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2k6ML 703 (A) MA8kL1lnC MAnACLMLn1
2k6ML 703 (8) C1lMlZA1lCn 1LCPnlCuLS
2k6ML 703 (C) lLLxl8LL MAnulAC1u8lnC S?S1LMS
2k6ML 703 (u) AuvAnCLu lLulu MLCPAnlCS
2k6ML 703 (L) MuL1lPASL lLCW

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
M#$%&' I (!) *#%+,-
AppllcaLlons of measurlng lnsLrumenLs-funcLlonal elemenLs of an lnsLrumenL-lnsLrumenL as Lransducer-
generallsed measurlng lnsLrumenL-generallsed maLhemaLlcal model of measurlng sysLems-zero order, flrsL
order and second order lnsLrumenLs-classlflcaLlon of lnsLrumenLs - lnpuL/ouLpuL conflguraLlons - meLhods of
correcLlon for spurlous lnpuLs-lnherenL lnsenslLlvlLy - hlgh-galn feed-back - slgnal - fllLerlng and opposlng lnpuLs
- sLaLlc callbraLlon and deLermlnaLlon of blas and random error of an lnsLrumenL- assumpLlon of Causslan
dlsLrlbuLlon for experlmenLal daLa-chl-square goodness-of-flL LesL-meLhod of leasL squares for curve flLLlng -
sLaLlc characLerlsLlcs-accuracy loadlng effecL-backlash-frlcLlon-hysLeresls-Lhreshold-dead space- resoluLlon-
sLaLlc senslLlvlLy and llnearlLy-problems on frlcLlon-loadlng effecLsenslLlvlLy and callbraLlon
M#$%&' II (!) *#%+,-
uncerLalnLy ln compuLed quanLlLles" from measured values - esLlmaLlon of permlsslble uncerLalnLles of
lnsLrumenLs for speclflc purposes - poLenLlomeLer Lransducer as a zero order lnsLrumenL - analysls of lLs
loadlng error - mercury-ln-glass LhermomeLer as a flrsL order lnsLrumenL - sLep, ramp and frequency response
of flrsL order lnsLrumenLs - problems - selsmlc lnsLrumenL as a second order lnsLrumenL - sLep, LermlnaLed
ramp, ramp and frequency response of second order lnsLrumenLs - sllp gages - assembllng Lhe blocks -
LemperaLure problems - Lvu1 - comparaLors: prlnclple of worklng of mechanlcal, elecLrlcal, pneumaLlc
comparaLors - measuremenL of sLraln: sLraln gauge classlflcaLlon - unbonded and bonded sLraln gauges - gage
facLor - sLraln gauge roseLLes - selecLlon and lnsLallaLlon of bonded gauges - ballasL, uC brldges and consLanL
currenL clrculLs - LemperaLure compensaLlon - callbraLlon
M#$%&' III (!) *#%+,-
MeasuremenL of force: mulLlple lever sysLem for welghlng - sLraln gauge load cells - LemperaLure senslLlvlLy-
balllsLlc welghlng-hydraullc & pneumaLlc load cells-measuremenL of Lorque: waLer brake Peenan & lroude
hydraullc dynamomeLer - general purpose elecLrlc dynamomeLer - measuremenL of LemperaLure: pressure
LhermomeLers-81us-compensaLlon for lead reslsLance-LhermlsLors - Lhermocouples - serles ln parallel
connecLed Lhermocouples - maLerlals used and Lhere ranges - pyromeLry-lnfrared pyromeLry - alr polluLlon
measuremenL: gas chromaLography - CrsaL's apparaLus - nuclear lnsLrumenLaLlon: Cleger Muller counLer -
lonlsaLlon chamber - sclnLlllaLlon counLers
M#$%&' IV (!) *#%+,-
AcousLlcal measuremenLs: characLerlsaLlon of sound (nolse) - baslc acousLlcal parameLers - sound pressure -
sound pressure level, power, lnLenslLy and power level - comblnaLlon of sound pressure levels - aLLenuaLlon
wlLh dlsLance - psychoacousLlc relaLlonshlps - mlcrophones - sound level meLer - prlnclples of auLomaLlc
conLrol: open and closed loop sysLems - servo mechanlsm - process conLrol and regulaLors - maLhemaLlcal
modelllng of mechanlcal and elecLrlcal sysLems - Lransfer funcLlon of slmple sysLems - Llme domaln analysls of
conLrol sysLem: sLeady sLaLe response - sLeady sLaLe error - error coefflclenLs - sLablllLy of conLrol sysLems:
concepL of sLablllLy - meLhod of deLermlnlng sLablllLy of llnear conLrol sysLems - 8ouLh PurwlLz crlLerlon

T'./ B##0, 12$ R'3'+'24',
1. 8eckwlLh 1.C., Marangonl 8.u. & Llenhard !.P., Mechanical Measurements
2. uoebelln L.C., Measurement Systems, McCraw Plll ubllshlng Company
3. Polman !.., Experimental Methods for Engineers, McCraw Plll lnc.
4. kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Aslan SLudenL LdlLlon, renLlce Pall of lndla
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo asslgnmenLs = 20
1wo LesLs = 30
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
M#$%&' I (!; *#%+,-
ManagemenL concepLs - sysLem concepLs of managemenL - managemenL funcLlons - plannlng - prlnclples of
plannlng - organlzlng - organlzaLlon sLrucLures - prlnclples of organlzlng - span of conLrol - delegaLlon -
leadershlp - dlrecLlng - conLrolllng ueclslon maklng - sLraLeglc and LacLlcal declslons - models of declslon
maklng - slngle sLage declslons under rlsk - mulLl sLage declslon maklng - declslon Lrees - declslon maklng under
uncerLalnLy - 8aye's declslon Lheory - equally llkely - mlnlmax - maxlmum llkellhood - maxlmln crlLerlon -
M#$%&' II (!2 *#%+,-
neLwork Lechnlques - baslc concepLs - neLwork consLrucLlon - CM and L81 neLworks -
lgorlLhm for crlLlcal paLh - slacks and Lhelr slgnlflcance - crashlng - neLwork flow problems - Lhe shorLesL rouLe
problem - mlnlmal spannlng Lree problem - maxlmal flow ln capaclLaLed neLwork
M#$%&' III (!; *#%+,-
roducLlon plannlng and conLrol - scope and ob[ecLlves - funcLlons of C - producL consumpLlon cycle -
producLlon plannlng - process plannlng - maLerlal requlremenL plannlng - forecasLlng - meLhods of forecasLlng -
movlng average meLhod - slngle exponenLlal smooLhlng - llnear regresslon - llnear forecasLer - schedullng -
ob[ecLlves - performance measures - prlorlLy rules - slngle machlne schedullng - [ob shop schedullng - 2 [obs n
machlnes - flow shop schedullng - n [obs 2 machlnes - n [obs 3 machlnes schedullng
M#$%&' IV (!2 *#%+,-
Puman resources managemenL - [ob deslgn - [ob enrlchmenL - [ob enlargemenL - [ob evaluaLlon - merlL raLlng -
wages and lncenLlves - work sLudy - meLhod sLudy - Llme sLudy - work sampllng. CosLlng - cosL concepLs -
concepL of cosL accounLlng - elemenLs of cosL - overhead cosLs - meLhods of allocaLlon of overhead cosLs -
depreclaLlon - meLhods of depreclaLlon - flnanclal managemenL - Llme value of money - comparlson of
alLernaLlves - payback perlod meLhod - neL presenL value meLhod - lnLernal raLe of reLurn meLhod - baslcs of
flnanclal accounLlng - proflL and loss accounL - balance sheeL preparaLlon
T'./ <##0,
1. koonLz P., C'uonnel & Welhrlch P., Essentials of Management, McCraw Plll 8ook
2 Mazda l., Engineering Management, Low rlce LdlLlon, Addlson Wesley
3. andey l.M., Financial Management, LlghLh LdlLlon, vlkas ubllshlng Pouse rlvaLe
4 8haLLacharya A.k., Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting, Wheeler ubllshlng
3 venkaLa 8aLnam C.S. & SrlvasLava 8.k., Personnel Management and Human esources,
1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng Company LlmlLed
6 8arnes., Motion and !ime Study "esign and Measurement of #or$, Wlley
7 !erome u WelsL, A Management %uide to PE!&CPM, Mc.Craw Plll Co.
8 Samuel Lllon., LlemenLs of roducLlon lannlng and ConLrol, renLlce Pall lndla.
R'3'+'24' <##0,
1 Chase 8.8., Aqullano n.!. & !acobs l.8., Production and 'perations Management(
Manufacturing and Ser)ices, LlghLh LdlLlon, 1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng Company
2 rasanna Chandra, Financial Management( !heory and Practice, lourLh LdlLlon, 1aLa
McCraw Plll ubllshlng Company LlmlLed
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo asslgnmenLs = 20
1wo LesLs = 30
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
M#$%&' I (!) H#%+,-
I2/+#$%4/5#2 /# $',5=2- SLeps ln deslgn process -ueslgn facLors -1olerances & flLs - prlnclples of
sLandardlzaLlon - Codes & sLandards - SelecLlon of maLerlals
I2/+#$%4/5#2 /# C#7:%/'+ 15$'$ $',5=2 - lnLroducLlon Lo modellng, drafLlng, slmulaLlon and analysls sofLware
S/+',, & S/+'2=/* 4#2,5$'+1/5#2, #3 7'4*12541& '&'7'2/, - SLress concenLraLlon 1heorles of fallure -lmpacL
load - laLlgue loadlng - conslderaLlon of creep and Lhermal sLresses ln deslgn.
M#$%&' II (!) H#%+,-
T*+'1$'$ 31,/'2'+, -1hread sLandards - SLresses ln screw Lhreads - preloadlng of bolLs - bolLed [olnLs -
eccenLrlc loadlng - gaskeLed [olnLs - laLlgue loadlng - analysls of power screws.
K'9, - Lypes of keys and plns - sLresses ln keys and plns - deslgn of keys - deslgn of coLLer and pln [olnLs
R58'/'$ >#52/, - sLresses ln rlveLed [olnLs - sLrengLh analysls - boller and Lank [olnLs - sLrucLural [olnLs
M#$%&' III (!) H#%+,-
W'&$'$ ?#52/, - Lypes of welded [olnLs - sLresses ln buLL and fllleL welds - Lorslon and bendlng ln welded
[olnLs- welds sub[ecL Lo flucLuaLlng loads - deslgn of welded machlne parLs and sLrucLural [olnLs.
S:+52=, - SLresses ln hellcal sprlngs- deflecLlon of hellcal sprlngs - exLenslon, compresslon and Lorslon sprlngs-
deslgn of hellcal sprlngs for sLaLlc and faLlgue loadlng - crlLlcal frequency of hellcal sprlngs - sLress analysls and
deslgn of leaf sprlngs
M#$%&' IV (!) H#%+,-
P#6'+ ,*13/52= - sLresses ln shafLs - deslgn for sLaLlc loads - reversed bendlng and sLeady Lorslon - deslgn for
sLrengLh and deflecLlon - deslgn for faLlgue loadlng - crlLlcal speed of shafLs - sLresses ln coupllngs - deslgn of
T'./ <##0,"
1. !oseph Ldward Shlgley, Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng ueslgn, McCraw Plll 8ook Company.
2. v 8 8handarl, ueslgn of Machlne elemenLs, 1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng Co. LLd.
R'3'+'24' <##0,"
1. SLegel, Maleev & ParLman, Mechanlcal ueslgn of Machlnes, lnLernaLlonal 8ook Company
2. helan 8. M, lundamenLals of Mechanlcal ueslgn, 1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng Co. LLd.
3. uoughLle v L & vallance. A v., ueslgn of Machlne LlemenLs, McCraw Plll 8ook Company.
4. aul P 8lack & C Lugene Adams !r., Machlne ueslgn, McCraw Plll 8ook Company.
3. M l SpoLLs, 1 L Shoup, ueslgn of Machlne elemenLs, renLlce Pall
6. v 8 8handarl, lnLroducLlon Lo Machlne ueslgn, 1aLa McCraw Plll ubllshlng Co. LLd.
7. Ceoreg L uleLer, Lnglneerlng ueslgn, McCraw Plll 8ook Company.
8. !ack A Colllns, lallure of MaLerlals ln Mechanlcal ueslgn: Analysls, redlcLlon, revenLlon. !ohn Wlley & Sons
9. lbrahlm Zeld, CAu/CAM Lheory and pracLlce, McCraw Plll 8ook Company.

D1/1 *12$ <##0, (1&&#6'$ 3#+ +'3'+'24' $%+52= '.17521/5#2,-
1. rof. narayana lyengar 8 8 & ur. Llngalah k, Machlne ueslgn uaLa Pand 8ook vol. l & ll.
2. . S. C. 1ech, Machlne ueslgn uaLa Pandbook
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo LesLs = 30
1wo asslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure and 1 hour LuLorlal per week
MODULE I (!2 *#%+,-
SLeam englneerlng-LemperaLure enLropy dlagram-molller dlagram-ranklne cycle-modlfled ranklne cycle-reheaL
and regeneraLlve-blnary vapour cycle-sLeam generaLors-classlflcaLlonscochran boller-lancashlre boller-cornlsh
boller-locomoLlve boller-babcock and wllcox bollersLlrllng boller-hlgh pressure bollers-boller mounLlngs and
MODULE II (!2 *#%+,-
SLeam nozzles-flow Lhrough sLeam nozzles-LhroaL pressure for maxlmum dlscharge- effecL of frlcLlon-super
saLuraLed flow-sLeam Lurblnes-lmpulse and reacLlon Lurblnes-veloclLy dlagramcondlLlon for maxlmum
efflclency-compoundlng-reheaL facLor-blade helghL-governlng of sLeam Lurblnes-cogeneraLlon and comblned
cycle power generaLlon-sLeam englnescomponenLs- compoundlng-lndlcaLor dlagram
MODULE III (! *#%+,-
1hermal power planLs-general layouL-slLe selecLlon-fuel handllng sLorage and burnlng ysLems-dusL and ash
handllng sysLem-chlmney draughL-nuclear power planLs-classlflcaLloncomponenLs- safeLy measures-effecLs of
nuclear radlaLlon-nuclear wasLe dlsposal-gas Lurblne power planLs-classlflcaLlon closed open and oLher sysLems
hydro elecLrlc power planLscomblned operaLlon of dlfferenL power planLs-non convenLlonal power generaLlon-
solar Lhermal collecLlon-Lhermal sLorage-ocean power-prlnclple of C1LC sysLems-wlnd energywlnd Lurblne-
geoLhermal energy-geoLhermal elecLrlcal power planLs-blogas energy-blogas producLlon-deslgn and
consLrucLlon of blogas planLs
MODULE IV (!2 *#%+,-
Lconomlcs of power generaLlon-Lerms and deflnlLlons-esLlmaLlon of load-load curve-load facLor-dlverslLy
facLor-capaclLy facLor-use facLor-economlcs ln planL selecLlon-economlcs of generaLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of
power-useful llfe-Larlff for elecLrlcal energy-envlronmenLal polluLlon and lLs conLrol-sLeam power planL
polluLanLs-conLrol of polluLanLs-conLrol of parLlculaLe maLLer-conLrol of SC2- conLrol of nC2-conLrol of wasLe
waLer from sLeam power planLs-polluLlon from nuclear power planLs-nolse polluLlon and nolse conLrol

T'./ B##0"
1. Ll Wakll, ower lanL 1echnology" McCraw Plll
R'3'+'24' B##0,"
1. nag, ower lanL Lnglneerlng" 1MP
2. ngpal, ower lanL Lnglneerlng" khanna
3. vapaL & ScroLskl, ower SLaLlon Lnglneerlng and Lconomy" 1MP
4. !ohn l Lee, ower SLaLlon Lnglneerlng and Lconomy" 1MP
S',,5#21& 6#+0 A,,',,7'2/
1wo 1esLs =30
1wo AsslgnmenLs =20
1oLal Marks =30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
M#$%&' I (!; *#%+,-
lnLroducLlon Lo markeLlng - concepL of markeL and markeLlng - markeLlng envlronmenL - conLrollable facLors -
facLors dlrecLed by Lop managemenL - facLors dlrecLed by markeLlng - unconLrollable facLors - demography,
economlc condlLlons, compeLlLlon, soclal and culLural forces, pollLlcal and legal forces, and Lechnology
M#$%&' II (!; *#%+,-
MarkeLlng plannlng - markeLlng plannlng process - 8osLon consulLancy group model - markeLlng mlx -
markeLlng mlx varlables - markeL segmenLaLlon and markeL LargeLlng - lnLroducLlon Lo segmenLaLlon - LargeLlng
and producL poslLlonlng
M#$%&' III (!2 *#%+,-
MarkeLlng research - need and scope - markeLlng research process - research ob[ecLlves, developlng research
plan, collecLlng lnformaLlon, analysls, and flndlngs - consumer behavlour - facLors lnfluenclng consumer
behavlour - percelved rlsks - producL llfe cycle - markeLlng sLraLegles for dlfferenL sLages of producL llfe cycle
M#$%&' IV (!2 *#%+,-
MarkeLlng communlcaLlon - markeLlng mlx varlables - sLeps ln developlng effecLlve communlcaLlon -
ldenLlflcaLlon of LargeL audlence - deLermlnaLlon of communlcaLlon ob[ecLlves - deslgnlng Lhe message -
selecLlng Lhe communlcaLlon channels - promoLlon mlx evaluaLlon - adverLlslng and sales promoLlon - facLors ln
adverLlslng - sales promoLlon Lools
T'./ <##0,
!. koLler ., Mar$eting Management( Analysis, Planning, *mplementation and Control, renLlce Pall of lndla
rlvaLe LlmlLed
2. 8amaswamy v.S. & namkumarl S., Mar$eting Management( Planning, *mplementation and Control,
Macmlllan lndla LlmlLed
R'3'+'24' <##0,
1. SLanLon W.!., LLzel M.!. & Walker 8.!., Fundamentals of Mar$eting, McCraw Plll lnLernaLlonal LdlLlon
2. Ma[umdar 8., Mar$eting esearch, !ext, Applications and Case Studies, new Age lnLernaLlonal () LlmlLed
3. 8oberL, Mar$eting esearch, renLlce Pall of lndla
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo 1esLs = 30
1wo AsslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure and 1 hour LuLorlal per week
MODULE I" Llnear rogrammlng l (14 hours)
SysLems of llnear equaLlons and lnequallLles-convex seLs-convex funcLlons-formulaLlon of llnear programmlng
problems-Lheory of slmplex meLhod-slmplex algorlLhm-8lg M meLhod and Lwo phase meLhod-degeneracy-
duallLy ln llnear programmlng-dual slmplex meLhodopLlmlzaLlon sofLware packages-LlnuC, LlnCC-uslng LlnCC
Lo solve Ls.
MODULE II" Llnear rogrammlng ll (14 hours)
SenslLlvlLy analysls-parameLrlc programmlng-bounded varlable problems-lnLeger programmlng-LransporLaLlon
problem-developmenL of Lhe meLhod-degeneracy-unbalanced problems-asslgnmenL problem-developmenL of
Lhe Pungarlan meLhod-rouLlng problems.
MODULE III" non-llnear rogrammlng (13 hours)
MaLhemaLlcal prellmlnarles of non-llnear programmlng-gradlenL and Pesslan-unlmodal funcLlons-local and
global opLlma-convex and concave funcLlons-role of convexlLyunconsLralned opLlmlzaLlon-llbonaccl search-
golden secLlon search-opLlmal gradlenL meLhodclasslcal opLlmlzaLlon-Legrange mulLlpller meLhod-kuhn-1ucker
condlLlons-quadraLlc programmlng-separable convex programmlng-lrank and Wolfe meLhod.
MODULE IV " uynamlc rogrammlng and MeLaheaurlsLlcs (13 hours)
naLure of dynamlc programmlng problem-8ellman's opLlmallLy prlnclple-Cargo loadlng problem-replacemenL
problems-mulLlsLage producLlon plannlng and allocaLlon problems. lnLroducLlon Lo CeneLlc AlgorlLhm-sLeps-
codlng and selecLlon-reproducLlon-cross over and muLaLlon

T'./ <##0, 12$ R'3'+'24' <##0,
1. 8azarra M.S., !arvls !.!. & Sherall P.u., '+inear Programming and ,et-or$ Pro.lems', !ohn Wlley
2. 8azarra M.S., Sherall P.u. & SheLLy C.M., ',onlinear Programming, !heory and Algorithms/, !ohn Wlley
3. Padley C., '+inear Programming', Addlson Wesley
4. Pllller l.S. & Lleberman C.!. '*ntroduction to 'perations esearch/, McCraw Plll
3. 8avlndran A., hllllps u.1. & Solberg !.!., 'perations esearch Principles and Practice, !ohn Wlley
6. 1aha P.A., 'perations esearch, An introduction, .P.l.
7. Wagner P.M., 'Principles of 'perations esearch -ith Application to Managerial "ecisions/, .P.l.
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo 1esLs = 30
1wo AsslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
MODULE I" (13 hours)
CompuLer Lechnology-CompuLer alded deslgn and manufacLurlng-fundamenLals of CAu-Lhe deslgn process-
manufacLurlng daLabase-compuLer graphlcs -sofLware conflguraLlon consLrucLlng Lhe geomeLry-
LransformaLlon-daLa base sLrucLure and conLenL-wlre frame and solld models
MODULE II :( 13 hours)
numerlcal conLrol-baslc componenLs of nC sysLems-nC coordlnaLe sysLems-moLlon conLrol sysLem-appllcaLlon
of numerlcal conLrol-nC parL programmlng-punched Lape-Lape codlng and formaL-manual parL programmlng-
compuLer asslsLed parL programmlng-A1 language-nC
programmlng wlLh lnLeracLlve graphlcs
MODULE III: (13 hours)
ManufacLurlng sysLems-developmenL of manufacLurlng sysLem-componenLs of lMS-lMS work sLaLlon-!ob
codlng and classlflcaLlon-group Lechnology-beneflLs of lMS-Lools and Loollng-machlnlng cenLres-head lndexers-
palleLs-flxLures-work handllng equlpmenLs-sysLem sLorage-auLomaLed gulded vehlcles-lndusLrlal roboLs-
programmlng of roboLs-assembly and lnspecLlon.
MODULE IV" (13 hours)
llexlble manufacLurlng sysLem managemenL-lMS conLrol sofLware-Lool managemenLconLrolllng preclslon-
slmulaLlon and analysls of lMS-approaches Lo modellng for lMSneLwork slmulaLlon-slmulaLlon procedure-lMS
deslgn-economlcs of lMS-arLlflclal lnLelllgence.

T'./ <##0, 12$ R'3'+'24', <##0,
1. Croover M.. Automation, Production Systems and Computer *ntegrated Manufacturing", renLlce Pall of
2. Croover, Lmory & Zlmmers, CA"&CAM Computer Aided "esign and Manufacturing, renLlce Pall of lndla
3. !oseph 1alavage & Pannam, Flexi.le Manufacturing Systems in Practice, Marcel uekker lnc.
4. kanL va[payee, Principles of Computer *ntegrated Manufacturing", renLlce Pall of
3. ?oram koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems", McCraw, Plll 8ook Company.
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo 1esLs = 30
1wo AsslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
MODULE I" (13 hours)
8aslc equaLlons of fluld flow: 8eynolds LransporL equaLlon-lnLegral and dlfferenLlal formaLlons-lnLegral form of
equaLlons of Lhe conLlnulLy-momenLum and energy equaLlons-use of lnLegral equaLlon-dlfferenLlal form of
Lhese equaLlons-SLoke's posLulaLes and consLlLuLlve equaLlons-navler-SLokes equaLlons and energy equaLlons
for newLonlan flulds. non dlmenslonallsaLlon of Lhe equaLlons of moLlon and order of magnlLude analysls:
Cholce of characLerlsLlc quanLlLles-ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe non dlmenslonal parameLers- classlflcaLlon of flows
based on Lhe characLerlsLlc 8eynolds number-approxlmaLe equaLlons for low 8e and hlgh 8e flows and
boundary layer equaLlons-boundary equaLlons.
MODULE II: (13 hours)
Some exacL soluLlons of Lhe navler-SLokes equaLlons: CoueLLe flows-plane olsseullle-flow beLween roLaLlng
cyllnders-SLokes problems-fully developed flow Lhrough clrcular and nonclrcular
lpes ApproxlmaLe soluLlons: Creeplng flow pasL a sphere-Lheory of hydrodynamlc lubrlcaLlonboundary layer
on a flaL plaLe-8lasslus soluLlon and use of momenLum lnLegral equaLlon.
MODULE III: (14 hours)
lnLroducLlon Lo compresslble flows: 8aslc concepLs-equaLlons for one dlmenslonal flow Lhrough sLeam Lubes-
speed of sound and Mach number-quallLlaLlve dlfference beLween lncompresslble, subsonlc and supersonlc
flows-characLerlsLlc veloclLles-adlabaLlc flow elllpse lsenLroplc flow Lhrough a ducL: CrlLerlon for acceleraLlon
and deceleraLlon-sLagnaLlon quanLlLles-lsenLroplc relaLlons-use of gas Lables-operaLlon of nozzles aL off deslgn
condlLlons. normal shocks ln one dlmenslonal flow: Cccurrence of shocks-analysls of normal shocks- randLl's
equaLlon-8anklne-PugonloL equaLlon and oLher normal shock relaLlons-movlng shocks.
MODULE IV" (12 hours)
Cbllque shocks and expanslon waves: Cbllque shock relaLlons-0--M relaLlons-shock polarsupersonlc flow over
a wedge-expanslon waves-randLl-Meyer funcLlon-lnLersecLlon of shocks-deLached shocks-Mach deflecLlon-
shock expanslon Lheory. llow wlLh frlcLlon: lanno llnes and lanno flow relaLlons-effecL of frlcLlon on
properLleschoklng- lsoLhermal flows. llow wlLh heaL Lransfer: 8aylelgh llnes-effecL of heaL addlLlon-Lhermal
T'./ <##0, 12$ R'3'+'24' <##0,
1. Muralldhar k. & 8lswas C., Ad)anced Engineering Fluid Mechanics, narosa ubllshlng Pouse
2. 8aLhakrlshnan L., %as "ynamics, renLlce Pall lndla
3. CupLa v. & CupLa S., Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, Wlley LasLern LLd.
4. WhlLe l.M., 0iscous Fluid Flo-, McCraw Plll
3. Zuckrow M.!. & Poffman u.P., %as "ynamics, McCraw Plll
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo 1esLs = 30
1wo AsslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours lecLure & 1 hour LuLorlal per week
M#$%&' I (!) *#%+,-
8aslc equaLlons and emplrlcal correlaLlons for mulLl-phase flow - flow paLLerns - ldenLlflcaLlon and classlflcaLlon
- flow paLLern maps and LranslLlon - momenLum and energy balance - homogeneous and separaLed flow
models - correlaLlons for use wlLh homogeneous and separaLed flow models - Lwo phase flow Lhrough lncllned
plpes and slngularlLles - vold fracLlon and sllp raLlo correlaLlons - lnfluence of pressure gradlenL - emplrlcal
LreaLmenL of Lwo phase flow - drlfL flux model - correlaLlons for bubble, slug and annular flows - pressure
losses Lhrough enlargemenLs, conLracLlons, orlflces, bends and values
M#$%&' II (!) *#%+,-
8olllng and mulLlphase heaL Lransfer - vapour-llquld equlllbrlum mechanlsms - pool bolllng convecLlve bolllng -
heaL Lransfer ln parLlal and fully developed sub-cooled bolllng - vold fracLlon and pressure drop ln sub-cooled
bolllng - saLuraLed bolllng heaL Lransfer - Lwo phase forced convecLlon lamlnar and LurbulenL flow soluLlons for
fllm heaL Lransfer - emplrlcal equaLlons for fllm bolllng and LranslLlon bolllng - burnouL mechanlsm and
correlaLlons - crlLlcal coefflclenL ln nucleaLe and convecLlve bolllng
M#$%&' III (!) *#%+,-
CondensaLlon - baslc processes of condensaLlon - mechanlsm of evaporaLlon and condensaLlon - fllm
condensaLlon on a planar surface - drop wlse condensaLlon - pressure gradlenL ln condenslng sysLems -
meLhods of lmprovlng heaL Lransfer coefflclenL ln condensaLlon
M#$%&' IV (!) *#%+,-
CrlLlcal mulLlphase flows - maLhemaLlcal models - crlLlcal flow crlLerlon - compaLlblllLy condlLlons and Lhelr
physlcal lnLerpreLaLlon - experlmenLal observaLlons - propagaLlon of small dlsLurbances - pressure drop
llmlLaLlon effecL - graphlcal represenLaLlon of crlLlcal flow condlLlons.

T'./ <##0,
Colller !.C., Con)ecti)e 1oiling and Condensation, McCraw Plll
R'3'+'24' <##0,
1. Psu ?.?. & Craham 8.W., !ransport Processes in 1oiling and !-o Phase Systems, Pemlsphere
2. Clnoux !.!., !-o Phase Flo-s and Heat !ransfer, Pemlsphere, McCraw Plll
3. 1ong L.S., 1oiling Heat !ransfer and !-o Phase Flo-, Wlley
4. PewlLL C., uelhaye !.M. & Zuber n., Multiphase Science and !echnology, vol. l., McCraw Plll
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
1wo 1esLs = 30
1wo AsslgnmenLs = 20
1oLal marks = 30
U258'+,5/9 '.17521/5#2 :1//'+2
C l - 8 shorL Lype quesLlons of 3 marks each, 2 from each module
C ll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module l wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lll - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module ll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C lv - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lll wlLh cholce Lo answer any one
C v - 2 quesLlons A and 8 of 13marks each from module lv wlLh cholce Lo answer any one

3 hours pracLlcals per week

SLudy on concepLs of measuremenL, Lypes of errors, accuracy, preclslon, hysLerlsls, leasL square curve flLLlng,
sLudy of SLroboscope, Lransducers, sLraln gauges, roLomeLer, sllp gauges and varlous preclslon measurlng
L5,/ #3 '.:'+57'2/,
1. CallbraLlon of 8ourden Lube pressure gauge.
2. CallbraLlon of Lvu1.
3. CallbraLlon of 1hermocouple.
4. CallbraLlon of MlcromeLer and vernler callper.
3. MeasuremenL of area by planlmeLer.
6. reparaLlon of psychromeLrlc charL.
7. SLaLlsLlcal analysls of daLa.
8. MeasuremenL uslng roflle pro[ecLor.
9. MeasuremenL of vlbraLlon and analysls.
10. 1emperaLure measuremenL by pyromeLer.
11. CallbraLlon of 1achomeLer.
12. ueLermlnaLlon of P value.
13. Sound level measuremenL and analysls.
14. llaw deLecLlon uslng ulLrasonlc LesLer.
13. Analysls of exhausL gas of l C englnes.
16. veloclLy measuremenL by lLoL Lube.
17. llaw measuremenL uslng 8oLomeLer.
18. MeasuremenL of drag and llfL coefflclenLs of an aerofoll uslng wlnd Lunnel.
19.LxperlmenL on sLraln gauges.

S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
Lab racLlcals and 8ecord = 33
1esLs = 13
1oLal marks = 30

3 hours pracLlcals per week
S/%$9 #2 /*' 3#&&#652=
1. ueslgn and Modellng
2. MaLhemaLlcal 1ools used ln Lnglneerlng : MA1LA8, Lxcel , eLc.
3. CompuLaLlonal lluld uynamlcs, PeaL 1ransfer and SLrucLural Analysls
P+#=+17752= (1/ L1<- #2 /*' 3#&&#652= /##&, ( C , CCC #+ F#+/+12 -
1 8ooLs of Algebralc and 1ranscendenLal LquaLlons
2 SoluLlons of SlmulLaneous Algebralc LquaLlons
3 Curve llLLlng and CpLlmlzaLlon
4 numerlcal ulfferenLlaLlon and lnLegraLlon
3 numerlcal SoluLlon of arLlal ulfferenLlal LquaLlons
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
Lab racLlcals and 8ecord = 33
1esLs = 13
1oLal marks = 30

4 hours per week
1he pro[ecL work can be a deslgn pro[ecL, experlmenLal fabrlcaLlon pro[ecL or sofLware developmenL pro[ecL on
any of Lhe Loplcs of mechanlcal englneerlng lnLeresL - lL can be alloLLed as a group pro[ecL wlLh groups
conslsLlng of Lhree or four sLudenLs 1he assessmenL of all Lhe mlnl pro[ecLs should be done by a commlLLee
conslsLlng of Lhree or four faculLy members speclallsed ln Lhe varlous flelds of M'4*12541& E2=52''+52= - Lhe
sLudenLs wlll presenL Lhelr pro[ecL work before Lhe commlLLee - Lhe relaLlve gradlngs and group average marks
for Lhe varlous pro[ecLs wlll be flxed by Lhe commlLLee - Lhe gulde wlll award Lhe marks for Lhe lndlvldual
sLudenLs ln Lhe pro[ecL malnLalnlng Lhe group average - each group wlll prepare Lhe pro[ecL reporL and submlL
Lo Lhe deparLmenL Lhrough Lhe gulde - Lhe H'1$ O3 /*' D':1+/7'2/ wlll cerLlfy Lhe coples and keep Lhem ln
Lhe deparLmenLal llbrary
S',,5#21& 6#+0 1,,',,7'2/
resenLaLlon = 30
8eporL = 20
1oLal marks = 30


I2/+#$%4/#+9 L'4/%+',
U25/ I. H'1&/* 12$ F5/2',,:
Modern concepL of healLh and flLness, meanlng, scope, need and lmporLance of healLh, flLness and wellness.
U25/ II. E.'+45,' 12$ F5/2',,:
Means and meLhods of developlng flLness. lmporLance of physlcal acLlvlLles and exerclses ln developlng and
malnLalnlng good healLh. hyslcal flLness and wellness.
U25/ III. S:#+/, 12$ P*9,541& '$%41/5#2:
Meanlng and scope, role and lmporLance of sporLs and games ln Lhe developmenL of physlcal flLness and
personallLy. Soclal values of sporLs. 8ules of ma[or games.
P+14/541& S',,5#2, ( All classes wlll be conducLed afLer Lhe normal worklng hours of Lhe college )
30 sesslons of mlnlmum 1 hour duraLlon each are envlsaged (lncludlng 1heory and racLlcal). 1he sLudenL can
opL for one of Lhe followlng acLlvlLles ln llne wlLh Lhe speclflc programme / schedule announced by Lhe faculLy.
ALhleLlcs, 8admlnLon, 8askeLball, CrlckeL, looLball, Ceneral llLness, Pockey, kabaddl, 1able 1ennls, 8all
8admlnLon, Archery, volley ball, ?oga (noL all acLlvlLles may be offered ln a parLlcular semesLer. More
dlsclpllnes wlll be offered based on Lhe avallablllLy of lnfrasLrucLure and experLlse).
ln addlLlon, healLh and flLness assessmenL such as PelghL, WelghL, 8esLlng ulse 8aLe, 8Ml, 8lood ressure,
hyslcal llLness 1esLs assesslng varlous moLor quallLles of each lndlvlduals wlll be carrled ouL (opLlonal - based
on requesL).
1. 8aslcally Lo lnculcaLe awareness of healLh, general flLness and aLLlLude Lo volunLary physlcal lnvolvemenL.
2. 1o promoLe learnlng of baslc skllls ln sporLs acLlvlLles and secondarlly Lo pave Lhe way for masLerlng some of
Lhe skllls Lhrough conLlnued fuLure lnvolvemenL
S4*'7' #3 1,,',,7'2/
1he sLudenL wlll be conLlnuously assessed on hls performance on Lhe fleld of play. 1here wlll noL be mlnlmum
mark for pass or fall. 1oLal 30 marks wlll be glven assesslng Lhelr aLLendance, regularlLy, puncLuallLy and
performance for 30 hours of acLlvlLy from l sL semesLer Lo 7Lh semesLer.

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