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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Jennifer Dixon Subject/Grade: Math/4th Learning Objective: The learning goal for my lesson is the students will understand place value through tenths and hundredths and be able to write decimals. Alignment with Standards: 4.NF.6 Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100. For example, rewrite 0.62 as 62/100; describe a length as 0.62 meters; locate 0.62 on a number line diagram. Technology: Throughout the lesson, use the base ten blocks on the SMART board to show problems, answers, and for
students to come to the board to answer.

Front Loading: -For focus student 1, introduce the terms decimal, tenth, and hundredth to him before the lesson. Introduction: -Today we are going to begin working with decimals. For most of you, this is brand new material. -Who in here can tell me one thing about decimals that you know? (Take student answers and write on SMART board.) -(Go over the notes on the SMART board and clarify as needed.) -Before we begin, lets review place value. (Write blanks on the board for the left side of the decimal place value and have students call out each place value.) -With decimal numbers, beside the ones place is a decimal point, and on the other side of the decimal is tenths and hundredths. (Draw place value chart for ones-hundredths on board. Explain that the decimal point in a number says and if there is a number in the ones place.) Hands-On -(Hold up a flat and explain that it represents one whole. Explain that a long represents one-tenth because it takes ten longs to make a flat. Explain that a unit cube represents one-hundredth because it takes 100 of the cubes to make a flat.) -Today, you guys are going to get to build and model decimal numbers using these blocks. (Have someone distribute the place value mats and the base ten blocks.) (Give focus student 1 a different place value chart. His chart should have a money symbol and have a dollar symbol with the flat, a dime with the long, and a penny with the unit.) -(Write 0.4 on the board) Build this decimal, using your place value mat to place your blocks. (Walk around room checking and allow students to discuss with their group.)(Focus student 1: Informally assess this student more often. Frequently check on this student for signs of understanding.) -(Write 0.06 on the board.) Build this decimal with your blocks. -(Write two tenths on the board and have students build it using blocks. Then, have students write the decimal number and encourage students to only use the blocks if needed. Do several examples with this.)(Allow focus student 1 to use the regular place value mat if the student is showing understanding. Continue checking in with this student and asking questions that convey understanding.) -(Continue the process with several more decimals, including at least 3 with whole numbers.) Apply It -(Draw 3 longs on the board.) How should this decimal be written? How should I say this decimal? (Call on students and do more examples.) -(Students will now complete pg. 633-634, using the base ten blocks as needed. Teacher will go over these two pages, with help from students, in 15 minutes.) (Include focus student 1 in small group instruction for 10 minutes. Then, have the students complete 5 minutes of independent work to assess.)

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