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DBMS Question Bank

UNIT I PART A 1. What are database systems? List out its characteristics. 2. What are logical levels is used i data abstractio ? !. "e#i e data$ database$ "%&' a d data base system. (. "e#i e "%&'. ). What is mea t by data abstractio ? *. "isti guish bet+ee ,hysical a d logical data i de,e de ce. -. What do you u dersta d by data i de,e de ce? .o+ ca it be achieved? /. What are the data models ,rese t i "%&'? 0. What is a data dictio ary? What are the i #ormatio 1s stored i the data dictio ary? 12. What are the be e#its o# data dictio ary? Who are the users o# data dictio ary? 11. What is mea t by a I sta ce o# the database a d schema? 12. 34,lai brie#ly about 35R data model. 1!. What is the ,ur,ose o# &eta data? 1(. "e#i e the terms6 7a8 meta data 7b89a ed tra sactio 1). What are the ,roblems i data redu da cy? 1*. What is the ,ur,ose o# bu##er ma ager? 1-. "e#i e the term Atomicity i tra sactio ma ageme t. 1/. What are the characteristics that disti guish a "%&' #rom traditio al #ile ,rocessi g system? 10. What is the ,ur,ose o# tra sactio ma ager? 22. List out the #u ctio s o# "%A. 21. Who are all the database users ,rese t i "%&'? 22. "escribe the di##ere t ty,es o# database e d users. 2!. What are e tities? 2(. What are +ea: a d stro g e tities? .o+ are they re,rese ted i 35R diagram? 2). What is a sim,le attribute? ;ive e4am,les. 2*. What is a com,osite attribute? ;ive e4am,les. 2-. What is a si gle valued attribute? ;ive e4am,les. 2/. What is a multi valued attribute? ;ive e4am,les.

20. What are :ey a d o :ey attributes? !2. What is the relatio shi, bet+ee e tities a d attributes? !1. What is 35R modeli g? !2. What is 35R diagram a d +hat are their ob<ectives? !!. What is a ca didate :ey? ;ive a e4am,le. !(. What is a ,rimary :ey? ;ive a e4am,le. !). What is a alter ate :ey? ;ive a e4am,le. !*. What do you mea by #oreig :ey? !-. What are domai co strai ts? !/. What is e tity i tegrity? !0. What is a re#ere tial i tegrity? (2. What is mea t by a u ary a d bi ary o,eratio ? What are they? (1. .o+ =Natural >?oi 1 o,eratio is ,er#ormed? (2. What is a <oi ? What are the be e#its o# <oi s? (!. What is e@ui<oi a d o e@ui<oi ? ((. List the o,eratio s o# Relatio al algebra. (). "e#i e Relatio al algebra. (*. "i##ere tiate bet+ee 9artesia ,roduct a d atural <oi o,eratio s used i relatio al algebra. (-. "e#i e database schema. (/. What are the di##ere t database la guages? (0. .o+ does the domai relatio al calculus di##er #rom tu,le relatio al calculus? )2. I +hat se se does relatio al calculus di##er #rom relatio al algebra a d i +hat se se are they similar? )1. What is relatio al calculus? )2. "e#i e Net+or: data base model. )!. What are the t+o di##ere t categories o# @uery la guages? PART % 1. 34,lai 2. 34,lai !. 34,lai ). 34,lai *. 34,lai -. 34,lai com,o e

about the relatio al algebra? i detail about relatio al data model. about i sta ces A schema$ data i de,e de ce A "%A? about data models? i detail about 3R model. about storage ma ageme t A tra sactio ma ageme t ts o# a

database system. /. 34,lai about the architecture o# database system. 0. 34,lai the various basic relatio al algebra o,eratio s i detail. 12. Write a ote o relatio al calculus. 11. "ra+ the 3R diagram #or hos,ital ma ageme t system. 12. 34,lai the ! schema architecture o# "%'.Why do +e eed ma,,i gs bet+ee di##ere t schema levels? .o+ do di##ere t schema de#i itio la guages su,,ort this architecture? 1!. 9o sider the #ollo+i g tables6 3m,loyee 73m,B o$ Name$ 3m,Bcity8 9om,a y 73m,B o$ 9om,a yB ame$ 'alary8 i. Write a 'CL @uery to dis,lay 3m,loyee ame a d com,a y ame. ii. Write a 'CL @uery to dis,lay em,loyee ame$ em,loyee city $com,a y ame a d salary o# all the em,loyees +hose salary D12222 iii. Write a @uery to dis,lay all the em,loyees +or:i g i =EFG1 com,a y. 1(. 34,lai various "&L comma ds +ith eat sy ta4. 1). 34,lai i detail a y t+o data models +ith sam,le databases. 1*. Write short otes o i. Net+or: model ii. .ierarchical model UNIT II PART A 1. What do you mea t by database i tegrity? 2. What is re#ere tial i tegrity? !. What is a vie+ a d ho+ is it created? 34,lai +ith a e4am,le. (. What is a vie+ i 'CL? .o+ is it de#i ed? ). What is mea t by ormaliHatio ? *. What is lossy decom,ositio ? -. What is a trivial #u ctio al de,e de cy? ;ive a e4am,le. /. Why is a relatio +ith ma y NULLs co sidered to be bad? 0. What is mea t by lossless <oi decom,ositio ? 12. What is a multi value de,e de cy? 11. What is tra sitive de,e de cy? 12. What are Armstro g1s a4ioms? 1!. 9om,are %9NI a d !NI.

1(. What are the i #ere ce rules #or #u ctio al de,e de cies? 1). "e#i e !NI. 1*. 34,lai the domai :ey ormal #orm7"JNI8. 1-. 34,lai the (NI a d )NI. 1/. What is embedded 'CL? What are the adva tages o# embedded 'CL ,rograms? 10. "isti guish bet+ee static a d dy amic 'CL. 22. What is mea t by static 'CL? .o+ it di##ers #rom dy amic 'CL? 21. What are triggers? What are three ma<or classes o# triggers? 22. What are stateme t level a d ro+ level triggers? 2!. What are the adva tages a d limitatio o# triggers? 2(. What is 'CL? What are the characteristics o# 'CL? 2). What are ""L comma ds? ;ive e4am,les. 2*. What are "&L comma ds? ;ive e4am,les. 2-. What are "9L comma ds? ;ive e4am,les. 2/. What are the set o,eratio s i 'CL? ;ive e4am,les. 20. .o+ are the ulls re,rese ted i database system? !2. What are the situatio s +here you ca use ulls? !1. What are vie+s? .o+ they are created? !2. What is the ,ur,ose o# grou, by clause i the '3L39T stateme t? !!. What are aggregate #u ctio s? PART % 1. 34,lai 2NI a d !NI i detail 2. "e#i e %9NI ..o+ does it di##er #rom !NI. !. 34,lai the codd1s rules #or relatio al database desig . (. 34,lai the A9I" ,ro,erties o# a tra sactio UNIT III PART A 1. What are the o,eratio s o #iles? 2. What are the various modes i +hich a data item may be loc:ed? 34,lai . !. (. What is hasi g? 34,lai .

). What is mea t by i de4i g? *. What is a hash #u ctio ? ;ive a e4am,le. -. What is a % tree i de4? /. What is a %K tree i de4? 0. What is a de se i de4? ;ive a e4am,le. 12. What is a s,arse i de4? ;ive a e4am,le. 11. What is @uery ,rocessi g? What is @uery tra s#ormatio ? 12. What are the di##ere t @uery o,timiHatio tech i@ues? 1!. "e#i e i. merge <oi ii. .ash <oi . 1(. What is tra sactio ma ageme t? 1). What is co curre cy co trol? 1*. What are the A9I" ,ro,erties o# a tra sactio ? 1-. What do you mea by isolatio ? Why is it im,orta t? ;ive a e4am,le. 1/. What do you mea by co siste cy? Why is it im,orta t? ;ive a e4am,le. 10. What do you mea by atomicity? Why is it im,orta t? ;ive a e4am,le. 22. What do you mea by durability? Why is it im,orta t? ;ive a e4am,le. 21. List out the states o# a tra sactio . PART % 1. With a eat diagram e4,lai the ste,s i volved i @uery ,rocess. 2. 34,lai i detail about %K tree i de4 #iles. !. What is deadloc:? 34,lai the various a,,roaches used to recover #rom deadloc:.

UNIT IL 1. What are di##ere t ty,es o# loc:s? "isti guish bet+ee them. 2. What is database recovery? Why bac:u,s are im,orta t? !. What is hashi g? 34,lai . 1. What is serialiHability? What are the ob<ectives o# serialiHability? 2. What is co #lict serialiHability?

!. What is vie+ serialiHability? (. What are cascade less schedules? ;ive a e4am,le. ). What are di##ere t ty,es o# loc:s? "isti guish bet+ee them. *. What is t+o ,hase loc:i g? -. "isti guish bet+ee shared a d e4clusive loc:s. /. "isti guish bet+ee rigorous loc:i g a d strict t+o ,hase loc:i g. 0. What is recoverability? What are recoverable schedules? 12. What are the co curre cy co trol schemes? 11. What is chec: ,oi ti g? 12. What are tra sactio logs? 1!. What is the di##ere ce bet+ee volatile a d o volatile storage? 1(. What do you mea by rollbac:? 1). What is #orced +riti g? 1*. What is mea t by ,i ed bloc:? 1-. What are redo a d u do logs? 1/. What is a timestam,? 'tate its adva tages. 10. What is shado+ ,agi g? 'tate its adva tages. 22. What is a distributed database? List out its ob<ectives. 21. "e#i e i. re,licatio ii.#ragme tatio . 22. "isti guish bet+ee horiHo tal a d vertical #ragme tatio . ;ive e4am,les. 2!. What are ob<ect orie ted databases? List out its characteristics. 2(. What is deadloc:? What are the tech i@ues used to avoid deadloc:? 2). What are the methods used to ,reve t the system #rom dead loc:? 2*. What is database recovery? Why bac:u,s are im,orta t? PART % 1. What is a log? What are the di##ere t ty,es o# log records? With a e4am,le e4,lai the various log based recovery schemes. 2. 34,lai shado+ ,agi g recovery scheme i detail.

UNIT L PART A 1. What is a distributed database? List out its ob<ectives.

2. What are ce traliHed databases? List out its characteristics. !. "isti guish bet+ee ce traliHed a d distributed databases. (. What is E&L? List out its ,ro,erties. ). What is "T"? ;ive a e4am,le. *. "e#i e i. E'LT ii.E,ath -. What is mea t by data re,licatio ? 'tate its adva tages. /. "isti guish bet+ee homoge ous a d heteroge eous distributed databases. 0. "e#i e the terms ob<ect$ attribute a d class. PART % 1. "ra+ a eat s:etch to i dicate the architecture o# a distributed database system. With a e4am,le e4,lai the various #orm o# data #ragme tatio used i ""%. 2. 34,lai E&L @ueryi g a d Tra s#ormatio !. "iscuss the relative adva tages o# ce traliHed a d distributed database (. Write the "T" #or the ba :i g database. ). 34,lai i8 Mb<ect Mrie ted relatio al database. ii8 E&L schema *. 34,lai the architecture o# data +arehousi g +ith a eat diagram. -. What are the various issues to be co sidered +hile buildi g a +arehouse? 34,lai .

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