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The panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, lit. "black and white catfoot"),


also known as thegiant panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda, is a bear


native to

south central China.


It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over

the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the panda's diet is over 99% bamboo. Pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.
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The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuanprovince, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. As a result of farming,deforestation and other development, the

panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived. The panda is a conservation reliant endangered species. A 2007 report shows 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.

Wild population estimates vary; one estimate


shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild, estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000. of pandas in the wild is on the rise.

while a 2006 study via DNA analysis Some reports also show that the number


However, the IUCN does not believe there is enough certainty


yet to reclassify the species from Endangered to Vulnerable.

While the dragon has often served as China's national emblem, internationally the panda appears at least as commonly. As such, it is becoming widely used within China in international contexts, for example the five Fuwa mascots of the Beijing Olympics.


The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus or,

inaccurately, koala bear ) is an arborealherbivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is the only extant representative of the familyPhascolarctidae, and its closest living relatives are the wombats. The koala is found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland,New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 6085 cm (2433 in) and weighs 4 15 kg (933 lb). Pelage colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south. It is possible that these populations are separate subspecies, but this is disputed. Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Because this eucalypt diet has limited nutritional and caloric content, koalas are largely sedentary and sleep for up to 20 hours a day. They are asocial animals, and bonding exists only between mothers and dependent offspring. Adult males communicate with loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates. Males mark their presence with secretions from scent glands located on their chests. Being marsupials, koalas give birth to underdeveloped young that crawl into their mothers' pouches, where they stay for the first six to seven months of their life. These young koalas are known as joeys, and are fully weaned at around a year. Koalas have few natural predators and parasites but are threatened by various pathogens, likeChlamydiaceae bacteria and the koala retrovirus, as well as by bushfires and droughts. Koalas were hunted by indigenous Australians and depicted in myths and cave art for millennia. The first recorded encounter between a European and a koala was in 1798, and an image of the animal was published in 1810 by naturalist George Perry. BotanistRobert Brown wrote the first detailed scientific description of the koala in 1814, although his work remained unpublished for 180 years. Popular artist John Gould illustrated and described the koala, introducing the species to the general British public. Further details about the animal's biology were revealed in the 19th century by several English scientists. Because of its distinctive appearance, the koala is recognised worldwide as a symbol of Australia. Koalas are listed as of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The Australian government lists populations in Queensland and New South Wales as Vulnerable. The animal was hunted heavily in the early 20th century for its fur, and large-scale cullings in Queensland resulted in a public outcry that initiated a movement to protect the species. Sanctuaries were

habitat feeding on grasses,plants,leavs,and bark although hative to north america Some cultures revere the elk as a spiritual force.elk are susceptible to a humder of infectious. to a hombek of infectiouse diseases,some of wich can be transmitted The elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis) is one of the largest species of the Cervidae or deer family in the wor.Elk range in forest edge

habitat.they adopted to countries were they have been introbuced,including argenting. x Flying squirrels are endangered because of their fur. They were in Latvia a couple of years ago. Now they are seen in Estonia. A flying squirrel look like a four-sided starfish. It has spans that help her jump(fly). The tail of a flying squirrel is like a steering wheel for him/her. Adult Description

Medium-sized owl. Mostly brown and cryptically marked. Conspicuous "ear" tufts. Orange facial disk. White feathers form an X between eyes.

Cool Facts It has been shown under controlled conditions that the Long-eared Owl can catch mice in complete darkness.

Like some other owls, the Long-eared Owl has asymmetrical ear openings: the left ear opening is higher than the right. This positioning helps the bird to locate prey by sound.

The hoot of the male Long-eared Owl can sometimes be heard up to 1 kilometer (0.7 mi) away.


Forest Dense vegetation adjacent to open grassland or shrubland, and open forests. Back to Top Food

Mammals Small mammals; sometimes birds. Back to Top Nesting Nesting Facts Clutch Size 210 eggs

Egg Description


Condition at Hatching Helpless, eyes closed, covered in white down. Nest Description Uses stick nests built by other bird species, including Black-billed Magpie, American Crow, and hawks. In rare cases, nests in cavities. Nest Placement

Tree Back to Top Behavior

Soaring Hunts almost exclusively at night. Flies low over open ground, locating prey by ear. Kills prey with a bite to the back of the skull; often swallows

prey whole.e;s meen A long-eared owl eats small mammals and birds so th r

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