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'District Industries Centre

The 'District Industries Centre' (DICs) programme was started by the central government in 197 with the ob!ective o" providing a "ocal point "or promoting small# tiny# cottage and village industries in a particular area and to ma$e available to them all necessary services and "acilities at one place% The "inances "or setting up DICs in a state are contributed e&ually by the particular state government and the central government% To "acilitate the process o" small enterprise development# DICs have been entrusted with most o" the administrative and "inancial powers% 'or purpose o" allotment o" land# wor$ sheds# raw materials etc%# DICs "unctions under the 'Directorate o" Industries'% (ach DIC is headed by a )eneral *anager who is assisted by "our "unctional managers and three pro!ect managers to loo$ a"ter the "ollowing activities + ,ctivities o" District Industries Centre (DIC)+ i% (conomic Investigation ii% -lant and *achinery iii% .esearch# education and training iv% .aw materials v% Credit "acilities vi% *ar$eting assistance vii% Cottage industries

/b!ectives o" District Industries Centre (DIC)+ The important ob!ectives o" DICs are as "ollow + i% ,ccelerate the overall e""orts "or industrialisation o" the district% ii% .ural industrialisation and development o" rural industries and handicra"ts% iii% ,ttainment o" economic e&uality in various regions o" the district% iv% -roviding the bene"it o" the government schemes to the new entrepreneurs% v% Centralisation o" procedures re&uired to start a new industrial unit and minimisation0 o" the e""orts and time re&uired to obtain various permissions# licenses# registrations# subsidies etc% 'unctions o" District Industries Centre (DIC)+ i% ,cts as the "ocal point o" the industrialisation o" the district% ii% -repares the industrial pro"ile o" the district with respect to + iii% 1tatistics and in"ormation about e2isting industrial units in the district in the large# *edium# small as well as co0operative sectors% iv% /pportunity guidance to entrepreneurs% v% Compilation o" in"ormation about local sources o" raw materials and their availability% vi% *anpower assessment with respect to s$illed# semi0s$illed wor$ers% vii% ,ssessment o" availability o" in"rastructure "acilities li$e &uality testing# research and development# transport# prototype development# warehouse etc% viii% /rganises entrepreneurship development training programs% i2% -rovides in"ormation about various government schemes# subsidies# grants and assistance available "rom the other corporations set up "or promotion o" industries%

2% )ives 11I registration% 2i% -repares techno0economic "easibility report% 2ii% ,dvices the entrepreneurs on investments% 2iii% ,cts as a lin$ between the entrepreneurs and the lead ban$ o" the district% 2iv% Implements government sponsored schemes "or educated unemployed people li$e -*.3 scheme# 4awahar .o!gar 3o!ana# etc% 2v% 5elps entrepreneurs in obtaining licenses "rom the (lectricity 6oard# 7ater 1upply 6oard# 8o /b!ection Certi"icates etc% 2vi% ,ssist the entrepreneur to procure imported machinery and raw materials% 2vii% /rganises mar$eting outlets in liaison with other government agencies%

Small Industries Service Institute (SISIs)?

,t the heart o" all agencies dealing with development o" small industry is small industries development organi9ation# 1ID/% It was originally $now as central small industries organi9ation (C1I/)% ,ttached to the ministry# 1ID/ administers small industries service institute (1I1I:s)% The small industries service institutes (1I1I:s) are set0up one in each state to provide consultancy and training to small and prospective entrepreneurs% The activities o" 1I1s are co0ordinate by the industrial management training division o" the DC# 11I o""ice (8ew Delhi)% In all there are ; 1I1I:s and <= 6ranch 1I1I:s set up in state capitals and other places all over the country% 1I1I has wide spectrum o" technological# management and administrative tas$s to per"orm%

'unctions o" 1I1I 1% To assist e2isting and prospective entrepreneurs through technical and managerial counseling such as help in selecting the appropriate machinery and e&uipment# adoption o" recogni9ed standards o" testing# &uality per"ormance etc> ;% Conducting (D-s all over the country> <% To advise the Central and 1tate governments on policy matters relating to small industry development> ?% To assist in testing o" raw materials and products o" 11Is# their inspection and &uality control> @% To provide mar$et in"ormation to the 1I1I:s> A% To recommend 11I:s "or "inancial assistance "rom "inancial institutions> 7% To enlist entrepreneurs "or partition in )overnment stores purchase programme> % Conduct economic and technical surveys and prepare techno0economic "easible reports "or selected areas and industries% 9% Identi"y the potential "or ancillary development through sub0contract e2changes> 1=% /rgani9e seminars# 7or$shops and Industries Clinics "or the bene"it o" entrepreneurs%

National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development The 8ational Institute "or (ntrepreneurship and 1mall 6usiness Development (8I(16BD) was established as an ape2 body "or coordinating and overseeing the activities o" various institutionsCagencies engaged in (ntrepreneurship Development particularly in the area o" small industry and small business% 8I(16BD was set up in 19 < by the then *inistry o" Industry Dnow *inistry o" *icro# 1mall E *edium (nterprises (*1*(s)F# )overnment o" India% The Institute which is registered as a 1ociety under 1ocieties .egistration ,ct# 1 A= (GGI o" 1 A=)# started "unctioning "rom Ath 4uly# 19 <%The policy# direction and guidance to the Institute is provided by its )overning Council whose Chairman is the *inister o" *1*(% The (2ecutive Committee consisting o" 1ecretary (*icro# 1mall E *edium (nterprises) as its Chairman and Director )eneral o" the Institute as its *ember01ecretary# e2ecutes the policies and decisions o" the )overning Council through its whole0time Director )eneral% Objectives:

To evolve standardised materials and processes "or selection# training# support and sustenance o" entrepreneurs# potential and e2isting% To helpCsupport and a""iliate institutionsCorganisations in carrying out training and other entrepreneurship development related activities% To serve as an ape2 national level resource institute "or accelerating the process o" entrepreneurship development ensuring its impact across the country and among all strata o" the society% To provide vital in"ormation and support to trainers# promoters and entrepreneurs by organising research and documentation relevant to entrepreneurship development To train trainers# promoters and consultants in various areas o" entrepreneurship development% To provide nationalCinternational "orums "or interaction and e2change o" e2periences help"ul "or policy "ormulation and modi"ication at various levels% To o""er consultancy nationallyCinternationally "or promotion o" entrepreneurship and small business development% To share internationally e2perience and e2pertise in entrepreneurship development% To share e2perience and e2pertise in entrepreneurship development across 8ational "rontiers%


Haunching a new venture and becoming an entrepreneur is an e2citing and challenging tas$% Can you learn how to be an entrepreneur or are some people !ust born that wayI 1ome have argued that great entrepreneurs li$e ,nita .oddic$ and *ohammed 3unis are simply born with di""erent &ualities to the rest o" us J and it is these &ualities that e2plain their success as entrepreneurs% 6ut we $now that a $ey human &uality is the ability to change and develop over time% This is good news "or anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur because it will re&uire you to adapt and change with the enterprise you are "ounding as it develops and "aces challenges% 6ecoming an entrepreneur is a never ending lesson as new challenges arise that o""er e2periences in how to do and not to do things% (ntrepreneurs learn mainly "rom e2perience# so the only real way to become an entrepreneur is to get out there and do it% 3ou can start "rom scratch and learn it all by yoursel" or you can loo$ at what others have already done and hope to pro"it "rom their e2periences% The process outlined here is ta$en "rom what we $now about what others have done and the advice that e2isting entrepreneurs o""er to those that wish to "ollow their path% The "irst thing we learn "rom other entrepreneurs is that there are many steps to be ta$en to start a new venture and attempts to ma$e short cuts and avoid some o" these steps can be disastrous% 3ou don:t have to ta$e these steps in the same order as we suggest below but you will need to ta$e them during the development o" your enterprise% The entrepreneurial process o" launching a new venture can be divided into three $ey stages o"+ Discovery> (valuation> and Implementation% These can be "urther sub0divided into seven steps as shown below+


The "irst stage o" Discovery is to identi"y opportunities that may "orm the basis o" an entrepreneurial venture% It re&uires creative thin$ing to indenti"y issues that can bene"it "rom an entrepreneurial vision This stage can be divided into two steps+ Ste$ %& Disc'verin( )'ur entre$reneuri*+ $'tenti*+ 0 the "irst step is to $now more about your personal resources and attributes through some sel"0 evaluation% J what will you bring to the ventureI 7hat are your strengths and challengesI These will a""ect the type o" venture you choose% Ste$ ,& Identi-)in( * $r'b+e. *nd $'tenti*+ s'+uti'n J a new venture has to solve a problem and meet a genuine need% (K,HB,TI/8 6y the end o" "irst stage o" Discovery# you should have selected an idea worthy o" "urther detailed investigation% The ne2t stage evaluates i" this all adds up to a "easible business in two "urther steps+ Ste$ /& Ev*+u*tin( t0e ide* *s * business '$$'rtunit) J "ind out in"ormation about the mar$et need% Is the solution to this problem really wanted by enough customersI Investigate the "easibility o" the proposed solution (technically# economically# socially# legally)% Ste$ 1& Investi(*tin( *nd (*t0erin( t0e res'urces J 5ow will the productCservice get to mar$etI 5ow will it ma$e moneyI 7hat resources are re&uiredI (G-H/IT,TI/8 6y the end o" the second stage o" (valuation# you should have identi"ied an opportunity that has reasonable prospects o" success# and analysed what is re&uired to launch it% The ne2t stage is to ma$e the "inal preparations and launch it into the mar$et% It can be developed in three "urther steps+ Ste$ 2& !' t0e enter$rise t' cre*te v*+ue J set up a business entity and protect any intellectual property% )et ready to launch the venture in a way that minimises ris$ and ma2imises returns Ste$ 3& I.$+e.entin( t0e entre$reneuri*+ str*te() J activate the mar$eting# operating# and "inancial plans% Ste$ 4& +*nnin( t0e -uture J loo$ ahead and visualise where you want to go

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