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list of attempted questions and answers select the blank question seiketsu is to ensure that ________ of first three

's' i.e. seiri, seiton & seiso. correct ans wer implementation your answer implementation true/false question benefits of dw n is faster response to customer needs. correct answer true your answer true mul tiple choice single answer question recording of the entire setup operators focu sing on hand, eye and body movements of the person doing the setting is done thr ough :correct answer video recording your answer video recording multiple choice multiple answer question during smed implementation, primary study consists of :correct answer equipment analysis , setup change analysis , preparation items ( storage place , method) analysis your answer equipment analysis , setup change a nalysis , preparation items (storage place , method) analysis select the blank q uestion ideally the histogram will have a symmetrical ( i.e. also called as bell ) shape tapering away on both sides from ________ value. correct answer average your answer average select the blank question ________ is the critical element o f tqm. correct answer focus on customer your answer focus on customer multiple c hoice multiple answer question role of champions are :correct answer approve six sigma projects , remove road block in the path of six sigma implementation , mo nitor progress of six sigma projects your answer approve six sigma projects , re move road block in the path of six sigma implementation , monitor progress of si x sigma projects multiple choice multiple answer question for 'control on ppm an d rework level;, checking points' will be :correct answer ppm level , initiate c orrective actions on rejection/rework , initiate preventive action on rejection / rework your answer ppm level , initiate corrective actions on rejection/rework , initiate preventive action on rejection / rework multiple choice single answe r question pop is :correct answer process oriented management your answer proces s oriented management true/false question tqm improves the quality by improving processes.

correct answer true your answer true true/false question review is important ste p in problem solving. correct answer true your answer true multiple choice multi ple answer question after finding out the solution & working on it, the equally important job is :correct answer prepare for the presentation of your work , exp lain the progress by presentation to steering committee , convince committee for financial help for running the project your answer prepare for the presentation of your work , explain the progress by presentation to steering committee , con vince committee for financial help for running the project match the following q uestion correct answer your answer in scatter diagram, the strength of relations hip can be determined by "correlation coefficient" by "correlation coefficient" the scatter diagram provides the technique to establish the possible relationshi p between a pair of variables the possible relationship between a pair of variab les the scatter diagram displays the pair of data as a cloud of points the pair of data as a cloud of points the scatter is also known as correlation diagram co rrelation diagram true/false question in single card kanban system production gr eater than quantity withdrawn is permitted. correct answer false your answer fal se select the blank question ________ is the root cause of the problems. correct answer variation your answer variation multiple choice single answer question w hile assessing the current status during problem solving go to gamba and look at gembustu is :correct answer essential your answer essential depends upon situat ion multiple choice multiple answer question in absence of p-kanban the workman may :correct answer carry out machine clean up , work on improvement project. , receive training your answer carry out machine clean up , work on improvement pr oject. multiple choice single answer question the concept of quality circle was mooted by :-

correct answer prof. kaoishikawa your answer prof. kaoishikawa select the blank question ________ helps to generate creative ideas . correct answer brainstormin g your answer brainstorming multiple choice single answer question for small bat ch quality production, number of setups :correct answer increases your answer in creases true/false question process capability refers to ability of the process to meet the design specification for a product or a service. correct answer true your answer true true/false question kaizen looks at process as a part of quali ty & quantity as a part of process correct answer false your answer true select the blank question ________ participants in monthly meeting(mrm) correct answer gm, operation heads, corporate functional heads your answer department heads & s upervisors multiple choice multiple answer question examples of muda of defects are :correct answer customer complaints , poor material yield , rejection and re work your answer customer complaints , poor material yield , rejection and rewor k multiple choice single answer question vilfredo pareto had discovered a univer sal law as :correct answer "around 20% of the activity causes 80% of the effect" your answer "around 20% of the activity causes 80% of the effect" multiple choi ce multiple answer question benefits from the standardized containers are correc t answer minimization of transit damages , ease in verification of quantity of p arts , automatic signal to supplier to replenish stock your answer minimization of transit damages , ease in verification of quantity of parts , automatic signa l to supplier to replenish stock true/false question tqm organizations also harn ess the goodwill and interest of the family members of the employees. correct an swer true your answer true select the blank question technique involved in listi ng of setup task, establishing technological relationship between tasks, drawing arrow diagram is called as ________.

correct answer network diagram your answer flow chart multiple choice multiple a nswer question kanban system may be :correct answer single card kanban system , double card kanban system your answer single card kanban system , double card ka nban system multiple choice single answer question bulk production, to reduce se tup time is an example of :correct answer over production your answer machine ut ilization multiple choice single answer question swot analysis is an important s tep in :correct answer deciding what to benchmark your answer deciding what to b enchmark multiple choice multiple answer question remedial actions for error of misunderstanding is :correct answer training , checking in advance , standardizi ng work procedures your answer training , checking in advance , standardizing wo rk procedures select the blank question ________ is a must in meeting of quality circles. corr ect answer brainstorming your answer brainstorming multiple choice single answer question the steering committee as apex body should be :correct answer only one for all the groups in organization your answer only one for all the groups in o rganization multiple choice single answer question muda of transport can be elim inated significantly by :correct answer self inspection by suppliers & operators your answer self inspection by suppliers & operators select the blank question a histogram is a graphical display of distribution of measurements & reveals the amounts of ________ within the process. correct answer variation your answer va riation multiple choice single answer question statistical process control is ap plication of statistical technique to control :correct answer process your answe r process multiple choice single answer question in india quality circle was fir st launched by :correct answer hyderabad unit of bhel your answer hyderabad unit of bhel true/false question a control chart is a chart with ucl & lcl placed at 6 sigma distance

on either side of the process average. correct answer false your answer false tr ue/false question control limits of control charts should be revised from time t o time as additional data is accumulated. correct answer true your answer true m ultiple choice multiple answer question examples of muda of motion are :correct answer lifting objects , walking to reach object , searching for object your ans wer lifting objects , walking to reach object , searching for object true/false question kanban signals are required when assembly work, subassembly work and ma nufacturing at parts is carried out at different locations. correct answer true your answer true multiple choice multiple answer question six sigma organization consists of :correct answer champions , black belts , green belts your answer c hampions , black belts , green belts match the following question correct answer your answer lclnp n p - 3 ( sq.root( n p( 1- p ))) n p - 3 ( sq.root( n p( 1- p ))) uclp p + 3 ( sq.root( p ( 1 - p ) / n )) p + 3 ( sq.root( p ( 1 - p ) / n ) ) lclp p - 3 ( sq.root( p ( 1- p ) / n)) p - 3 ( sq.root( p ( 1- p ) / n)) uclnp n p + 3 ( sq.root( n p ( 1- p ))) n p + 3 ( sq.root( n p ( 1- p ))) multiple ch oice multiple answer question product benchmarking requires, comparison of produ ct :correct answer performance , features , cost your answer performance , featu res , cost select the blank question jit helps to ________ the waste in the purc hasing process. correct answer eliminates your answer eliminates select the blan k question poka yoke is ________. correct answer simple technique your answer si mple technique list of attempted questions and answers multiple choice single an swer

question 5-s technique is useful to: correct answer to all places including home s your answer to all places including homes multiple choice single answer questi on empowerment means making best use of the firm's most valuable resource, namel y:correct answer human your answer human select the blank question number of def ects in an individual component, like gear, shaft, wheel etc can be monitored th rough ________ type of control chart. correct answer c-chart your answer c-chart multiple choice single answer question tqm is a way to improve quality of produ ct and service :correct answer continuously your answer continuously multiple ch oice multiple answer question best practices for standardization in implementing seiketsu are :correct answer create as many visual control systems as possible , use colour code system for easy control , fix one colour (e.g. red) for danger zones/out of controls your answer create as many visual control systems as poss ible , use colour code system for easy control , display warning notices true/fa lse question jit is not possible for each and every item held as inventory corre ct answer true your answer false true/false question customer wise outstanding i s discussed in daily work management meeting by operations head. correct answer false your answer false select the blank question poka-yoke devices under catego ry 'locating pins' to eliminate cause of ________ correct answer incorrect posit ioning your answer incorrect positioning multiple choice single answer question customer's return is an indicators of the muda of :correct answer defect your an swer defect match the following question correct answer your answer evolve stand ard operating procedure & implement. seiketsu seiketsu hidden faults come out wh ile implementing. cleaning yourself your equipments seiso

fix the place of items, tools as per frequency of use seiri seiton responsibilit y same from top to bottom seiso shitsuke multiple choice single answer question accountability means :correct answer responsibility of business results your ans wer responsibility execution or action multiple choice single answer question qu ality problem solving tool is used to :correct answer improve quality your answe r improve quality true/false question performance benchmarking does not involves comparison of financial ratios at the aggregate level. correct answer false you r answer false multiple choice single answer question competitive benchmarking i s usually conducted :correct answer through third party research your answer thr ough third party research multiple choice single answer question small groups fo rming a circle should consist of :correct answer employees of different departme nt related to the problem your answer employees of different department related to the problem true/false question in cellular manufacturing system cell may con sist of a single machine or more than one machine arranged in line. correct answ er true your answer true multiple choice multiple answer question histograms are useful to :correct answer measure the current pattern & extent of variation , a ssess current conformance to specification & scope of improvement , determine wh ether or not the process is in the state of control your answer measure the curr ent pattern & extent of variation , assess current conformance to specification & scope of improvement , determine whether or not the process is in the state of control true/false question non-availability of files /document in time is a pr oblem to be addressed by office tpm. correct answer true your answer true select the blank question a control chart to exhibit counted data on number of defect is called ________. correct answer c-chart your answer c-chart

true/false question fishbone analysis is used both in analysis & planning. corre ct answer true your answer true select the blank question inspection activity fo r semi finished & finished component should be ________ to reduce muda of transp ort . correct answer decentralized your answer decentralized multiple choice mul tiple answer question scatter diagram is used :correct answer to discover relati onship between two associated sets of data , to display the relationship between two variables , to confirm anticipated relationship between two variables / ass ociated sets of data your answer to discover relationship between two associated sets of data , to display the relationship between two variables , to confirm a nticipated relationship between two variables / associated sets of data select t he blank question u shape arrangement of layout provides the operator ________ d egree of mobility. correct answer 360 your answer 360 true/false question chance causes can not be identified. correct answer true your answer true multiple cho ice multiple answer question during the steps of deming cycle of pdca what is im portant? correct answer plan unitedly for the target within reach , make plan ac tive by "doing it" i.e. everyone working , after some time check the results for success your answer plan unitedly for the target within reach , make plan activ e by "doing it" i.e. everyone working , after some time check the results for su ccess multiple choice multiple answer question benefits of quality maintenance a re :correct answer reduction in customer quality complaints , reduction in inspe ction time your answer reduction in customer quality complaints , reduction in i nspection time multiple choice multiple answer question causes of muda of transp ort are :correct answer faulty layout , over production your answer faulty layou t , over production multiple choice multiple answer question types of poka-yoke are :correct answer prevention type poka-yoke , detection type poka-yoke your an swer prevention type poka-yoke , detection type poka-yoke , standards type pokayoke multiple choice single answer

question pie chart is also called as :correct answer angular diagram your answer angular diagram multiple choice multiple answer question the aim of education & training under tpm is :correct answer to develop abilities to respond quickly t o abnormalities , to develop abilities to discover analyze malfunction your answ er to develop abilities to respond quickly to abnormalities , to develop abiliti es to discover analyze malfunction , to have multiskilled employees in all depar tments multiple choice multiple answer question material supply on dsl basis hel ps :correct answer to eliminate handling , to reduce transporting , to reduce in spection your answer to eliminate handling , to reduce transporting , to reduce inspection select the blank question poka yoke designed to help operators to kno w immediately ________ of the defeat called detection type poka-yoke. correct an swer on occurrence your answer on occurrence multiple choice multiple answer que stion typical examples of process benchmark are :correct answer procurement proc edures , budgeting , recruitment your answer procurement procedures , budgeting , recruitment multiple choice single answer question the area enclosed under nor mal distribution curve between mean +2standard deviation is :correct answer 0.95 45 your answer 1 true/false question daily work management can also be extended to non manufacturing areas like procurement, qa, hrd etc. correct answer true yo ur answer true match the following question correct answer your answer 4 th leve l in six sigma organization green belts green belts 1 st level in six sigma orga nization champions champions 2 nd level in six sigma organization master black b elts master black belts 3 rd level in six sigma organization black belts black b elts select the blank question ________ pdca cycle is the systematic approach to wards meeting the target. correct answer kaoishikawa

your answer deming select the blank question ________is serve as a stepping stone to tqm correct an swer iso-9000 quality standard your answer tpm select the blank question histogr am is a diagrammatic presentation of the ________ distribution of characteristic s such as strength, diameter, etc. correct answer frequency your answer frequenc y multiple choice single answer question through continuous improvement in the p rocess & procedures, kobetsukaizen is continuously improve utilization of :corre ct answer worker, equipment & material your answer worker, equipment & material multiple choice single answer question frequencies, values, tabulated in the fre quency table, can be represented pictorially in the form of bar graph & this gra ph of frequency is called as :correct answer histogram your answer histogram mul tiple choice multiple answer question muda of waiting is due to :correct answer interrupted flow of work , delay in movement of raw material from stores your an swer interrupted flow of work , delay in movement of raw material from stores se lect the blank question cft ( cross functional team ) consisting of ________ cor rect answer operators, supervisors from different departments your answer operat ors, supervisors from different departments select the blank question in pdca cy cle for benchmarking 'identification of performance gap' is done in ________. co rrect answer checking your answer checking multiple choice multiple answer quest ion management skill includes :correct answer leadership , motivation , performa nce appraisals your answer leadership , motivation multiple choice single answer question zero loss concept means :correct answer zero accident, zero defect, ze ro breakdown your answer zero accident, zero defect, zero breakdown true/false q uestion flow charts are drawn to identify deviations by observing actual & compa ring with running process. correct answer false

your answer false list of attempted questions and answers multiple choice multiple answer question tqm can never flourish if the staff are:correct answer worried about losing job s , afraid of being reprimanded if there are mistakes , scared of their bosses y our answer worried about losing jobs , afraid of being reprimanded if there are mistakes , scared of their bosses multiple choice single answer question toyota, honda & nissan are world class benchmarking candidates in :correct answer emplo yee selection your answer employee selection multiple choice single answer quest ion the leader of the circle should be selected by :correct answer circle member s your answer steering committee multiple choice multiple answer question missin g parts is due to :correct answer willful errors , inadvertent error , judgment error your answer willful errors , inadvertent error multiple choice single answ er question rushing to complete a job is considered symptom of :correct answer p oor planning your answer poor planning multiple choice multiple answer question the purpose of shitsuke is especially for :correct answer maintaining the 4-s co nsistently , develop discipline attitude in everyone , any day throughout the ye ar sustain the discipline your answer maintaining the 4-s consistently , develop discipline attitude in everyone , any day throughout the year sustain the disci pline multiple choice multiple answer question few typical shapes of histograms are :correct answer symmetrical (or bell shaped) , asymmetrical skewed positive , double peaked your answer symmetrical (or bell shaped) , asymmetrical skewed p ositive , double peaked multiple choice single answer question in autonomus modu les or cells, rate of production increases :correct answer number of operators i ncreases your answer number of operators increases true/false question inspectio n is poor method of assuring 100% quality. correct answer true your answer true select the blank question ________ used to detect drop in air pressure. correct answer buzzers / alarms

your answer buzzers / alarms multiple choice multiple answer question breakdown problem may be stratified by :correct answer sections , machines , type of breakdown (e.g mech. or electrical ) your answer sections , machines , type of breakdown (e.g mech. or electrical) multiple choice multiple answer question advantages of jit :correct answer reduc e inventory , lower per unit cost , reduce incoming inspection your answer reduc e inventory , lower per unit cost , reduce incoming inspection multiple choice s ingle answer question assignable causes :correct answer can be eliminated your a nswer can be eliminated multiple choice multiple answer question if 'inventory i nvestment' is managing point, then checking point will be :correct answer stores inventory , vendor stock , wip your answer wip , stores inventory , vendor stoc k true/false question globalization of trade and industrial operations have forc ed indian companies to become more & more competitive and customer driven. corre ct answer true your answer true multiple choice single answer question flow char ts are used to train new employees by :correct answer providing a documented des cription of the tasks involved your answer providing a documented description of the tasks involved true/false question to achieve quality, it has to be designe d into the product. correct answer true your answer true match the following que stion correct answer your answer review your efforts & success achieved check ch eck act about the causes found out do act collect the initial data for the probl em plan plan actions further after reviewing the progress act repeat select the blank question create as many ________ system as possible for better seiketsu. c orrect answer visual control

your answer visual control multiple choice single answer question a flow chart is a pictorial representatio n of the steps in a :correct answer process your answer process multiple choice multiple answer question few steps in construction of pie chart are :correct ans wer express value of each category as percentage of total of all categories & ca lculate the degree of angle form by each category by equation degree = value of groups/total value * 360 , draw the circle & segment the circle into angles calc ulated in step one , colour different segments & enter the percentage of each ca tegory into pie chart your answer express value of each category as percentage o f total of all categories & calculate the degree of angle form by each category by equation degree = value of groups/total value * 360 , draw the circle & segme nt the circle into angles calculated in step one , colour different segments & e nter the percentage of each category into pie chart multiple choice single answe r question list of customers, to carry out parato analysis to identify customers who gives business includes :correct answer present & past customers your answe r present & past customers multiple choice single answer question benefits of se iton means correct answer easy irretrievability of material your answer cost sav ing in unwanted items multiple choice multiple answer question as benchmark in j apan seiso activities means :correct answer everyone, clerk to officer does clea ning his area , no sweeper or cleaner employees , every family does cleaning of pavement of their residence your answer everyone, clerk to officer does cleaning his area , every family does cleaning of pavement of their residence , separate department for cleaning supervision true/false question six sigma process requi res 100 % inspection correct answer false your answer false true/false question graph is a tabulated representation of the data which is easily understandable a t a glance. correct answer false your answer true multiple choice multiple answe r question what are the steps in deciding the benchmarking partner? correct answ er decide level of benchmarking , list down a few prospective candidates of part nership , collect information of short listed partners your answer decide level of benchmarking , list down a few prospective candidates of partnership , collec t information of short listed partners select the blank

question ________feel that quality circle cause erosion of their control over wo rkmen. correct answer supervisors your answer supervisors true/false question er rors are inevitable but can be eliminated. correct answer true your answer true multiple choice multiple answer question according to seiketsu standardization m eans :correct answer to develop easy to follow standards , evolve standard opera ting procedure , better visual management your answer to develop easy to follow standards , evolve standard operating procedure , better visual management selec t the blank question ford, general electric & motorola are word class benchmarki ng for ________ correct answer training your answer training select the blank qu estion cpk for six sigma process is ________ correct answer 1.5 your answer 1.5 multiple choice single answer question 5 's rating after audit is check point fo r :correct answer work place improvement your answer work place improvement true /false question process capability index cp is a measure of capability of the pr ocess to meet the specification limits. correct answer true your answer true sel ect the blank question ________ should be used to exercise control on the proces s. correct answer control chart your answer control chart select the blank quest ion flow chart helps to dissect a process for better understanding & ________ of process. correct answer analysis your answer analysis select the blank question ________ is benefit of tpm. correct answer low production cost your answer low production cost multiple choice multiple answer question example of mechanizatio ns are :correct answer use of fork-lifts / cranes for die - movements , using mo ving

bolster , using roller die carts your answer use of fork-lifts / cranes for die - movements , using moving bolster , using roller die carts multiple choice sing le answer question to maintain smoothness in production :correct answer eliminat ion of buffer stock is recommended your answer maintenance of buffer stock is re commended. match the following question correct answer your answer monthly meeti ng discussion for capital expenditure & customer outstanding. discussion for cap ital expenditure & customer outstanding. shift begining & shift end / change mee ting discussion on production in last shift & plan for next shift discussion on production in last shift & plan for next shift daily work management meeting dis cussion on gap analysis for production maintenance, dispatch discussion on gap a nalysis for production maintenance, dispatch weekly meeting discussion for custo mer complaints discussion for customer complaints true/false question tqm improv es manufacturing as well as clerical activities. correct answer true your answer true select the blank question to find out root cause ________used correct answ er why-why technique your answer why-why technique multiple choice single answer question percentage of gross revenues spent on correcting mistakes, checking & rechecking and things which do not add values, by manufacturing company is:corre ct answer 20-30% your answer 0.6 true/false question u-line layout is better tha n straight lime layout. correct answer true your answer true select the blank qu estion in traditional purchasing ________ inventory is required. correct answer plenty of your answer plenty of select the blank question the process capability of the process =________(where sigma is the standard deviation of the populatio n / lot. correct answer 6 sigma your answer 2 sigma

true/false question a radar chart is combination of a circle & line graph correc t answer true your answer true

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