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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

Teacher Jo !atisfaction for !econdar" !chool #ffecti$eness in %&% #ducation 'one, !outh(#ast Nigeria
% raham, Nath. ).1,*, #meme, +g onna Nwuju1 , #gu, -osemar" .annah N.1 1 /e0artment of #ducational )anagement, 1ni$ersit" of 2ort .arcourt, 2ort .arcourt, Nigeria

*Corres0onding author3 /e0artment of #ducational )anagement, 1ni$ersit" of 2ort .arcourt, 2ort .arcourt, Nigeria. Tel3 245(604(450(7485 #(mail3 natha raham9" -ecei$ed3 )a" :, 2012 doi310.;540/jct.$1n201 %cce0ted3 )a" 40, 2012 +nline 2u lished3 No$em er 1;, 2012

1-<3 htt03//;540/jct.$1n201 Abstract

This 0a0er e=amines teacher jo satisfaction for secondar" school effecti$eness. >t was a descri0ti$e sur$e". % sam0le of ;12 teachers emerged from a 0o0ulation of 1260 re0resenting 50? of the entire 0o0ulation. % 2(0art, 1;( item, 5(0oint scale instrument was used to generate data for answering 4 research @uestions. The instrument was $alidated " a team of e=0erts in the /e0artment of #ducational )anagement, 1ni$ersit" of 2ort .arcourt, Nigeria; and a relia ilit" $alue of 0.64 esta lished. The researchers distri uted and retrie$ed the instrument. )ean was used to answer the research @uestion. The findings included among others that the classrooms are well $entilated and concluded that inade@uate classroom en$ironment and school facilities 0roduced negati$e teacher jo satisfaction and recommended among others that school la orator" should e well e@ui00ed to maAe science teaching more 0ractical and 0romote effecti$e teacher jo satisfaction. Keywords: Teacher; Job Satisfaction; Secondary School; Effectiveness The Background &efore now in Nigeria, teachers were highl" regarded in the societ". The societ" saw them as stores of Anowledge; role models and the" settled dis0utes in the communit". The societ" de0ended on teachers for the disci0line of the "ouths as well as their moral and academic de$elo0ment. Teachers then ser$ed in $er" 0owerful committees in the communit" ecause the" were sources of wisdom and Anowledge. This role has not changed e$en though the societ"Bs conce0tion of teachers has changed as teachers are toda" looAed down u0on. >t is 0ertinent to call to mind that teachers 0la" an im0ortant role in national de$elo0ment. The nation de0ends on the teachers for transfer of Anowledge, man0ower de$elo0ment as well as the realiCation of educational 0olicies of the nation. The @ualit" of an" nationBs econom" de0ends on the @ualit" of its man0ower and this man0ower can onl" e de$elo0ed " teachers. +luwuo D2007E stress that no nation de$elo0s without education and education is not 0ossi le without teachers ecause teachers inculcate what is worthwhile to learners who in turn utiliCe the Anowledge, sAill, $alues and attitudes to de$elo0 the nation. %dejumo in +Aorie D2006E descri es the teacher as one who 0erforms student(related tasAs summariCed elow3 ( i. Fi$es Anowledge, train students in some asic tasAs and 0ro$ides them with effecti$e learning acti$ities in class. ii. 2ro$ides conduci$e emotional climate in the classroom that facilitates learning and iii. .el0s in the administration of the school. %ll these tasAs are aimed at 0roducing well adjusted indi$iduals who will carr" on de$elo0mental tasAs in the societ". The success of a num er of go$ernment 0rogrammes rests on the shoulders of teachers. The 1ni$ersal 2rimar" #ducation D12#E, the 1ni$ersal &asic #ducation 1&#, the 8(4(4(5 s"stem of education and most recentl", entre0reneurshi0 education are some of the 0rogrammes that de0end on the co(o0eration of teachers for success. The go$ernment s0ends huge sums of mone" to ensure the realiCation of these 0rogrammes. The 1nited Nations
Published by Sciedu Press 1 ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

#ducational !cientific and Cultural +rganiCation D1N#!C+E ad$ocates that 28? of the annual udget of e$er" nation e s0ent on education. >n $iew of this, huge sum of mone" is s0ent on education, there is need to ensure that teachers are 0ro0erl" moti$ated enough to gi$e their full 0otential in the realiCation of the national education goals. The jo satisfaction of teachers is of 0aramount im0ortance to maAe sure that teachers who will carr" out these all im0ortant functions are in the mood to gi$e their est so that the countr"Bs man0ower de$elo0ment is 0ro0erl" de$elo0ed. 1Aeje, +Aorie and Nwag ara D1772E define organiCational effecti$eness as the e=tent to which organiCations achie$e their o jecti$es with minimal e=0enditure of time and mone". Gor them, it is the e=tent to which students are achie$ing, the teachers are satisfied, the staff morale is high, student dro0out is low. !chool effecti$eness is the e=tent to which the school is a le to meet with the goals and as0irations of which it is esta lished. The goal of the school is not onl" to maAe students ac@uire good grades and certificates ut also to socialiCe the students and 0roduce all round de$elo0ed indi$iduals who are well 0re0ared to fit in as leaders of tomorrow and taAe o$er the de$elo0ment of the econom". Teacher Jo !atisfaction is a measure of organiCational or school effecti$eness. Hhen teachers are not satisfied with their jo s to the e=tent that attrition rate is high, it means that the schools are not effecti$e. >gwe D2000E sees an effecti$e school as one that could 0ro$ide admission o00ortunities and turn out re0uta le students which in turn would 0roject the image of the catchments to the outside world. Friffin D1765E is of the o0inion that an effecti$e organiCation is one that meets the following criteria3 D1E a ilit" to ac@uire the resources needed D2E a ilit" to o0erate smoothl" and efficientl" without strain D4E a ilit" to satisf" the demands and e=0ectations of the grou0s that ha$e a strong interest in the organiCation. Hhen schools meet the a o$e criteria, the" can now e regarded as effecti$e. !chools in south(east Nigeria cannot e said to e effecti$e with the 0resent situation of things. Classes are o$ercrowded, asic facilities are lacAing, teachersB salaries are irregular and teacher jo satisfaction is lacAing. % lot still needs to e done to ensure that our schools meet u0 with the goals for which the" are esta lished. >n the light of the foregoing therefore, this 0a0er seeAs to e=0lore teacher jo satisfaction for secondar" school effecti$eness in % a #ducation 'one, !outh(#ast, Nigeria. The Problem There has een so much com0laint a out the falling standard of education in Nigeria. 2arents and the go$ernment com0lain that teachers are to lame as the" ha$e not een ali$e to their res0onsi ilities. The" accuse teachers of a andoning their duties for other usinesses, truanc", a senteeism and dereliction of dut", lea$ing the students to their fate. Teachers on their 0art lame the go$ernment for late 0a"ment of salaries and allowances, 0oor worAing conditions, 0oor salar" structure, lacA of incenti$e, 0oor moti$ation leading to jo dissatisfaction. The Nigerian 1nion of Teachers DN1TE has used incessant striAe actions to 0ress for salar" increase and etter condition of ser$ice. The non(0rofessionaliCation of teaching has also com0ounded the 0ro lem of teachers as teachers do not recei$e the same treatment as their counter0arts in other 0rofessions who ha$e etter salar" structure and conditions of ser$ice. The 1nited Nations #ducational, !cientific and Cultural +rganiCation D1N#!C+E recommended that de$elo0ing nations s0end 28? of their annual udget on education ut Nigeria s0ends onl" a out 10? or less of its udget on education. This has led to the ina ilit" of the go$ernment to e@ui0 school with modern facilities. Teachers worA under $er" 0oor conditions and this situation cannot maAe for school effecti$eness and efficienc". Gurthermore, most go$ernment 0olicies that concern education are formulated " 0oliticians who Anow little or nothing a out education. These 0olicies are then0ushed down to teachers to carr" out and the" end u0 most times not worAing asthose 0oliciesrun0arallel to the educational0ro lemsof the nation. The stud" therefore will aim at finding answers to the following 0ertinent @uestion3 Hhat factors of school facilities determine teacher jo satisfactionI Hhat teacher characteristics determine teacher jo satisfactionI Hhat human relations factors determine teacher jo satisfactionI Purpose of Study The 0ur0ose of this stud" is to identif" the factors of school facilities that determine teacher jo satisfaction, teachersB 0ersonal characteristics that determine jo satisfaction, and the human relations factors that determine teacher jo satisfaction.

Published by Sciedu Press

ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

Research Questions The following research @uestions guided the stud"3 1E Hhat factors of school facilities determine teacher jo satisfactionI 2E Hhat are the teachers own characteristics that determine teacher jo satisfactionI 4E Hhat factors of human relations determine teacher jo satisfactionI ethod The stud" was a descri0ti$e sur$e". /ata collected were 0resented as the" were. The design was used to determine the e=tent teacher jo satisfaction could guarantee secondar" school effecti$eness in % a #ducation 'one. %ll the 1260 D521 males and 6;7 femalesE made u0 the 0o0ulation. % sam0le of ;12 teachers re0resenting 50? was selected through 0ro0ortionate random re0resentation. % 2(0art, 1;(item, 5(0oint scale instrument titled JJo !atisfaction !chool #ffecti$eness Kuestionnaire DJ!!#KEB was used to gather data for answering 4 research @uestions. The instrument was $alidated " a team of e=0erts in the /e0artment of #ducational )anagement, 1ni$ersit" of 2ort .arcourt, Nigeria and a relia ilit" of co(efficient of rL0.64 esta lished using 2earsonBs 2roduct )oment Correlation. )ean was used to answer the 4 research @uestions. Results Research Question !3 #hat factors of school facilities deter$ine teacher %ob satisfaction& Table !: Gactors of school facilities "actors of school facilities that determine teacher #ob satisfaction Classroom in well $entilated and managed. #lectricit" is alwa"s a$aila le. <i rar" and teachers ooAs are a$aila le. !cience la orator" is well e@ui00ed. !chool li rar" is well e@ui00ed. %rand ean $ male 4.20 2.50 2.4; 2.50 2.4; &'() $ female 2.70 2.41 2.2: 2.56 2.5: &')* Remarks % -

1 2 4 5 ;

/ata in ta le 1 indicate that classroom is well $entilated. This had mean 4.20 and 2.70 for male and female teachers. #lectricit" is alwa"s a$aila le 0ooled 2.50 and 2.41 means res0ecti$el" for male and female teachers. <i rar" and teachersB ooAs are a$aila le generated for male teachers 2.4;, female teachers 2.2:. !cience <a orator" is well e@ui00ed 2.50 and 2.56 for oth. !chool li rar" is well e@ui00ed had the mean 2.4; and 2.5: for male and female teachers res0ecti$el". Thus, answer to research @uestion 1 is the onl" factor of school facilit" that determine teacher jo satisfaction is that classrooms are well $entilated.

Published by Sciedu Press

ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

Research +uestion &: #hat are the teacher characteristics that deter$ine Job Satisfaction& Table &: Teacher characteristics that determine teacher jo satisfaction Teacher ,haracteristics that determine 8 : 6 7 10 #ob satisfaction Teacher is @ualified Teacher attends seminar / worAsho0. Teacher is e=0erienced Teacher is "oung , energetic. Teacher has attended 0rofessional 0rogramme %rand ean $ male 4.10 2.;0 2.65 2.8; 2.:0 &'-. $ female 2.7; 2.;2 2.60 2.86 2.:5 &'-) Remarks % % % % %

Ta le 2 indicates that teacher is @ualified had a mean of 4.10 and 2.7; for male and female teachers res0ecti$el". Teacher attends seminar and worAsho0 0ooled means 2.;0 DmalesE and 2.;2 DfemalesE. Teacher is e=0erienced generated means 2.65 and 2.60 for male and female teachers res0ecti$el". Teacher is "oung and energetic scored 2.8; and 2.86 for the two grou0s. Teacher has attended 0rofessional 0rogrammes 2.:0, 2.:5 for the two grou0s. >n the light of the a o$e, the followings are teacher factors that influence jo satisfaction3 a. . c. d. e. Teacher @ualification Teacher attendance of 0rofessional seminars and worAsho0s TeachersB e=0erience Teacher "outhfulness, health and strength. Teacher attendance of other 0rofessional 0rogrammes.

Researcher Question /: #hat hu$an relation factors deter$ine teacher %ob satisfaction& Table /: .uman relation factors that determine teacher jo satisfaction 0uman Relations factors that determine 11 12 14 15 1; Teacher 1ob Satisfaction 2rinci0al holds regular meetings with teachers to discuss school affairs. There is regular 2T% meetings to discuss studentsB affairs. There is cordial relationshi0 etween 0rinci0als and staff mem er. There is regular cordial internal su0er$ision. Teachers are assigned duties and allowed to use their discretion to worA. %rand ean $ male 4.51 2.2; 2.7; 4.0; 2.;6 /'2( $ female 4.50 4.25 2.7; 4.07 2.81 /'2. Remarks % % % % %

/ata in ta le 4 re$eal that 0rinci0al holds regular meetings with teachers to discuss school affairs generated. This generated mean scores of 4.51 and 4.50 for male and female teachers res0ecti$el". There are regular 2T% meetings to discuss studentsB affairs Dmeans 4.2; and 4.25 for male and female teachers res0ecti$el"E. There is cordial relationshi0 etween 0rinci0als and staff mem ers tied at mean score 2.7; for oth categories of teachers. There is regular cordial internal su0er$ision 0ooled Dmean scores 4.0; and 4.07 for male and female teachers res0ecti$el"E. Teachers are allowed to use their discretion to worA scored 2.;6 and 2.81 for male and female teachers res0ecti$el".

Published by Sciedu Press

ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

Grom the foregoing 0resentation, answer to research @uestion 4 are3 a. . c. d. e. 2rinci0als hold regular meetings with staff to discuss school affairs. There are regular meetings with staff to discuss school affairs. There is cordial relationshi0 etween 0rinci0als and staff mem ers. There is regular cordial internal su0er$ision. Teachers are assigned duties and allowed to use their discretion to worA.

3iscussions -esults indicate that classrooms are well $entilated and managea le. This is 0erfectl" in agreement with the findings of %ni in Ndu, +cho and +AeAe D177:E who noted that there is a 0ositi$e relationshi0 etween the academic 0erformance of students and the a$aila ilit" and nature of classrooms. This author further adds that if there is shortage of classrooms, furniture, e@ui0ment and other material resources, this can affect the 0roducti$it" of the teacher and this affects his le$el of jo satisfaction. !imilarl", +ruAotan and +ladi0o D1775E suggest that efforts should e made to ring together in a careful manner those elements which hel0 to create jo teaching and learning audition in a class and thus im0ro$e the le$el of teacher jo satisfaction. #dem D176:E and % raham D2004E suggest that the class siCe must e managea le with good sitting arrangement to 0ermit students seeing the oard from all angles of the class. The authors added that the classroom should e well $entilated to allow free mo$ement of air, es0eciall" in this era of climate change and considering the humid tro0ical weather. -esults show with low means of elow 2.;0 that electricit", li rar" and teacher ooA, school la orator" are not regularl" a$aila le/well e@ui00ed. %ll these 0ortend loss of interest on the 0art of oth the teacher and the students there " limiting the chances of the learner ac@uiring much from the teacher and the continuous jo satisfaction of the teacher. -esults show that teacher characteristics determine jo satisfaction. Moung teachers tend to show difficult" in eing satisfied. The main reason eing that since the" are "oung, the" will want to e=0lore and looA for etter 0a"ing jo s that offer etter jo satisfaction. !tuit and !mith D2007E found that teacher attrition is highest among teachers who are "oung and energetic. -esults indicate that when teachers are 0rofessionall" trained, @ualified and e=0erienced the" tend to lea$e their 0resent 0oor condition to jo s where the" can find jo satisfaction. F.N.%.T D2010E o ser$es that the rate of teacher attrition and dissatisfaction are more among "oung teachers. %dditionall", .annsAeA, Nain and -i$Ain D2005E agree that teachers who left the 0rofession ecause of jo dissatisfaction were generall" "oung and ine=0erienced or much older a00roaching retirement eligi ilit". Furiano, !anti aneC, /ale" and&ewer D2008E found that teachers with ad$anced degree from 0restigious colleges and teachers with degrees in high marAet $alue su jects t"0icall" lea$e teaching jo s for jo s in non( educational fields where the" will find etter jo satisfaction. Gindings also indicated that 0rinci0alBs human relations affect the le$el of teacher jo satisfaction. -eacting to the a o$e scenario, %Au ue in Ndu et al D177:E ad$ises that 0rinci0als should encourage teachers to 0romote and 0ursue good relation with the communit". >n addition, teachers according to %Au ue D177:E should ha$e a friendl" dis0osition towards 0arents. This will gi$e teachers a sense of $alue, res0onsi ilit" and jo satisfaction. >n line with the a o$e thought, +Aorie D2006E suggests that there should e a cordial relationshi0 etween teachers and 0rinci0als, teachers and su0er$isors. Hhen there is no jo satisfaction in the teachers worA en$ironment, he does not 0ut in his est. This will affect teaching and learning ad$ersel"; the goals of education ma" e limited and the societ" suffers ecause the future generation ma" not ha$e een ade@uatel" e=0osed and 0re0ared to face challenges after school ecause the" ha$e een inade@uatel" 0re0ared. ,onclusions >nade@uate classroom en$ironment and school facilities affected the teacher and 0roduced negati$e teacher jo satisfaction. 2oor electricit", inade@uate li rar", lacA of teacher ooAs, unfriendl" classrooms and ill(e@ui00ed la oratories ad$ersel" affected the 0erformance of teacher sAewing it to the negati$e. %ll these ga$e rise to 0oor teacher jo satisfaction. TeachersB 0ersonal characteristics influenced the le$el of jo satisfaction demonstrated " the teacher. This is
Published by Sciedu Press ; ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

ecause "oung and energetic teachers for instance, tend not to e satisfied with their jo . TeachersB le$el of human relations affected their jo satisfaction. This is ecause where the 0rinci0al holds regular meetings with teachers to discuss academic and school affairs, ga$e teachers assignments and allowed them use their discretion, teachers 0ut in their est and show 0h"sicall" that the" are satisfied ecause the" will follow u0 the e=ecution of these assignments with greater Ceal. Recommendations Grom the results of the data anal"Ced, the following recommendations emerged3 1E #lectricit" should e a$aila le alwa"s. This will ena le the teachers and students worA at all times not interru0ted " e0ile0tic 0ower su00l" common in Nigeria 2E <i rar" and teacher ooAs should e ade@uatel" 0ro$ided. This will encourage, 0romote and 0ro0el scholarl" worAs and ha its. 4E The school la orator" should e ade@uatel" e@ui00ed. This will maAe teaching and learning of science su jects more 0ractical. 5E #fforts should e made to encourage "oung teachers sta" on the jo . This is ecause this class of teachers show more enthusiasm in the jo and 0ursue their worA schedule with greater Ceal and energ". ;E Teachers should e assigned duties and allowed to use their discretion to worA. This will encourage greater commitment to the jo . 8E Teachers should e consulted in matters concerning education. This will gi$e them sense of elonging and guarantee their greater jo s satisfaction. References % raham, N. ). D2004E. Educational 'd$inistration in Ni(eria. 2ort .arcourt3 2am 1ni@ue 2u lishers. %Au ue, %. D177:E. %dministration of !chool Communit" -elations. >n %. N. Ndu; <. +. +cho, &. !. +AeAe DedsE D177:E. )yna$ics of educational 'd$insitration and *ana(e$ent+ The Ni(erian Pers,ective . %wAa3 Nigeria, )eA, 0. 2;6 %ni, C. J. D177:E. 2rocurement, )anagement and )aintenance of school 0lant. >n %. N. Ndu; <. +. +cho, , &. !. +AeAe Deds.E. )yna$ics of educational ad$inistration and $ana(e$ent+ The Ni(erian ,ers,ective- %Awa3 )eA 2u lishers, 20. 268(278. #dem, /. %. D176:E. Introduction to Educational 'd$inistration in Ni(eria. > adan Nigeria3 !afari &ooAs. F.N.%.T D2010E. Teacher 'ttrition in .hana Pre-tertiaryEducation Syste$ . -etrie$ed on the 1;th )arch 2012 from www.ghana.newsagenc".org/details/edu Friffin, -. H. D1765E. *ana(e$ent- &oston3 .oughson)iffin. Fuariano, F., !anti aneC, <., , /ale", F. D2008E. Teacher -ecruitment and -etention3 % -e$iew of the -ecent #m0irical <iterature. /evie0 of Educational /esearch1 7 D2E, 1:4(206. htt03//;540:80021:4 .annsheA, #. %., Nain, J. G., , -i$Ain, !. F. D2005E. Hh" 2u lic !chools <oose Teachers. Journal of 2u$an /esources1 39D2E, 428(4;5. htt03//;;701: >gwe, -. D2000E. Teacher Turno$er and !hortages3 %n +rganiCational %nal"sis. '$erican Education /esearch Journal1 3!D4E, 577(;45. +Aorie, N. C. D2006E. Teachers *atter+ 4or$ulation and I$,le$entation of Teachers educational ,olicies . % Ae"note address deli$ered at the Horld Teachers /a" Cele ration at > eAu .igh !chool, 1muahia on the ; th of +cto er 2006. +luwuo, !. +. D2007E. 5uild the 4uture1 Invest in Teachers No0 . % Ae"note %ddress /eli$ered at the Horld Teachers /a" Cele ration at > eAu .igh !chool, 1muahia on the ;th of +cto er 2007. +roAutan, %., , +ladi0o, !. D1775E. Pri$ary Education in Ni(eria- <agos3 Nito=(Nuncho 2u lication. 00. 466(470.

Published by Sciedu Press

ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

Vol. 1, No. 2; 2012

!tuit, /. %., , !mith, T. ). D2007E. Teacher turnover in charterschools. -etrie$ed on the 15th of %0ril 2012 from www.$ lication0h0 1Aeje, &. +., +Aorie, N.C., , Nwag ara, 1. %. D1772E. Educational 'd$inistration+ Theory and Practice- +werri3 Totan 2u lishers.

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ISSN 1927-2 77 E-ISSN 1927-2 !"

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