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Charging the Emergency Lights by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)

In these times of Load Shedding[1], there are so many advertisements which market generators, emergency lights, gas stoves and whatever else that offers an instant or quick solution to ower cuts! "hen load#shedding $ecame the order of the day, the sales of all these roducts were so high, that it seemed as if everyone wanted to make some quick money selling anything that would $enefit eo le during times of load shedding! %nd $ecause we are so de endent on electricity, we were and are re ared to s end money in urchasing any such roduct, so long as we are not inconvenienced during ower failures! &he very many com laints which were ver$ali'ed, as well as u$lished in various news a ers indicated to how im atient and intolerant the ma(ority were over the ower cuts taking lace! It was too much of an inconvenience, loss of working hours and inevita$ly, loss in $usiness and rofit, and everyone was unwilling to acce t even a few hours without electricity! )evertheless, some very a t lessons came to mind on o$serving the a$ove, as well as how, at the time of a ower failure or ower cuts, these emergency lights, automatically take over the res onsi$ility of roviding light, and generators take over in roviding electricity! &he emergency lights that we urchase have to $e lugged into the ower oint and left to charge, so that when we e* erience ower failure or load shedding, they automatically switch on and rovide light! &he condition for the $enefit is that the emergency light is lugged in for a considera$le eriod of time! "hilst we do not see anything ha ening when the light is $eing charged, we know that something very significant is ha ening + and the $enefit will $e evident when there is darkness! "e have the re# assurance that the moment there is a ower#cut, the emergency light will immediately switch on! ,If it was not lugged in and charged, it will not serve its ur ose! "e will remain in darkness when there is a ower cut! "e should take lesson when the lights go off and should utili'e the o .meditation/0 ortunity for a little -uraqa$ah

,"hen the lights of our lives switch off, no surgeon can switch that light on again! "hen the light of life is gone, no medication will $ring it $ack! "e should ask ourselves 0 "hat re aration has $een made for the ower cut that must inevita$ly occur to our lives1 "hat will ha en when our lives will $e switched off ermanently and we will have to enter the darkness of the grave1 2ere, in this worldly life, we have emergency lights and generators, $ut the same will not $e of any assistance to us in the grave! )o one will $e taking emergency lights to light u his grave! So when we cannot tolerate a few hours of darkness, how will we $e a$le to tolerate the darkness of the grave1 "hen we cannot acce t material loss due to load#shedding, how can we acce t s iritual loss with the

on#going load#shedding in our hearts, due to our e*cessive indulgence in sins3 of which the consequences are e*tremely detrimental and destructive to our worldly lives and more so, our lives after death1 &he lesson which we take is that (ust as the emergency lights and generators are $eing charged for a ur ose, so too, we need to charge ourselves s iritually, with good, righteous deeds! &he $enefit will $e seen when the light of our lives is switched off, once and for all! 4ur hearts contain an 5Imaani6 generator or $attery which needs to $e lugged into a ower oint and charged, whilst our emergency lights are charged with different kinds of righteous deeds + Salaah, 7akaah, 8asting, 7ikrullah, &ilawah, good character and so forth! %fter our souls are e*tracted and we are laced in our graves, our Imaan and our good deeds generate light which automatically light u the darkness of our graves and we e* erience the comfort of life in the grave + until 9iyaamah! If we have not charged our 5Imaani6 $attery and our emergency lights with no$le deeds, and if we s end our lives in the darkness of sins, then the grave will $e a lace of darkness and disgrace! .%llah &aala rotect us all/! "e know that it is the ower lant that makes electricity! %nd this electricity flows through transmission lines to su$#stations and electric oles3 thereafter, via distri$ution lines electricity enters our homes! %llah &aala $lessed us with the :ower 2ouse of 2is Love0 ;asulullah .Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam/! ;asulullah .Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam/ assed on this love into the hearts of his com anions, who in turn assed on that love to those who ke t their com any + and in this way, %llah &aala esta$lished the 5transmission lines6 of 2is Love and we find in each era and time, %llah &aala rovides the -ashaa<ikh, who then do the work of distri$uting %llah &aalas love in the hearts of eo le! =y lugging our hearts to the ower oints of %llah &aalas Love + that is $y kee ing the com any of the %hlullah, whose hearts contain the owerful current of %llah &aalas Love, we will $e a$le to easily charge ourselves s iritually! It is through the $lessings of this s iritual ower that our hearts are charged with Love of %llah &aala and courage for good deeds! &hey teach us the Love of %llah &aala and 2is ;asul .Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam/ # in fact, they generate that love into our hearts, and they guide us to the $est deeds! In other words, they offer us these emergency lights for free! &here is no charge for the knowledge they disseminate or the good deeds they teach us and no charge for the good com any they offer us, where$y our Imaan and Love for %llah &aala is nurtured! It is free from their side! It is only for us to take advantage of and a reciate the value of what they generously and willingly share! &hey give! &hey dont take! So we dont need to worry a$out loss in wealth3 rather their com any is an investment with great rofits + in $oth worlds! %llah &aala also directs us to the same in Surah &au$ah, when 2e says 0 54 you who $elieve, fear allah and remain in the com any 4f the truthful ones!6 ,&hat is, we should remain with them, until we $ecome like them + until we too $ecome s iritually

charged with %llah &aalas Love and -a<rifat, and o$edience and su$mission! "ith this effort + where$y we nurture our Imaan and charge ourselves with good deeds, death $ecomes a 5gift6 for the =eliever as is descri$ed in the 2adeeth! &here should $e no fear for death, $ecause when we die, we take with us the generator of Imaan and Love for %llah &aala and 2is ;asul .Sallallaahu alayhi wasallam/ as well as the 5emergency lights6 of good deeds, so we have ho e and a re# assurance, that Insha#%llah, our graves will light u $rightly when we enter them! Insha#%llah! -ay %llah &aala grant us the understanding and &aufeeq! [1] >isconnecting or cutting off the electric current on certain lines when the demand $ecomes greater than the su ly!

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