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Jennifer Kaltenbach April 9, 2014


Cultural Studies and Rhetoric
Anzaldua, G., (1998). To(o) Queer the WriterLoca, escritora y chicana. In Trujillo, C. Editor, Living Chicana Theory (263-276). Berkley: Third Woman Press. Cesaire, A., (1972, English). Discourse on Colonialism. Monthly Review Press: New York and London. pp. 60-64. Dolmage, J., Mapping Composition: Inviting Disability in the Front Door. Disability Awareness in Teacher Training. 14-27. Katz, S. B., (1992). The Ethnic of Expediency: Classical Rhetoric, Technology, and the Holocaust. College English, Vol. 54/3. pp. 255-275. King, T., (2008). The Truth About Stories. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. Powell, M., Listening to Ghosts: an alternative (non)argument. Warner, M., (1994). Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Online Help Content

Albers, M. J., (2005). Communication of complex information: User goals and information needs for dynamic Web information. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Pub. Cleary, Y., (2012). Preparing Technical Communication Students to Function as User Advocates in a SelfService Society. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. Vol. 42(3). Dannels, D.P., (2011). Relational Genre Knowledge and the Online Design Critique: Relational Authenticity in Preprofessional Genre Learning. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. Vol. 25:3. DOI: 10.1177/1050651910380371. Dillon, A., (1992) Reading from paper versus screens: a critical review of the empirical literature. Ergonomics, 35(10), 1297-1326. Hackos, J. T. PhD, (1997). Online Documentation: The Next Generation. SIGDOC '97 Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Computer documentation. Pages 99 104. DOI: 10.1145/263367.263383. Pennington, L.L., (2007). Approaches/Practices: Surviving the Design and Implementation of a ContentManagement System: Do the Benefits Offset the Challenges? Journal of Business and Technical Communication. Vol. 21: 1. DOI: 10.1177/1050651906293530.

Rubens, P., (1987). The Impact of Innovative Communication Technologies: Online Documentation, the Reader, and the Writer. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. Vol. 1:5. DOI: 10.1177/105065198700100202.

Project Management Skills for Technical Communicators

Crawford, V., (2003). Setting Performance Expectations for Technical Communicators. SIGDOC '03 Proceedings of the 21st annual international conference on Documentation. DOI: 10.1145/944868.944912 Gossett, K., (2012). Technical Communication and Project Management. SIGDOC '12 Proceedings of the 30th ACM international conference on Design of communication. DOI: 10.1145/2379057.2379132. Hayhoe, G. F., (2000). What Do Technical Communicators Need to Know? Technical Communication. Vol. 47: 2. Little, S. B., (1990). Preparing the Technical Communicator for the Future. Professional Communication. Vol. 33:1. DOI: 10.1109/47.49069 Steward, S., (2005). Management Principles and Practices for Technical Communicators. Professional Communication. Vol. 48: 2. DOI: 10.1109/TPC.2005.849654 Whittemore, S., (2009). Finding and Learning: Exploring the Information Management Practices of a Technical Communicator. Professional Communication Conference. DOI: 10.1109/IPCC.2009.5208677

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