ine!! -!er!, Siemen! A&, Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE htt0EGGwww,tda0,(o,$ G$ Gar(hi'eGmobileGmob .!iemen!I+++B/,html 7F9 B$r e" F, .;???/, Cdma*+++ Bene#it!, Wirele!! Re'iew, <" ;*-;8 789 CDMA J &SM Cell$lar Te(hnolog)E Wirele!! Comm$ni(ation Aroto(ol! and Standard!, Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE www,0roto(ol!,(omG0boo G(ell$lar,htm 7B9 CDMA*+++KE Standardi3ation, Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE htt0EGGwww,eri(!!on,(omG(dma!)!tem!G%g(d ma*+++,!html 7<9 Clar e" M, .*++%/, Sha0ing the Ind$!tr) thro$gh CDMA*+++ Te(hnolog) 6eader!hi0E Inno'ati'e De!ign and De'elo0ment A00roa(he! are 2e) Fa(tor! in :ow O0erator! Choo!e their Wirele!! S$00l) Aartner! - Ad'ertorial - Inno'ati'e Vendor! are in Demand Tele(om A!ia .00E H-;*/, 7H9 International Engineering Con!orti$m" .*++8/, Time Di'i!ion M$lti0le A((e!! .TDMA/, Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE htt0EGGwww,ie(,orgGonlineGt$torial!GtdmaG 7?9 6a$rie" S, .;??%/, &SM E50an!ion ma) Dri'e Cell$lar S$b!(riber &rowth Worldwide -

&lobal S)!tem #or Mobile Comm$ni(ation!, Mobile Ahone New!, ;B-;? 7;+9 6ittman" M, 2, .*++*/, B$ilding Broadband Networ !, Bo(a Raton" F6E CRC Are!!, 7;;9Moment$m B$ilding a! %&SM Mat$re! .*++F/ Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE htt0EGGwww,%g,(o,$ GARG1$ne*++FG<?+B,htm 7;*9Mo!am" Adam, .*++%/ Ma(hine-to-Ma(hine Comm$ni(ation o'er &SM Cell$lar Networ !, Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE www,(a!,m(ma!ter,(aGLwm#armerGSE-FC+%+%G0ro=e(t!G0a0er!Gmo!amIm*m,0d# 7;%9 Ra(iti" C, R, .;??8/, Cell$lar Te(hnolog), Retrie'ed #rom the Internet atE htt0EGG!(i!,no'a,ed$GLra(itiG(ell$lar,html 7;F9 Tarlin" R, 1, .;??+/ Be)ond Te(hnolog)E Mar et For(e! Dri'e &SM, &lobal Mobile Comm$ni(ation! Standard Tele0hon), ;;" ;8-;H 7;89Whelan" C, .;??H/ CDMA '!, &SM - Code Di'i!ion M$lti0le A((e!! #a(e! Com0etition #rom E$ro0ean &lobal Standard #or Mobile Comm$ni(ation! in Wirele!! Mar et Te(hnolog) In#ormation, Ele(troni( New!,

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