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?ear 3 CSCL 1eachlng noor !

awad, Musllm Medlcs

lease noLe: Lhese are noL offlclal mark schemes, and have [usL been made from our noLes. Lvery efforL has been made Lo ensure accuracy, buL some errors may
remaln. 1hls ls [usL our way of dolng lL, feel free Lo adapL lL Lo whaL you feel comforLable dolng!

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1lme Laken Lo compleLe Lhe examlnaLlon:
1. lnLroduces self and sLaLes role
2. ConsenL and obLalns paLlenLs name
3. Cffers a chaperone
4. Lxposure of paLlenL (glvlng Lhem prlvacy Lo do so)
3. Asks Lhe followlng quesLlons: WhaL ls your occupaLlon? uo you have any paln or sLlffness ln any [olnLs, muscles
or your back? uo you have any dlfflculLy cllmblng Lhe sLalrs? uo you have any dlfflculLy washlng or dresslng?

6. Ceneral lnspecLlon for obvlous scars, deformlLles, abnormal posLure or muscle wasLlng
7. %&1!: asks paLlenL Lo walk away and Lurn and come back, checklng for:
! SmooLhness of movemenL, abnormallLles ln galL, normal heel-Loe sLrlke, normal Lurnlng speed, normal
posLure and arm swlng

8. (213)4 lnspecL from Lhe back, looklng for:
! Any deformlLles such as scollosls
! Level shoulders and lllac cresLs
! normal cervlcal and lumbar lordosls

9. Checks muscle bulk ln Lhe parasplnals, shoulder glrdle, gluLeals, calves
10. lnspecLs Lhe popllLeal fossa and Achllles Lendon
11. leels suprasplnaLus and llghLly squeezes Lrapezlus Lo LesL for flbromyalgla
12. 8uns flnger down back Lo check for Lenderness
13. MovemenLs:
! Slde-Lo-slde, roLaLe upper Lorso wlLhouL movlng hlps
! ress ear Lo shoulder
! Cpen [aw and move slde-Lo-slde
! llex and exLend neck, roLaLe head

14. laces 2 flngers on verLebral processes and asks paLlenL Lo bend over, dlsLance should lncrease
13. &56(4 Ceneral lnspecLlon for muscle wasLlng, fasclculaLlons, skln rashes, nodules (on elbows), swelllng,
deformlLy or eryLhema over Lhe [olnLs, !"#"$%&'()* ,& %-'(.& /.*%0(1 0( %-' -.(23 #0%%0(1 #*,&0.*0* 0( %-' (.04*

16. leels Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe [olnLs Lhen squeezes across Lhe meLacarpals for Lenderness
17. MovemenLs:
! uL hands behlnd head and push elbows back, Louch Lhe small of back3 5#&.$) /0%- -.(2* %,1'%-'& %-'(
back Lo back
! llex and exLend elbows, pronaLlon and suplnaLlon, flex and exLend wrlsLs

18. Pands:
! ower grlp
! reclslon movemenLs (Lhumb Lo each flnger ln Lurn)
! aper LesL

19. ')%(4 Ceneral lnspecLlon for muscle wasLlng, fasclculaLlons, skln rashes, nodules, swelllng, deformlLy or
eryLhema over Lhe [olnLs, calluses or ulcers on soles

20. leels Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe [olnLs Lhen squeezes across Lhe meLaLarsals for Lenderness
21. MovemenLs:
! llex and exLend hlps, knees and ankles
! lnLernal roLaLlon aL hlps and knees
! lnverslon and everslon aL Lhe ankle
! CreplLus and bulge LesL aL Lhe knee

22. 1hanks paLlenL, offers Lo help Lhem dress
23. 1o compleLe my examlnaLlon, would llke Lo do a full neurologlcal examlnaLlon of Lhe upper and lower llmbs and
a full cranlal nerve exam

24. resenLs flndlngs ln a clear and fluenL manner
1oLal (ouL of 24)
Any CLher CommenLs:

?ear 3 CSCL 1eachlng noor !awad, Musllm Medlcs
lease noLe: Lhese are noL offlclal mark schemes, and have [usL been made from our noLes. Lvery efforL has been made Lo ensure accuracy, buL some errors may
remaln. 1hls ls [usL our way of dolng lL, feel free Lo adapL lL Lo whaL you feel comforLable dolng!

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hls [olnLs, muscles or back. Pe has no dlfflculLy cllmblng sLalrs or washlng and dresslng. Cn general lnspecLlon, Lhere
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was smooLhness of movemenL, no abnormallLles ln Lhe galL, a normal heel-Loe sLrlke and normal Lurnlng speed.
osLure and arm swlng were normal. Cn lnspecLlon of Lhe splne, Lhere were no obvlous deformlLles such as
scollosls. 1here was a normal cervlcal and lumbar lordosls, and Lhe lllac cresLs were level. Cn lnspecLlon of Lhe
muscle bulk, lL was normal ln Lhe parasplnal, shoulder glrdle, gluLeal and calf muscles. 1here were no bulges ln Lhe
popllLeal fossa and Lhe Achllles Lendon appeared Lo be normal. 1here was no evldence of flbromyalgla or verLebral
Lenderness. All movemenLs of Lhe splne were normal. Cn bendlng over, Lhe space beLween Lhe lumbar verLebrae
lncreased as normal. Cn general lnspecLlon of Lhe arms, Lhere was no muscle wasLlng, fasclculaLlons, skln rashes,
nodules. 1here was no swelllng, deformlLy or eryLhema over Lhe [olnLs. 6-'&' /.* (, '>02'(@' ,8 !"#"$%&'()* ,&
Lhenar wasLlng ln Lhe hand, or plLLlng psorlasls ln Lhe nalls. 1he [olnLs were cool ln LemperaLure and Lhere was no
Lenderness on squeezlng Lhe meLacarpals. All movemenLs of Lhe arms were normal. Cn LesLlng Lhe small muscles of
Lhe hand, Lhe power grlp, preclslon flne movemenL and Lhe paper LesL were normal. Cn general lnspecLlon of Lhe
legs, Lhere was no muscle wasLlng, fasclculaLlons, skln rashes, nodules. 1here was no swelllng, deformlLy or
eryLhema over Lhe [olnLs. 1here were no calluses or ulcers on Lhe soles. 1he [olnLs were cool ln LemperaLure and
Lhere was no Lenderness on squeezlng Lhe meLaLarsals. All acLlve movemenLs of Lhe legs were normal. 1here was
no evldence of creplLus aL Lhe knee or fluld. ln summary, Lhls paLlenL had normal galL, arms, legs and splne. 1o
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