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Activity 1 1. What are the two types of charge called? Ans:Positive charge and negative charge. 2.

Provide evidence for the existence of two types of charge. Ans:When rubbing certain materials against each other, we observe that some of the materials are able to attract or repulse other objects. Charged amber picking up bits 3. Fill in the blanks: The electrostatic force between like charges is __ repulsive __ while the electrostatic force between opposite charges is __ attractive __ . 4. I have two positively charged metal balls placed 2 m apart. 4.1. Is the electrostatic force between the balls attractive or repulsive? Ans:Repulsive /repel (same charges) 4.2. If I now move the balls so that they are 1 m apart, what happens to the strength of the electrostatic force between them? Ans:More stronger to repel/ The repulsive force will increase by a factor of 4. 5. I have 2 charged spheres each hanging from string as shown in the Figure 1.27 below. Choose the correct answer from the options below: The spheres will

Figure 1.27 Two Charged Sphere. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. Swing towards each other due to the attractive electrostatic force between them. Swing away from each other due to the attractive electrostatic force between them. Swing towards each other due to the repulsive electrostatic force between them. Swing away from each other due to the repulsive electrostatic force between them.

Ans: 5.4 swing away from each other due to the repulsive electrostatic force between them


Describe how objects (insulators) can be charged by contact or rubbing. Ans:When rubbing certain materials against each other, electrons can be transferred from the one material to the other, thereby giving the materials nett charge.



Problem 7: You are given a perspex ruler and a piece of cloth. 1.How would you charge the perspex ruler? 2.Explain how the ruler becomes charged in terms of charge. 3.How does the charged ruler attract small pieces of paper? Answer 7:

The ruler can be charged by rubbing it with the piece of cloth Due to the rubbing, electrons are transferred from the cloth to the ruler, giving it a nett negative
charge. The cloth will therefore now have a nett positive charge.

The charged ruler will attract small pieces of paper through the process of polarisation. When the ruler
is brought close to a piece of paper, the positive nuclei in the paper will move slightly close to the ruler and the electrons in the paper will move slightly away from the ruler. The piece of paper will then be slightly positively charged closest to the ruler and feel an attractive force. Problem 8: What is the process called where molecules in an uncharged object are caused to align in a particular direction due to an external charge? Answer 8: Polarization

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