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Basic needs of plant

To determine the basic needs of plant: s nli!ht " air and #ater

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'lant needs s nshine" #ater and air to contin e their li)in! process

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'eople" other animals and plants are li)in! s/stem that need man/ of the same basic thin!s in order to s r)i)e: air" food"#ater"li!ht"shelter and space. 'lants ta0e p #ater and minerals thro !h their roots and ta0e in air thro !h tin/ openin! in their lea)es called stomata. 1ost plants need s nshine to ma0e food. The chloroph/lls absorb the s nshine in photos/nthesis process. 'lants also needs #ater to ma0e s re that plant are in t r!id condition. 2ater are transport from roots to all of the cell in plants thro !h osmosis process. 3ir also a necessit/ for plant to s r)i)e. 4or e5ample" carbon dio5ide are needed in photos/nthesis process.


a6 ( nshine 7 'lants ha)e the abilit/ to ma0e their o#n food. 3 s bstance" called chloroph/ll
are responsible for ma0in! plants !reens" is needed to con)ert the in!redients to plant food7s !ars and starches. Chloroph/ll onl/ e5ist in the presence of li!ht. 2itho t the chloroph/ll" the photos/nthesis #ill not happen. The plant that located far from li!ht" or bloc0ed from s nshine #ill die.


b6 2ater

7 The ri!ht method to #aterin! the plant are )er/ important. If the soil is too
#et" there is not eno !h o5/!en a)ailable to the plants. Therefore" the plants cannot respire and #ill die.

*.$ c6 3ir

7 3ir consists of man/ thin!s" incl din! nitro!en" carbon dio5ide and o5/!en.
'lants m st ha)e carbon dio5ide" li!ht and #ater to do the photos/nthesis. 'lants also need o5/!en in order to con)ert the s !ar and starches to ener!/ re8 ired to !ro#. In photos/nthesis process" the plant pro)ides more o5/!en and this e5tra o5/!en #ill release to the atmosphere and sed b/ the h man and others or!anism. Then" animals #ill release carbon dio5ide in atmosphere. (o that" the plant can sed the carbon o5ide for photos/nthesis process.

9.0 T%EO,& O4 B3(IC +EE-( O4 'L3+T

In 1::2" the En!lish cler!/man Joseph 'riestl/ fo nd the e5istin! of photos/nthesis process in plant. %e onl/ demonstrated that air is a basic needs of plant. In his e5periment" he findin! that candles b rn )er/ #ell in air in #hich plants had !ro#n a lon! time" and ha)in! had some reason to thin0" that there #as somethin! attendin! )e!etation" #hich restored air that had been in; red b/ respiration. %e tho !ht it #as possible that the same process mi!ht also restore the air that had been in; red b/ the b rnin! of candles. 3ccordin!l/" on the 1: 3 ! st "1::1" he p t a sprin! of mint into a 8 antit/ of air" in #hich a #a5 candle had b rned o t" and fo nd that" on 2: th of the same month" another candled b rned perfectl/ #ell in it. %e repeated this e5periment and fo nd that plants prod ce o5/!en. (e)en /ears later" the - tch ph/sician Jan In!enho s< demonstrated the necessit/ of s nli!ht for o5/!en prod ction. %e also sho#ed that onl/ !reen parts of plant can do phos/nthesis. In 1:=2" a (#iss pastor and part7 time scientist" Jean (enebier sho#ed that the process depended on a partic lar of !as.

4inall/" in1=0*" another (#iss researcher "+icholas Theodore de (a ss re" fo nd that #ater is necessar/ for the photos/nthesis prod ction of or!anic materials.

>.0 13TE,I3L
>.0 a6 Problem
Materials : : -o plants need s nshine

?ro#in! plants #ith lar!e lea)es Vaseline Blac0 constr ction paper 'aper clips

>.0 b6 Problem
Materials Bean seeds T#o small flo#erpots 2ater (oil" h m s :

: Can 'lants li)e #itho t 2ater

>.0 c6 Problem
Material Bean seeds :

: Can plants li)e #itho t air@

T#o ;ars and t#o plastic c ps (oil" h m s Cotton 2ater

:.0 'L3++I+?
i. ii. iii. i). ). )i. T#o plastic c p that contain the soil #ere prepared Ei!ht been seeds #ere placed in each plastic c p -istilled #ater #ere po red to the soil in each plant ntil the soil #et The plastic c p #ere placed nder the s nshine The !ro#th of plant #ere obser)ed for e)er/ t#o da/s The res lt #ere recorded

:.1 Procedure A :
1. ?reen plant placed in #ell7li!hted place #here it can be seen #itho t bein! handled. 2. $. Both sides of se)eral lea)es co)ered caref ll/ #ith )aseline. These lea)es obser)ed each da/ and bein! compared #ith ncoated lea)es.

The colo r and the freshness of the lea)es noticed. Procedure B : 1. 2. $. 3 folded piece of blac0 constr ction paper #as c t o t pattern on one side. The pattern on the leaf clipped and lea)e it attached for se)eral da/s. The constr ction paper remo)ed after se)eral da/s and the res lts obser)ed

1. 2. $. *.

Procedure : Ei!ht bean seeds #ere planted into the flo#erpots 'lant #ere been placed nder the s nshine. 'lant A3B #as #atered li!htl/ each da/. 'lant ABB #as not #atered.

1. 2. $. *.

Procedure A

Bean seeds ha)e been planted in ;ars. Both the soil been #atered fairl/ #ell. The air has been e5pelled from the soil #hen air b bbles cease to rise. The first ;ar #as cap. This c ts off the air s ppl/ to the plants. The second plant #as misted b/ #aterin! as needed. Procedure B

1. The t#o c ps #as filled #ith 2. The cotton pad ha)e been placed on the top and some beans on the cotton. This 0eeps the seeds moist. $. The second c p has been dropped seeds into the #ater to eliminatin! the air. *. The temperat re and li!ht ha)e same for both c ps.

=.0 ,E(.LT
Obser)ation 'roced re 3 Coated lea)es C pper side6 7 the colo r become bro#n 7 the lea)es #ithered Coated lea)es Clo#er side6 7 no chan!es of colo r and the lea)es still fresh Coated lea)es Cboth side6 7 the colo r become bro#n 7 the lea)es #ithered Inferences 7 photos/nthesis not occ r 7 chloroph/ll located on the s rface of the lea)es 7 photos/nthesis still occ r 7 chloroph/ll located on the s rface of the lea)es 7 photos/nthesis not occ r 7 chloroph/ll located on the s rface of the lea)es

'roced re B

Coated lea)es C pper side6 7 no chan!es of colo r and the lea)es still fresh Coated lea)es Clo#er side6 7 no chan!es of colo r and the lea)es still fresh Coated lea)es Cboth side6 7 no chan!es of colo r and the lea)es still fresh

7 photos/nthesis still occ r 7 chloroph/ll located on the s rface of the lea)es

Observation 'lant A3B 'lant ABB (eed !erminate (eed not !erminate Inferences (eed !et eno !h #ater to !ro#th (eed do not !et eno !h #ater to !ro#th

Observation i6 'roced re 3 ii6 'roced re 3 (eed !erminate and !ro#th )er/ #ell (eed !erminate and !ro#th not )er/ #ell then die. Inferences seed ha)e eno !h air seed ha)e not eno !h air

i6 'roced re B ii6 'roced re B

(eed !erminate and !ro#th )er/ #ell (eed not !erminate

seed ha)e eno !h air. seed ha)e not air

D.0 -I(C.((IO+

1. 2hat #o ld happen if onl/ the topside #ere coated@ The bottom side@

7 If the topside #ere coated" the plant #ill die beca se the chloroph/ll #ere
located at the top s rface of lea)es.

7 If the bottom side #ere coated" the plant #ill still ali)e beca se the chloroph/ll
does not e5ist at the bottom side of lea)es" then the photos/nthesis process still occ r at the plant. 2. 2o ld leaf contin e to die if the coatin! #ere remo)ed after one da/@

7 The plant still ali)e beca se onl/ the photos/nthesis do not occ r" b r the
or!an in the plant still ali)e for that da/ $. 2hat #o ld happen" if onl/ half the lea)es #ere co)ered C half of the topside and half of the bottom side 6@

7 The co)ered lea)es #ill t rn colo r to bro#n #hile the not co)ered lea)es still
!reen and fresh. *. 2hat happen to the plant lea)es after the mas0 is remo)ed@ Obser)e for se)eral da/s.

Question 1.

2o ld the same res lts be possible #ith different 0ind of seeds@ &es" beca se #ater is essential for a plants s r)i)al" not onl/ to stop them from

deh/dratin!" b t also to enable them to absorb n trients" #hich the/ can onl/ do in sol ble form. 2ater also cools the lea)es as it e)aporates 2. Is it possible to !i)e a plant too m ch #ater@

2e cannot #ater the plant to m ch beca se #hen the soil too #et there is not eno !h o5/!en to the plant. $. %o# can farmer tell if a plant recei)in! eno !h #ater@ not eno !h #ater@ too

m ch #ater@ Eno !h #ater +ot eno !h #ater Too m ch #ater

The plant !ro#th bi! and The plantFs leaf fade and The plant !ro#th b t the health/. the plant !ro#th shortl/. plant leaf #it.

1. 2hat other #a/ mi!ht air ma/ be eliminated from the c p 7The other #a/ to eliminated air from the is se the calci m chloride and co)er the seed #ith #a5.

2. Is too m ch air e)er a problem to the farmer@ 7 +o. 3mo nt of air not effect to the plant.

$. 2o ld the same res lts occ r #ith different t/pes of seed@ 7 &es. 3ll t/pes of seed ha)e same !erminate processes.

*. 'lants ma0e their food b t the/ do need a s ppl/ of minerals. Choose three minerals and describe #hat happens to plant #itho t them.

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