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"Frases de Nathaniel Branden"

Frases y citas de Nathaniel Branden

Nathaniel Branden nacio en Ontario, Canada. Recibi su licenciatura en psicologa por la Universidad de California en Los ngeles y su doctorado en psicologa por la California Coast Universityes. Nathaniel Branden es autor de libros de auto-ayuda y experto en autoestima .

Libros de Nathaniel branden


Los logros productivos son una consequencia y expression de salud y autoestima. Nathaniel Branden . Mas Frases autoestima


La autoestima es la reputacion que tenemos de nostros mismos. Nathaniel Branden .


El primer paso para el cambio es concientizacion, el Segundo es aceptacion . Nathaniel Branden .


Existe una evidencia muy grande de que mayor sea nuestra autoestima vamos poder tratar mejor a los demas. Nathaniel Branden .


Debo respetar las opinions de los demas inclusive si no estoy de acuerdo con ellas. Nathaniel Branden .


El respeto comienza con uno mismo. Nathaniel Branden .


Vive con integridad, respeta a los demas y sigue tu corazon. Nathaniel Branden .


Las personas con alta autoestima no necesitan sentirse superiroes a los demas, no necesitan compararse con los demas. Su alegria radica en quienes son y no en tartar de ser major que los demas. Nathaniel Branden .


Autor de ms de 17 libros, Nathaniel Branden ha escrito desde todos los aspectos, sobre la Autoestima. Como mejorar la autoestima , es el ttulo de uno de sus libros, te dejo algunas frases que te sern de utilidad.


El aumento de la autoestima hace las cosas diferentes. Cuando usted tenga claro en qu consiste esa diferencia, sabr que obtenerla merece la pena.

12. El primer paso para cambiar es reconocer la necesidad de cambiar, el segundo paso es aceptarlo.

14. La AutoResponsabilidad es una orientacin activa hacia la vida, en lugar de una orientacin pasiva o de victimismo.

16. Cuanto ms slida sea nuestra autoestima, mayor equipados estamos para resolver los problemas que aparecen en nuestra vida personal o laboral. Para aumentar nuestra autoestima, necesitamos aumentar nuestro AutoRespeto, AutoConocimiento, AutoConfianza, AutoAceptacin, y AutoResponsabilidad. En el Taller de Inteligencia Emocional, trabajamos una semana entera en mejorar estos aspectos.

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Nathaniel Branden > Quotes

Nathaniel Branden quotes


(showing 1-11 of 11)

Faith is the commitment of one's consciousness to beliefs for which one has no sensory evidence or rational proof. When man rejects reason as his standard of judgement, only one alternative standard remains to him: his feelings. A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition. Faith is the equation of feelings with knowledge Nathaniel Branden, The Virtue of Selfishness

How do we keep our inner fire alive? Two things, at minimum, are needed: an ability to appreciate the positives in our life and a commitment to action. Every day, it's important to ask and answer these questions: What's good in my life? and What needs to be done? Nathaniel Branden


There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. Nathaniel Branden


Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves. Nathaniel Branden



To love is to see myself in you and to wish to celebrate myself with you. What I love is the embodiment of my values in anot her person. Love is an act of self-assertion, self-expression and a celebration of being alive. Nathaniel Branden


There is only one reality - the reality knowable to reason. And if man does not choose to perceive it, there is nothing else for him to perceive; if it is not of this world that he is conscious, then he is not conscious at all Nathaniel Branden, The Virtue of Selfishness


Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves. Nathaniel Branden
tags: judgement 8 likes


The natural inclination of a child is to take pleasure in the use of the mind no less than of the body. The child's primary business is learning. It is also the primary entertainment. To retain that orientation into adulthood, so that consciousness is not a burden but a joy, is the mark of the successfully developed human being. Nathaniel Branden


Romantic love is a passionate spiritual-emotional-sexual attachment between a man and a woman that reflects a high regard for the value of each other's person. Nathaniel Branden
tags: love 6 likes


I think that we approach the problem of romantic love all wrong when we start with the questions: why do so many relationships fail? I think that the interesting question is why do some succeed? Because if you consider how most of us were raised, how most of us were brought up, how few of us had decent role models in terms of our fathers or mothers, how inadequately we were prepared or educated for love as adults; it seems to me that the great miracle is that some people through their own independence, or their own perseverance, or their own creativity, make it. Nathaniel Branden


No solo hay que estar dispuesto a soportar el dolor y el sufrimiento sino que tambin hay que asumir la soledad, la cruda re alidad de que la nia pequea que una vez fue, no tuvo -y no tendr jams- los padres que necesitaba y hubiera deseado. Nathaniel Branden

There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.
Nathaniel Branden Respect, Will, More

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
Nathaniel Branden Change, First, Step

Live with integrity, respect the rights of other people, and follow your own bliss.
Nathaniel Branden Respect, Your, Live

Self esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves.

Nathaniel Branden Self, Ourselves

A woman in love will do almost anything for a man, except give up the desire to improve him.
Nathaniel Branden Love, Man, Will

Productive achievement is a consequence and an expression of health and self-esteem, not its cause.
Nathaniel Branden Health, Expression, Cause

In a world in which the total of human knowledge is doubling about every ten years, our security can rest only on our ability to learn.
Nathaniel Branden Read more at 99

La autoestima es la opinin que tienes de ti. Algunas personas se tienen en un alto concepto; son esas que se creen valiosas y capaces. Otras, por el contrario, sufren del sndrome de poca cosa se sienten inseguras e inferiores a los dems. Las primeras suelen vivir relajadas y felices y, sobre todo, con ms xito que las segundas, pues se sienten capacitadas para enfrentar los retos de la vida y merecedoras del xito. Salta a la vista que tener un sano nivel de autoestima es vital para el bienestar total. Para fortalecerla y elevarla:

1. Refuerza la voz positiva Haz una lista de las cosas que haces bien, tus talentos o aptitudes y tus mejores cualidades. Nada es insignificante: S escuchar; Soy amigable: Tengo facilidad para los nmeros; Cocino muy bien. Repsala todos los das. Recuerda: la baja autoestima es el resultado de concentrarte en los signos de menos (reales o imaginarios), no en los de ms. Este paso te ofrece una perspectiva ms amplia.


When your principles seem to be demanding suicide, clearly its time to check your premises. NATHANIEL BRANDEN, The Free Radical, Oct. 2004 The music that inspires the souls of lovers exists within themselves and the private universe they occupy. They share it with each other; they do not share it with the tribe or with society. The courage to hear that music and to honor it is one of the prerequisites of romantic love. NATHANIEL BRANDEN, The Psychology of Romantic Love There is no value-judgment more important to a man--no factor more decisive in his psychological development and motivation--than the estimate he passes on himself. NATHANIEL BRANDEN, The Psychology of Self-Esteem If we do have realistic confidence ... if we feel secure within ourselves, we tend to experience the world as open to us and to respond appropriately to challenges and opportunities. Self-esteem empowers, ennergizes, motivates. It inspires us to achieve and allows us to take pleasure and pride in our achievements. NATHANIEL BRANDEN, The Power of Self-Esteem To attain "success" without attaining positive self-esteem is to be condemned to feeling like an imposter anxiously awaiting exposure. NATHANIEL BRANDEN, The Power of Self-Esteem The ideal of romantic love stands in opposition to much of our history, as we shall see. First of all, it is individualistic. It rejects the view of human beings as interchangeable units, and it attaches the highest importance to individual differences as well as to individual choice. Romantic love is egoistic, in the philosophical, not in the petty, sense. Egoism as a philosophical doctrine holds that self-realization and personal happiness are the moral goals of life, and romantic love is motivated by the desire for personal happiness. Romantic love is secular. In its union of physical with spiritual pleasure in sex and love, as well as in its union of romance and daily life, romantic love is a passionate commitment to this earth and to the exalted happiness that life on earth can offer. NATHANIEL BRANDEN, The Psychology of Romantic Love


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