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Carroll Fulford
PoOo Box 130

Bryce Morgan
1237 N. Brummitt

Eppindust, Cape

CJiesterton, IN.


February, 1990

4^304 U.S.A.

Well, brethren, God has brought us through into the Nineties. Through all the years He has led us, and He will not leave us now. We live in exciting times. South Africa is undergoing rapid change as i t moves boldly away from apartheid toward integration. The

church of the Living God, fimly committed to the concept that God has made of one blood every nation on the face of the earth, has a vital message for South Africa today.
You are to be commended for your personal commitment to this call, for your prayers for the people of South Africa, and for your support of this ministry. We love you, and long for you in the Lord more than you know. Now at last, after 10 years of absence, God is grcinting me the privilege of paying you
a visit once more. But this cannot be done without your help in 3 specific ways:\

1. I need your prayers. Satcin, who has already attempted, and failed, to destroy my work and witness for the Lord, now most desperately wants to stop me from coming to visit you in person. To this end he has raised up some brothers, long on memory and short on mercy, to try to cut me off from you. Pray for them and for me. 2. I need your replies. I have 6 short weeks to visit with you from half way around the world. Unless you reply to my requests, my trip will be in vain, and I shall be found a poor steward of this precious time which God has granted me.

3. I need your money. ^2,000.00 to be exact. This is the price of my round-trip from Cape Town to Chicago. My son, Timothy (now in Wisconsin) will be driving me to visit you. Lord willing; but my air-fare is urgently needed now. May
God stir your hearts to help me.

And what of the work? Last week about 500 people came in cars and buses over mountain passes to the little community of BOTRIVER, where I brought a message on THE PURPOSE OF
TRIALS, Trials test our commitment to the Lord, giving us an opportunity to prove our faith. We can trust God who sent. Christ to die for us, and raised him from the dead.

This Lord's Day at PHILLIPI I preached on THE CHALLENGE OF THE CROSS. The cross was God's plan and purpose for Christ. To take up our cross means to fulfill God's plan and purpose for us, whatever it costs. It is the -total commitment of our life.
On Monday at PORTLANDS we commenced a study on THE HOLY SPIRIT. There is a new wind blowing. It is the wind of God's Spirit. We need to lift the sail of our soul and let
Him fill us and move us on to our heavenly home. Several of this group have already been immersed, and are rejoicing in their new-found life in the Spirit.

From PORT ELIZABETH Brother David Draai visited us recently.

He travelled with me to

LENTEGEUR where we brought some messages, and also visited Brother Fanie. I also prayed with Brother Fanie and his family, and urged him to go forward with the Lord. Please remember him in your prayers, as he is going through a difficult time at the moment. I
received a letter from GELVANDALE inviting me to the ordination of Brother Ligman. Over the New Year i t was my privilege to bring a series of messages on THANKSGIVING at

a camp in GLENCAIRN, sponsored by the "Gospel Train Ministry."

Each Wednesday morning Brother Charles McClune and I bring Gospel messages to about 12 men" at the Market in EPPING, They are ordinary groundsmen, but the Lord has a wonderful

way of using ordinary men for His marvelous purposes.

Praise His mighty namel





MISSIONARY Carroll Fulford


P.O. Box 130

Bryce Morgan
1237 N, Brummitt Chesterton, IN.
46304 U.S.A.

Eppindust, Cape

March 4,


Vast changes are sweeping over South Africa today! Not only has Mandela been released from prison, but the hearts and souls of all South Africa's people are crying out for freedom. It is a cry which is more than political. It comes from deep in the soul. And the winds of God's Spirit are moving in response to that cry.

The COMMUNITY CHURCH in ELSIES RIVER HAS JUST EXPERIENCED THE SURGE OF THE SPIRIT. ^ 50 people have come under conviction of sin, and have turned to the Lord. And burning on the lips of these people is the question of Acts chapter 2 "Brethren, what must we do?" For the answer to that question they have come to me.. "Pastor Carroll," they
said (for that is how I have become known among all the churches here) "we want you
to come and teach us about the New Birth, and the New Life in Christ."

Now we come together eveiry Friday evening at the VOLKS KERK, for they are all Afrikaans speaking, and I bring them Afrikaans lessons on the New Life (NUWE LEWE). This is not all. There are testimonies, weeping, singing, questions, prayers and counselling on and on until 11:00 at night, and nobody is even aware of the passing of time. We are

one family, one body, exhorting and encouraging

one another. What a glorious privilege!!

This is the kind of opportunity that missionries long for and pray for.

I travelled by motorbike west on Settler's Way and south on the R300 to LENTEGEUR this morning for a meeting of COMBINED CHURCHES where it was my privilege to bring a message from Colossians 1 on faith in God, the assurance of salvation, the greatness of Christ, the need of suffering, the secret of the gospel, and the strength of Christ in us.
Last week I preached on a farm in LANSDOWNE at a small church building which had come unscathed through the assaults of vandals, the floods of winter and fire of summer
a church whose members also have endured the assaults of Satan and I reminded them

of the words of Paul: "The only letter of commendation I need is YOU YOURSELVES. You are a letter from Christ written by us, not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God engraved in human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3:2,3.

On Wednesday morning Brother Charlie and I visited a green shanty at the market where I ejdiorted the groundsmen to look in 3 directions:- 1. Back to Calvary, 2. Into their
hearts, and 3. Forward to the return of Christ. In the evening at PORTLAND I brought a message from REVELATION where we learned that suffering is for a set time & purpose.

Tonight at TUSCANY GLEN i t was my privilege to bring a message on "CHRISTIAN GROWTH."

I am excited about ray coming trip to the States, and look forward to sharing with you.
Lord willing, these wonderful victories for the Lord. The S.A. TOURISM BOARD has very kindly presented me with 2 packs of slides and a video to share with you as well.

On Monday evening at MITCHELL'S PLAIN I had the privilege to speak on "THE NEW MIND."
The Lord said, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." We learned 3 things:Importance of the Mind. The Power of the Mind. And, the Purpose of the Mind. The

Last night at a WEDDING FEAST I spoke of Christ and His bride, the church, a bride which he bought at the cost of his blood, and which he will present spotless to His Father at that Great Wedding Feast in GLORY, Oh, what a day that will be!! And i t is not because we are worhty. Oh no. The LAMB who died is worthy. And God who graciously grants us his righteousness is worthy of all honor and praise and glory forever and ever,

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Carroll Fulford


P0 BOX 130
_ . , ^

Chesterton, IN.

^237 N. Brui^mitt

Ma.c. 25, 1990


I want to thank each one of you very deeply from my heart for your prayers, your support, and your contributions to my travel fund. That, together with R1500.QO contributed from congregations here in Cape Town, has enabled me to purchase my round-trip ticket to the States via Rio de Janeiro. Lord willing, I shall be

leaving here on Good Friday, April 13 at 3.05 pm, and arriving in Chicago on
Easter Sunday at 6.40 am.

Some of you have asked for a picture and some advertising information, so here goes;
Carroll Fulford v;as born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1935. His father served in the South African navy, and his mother was a piano teacher. He came to Minnesota Bible College in 1954, earning a Theology degree in 1960
In his first term of service on the mission f i e l d he ministered to the

Wynberg Church of Christ in Cape Town, taught training classes for preachers,
and brought Bible lessons in Valhalla, near Pretoria.

He then returned to the States for post-graduate studies at Lincoln Christian Seminary and served as minister at the Tinley Park Church of Christ near Chicago.

In 1966 he went to Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA where he served as missionary among white, black and coloured groups, and trained 12 young men for the fulltime ministry of the gospel.
On his return he undertook further studies a t the St, Paul Bible Institute and

served as minister of the New Brighton Christian Church near St. Paul, MN.

His mission work then took him further afield, covering about a 200 mile radius around Port Elizabeth to the areas of Middleberg, Cradock, Bedford, Alexandria,
and the Garatoos River.

Eventually he returned to Cape Town, His wife, Martha, is secretary to the Regional Manager of Otis Elevator, His work in Cape Town began with teaching and preaching as well as visits to outstations at Ashton, Worcester, De Dooms, Laingsburg, Graaff Reinet, Knysna and Port Elizabeth. He has 3 children by a previous marriage: 2 daughters (1 in Johannesburg and 1 in California) and a son, Timothy, in Wisconsin (now 21). Lord willing, Timothy will be travelling with his Dad on furlough. Within the last few years God has opened up new doors for Carroll Fulford, A spirit of Revival is sweeping through Cape Town. Many souls are turning to the Lord, and churches of different denominations are calling on "Pastor Carroll',' as he has come to be known, asking him to bring them lessons on "THE NEW LIFE',' At present he is conducting weekly lessons in Mitchell's Plain, Elsies River and
Greenhaven with about 50 in each group.

Well, there you have it. You also asked about my program at your church, I am available for a Bible Lesson or a sermon, but usually at an evening meeting I will show a set of slides on South Africa in general, and my ministry to Cape Town in par ticular. I would be glad if you as the local congregation would handle the opening, together with songs and special numbers, and the closing of the program, just turning over to me for my part, I am anxiously looking forward to seeing each one of you.







.Carroll Fulford
P. 0. ilox IJO

Bryce Morgan
1237 N. Brummitt

Eppindust, Cape

June 28,





There are not words enough to express my deep appreciation to you and to my God
for the warm welcome which you gave to Timothy to Darrin and to me on our recent

visits to many of you during furlough.

us. It was hard for us to leave.

You opened your doors and your hearts to

We are sorry the time was so short.

God guided me safely to Rio de Janeiro and Chicago, and also provided for Timothy's
needs to get to Chicago from Wisconsin, though he was tired and travelling unknown

roads in the dead of night. We had the privilege to see the grandchildren, to renew fellowship with many old friends as the Lord led us through unseasonal snows in the
-north, heavy floods in the south and rain and fog in the west then on to Lima,

the scene of an earthquake and through the stormy night skies of South America. Was also my personal privilege to spend some time with my daughters and son.


Financially the churches in Cape Town gave me $665.38, while churches in the States sent $652.50. Offerings during the trip amounted to $2294.50. My round trip flight to the States cost $1800.00, while internal flights for Tim and me came to $1500.00. In addition we covered 2600 miles in Tim's car, and 1600 miles in Darrin's. My sister Alma also sent $500 to me and $500 to Tim. It was good to see her and Terry again. It was good to stand on solid ground again, and after my mind caught up with my body
I got back to work.

On the Lord's Day at Bloubekkiestraat (Blue mouth street) I brought a message on the way God cares for us in Salvation, in Safety, in Suffering, and in Sorrow.
On Wednesday I spoke to the Council Workers at the Market about how the devil tries to burn us out, and how God transforms us by His power.

Wednesday evening at our Hazelden House church we are continuing our studies in
Revelation with a look at the letters to the 7 churches.

On Friday night at the Volks Kerk (Community church) at ELSIES RIVER, our Afrikaans language Bible studies on the new life continued with lessons on THE NEW COVENANT,

On Monday evenings in MITCHELL'S PLAIN we are studying the NEW POWER available to our lives by God's Spirit Power in Salvation, Power in Service, Power in Suffering and finally Power to Surge Ahead. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but the spirit
of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7+

Yes^its good to be back.

And now I ask that, those of you with whom I have had the

"p^vilege to visit on this very short trip, will remember me, and pray for me, and,
if the Lord should lead you to do so, will help me in this ministry by your support.

In so doing you will become a partner with me in the precious task of bringing the
word of God to souls, precious souls, here in Cape Town, South Africa, All gifts will be acknowledged, and a report on ray finances will be inluded in each newsletter. May God richly bless you as you work together with me in this great task of witnessing for Him to the uttermost parts of the earth.


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I bring you warm greetings/from South Africa, from Martha and myself and Bradley, and from all the Christians^ i^e. U.S./?, I y> here in Cape Town. All praise to God who gives us life, who saved us by the blood of His own son, Jesus Christ, upon the cross, who has guided through all the years, and who gives us so many opportunities to serve Him. I am personally veiry deeply thankful for the opportunity God gave me this year to see many of you, to fellowship with you, and to "'sense your love and concern for this work, I pray that God may uplift you, give you strength deep inside your soul, lead you step by step every day, bless you with His joy in your heart, fill you with His Spirit, and grant you the wisdom to understand who you are, who Christ is, and why you are here.

First I want to encourage you not to be proud, but in humility and love to serve one another, to help those who really need your help, but perhaps are too shy to ask. Let the light of God's Spirit of love, joy and peace shine through your eyes. Submit yoursexf"^humbly^to'God's will, even if you^don'^ Tinderstand what is going on. Never lose
your confidence in, and commitment to. Him, but endure to the end and you will receive the crown of life from His hands. When you pray, spend some time in just quietly drawing near, to Him, and waiting upon the Lord. Don't do all the talking yourself. Give Him a

chance to talk to you as well. In your contacts with others let love be your main aim: seek to build them up, not tear them down, to encourage, not discourage, to help not hinder. Let your commitment to God be your prime directive. Seek His will in all things. And let your joy in the Lord bubble over as you share your experiences with others.
Next, I want to exhort you to be faithful to the call of God. Perhaps i t has been many years now since first you felt the stirring of God's Spirit inside you. You may even have forgotten just how you felt when you first realized that Jesus died for you. Oh, don't lose it, beloved. Think back, and remember, and rekindle that moment. Repent of your sins, and return to those days of enthusiastic witnessing for the Lord, lest you

lose your place in glory.

A great reward is yours if you will only keep on course.


is still there. Heaven is still there. Please be ready.

Jesus is still there and he is coming for you.

Now I want to inform you that 10 people from our congregation in Lentegeur were baptized
this month at Princess Vlei, a lake near the sea. It was my joy during that time to witness to Donovan Pendro and his brothers who live nearby. I have since preached at Bloubekkie Street on COLOSSIANS, at .Lansdowne on ZEPHANIAH, and at Portland on REVELATION.

The book of REVELATION promises a blessing to all who read, hear and obey its teachings.
The main thrust of the book is to show the victory of the Lamb, and those who are called, chosen and faithful, over eveiry demon of hell. The weapons that God uses in the

great struggle between good and evil are interesting. He does not defeat evil with evil, nor violence with violence. God's weapons are the blood of the Lamb, the sword of truth, light and love. In the very first chapter we read of the Lord Jesus that he "always loves us, and sets us free from our sins by his blood." We also see him standing in the midst of 7 lampstands and holding 7 stars in his right hand. We are the lampstands, beloved. He is in our midst, he holds us in his hand, and no one can pluck us out. He opens doors for us which no one can shut, and he stands at our hearts door, waiting to come in. Won't you let him in today?

My brothers and my sisters in the Lord, please pray for me. I am now 55 years old, still working full-time at the Farmer's Co-op, and teaching and preaching nights and week-ends. I have been sick the last 2 days, and I need your prayers that God will grant me health and strength to continue this ministry. I also need your feedback. Please write to me. Let me know how you are doing, and share your thoughts with me. I also need a commitment from you, if God should lead you to do so, to send $5 or $10 each month to help me in
this ministiry.

Now, may God bless you and enrich your life. May He fill you with His Spirit and enable you to fulfil His purpose for your life to the glory of His wonderful name.


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