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Exhibit 5.

1 Sample settlement demand letter for an accident case


Owen Mason Arial Marshall Ethan Benjamin Cary Eden

July 28, 2011 Mary Smith Claims Adjuster Any Insurance Company Ivyto n, !A 00000 "e# $ur client# Samuel James %our insured# Su&anne 'incoln %our claim no# (((12)* +ear Ms, Smith# In re-ard to your a.ove captioned claim, enclosed please find the follo in-# 1, 2, ), *, 1, 4, 5, 8, !olice Accident "eport "eport of Speedy /mer-ency "escue Am.ulance "ecords of Mercy 0ospital /mer-ency +epartment "ecords of Mercy 0ospital "ecords of 2ull "an-e !hysical 3herapy "eport of 3reatin- !hysician +r, Miller "ecords of Ace 3ruc6in- Company Schedule of +ama-es

3his letter is issued solely for the purposes of facilitatin- settlement ne-otiations, 7othin- contained herein is admissi.le in court for any purpose, 7othin- contained herein in an admission of lia.ility on the part of the plaintiff, 3he report of the investi-atin- police officer, ho is also a certified accident reconstructionist, leaves no dou.t that your client as responsi.le for the accident, 7ot only is fault esta.lished upon the findin- of the report .ut your insured also received traffic citations for e8ceedin- the speed limit .y more that 21 miles, failure to stop at a traffic control device, and careless drivin-, A revie of the court records reveals that your insured has pleaded -uilty to all three of these char-es, 9nder the la s of our state,

once a drive pleads -uilty to a movin- violation that resulted in a traffic accident, the driver:s lia.ility for the accident and the dama-es arisin- therefore is conclusively esta.lished, 'ia.ility .ein- esta.lished, the issue remains for us to determine the appropriate level of dama-es hich ill compensate our client, A revie of the medical records and schedule of dama-es reveals the nature and e8tent of our client:s injuries, the len-thy hospital stay follo in- sur-ery, the -ruelin- physical therapy pro-ram, and the permanent nature of the injuries sustained, $ur client as ejected from his seat simultaneously ith the car overturnin-, hich resulted in the car landin- on its side on top of our client:s le-s, $ur client remained conscious throu-hout the e8trication process sufferin- -reat pain, shoc6, and horror at the si-ht of his le-s .ein- pinned under the car, 3he si8; ee6 hospital stay as necessitated .y four sur-eries to repair severed nerves, veins and arteries as ell as sta.ili&ation of fractured .ones, 2ollo in- this len-thy hospitali&ation our client participated in physical therapy to re-ain the use of his le-s, Althou-h he has re-ained the a.ility to al6, one le- is no shorter that the other, resultin- in a limp that re<uires him to use a cane, Additionally, our client has limited sensation in his lo er e8tremities and is at ris6 for infection .ecause of peripheral vascular disease related to the dama-ed veins and arteries, 3hese permanent physical limitations have impacted on our client:s a.ility to or6 as a truc6 driver, 0e is una.le to support his family in the manner they are accustomed financially, 0e is also una.le to perform the duties he customarily provided around the house such as repairs, maintenance, and home improvement projects, In li-ht of your insured:s lia.ility, the nature, e8tent, and permanency of the injuries, the pain and sufferin- e8perienced and the loss of life:s pleasures e assert a demand of =1,100,000,00 is appropriate to compensate our client, >ery truly yours, Mason, Marsha an! B"n#a$in ?y@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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