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Note( T)ere are *

earin! in BITSAT"#$%& on'ine test

rinted a'' t)e * a!es

a!es o+ instructions, P'ease -a.e sure t)at /ou )a0e

Dear candidate, Keep the printed Hall ticket in a safe place and carry it to the test venue on the day allotted to you. You will be allowed entry to the test venue only on production of the hall ticket. Carefully read the instructions given below.

1. each the test venue at least !" #inutes before the test starting ti#e , For e1a- 'e, i+ t)e test s'ot assi!ned to /ou is 2(*$ A3 to %%(*$ A3, /ou s)ou'd reac) t)e 0enue 4/
5(6$ A3 'atest. $he personal verifications and other for#alities will take ti#e. Lateco-ers 7i'' not 4e a''o7ed entr/ to t)e test 0enue, %.$he address of the test center is printed in the Hallticket. &n your own interest, please fa#iliari'e yourself with the center location and approach to the sa#e a few days before the test date, so that you do not e(perience any difficulty on the day of the test. ).*n the Hall ticket, there is a space identified for your signature. +ut your signature i##ediately on the sa#e so that others cannot #isuse it. ,lso, write your e#ergency contact phone nu#ber, if any, on the space provided. Do not write anything else on the Hallticket either before or during the test. ,ny ta#pering of the Hallticket will lead to auto#atic dis-ualification.

4. *n the Hall ticket there is a space provided for pasting your recent passport si'e photograph. +lease paste your photograph on the space provided and get it attested by Head of
&nstitution or .a'etted officer. /., password is printed on the Hall ticket. Dont share it with anyone else. $he password will be re-uired at the test center and also to access certain features at 0&$1,$ website.

6. You can appear in 0&$1,$2%"3! only once. &f it is found that you have appeared #ore than once in 0&$1,$2%"3! you will be dis-ualified and will be ineligible for ad#issions to 0&$1. $he
test centers are #onitored by ca#eras for security purpose and to avoid i#personations.

7. Do not carry any personal belongings like bags, #obile, ca#era, electronic gadgets etc. to the test venue. You should bring a pen4pencil for signing4for doing rough work. You will be
provided worksheets inside the venue for rough work. Calculators and logarith#ic tables are 5*$ allowed inside the test venue. You should not take any paper away fro# the test venue, e(cept your own hall ticket. 6.You are strongly advised to fa#iliari'e yourself on the use of co#puter, keyboard and #ouse. 7or your benefit, a sa#ple test is already available at 0&$1,$ website, which you can download and practice. $he &nstitute cannot provide practice in co#puter operation at the test venue.

9. egularly check the following website for latest infor#ation and instructions regarding 0&$1,$2%"3!8
)tt (88777,4itsad-ission,co-8


&nitially, you have to type in your password to login8


,fter you confir# your na#e and photograph and agree to the ter#s and conditions of the test, you will be shown the different sy#bols used8


,fter that, you will be asked to choose the +art, which you want to answer first.

9iv: , typical test page that follows looks like this8

I- ortant note( 9a: You choose a particular answer by clicking on the circle ad;acent to the sa#e. 0y clicking again on the sa#e circle, you can delete your choice. 9b: You can #ove fro# one part to another or fro# one -uestion to another by clicking on the appropriate buttons. However, if you are not fa#iliar with the#, you #ay answer the -uestion and #ove to ne(t -uestion by si#ply clicking on the 5e(t -uestion button. You can thus go through all the 3/" -uestions in a se-uence.


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3". 7or your benefit, so#e of the screen shots of the actual test are given below. 1ince you have only li#ited ti#e for the test, you have to fa#iliari'e yourself with the features before co#ing to the venue. You are also strongly advised to go through the sa#ple test available at the 0&$1,$ website. ,lso go through the 0&$1,$2%"3! brochure and other instructions provided at 0&$1,$ website. $he test is designed to be user friendly and you should have no proble# in understanding and following the instructions given on the co#puter #onitor.
9c: You should click on the 9I )a0e co- 'eted t)e Test: 4utton on'/ 7)en /ou 7ant to c'ose t)e test, Once /ou con+ir- t)at /ou 7ant to !enerate t)e score, /ou 7i'' not 4e a''o7ed to !o 4ac. to t)e test, 9d: ,s e(plained in the brochure, you have the option of atte#pting 3% #ore -uestions if you co#plete atte#pting all the 3/" -uestions. $his feature will be available only when you co#plete answering the 3/" -uestions and click on the & have co#pleted the test button, provided there is still ti#e left. 9e: During the test, if you e(perience any proble# with the co#puter4#onitor etc., please infor# the invigilator i##ediately. $he syste# will be set right at the earliest. $he answers entered by you are stored in a separate server and you will not loose any data. 7urther, the ti#e lost due to #alfunction of the #achine will not be counted against the ti#e allotted to you. Test center re!u'ations( *nce your hall ticket is verified, you will be allowed entry to the test venue. +roceed to the co#puter assigned to you. ead and follow the instructions on the co#puter #onitor. $he test ad#inistrators will #ake further announce#ents, if re-uired. &f you need help, please raise your hand. Do not shout or #ake noise to attract the attention of the ad#inistrator. $he ad#inistrator is authori'ed to dis#iss you fro# the test for any of the following reasons8 Creating disturbance ,tte#pting to take the test on behalf of so#eone else $alking to other test takers ,tte#pting to ta#per with the co#puter syste# 9hardware4software: <sing calculators, logarith#ic tables, cell phones, concealed #icrophones, wireless devices or any other #aterial that #ay aid in answering the -uestions ,ny other #alpractice like carrying notes, presenting fake docu#ents etc. $he test is of 36" #inutes duration, without break. &f you need to take any break like going for the toilet, please raise your hand to take per#ission fro# the ad#inistrator. However, the ti#er will be running and you will loose ti#e during the break taken by you.



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