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Lab 5 Theme

Magnetic Fields & Forces

PHYS 142

This lab is all about exploring the basic tenets of magnetism: How o magnets interact! "hat oes the magnetic fiel of a magnet #loo$ li$e%! "hat is the effect of a magnetic fiel on an electric charge! &o electric charges create magnetic fiel s!

"e will spen a few wee$s in class to sort out the ifferent interactions between magnets an electric charges an currents' but for the moment' here is a (ualitati)e list: The basic #constituent% of a magnet is a magnetic dipole* +agnets generate a magnetic field B which exerts a torque' an perhaps a force' on another magnet* ,lectric currents cause magnetic fiel s that #wrap aroun % the wire* ,lectric charges mo)ing in a magnetic fiel experience a eflecting force /Lorentz force0 that is perpen icular to their irection of motion and the magnetic fiel * ,lectric charges experience an electric force in a magnetic fiel B/t0 that )aries with time* The current pro)o$e b. this electric force generates a magnetic fiel that opposes the change in the magnetic fiel /Lenz' rule0*

1n this lab' let2s perform a few experiments that emonstrate these rules (ualitati)el. using permanent magnets' currents through wires' an non-magnetic con uctors* There is also a (uantitati)e experiment where .ou will measure the relati)e strength of the magnetic fiel pro uce b. a wire coil as a function of the current an the number of win ings in the coil* To (uantif. the magnitu e of a magnetic fiel Bu of un$nown strength but fixe irection /here' the fiel in the center of a wire coil0' we appl. a constant fiel Bo /create b. permanent magnets0 in a irection perpen icular to Bu ' an use a compass to measure the angle 3 of the total fiel B 4 Bu 5 Bo relati)e to the constant fiel Bo * The angle 3 changes with the magnitu e Bu of the un$nown fiel : Bu 4 Bo tan 3 /see figure0* Hence' a plot of tan 3 )s* the parameters affecting Bu /current I' number of loops N0 re)eals how the relati)e fiel strength is changing* Equipment: "e will use 6n arra. of permanent rare-earth magnets 7ompasses an magnetic probes to etermine the irection of the fiel "ire coils an solenoi s with current sources use to ma$e electromagnets 6 catho e ra. tube that can be use to obser)e the motion of charges in magnetic fiel s 8onmagnetic metal tubes an plates for obser)ing e 6n electric motor . currents

Lab 5

Magnetic Fields & Forces

PHYS 142

Warning: 9are-earth permanent magnets are very strong* The. will spontaneousl. lift an )iolentl. :ump to another magnet or iron ob:ect in their )icinit.' an ma. shatter upon impact /the. are ma e from ceramic material0* ;eep them well separated from each other' an handle them safely< = 7atho e ra. tubes are e)acuate glass tubes that are un er enormous pressure from the atmosphere aroun us> the. will implo e when amage * Be careful. Some Questions to Explore 1* 7arefull. stu . the force between two permanent magnets* 1s it attracti)e or repulsi)e! How oes it (ualitati)el. change with istance! 2* How oes a compass react to the permanent magnet! 7on)ince .ourself that the reaction of the nee le is best explaine as a tor(ue ue to the magnetic fiel * ?* @se a compass an Aor a magnetic probe to trace out the fiel lines create b. a permanent magnet* "hat $in of fiel o .ou obtain! 4* @se the power suppl. to sen a current of up to ? 6 through a single wire* /Birst as$ how the current limiter wor$s on these supplies*0 @se a small compass or probe to test the magnetic fiel in the )icinit. of the wire* "hat fiel lines o .ou obtain! /Note: Bor a useful rea ing' ma$e sure there is no permanent magnet an.where close<0 5* 9epeat the same proce ure for a wire coil /#solenoi %0* C* Set up the wire coil with a large compass an two permanent magnets attache to the stan * @se the Bu 4 Bo tan 3 metho to stu . the magnitu e of the magnetic fiel at the center of a coil as a function of the current I through the coil' an its number of loops N* D* Stu . the trace of light generate b. the electron beam in the catho e ra. tube* "hat path o the charges follow when a /largel. uniform0 magnetic fiel is applie using the coils! 7an .ou funnel the charges using a permanent / ipole0 magnet! E* Strange effects occur when .ou tr. to pass a /non-magnetic0 aluminum plate between the poles of a magnet* 6lso' rop a magnet through a /non-magnetic0 copper tube* 7ompare to a plastic tube* "hat happens when the copper tube has a slit in it! F* "e will suppl. a basic electric motor* @se the power suppl. /the 5 Golt outlet0 to appl. a constant current in the coils* /You will ha)e to #$ic$-start% the motor b. han to get it spinning*0 7an .ou figure out how the motor wor$s!

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