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Maximizing Performance: Peri-Workout Nutrition for Resistance Training

Kevin Lutz - 12870119
Paul Mosure - 17146119
Kiana Stowe - 46235107
Matthew Hale 30000103
HMKN 423: Applied Nutrition
UBC Okanagan
Dr. Sally Willis Steward
April 2, 2014
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Peri-workout nutrition protocols are a popular method of nutrient timing for
athletes and individuals seeking body composition changes. Peri-workout protocols
enable an individual to optimize their training through three stages: pre-workout, intra-
workout, and post-workout. Each facet of these protocols are designed to fuel exercise,
enhance performance, and promote recovery and growth throughout the training
spectrum. When applied to resistance training, the recommended form of exercise for
increasing muscle size and strength; peri-workout protocols enhance performance during
training, and amplify anabolic response and minimize catabolic response following
training. The purpose of this paper is to examine the variables in an effective peri-
workout nutrition protocol for individuals participating in resistance training. Popular
supplements will be discussed, examining research-based effectiveness and guidelines for
proper consumption. Finally, the physiological mechanisms that occur during optimal
nutrient timing will be examined.
Nutrient intake prior to a training session is referred to as the pre-workout, the
four hours prior to training, further subcategorized to two-four hours prior and thirty-
sixty minutes prior, intervals that are consistent with other research (Hawley & Burke,
1997). The primary purpose of the pre-workout stage is to maximize glycogen stores for
fueling activity and to minimize muscle catabolism during training.
Maximizing glycogen storage prior to a training session is important because
resistance trainings main source of fuel occurs in glycolytic pathways that utilize muscle
and liver glycogen. Short, intense periods of anaerobic exercise that involve considerable
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force production recruit more type-2, fast-fatigable fibers, increasing the reliance on
readily available substrates like glycogen. When muscle and liver glycogen stores
deplete or become impaired, fatigue related performance decrements occur (LeBrasseur,
Walsh, & Arany, 2011; Wilson & Wilson, 2006; Wildman, Kerksick & Campbell,
2010). To adequately fuel the body for exercise, it is recommended that an individual
ingest 1-2 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight for each hour, four hours
prior to a workout (Kerksick, Harvey, Stout, Campbell, Wilborn, Kreider, & Antonio,
2008; Jefferys, 2005). Whole foods that allow for slower digestion and less gastric upset,
and carbohydrates lower in GI are generally recommended for carbohydrate sources prior
to exercising (Jefferys, 2005).
Total amount of carbohydrates consumed during the four hour window prior to
exercise must also consider the amount of carbohydrates already consumed in the day
and the individuals other dietary requirements. The amount of carbohydrates required
during the pre-workout window may be reduced to one gram per kilogram of body
weight if the individual had a high consumption of carbohydrates the night before, or
consumes the majority of their daily carbohydrate requirements during their post-workout
timeframe. If an individual is trying to gain weight and is following a hypercaloric
protocol they may increase their pre-workout carbohydrate consumption up to two grams
per kilogram of body weight. The hour immediately preceding exercise may be most
critical in preventing muscle catabolism and in promoting glycogen and protein synthesis
post-workout. Consumption of a further one gram of carbohydrate per kilogram of body
weight of high GI sources such as sports drinks is recommended(Hawley & Burke, 1997;
Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al., 2008; Jefferys, 2005).
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Research has demonstrated that carbohydrate intake prior to exercise is beneficial
but it has also shown that moderate protein consumption prior to exercise has similar
benefits. More specifically, essential amino acids (EAAs) and branch chain amino acids
(BCAAs) have proven valuable in decreasing catabolism during training and increasing
anabolism post training (Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al., 2008; Kerksick, Rasmussen,
Lancaster, Magu, Smith, Melton, & Kreider, 2006; da Luz, Nicastro, Zanchi, Chaves, &
Lancha Jr, 2011; Ormsbee, Mandler, Thomas, Ward, Kinsey, Simonavice, & Kim, 2012;
Ormsbee, Mandler, Thomas, Ward, Kinsey, Simonavice, & Kim, 2012; Phillips, 2011;
Shimomura, Murakami, Nakai, Nagasaki & Harris, 2004).

Research suggests that
increasing EAA serum levels prior to exercise may decrease muscle catabolism by
inducing hyperaminoacidemia (da Luz et al., 2011; Phillips, 2011).

Resistance exercise
increases both amino acid oxidation and amino acid serum uptake, therefore a greater
provision of serum amino acids may help to offset these demands and prevent muscle
degradation (Wilson et al., 2006; da Luz et al., 2011). Further benefit during resistance
exercise is increased muscle blood flow and perfusion, thereby increasing amino acid
delivery. Research is varied but commonly suggests that an individual consume
approximately 6 grams of EAAs and BCAAs within the hour preceding exercise
alongside their hourly carbohydrate consumption pre-workout (Wilson et al., 2006;
Kerksick et al., 2008; da Luz et al., 2011).
Glycogen and protein requirements pre-workout place a considerable demand on
nutritional planning and preparation to meet these needs, as such pre-workout
supplements and energy drinks are becoming a popular means of attaining these
requirements. Furthermore, many of these products contain creatine and caffeine, both of
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which act as ergogenic aids to enhance training and performance. Caffeine stimulates the
central nervous system by promoting catecholamine release, which in turn increase
sodium/potassium pump activity, nerve excitability and calcium release, thereby
increasing force production and fatigue resistance (Balog, Thompson, & Fitts, 1994;
Fowles, Green, Tupling, O'brien, & Roy, 2002; Blbring, & Whitteridge, 1941;
Jorgensen & Jones,1986; Bellet, Roman, DeCastro, Kim, & Kershbaum, 1969). Creatine
also increases an individuals performance by increasing the immediate production of
adenosine triphosphate in the phosphocreatine system during exercise (Volek, Kraemer,
Bush, Boetes, Incledon, Clark, & Lynche, 1997). Supplementation with creatine has
demonstrated increases in peak power and lean body mass when paired with resistance
exercise (Kerksick et al., 2008). Creatine has also been shown to enhance glucose uptake
and glycogen synthesis through increased GLUT-4 translocation, possibly proving
additionally valuable as a post-workout supplementation consideration (Kerksick et al.,
2008; Derave, Eijnde, Verbessem, Ramaekers, Van Leemputte, Richter, & Hespel, 2003).
Nutrient intake during a training session is referred to as the intra-workout, the
period of time in which your bodys metabolic demands are at their highest. The primary
purpose of the intra-workout stage is to maintain glycogen stores, decrease muscle
breakdown, and to promote an anabolic response.
Most research on intra-workout protocols have been for endurance exercise with
very little existing on anaerobic or resistance training protocols. Given that
carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel during resistance exercise, consuming
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carbohydrates during exercise may help maintain glycogen stores and increase fatigue
resistance. To avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, a carbohydrate solution of at least 6%
carbohydrates per litre of water per hour is recommended. (Kerksick et al.,

Further proving the value of modern sports drinks are their contained high GI
carbohydrates that allow for fast absorption during exercise sessions while also hydrating
the individual.
Consuming protein during exercise, like carbohydrates, improves an individuals
performance and training response. When six grams of EAAs are consumed in addition to
a 6% carbohydrate solution beverage the magnitude of cortisol response was dramatically
reduced. In one study that examined the effect of intra-workout supplementation on
cortisol levels, the placebo group experienced a 105% increase in cortisol, the
carbohydrate only solution group resulted in 27% increase in cortisol, while the
carbohydrate and EAA solution only experienced a 23% increase in cortisol (Bird,
Tarpenning, & Marino, 2006).

Given that cortisol is a catabolic hormone and not an
anabolic one, ingesting carbohydrates and EAAs during exercise may help to stave off
the catabolic effects of cortisol on tissues (Tarpenning, 2004). Furthermore, when protein
is combined with carbohydrates the insulin response is greater than when carbohydrates
only are consumed (van Loon, Saris, Verhagen, & Wagenmakers, 2000).

Further research
is required to understand in greater detail the mechanisms at play but supplementing with
amino acids during a training session may prove to be beneficial.

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Nutrient intake after a training session is referred to as the post-workout, the
four hours proceeding training. Within the post-workout protocol includes the anabolic
window, a term used to describe the period of time that occurs immediately after exercise
and up to three hours later (Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al., 2008).

The main purposes
for the post-workout stage are to facilitate recovery and growth through increased
glycogen and protein synthesis. This anabolic window takes advantage of the increased
muscle blood flow and perfusion that follows exercise, permitting increased nutrient
delivery and maximizing the adaptation effect of the preceding training session as well as
initiating preparation for the training session.
Resistance exercise depletes muscle glycogen stores despite our best efforts to
offset this depletion with pre-workout and intra-workout protocols. As such, the goal of
the post-workout protocol is to replenish the depleted glycogen stores. Resistance
training increases insulin sensitivity and GLUT-4 translocation, thereby increasing
glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis during the anabolic window (Hawley & Burke,
1997; Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al., 2008; Wildman et al., 2010; Levenhagen,
Gresham, Carlson, Maron, Borel & Flakoll, 2001).
Research has shown that carbohydrate consumption immediately proceeding
exercise increased glucose uptake by up to 300% compared to rest. By the two-hour
mark proceeding exercise, the heightened glycogen resynthesis caused by the anabolic
window declines by roughly 50% and continues to fall over the next hour (Wilson et al.,
2006; Kerksick et al., 2008; Wildman et al., 2010).

Given that glycogen stores have been
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depleted and that the body is more responsive to glycogen uptake and synthesis following
resistance exercise, meals high in carbohydrates during the anabolic window will
maximize this effect as they act as the primary energy substrate of glycogen.
Carbohydrate consumption following exercise facilitates recovery from exercise
but also facilitates muscle anabolism through another mechanism. Indirectly,
carbohydrates increase protein synthesis by inhibiting protein breakdown through
increased insulin release (Wilson et al., 2006; Gelfand & Barrett, 1987). Research
consistently recommends an intake of 1.2 to 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of
body weight per hour of high GI sources to be most beneficial during the post-workout
protocol (Hawley & Burke, 1997;Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al., 2008; Jefferys,
2005; Wildman et al., 2010).
Consuming carbohydrates post-workout has demonstrable improvements on
performance by restoring an energy balance to tissues for future work. Protein is another
important consideration to coincide with post-workout carbohydrate consumption. The
right protein sources, amounts, and combinations with other nutrients all impact the
amount of protein required post-workout. Many forms of protein exist but research
indicates that milk-based protein, namely whey isolate and casein are most effective in
promoting anabolism (Aragon, & Schoenfeld, 2013; Phillips, 2011; Wells, 2009).

specifically, a combination of both whey and casein has demonstrated the greatest
improvements in lean mass accumulation over a 10 week resistance training protocol
(Kerksick et al., 2006). Combining the two protein sources may be most efficacious
because casein supplies a longer-lasting amino acid supply for up to 300 minutes, while
whey protein causes a higher magnitude of synthesis but depletes after 100 minutes.
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(Wilson et al., 2006).

These differences in availability and digestion rates affect the rate
of protein synthesis from each form of protein (68% Whey, 31%). With relation to
splanchnic uptake, a process responsible for the most whole-body protein synthesis, the
faster absorbing amino acids found in whey protein decrease exposure time for spleen
uptake while promoting greater amino acid delivery to peripheral tissues (Wilson et al.,
2006; Kerksick et al., 2008).

Consistent guidelines exist for carbohydrate consumption proceeding a resistance
exercise training session but large disparities exist regarding post-workout protein
consumption. Some research suggested consuming as little as ten grams of protein while
other researchers suggest as much as forty grams (Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al.,
2008; Kerksick et al., 2006; Aragon et al., 2013; Phillips, 2011). Averaging researcher
recommendations, an individual should consume roughly 25 grams of protein, containing
at least 10 grams of EAAs and BCAAs may most optimal for protein synthesis and
recovery (Wilson et al., 2006; Phillips, 2011).
Consuming carbohydrates and proteins post-exercise contribute to muscle
recovery and performance individually and concomitantly. Protein sources high in
essential amino acids, particularly leucine, when paired with carbohydrates post-workout
help to increase glycogen uptake and protein synthesis (Wilson et al., 2006; Aragon et al.,
2013; Hulmi, Tannerstedt, Selanne, Kainulainen, Kovanen & Mero, 2009; Hayes &
Cribb, 2008). Both insulin and leucine have been shown to affect the mTOR signalling
pathway responsible for cellular growth and metabolism. Leucine ingested from foods
and insulin released from carbohydrate consumption suppress AMPK activity and
upregulate the mTOR pathway (Aragon et al., 2013; Dreyer, Drummond, Pennings,
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Fujita, Glynn, Chinkes & Rassmussen, 2008; Bolster, Crozier, Kimball & Jefferson,
2002). Maintenance of an active mTOR pathway following exercise is correlated with
further training benefits, as such, consuming protein sources rich in essential amino acids
with high amounts of carbohydrates will maximize glucose uptake and protein synthesis
(Hulmi et al., 2009). Research doctrine recommends a ratio of four grams of
carbohydrates to 1 gram of protein in the hour proceeding exercise. For the three hours
afterwards, a ratio of three grams of carbohydrates to one gram of protein is
recommended (Wilson et al., 2006; Kerksick et al., 2008).
Peri-workout nutrition is a new and developing field of research demonstrating
great promise but also requires further investigation and clarification on specific
macronutrient recommendations. If properly utilized, pre, intra, and post-workout
protocols can maximize performance, recovery, and adaptation to resistance training
through enhanced glucose uptake, decreased catabolism and increased anabolism.
General guidelines have been proposed for timing of macronutrient proportion ingestion,
however one must always consider gestalt the whole is greater than the sum of its parts;
that is, ensuring that ones daily macronutrients have been met is at least as important as
when they are consumed.

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1lme rescrlpLlon 8easonlng
3-4 hours pre
1-2g/kg bodywelghL of low Cl carbs wlLh
proLeln source
1op of glucose Lo fuel
30-60 mlnuLes pre
33g Lo 1g/kg bodywelghL of hlgh Cl carbs,
llquld, 6 grams of LAAs and 8CAAs. lncluslon
of pre-workouL drlnk conLalnlng cafflence and
1op oup glucose and
mlnlmlze caLabollsm
durlng Lralnlng
uurlng Lralnlng
6 soluLlon of carbs and waLer lncludlng 30-
60g of carbs lngesLed per hour, 6g of amlno
MalnLaln glucose and
prevenL corLlsol
lmmedlaLely posL-
raLlo of 4:1 for carbs Lo proLeln lngesLlon,
lnLake whey and caslen proLeln as Lhey are
hlgh ln LAAs, carbs should be hlgh Cl, lnclude
lnlLlaLe and maxlmlze
proLeln and glycogen
2 hours posL-workouL
A meal conLalnlng a hlgh amounL of carbs Lo
proLeln, 3:1 aL Lhls Llme wlll Lake advanLage of
glucose upLake wlLhouL dlscomforL
ConLlnue Lo Lake
advanLage of anabollc

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