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Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.



This report has been prepared in accordance with the agreement between Government of Nepal, Department of Road, Puspalal (Mid Hill Highwa! Pro"ect and #ab Pvt$ #td$ (hereinafter referred to as the %firm% or the %&onsultant% in response to the Terms of Reference (T'R , (anepa, #alitpur for the feasibilit! (tud!, Detailed )ngineering (urve!, (oil *nvestigation, H!drological (tud! and Detailed Design of +ridge of proposed ,ali +ridge over ,ali River at Nerpa -D&./0 of ,hotang District$ Preliminar! field visit carried out during 1/234/345/$ Proposed +ridge locall! interconnects +hule to Mam6ha along Mid Hill (Puspalal Highwa! Pro"ect, )astern (ector of ,hotang District$ The bridge site is about 73 6m earthen road from +ho"pur +a8ar$ The road falls on National Highwa! road categor! and earthen surface stage$ +oth of the ban6s of river lie in Nerpa -D& 9 /0 of ,hotang district$ The geographical co.ordinates of the proposed bridge site are: #atitude #ongitude )levation M$?$($#$ ; ; ; 175<$533= N >2</$017= ) 5230 m

1.1 1.1.1

Field Works Site Selection Survey

@hile identif!ing the possible alternative bridge sites adeAuate consideration on various factors were carried out$ &urrent bridge site along the eBisting road is fiBed in the presence of eBperts from Pro"ect 'ffice and consultants$ ? team with +ridge engineers, Geotechnical persons, and (urve! )ngineer visited the site$ ?fter a fruitful discussion among local residence, technical personnel of Mid Hill (Puspalal Highwa! Pro"ect 'fficeC proposed bridge alignment was fiBed along the eBisting route$ Total span of proposed bridge is 5/m$

1.1.2 Topographical Survey

Tachometric surve! shall be carried for the detailed engineering surve! of proposed bridge site$ ? Total (tation, three sets of Prism and a measuring tape were used for detailed surve!$ The bridge site detailing covers and area of 7//m along length of river (<// m at upstream and 1// m at downstream and 1//m on both left and right ban6s along the eBisting approach roads$ # 9 (ections of approach road and river to be measured as per T'R$ +enchmar6s and +ridge points has been shown in contour maps$

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.

1.1.3 Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical *nvestigation is one of the ma"or parts of the pro"ect wor6 for the design of the proposed +ridge at ,ali River, ,hotang$ Geotechnical *nvestigation wor6s includes core drilling, test pitting and visual investigation at site$ Two boreholes will be bored to a depth of 52m core rotar! drilling machine, each for eBtraction of samples and carried out (tandard Penetration Tests ((PT and$ (tandard Penetration Tests ((PT were carried out at certain interval and at changing strata$ The site investigations and detail investigation anal!sis will be done b! DR)?M Geo #ab Pvt$ #td$ Detailed report and test results with bore logs will be included to the draft report$

1.1.4 Hydrological Investigation

H!drological data is needed in the design of a bridge to deduceC the maBimum flood and the corresponding scour depth at the proposed location of the bridge$ To obtain these values, the flow record of as man! !ears as possible is used$ However since there has not been an! gauging station near the vicinit! of proposed bridge site$ The pea6 discharge is estimated from rainfall and runoff relationships$ Discharge has been estimated b! using various approaches such as, @)&(, Dic6enDs, Regional flood freAuenc! anal!sis and other empirical relations$ (cour depth is calculated from different approaches$ Details h!drological anal!sis is presented in separate anneB (*n ?nneB 0 $

1.2 Proposed Bridge Type

?fter due consideration to various factors, R&& T +eam +ridge with following parameters is recommended for construction at the given site$ 5$ 1$ T!pe of +ridge T!pe of (ub (tructure T!pe of Eoundation (pan #ength No$ of (pan &arriagewa! @idth Total @idth ?pproach (lab Total #ength R&& T +eam +ridge (single span R&& ?butment 'pen4@ell Eoundation 5/$/ m ( )ffective 5 7$/ m >$< m 0$< m 57 m

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.

CONTENTS Salient Features of the Project 1. Introduction 5$1 5$5 Eield @or6s Proposed +ridge T!pe

?nneB 5: #ocation Map ?nneB 1: Proposed +ridge Plan ?nneB 0: H!drological ?nal!sis ?nneB F: Photographs

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.

Annex1 : Location Map

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.

Annex 2 : Proposed Bridge Plan

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.


: !"drological Anal"sis

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

Preliminary Field Report, Puspalal (Mid Hill) Highway Project.

Annex # : Scour $epth %alculation

Kali River ridge, Khotang !istrict.

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