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Sessions in Brief

am comprising 4 sessions mean to be a father?

PO Box 502, Mt Isa QLD 4825 Phone: 07 4749 0275 Fax: 07 4743 7999 Mobile: 0408 456 469 Email:

e a father. an to be a good dad?

Fathers Acting Resp Respectfull

tives of being a dad. .

Punishment on-violent discipline.

pline versus punishment. pline with your family. r partner.

Other Contacts
Mensline (confidential counselling, referral & support 24/7): 1300 789 978 Mens Info Line: 1800 600 636 Life Line: 13 1114 Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277 Murri Mens Group: 07 4743 0343 Murri Court: 07 4747 2377 NWQPHC: 07 4749 4615 Centacare: 07 4743 4449

Do you want to be a bet

Family Violence?

violence? ct the children? ms too.

Do you want to be emp new skills?

Do you want support of

environment. how to respond to Domestic .

nhealthy relationships

y relationship? althy relationship? unhealthy relationship. equality. . onfidence, self belief.

Discuss mens business in a confidential environment a Four week (4 sessions) pro NQDVRS Old Court House

Contact NQDVRS for com times & dates.

A North Queensland Domestic Service initiative in partnership wit Communities and XST

gram & how it works

What Will be Covered by the Program?

The program will explore what it means to be a father. Participants will address how domestic and family violence negatively impacts on their children, the childrens mother and upon themselves. The group will increase their understanding of how to provide non-violent discipline and how to negotiate the discipline of their children with the childrens mother. Participants will be equiped with some tools to prevent violence. The group will discuss the benefits of being in a healthy relationship and the consequences of unhealthy relationships.

enable a safe environment talk about their feelings ering role.

to address the impact of within a group setting.

model respect for the her and significant others.

cation and information to omestic and family violence effect on their children.

d the Fathers Program?

ram is designed for any fahas used domestic vio-

Children and Domestic Violence

Many people believe that if domestic violence occurs between two partners, their children will not be affected, that they are too young to understand and that they will just forget about it. It is also often assumed that if a man is a good dad, his children will not be impacted by the violence he uses against their mother. Using violence against your childrens mother is not being a good dad. In many ways, you may be seriously harming your children.

g to learn about and adomestic violence and the nce has on his children rogram. step-fathers are welcome, ir family circumstances.

the Program Work?

sists of four two-hour sesof charge. NQDVRS will and will plan dates to suit.

Children living with domestic can grow up believing that vio appropriate way to solve prob have the right to control wom blame themselves or their mo violence. Are You Using Dom Family Violen Forms of domestic and family Physical abuse using or thr greater physical strength to e.g. hitting, pushing, kicking, c weapons. Sexual abuse e.g. unwante and/or touching, ignoring or r feelings, sexual harassment. Verbal abuse e.g. put down calling, swearing. Social abuse e.g. isolating their friends or family, humil front of others, refusing to l Economic abuse e.g. contro whoever earns them, deprivin enough money to live decently Emotional abuse controllin fear and intimidation e.g. with criticising, punishing, degradi games and stalking. Spiritual abuse e.g. breaki it, ridiculing their beliefs, boa with others, comparing them

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