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REGISTRATION FORM PENANG ROUND PRINCE OF WALES INTL SCHOOL Event on April 18-19, 2014 | Guaranteed Registration Closes

s April 4
Sc ool !a"e Contact $erson Contact %o&ile ' Countr# Contact E"ail Status
())icial Sc ool *elegation +ndependent *elegation

Contact Role

Coac $arent (t er

Participation Fee Fee per sc o!ar ,00 %-R ... students/s0 Tota!"

I#portant In$or#ation
Mea!s" For#" 12o lunc es and one dinner 2ill &e o))ered as part o) t e registration )ee, &ut tea"s are encouraged to &ring snac3s4 Co"plete all pages o) t is )or"4 -ou "a# su&"it it prior to pa#"ent as long as an intended "eans o) pa#"ent is "ar3ed4 $lease send it as an attac ed docu"ent &# e"ail, not &# )a54

Na#es" 1 e spelling o) t e sc ool and student na"e on t is )or" 2ill &e used )or all na"etags, certi)icates, and ot er docu"ents4 $lease dou&le c ec3 spelling 2it students in advance4 Please follow character limits as longer na"es 2ill not )it on na"etags4 Di%ision" (nl# students 2 o 2ere 14 or #ounger on 6anuar# 1, 2014 can participate in t e 6unior *ivision4 An# tea" 2it at least one student 2 o 2as 1, or older on 6anuar# 1, 2014 is considered a Senior *ivision tea"4 Note" 12o-student tea"s "a# participate, &ut 2ill &e at a disadvantage in so"e point totals4 12o-student tea"s "a# re7uest &# e"ail to &e "atc ed up 2it 8solo sc olars9 )ro" ot er sc ools4 Re$&n's" $articipation )ees are non-re)unda&le4 Cancellations "ore t an :0 da#s prior to an event "a# &e )ull# credited to2ard )uture participation4 Cancellations 2it in :0 da#s o) an event "a# &e ,0; credited to2ard )uture participation4 Ta!ent S o( sign-ups 2ill ta3e place online prior to t e event4 Contact us i) #ou do not receive a lin3 to t e sign-up )or"4 Di%isio n First Na#e <i"it= 1> c aracters Fa#i!) Na#e <i"it= 1> c aracters E#ai! )or event updates A*e on +an ,./,0 M1F

Tea# ,

Tea# .

Tea# 2

Tea# 0

Tea# 3

Tea# 4

Tea# 5

Tea# 6

Tea# 7

Tea# ,/

Tea# ,,

Tea# ,.

Tea# ,2

Tea# ,0

P!ease &se cop)8an'8paste to e9ten' t e a:o%e section o$ t is $or# i$ )o&

a%e a''itiona! tea#s;

A'&!t Re*istration In$or#ation

De!e*ation8Attac e' A'<&'icators =DAAs>" $lease designate one adult )or ever# t ree tea"s in #our delegation to attend ad?udicator training4 *elegations traveling over 100 3" are not e5pected to &ring "ore t an t2o *AAs4
DAA 14 s 24 :4 44 ,4 Specia! Nee's

$lease descri&e an# )ood allergies and@or dietar# pre)erences &elo24 Ae 2ill do our &est to acco""odate all students4

$lease descri&e an# ot er special needs /e4g4, 2 eelc air accessi&ilit#0 &elo24

Pa)#ent Met o' ? @ :) cre'it car' (preferred) MasterCard, Visa, or Discover CC A" BBBBBBBBBB.................... E5p= ...... Securit# Code= ....... !o )ee )or credit card usage4
B C at t e door Accepted onl# 2 en registration is t roug o))icial sc ool c annels4 Dring e5act cas or credit card4 20% convenience fee. Eees re7uired at t e door )or all registered students, even i) so"e are a&sent on t e da# o) t e event4 B C &# 2ire Contact us )or an invoice and account in)or"ation :0 FS* Aire Eee

S&:#it $or#=s> to contactCsc o!arsc&p;or*

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