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Ad Astra
2013 Overview August - December

August 2013: -Surveyed incoming students from 5 universities -Consulted USM Career Center on working with incoming freshmen -Presentation of Career For Me for 10 large national and international companies (DAAC Systems, Cedacri, ProCredit Bank, JTI, EFFES) -Prepared awareness campaign for incoming freshmen

2,000 Students, 3 Universities, 13 Faculties

Find and Follow Your Passion SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER Over the course of these two months weve focused on raising awareness about the importance of career planning,

people worldwide are unemployed for over a year after graduation. To prevent the incoming class of 2013 from falling into these categories, we encouraged over 2,000 incoming students from 13 faculties at 3 universities to think about their careers and their professional development starting from freshmen year! During our presentations, we provided students with resources which would help them plan their personal and professional development and conducted 3 Career Planning Workshops.

professional development and non-formal education. Statistics show that 80% of employees are dissatised with their jobs, only 35% of university graduates are prepared for the world of work after graduation, and over 75,000,000 young

Explore, Experiment, Connect

THE AMBASSADORS PROGRAM OCTOBER - NOVEMBER Where should I study? What should I study? Who do I want to be when I grow up? These are challenging questions which students ask themselves around 11th and 12th grade. To answer these questions students often turn to parents, friends and relatives. The Ad Astra team launched a pilot program to help connect High School students with university students who could share their experience and provide some tips for a smooth transition form High School to University. Ambassadors encouraged High School students to explore their interests, experiment by putting their skills to the test and to connect with professionals in areas which they show interest. The program was well received and had a reach of 500 Lyceum students from 6 regions. The program was even borrowed by the oldest university in Romania, Alexandru Ion Cuza.

!Tineri implica!i n proiecte de dezvoltare pentru o schimbare n societate "Ieri, 13 decembrie, la Centrul Republican pentru Copii #i Tineret din Chi#in$u s-a desf$#urat un eveniment original #i dinamic, menit s$ creeze"tinerilor rela!ii de colaborare #i interac!iune cu angajatorii #i oportunit$!ile oferite de ace#tia, organizat de c$tre Asocia!ia ob#teasc$ Ad Astra, n colaborare cu Centrul de Ghidare n Carier$ #i Rela!ii cu Pia!a Muncii, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Centrul de Inova!ii, Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova""#i " Ministerul Tineretului #i Sportului. "Evenimentul #i-a propus drept scop conectarea companiilor de angajare cu studen!ii pentru a crea un cadrul informal, n care tineri #i companiile s$ poat$ construi rela!ii profesionale #i s$ n!eleag$ mai bine aspectele legate de tineret. "ntlnirea a cuprins activit$!i de networking, team building, de conectare, joc, dans #i interven!ii motiva%ionale din partea unor antreprenori, lideri ai organiza!iilor de tineret #i companii.

"La eveniment au participat Viceministrul Tineretului #i Sportului Drago# HNCU, reprezentan!i ai Direc!iei Programe de Tineret din cadrul Ministerului Tineretului #i Sportului, reprezentan!i ai Ministerului Educa!iei #.a. "Viceministrul Drago# HNCU a salutat ini!iativa #i deschiderea organizatorilor de a se implica n proiecte de dezvoltare personal$ #i profesional$ a tinerilor, exprimndu-#i convingerea c$ schimbarea n societate se face prin asemenea evenimente, care stabilesc conexiuni ntr-un cadru amical #i informal, a declarat ocialul.

Career For Me Student and Company Party

"Evenimentul care a reunit reprezentan!i ai sectorului public #i privat, societ$!ii civile #i organiza!iilor interna!ionale face parte dintr-un #ir de proiecte ale Asocia!iei Ad Astra, extinse n toat$ republica, inclusiv n licee rurale, pentru a-i ajuta pe tineri s$ se gndeasc$ la viitorul #i cariera lor. " "

Ad Astra in Numbers

2 Websites

4 Universities

More than 2000 Students Reached

More than 38 Career Planning Events

20 - Average number of students at events

500 Lyceum students reached

Over 6 appearances in Local Media

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