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Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons


2 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons

Craziest tax deductions Carrier pigeons

Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons ........................................................................... 2 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons (in English) ................................................... 3 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons ....................................................................... 4 Leitura complementar ....................................................................................................... 6

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3 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons

Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons (in English)

From pet pigs to Playboy magazines, here are some of the most outlandish deductions taxpayers have tried to slip past the IRS. the CNN Staff tm_002

all it extreme communication. One taxpayer was so distrustful of technology that he wouldn't use a telephone or computer.

That posed a problem when it came to communicating with his business partner, who lived across town in Phoenix. So he came up with a plan: carrier pigeons. The two now send messages to each other via the birds. And the technophobe thought it made sense to write off the pigeons, as well as their care, food and housing as a business expense. Shauna Wekherlien, the CPA at Tax Goddess Business Services who prepared his return, said she asked him a lot of questions (like whether he has ever owned a computer) to establish whether he had ever used technology to communicate with people in the past. He said he hadn't so she determined that the deduction was fair game, given that it was the only way he could reach his business partner.

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Tecla SAP

4 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons

Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons

From pet pigs [De porcos de estimao] to Playboy magazines [a revistas Playboy], here are some of the most outlandish deductions [estas so algumas das dedues mais absurdas ] taxpayers have tried to slip past1 the IRS [que os contribuintes tentaram apresentar para a Receita Federal]. Cf. Abreviaes: IRS the CNN Staff tm_002

all it extreme communication [Voc pode at chamar de comunicao extrema]. One taxpayer was so distrustful of technology [Um contribuinte era to desconfiado da tecnologia] that he wouldn't use2 a telephone or computer [que no usava telefone nem computador]. Cf. Ortografia: -FUL That posed a problem [A desconfiana representava um problema] when it came to communicating with his business partner [na hora de se comunicar com o scio], who lived across town [que morava do outro lado da cidade ] in

O sentido de slip past o de tentar fazer passar sem que algum, no caso a receita, perceba. 2 Em construes como a da frase acima, empregamos would antes dos verbos para descrever aes habituais ou comportamentos frequentes. Suas tradues mais comuns nesse caso passam a ser, portanto, costumava usar, tinha o hbito de usar ou usava.

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Tecla SAP

5 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons

Phoenix. So he came up with a plan [Ento ele criou um plano]: carrier pigeons [pombos-correio3]. Cf. Como traduzir THIS? Cf. Falsas Gmeas: PROBLEM x TROUBLE Cf. Falsas Gmeas: BUSINESS x BUSYNESS Cf. Falsas Gmeas: CITY x TOWN The two now send messages to each other [trocam mensagens] via the birds 4 [por intermdio dos pssaros]. And the technophobe [tecnofbico5] thought it made sense [achou que fazia sentido] to write off [abater (do IR)] the pigeons, as well as [assim como; e tambm] their care, food and housing [os cuidados, a alimentao e a habitao] as a business expense [como gastos da empresa]. Cf. Tough, though, thought, through, thorough e throughout! Como que o negcio? Shauna Wekherlien, the CPA6 [contadora] at Tax Goddess Business Services [A Deusa dos Impostos Servios Comerciais] who prepared his return [declarao], said she asked him a lot of questions (like whether he has ever owned a computer [por exemplo, se ele j teve computador ]) to establish [para saber] whether he had ever used technology [se ele, alguma vez, usou tecnologia] to communicate with people in the past. Cf. Falsos Cognatos: TAX Cf. Falsos Cognatos: RETURN Cf. EVER: Sempre, nunca ou as duas coisas? Cf. Como traduzir PEOPLE? He said he hadn't [Ele disse que nunca tinha usado] so she determined that the deduction was fair game [e ela, portanto, decidiu que a deduo era justa], given that it was the only way [por ser essa a nica forma] he could reach his business partner [que ele utiliza para falar com o scio].

O plural de pombo-correio pode ser pombos-correios ou pombos-correio segundo o Dicionrio Houaiss da lngua portuguesa. 4 Note que bird palavra da lngua inglesa que serve tanto para designar pssaro quanto ave em geral. 5 A palavra tecnofbico (aquele que tem horror a tecnologia) no consta do Dicionrio Houaiss da lngua portuguesa. 6 Da sigla em ingls CPA - Certified Public Accountant.

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6 Craziest tax deductions - Carrier pigeons

Leitura complementar
:: Como se fala receita em ingls? :: LAWYER ou ATTORNEY: como se diz advogado em ingls? :: Vocabulrio: Pessoa fsica, pessoa jurdica etc. :: Falsos Cognatos: REBATE :: Humor: Your bank :: Grias: UNCLE SAM :: O que RAINMAKER significa? :: O que significa ACCOUNTED FOR?

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