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KINGDOM ARCHAEBACTERIA: Body type: unicellular Prokayotic / eukaryotic: prokaryotic Food consumption: Reproduction: Environments: extreme environments (near

volcanic activity and dangerous stuff like that) they dont need oxygen, light Three divisions of archaebacteria: Methanogens: methane producing organisms Thermophiles: These can live in extremely hot, acidic environments like sulfur springs. Halophiles: Can only live in bodies of concentrated salt water, like the Dead Sea. KINGDOM EUBACTERIA The bacteria of kingdom eubacteria are heterotrophic, autotrophic, and chemotrophic. Heterotrohps absorb organic materials down in both living and dead organisms. Autotrophs can make their own food by photosynthesis. Chemotrophs get their food by breaking down inorganic matter. Body type: unicellular Prokayotic / eukaryotic: prokaryotic Environments: extreme environments as do archaebacteria (near volcanic activity) HETEROTROPHS: This bacteria lives about anywhere, including in your body in the form of a parasite. Saprobes feed off of non -living organisms and recycles the nutrients back into the environment where it can be used to create new life. AUTOTROPHS: Obtain energy through photosynthesis. Most are a blue-green color and are often called bluegreen bacteria. They get this color from chlorophyll, which is also found in plants. They live in chains in ponds, lakes, and moist regions. CHEMOTROPHS: Produce energy by converting inoganic matter into organic matter. They break down dead stuff.

PHYLUM RHIZOPODA: -Produce asexually -Live in fresh water, marine, moist soils -Many are parasitic FUNGI: Body type: unicellular or multicellular Prokaryotic / eukaryotic: eukaryotic Food consumption: throught absorbtion Reproduction: both sexual and asexual Environments: marine, terrestrial, fresh water Number of species: about 100,000 Characteristics: Cell walls made of chitin (chit-in) There are four phyla in kingdom fungi: -Chytridiomycota (aquatic) -Basidiomycota (mushrooms) about 25, 00 species -Zygomycota (bread mold), about 1500 species -Ascomycota (morrels, truffles), about 30,000 species

KINGDOM PLANTAE: Body type: multicellular with cell walls made of cellulose Prokaryotic / eukaryotic: eukaryotic Food consumption: photosynthesis (absorbs light) Reproduction: both sexual and asexual Environments: land and water Hetero / Chemo / Autotrophic: Autotrophic Characteristics: Plants have organs and organ systems. The leaves collect and absorb sunlight to convert to glucose. The leaves have a waxy coat on them to shield against water. The root system, which branches out, provides support and absorbs water. The stem provides support and the petal / flower / bud is the reproductive organ of the plant. Names of phyla: -Filicophyta -Sphenophyta -Bryophyta -Ginkophyta -Coniferophyta -Anthophyta Division Bryophyta: Composed of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts-- these are thought to be the first plants. Bryophyta do not have any true organs like stems, leaves or roots. They have tiny anchor-like rhizoids that keep them attached to the ground. They grow in shaded, moist places, like the rainforests. Division Sphenophyta: Consists of horsetails, which are basically stems. There aren't any noticeable leaves, and barely any roots. Division Anthophyta: Division anthophyta is the largest grouping of flowering plants. Division Coniferophyta: These are plants that bear their seeds in the form of a cone. They are both diploid and haploid. Division Ginkgophyta: Plants that are domestic to China and when reproducing, the females egg produces a very bad smell. Division Filicophyta:

KINGDOM PROTISTA: Body type: both unicellular and multicellular Prokaryotic / eukaryotic: eukaryotic Food consumption: by photosynthesis (algae) Reproduction: both sexual and asexual Auto / Chemo / Heterotrophic: auto and heterotrophic Phylum Zoomastigophora: - have flagella ( tiny hair like structures for movement ) -some colonial PHYLUM FORAMINIFERA: - marine ameobas - shelled PHYLUM CILIOPHORA: - cilia - are able to control their movement - are found mainly in freshwater PHYLUM APICOMPLEXA: - all parasitic - sexual and asexual reproduction

Ferns are just about the only type of plant that is in division filicophyta. Most ferns live near water, like in the rain forest or in ponds. What distinguishes kingdom plantae from all the other kingdoms, is that the cells of kingdom plantae have cell walls made of cellulose that are used to support the plant. This cell wall is not a semi-permeable membrane and the cell cannot transport material and nutrients in and out of the cell walls. For this function there is the large central vacuole that stores water and chemicals for use inside of the cell. Another characteristic belonging only to kingdom plantae is their chloroplasts, the organelle that converts light energy into chemical energy inside the plant where the energy is stored as sugar. Their ability to convert inorganic matter (atmospheric CO2) to organic matter using photosynthesis keeps us humans in kingdom animalia alive.

Major Classes: Class Bivalvia (oysters, clams, muscles) Calss Gastropoda (snails and slugs) Phylum Mollusca PHYLUM ANNELIDA: -Over 15,000 species of segmented worms. -Bilateral semetry -Internal nervous and digestive systems. -eucelomate Major Classes: Polychaeta (Bristleworms) Hirudinea (Leaches) Oligochaeta (Earthworms) PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA: -Most closly related to phylum chordata (us humans') -over 6,000 species of mostly marine animals -endoskeleton -radial semetry Major Classes: Brittle Stars (detachable arms as means of defense) Sand Dollars Sea Lillies Sea Cucumbers (bilateral) Sea Urchins Sea Stars PHYLUM CHORDATA: -This is our phylum -characterized by vertebrates ( spine, dorsal hollow nerve cord) Subphylums: -Urochordata -Cephalochordata -notochords Major Subphylums: Cephalochordata (Have heads, small organs that filter feed) Urochordata (Marine squids, 2 stages of development; polyp and adult) Vetrebrata: -Notochord in the form of backbone -complex nerve and excretion system -closed circulatory system with two chamber heart -breath through gills -coelomate -bilateral Major Classes: Class Agnatha (Jawless fish, cartalige, soft skin, no paired fins, gill slits, ectothermic) Class Amphibia (Tetropods, thin, moist skin, use external fertalization, ecothermic, 3 chambered heart, have a brain, eyes, tympanum) Class Osteichthyes (Bony fish, lobe and ray fined, modified lungs, swim bladder) Class Chondrichthyes ( Cartalige skeleton, jawed, paired fins, no swim bladder, ecothermic, internal fertilization to reproduce) Class Reptilia (Live on land, have dry thick skin, internal skeleton, internal fertilization, well developed kidneys that excrete uric acid to conserve water, some with 4 chambered heart, ecothermic, breath through lungs only) Class Aves (Feathers made of karitin for insulation, bones are honeycombed, four chambered heart, excrete uric acid, exceptional vision, enlarged sternum. Class Mammalia (Hair made of keratin and protein, mammory glands, have teeth, have well developed diaphram, breath through lungs only, well developed hormonal system)

The phyla of kingdom animalia are determined by evolutionary traits of an animal, and are grouped below the kingdom level. The largest phyla in kingdom animalia are phylums: Mollusca, Porifera, Cindaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata, our own phylum. PHYLUM NEMATODA: Phylum nematoda consists of only roundworms, some that are parasitic. Roundworms and their parasitic freinds are psuedococelomates, which means they have a psuedocelum, a space between the internal digestive organs and the outer dermis of the worm. They have a complete, one-way digestive tract. Major Classes: Hookworms: Burrow into your skin, travel through your bloodstream to your lungs, then are coughed back up and swallowed into your digestive system. Pinworms: Live in your lower intestine and lay their eggs in your rectum. Trichinella: Flu like worm. PHYLUM CINDARIA: Consists of jellyfish, sea annennanennamies, and corals. They are all carnivores and use their tenticles to snatch their prey. Major Classes: Hydrozoa (hydras) Scyphozoa (Jelly fish) Antozoa (sea annenanenamies) PHYLUM PORIFERA: Is a phylum of only sponges, 5000 total. They have no tissues and are believed to have evolved into the first multicellular organsims. Sponges absorb food by filtering the surrounding water it and extracting any form of microscopic food they can get. Phylum Porifera PHYLUM MOLLUSCA: The over 150,000 species in kingdom mollusca have a complete deigestive system and get their food by digestion. The outer shell, made of calcuim carbonate, houses the mantle, which helps with respiration and sensory of the outside environment. Muscular feet under their shell help them with locomotion. Their body is bilateral, and they are also pseudocoelomates. They have a complete digestive system with a small mouth, usually used for scraping the ocean floor for food.

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