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Physical Activity Lauren Newhuis April 15, 2014 Grade: 2-4

Students will be able to list the different types of physical exercise. Students will be able to define and exhibit the different types of physical exercise. Students will be able to explain how and where physical education helps the body. Students will be able to have positive interactions with their peers. Students will be able to demonstrate different physical activities. Students will be able to create a plan on how to incorporate physical activity in their lives

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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program
Teacher Date Lauren Newhuis 4/15/14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Physical Activity

I. Objectives What is the main focus of this lesson? This lesson will be on the types of physical activity: endurance, strength, and flexibility How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.) The unit plan is about physical activity, this is the first lesson of 3 answering the what question. What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies. 1) Students will be able to list the different types of physical exercises 2) Students will be able to have positive interactions with peers 3) Students will be able to exhibit the different types of physical exercise II. Before you start Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

Not much prerequisite knowledge required

Assessment (Formative and summative) Materials-what materials (books, handouts, etc) do you need for this lesson and do you have them?

Formative: Observe how students are following along at each activity. Students must complete each activity at each station. Summative: The motions that students come up with for physical exercise will show whether they truly understand what the different types are. For the different stations, have either DVDs to follow, or lists of activities for students to do Stop watch for heart rate Way to play the song Following Directions with Exercise Things such as jump ropes and free weights There needs to be enough room to dance in the motivation and move from station to station doing the different activities

Do you need to set up your classroom in any special way for this lesson? If so, describe it. III. The Plan Time Parts Motivation (Opening/ Introduction/ Engagement) Development

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student activities Play song, Following Directions with Exercise by Mark D. Pencil Have students get out of their seats and do the exercises said in the song (jump, stretch, etc.)


Have 3 stations set up: one for flexibility, one for endurance, and one for strength. (7-10 minutes for each station) Flexibility: - Helps improve your ability to move easily and keep your muscles and joints relaxed - Have an activity set up for students to do at this station such as: childrens yoga, stretchi ng each part of the body, etc. Endurance: - Improves your heart and lungs. Anything that you do that increases your heart rate and rate of breathing is considered an endurance activity - Have an activity such as jogging in place, dancing, jumping jacks, etc. - At this station, also teach students how to take their heart rate. Strength: - Keeps your muscles and bones strong. - At this station have students do activities such as crunches, push up, and lifting free weights. Have students come up with motions as a way to remember the three different types of physical exercise. Make sure students show a partner the different motions

Source for the 3 types:; Song: Following Directions with Exercise by Mark D. Pencil

Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program
Teacher Date 4/15/14 Lauren Newhuis Subject/ Topic/ Theme Physical Activity

I. Objectives What is the main focus of this lesson? This lesson will be on the benefits of physical activity. How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.) This unit plan is on physical activity. This is the second lesson of 3 focusing on the benefits of physical activity. What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies. 1) Students will be able to explain how and where physical activity helps the body. 2) Students will be able to have positive interactions with peers as they debate and work together to label how physical activity helps the body. 3) Students will be able to communicate their ideas with their peers II. Before you start Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

Students will need to know the different parts of the body and generally where things are located within the body. Formative: The students brainstorming ideas, their questions, and their interactions with peers. Summative: Students presentations Sticky notes Butcher paper Markers Somewhere to put two columns for the sticky notes (big piece of paper, white board, etc). (If weather permits, side walk chalk would work instead of butcher paper and markers) Students need a lot of space to spread out butcher paper and trace each other. This activity would work well with desks pushed aside or out I the hallway. If weather permits, students could do the activity with side-walk chalk

Assessment (formative and summative) Materials-what materials (books, handouts, etc) do you need for this lesson and do you have them?

Do you need to set up your classroom in any special way for this lesson? If so, describe it.

III. The Plan Time Parts Motivation (Opening/ Introduction/ Engagement)



The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student activities Yes or No game - Label one side of the room It does help and the other side, It does NOT help. She will also make two columns on the board. - Teacher will have sticky notes with things written such as: Make my shoe size bigger? Make my heart stronger? Make brain more focused? and likewise. - Teacher explains that she will ask a question and if they think that the answer is yes, they go to one side of the room; if no, they go to the other. - Allow students to debate their point of view (how it does or doesnt help). - After teacher asks a question and students go to the side of the room, teacher discusses the correct answer and places the sticky note in the correct column. - Split students up into groups or pairs - Have students trace one persons body on butcher paper - Students will then work together with their group or partner to put arrows to the different body parts and how physical activity may help that part of your body (heart, mind, core, etc.) Students will be using the things written in the YES column and connect them to a body part. - Teacher facilitates by walking around and asking questions, answering questions, and keeping students on task - This activity will help connect the idea that physical education helps them to their own bodies. Have students present their findings to the whole class. If there are many groups, have students present to another group.

Did not use any outside sources

Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Calvin College Education Program
Teacher Date 4/15/14 Lauren Newhuis Subject/ Topic/ Theme Physical Activity

I. Objectives What is the main focus of this lesson? This lesson will be on ways we can be physically active in everyday lives. How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.) This unit is on physical activity. This is the last lesson in which students connect what theyve learned to their own lives. What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies. 1) Students will be able to demonstrate different physical activities. 2) Students will be able to create a plan on how to incorporate physical activity 3) Students will be able to have positive interactions with peers II. Before you start Prerequisite knowledge and skills.

Learned knowledge from previous lessons

Assessment (formative and summative) Materials-what materials (books, handouts, etc) do you need for this lesson and do you have them?

Formative: Brainstorm activity and what students write down for charades activity Summative: Written plan on how and when students will incorporate physical activity Butcher paper Markers Paper for charades activity 2 bowls Paper for students plans Students should be easily separable into 2 teams (possibly table groups for brainstorm activity).

Do you need to set up your classroom in any special way for this lesson? If so, describe it. III. The Plan Time Parts Motivation (Opening/ Introduction/ Engagement)



The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student activities Brainstorm activity - Have students work as table groups - Students are given a piece of butcher paper and markers - Have students as table groups be timed for 3 minutes to try and come up with the most ways in which they can be physically active in their everyday lives - After the 3 minutes, teacher should put the paper up on the walls as ideas for students as they write their charades cards. Charades activity! - Divide the students into two groups. Every student in the class is given a slip of paper. Make note to the students that they are writing the charades cards for the other group (make them harder!). Students then work as a team to write down one thing on each card that they can think of in which would be physically active. (ie. Running, playing basketball, riding a bike, swimming, etc.) - All cards are put into a bowl for the other team to draw from. - Teams take turns acting out the physical activity as their team tries to guess what it is Students must create a plan of how to incorporate physical activity in their everyday lives. Students will be required to incorporate the 3 different types of physical activity (flexibility, endurance, and strength training) For example: - Wake up at 7:00 a.m. - Do 3 flexibility exercises (touch your toes for 10 seconds, yoga downward facing dog, etc.)

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