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Siena College Quezon City COURSE NUMBER/CODE : (course title)

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course deals with the fundamentals of the Japanese/Chinese language though the functional study of the different parts of speech and their use in practical communication. It will allow the students to gain knowledge and conversational proficiency as well as insight into the socio-cultural environment of the country. Credits: 3 units E PECTED OUTCOMES re-re!uisite: "#"$ "o. of %ours: & 3 hours per week' () hours

*C*+$,IC C#"-./T*TI#" -C%$+./$

ost- relim: 0eek 1

ost- ,idterm: 0eek 2)

Content ! Ti"e #r$"e .EE/ 0 (1 (rs)


St$n)$r)s o* +e$rnin,/ Core '$lues Inte,r$tion

Str$te,ies/ &cti-ities


Instruction$l M$teri$ls

C*T%#/IC 3,- hrase: 4Community of -iena College5: Catholic .EE/ 2 (1 (rs) ,*:I*" +$3#T$$ 3,- hrase: 4Community of -iena College5: ,arian .EE/ 1 (1 (rs) +#,I"IC*" 3,- hrase: 4Community of -iena College5: +ominican .EE/ 3 T:.T% -$$=$: C:ITIC*/ T%I"=$: 3,- hrase: 4Community inspired 8y the +ominican assion for Truth5 .EE/ 4 C#, *--I#"*T$ :#-/I<$ *+3#C*T$ C:ITIC*/ T%I"=$: 3,- hrase: 4Community inspired 8y Compassion for . 6*: Treats people kindly; gently and politely. 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of >ustice; charity and availa8ility. 6*: -eeks 6od and all truths thru assiduous study; research; discipline; silence and prayerful life. 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of love of Truth 9 assiduous study. 6*: +isseminates knowledge of +ominican history; lives of +ominican -aints and # --iena <oundress; ,other <rancisca del $spiritu -anto de <uentes. 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of Contemplation. 6*: ractices the virtues of ,ary and promotes ,arian devotion. 3*/.$/s: Integrate the values of Trust in 6od 9 %umility . 6*: 7elieves in and lives 8y the teachings of the Catholic faith. 3*/.$/s: Integrate the values of faith 9 communion

%umanity5 .EE/ 5 Preli" E6$" .EE/ 7 $.C%*:I-T-C$"T$:$+ -$:3IC$-#:I$"T$+ T:.T% -$$=$: 3,- hrase: 4Community of disciples of Jesus5 . 6*: *ttends and actively participates in the ,ass 9 8rings Jesus to others especially the underserved 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of piety; unity 9 commitment.

.EE/ 8 0%#/I-TIC *C%I$3$: 3,- hrase: 4In pursuit of total human development5 .EE/ 9 I"T$:"*TI#"*//? C#, $TITI3$ 6/#7*/ $*C$ *+3#C*T$ C:ITIC*/ T%I"=$: 3,- hrase: 46lo8al transformation5 .EE/ 0: 6#- $/- C$"T$:$+ 3,- hrase: 4<irmly rooted in the 0#:+5 6*: #wns and reads the 7i8le 9 reflects prayerfully on the message 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of /ove for Truth 9 #8edience to the 0ord . 6*: -hows e@cellence in studies 9 articipates in movements and activities for the promotion of glo8al peace and >ustice 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of fortitude 9 sensitivity. 6*: -eeks continuously to discover and develop all his/her 6od given gifts and intelligences 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of prudence 9 temperance

.EE/ 00 ,*=*--I,7*%*" $<<$CTI3$ C#,,."IC*T#: 3,- hrase: 4:esponsive to the needs of the C%.:C%5 .EE/ 02 Mi)ter" E6$" .EE/ 01 ,*=*7*?*" C:ITIC*/ T%I"=$: 3,- hrase: 4:esponsive to the needs of the C#."T:?5 .EE/ 03 <*,I/?-#:I$"T$+ $:-#" C:ITIC*/ T%I"=$: 3,- hrase: 4:esponsive to the needs of the <amily5 .EE/ 04 ,*=*-=*/I=*-*" 3,- hrase: 4:esponsive to the needs of the $"3I:#",$"T 5 6*: -hows respect; concern and appreciation of nature 9 maintains clean and orderly surroundings 3*/.$/s: Integrate the values of Cleanliness; Integrity; Justice; Temperance .EE/ 05 J.-T C#, *--I#"*T$ . . . 6*: *ppreciate the value of family life 9 works 9 promote unity in the family 3*/.$/s: Integrate the values of .nity; -olidarity; /ove . 6*: -hows love of country and takes pride in what is <ilipino 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of atriotism; "ationalism; -ervice; /oyalty 6*: 6ives support to the Church 9 participates actively in parish activities 3*/.$/s: Integrate the value of service; generosity; 9 courage

3,- hrase: 4$!uita8le access5 .EE/ 07 *C*+$,IC*//?/ :#<$--I#"*//? A.*/I<I$+ -#CI*//? :$- #"-I7/$ C#,,ITT$+ T# $BC$//$"C$ 3,- hrase: 4!uality Catholic education5 .EE/ 08 #in$l E6$"

6*: Committed 9 dedicated to work especially for the underserved 3*/.$/s: Integrates the values of Justice; /ove ; Compassion

6*: $vangeliCed 9 evangeliCing Catholic and e@cels in studies 3*/.$/s: Integrate the values of :esponsi8ility; Commitment; Cooperation; /oyalty


relim 6rade D EF G Class -tanding &C-' H )F G relim $@am ,idterm 6rade D 2/3 relim 6rade H I/3 ,idterm 6rade &EF G Class -tanding H )F G ,idterm $@am' <inal 6rade D 2/3 ,idterm 6rade H I/3 <inal 6rade &EF G Class -tanding H )F G <inal $@am'

C- D Class -tanding - the average of the sum total of recitations; !uiCCes; assignment; la8oratory work; class reports; term papers etc. ,$ D ,a>or $@amination :ating - the rating o8tained 8y the student in the preliminary; midterm and final e@aminations. RE#ERENCES

repared 9 su8mitted 8y/+ate:

*pproved 8y: JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Chair; &department' "oted 8y: JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ +ean/Coordinator for *cademics

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