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CW Marking Criteria & Breakdown Marking Scheme:

Marking scheme has been indicated on your submission sheet with breakdown shown in the document. One does not gain any mark for infromation included other than what is required. One can however be maked down on any incorrect statements made, relevant or irrelevant to the assignment, at the markers discretion. One did not lose or gain any mark by the presentation or style and all marks are allocated to the contents. The central criterion is whether the marker has evidence based on what one presented to convinced himself/herself that the topics the questions intended to probe has been understood to an acceptable depth. 5 marks were given to the fact that you had run the analyses of both cases and understood the problem being analysed. The marker does look for any particular form of the presentation of the results, whether one has included the input data, output results, or drawn a sketch of the structure. As long as the marker is convinced that you have run the analyses and understood the problem being analysed, you have your marks. Any deduction was due to the fact that doubt arose on whether you had run the analysis and understood the problem being analysed. Q1) The distributions of stress in trusses on the top and at the bottom are bound to be stepped as the stress in each truss remains constant. This is the common sense expected. Contineous distributions as a plotter would produce by default will be marked down [by 3 marks]. Credits would be given to those who plot the negative value of the compression stresses (hence positive now) on the same side of tensile stresses for easy comparison and space saving, provided that it is stated clearly [gaining 1 mark back if you have lost any mark in this question]. Q2) The objective is for students to realise that node numbering matters. The outcomes of the comparisons should be o Identcal physical deformation and stress distribution. [2 marks] o Case 2 occupies more memory space anf takes longer CPU time to solve than Case 1, and hence less computationally efficient than Case 1. [kv: 2 mark; conclusion 1 mark; gaining 1 mark back by looking into CPU times if you have lost any mark in this question]. Q3) The objective is for students to appreciate the banded nature of the structural stiffness matreix, a numerical feature which can be exploited to reduce the demand on memory space for the analyses as well as reducing computing time. Your understanding is to be illustrated through the bits of Matlab code (function skyline). It was meant decoding, not the values it produces. One does not get any mark for showing the values obtained directly or indirectly from skyline. [2 marks for HBWs for Case 1; 2 marks for decoding skyline; 1 mark for Case 2 HBWs] Q4) It is to test students understanding about the assembly process [2 marks] and its implementation in Matlab code assemb [2 marks] with 1 mark allocated to 1D arrangement in assemb (these 3 marks associated with assemb can be awarded together id the use of the ID array and isi & isj have been described thoroughly and correctly without its 2D counterpart). Q5) Decoding constr [2 marks]. Simply by saying that a high value was assigned to the components of the structural stiffness matrix would not score. The key phrase here was the diagonal position in [K] corresponding to the dof to be constrained. ID array is used to locate the diagnoal position [1 mark]. Mathematical justification [2 marks]

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