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1 Name Professor Course Date Policing of domestic violence in UK and Saudi Arabia There are various debates concerning

the value of insiders and outsiders in any research work. Some claim that meaningful research requires insiders to bridge the gap between interviewers and interviewees. They also maintain that insiders can gather maximum information because they provide comfortable grounds for interviewees (Damaris and Phil 2001, p1). Insiders can relate with the culture and language of the interviewee. There are individuals who think outsiders are beneficial in research work because they have a social distance with the interviewee. These advocates argue that outsiders can gather adequate information because they do not have any social attachment with the interviewees. Outsiders do not have any background information concerning the interviewee so they can gather more information than insiders (Harding 2000, p26). Through the analysis of the role of outsiders and insiders in feminist methodology, Policing of domestic violence in the UK and Saudi Arabia is revealed. British police officers are outsiders in researches that deal with domestic violence. Men cannot relate well with the interviewee because there is no common ground. The interviewee may not disclose all the necessary information because of gender differences. British police officers are insiders so they can gather relevant information because of gender balance. This research proves the efficiency of insiders in domestic cases.

Saudi Arabia police officers are insiders because they have the same culture as the interviewees. They are also outsiders because they are not of the same gender. These police officers may not gather significant information due to the social expectations, which make the interviewees disrespectful. Researchers with degrees from UK universities can gather significant information despite being outsiders. Outsiders are researchers who have no common background with interviewees while insiders have the same culture or language with interviewees. The social attachment, which insiders have with interviewees, gives enables them to gather more information than outsiders. When a researcher is of a different gender from the interviewee, he is an outsider. Females are more open to each other; they cannot disclose all the necessary information when the interviewee is a male. Insiders may have a difficult time with interviewees of the same gender because the discussion lacks formality.

List of References Harding, S. (2000). A socially relevant philosophy of science? Resources from standpoint theory controversiality. Retrieved on 1st Oct from <> Damaris, R. and Phil, D. (2001). Revisiting Feminist Research Methodologies: A Working Paper. Retrieved on 1st Oct from <>

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