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DIARY OF A DIVINE DIVA Book 1 A collection of Notes by Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)


DIARY OF A DIVINE DIVA Book 1 A collection of Notes by Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

Published by Iddiva Impressions An Iddiva Company

All rights reserved in accordance with international copyright laws. Reproduction in any form without the permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Ifeoma Akobi reserves the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. 2013 Ifeoma C. Akobi


I Write Dedication in Short Verse The Future Is Here Rediscovering Wonder I Am #Morefident More in Store: Give Me Five Birthday Blessings: Ten Reasons for Thankfulness Channels of Blessing My Green 2013 Love Came Make Room for More So Far, So Green Just Say, Thank You! To Live Again Gifts and Good Things Cycles of Life

Secrets of Success: The Sling Secrets of Success: Green Coaching Another Piece of Me Signposts to Destiny Double D (Why I Do what I Do) Other Books by the Author About Ifeoma Akobi


I WRITE I write to inspire, to inform and to innovate. I write to encourage, to educate and to entertain. I write to clarify, to communicate and to challenge. I write to create, to construct and to craft. I write because this is who I am. I write because it is what I know. I write because of all Ive seen and still see. I write because its a gift God gave me. - As Written by The Maven at Iddiva Group, Ifeoma Akobi

Dedication in short verse This book is lovingly dedicated to all my teachers, readers, listeners, helpers and supporters. God bless you all Abundantly! Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)


THE FUTURE IS HERE Hi! I woke up this morning with a sense of frustration. It felt like there was something I had to do and I had to either get it done or burst! The truth is that my dreams have really gotten the best of me! I am sure its a feeling we can all relate to; that moment when you are just about to see a dream come true and you suddenly realize that you cannot wait! :) So much has been happening and I have been patiently waiting and now that I am on the threshold, it feels like I cant wait anymore. But I know better; so I can wait. In the meantime what do you and I do with these feelings? Do we wait passively? Do we moan in self-pity? No! These feelings of frustration and impatience are signs of progress. I liken them to birth pains. When a woman is pregnant she patiently carries the child for 9 months but when the moment of delivery comes, all heaven is let loose! I believe that the most important quality we need in times like this is strength. We need strength to convert the frustration we feel at our circumstances to energy. And by energy I mean kinetic energy not potential energy. Energy to birth our dreams; to start that project, to begin that business, to learn a skill, to go back to school, to read that book, to continue working

on that plan, to pick up where we left in pursuing our goals, to break an old habit, to start a new habit, to make a difference, to be the difference, to help someone in need, to show a good example, to forgive, to believe and to keep on believing, again and again. So wherever you may find yourself today, I encourage you to join me in pushing past the pain to enter the destiny prepared for us. This is a moment for blessing but we need clarity to see it. It is often said that nothing good comes easily and it is true. There are great things in store for us and we have to face the obstacles in our path to get to the rewards we desire. For some of us we need to push past fear and insecurities to get to the place where we need to be. This post is a wakeup call; it is a notice or reminder that whatever you are dealing with can be used as energy to create something new. Let your stuff spur you to move forward. Let your pain bring you to a place of birth. The world awaits you; like a flower garden waiting for a caterpillar to transform to a butterfly. It is your time and your chance. Arise and shine! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)


REDISCOVERING WONDER Hello Beautiful People, Sometime ago I went on a road trip during which I crisscrossed more than seven states in Nigeria. It was demanding yet fun all the way. In between admiring the changing landscapes and appreciating the beauty of nature, a sense of splendor and awe enveloped me. The beauty of nature filled me with a sense of indescribable wonder. I just kept staring at the vastness of just a tiny fraction of the universe and all the beauty in it. While taking it all in, it dawned on me that the picture I was seeing was a reflection of my place in divine destiny; everything I have experienced this far is just a fraction of much more that God has in store for me and I am sure it is the same with you too. It is truly humbling to realize that Gods dreams and thoughts for us are way bigger than anything we can dream or think of. And even though the daily grind and routine of life sometimes takes its toll on us and we lose sight of how truly amazing our lives really are, life has a way of re-calibrating our minds and making us see the side on which our bread is buttered. Going on that road trip gave me reasons to reflect on the different ways God had been, and is still good to me. There is so much I look forward to; so much I want to do, be and have. I am thankful for experiences that remind me that while I am not where I

want to be, I am not where I used to be. Let me share some exciting news before I go: I am working on fresh resources which I will publish soon, achieving some personal goals which you will also know about very soon and planning a huge giveaway! And yes, it would be pretty cool to see more of you; Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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I AM #MOREFIDENT Okay that makes for a rather interesting intro, so let me say a proper Hello to you and thank you for visiting my blog. It promises to be a great read as always :) My #MOREFIDENT mindset shift started on Sunday, which for lots of reasons is one of my best days of the week. Three reasons I can quickly think of are: 1. 2. 3. I always enjoy Gods presence in a new and fresh way. I feel more connected with my sense of purpose. Lunch tastes better and sleep feels sweeter. LOL While meditating on the changing times and seasons, it struck me how fast the year had moved in some ways and how slowly it had crawled in others. It was September 2 and there was still so much I had to do. Just four months left to call the year a wrap; and in that moment four months felt like one or two months, when I factored in all the public holidays, increased plans for vacations and most especially, popular opinion about the end of the year.

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In several parts of the world, it is common practice for things to shut down and people to slow down when they get into the ember months. It is almost as if the last four months of the year are just a waiting period for the next year: like anything that couldnt be accomplished before September automatically became an item to include in the list for the next New Years Resolution or Revolution as someone creatively called it. This mentality just doesnt work for me. Maybe its because I was born in October. Maybe its because I love the rich hues of red, gold, orange, yellow and brown gleaming in the pale sun. Maybe its the sound of crunching leaves and the crisp, autumn breeze. Maybe it is the warmth of home, or the love and laughter of family and friends. Or maybe it is the hymns of harvest and the songs of thanksgiving. Maybe it is all these and other things I am yet to discover. And as I lay in my bed enjoying the company of my thoughts, I knew that it was definitely about more, so much MORE. Theres undeniable beauty in the freshness of spring and sheer strength in the sunny summer days but autumn carries an almost mystical splendor as it adorns the earth with its rugs of falling leaves and fills the air with its heady fragrance. It is with great joy and expectation that I welcome you. I welcome you to the season of MORE and so much MORE! This is harvest time. This is the time to refuel and get fired up for the next dimension. This is a time to totally trust God for who He is and take His word as the final authority
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in your life. This is a time to go forward like I wrote in a post in Every Proceeding Word because He is in charge and in full control. Dream again, believe again, love again and live again. It is harvest time and there is MORE than enough for everyone in the overflow of Gods goodness. Regardless of how good or bad things have been for you, take a moment to realize that this season is about you but not ALL about you. It is MORE about the Greater One in you and His ability to do much MORE than you can ask or think. Believe in the MORE in you, the MORE in the world around you and the MORE coming to you. Enjoy the best life has to offer and be #MOREFIDENT! Choose to recognize Gods Lordship in everything and receive grace to be totally #MOREFIDENT. And yes, do follow me on twitter @IfeomaAkobi to enjoy #MOREFIDENT tweets! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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MORE IN STORE: GIVE ME FIVE Happy new week dear peeps! Its a few minutes after 6pm and I am blogging about some of my thoughts based on the current place and space I am in. With each passing day, I am getting more and more committed to the pursuit and fulfillment of purpose. The harvest is ripe and ready but laborers are few. Would you be a laborer today? Purpose is often hidden in plain sight but with eyes of faith we can begin to see clearly. If I can give you my formula for finding purpose it would be this: Purpose begins in Potential, is birthed through Prayer and Prophecy, is sustained through Promise, is nurtured through Patience and is fulfilled through Practice. Purpose is a journey and a personal discovery. Purpose gives meaning and mission to life. We are not here to mark time. With these thoughts in mind, I am taking some time to truly discover what is important to me and my assignment in this life. I decided to narrow it down to five; five words and the results were a pleasant surprise. But enough about me, lets begin your journey with the first step! Get a blank sheet of paper and write down five words that you would like to best describe you. You dont need to think deeply about this. Just
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write them down as they come to your mind. The next step is to add some flavor to your list of five. Take each word and ask yourself what it means to you. Write down your Measure of each word. Let me give you an example: Beautiful is one of the words on my list. This is my Measure of Beautiful: healthy, physically fit, rested, sexy, confident, stylish, elegant, intelligent, cool, creative and tasteful. Thanks to God and the IBI Specialties crew for covering this area well. Your five words have the ability to change your life. They point you in the direction of what is most important to you. These words will encourage you to change, grow, and move forward. These words are pointers to purpose. They will inspire you to be #MOREFIDENT in the knowledge that there is much more in store for you. Wishing you a great week and of course, give me five! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS: Ten Reasons for Thankfulness 1. I am thankful for the gift of life and the breath of God that fills my body. 2. I am thankful for family; like a comfortable pairs of shoes, they always fit. (BIG hugs) 3. I am thankful for the gift of salvation and the knowledge that God is always for me, with me, in me and around me. He is the greatest and best thing that ever happened to me. 4. I am thankful for all the skills, gifts and talents I have. I did not choose my portion but I am thankful that I am so blessed. 5. I am thankful for my friends and community and the wonderful people who inspire me to be, do, have and give my best daily. 6. I am thankful for all the prayers, gifts, best wishes and fellowship I have received during this season, my peeps rock! Love you lots. 7. I am thankful for fresh insight, knowledge, opportunities, gifts and ideas. 8. I am thankful for some wonderful people I have met in this season. Need I mention names? ;)

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9. I am thankful for PU and my amazing friends at Purpose V. Y'all rock! 10. I am thankful for these moments spent sharing my thoughts with you; I hope they have blessed you. I would love to hear your list of things you are thankful for. It could be exactly ten, more or less but whichever way it would definitely be worth sharing. Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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THOUGHTS ON SIGNIFICANCE One blessed with the heart of a visionary often struggles with the burden of living the ideal. There is constant tension between the desire to achieve and the desire to let go. It is even harder when one is faced with mounting unrealized expectations, fears of the unknown and the innate, but immature desire to compare accomplishments and output. Moments like this require what Ill call Divospection. This is unlike introspection which examines ones own thoughts and actions or retrospection which looks to the past. Divospection is the act of looking upwards and inwards, not to self but to the Divine- to God within. And it is only in looking at God that man can express the highest intentions of his Creator. Who wouldn't like to be a star? But stars twinkle, stars fade and stars die. While the moon endures, reflecting the unbroken light of the suns superior radiance. We are similar to both the stars and the moon in radiance. We shine with our God-given talents, abilities and skills yet we need the reflected glory of God to sustain what we carry. We are created to shine in the light of God. Eternal significance begins with surrender and service to the Source of sustainable life, power and glory. This means that you can never make yourself better than God can make you. Looking at the Divine and
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seeking Him transforms you. It unleashes and releases your best self to the world and puts you in a position of true significance. In these turbulent times we need Gods perspective more than ever before; we need to know His mind on issues. We need His ideas. We need to see as He sees and recognize what He is doing and our part in it. We must learn to look beyond ourselves. Self reliance is a deceptive crutch that often gives way in moments of greatest need. Therefore the Question shifts from What do I do? to Lord, what would You want me to do? The answer to that question opens the doorway to purpose, and the fulfillment of purpose is significance. This is true significance which continues speaking, long after time has faded into eternity. Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Advance! I and my family are having a fun time and I hope you are too. Christmas is a time of joy, happiness and fun with friends, family, neighbors and others in need. It is a time to be a channel of blessing to someone and be blessed by others. Speaking about channels of blessing, I read an article that blessed me and I would like to share it with you. Here goes: You have todays meal before you on the table, and sit and fret over what will be tomorrow-and you claim you are just being practical. This is not being practical; this is confusion. Every day you are nourished straight from His (Gods) full, open and overflowing hand. Everything in between-all your work and accounts and bills and receivables and clientele and prospects and investments-all is a cloud of interface between His giving hand and your soul if He is feeding you today, and He has fed and provided all you need and more all these days, what concerns could you have about tomorrow? Is there something that could stand in His way? Could He possibly have run out of means to provide for you?
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Take your focus off the limited channels by which you receive, and place your eyes on the Infinite Source of Giving. The Source has no lack of channels. This article was taken from a talk by a Rabbi called M. M. Schneerson and I trust it inspired you. As we enjoy the Christmas season. I think about how Jesus came to the earth as a baby and grew to become a man who would eventually give his life for the world. Some people in Jesus day found this hard to believe just like some people still do today. They expected a king; all flashy and majestic that would deliver them from Roman oppression. Jesus came humbly, born in a manger to deliver the world from spiritual oppression and destroy the works of the devil. Lets stop focusing on known channels folks and take the limits off. Let God be God and do what only He can do. Let us be open to God today, and His ability to bless us as He pleases through which ever channel He chooses. Have yourself a very merry Christmas and God bless us all. Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)
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MY GREEN 2013 Happy Green 2013! Speaking for myself, I know there are times I have shortchanged myself by not reaching for the best because I feared the feelings of failure that could come with not getting it. Today, it dawned on me that at the very least; reaching for the best will stretch me and increase my capacity for greatness and at most, would give me access to something better than what I had initially. I understand the fears, doubts, confusion and concerns that come with reaching for the best. I am no stranger to the self- imposed exposure to ridicule, criticism, envy, and flattery that come with reaching for the best. These are just some of the things that one must overcome in the fulfillment of destiny and pursuit of purpose which is what the best means to me. Reaching for the best aka pursuing purpose is a journey in transition. There are periods of uncertainty and there are moments of clarity. In reaching for purpose, you learn patience, build strength, develop character, form alliances, fight enemies, define boundaries, and take territories.

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2013 is that kind of season when you need to get going and reach for something amazing. Like I said in the SUN Report blog post titled Candles in the Sun, you might have dreams that are not flashy or flamboyant but the important thing is to reach out and act on them. Let me set the ball rolling by encouraging you to get a copy of My Green 2013. This is a fresh collection of 52 lush and inspiring notes to water your year and ensure that it yields the fruits you desire. Place your order by sending a request to or buying online at Amazon. Have a green 2013! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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LOVE CAME Part 1 You were sleeping when Love came Love came because its your time Not because of how hard you had cried When you thought you had passed your prime Or when your efforts to twist fate with faith Filled your mouth with a bitter aftertaste Love could have stopped you But Love was wise to let you try, Love knew what was in you The strength of your willful mind So you stretched and strained Observed by watchful eyes, Love looked on as you grew to maturity Love rejoiced when you were weaned from vanity Love smiled when you rejected evil pride Love sang when you put the past behind Wake up child, rise and shine Love is here; it is your time Ifeoma Akobi 2013
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I hope you enjoyed this piece of poetry; it's my Valentine's gift to you and a part of one my poetry collections. Also order your copies of My Green 2013 via or Amazon. Happy Green Valentine! :) Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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MAKE ROOM FOR MORE One key insight necessary for this season is to make room for more. If you know me, you will know that I am always on the lookout for increase and advancement. I am always seeking ways to get better. In the past it was like a struggle because the desire was born out of a sense of lack. It felt like something was missing and I was trying to put it back. Today I make room for more out of a heart of rest. I do not seek more because I lack. I seek more as an addition to what I have i.e. trading my talents or building my dreams. It is the principle in Matthew 25:29. The way I see it, those who have something or recognize what they have will get more and arrive at abundance. And those who despise what they have will lose even that which they had in the first place. So to make room for more we have to recognize and respect what we have. This makes room for addition, multiplier effects and exponential increase. I want you to make the most of 2013 and enjoy it to the last day of December. There are three keys that can help you make room for more. I call them the Catalysts. Its all in the book, My Green 2013 and you can order all your copies via email at now! Happy Valentine's Day! Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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SO FAR, SO GREEN Happy Green 2013! Its amazing what belief can do. It can bring good as well as bad. The undeniable truth is that belief has a crucial part to play in any tale of success or failure. We become what we believe, our reasoning becomes our reality and our expectations become our experiences. 13 is not a number favored by some, but for me and everyone who has keyed in with me, there is a revelation and a key to unlocking divine aspirations. This knowledge is shared through the My Green 2013 eBook series and from January till date, more and more testimonies are cropping up from people who have read Volume 1. Yippee! I am so excited These are amazing times my friends, so get in and get your copies of My Green 2013 if you havent done so already. This is just the beginning of the flow of blessings as 2013 begins the momentum we will carry into 2014 and beyond. I look forward to sharing more insights, ideas and inspiration with you. I love and appreciate you and look forward to celebrating your every
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success. Get your books on Amazon or order them from and enjoy! Lets toast to the beginning of better things to come. Its a Green 2013 and beyond! Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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JUST SAY THANK YOU! As one who has had the benefit of years of hearing The Word, I am quite familiar with the concept of grace. Some of my recollections on synonyms of grace include: Unmerited favor Gods Riches at Christs Expense (an acronym for GRACE) Underserved mercy Enablement Ability Power And in truth grace has all these embedded in it but yet it is so much more! This week I learnt that grace is the work God finished on my behalf. I learnt that Grace is about Gods pardoning, justifying, sanctifying, adopting, persevering and loving work in me and you. Grace is the cure for a broken heart, it is the answer to depression and the darkness of dire straits, it is the oil poured to heal a hurting heart, and it is water that refreshes a parched spirit. Grace goes beyond enablement to do; it is divine ability for what you and I cannot do. It is the next level of strength God gives us when we come to the end of ourselves. It comes to us in our loneliness, it accesses the
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hidden places, it binds up that which is broken, it restores all that was lost and it even adds extras because grace makes us better than we ever were. I do not think that the best things in life are free, and no better place do we see this than when we consider the concept of grace. Grace is not free but it is freely given. Grace cost Jesus his life and as he hung on the cross and later resurrected he gave us eternal victory. So receive the gift of grace, embrace His grace and just say Thank You. Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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TO LIVE AGAIN Good morning beautiful people, It is another great day on this side of the equator, and honestly, I am thankful! I am grateful for the things I can see and those I cannot see. I am appreciative for the things I can understand and those that still remain a mystery. Deep down in my heart and soul, I know that God is in full control. Tears are still being shed over the loss of lives in the plane crash, but for me and many of those I know, we do not grieve like those who have no hope. Weeping endures for a night but there will be joy in the morning. Loved ones are being buried. Adieus are being said. Its a time to bid farewell to family and friends. Yet for the living, life continues, this is not the end; it is just a bend on the path to purpose, a detour to destiny, a place where we learn to lean on Gods strength and move on in spite of our pain. They have gone; we must go on. We must work while it is day, with the conviction that our labor is not in vain. Let us reach out boldly and grasp our calling, let us be determined to give life all we can, let us use our time wisely, let us love truly. Yes, the storm came, with winds that made us bow in pain, then the floodgates opened and drenched us in the rain,
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lightning struck in places we considered safe, and thunder rumbled in the hearts of the brave. In an instant, lives were lost, hidden for eternity in the shadow of the cross. Yet we choose to keep faith, knowing whom we have believed as we wait for change waiting waiting. waiting with faith, hope and love. The sun will shine, the bird will sing, the dew will glisten on the leaves. Green grass will adorn the fields, and fill the air with the scent of spring. Something in the near future births the sound of laughter. Its a new season and a new day; it is time to live again. Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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GIFTS AND GOOD THINGS Hello! Hope you are enjoying your day regardless of whatever is going on. Its been raining cats and dogs in my corner of the world with a few hippos and rhinos thrown in, but then, I am thankful for life and everything it brings. This week was quite rough for me, battled through a fever and cold accompanied by its irritating cousins better known as cough and sore throat. All in all I am grateful; I am getting much better; my strength is increasing and my voice is back (join me in a little victory dance, please!). I have also done my best to follow all my own advice: rest well, eat well, sleep well, take my vitamins and supplements, and just do all the good things I often encourage my clients to do at IBI Specialties. I have been praying and meditating on scriptures too, as well as watching my favorite TV shows and movies. Fascinating mix of fitness, faith and fun, dont you think? Today I decided to do some reading, right after brunch. It was a novel about a womans determined rise from grass to grace and her unflinching determination to give her daughter, an only child, better opportunities in life. It was a worthwhile read and what I found most interesting was where she chose to concentrate most of her creative energy. She was an
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efficient nurse with an incredible talent for painting and interior dcor and why she did not or would not recognize and value this gift was a mystery to me. It really got me thinking. Is it easier to see the value in a profession because we train for it while natural abilities and things we are effortlessly good at are easily branded as hobbies? Do others need to continuously endorse our interests and inclinations before we can begin to see worth in doing the things we love? Why does a critical comment weigh more in the memory bank than a compliment? Deep questions with even deeper answers pointing to the fact that some of the little things that can easily be taken for granted are pointers to destiny. These are things I take a step further in Green Coaching which is my introductory offer to living a life of purpose, abundance, impact and Divine destiny. Get started by sending an email to to register for free. So as you live and learn, my purpose is to ensure that you leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of Divine destiny, and when you find it, to help you do what you can to guard, grow and give it. Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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CYCLES OF LIFE I am sitting at my fun station, writing down my thoughts. The air is humid and filled with the sweet, clean scent that comes after rain. Life has been interesting these past few days as I get my strength back. It is a real blessing to be able to do what you do in a creative and comfortable environment! Random thoughts of a Divine Diva I used to think of life in linear terms but in recent times I have come to regard life as a cycle. What this means is that Opportunity does not just knock once, it knocks and knocks and knocks! It may come disguised in different ways but it will still come. I found this thought very comforting and hope someone reading this post finds the same too. A linear view of life is a very narrow one. Life on earth begins with birth and typically ends with death but life does not begin in birth; life begins in eternity and eternity is a circle with no beginning and no end. This thought is also profound because it means that things are not always what they seem; there is more to life than eating and drinking, going out and coming in, working hard and having fun, birth and death. Life is a cycle; a cycle encompassing several cycles.

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It is a cycle in opportunity which means that although you missed a train in the past, you can still catch another one if you are patient and persistent. It is a cycle in responsibility which means that the things you take care of today can take care of you tomorrow. It is a cycle in possibility which means that we have to keep believing and watching for the conditions we desire to show up. It is a cycle in intensity which means that we have to accept and work through challenges, being mindful of change as the only constant in life. It is a cycle in eternity which means that our beginning does not begin with birth and our end does not end in death. Life is an unending cycle, rooted in eternity and sustained by divinity. Life is more than earthly existence; life is eternal fulfillment. Sign up for Green Coaching and live it up with me! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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SECRETS OF SUCCESS: The Sling As someone with a penchant for productivity and prosperity I am often on the lookout for ideas and concepts that can enhance peoples lives. My thoughts were recently drawn to thoughts on Davids sling. As I reread the full story in 1 Samuel 17, I noticed how he used it with a smooth stone and audacious faith to bring Goliath down. Beyond the slings function, a thought on its form or structure also caught my attention. If I held the elastic parts of the sling and stretched it sideways it would go as far as my own arms could reach. Now what would happen if I held one end and asked a friend to pull the other end? The sling would stretch even farther; maybe 2 or 3 times more than it stretched when I pulled it on my own. I quickly realized that there is so much more that we can accomplish when we partner together. Let us go further together. There is power behind team work and prosperity in unity. Therefore it is with great pleasure that I invite you to partner with me in pulling the sling of your success. Let me help in your preparation and process for greater success. Lets make the rest of the year a period to remember. Let us pull your sling to greater things. I will share more thoughts in my next note. Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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SECRETS OF SUCCESS: Green Coaching In my previous note, I used an analogy to explain how you can achieve so much more when you partner with my company. Let me take it a step further. When I started writing the Green 2013 series I wanted to pass across a message. It was and still is a message of hope, a message of growth, a message of love and a message of change. Many people bought the books and responded positively to its message but I still felt that something was missing. So I included thoughts on My Green 2013 in my Twitter feed and Facebook page. These were fresh thoughts that were inspired as I went through the year. However, the nagging feeling that something missing did not leave. I discovered that it was not enough to appreciate a good idea; one had to be accountable to a process and follow through. It was not enough to try, one had to trust. I noticed that care, clarity and commitment were essential to success in this journey. I also noticed that quite a number of coaching programs fell into a recognizable copy and paste syndrome. My hunger and thirst for something different led me to a place of purpose and eternal significance. And it was in this place of clarity and contentment that I was inspired to share more of the bounty God has given me with you.

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I invite you to register with Green Coaching (its free) and learn, work and have fun with our amazing modules. Get started by sending an email to with Green Coaching as the subject. Walk on with me; the best is yet to be. Yours in Destiny, Ifeoma Akobi (Iddiva)

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DOUBLE D (Why I do what I do) Good morning all, It is a bright and beautiful day and I love every minute of it! Here I am, a beautiful babe (SAIKI!), sold out to God and doing my best each day to live my purpose. I have discovered that my reason for being is to accomplish purpose and the reason behind each breath I take is a desire for destiny. I am not here because some monkey suddenly felt the instinct to stop moving on all fours or because a big bang boomed out of nothingness. I am here for a reason aka purpose and all my resources aka potential are employed and deployed in the fulfillment of that purpose. You should know that it wasnt always like this; there was a time when my thoughts were on acquiring things, success, achievement, even creativity. Though none of these things are bad in themselves, with the benefit of understanding, study, exposure to great people and time, I have come to the final conclusion that I am here for a purpose and I am endowed with all the potential I need to achieve that purpose. So for me, success goes beyond money or fame. It goes beyond checking another item on my to do list. Success is about fulfilling purpose; using all I am and all I have to bring the One who created me so wonderfully and so perfectly, glory.

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Thats why Im here, to lift up His name, to tell the whole world the reason He came. Thats why Im here, to glorify Him; Hes the only one who deserves my praise, thats why Im here. Thank you Lenny Leblanc, you sang those words so well. So that explains it; the reason for the Double D i.e. Divine Diva hence the title of this blog and my moniker Iddiva which means Ifeoma Divine Diva. This is my song and my story. Not for fame or loads of money but to give Him alone all the glory. This is why I do what I do; I was born to do this! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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SIGNPOSTS TO DESTINY Hello! Hope you are having a lovely May Day. I have been in a strategic empowering session for the better part of today. It has been time well spent learning and exchanging ideas with lots of other leaders and it has been simply amazing! I was speaking to a friend yesterday when something struck me: Desires are pointers to Destiny! Destiny is not as mysterious as it seems. The simple things you enjoy doing or having can give you an idea of your path in life. I remember a friend I had who loved history while growing up and today works with curators at art galleries and museums. It is interesting how desires to change certain conditions or passion for a cause or causes can often be signposts to destiny or pointers to purpose. Remember Mother Theresa? Her desire to alleviate the pain of the suffering poor led her to make choices that gave her a permanent place in history. In this sense, it becomes clear that we do not choose destiny rather it chooses us. The previous statement becomes even more powerful when we consider that we did not create ourselves. We are simply not creatures by chance; rather we are products of Gods intelligent design, created and crafted for a unique purpose.

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As we learn to convert our passion to power, we find ourselves fulfilling our purpose and achieving destiny. We find ourselves crafting destiny and creating extraordinary results from our innate and external resources. So celebrate your dreams and recognize your desires as indicators of destiny or purpose. Your desires were not given to you to only work hard and earn a living; your desires also serve a greater purpose of bringing the fullness of fulfillment to your life and giving you not just a place in history but the opportunity to make history in your lifetime. Don't waste your desires, emotions, passion or ideas. Someone can benefit from your courage and genius. Even anger at issues in society can be converted positively into opportunities to make a difference. Be the miracle you desire this week and always. God bless you! Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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ANOTHER PIECE OF ME Hello my people, how you dey? Yes I am going African and more specifically Nigerian on you today and this is one of the ways we greet our very own; How you dey? is pidgin for How are you? Another greeting is the 'chop knuckle' but that is another story for another day. I was sitting at a beautifully decorated table enjoying a wedding reception with some friends when one of them asked me how publishing my poetry book Scent of Water was going. I excitedly showed her my Smartphone with some illustrations and art work that would go into the book and left her to her thoughts while exchanging pleasantries with another friend that had just stepped in. I did a mental somersault moments later when she made a comment while handing me back my phone. Simply put, she didnt know I was a poet until recently. Whoa! I stopped sipping my drink to analyze this unacceptable situation. She knew me as a pharmacist, entrepreneur, singer and model but had never seen my poetic side. I knew without anyone nudging me that this was one wrong I had to write! LOL So since Charity begins at home as the adage says, here are two poems I have written which are taken from my soon to be published poetry collection, Scent of Water. Enjoy!
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VOICE OF NATURE The earth quakes The seas roar The volcanoes erupt The skies thunder. A link in the cycle of life Or a fit of rebellious strife, Inevitable actions of Mother Nature Or angry outbursts of disrupted composure, The balance of the earth shape shifting As impatient man continues plundering Created resources to satisfy endless cravings Eventually leaving her bare and barren?
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The mountains crumble The ice melts The waters rise The forests shrink The winds howl Chance happenings in existence Or developments cure, curse and consequence. LET LOVE CONTINUE Let love continue Let the elixir of life flow forever From one heart to another, The ties of kinship The bond of friendship The yoke of fellowship
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The cords of relationship, Let love continue. Hope you enjoyed reading these pieces as much as I enjoyed writing them. You can also visit and like my page for more inspiration and information on my works and release dates. Keep it real and keep on achieving. Yours in Destiny, IFEOMA AKOBI (IDDIVA)

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OTHER BOOKS BY IFEOMA AKOBI My Green 2013- The First of 13 Lush and Inspiring Notes My Green 2013- The Second of 13 Lush and Inspiring Notes My Green 2013-The Third Season My Green 2013- And Better Beginnings

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COMING SOON Scent of Water Wealth Begins with You! Musings of a Maven- The Perfect Collection

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ifeoma Akobi also known as Iddiva is a beautiful, stylish woman of industrious spirit, intelligent mind and incredible heart. She is a pharmacist, published author, poet, professional and creative lifestyle coach and business woman with interests in health and wellness, publishing and consumer goods. She also writes and records music. She possesses a great work ethic, a delightful sense of humor and a rich store of wit. She is passionate about life, economic empowerment, and building healthy families and societies. In 2013 she wrote and published a collection of 4 books in the My Green 2013 Series (available on Amazon) and started Green coaching services. She is currently working on more books, products and services to inspire and share with the world through her personal work and Iddiva Group. Get more information on her resources, events, training and speaking schedule as well as information on Iddiva Group from Connect with me: Twitter: @IfeomaAkobi Email: Published by Iddiva Impressions An Iddiva Company
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