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Jake(8)5A The Solved Mysteries of the Urinary System Jake (8) 5A

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When you think of you peepee, you would say eeekk! Disgusting!, but urinating (peeing) is a part of daily life, and did you ever even think of the system that helps you do all that? Well, you are in luck; because I am going to explain the urinary system right now. The main purpose of the urinary system is to dump the wastewaste (peein scientific words, pee is called urine.) and transfer the right amount of valuable materials back into your body while cleaning your blood. The urinary system mainly is made by 5 parts; it brings soupy paste that came from the digestive system, including:
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First, the liquid goes through the kidney. Kidney Everyone has 2 kidneybeanbean shaped organs that help you turn liquid, e.g. water, into urine. The capillaries in the kidney

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helps you filter and clean your blood, which can keeps you away from death that is caused by missing clean blood. Then it goes through the uUreter. A tube that brings urine created by the kidney Ureters are tubes that bring urine that is created by the kidney and suppose to be sent to the bladder.

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BladderTthe bladder is just urine storage,storage; it stores urine until you reach the lavatory. The bladder muscle makes sure not even a drip of urine drips out of the bladder. It could store most than 20 liters of urine before urinating!

UrethraAt last, the urethra brings sends your urine into the toilet bowl, and the cycle starts again when you drink another cup of water.

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There is a sequence for the urinary system. First, I drank a cup of water. The water will goes through my throat and where the esophagus will brings it into the stomach. The stomach stores food that you ate and turns it into some kind of soupy paste and carries it out. The intestines in the digestive system will bring the paste into the urinary system (kidney). The kidneys will filter the foreign object that just came into the capillaries. The red tube brings sends back the blood that is useful for the body to the heart. The yellow tube, in the same time, will bring wastewaste (urine) to the bladder. When the bladder is 2/3 full, it will send a

nerve signal to the brain, which sends another nerve signal to the eyes to locate the nearest lavatory. Then, another nerve signal will be sent back to the bladder, then the bladders muscle will simply relax and release, so that the urine will successfully flow out. A common disease for the urinary system is the kidney stones. It is a little stone object that can be stuck in your urinary tract (ualso known as Ureter) or in parts of the kidney, it will block the path for your urine to flow from the kidney to the bladder; it is normally caused by having too much calcium or other chemicals in the urinary systemhaving too much calcium or other chemicals in the urinary system normally causes kidney stones. The kidney stone could be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a pearl,pearl; the record is a kidney stone with a length of 8 cm!! The urinary system interacts with the circulatory system by sending clean blood back to the heart (a part of the circulatory system) that is filtered by the kidney. The urinary system also receives dirty blood and sends it to the kidney to be filtered. Making sure that blood successfully flows to your kidney is very important, too! Because, bBlood contains a nitrogenous compound-urea to that the kidney hasto to put in the urine (Urine contains urea.). And to keep your urinary system healthy, stay hydrated you must drink at least 8 cups of water daily. We You also need to do exercise at least 2 times per week, e.g. jogging and jumping jacks. When your bladder send nerve signals to your brain that it is almost full, the brain will tell you to find a bathroom before the

urine blast out of the bladder, and if you dont, it will cause bladder infection, kidney infection, or in the worse case, it will cause death!. And when you go to No.2 (disposing waste), just remember to wipe your bottom! In conclusion, reasons like filtering blood and urinating will make the urinary system be one of the most important systems in the body. Hope you learnt something about the urinary system. The mMystery is, solved!

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