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Meeting minutes for: Saturday, February 22, 2014 Meeting Place: Meeting Time:
Manatee Technical Institute, Bradenton, Fl

Winter Seminar-8:30am -3:30 pm

Meeting was called to order by President Donna Heatley at 8:45am.

First Order of Business - Information about upcoming FSMA meeting times and places was given to all MA's in attendance. Chapter President Donna Heatley announce that May 2014 would be heilast meeting as President of the Mid Gulf Coast Chapter. There will be an election of new officer's at the May meeting. If anyone is interested in putting your name in the hat to be elected to one of the officeis seats, be thinking about which one and be at the next meeting. It was also put out to all in affendance, that if anyone knew of any personnel that would be willing to speak, to please contact the Chapter Secretary (Debbie Morales). Old Business - The discussion was raised again for everyone to continue to find creative ways of enlisting more Medical Assistants to our chapter.
Treasurer Report - No report was given

Training - We had amazingtraining from 5 excellent speakers from various arenas of the medical world.
Paul Lento M.D." works at Sarasota Orthopedic Associateso and he specializes in Physiatrist (physical medicine and rehabilitation) He spoke about the use of ultrasound in tlre process of seeing the muscular skeletal system and how it helps to find and pinpoint certain injuries. He ilso explained when to use an ultrasound and when a patient would need to have an MRI. Ultrasounds a.e greaf fot looking at tendons, nerves, muscles, ligaments, burs4 masses. An ultrasound cannot see inside joints. It may be used when a patient is obese, for large injury areas, for deep fractures or bruises, or for masses of cancer or tumors. Dr. Lento explained some of the advantages of ultrasounds. An ultrasound can be done in the offrce, which means that the patient can get same day service, there is instant feedback, and the doctor can pinpoint an injury area. Some of the disadvantages are that they are operator dependent, it only gives a credit card thin image, there can be incomplete evaluation, equipment cos! it is not the norm for medical practice, and that there is not currently any certification required for operation. He also explained the different types of probes used in an ultrasound and how they are used. Dr. Lento gave his Lmail address for anyone that may have a question in the future on physiatrist practices and the use of ultrasound in the orthopedic practice. Paul. lento4@

Mr. Marvin Bouchon, is a Registered Pharmacist and teaches part time in the pharmacy technology program at MTI. Mr. Bouchon handed out several documents of information about current schedule
medications, the different insulin types and there efficiency, hemoglobin AIC levels, and the article regarding the changes being made to the diastolic and systolic levels for patients. He discussed the importance of prescription writing, and the common errors made when giving verbal and electronic orders. He explained what abbreviation should and should not be used, and gave examples of how common errors are made when using them.

Ms. Pamela Stone. discussed Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP), who is at risk, and the importance of safety for all personnel. She explained that a pathogen is a microorganism that can be a virui, bacteria, or fungi. Ms. Stone discusssd some common infectious disease which are Hepatitis B, which can live outside thJ body and why it is important to get vaccinated for it. Hepatitis C which is the most common, and HIV which cannot live outside of the body, and that there is currently no cure. She also covered how

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