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February 27, 2014


By: Gregory Michie

See you when we get there: Teaching for change in urban schools

Authors Purpose
Gregory Michie is an assistant professor of secondary education at National Louis University in Chicago. This book represents his effort to portray the classroom lives of five teachers of color, Liz, Cynthia, Freda, Toni, and Nancy. Michie chronicles their experiences and explores what teaching for change means to them. In interviewing these five teachers, Michie wanted to learn more about their pathways to teaching, their day-to-day challenges in the classroom, and the factors that motivate and constrain their work with kids from urban areas. His overall goal was to document their teaching stories and to make their voices heard.

February 27, 2014

I give Michie two thumbs up! It is nice to read a work by an author who took the

By Teachers, For Teachers:

time to make the voices and experiences of teachers known. It is powerful to read about teachers that you can connect to and who are experiencing the same challenges as you. It gives me hope and confidence in my current teaching practices and philosophies. It inspires me to stick to my teaching values connected to teaching for social justice despite obstacles of race and social injustice within the school itself and within the community at large. -Ms. Laura Roman , 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher This book really makes you think about respect in the classroom. I think my big take away is that if you give your students respect, they will respect you. If you take the time to listen to your students and get to know them better, they feel valued by you and therefore respect your authority in the classroom. - Miss Erica Arends, 5th Grade Teacher While reading this book it was constantly making me think about my future classroom. It showed me as a reader how important it is to have control in the classroom while also giving students their freedom. Students need to learn how to handle the freedom they are given or else it will be chaos. Giving students freedom to have their own opinions and the freedom to challenge the norm is important. They need to learn those skills in order to make a change. Very inspiring stories! -Miss Bria Olson, 8th Grade Teacher After reading this book, I feel as if I am inspired to teach for ch ange. Even if I am not the same race as some of my students, I know that by caring about my students and giving them a voice in my classroom, I can make a difference in their lives. Michie covers some inspiring, caring, and culturally relevant teachers who can be an inspiration to every teacher! Great read! -Miss Alyssa Sturgeon, 6th Grade Teacher Meeting and being taught by Michie, and now reading his book reinforces my teaching philosophy. I have been wanting to teach since I could remember, and the more time I spent in the system, the more I believed that there was more to school than studying for a test. Teaching for Social Justice gives meaning to learning, and it connects to the lives of our students. It doesnt matter where you are teaching, as teachers, it is our duty to bring the world to our classroom. I give it five stars! - Ms. Fanny Garcia, 2nd Grade Dual Language Teacher

Discussion Ideas:
-Teaching students of a different race than our own and from different backgrounds -Creating relationships with students -Balancing Social Justice issues and the curriculum -How our identities impact the classroom environment -Balancing project based learning and preparation for standardized tests -What made us enter the teaching profession

Connections to our philosophies of teaching Social Studies:

It is really important to teach students how to question what is happening around them and give them the opportunity to look through a critical lens with issues in their daily lives.

-Balancing freedom and control in the classroom

February 27, 2014

In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Sed et tellus at quam sagittis pharetra. Donec faucibus sagittis justo.
Nulla nec metus vitae nisi varius feugiat. Cras nulla turpis, euismod mattis, placerat nec, dictum ultricies, dolor. Sed sit amet neque ac mauris dignissim imperdiet. Vivamus in dui. Pellentesque mattis porta nunc. Nulla tellus nunc, egestas nec, feugiat eu, fermentum vitae, ligula. Duis eget sem mattis velit blandit placerat. Vestibulum malesuada, ante eget congue luctus, dui lorem hendrerit neque, vitae vehicula sem dui sit amet leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam a augue. Aenean dolor. Mauris nec elit. Mauris auctor urna at nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam tempor arcu eu dolor. Fusce mauris est, volutpat a, eleifend quis, venenatis eget, leo. Praesent venenatis ante vel metus. Nulla facilisis nisi et ligula. Suspendisse viverra pulvinar pede. Duis orci augue, ultricies consequat, vehicula in, dapibus ut, nisi. Sed eget ante. Donec odio odio, dapibus a, viverra et, viverra sed, tortor. Donec sed sem ac justo ullamcorper lobortis. Donec metus ipsum, pulvinar sit amet, vehicula ut, vehicula gravida, lorem. Nam Continued rhoncus dolor et lorem. Nam eros massa, pellentesque eu, mattis vitae, mollis nec, sapien. 3

February 27, 2014

Sed risus pede, laoreet laoreet, scelerisque vel, eleifend a, enim. Praesent eu urna.
Vestibulum sit amet magna in erat varius volutpat. Proin sodales, felis nec bibendum pharetra, sem arcu bibendum diam, quis pellentesque elit lectus eu velit. Maecenas pretium cursus nulla. Sed tincidunt cursus diam. Proin dapibus, erat eu fringilla gravida, neque mi pretium massa, ac varius sem orci eu lorem. Nam tempor. Praesent urna metus, ultrices in, viverra eget, rhoncus a, arcu. Vivamus mi sapien, tincidunt ut, ultricies in, bibendum eu, sem. Nulla facilisi.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Spring 2012

Fusce ac ligula a magna bibendum tempus.

Vestibulum cursus turpis eget velit. Integer lorem.
Sed libero sem, rutrum vitae, nonummy et, pretium eget, diam. In tristique auctor mi. Fusce sit amet augue. Praesent elementum volutpat lectus. Cras sollicitudin sem eget magna. Sed iaculis erat imperdiet velit. Aliquam vehicula, mauris at pharetra semper, dui arcu lobortis lorem, non faucibus ligula elit vel magna. Aliquam eleifend, mauris vel pellentesque elementum, massa augue convallis ligula, vestibulum cursus pede lectus at nunc. Sed iaculis massa non tortor. Mauris interdum tincidunt lacus. Donec sit amet velit. Pellentesque congue pharetra est. In ligula arcu, dapibus ac, auctor non, bibendum sit amet, elit. Nullam vel nisl id eros bibendum commodo.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

34245 Tangueray Drive Grayslake, Illinois60030 [Web Address]

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