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Mathematics 536 Statistics


Section 1
1.2 Practise
1. a) Knowing that the range = max - min, the range = 1.85 - 0.42 = 1.43 m
b) By entering the values in the graphics calculator, you get Q3 = 1.415 and
Q1 = 1.165.
Q 3 − Q1
Knowing that the semi-interquartile interval = , we obtain
1.415 - 1.165
semi-interquartile range = = 0.125 m

c) Figure 1.1
xi 1.85 0.95 1.04 1.15 0.80 1.18 1.32 1.45 1.24 1.03 1.28

xi − x .585 .315 .225 .115 4.65 .085 .055 .185 .025 .235 .015

xi 1.75 1.42 1.53 1.22 1.24 1.27 1.18 1.53 1.29 1.41 0.99

xi − x .485 .155 .265 .045 .025 .005 .085 .265 .025 .145 .275

xi 1.33 1.21 1.28 1.52 1.65 0.42 1.80 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.42

xi − x 0.65 0.55 .015 .225 .385 .845 .535 .165 .015 0.85 .155 Sum Average

xi 1.26 1.32 1.18 1.32 1.22 1.05 1.23 1.42 0.75 1.15 1.32 55.67 1.265

xi − x .005 .055 .085 .055 .045 .215 .035 .155 .515 .115 0.55 7.990 .182 E.M.

N.B. To complete the table more rapidly, you can use the graphics calculator.
You enter the list in L1 STAT 1
You move right to list L2, directly at the top on L2, and enter the following
formula: ABS ( L1 - LIST MATH


d) On the calculator, you use σ (because n = 44 ⇒ n > 30)

standard deviation ≈ 0.2601 m

1.80 − 1.2652
e) Z≈ ≈ 2.0561

Correction Guide C.1

Mathematics 536 Statistics

f) Analyzing the preceding results, we see that:

• the size of the doctor’s patients varies up to a maximum of 1.43 m.
• the interquartile range indicates that 50% of the doctor’s patients are in a
range 0.125 m above or below the mean
• the mean deviation indicates that the mean of the variations from the
mean is 0.182 m, that is the mean variation is 0.182 m.
• the standard deviation, calculated by the complicated and
incomprehensible formula, alone gives a realistic representation of the
variation. We can conclude that 95% of the sizes are between 0.735 m
and 1.796 m (1.265 - 2 x 0.2652 = 0.735 and 1.265 + 2 x 0.2652 = 1.796)
• the Z score for Max (2.0561) shows that he is one of the doctor’s tallest
patients. Effectively, with a Z score greater than twice the standard
deviation, Max is at least 2.5% + 95% ≈ 97.5% in terms of percentile rank.
Country Population Pop. density Births Deaths
X 1000 per km2 Rate per 1000 inhabitants
Canada 28 753 2.9 13.5 7.2
Germany 81 190 227.5 10.0 11.0
Australia 17 657 2.3 14.7 6.9
Austria 7 884 94.0 12.0 10.5
Belgium 10 045 329.3 12.5 10.6
Denmark 5 189 120.4 12.9 12.1
Spain 39 083 77.4 10.0 8.5
U.S.A. 257 908 27.5 15.7 8.8
Finland 5 066 15.0 12.8 10.1
France 57 667 105.0 13.0 9.1
Greece 10 368 78.5 9.8 9.4
Ireland 3 524 50.1 15.0 8.8
Iceland 258 2.5 17.5 7.0
Italy 56 120 186.3 10.1 9.6
Japan 124 670 330.3 9.5 7.0
Luxembourg 387 148.9 13.0 9.6
Norway 4 312 13.3 13.9 10.9
New Zealand 3 480 13.0 16.8 7.7
Holland 15 300 375.0 12.8 9.0
Portugal 9 888 107.0 11.5 10.7
U.K. 58 191 237.7 13.5 10.9
Sweden 8 745 19.4 13.5 11.1
Switzerland 6 938 168.0 12.1 9.1
Turkey 59 490 76.2 23.3 6.7

Sum 872 113 2 807.5 319.4 222.3

Mean 36 338 117.0 13.3 9.3
i) range 257 650 372.7 13.8 5.4
ii) interquartile range 25 883 79.97 1.275 1.275
iii)mean variation 36 968 89 2.03 1.28
iv) standard deviation 56 664 113 3.00 1.57

v) Canada’s Z score -0.134 -1.014 0.064 -1.318

C.2 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics


Population Canada is slightly below the average of the other countries studied
(Z ≈ -0.134).

Pop. Density Canada’s population density is clearly below the average (117
inhabitants per km2). The explanation is simple - Canada has a low
population in a very large total area. (Z ≈ -1.014)

Birth Rate The Canadian birth rate is very close to the average of the countries
studied (Z ≈ 0.064). Note that this relatively low (13.5/100 = 1.35%). To
maintain population levels, it is said by certain specialists that a birth rate
of 2% is ideal.

Death Rate Canada is well below the average of these countries in death rate (Z ≈ -
1.3). One could suggest that this is due to the relatively good quality and
wide availability of health services.

1.3 Review Exercises

1. Figure 1.3
Name Formula Method Interpretation Limitations
Range max - min Mental calculation Maximum variation Mediocre - no use
when there are a
few extreme
Semi-interquartile Q3 − Q1 Box and whisker Spread of the central Limited value as
Range 2 plot on graphics 50% of the data half the data is not
calculator used
Mean Variation ∑ xi - X Table of values in Average of the Long process and
which the variation variations from the not useful when
n from the mean mean there are extreme
column is added values
Standard 2 Graphics calculator Ideal measure of When n > 30,
∑ xi − X
Deviation σ = dispersion replace n - 1 by n
n − 1 in the formula.
For a sample
where n < 30,
replace σ by S

Correction Guide C.3

Mathematics 536 Statistics

2. Figure 1.4
Name Formula Method Interpretation Limitations
Z score xi − X Calculator Indicates position with About 95% of
Z= respect to a set of values are situated
σ values. Position between +/- 2
indicated in terms of standard
standard deviation deviations on
either side of the

1.4 Going Further

Figure 1.5
Xi − X
Xi Xi − X Xi 2

7 3 9 49
8 4 16 64
3 -1 1 9
1 -3 9 1
1 -3 9 1
4 0 0 16
24 0 44 140

∑ xi − X 44
Formula 1 s = Y s= . 2.9664
n − 1 5

∑x 2
24 2
∑x i − 140 −
2 i

s = Y s=
n 6
Formula 2 . 2.9664
n − 1 5

Although it is not clear from this example, the second formula is recommended
because it requires a less complicated table of values. With today’s calculators and
computers, this does not pose a problem, but it should be noted that it rapidly becomes
much more complicated when the mean is not a whole number. Furthermore, virtually
all calculators have the ∑x2 and ∑x buttons used in the formula 2.

C.4 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

Section 2
2.2 Practise
1. Figure 2.1
Linear correlation Other
Situation positive negative non-existent strong correlation
a x x
b x x
c x
d x
e x
f x
g x x
h x x
i x x
j x
k x
l x

2. a) i) Independent variable: number of hours spent practising a sport

Dependent variable: number of hours spent watching television

ii) Hours



10 20 30 x
hours spent on sport
N.B. The variables could be reversed.

Correction Guide C.5

Mathematics 536 Statistics

iii) The linear correlation coefficient is negative.

iv) a) By the scattergram: r = − 1 − . − 0.67


b) Using a calculator: r ≈ -0.8256

v) The number of hours spent watching television is strongly dependent\

on the number of hours spent practising sport. Thus, the more time
people spend playing sports, the less time they spend watching

vi) a) From the graph, using the points (0, 23) and (32, 0):
0 − 23 − 23
a = = = − 0.71875 and b = 23
32 − 0 32
The equation is y = -0.71875x + 23

b) By a graphics calculator, the equation is y = -0.6152x + 20.1989

vii) If x = 10 hours of sport played, then y = -0.6152(10) + 20.1989 =

14.047. So, if a person plays an average of 10 hours of sport per
week, s/he will spend an average 14 hours watching TV per week.

b) i) Independent variable: engine capacity (cm3)

Dependent variable: fuel consumption (L/100 km)

consumption 20
(L/100 km)



1500 2000 2500 3000 x

Engine capacity (cm 3)

iii) The linear correlation coefficient is positive.

r = 1 −
0 . 35
iv) a) From the scattergram: 2.2 . 0.84
b) By the calculator: r ≈ 0.98

C.6 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

v) The fuel consumption of an automobile depends almost perfectly

on the engine capacity. The larger the motor, the higher the fuel

vi) a) From the graph: Using the points (1700, 820 and (3300, 14.5) on
the line:

14.5 − 8.2 6.3

a = = = 0.0039
3300 − 1700 1000
(1700, 82) and a = 0.0039 in y = ax + b
Y 8.2 = 0.0039( 1700) + b
Y b = 1.5063
The equation is y = 0.0039x + 1.5063

b) From the graphics calculator:

The equation is y = 0.040x + 0.7056

vii) If your car has a 4 L or 4000 cm 3 engine (1 L = 1000 cm3), you can
expect to use about 16.88 litres of gasoline per 100 km driven.

c) i) Independent variable: height (number of concrete blocks)

dependent variable: number of bounces

ii) Number of 19



3 6 9 12 15 18 x
Height (concrete blocks)

iii) The linear correlation coefficient is positive.

r = 1 −
iv) a) From the scattergram: 4.4 . 0.72
b) By the graphics calculator: r ≈ 0.92

Correction Guide C.7

Mathematics 536 Statistics

v) Is the calculator fooling us? If the ellipse reflects the form of the
scattergram, this method seems to be in error. In reality, the
correlation is probably not linear, but is probably a square root

vi) and vii) are not applicable.

d) i) Independent variable: time (number of days without electricity)

Dependent variable: number of candles burned.

ii) y

Number of 20
burned 15


2 4 6 8 10 12 x
days without electricity)

iii) The linear correlation coefficient is positive.

r = 1 − 3 . 5 . 0.31
Iv) a) From the scattergram:
b) By the calculator: r ≈ 0.3085

v) The coefficient tells us that the linear correlation is scarcely

significant (< 0.4). This suggests that there is no direct cause and
effect relationship between the number of candles burned and the
length of the power outage. Other factors may be involved,
however, such as the use of other methods of lighting, whether
people stayed at home etc.

vi) and vii) not applicable

e) i) Independent variable: age of the Toyota Tercel (years)

Dependent variable: Price ($)

C.8 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

ii) Price


15 000

10 000

5 000

3 6 9 12 15 18 x
Age (years))

iii) The linear correlation coefficient is negative.

r = − 1 − . − 0.72
iv) a) From the scattergram: 4.3

b) From the calculator: r ≈ -0.93

v) The results indicate a very strong linear correlation between the

age of the car and its price. The greater the number of years, the
more the value decreases. However, it is reasonable to assume
that the rate of change is not constant. After a new car is bought, its
value drops very rapidly from its purchase price, but, thereafter, the
rate of depreciation slows down. In this case (when one considers
the depreciation from new) an exponential correlation may be
more appropriate.

vi) a) From the graph: (1, 15 000) and (15, 0) are points on the linear
regression line. So:
0 − 15 000 − 15 000
a = = = − $1 071. 43 per year
15 − 1 14
Putting (1, 15 000) and a = − 1 0071. 43 in y = ax + b
Y 15 000 = − 1 071. 43( 1) + b
Y b = $16 071. 43

The equation is: y = -1 071.43x + 16 071.43

b) Using the calculator:The equation is: y = -857.47x + 14 053.04
vii) Hence, you can expect a 10-year old Tercel to cost $5 478.32 since
if x = 10, then y = -857.47(10) + 14 053.04 = $5 478.32

Correction Guide C.9

Mathematics 536 Statistics

2.3 Review Exercises

1. a) None b)Negative c) Positive d) Negative e) None

2. a) Strongly positive b) weakly positive

c) More or less positive (other factors may have an influence in certain years)
d) Strongly negative e) None

r = " 1 −
3. L

4. 1. d 2. a 3. f 4. e 5. b 6. c

5. The correlation is the relationship which exists between two variables. It

measures the strength of the linear relation. It may be strongly or weakly
negative, strongly or weakly positive or non-existent.

6. No, other forms of non-linear relations are possible, for example a parabolic
relation or an exponential relation.

7. The line of regression represents the mathematical model of the relation

between the two characteristics being studied.

8. Too narrow a sample.

2.4 Going further

1. a) Figure 2.2
x y x2 y2 xy
1 3 1 9 3
11 18 121 324 198
3 6 9 36 18
9 15 81 225 135
5 9 25 81 45
7 12 49 144 84
∑x = 36 ∑y = 63 ∑x2 = 286 ∑y2 = 819 ∑xy = 483

C.10 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

n∑xy − ∑x ∑y
b) r =
n∑x − ∑x ∗ n∑y − ∑y
2 2 2 2

6 ∗ 43 − 36 ∗ 63
= 2
6 ∗ 286 − ∗ 6 ∗ 819 −
36 63

2 898 − 2 268
1 716 − 1 296 ∗ 4 914 − 3 969

420 ∗ 945


= 1
c) A perfect (maximal) positive correlation. The points are located exactly
on, and not dispersed around, a straight line.

d) Use a graphics calculator

e) r=1

f) Certainly!

2. a) Figure 2.3
x y x2 y2 xy
12 16 144 256 192
16 20 256 400 320
19 25 361 625 475
10 12 100 144 120
13 9 169 81 117
16 30 256 900 480
12 9 144 81 108
12 8 144 64 96
∑x = 110 ∑y = 129 ∑x2 = 1 574 ∑y2 = 2 551 ∑xy = 1 908

Correction Guide C.11

Mathematics 536 Statistics

n∑xy − ∑x ∑y
b) r =
n∑x − ∑x ∗ n∑y − ∑y
2 2 2 2

8 ∗ 1 908 − 110 ∗ 129

8 ∗ 1 574 − ∗ 8 ∗ 2 551 −
2 2
110 129

15 264 − 14 190
12 592 − 12 100 ∗ 20 408 − 16 641

1 074
492 ∗ 3 767

1 074
1 361. 4

= 0.79

c) There is a strong dependence between the two variables. The trend

indicates that the greater the number of years of education, the better the
salary. This conclusion does not, of course, exclude a certain number of

C.12 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

Section 3
Situation 1

a) The unemployment rate is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, between the

number of workers (the employed) and the active population. If you find the ratio
between the number employed and the total population, you will obtain the
value in the last column of the modified table shown on the next page.

Figure 3.1
Active Rate of Employ Unempl Unempl Time Total Ratio
pop. activity ed oyed oyment zone pop. (employ
(thousa (%) (thousa (thousa rate (GMT) (thousan ed/total
nds) nds) nds) (%) ds pop.)
Newfoundland 237.8 53.1 196.0 41.9 17.6 4.5 447.8 43.8
P.E.I. 70.1 65.5 59.9 10.3 14.7 5 107.0 56.0
Nova Scotia 453.5 60.9 402.6 50.9 11.2 5 744.7 54.1
New Brunswick 368.1 60.9 320.4 47.7 13.0 5 604.4 53.0
Quebec 3669.7 61.7 3256.1 413.6 11.3 6 5 947.6 54.7
Ontario 6011.1 66.4 5533.0 478.1 8.0 6 9 052.9 61.1
Manitoba 575.2 66.8 542.4 32.8 5.7 7 86101 63.0
Saskatchewan 510.8 67.0 482.4 28.4 5.6 7 762.4 63.3
Alberta 1589.1 72.5 1503.6 85.4 5.4 8 2 191.9 68.6
British Columbia 2004.9 64.0 1818.2 186.6 9.3 9 3 132.7 58.0
x y z a = x - y a/x*100 b = x/y*100 z/b*100

You will notice that in Quebec only about 54% of the population has a job. You must
bear in mind that this includes children and retired people. You cannot conclude too
quickly, however, that half of the population takes care of the needs of the other half.
Retired people have, for the most part, significant pension income for which they have
already paid. They do not, therefore, live at the expense of others. Perhaps the word
“unemployed” itself has been devalued and has taken on an a negative interpretation
in our society.

Correction Guide C.13

Mathematics 536 Statistics

b) The best way to consider the position of a data point with respect to a
distribution is to find its Z-score. To do this, you need the mean and the standard
deviation. The Z-score for Quebec is:

11.3 − 10.2
Z= . 0.27

This indicates that Quebec is situated in the middle of the list of Canadian
provinces with regard to the unemployment rate even if its rate is a little above
the Canadian average of 10.2%.

c) Here is the relevant information:

Figure 3.2
Unemployment rate 17.6 14.7 11.2 13.0 11.3 8.0 5.7 5.6 5.4 9.3
Time zone (GMT) 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

From this table, it is possible to draw a scattergram, but the graphic calculator is
probably a more appropriate tool. By entering the two lists, you should obtain:

Coefficient of correlation r = -0.7385

Equation y = -2.0764x + 23.1577

Figure 3.3
Rate (%0 20.0




5 6 7 8 9 x
Time zone

This suggests that the time zone influences fairly strongly the unemployment
rate. Thus, in Alaska (zone = 10 hours GMT: Greenwich Mean Time), you could
predict that the unemployment rate will be y = -2.0764(10) + 23.1577 =
2.3937%, and that in France, it will be y = -2.0764(0) + 23.1577 = 23.1577%.

C.14 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

Considering these results realistically, we would probably doubt the accuracy of

this model since an unemployment rate of 2.4% in Alaska seems fairly
ridiculous (virtually everyone would be employed). For France, however, the
result is even worse. 23.2% unemployment is far from reality. Furthermore, if we
continued to calculate for countries to the east of France, the model would show
a steadily increasing unemployment rate!

Situation 2

a) Entering the data in a calculator should give a correlation coefficient

r ≈ -0.8861

b) One method is to draw a scattergram. This allows us to see easily if there is an

extreme value which could affect the results. Here is the graph:

Figure 3.4

temperature 35





20 40 60 x

You can see that one point appears to be out of line with the others. This point
represents the city of Bogota. In fact this result is explicable, since it is not only
latitude, but other factors which influence temperature. Altitude is also
particularly important. This is so for Bogota which is located very high above
sea level.

Correction Guide C.15

Mathematics 536 Statistics

c) If we remove Bogota, the correlation coefficient is r = -0.9597. This indicates a

very strong linear correlation and so that the temperature is very much
dependent on the latitude.

d) The equation for the line of regression is y = -0.4325x + 35.6, so the town of St.
Mêton would be expected to have a maximum average daily temperature of
about y = -0.4325 (49)+ 35.6 ≈ 14.4°C. This is, of course, highly unlikely since
St. Mêton is a town in Quebec!

e) y = 0 ⇒ 0 = -0.4325x + 35.6 ⇒ -35.6 = -0.4325x ⇒ x ≈ 82.3° of latitude.

Situation 3

a) Range = max - min ⇒ range = 126.3 - 56.9 = 69.4 (that is to say that the
value of the houses in this area vary by about $69 400. This is very large, and is
at the base of the problem).

Interquartile range = Q 3 - Q 1 ⇒ 112.6 - 74.8 = 37.8 (that is to say that 50%

of the houses are priced within a range of $18 900).

Figure 3.5 Deviation from the mean

Evaluation ($1 000) 89.5 79.9 83.1 56.9 66.6 82.5 126.3 79.3

Deviation from the mean 0.66 8.94 5.74 31.94 22.24 6.34 37.46 9.54

119.9 87.6 112.6 120.8 78.5 74.3 74.8 88.84

31.06 1.24 23.76 31.96 10.34 14.54 14.04 16.65

Note that the final column gives the mean evaluation and the mean deviation
from the mean. These two figures indicate that an average house is evaluated
at $88 400 and that the mean deviation is $16 650.

Standard deviation: From the calculator, the standard deviation = $21 095.

With these different measures of dispersion, it is clear that house values vary
considerably in Jean’s neighbourhood. This has a direct effect on house prices.

b) Since this is the only sample that Jean has, she has no choice but to use it.
Furthermore, she cannot disregard a sample just because it shows a very wide
dispersion of values.

C.16 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

c) Evidently, Jean’s house is right at the top of the list of evaluations of houses in
her neighbourhood. In spite of this, she wants to raise the evaluation.

d) Yes, the correlation coefficient (r ≈ 0.81) indicates that the size of a house
strongly influences its evaluation, and hence the tax imposed. The graphic
calculator gives the following rule:
y = 0.4196x + 18.22 where x and y represent the surface area and the
evaluation respectively.

Thus, the realistic evaluation of Jean’s house would be:

y = 0.4196(370) + 18.22 ≈ 173.47 (or $173 470)

e) The cost of reconstruction is not the only factor in determining evaluation levels
in a municipality. Another factor is the value of other properties in the
neighbourhood. The relatively low evaluation of Jean’s house is because she
has built a veritable palace compared to the other houses in the
neighbourhood. This is an error which has enormous consequence on sale

f) Because with a lower municipal evaluation, she will pay less municipal and
education taxes, since these are determined according to the municipal

Situation 4

Different answers are possible. An example:

Figure 3.06
Range Mean Standard

Distribution 1 15 18 14 20 25 10 18 15 19 32 22 18.6 6.2

Distribution 2 16 9 15 31 16 17 18 13 11 10 22 15.6 6.2

Situation 5

Draw the ellipse for each situation and find the measure of the major and minor axes.

0.3 2.3
First graph: r≈1 − ≈ 0.88 Second graph: r≈1 − ≈ 0.23
2.5 3

Correction Guide C.17

Mathematics 536 Statistics

In the first situation, the coefficient (0.88) indicates a very strong relation. On the
contrary, in the second, adding some values which don’t follow the same tendency, the
situation is not at all like a straight line.

Conclusion: We must be careful about the size of a sample, because if it is too limited,
one may conclude too rapidly that there is a correlation. In this case, it is beginning at
the 11th data point that things start to go wrong.

Situation 6

A good way is to use the Z score which gives a comparison with respect to the mean
while also allowing for the dispersion in the data. Here are the tables of values for the
three schools with the Z scores of each of the students added.
Figure 3.7
St. Jim’s School
Student A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17
Average 85 80 86 71 72 86 75 72 60 84 87 72 78 82 79 76 76 77.7

Z Score 1.02 0.32 1.16 -0.94 -0.80 1.16 -0.38 -0.80 -2.49 0.88 1.31 -0.80 0.04 0.60 0.18 -0.24 -0.24

St. Gil’s School

Student B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13
Average 72 68 79 82 83 78 77 90 75 72 72 71 78
Z Score -0.63 -1.26 0.49 0.96 1.12 0.33 0.17 2.24 -0.15 -0.63 -0.63 -0.79 0.33

B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20

70 82 65 77 81 80 89 75.9

-0.95 0.96 -1.74 0.17 0.81 0.65 2.08

St. Bea’s School

Student C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14
Average 60 80 85 70 72 90 88 77 72 63 78 69 72 82 75.6

Z Score -1.75 0.50 1.06 -0.62 -0.40 1.62 1.39 0.16 -0.40 -1.4 10.27 -0.74 -0.40 0.72

The students called for interview are:

A1 (85%), A3 (86%), A6 (86%), A11 (87%), B5 (80%), B20 (89%), B8 (90%), C3 (85%),
C7 (88%) and C6 (90%). You may notice that the lowest mark among the students
selected is 80% although A10 was not selected despite a mark of 84%. Why?

C.18 Correction Guide

Mathematics 536 Statistics

Situation 7

a) Cholesterol with respect to mass: r ≈ 0.2653

Cholesterol with respect to age: r ≈ 0.8374
Age has a greater influence than mass.

b) y = 0.1318x - 1.8289

The rate of change of the cholesterol level is 0.1318 mg/100 ml per year.
It is not necessary to determine the equation for Cholesterol level and mass
since the correlation coefficient indicates that the relation is not dependent.

c) No, you would need data for cholesterol level prior to treatment. One would
guess that young people begin with a lower level of blood fat than older people.

Correction Guide C.19

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