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200 BW Questions and Answers for INTERVIEWS

Doc text: 1) Please describe your experience with BEx (Business Explorer) A) Rate your level of experience with BEx and the rationale for youre self-ratin B) !ow "any #ueries have you developed$ % &) !ow "any reports have you written$ ') !ow "any wor(boo(s have you developed$ E) Experience with )u"p tar ets (*+,P- use )u"p tar et) .) 'escribe experience with B/-co"patible E,+ tools (e0 0 Ascential) 1) 'escribe your experience with 2rd party report tools (&rystal 'ecisions- Business *b)ects a plus) 2) 'escribe your experience with the desi n and i"ple"entation of standard 3 custo" 4nfo&ubes0 10 !ow "any 4nfo&ubes have you i"ple"ented fro" start to end by yourself (not with a tea")$ 10 *f these &ubes- how "any characteristics (includin attributes) did the lar est one have0 20 !ow "uch custo"i5ation was done on the 4nfo&ubes have you i"ple"ented$ 6) 'escribe your experience with re#uire"ents definition7 atherin 0 8) /hat experience have you had creatin .unctional and ,echnical specifications$ 9) 'escribe any testin experience you have% :) 'escribe your experience with B/ extractors 10 !ow "any standard B/ extractors have you i"ple"ented$ 10 !ow "any custo" B/ extractors have you i"ple"ented$ ;) 'escribe how you have used Excel as a co"pli"ent to BEx A) 'escribe your level of expertise and the rationale for your self-ratin (experience with "acros- pivot tables and for"attin ) B) <) 'escribe experience with ABAP

1=) 'escribe any hands on experience with A>AP ?ethodolo y0 11) 4dentify >AP functional areas (>E?- &R?- etc0) you have experience in0 'escribe that experience0 11) /hat is partitionin and what are the benefits of partitionin in an 4nfo&ube$ A) Partitionin is the "ethod of dividin a table (either colu"n wise or row wise) based on the fields available which would enable a #uic( reference for the intended values of the fields in the table0 By partitionin an infocube- the reportin perfor"ance is enhanced because it is easier to search in s"aller tables0 Also table "aintenance beco"es easier0 12) /hat does Rollup do$ A) Rollup creates a re ates in an infocube whenever new data is loaded0 16) /hat are the inputs for an infoset$ A) ,he inputs for an infoset are *'> ob)ects and 4nfo*b)ects (with "aster data or text)0 18) /hat internally happens when B/ ob)ects li(e 4nfo *b)ect- 4nfo &ube or *'> are created and activated$ A) /hen an 4nfo*b)ect- 4nfo&ube or *'> ob)ect is created- B/ "aintains a saved version of that ob)ect but does not "a(e it available for use0 *nce the ob)ect is activated- B/ creates an active version that is available for use0 19) /hat is the "axi"u" nu"ber of (ey fields that you can have in an *'> ob)ect$ A) 190 1:) /hat is the specific advanta e of +* extraction over +4> extraction$ A) ,he load perfor"ance of +* extraction is better than that of +4>0 4n +4> two tables are used for delta "ana e"ent that is cu"berso"e0 4n +* only one delta #ueue is used for delta "ana e"ent0 1;) /hat is the i"portance of =RE@A4'$ A) 4t is the 4nfo*b)ect for Re#uest id0 *RE@A4' enables B/ to distin uish between different data records0 1<) &an you add pro ra"s in the scheduler$ A) Bes0 ,hrou h event handlin 0 1=) /hat is the i"portance of the table R*4'*&PR?>$

A) 4t is an 4'*& para"eter source syste"0 ,his table contains the details of the data transfer li(e the source syste" of the data- data pac(et si5e- "axi"u" nu"ber of lines in a data pac(et- etc0 ,he data pac(et si5e can be chan ed throu h the control para"eters option on >B4/ i0e0- the contents of this table can be chan ed0 11) /hat is the i"portance of Cstart routineC in update rules$ A) A >tart routine is a user exit that can be executed before the update rule starts to allow "ore co"plex co"putations for a (ey fi ure or a characteristic0 ,he start routine has no return value0 4ts purpose is to execute preli"inary calculations and to store the" in a lobal data structure0 Bou can access this structure or table in the other routines0 11) /hen is 4'*& data transfer used$ A) 4'*&s are used for co""unication between lo ical syste"s li(e >AP R72- R71 and non->AP syste"s usin A+E and for co""unication between an >AP R72 syste" and a non->AP syste"0 4n B/- an 4'*& is a data container for data exchan e between >AP syste"s or between >AP syste"s and external syste"s based on an E'4 interface0 4'*&s support li"ited file si5e of 1=== bytes0 >o 4'*&s are not used when loadin data into P>A since data there is "ore detailed0 4t is used when the file si5e is lesser than 1=== bytes0 12) /hat is partitionin characteristic in &*-PA used for$ A) .or easier parallel search and load of data0 16) /hat is the advanta e of B/ reportin on &*-PA data co"pared with directly runnin the #ueries on &*-PA$ A) B/ has a better perfor"ance advanta e over reportin in R720 .or a hu e a"ount of data- the R72 reportin tool is at a serious disadvanta e because R72 is "odeled as an *+,P syste" and is ood for transaction processin rather than analytical processin 0 18) /hat is the function of B/ statistics cube$ A) B/ statistics cube contains the data related to the reportin perfor"ance and the data loads of all the 4nfo&ubes in the B/ syste"0 19) /hen an *'> is in CoverwriteC "ode- does uploadin the sa"e data a ain and a ain create new entries in the chan e lo each ti"e data is uploaded$ A) Do0 1:) /hat is the function of Cselective deletionC tab in the "ana e-Econtents of an infocube$ A) 4t allows us to select a particular value of a particular field and delete its contents0 1;) /hen we collapse an infocube- is the consolidated data stored in the sa"e infocube or is it stored in the new infocube$ A) 'ata is stored in the sa"e cube0

1<) /hat is the effect of a re ation on the perfor"ance$ Are there any ne ative effects on the perfor"ance$ A) A re ation i"proves the perfor"ance in reportin 0

2=) /hat happens when you load transaction data without loadin "aster data$ A) ,he transaction data ets loaded and the "aster data fields re"ain blan(0 21) /hen iven a choice between a sin le infocube and "ultiple 4nfo&ubes with a "ultiprovider- what factors does one need to consider before "a(in a decision$ A) *ne would have to see if the 4nfo&ubes are used individually0 4f these cubes are often used individuallythen it is better to o for a "ultiprovider with "any cubes since the reportin would be faster for an individual cube #uery rather than for a bi cube with lot of data0 21) !ow "any hierarchy levels can be created for a characteristic info ob)ect$ A) ?axi"u" of <; levels0 22) /hat is open hub service$ A) ,he open hub service enables you to distribute data fro" an >AP B/ syste" into external data "artsanalytical applications- and other applications0 /ith this- you can ensure controlled distribution usin several syste"s0 ,he central ob)ect for the export of data is the 4nfospo(e0 Asin this- you can define the ob)ect fro" which the data co"es and into which tar et it is transferred0 ,hrou h the open hub service- >AP B/ beco"es a hub of an enterprise data warehouse0 ,he distribution of data beco"es clear throu h central "onitorin fro" the distribution status in the B/ syste"0 26) /hat is the function of CreconstructionC tab in an infocube$ A) 4t reconstructs the deleted re#uests fro" the infocube0 4f a re#uest has been deleted and later so"eone wants the data records of that re#uest to be added to the infocube- one can use the reconstruction tab to add those records0 4t oes to the P>A and brin s the data to the infocube0 28) /hat are secondary indexes with respect to 4nfo&ubes$ A) 4ndex created in addition to the pri"ary index of the infocube0 /hen you activate a table in the ABAP 'ictionary- an index is created on the pri"ary (ey fields of the table0 .urther indexes created for the table are called secondary indexes0 29) /hat is 'B connect and where is it used$ A) 'B connect is database connectin piece of pro ra"0 4t is used in connectin third party tools with B/ for reportin purpose0 2:) &an we extract hierarchies fro" R72 for &*-PA$

A) Do /e cannot- FD* hierarchies in &*7PAG0 2;) Explain Hfield na"e for partitionin in &*-PA A) ,he &*7PA partitionin is used to decrease pac(a e si5e (e % co"pany code) 2<) /hat is I2 update "ethod $ A) 4t is a pro ra" in R72 source syste" that schedules batch )obs to update extract structure to data source collectively0 6=) 'ifferences between seriali5ed and non-seriali5ed I2 updates 61) /hat is the co""on "ethod of findin the tables used in any R72 extraction A) By usin the transaction +4>,>&!E?A we can navi ate the tables0 61) 'ifferences between table view and infoset #uery A) An 4nfo>et @uery is a #uery usin flat tables0 62) !ow to load data fro" one 4nfo&ube to another 4nfo&ube $ A) ,hro 'ata?arts data can be loaded fro" one 4nfo&ube to another 4nfo&ube0 66) /hat is the si nificance of setup tables in +* extractions $ A) 4t adds the >election &riteria to the +* extraction0 68) 'ifference between extract structure and datasource A) 4n 'atasource we define the data fro" diff source sys-where as in extract struct it contains the replicated data of datasource n where in we can define extract rules- n transfer rules B) Extract >tructure is a record layout of 4nfo*b)ects0 &) Extract >tructure is created on >AP B/ syste"0 69) /hat happens internally when 'elta is 4nitiali5ed 6:) /hat is referential inte rity "echanis" $ A) Referential inte rity is the property that uarantees that values fro" one colu"n depend on values fro" another colu"n0,his property is enforced throu h inte rity constraints0 6;) /hat is activation of extract structure in +* $ 6<) /hat is the difference between 4nfo 4'oc and data 4'oc $

8=) /hat is '-?ana e"ent in +* $ A) 4t is a "ethod used in delta update "ethods- which is based on chan e lo in +*0 81) /hat is entity relationship "odel in data "odelin $ A) An ER'(Entity Relation 'ia ra") that can be used to enerate a physical database0 B) 4t is an hi h level data "odel0 &) 4t is a sche"atic that shows all the entities within the scope of inte ration and the direct relationship between the entities0 81) /hat is the difference between direct delta and #ueued delta updates in +* $ 82) /hat is non-cu"ulative infocube $ 86) /hat (ind of tools are available to "onitor the overall @uery Perfor"ance$ 88) !ow can we have a delta update for eneric data source $ 89) /hat are the "ethods available to debu the load failures $ 8:) /hat is data"inin concept $ A) Process of findin hidden patterns and relationships in the data0 B) /ith typical data analysis re#uire"ents fulfilled by data warehouses-business users have an idea of what infor"ation they want to see0 &) >o"e opportunities e"body data discovery re#uire"ents-where the business user wants to correlate sets of data to deter"ine ano"alies or patterns in the data0 8;) /hat is scorin $ 8<) Asa e of Jeo-coordinates $ A) ,he eorelevant data can be displayed and evaluated on a "ap with the help of the BEx ?ap0 9=) /hat are the different #uery areas related to 4nfoset $ A) Ku"p #ueries-*'> #ueries areas are related to 4nfo>et 91) !ow does the ti"e dependency wor(s for B/ ob)ects $ A) ,i"e 'ependent attributes have values that are valid for a specific ran e of dates(i0e valid period)0 91) /hat is 4L4>*AR&E$ A) Da"e of the 4nfo>ource 92) /hat is 4L,L.4E+'>$ A) +ist of the transfer structure fields0 *nly these fields are actually filled in the data table and can be sensibly addressed in the pro ra"0 96) /hat is &L,L'A,A$ A) ,able with the data received fro" the AP4 in the for"at of source structure entered in table R*4> (field R*4>->,RA&,ARE)0

98) /hat is 4LAP'?*'E$ A) ,ransfer "ode as re#uested in the >cheduler of the Business 4nfor"ation /arehouse0 Dot nor"ally re#uired0 99) /hat is 4L,L>E+E&,$ A) ,able with the selection criteria stored in the >cheduler of the >AP-Business 4nfor"ation /arehouse0 ,his is not nor"ally re#uired0 9:) /hat is >eriali5ed I2 Apdate$ A) ,his is the nor"al update "ethod0 !ere- docu"ent data is collected in the order it was created and transferred into the B/ as a batch )ob0 ,he transfer se#uence is not the sa"e as the order in which the data was created in all scenarios0 9;) /hat is 'irect 'elta$ A) 4n this "ethod- extraction data is transferred directly fro" docu"ent postin s into the B/ delta #ueue0 ,he transfer se#uence is the sa"e as the order in which the data was created0 9<) /hat is @ueued 'elta$ A) 4n this "ethod- extraction data fro" docu"ent postin s is collected in an extraction #ueue- fro" which a periodic collective run is used to transfer the data into the B/ delta #ueue0 ,he transfer se#uence is the sa"e as the order in which the data was created0 :=) /hat is Anseriali5ed I2 Apdate$ A) ,his "ethod is al"ost exactly identical to the seriali5ed update "ethod0 ,he only difference is that the order of docu"ent data in the B/ delta #ueue does not have to be the sa"e as the order in which it was posted0 /e only reco""end this "ethod when the order in which the data is transferred is not i"portant- a conse#uence of the data tar et desi n in the B/0 :1) /hat are the different Apdate ?odes$ A) >eriali5ed I2 Apdate B) 'irect 'elta &) @ueued 'elta ') Anseriali5ed I2 Apdate :1) /hat are the different ways 'ata ,ransfer$ A) &o"plete Apdate% All the data fro" the infor"ation structure us transferred accordin to the selection criteria defined in the scheduler in the >AP B/0 B) 'elta Apdate% *nly the data that has been chan ed or is new since the last update is transferred0 ,o use this option- you "ust activate the delta update0 :2) /hat is the "a)or i"portance for the usa e of *'> *b)ect$ A) *'> is "a)orly used as a sta in area0 :6) /hat is the benefit of usin B/ reportin over >AP Reportin $ A) Perfor"ance

B) 'ata Analysis &) Better front end reportin 0 ') Ability to pull the data fro" >AP and Don - >AP sources0 :8) 'ifferences between star and extended star sche"a $ A) >tar sche"a% *nly characteristics of the di"ension tables can be used to access facts0 Do structured drill downs can be created0 >upport for "any lan ua es is difficult0 B) Extended starsche"a% ?aster data tables and their associated fields(attributes)0 External hierarchy tables for structured access to data0 ,ext tables with extensive "ultilin ual descriptions0 :9) /hat are the new features of >AP B/ 2=b$ ::) /hat are the new features of the R2 Plu in P41==1L10 :;) /hat are the "a)or errors in B/ and R2 pertainin to B/$ A) Errors in loadin data (*'> loadin - &ube loadin - delta loadin etc) B) Errors in activatin B/ or other ob)ects0 &) 4ssues in delta loadin s :<) /hen are tables created in B/$ A) when the ob)ects are activated- the tables are created0 ,he location depends on the Basis installation0 ;=) /hat is a start routine and return table- how do they synchroni5e with each other$ A) >tart routine is used at update rules and return table is used to return the Ialue followin the execution of start routine ;1) /hat is the difference between start routine and update routine- when- how and why are they called$ A) >tart routine can be used to access 4D.*PA&MAJE- update routines cant0 ;1) /hat are the different Don - R72 syste"s that B/ supports$ ;2) 4n a eneral pro)ect- how "any 4nfo&ubes- 4nfo*b)ects- 4nfo>ources- ?ulti-Providers can you expect$ A) 4t depends on si5e of the pro)ect inturn their business oal0'iffers fro" pro)ect to pro)ect0 ;6) /hat does a ? table si nify$ A) ?aster table0 ;8) /hat does a . table si nify$ A) .act table ;9) /hat is data warehousin $ A) 'ata /arehousin is a concept in which the data is stored and analysis is perfor"ed over it0 ;:) /hat is process chain and how you used it$ A) Process chains are tool available in B/ for Auto"ation of upload of "aster data and transaction data while ta(in care of dependency between each processes0 B) 4n one of our scenario we wanted to upload wholesale price infoob)ect which will have wholesale price for

all the "aterial0 ,hen we wanted to load transaction data0 /hile loadin transaction data to populate wholesale price- there was a loo( up in the update rule on this 4nfo*b)ect "asterdata table0 ,his dependency of first uploadin "asterdata and then uploadin transaction data was done throu h the process chain0 ;;) /hat are Re"otecubes and how you accessed and used it in your pro)ect$ A) A Re"ote&ube is an 4nfo&ube whose transaction data is not "ana ed in the Business 4nfor"ation /arehouse but externally0 *nly the structure of the Re"ote&ube is defined in B/0 ,he data is read for reportin usin a BAP4 fro" another syste"0 B) Asin a Re"ote&ube- you can carry out reportin usin data in external syste"s without havin to physically store transaction data in B/0 Bou can- for exa"ple- include an external syste" fro" "ar(et data providers usin a Re"ote&ube0 ;<) !ope you have wor(ed on enhance"ents and on which userexit you wor(ed can you explain$ A) Extended the 'ata source =?A,ER4A+LA,,R - =P+AD,LA,,R- =?A,LP+AD,LA,,R for ?aster 'ata load fro" R72 to B/0 Edited Aser exit EN4,L>AP+R>APL==1 to populate ?aster 'ata for extended fields and EN4,L>AP+R>APL==1 for transaction data to extract fro" R72 to B/ <=) /hat is the t-code for eneric extractor$ A) R>*1 <1) /hat is infoset #uery$ A) 4nfo>et is special (ind of 4nfoProvider0 4t is used to report by Koinin *'> *b)ects and 4nfo*b)ects0 4nfo>ets have been used in the Business 4nfor"ation /arehouse for 4nfo*b)ects ("aster data)- *'> ob)ectsand )oins for these ob)ects0 ,he 4nfo>et @uery can be used to carry out tabular (flat) Reportin on these 4nfo>ets0 <1) /hat is the purpose of a re ates$ A) A re ates are li(e indices to database tables0 ,hey are rolled up data on few characteristics on which report is run fre#uently0 ,hey are created for perfor"ance i"prove"ent of reportin 0 4f a report is used very extensively and its perfor"ance is slow then we can create a re ate on the characteristics used in the reportso that when the report runs *+AP processer selects data fro" a re ate instead of cube0 <2) !ow you did 'ata"odelin in your pro)ect$ Explain A) /e had collected data fro" the user and created !+'(!i h level 'esi n docu"ent) and we analy5ed to find the source for the data0 ,hen data"odels were done indicatin dataflow- loo(ups0 /hile desi nin the data"odel considerations were iven to use existin ob)ects(li(e *'> and &ube) not storin redundant datavolu"e of data- Batch dependency0 <6) As you said you have wor(ed on &ubes and *'>-/hich one is better suited for reportin $ Explain and what are the drawbac(s n benefits of each one A) &ubes are best for reportin to #ueries0 4t runs faster0 4n *'> we can have only si"ple reports0 4f we #uery based on Don(ey fields('ata fields) in *'> then- report runs slower0 But in *'> we can overwrite- non (ey fields0 But we can not overwrite in &ube0 ,his is one of the disadvanta e in &ube0 <8) /hat are the different cubes you wor(ed in .4$ A) Please loo( at Business content cubes and B/ docu"entation on the" to answer this #uestion0

<9) /hat is delta upload$ /hat is the use of delta upload$ 'ata that has been chan ed or added is extractor or full data is extractor$ A) /hen transactional data is pulled fro" R2 syste" instead of pullin all the data daily(4nstead of havin full load)- if we pull only the chan ed records- or newly added records- the load on the syste" will be very less0 >o where ever it is possible we have to o for delta load than full load0 <:) /hat are hierarchies$ Explain how you used in your pro)ect$ A) !ierarchies are or ani5in data in a structured way0 .or exa"ple B*?(Bill of "aterial) can be confi ured as hierarchies0 <;) /hat is t-code for &*-PA$ A) MEB= <<) /hat is >4'$ what is the i"pact in usin >4'$ A) 4n B/ the infor"ation is stored as >4's0 >4's are Auto enerated nu"ber assi ned to each characteristic value when they are uploaded0 >earch on Du"eric character is always faster than Alpha characters and hence >4's are assi ned for each characteristic values0 1==) /hat is ,able partitionin $ /hat are Return ,ables$ A) 4f we have =&al"onth or =.iscper as ti"e characteristic- then we can partition the fact table physically0 ,able portionin has to be supported by the 'atabase0 *racle- 4nfor"ix- 4B? 'B172<= supports table partitionin 0 >AP 'B- ?icrosoft >@+ >erver 4B? 'B176== does not support table portionin 0 ,able partitionin helps to run the report faster as data is stored in the relevant partition0 B) 4n Apdate rule routine- 4f we want to return "ultiple records- instead of sin le value- we can use this return table0 1=1) /hat is the t-code for @uery ?onitor$ A) R>R, 1=1) Apart fro" R72 -which le acy db you used for extraction $ A) /e had le acy syste" called &A?0 &A? syste" had *pen order infor"ation which was full load every day to *? >chedule line *'>0 &A? syste" was connected to R2 throu h 'B connect0 1=2) /hat are the three *'> *b)ects table explain$ A) *'> *b)ect has three tables called Dew- Active and &han e lo 0 As soon as new data co"es into *'>that is stored in *'>0 /hen it is activated- the new data is written to Active table0 &han e is written in the chan e lo 0 1=6) &an you explain about >tart routines how you used in your pro)ect ive "e an exa"ple$ A) 4n start routine is used for "ass processin of records0 4n start routine all the records of data pac(a e is available for processin 0 >o we can process all these records to ether in start routine0 4n one of scenario- we wanted to apply si5e O to the forecast data0 .or exa"ple if "aterial ?1 is forecasted to say 1== nos in ?ay0 ,hen after applyin si5e O(>"all 1=O- ?ediu" 6=O- +ar e 1=O- Extra +ar e 1=O)- we wanted to have 6 records a ainst one sin le record that is co"in in the info pac(a e0 ,his is achieved in start routine0

1=8) 4n update rules for an infocube we can specify separate update rules for characteristics of each of the (ey fi ures0 4n which situations is the above used$ A) ,o be discussed(,B')0 1=9) *ther than B/- what are the other E,+ tools used for >AP R72 in industry$ A) 4nfor"atica- A&,A- &*JD*>- Business *b)ects are other E,+ tools0 1=:) 'oes any other ERP software use B/ for data warehousin 0 A) D*0 1=;) /hat is the i"portance of hierarchies$ A) *ne can display the ele"ents of characteristics in hierarchy for" and evaluate #uery data for the individual hierarchy levels in the Business Explorer (in /eb applications or in the BEx Analy5er)0 1=<) /here is =RE&*R'?*'E infoob)ect used$ A) 4t is used in 'elta ?ana e"ent0 *'> uses *RE&*R'?*'E info ob)ect for delta load0 *RE&*R'?*'E has values as N-'-R0 4n delta data load N "eans rows to be s(ipped- ' 3 R for delete and Re"ove of rows0 11=) /hat is operatin concern in &*-PA$ A) An or ani5ational structure that co"bines controllin areas to ether in the sa"e way as controllin areas roup co"panies to ether0 111) 'oes all the characteristics present in *'>- are (ey fields0 A) Do0 An *'> ob)ect contains (ey fields (for exa"ple- docu"ent nu"ber7ite") and data fields that can also contain character fields (for exa"ple- order status- custo"er)0 111) /hat is the use BAP4- A+E$ A) BAP4- A+E PE set of pro ra"s which will Extract data fro" data sources0 B/ connects >AP syste"s(R72 or B/) and flat files via A+E0 B/ connects with non >AP syste"s via BAP40 112) /hat is the i"portance of H&o"poundin of infoob)ects$ A) A &o"pound attribute differentiates a characteristic to "a(e the characteristic uni#uely identifiable0 .or exa"ple- in a Plant- there can be so"e si"ilar products "anufactured0 (Plant A-- >oap-Paste-+otionQ plant B->oap- paste- +otion) 4n this case Plant A and Plant B should be "ade uni#ue0 >o the characteristics can be co"pounded to "a(e the" uni#ue0 116) Are there any li"itations for BEx analy5er$ A) ,B' 118) !ow does BEx analy5er connect to B/$ A) Bex Analy5er is connected with *+AP Processor0 *+E 'B &onnectivity "a(es Bex Analy5er connects with B4/0

119) /hat is field partitionin in &*-PA$ A) 4nternally allocates space in database0 4f needed table resides in one or few partitions- then only these partitions will be selected and exa"ined by >@+ state"ent- therby si nificantly reducin 47* volu"e0 11:) /here to chec( the lo for warnin "essa es appearin in activation of transfer rules$ A) 4f transfer rules are not defined for 4nfo ob)ects- then traffic li hts will not be reen0 11;) /hat are the advanta es of reportin on an infocube to that of reportin on an *'>$ A) @uery perfor"ance will be ood with 4nfocube0 4nfocube has "ultidi"ensional "odel where as *'> is a flat table0 A re ates and ?ulti provider can be built upon 4nfocube- which will enhance the @uery perfor"ance0 A re ates and "utiproviders cannot be built on *'>0 11<) !ow does a navi ational attribute differ fro" other attributes in ter"s of lin(in it with the infocube$ A) ,B' 11=) !ow does delta update "echanis" wor( in *'>$ A) *'> has three database tables0 Dew ,able- Active ,able and &han e +o ,able0 4nitially new data are loaded and their traces are (ept in &han e lo table0 /hen another set of data co"es- it actually co"pares with chan e lo and transfers the data (delta data) into active table and also notes in &han e lo 0 Everyti"e the tables are co"pared and data is written into the tar ets0 111) /hat is ti"e dependent "aster data$ A) ,i"e dependant "aster data are one which (eeps chan in accordin to ti"e0 .or exa"ple% Assu"e a >cenario- >ales person A wor(s in East Rone till (Kan 2=th 1==6)- and then "oves to Dorth Rone fro" Kan21 st 1==60,hus the "aster data with re ard to >ales person A- should be chan ed to differnt 5one based on a ti"e 111) &an we load transaction data into infocube without loadin the "aster data first$ A) yes0 112) /hat is difference between Hsavin and Hactivatin $ A) 4n B4/- >avin --E actually saves the defined structure and retrieves whenever re#uired0 B) Activatin ---E 4t saves and enerates re#uired tables and structures0 116) /hy do we use only one client in B/$ 118) /hat is ti"e dependent "aster data$ A) ,i"e dependant "aster data are one which (eeps chan in accordin to ti"e0 .or exa"ple% Assu"e a >cenario- >ales person A wor(s in East Rone till (Kan 2=th 1==6)- and then "oves to Dorth Rone fro" Kan21st 1==60 ,hus the "aster data with re ard to >ales person A- should be chan ed to different 5one based on a ti"e 119) /hat are the advanta es of a re ates$ A) A re ates "a(e it possible to access 4nfo&ube data #uic(ly in Reportin 0 A way to database indexes- to i"prove perfor"ance0 re ates serve- in a si"ilar

11:) 4n which situations we cannot use a re ates$ A) if data provider is *'>0 11;) A re ates are reco""ended in the followin cases-

A) ,he execution and navi ation of #uery data leads to delays with a roup of #ueries0 B) Bou want to speed up the execution and navi ation of a specific #uery0 &) Bou often use attributes in #ueries0 ') Bou want to speed up reportin with characteristic hierarchies by a re atin specific hierarchy levels0 11<) /hat does delta initiali5ation do$ A) 4t "a(es B/ to expect the data fro" >ources- after full update0 4t initiali5es the delta Apdate "echanis" for that datasource0 12=) /hat is difference between delta and pseudo delta$ A) >o"e data tar et and "odule has delta Apdate feature0 ,hose can be used for delta Apdate of data0 >ay *'>- &*PA are delta capable0 data can be expected sta e wise0 After first accu"ulation of data- B4/ expects the data in delta wise for these data tar et0 /hen the other data tar et do not have these feature (delta update)they can be "ade delta capable usin *'> as data tar et0 121) /hat are the ,hird Dor"al .or" and its co"parison with >tar >che"a$ A) ,hird nor"al for" is nor"ali5ed for" of storin data in a relational database0 4t eli"inates functional dependencies on non-(ey fields by puttin the" in a separate table0 At this sta e- all non-(ey fields are dependent on the (ey- the whole (ey and nothin but the (ey0 B) >tar sche"a is a denor"ali5ed for" of storin data- which paves the path for storin data in a "ultidi"ensional "odel0 121) /hat is A>AP "ethodolo y A) A>AP is a standard "ethodolo y for efficiently i"ple"entin and continually opti"i5in the >AP software0 A>AP supports the i"ple"entation of the R72 >yste" and of "y>AP0co" &o"ponents- and can also be used for up rade pro)ects0 4t provides a wide ran e of tools that helps in all sta es of i"ple"entation pro)ect - fro" pro)ect plannin to the continual i"prove"ent of the >AP >yste"0 ,he two (ey tools in A>AP are% ,he 4"ple"entation Assistant- which contains the A>AP Road"ap- and provides a structured fra"ewor( for your i"ple"entation- opti"i5ation or up rade pro)ect0 ,he @uestion 3 Answer database (@3Adb)- which allows you to set your pro)ect scope and enerate your Business Blueprint usin the >AP Reference >tructure as a basis0 122) >i nificance of infoset0 A) 4nfoset describes data sources that are defined as a rule as )oins of *'> ob)ects or 4nfo *b)ects0 An 4nfoset is a se"antic view of data sources and is not a physical data tar et in itself0 *ne can define reports in the BEx @uery desi ner usin activated info sets0 126) 'ifferences between "ulticube and re"ote cube0 A) A ?ulticube is a type of 4nfo Provider that co"bines data fro" a nu"ber of 4nfo Providers and "a(es the" available as a whole to reportin 0 B) A Re"ote &ube is an 4nfo&ube whose transaction data is not "ana ed in the Business 4nfor"ation

/arehouse but externally0 *nly the structure of the Re"ote &ube is defined in B/0 ,he data is read for reportin usin a BAP4 fro" another syste"0 128) +ife period of data in F&han e +o G of an *'>0 A) ,he data of &han e +o can be scheduled to be deleted periodically0 Asually the 'ata is re"oved after it has been updated into the data tar ets0 129) 'rilldown "ethod of 4nfocube to *'>0 A) A "ulti provider can be desi ned to include the *'> and the 4nfocube in #uestion0 ,his ives a chance to drilldown fro" 4nfocube to the *'>0 12:) /hat are Finbound *'>G and Fconsistent *'>G$ A) 4n an 4nbound *'> ob)ect- the data is saved in the sa"e for" as they are when delivered fro" the source syste"0 ,his *'> type can be used to report the ori inal data as it co"es fro" the source syste"0 B) 4n a &onsistent *'> ob)ect- data is stored in ranular for" and consolidated0 ,his consolidated data on a docu"ent level creates the basis for further processin in B/0 12;) +ife period of data in P>A0 A) 'ata in P>A is deleted when one feels that there is no need for any use of it in future0 ,here is a trade off between wasta e of space and usa e as a bac( up for data in the source syste"0 12<) !ow to load data fro" one infocube to another $ A) A data source is created fro" the infocube which is supposed to feed0 ,his can be done by ri ht-clic(in on the infocube and selectin Fexport data sourceG0 ,hen a suitable infosource can be created for this data source0 And the intended data tar et infocube can be fed0 16=) /hat is FactivationG of ob)ects $ A) Activation of ob)ects enables the" to be executed- in other words used elsewhere for different purposes0 Anless an ob)ect is activated it cannot be used0 161) Are (ey fi ures navi able $ A) Do- (ey fi ures are not navi able0 161) /hat is transactional *'>$ A) A transactional *'> ob)ect differs fro" a standard *'> ob)ect in the way it prepares data0 4n a standard *'> ob)ect- data is stored in different versions (active- delta- "odified)- whereas a transactional *'> ob)ect contains the data in a sin le version0 ,herefore- data is stored in precisely the sa"e for" in which it was written to the transactional *'> ob)ect by the application0 162) Are >4's static or dyna"ic$ A) >4's are static0 166) 4s data in 4nfocube editable$ A) Do0

168) /hat are data-"arts$ A) A data "art is also (nown as a local data warehouse0 4t is an i"ple"entation of a data warehouse with a restricted scope of content- with support for analytical processin and servin a sin le depart"ent- part of an or ani5ation- or a particular data analysis proble" do"ain0 169) /hich one is "ore denor"ali5edQ *'> or 4nfocube$ A) 4nfocube is "ore nor"ali5ed than *'>0 16:) 4s &*-PA delta capable $ A) Bes- &*-PA is delta capable0 16;) /hat is Freplication of data sourceG process $ A) Replication of data source enables the extract structure fro" the source syste" to be replicated in the tar et syste"0 16<) Any #uality chec(s available for inefficient cube desi ns $ A) !u e 'i"ension tables "a(e a cube inefficient0 18=) /hy not star-sche"a is i"ple"ented for *'> as well $ A) Because *'> is "eant to store a detailed docu"ent for #uic( perusal and help "a(e short-ter" decisions0 181) /hy do we need separate update rules for characteristics on each (ey fi ure$ A) 4t is dependent on the Business re#uire"ent0 181) Ase of !ierarchies0 A) Efficient reportin is one of the tar ets of usin hierarchies0 Easy drilldown paths can be built usin hierarchies0 182) /hat is SReferential 4nte rityS$ A) A feature provided by relational database "ana e"ent syste"s (R'B?>Cs) that prevents users or applications fro" enterin inconsistent data0 .or exa"ple- suppose ,able B has a forei n (ey that points to a field in ,able A0 Referential inte rity would prevent you fro" addin a record to ,able B that cannot be lin(ed to ,able A0 4n addition- the referential inte rity rules "i ht also specify that whenever you delete a record fro" ,able A- any records in ,able B that are lin(ed to the deleted record will also be deleted0 ,his is called cascadin delete0 .inally- the referential inte rity rules could specify that whenever you "odify the value of a lin(ed field in ,able A- all records in ,able B that are lin(ed to it will also be "odified accordin ly0 ,his is called cascadin update0 186) /hat is a ,ransactional &ube and when is it preferred$ A) ,ransactional 4nfo&ubes differ fro" Basic 4nfo&ubes in their ability to support parallel write accesses0 Basic 4nfo&ubes are technically opti"i5ed for read accesses to the detri"ent of write accesses0 ,ransactional cubes are desi ned to "eet the de"ands of >E?- where "ultiple users write si"ultaneously into a cube and data is read as soon as possible0 188) /hen is the data in &han e +o table of *'> deleted0 A) 'eletin data fro" the chan e lo for an *'> ob)ect is reco""ended if several re#uests- which are no lon er re#uired for the delta update and also are no lon er used for an initiali5ation fro" the chan e lo - have

already been loaded into the *'> ob)ect0 4f a delta initiali5ation for the update exists in connected data tar ets- the re#uests have to be updated first before the respective data can be deleted in the chan e lo 0 189) *n what occasions do we have different update rules for each of the Mey .i ures in an 4nfo &ube and how would data be stored in such cases0 A) 4f we want to ive different values to characteristics dependin on each of the (ey fi ure values- we have different update rules0 >ay we have two (eyfi ures- cost and profit- if we have a entry for account typedependin on each of (eyfi ure we can classfiy account as hi h cost- low cost or hi h profit or low profit0 4f we have seperate update rules for each of the (ey .i ures- there can be "ultiple rows in the infocube correspondin to each row in the transaction data0 18:) /hen are S!ierarchiesS used in an info ob)ect and how do they differ fro" the hierarchies available in BEx while #ueryin 0 A) !ierarchies are used for "odelin hierarchical structures0 !ierarchies defined in info ob)ects should be loaded li(e "aster data- whereas it is needed creatin hierarchies in BEx while #ueryin 0 .urther in BEx we have the flexibility of exchan in the nodes and leaves0 18;) /hat (inds of data fields are used in +ine 4te"s- ,ransactional .i ures and &ost of >ales +ed er$ A) &hec( the respective tables in R720 18<) /hat are A re ates and when are they used$ A) An a re ate is a "ateriali5ed- a re ated view of the data in an 4nfo&ube0 4n an a re ate- the dataset of an 4nfo&ube is saved redundantly and persistently in a consolidated for" into the database0 A re ates "a(e it possible to access 4nfo&ube data #uic(ly in Reportin 0 A re ates can be used in followin cases% 10 ,he execution and navi ation of #uery data leads to delays with a roup of #ueries0 10 Bou want to speed up the execution and navi ation of a specific #uery0 20 Bou often use attributes in #ueries0 60 Bou want to speed up reportin with characteristic hierarchies by a re atin specific hierarchy levels0 19=) !ow is the data of different "odules stored in R72$ A) 'ata is stored in "ultiple tables in R72 based on ER? (Entity Relationship) "odel to prevent the reduntant stora e of data0 191) 4n what cases to we transfer data fro" one info cube to another0 A) ?odifications canCt be "ade to an infocube if there is data present in the infocube0 4f we want to "odify an infocube and no bac(up for data exist then we can desi n another infocube with the para"eters specified and load data fro" the old infocube0 191) !ow often do we have a ?ulti-layered structure in *'> sta e and in what cases0 A) ?ulti-layered structure in *'> sta e is used to consolidate data fro" different data sources0 192) !ow is data extracted fro" syste"s other than R72 and .lat files$ A) 'ata is extracted fro" syste"s other than R72 and flat files usin sta in BAP4Cs0 196) /hen do ,R.& and i'*& errors occur$ A) An inter"ediate docu"ent (4'oc) is a container for exchan in data between R72- R71 and non->AP

syste"s0 4'ocs are sent in the co""unication layer by transactional Re"ote .unction &all (tR.&) or by other file interfaces (for exa"ple- E'4)0 tR.& uarantees that the data is transferred once only0 /as not able to find out when the errors occur0 198) *n what occasions do the (ey fi ures beco"e attributes of characteristics$ A) /hen we want to display that particular (ey fi ure as display attribute in the report0 Mey fi ures can only be "ade a display attribute of infoob)ects0 >uppose we are reportin on perfor"ance of each of sales personwe can declare salary of the sales person- as an attribute0 .urther (ey fi ures li(e net price (price per unit #uantiy or price per ite") used as an attribute of product can be used to calculate (ey fi ures li(e total price ( by "ultiplyin net price with #uantity usin for"ulas)0 199) /hy is there a restriction of 19 'i" tables in an 4nfo &ube and 19 (ey fields in an *'>0 19:) *n what factors does the loadin ti"e depend on$ A) +oadin ti"e depends on the wor( load both on the B/ side and source syste" side0 4t "i ht also depend upon the networ( connectivity0 19;) !ow lon does it ta(e to load a "illion records into an info cube fro" an R72 syste"$ A) 'ependin on wor( load on B/ side and source syste" side loadin ti"e varies0 ,ypically it ta(es half an hour to load a "illion records0 19<) /ill the loadin ti"e be sa"e for the sa"e a"ount of data for non->AP syste"s li(e .lat files0 A) 4t "i ht not be the sa"e- it depends on the extraction pro ra"s used on the source syste" side0 1:=) &an you tell "e about a situation when you i"ple"ented a Re"ote &ube0 A) Re"ote cube is used when we li(e to report on transactional data0 4n a re"ote cube data is not stored on B/ side0 4deally used when detailed data is re#uired and we want to bypass loadin of data into B/0 1:1) /hat is "y>AP0co"$ A) >AP solution to inte rate all relevant business processes on the 4nternet0 "y>AP0co" inte rates business processes in >AP and non->AP syste"s sea"lessly- and provides a co"plete business environ"ent for electronic co""erce0 1:1) !ow is B/ superior to other data warehousin tools (if it is superior)$ A) >AP B/ provides- ood co"patibility with other >AP products0 1:2) &an we )ust load the transaction data without loadin the "aster data fro" a source syste" when we are sure we are not oin to #uery on the "aster data0 A) Bes you can0 1:6) /hat is operatin concern and partitionin in &*-PA0 A) *peratin concern is set of characteristics based on which we want to analy5e the perfor"ance of co"pany0 Partitionin is dividin the data into different datasets dependin on a certain characteristics0 Partitionin enables parallel access of data0

1:8) /hat is the difference between value fields and (ey fi ures in &*-PA0 A) Ialue fields co"prises of data which &*-PA ets fro" various "odules in R720 /hereas (ey fi ures are derived fro" these value fields0 1:9) !ow is the perfor"ance of an info cube "easured$ A) 4nfocube perfor"ance can be "easured based upon #uery response ti"e0 1::) /hat factors are used in "easurin the perfor"ance of a #uery$ A) @uery response ti"e is used for "easurin the perfor"ance of a #uery0 1:;) /hat is process chain and how you used it$ A) /e have used process chains to auto"ate the delta loadin process0 *nce you are finished with your desi n and testin you can auto"ate the processes listed in R>P&0 4 have a real ti"e exa"ple in the attach"ent0 1:<) /hat are Re"ote cubes and how you accessed and used it in your pro)ect$ A) 4ts an 4nfo Provider which does not physically store data- but used for non-trivial reportin 0 4 have not used but an exa"ple would be say you want to co"pare the data consistency b7w R72 and B/ you can enerate report on a re"ote cube and co"pare with a report in B/ 1;=) !ope you have wor(ed on enhance"ents and on which user exit you wor(ed can you explain$ 1;1) /hat is the t-code for eneric extractor$ A) R>*1 1;1) /hat is infoset #uery$ A) 4nfo>et is an 4nfo Provider which does not store data- its only a view and needs to be built as a )oin0 4n treasury we have built the currency exchan e report0 ,his report is not used often and so its stored in an *'>0 >o we built an 4nfo>et to et data fro" another ob)ect and built the report0 *n an *'> once you say its reportable and start runnin a #uery its no lon er a flat table but follows a star sche"a and reportin beco"es slow 1;2) /hat is the purpose of a re ates$ A) ,hey are used to store fre#uently reportin data0 *nce you fill in an a re ate and activate- Bex chec(s for a re ates before runnin a #uery and brin s the data "uch faster0 >o basically #uery perfor"ance i"proves a lot0 1;6) !ow you did 'ata "odelin in your pro)ect$ Explain A) 4nitially we study the business process of client- li(e what (ind of data is flowin in the syste"- the volu"e- chan es ta(in place in it- the analysis done on the data by users- what are they expectin in the future- how can we use the B/ functionality0 +ater we have "eetin s with business analyst and propose the data "odel- based on the client0 +ater we ive a proof of concept de"o wherein we de"o how are we oin to build a B/ data warehouse for their syste"0 *nce you et an approval start re#uire"ent atherin s and buildin your "odel and testin follows in @A 1;8) As you said you have wor(ed on &ubes and *'>-/hich one is better suited for reportin $Expalin and what are the drawbac(s n benefits of each one

A) 'ependin on what you want to report we store the data in &ube7*'>0 Jenerally B/ is used to store hi h volu"es of data and faster reportin - wherein 4nfo&ube is used as it stores nor"ali5ed data0 /e store "aster data in other tables and transaction data which are basically nu"bers are stored in cube0 >o basically the property of indexin wor(s here and the reportin is fast as we have only nu"eric in a cube0 B) /hen you load "aster data first the >4's are created for that data0 /hen you load the transaction data it loo(s for the "aster data >4's and ets lin(ed usin '4?s0 Bou have this in a cube0 >o your reportin is oin to be fast as both of the" are nu"bers0 &) 4n an *'> we store data which is of "ore detail utili5in its structure of flat file 0 reportin on this will be slow because of the reason in ans 80 1;9) /hat are the different cubes you wor(ed in .4$ 1;:) /hat is deltaupload$/hat is the use of deltaupload$'ata that has been chan ed or added is extractor or full data is extractor$ A) ,o load real ti"e data and "a(e accurate decisions we use delta upload0 1;;) /hat are hierarchies$Explain how you used in your pro)ect$ 1;<) /hat is t-code for &*-PA$ MEB= 1<=) /hat is >4' $ what is the i"pact in usin >4'$ 1<1) /hat is ,able partitionin $ /hat are Return ,ables$ 1<1) /hat is the t-code for @uery ?onitor$R>R, 1<2) Apart fro" R72 -which le acy db you used for extraction $ A) Access- 4nfor"atica 1<6) /hat are the three *'> *b)ects table explain$ 1<8) &an you explain about >tart routines how you used in your pro)ect - ive "e an exa"ple$

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