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European standards
Pressure equipment

Directive 97/23/EC Short nam e : Base : Modification: Dire ctive s re pe ale d: Pressure equipment (PED) Directive 97/23/ECof the Europe an Parliam e nt and of the C ouncil of 29 May 1997 on the approx im ation of the laws of the Me m be r State s conce rning pre ssure e quipm e nt O J L 181 of 9 July 1997 [-] [-]

Guide for application:

Guidance on C E m ark ing for profe ssionals Pre ssure e quipm e nt dire ctive : guide line s DG Ente rprise and Industry Mr. Hans DHO O GE, Fax . +32.2.2967013/2998029 E-m ail W e bsite on pre ssure e quipm e nt and gas appliance s

EC contact point:

For inform ation about the conte nt and availability of Europe an standards, ple ase contact the Europe an Standardisation O rganisations.

Publications in the Official Journal: C om m ission com m unication in the fram e work of the im ple m e ntation of the Dire ctive 97/23/EC of the Europe an Parliam e nt and of the C ouncil of 29 May 1997 on the approx im ation of the laws of the Me m be r State s conce rning pre ssure e quipm e nt - OJ C 233 of 03/08/2012 (This list re place s all the pre vious lists publishe d in the O fficial Journal.) Stay up to date with the re fe re nce s of harm onise d standards for this Dire ctive , publishe d in the O ffical Journal by subcribing to the R SS fe e d Summary list of titles and references harmonised standards under Directive 97/23/EC for Pressure equipment The sum m ary list he re unde r is a com pilation of the re fe re nce s of harm onise d standards which have be e n ge ne rate d by the HAS (Harm onise d standards) database . This IT application HAS autom ate s the proce ss of the publication of the re fe re nce s of harm onise d standards in the O fficial Journal of the Europe an Union. Although the list is update d re gularly, it m ay not be com ple te and it doe s not have any le gal validity; only publication in the O fficial Journal give s le gal affe ct.

The following list contains re fe re nce s to harm onise d standards for pre ssure e quipm e nt and harm onise d supporting standards for m ate rials use d in m anufacturing pre ssure e quipm e nt. In the case of a harm onise d supporting standard for m ate rials, pre sum ption of conform ity to the e sse ntial safe ty re quire m e nts is lim ite d to te chnical data of m ate rials in the standard and doe s not pre sum e ade quacy of the m ate rial to a spe cific ite m of e quipm e nt. C onse que ntly the te chnical data state d in the m ate rial standard shall be asse sse d against the de sign re quire m e nts of this spe cific ite m of e quipm e nt to ve rify that the e sse ntial safe ty re quire m e nts of the PED are satisfie d. Date of ce ssation of pre sum ption of conform ity of supe rse de d standard Note 1

ESO (1)

R e fe re nce and title of the harm onise d standard (and re fe re nce docum e nt)

R e fe re nce of supe rse de d standard

EN 3-8:2006 C EN Portable fire e x tinguishe rs - Part 8: Additional re quire m e nts to EN 3-7 for the construction, re sistance to pre ssure and m e chanical te sts for e x tinguishe rs with a m ax im um allowable pre ssure e qual to or lowe r than 30 bar EN 3-8:2006/AC :2007 C EN EN 19:2002 Industrial valve s - Mark ing of m e tallic valve s EN 267:2009+A1:2011 Autom atic force d draught burne rs for liquid fue ls EN 267:2009 Note 2.1 EN 287-1:2004 Note 2.1 EN 334:2005 The date of this publication () The date of this publication ()



EN 287-1:2011 Q ualification te st of we lde rs - Fusion we lding - Part 1: Ste e ls EN 334:2005+A1:2009


Gas pre ssure re gulators for inle t pre ssure s up to 100 bar

Note 2.1 EN 3782:2008+A1:2009 Note 2.1 EN 593:2009 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/07/2009)

EN 378-2:2008+A2:2012 (new) C EN R e frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Safe ty and e nvironm e ntal re quire m e nts Part 2: De sign, construction, te sting, m ark ing and docum e ntation EN 593:2009+A1:2011 Industrial valve s - Me tallic butte rfly valve s EN 676:2003+A2:2008 C EN Autom atic force d draught burne rs for gase ous fue ls EN 676:2003+A2:2008/AC :2008 C EN EN 764-5:2002 Pre ssure Equipm e nt - Part 5: C om pliance and Inspe ction Docum e ntation of Mate rials EN 764-7:2002 C EN Pre ssure e quipm e nt - Part 7: Safe ty syste m s for unfire d pre ssure e quipm e nt EN 764-7:2002/AC :2006 EN 1057:2006+A1:2010 C EN C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Se am le ss, round coppe r tube s for wate r and gas in sanitary and he ating applications EN 1092-1:2007 C EN Flange s and the ir joints - C ircular flange s for pipe s, valve s, fittings and acce ssorie s, PN de signate d - Part 1: Ste e l flange s EN 1092-3:2003 C EN Flange s and the ir joints - C ircular flange s for pipe s, valve s, fittings and acce ssorie s, PN de signate d - Part 3: C oppe r alloy flange s EN 1092-3:2003/AC :2007 EN 1092-4:2002 C EN Flange s and the ir joints - C ircular flange s for pipe s, valve s, fittings and acce ssorie s, PN de signate d - Part 4: Alum inium alloy flange s EN 1171:2002 Industrial valve s - C ast iron gate valve s EN 1252-1:1998 C EN C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Mate rials - Part 1: Toughne ss re quire m e nts for te m pe rature s be low -80C EN 1252-1:1998/AC :1998 EN 1252-2:2001 C EN C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Mate rials - Part 2: Toughne ss re quire m e nts for te m pe rature s be twe e n -80C and -20C EN 1349:2009 Industrial proce ss control valve s EN 1515-4:2009 C EN Flange s and the ir joints - Bolting - Part 4: Se le ction of bolting for e quipm e nt subje ct to the Pre ssure Equipm e nt Dire ctive 97/23/EC EN 1562:2012 (new) Founding - Malle able cast irons EN 1563:2011 Founding - Sphe roidal graphite cast irons



Date e x pire d (30/09/2011)

EN 1057:2006 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/08/2010)



EN 1349:2000 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/05/2010)


EN 1562:1997 Note 2.1 EN 1563:1997 Note 2.1 EN 1564:1997 Note 2.1 EN 1591-1:2001 Note 2.1

30/09/2012 The date of this publication () The date of this publication () Date e x pire d (30/09/2009)



EN 1564:2011 Founding - Ausfe rritic sphe roidal graphite cast irons EN 1591-1:2001+A1:2009


Flange s and the ir joints - De sign rule s for gask e te d circular flange conne ctions - Part 1: C alculation m e thod EN 1591-1:2001+A1:2009/AC :2011


EN 1626:2008 C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Valve s for cryoge nic se rvice EN 1653:1997

EN 1626:1999 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/05/2009)


C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Plate , she e t and circle s for boile rs, pre ssure ve sse ls and hot wate r storage units EN 1653:1997/A1:2000 EN 1759-3:2003 Note 3 Date e x pire d (28/02/2001)


Flange s and the ir joints - C ircular flange s for pipe s, valve s, fittings and acce ssorie s, C lass de signate d - Part 3: C oppe r alloy flange s EN 1759-3:2003/AC :2004 EN 1759-4:2003


Flange s and the ir joint - C ircular flange s for pipe s, valve s, fittings and acce ssorie s, class de signate d - Part 4: Alum inium alloy flange s EN 1797:2001 C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Gas/m ate rial com patibility EN 1866:2005 Mobile fire e x tinguishe rs EN 1983:2006 Industrial valve s - Ste e l ball valve s EN 1984:2000 The date of EN 1797-1:1998 Note 2.1 Date e x pire d (31/01/2002)





EN 1984:2010 Industrial valve s - Ste e l gate valve s EN ISO 4126-1:2004

Note 2.1

this publication ()


Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 1: Safe ty valve s (ISO 4126-1:2004) EN ISO 4126-1:2004/AC :2006 EN ISO 4126-3:2006


Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 3: Safe ty valve s and bursting disc safe ty de vice s in com bination (ISO 4126-3:2006) EN ISO 4126-4:2004


Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 4: Pilot ope rate d safe ty valve s (ISO 4126-4:2004) EN ISO 4126-5:2004


Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 5: C ontrolle d safe ty pre ssure re lie f syste m s (C SPR S) (ISO 4126-5:2004) EN ISO 4126-5:2004/AC :2008 EN ISO 9606-2:2004


Q ualification te st of we lde rs - Fusion we lding - Part 2: Alum inium and alum inium alloys (ISO 9606-2:2004) EN ISO 9606-3:1999


Approval te sting of we lde rs - Fusion we lding - Part 3: C oppe r and coppe r alloys (ISO 9606-3:1999) EN ISO 9606-4:1999


Approval te sting of we lde rs - Fusion we lding - Part 4: Nick e l and nick e l alloys (ISO 9606-4:1999) EN ISO 9606-5:2000


Approval te sting of we lde rs - Fusion we lding - Part 5: Titanium and titanium alloys, zirconium and zirconium alloys (ISO 9606-5:2000) EN ISO 9712:2012 (new) EN 473:2008 Note 2.1 EN 100281:2007 Note 2.1 31/12/2012


Non-de structive te sting - Q ualification and ce rtification of NDT pe rsonne l (ISO 9712:2012) EN 10028-1:2007+A1:2009


Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 1: Ge ne ral re quire m e nts EN 10028-1:2007+A1:2009/AC :2009 EN 10028-2:2009

Date e x pire d (31/10/2009)


Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy ste e ls with spe cifie d e le vate d te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10028-3:2009

EN 100282:2003 Note 2.1 EN 100283:2003 Note 2.1 EN 100284:2003 Note 2.1 EN 100285:2003 Note 2.1 EN 100286:2003 Note 2.1 EN 100287:2000 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)


Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 3: W e ldable fine grain ste e ls, norm alize d EN 10028-4:2009

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)


Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 4: Nick e l alloy ste e ls with spe cifie d low te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10028-5:2009

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)


Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 5: W e ldable fine grain ste e ls, the rm om e chanically rolle d EN 10028-6:2009

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)


Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 6: W e ldable fine grain ste e ls, que nche d and te m pe re d EN 10028-7:2007 Flat products m ade of ste e ls for pre ssure purpose s - Part 7: Stainle ss ste e ls EN 10204:2004 Me tallic products - Type s of inspe ction docum e nts

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)


Date e x pire d (30/06/2008)


EN 10213:2007 C EN Ste e l castings for pre ssure purpose s

EN 102133:1995 EN 102134:1995 EN 102132:1995 EN 102131:1995 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/05/2008)

EN 10213:2007/AC :2008 EN 10216-1:2002 C EN Se am le ss ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d room te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10216-1:2002/A1:2004 EN 10216-2:2002+A2:2007 C EN Se am le ss ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d e le vate d te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10216-3:2002 C EN Se am le ss ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain ste e l tube s EN 10216-3:2002/A1:2004 EN 10216-4:2002 Note 3 Date e x pire d (30/09/2004) Note 3 EN 102162:2002 Note 2.1 Date e x pire d (30/09/2004) Date e x pire d (29/02/2008)


Se am le ss ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d low te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10216-4:2002/A1:2004 EN 10216-5:2004 Note 3 Date e x pire d (30/09/2004)


Se am le ss ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 5: Stainle ss ste e l tube s EN 10216-5:2004/AC :2008 EN 10217-1:2002


W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d room te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10217-1:2002/A1:2005 EN 10217-2:2002 W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 2: Ele ctric we lde d non-alloy and alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d e le vate d te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10217-2:2002/A1:2005 EN 10217-3:2002 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/07/2005) Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/07/2005)



W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain ste e l tube s EN 10217-3:2002/A1:2005 EN 10217-4:2002 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/07/2005)


W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 4: Ele ctric we lde d non-alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d low te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10217-4:2002/A1:2005 EN 10217-5:2002 W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 5: Subm e rge d arc we lde d non-alloy and alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d e le vate d te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10217-5:2002/A1:2005 EN 10217-6:2002 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/07/2005) Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/07/2005)



W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 6: Subm e rge d arc we lde d non-alloy ste e l tube s with spe cifie d low te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10217-6:2002/A1:2005 EN 10217-7:2005 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/07/2005)


W e lde d ste e l tube s for pre ssure purpose s - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 7: Stainle ss ste e l tube s EN 10222-1:1998


Ste e l forgings for pre ssure purpose s - Part 1: Ge ne ral re quire m e nts for ope n die forgings EN 10222-1:1998/A1:2002 EN 10222-2:1999 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/10/2002)


Ste e l forgings for pre ssure purpose s - Part 2: Fe rritic and m arte nsitic ste e ls with spe cifie d e le vate d te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10222-2:1999/AC :2000 EN 10222-3:1998


Ste e l forgings for pre ssure purpose s - Part 3: Nick e l ste e ls with spe cifie d low te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10222-4:1998


Ste e l forgings for pre ssure purpose s - Part 4: W e ldable fine grain ste e ls with high proof stre ngth EN 10222-4:1998/A1:2001 EN 10222-5:1999 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/01/2002)


Ste e l forgings for pre ssure purpose s - Part 5: Marte nsitic, auste nitic and auste niticfe rritic stainle ss ste e ls EN 10222-5:1999/AC :2000 EN 10253-2:2007


Butt-we lding pipe fittings - Part 2: Non alloy and fe rritic alloy ste e ls with spe cific inspe ction re quire m e nts EN 10253-4:2008


Butt-we lding pipe fittings - Part 4: W rought auste nitic and auste nitic-fe rritic (duple x ) stainle ss ste e ls with spe cific inspe ction re quire m e nts EN 10253-4:2008/AC :2009 EN 10269:1999 Ste e ls and nick e l alloys for faste ne rs with spe cifie d e le vate d and/or low te m pe rature prope rtie s

C EN EN 10269:1999/A1:2006 EN 10269:1999/A1:2006/AC :2008 C EN EN 10272:2007 Stainle ss ste e l bars for pre ssure purpose s EN 10273:2007 C EN Hot rolle d we ldable ste e l bars for pre ssure purpose s with spe cifie d e le vate d te m pe rature prope rtie s EN 10272:2000 Note 2.1 EN 10273:2000 Note 2.1 Note 3

Date e x pire d (31/10/2006)

Date e x pire d (30/04/2008) Date e x pire d (30/06/2008)

EN 10305-4:2011 C EN Ste e l tube s for pre cision applications - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 4: Se am le ss cold drawn tube s for hydraulic and pne um atic powe r syste m s EN 10305-6:2005 C EN Ste e l tube s for pre cision applications - Te chnical de live ry conditions - Part 6: W e lde d cold drawn tube s for hydraulic and pne um atic powe r syste m s EN ISO 10931:2005 C EN Plastics piping syste m s for industrial applications - Poly(vinylide ne fluoride ) (PVDF) Spe cifications for com pone nts and the syste m (ISO 10931:2005) EN 12178:2003 C EN R e frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Liquid le ve l indicating de vice s R e quire m e nts, te sting and m ark ing EN 12263:1998 C EN R e frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Safe ty switching de vice s for lim iting the pre ssure - R e quire m e nts and te sts EN 12266-1:2012 (new) C EN Industrial valve s - Te sting of m e tallic valve s - Part 1: Pre ssure te sts, te st proce dure s and acce ptance crite ria - Mandatory re quire m e nts EN 12284:2003 R e frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Valve s - R e quire m e nts, te sting and m ark ing EN 12288:2010 Industrial valve s - C oppe r alloy gate valve s EN 12334:2001 Industrial valve s - C ast iron che ck valve s C EN EN 12334:2001/A1:2004 EN 12334:2001/AC :2002 EN 12392:2000 C EN Alum inium and alum inium alloys - W rought products - Spe cial re quire m e nts for products inte nde d for the production of pre ssure e quipm e nt EN 12420:1999 C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Forgings EN 12434:2000 C EN C ryoge nic ve sse ls - C ryoge nic fle x ible hose s EN 12434:2000/AC :2001 C EN EN 12451:2012 (new) C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Se am le ss, round tube s for he at e x change rs EN 12452:2012 (new) C oppe r and coppe r alloys - R olle d, finne d, se am le ss tube s for he at e x change rs EN 12516-1:2005 C EN Industrial valve s - She ll de sign stre ngth - Part 1: Tabulation m e thod for ste e l valve she lls EN 12516-1:2005/AC :2007 EN 12516-2:2004 C EN Industrial valve s - She ll de sign stre ngth - Part 2: C alculation m e thod for ste e l valve she lls EN 12516-3:2002 C EN Valve s - She ll de sign stre ngth - Part 3: Ex pe rim e ntal m e thod EN 12516-3:2002/AC :2003 EN 12516-4:2008 C EN Industrial valve s - She ll de sign stre ngth - Part 4: C alculation m e thod for valve she lls m anufacture d in m e tallic m ate rials othe r than ste e l EN 12542:2010 C EN LPG e quipm e nt and acce ssorie s - Static we lde d ste e l cylindrical tank s, se rially produce d for the storage of Lique fie d Pe trole um Gas (LPG) having a volum e not gre ate r than 13 m - De sign and m anufacture EN 12735-1:2010 C EN C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Se am le ss, round coppe r tube s for air conditioning and re frige ration - Part 1: Tube s for piping syste m s EN 12735-2:2010 C EN C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Se am le ss, round coppe r tube s for air conditioning and re frige ration - Part 2: Tube s for e quipm e nt EN 12778:2002 C ook ware - Pre ssure cook e rs for dom e stic use C EN EN 12778:2002/A1:2005 EN 12778:2002/AC :2003 C EN EN 12952-1:2001 W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 1: Ge ne ral EN 12952-2:2011 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 2: Mate rials for pre ssure parts of boile rs and acce ssorie s EN 12952-3:2011 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 3: De sign and calculation for pre ssure parts of the boile r

EN 103054:2003 Note 2.1

The date of this publication ()

EN 122661:2003 Note 2.1




EN 12288:2003 Note 2.1

The date of this publication ()

Note 3

Date e x pire d (28/02/2005)


EN 12451:1999 Note 2.1 EN 12452:1999 Note 2.1




EN 12542:2002 EN 14075:2002 Note 2.1 EN 127351:2001 Note 2.1 EN 127352:2001 Note 2.1

The date of this publication () The date of this publication () The date of this publication ()

Note 3

Date e x pire d (31/12/2005)

EN 129522:2001 Note 2.1 EN 129523:2001 Note 2.1

The date of this publication () The date of this publication ()

pre ssure parts of the boile r EN 12952-5:2011 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 5: W ork m anship and construction of pre ssure parts of the boile r EN 12952-6:2011 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 6: Inspe ction during construction; docum e ntation and m ark ing of pre ssure parts of the boile r EN 12952-7:2002 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 7: R e quire m e nts for e quipm e nt for the boile r EN 12952-8:2002 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 8: R e quire m e nts for firing syste m s for liquid and gase ous fue ls for the boile r EN 12952-9:2002 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 9: R e quire m e nts for firing syste m s for pulve rize d solid fue ls for the boile r EN 12952-10:2002 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 10: R e quire m e nts for safe guards against e x ce ssive pre ssure EN 12952-11:2007 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 11: R e quire m e nts for lim iting de vice s of the boile r and acce ssorie s EN 12952-14:2004 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 14: R e quire m e nts for flue gas DENO X-syste m s using lique fie d pre ssurize d am m onia and am m onia wate r solution EN 12952-16:2002 C EN W ate r-tube boile rs and aux iliary installations - Part 16: R e quire m e nts for grate and fluidize d-be d firing syste m s for solid fue ls for the boile r EN 12953-1:2012 (new) She ll boile rs - Part 1: Ge ne ral

Note 2.1 EN 129525:2001 Note 2.1 EN 129526:2002 Note 2.1

() The date of this publication () The date of this publication ()


EN 129531:2002 Note 2.1 EN 129532:2002 Note 2.1


EN 12953-2:2012 (new) C EN She ll boile rs - Part 2: Mate rials for pre ssure parts of boile rs and acce ssorie s



EN 12953-3:2002 She ll boile rs - Part 3: De sign and calculation for pre ssure parts EN 12953-4:2002 She ll boile rs - Part 4: W ork m anship and construction of pre ssure parts of the boile r EN 12953-5:2002



She ll boile rs - Part 5: Inspe ction during construction, docum e ntation and m ark ing of pre ssure parts of the boile r EN 12953-6:2011 She ll Boile rs - Part 6: R e quire m e nts for e quipm e nt for the boile r EN 12953-7:2002 EN 129536:2002 Note 2.1 Date e x pire d (09/09/2011)



She ll boile rs - Part 7 : R e quire m e nts for firing syste m s for liquid and gase ous fue ls for the boile rs EN 12953-8:2001


She ll boile rs - Part 8: R e quire m e nts for safe guards against e x ce ssive pre ssure EN 12953-8:2001/AC :2002


EN 12953-9:2007 She ll boile rs - Part 9: R e quire m e nts for lim iting de vice s of the boile r and acce ssorie s EN 12953-12:2003


She ll boile rs - Part 12: R e quire m e nts for grate firing syste m s for solid fue ls for the boile r EN 12953-13:2012 (new) She ll boile rs - Part 13: O pe rating instructions EN 13121-1:2003



GR P tank s and ve sse ls for use above ground - Part 1: R aw m ate rials - Spe cification conditions and acce ptance conditions EN 13121-2:2003


GR P tank s and ve sse ls for use above ground - Part 2: C om posite m ate rials C he m ical re sistance EN 13121-3:2008+A1:2010 EN 131213:2008 Note 2.1 Date e x pire d (31/08/2010)


GR P tank s and ve sse ls for use above ground - Part 3: De sign and work m anship EN 13121-3:2008+A1:2010/AC :2011


EN 13134:2000 Brazing - Proce dure approval EN 13136:2001


R e frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Pre ssure re lie f de vice s and the ir associate d piping - Me thods for calculation EN 13136:2001/A1:2005 EN 13175:2003+A2:2007 Note 3 EN 13175:2003 Note 2.1 EN 13348:2001 Note 2.1 Date e x pire d (31/12/2005) Date e x pire d (30/09/2007)


LPG e quipm e nt and acce ssorie s - Spe cification and te sting for Lique fie d Pe trole um Gas (LPG) tank valve s and fittings EN 13348:2008


C oppe r and coppe r alloys - Se am le ss, round coppe r tube s for m e dical gase s or

Date e x pire d (28/02/2009)

vacuum C EN EN 13371:2001 C ryoge nic ve sse ls - C ouplings for cryoge nic se rvice C EN EN 13397:2001 Industrial valve s - Diaphragm valve s m ade of m e tallic m ate rials EN 13445-1:2009 Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 1: Ge ne ral

Note 2.1



EN 134451:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134452:2002 Note 2.1 Note 3 Note 3 EN 134453:2002 Note 2.1 Note 3 EN 134454:2002 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)

EN 13445-2:2009 Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 2: Mate rials C EN EN 13445-2:2009/A1:2012 (new) EN 13445-2:2009/A2:2012 (new) EN 13445-3:2009 C EN Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 3: De sign EN 13445-3:2009/A1:2012 (new) EN 13445-4:2009 Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 4: Fabrication C EN EN 13445-4:2009/A1:2011

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009) 31/12/2012 31/12/2012 Date e x pire d (31/12/2009) 31/12/2012 Date e x pire d (31/12/2009) The date of this publication () Date e x pire d (31/12/2009) The date of this publication () The date of this publication () The date of this publication () Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)

Note 3

EN 13445-5:2009 Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 5: Inspe ction and te sting

EN 134455:2002 Note 2.1

EN 13445-5:2009/A2:2011 C EN EN 13445-5:2009/A3:2011

Note 3

Note 3

EN 13445-5:2009/A1:2011

Note 3

EN 13445-6:2009 C EN Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 6: R e quire m e nts for the de sign and fabrication of pre ssure ve sse ls and pre ssure parts constructe d from sphe roidal graphite cast iron EN 13445-8:2009 C EN Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - Part 8: Additional re quire m e nts for pre ssure ve sse ls of alum inium and alum inium alloys EN 13458-1:2002 C EN C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Static vacuum insulate d ve sse ls - Part 1: Fundam e ntal re quire m e nts EN 13458-2:2002 C EN C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Static vacuum insulate d ve sse ls - Part 2: De sign, fabrication, inspe ction and te sting EN 13458-2:2002/AC :2006 EN 13458-3:2003 C EN C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Static vacuum insulate d ve sse ls - Part 3: O pe rational re quire m e nts

EN 134456:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134458:2006 Note 2.1

Date e x pire d (31/12/2009)

Date e x pire d EN 13458-3:2003/A1:2005 Note 3 EN 134801:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134802:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134803:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134804:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134805:2002 Note 2.1 EN 134806:2004 Note 2.1 EN 134808:2007 Note 2.1 (31/12/2005)


EN 13480-1:2012 (new) Me tallic industrial piping - Part 1: Ge ne ral



EN 13480-2:2012 (new) Me tallic industrial piping - Part 2: Mate rials



EN 13480-3:2012 (new) Me tallic industrial piping - Part 3: De sign and calculation



EN 13480-4:2012 (new) Me tallic industrial piping - Part 4: Fabrication and installation



EN 13480-5:2012 (new) Me tallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspe ction and te sting



EN 13480-6:2012 (new) Me tallic industrial piping - Part 6: Additional re quire m e nts for burie d piping EN 13480-8:2012 (new)



Me tallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional re quire m e nts for alum inium and alum inium alloy piping



EN ISO 13585:2012 (new) Brazing - Q ualification te st of braze rs and brazing ope rators (ISO 13585:2012) EN 13611:2007+A2:2011

EN 13133:2000 Note 2.1 EN 13611:2007 Note 2.1 EN 136481:2002 Note 2.1

31/12/2012 The date of this publication () Date e x pire d (31/05/2009)


Safe ty and control de vice s for gas burne rs and gas burning appliance s - Ge ne ral re quire m e nts EN 13648-1:2008


C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 1: Safe ty valve s for cryoge nic se rvice EN 13648-2:2002


C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 2: Bursting disc safe ty de vice s for cryoge nic se rvice EN 13648-3:2002


C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Safe ty de vice s for prote ction against e x ce ssive pre ssure - Part 3: De te rm ination of re quire d discharge - C apacity and sizing EN 13709:2010 Industrial valve s - Ste e l globe and globe stop and che ck valve s EN 13709:2002 Note 2.1 EN 13789:2002 Note 2.1 The date of this publication () The date of this publication ()



EN 13789:2010 Industrial valve s - C ast iron globe valve s EN 13831:2007 C lose d e x pansion ve sse ls with built in diaphragm for installation in wate r EN 13835:2012 (new) Founding - Auste nitic cast irons EN 13923:2005 Filam e nt-wound FR P pre ssure ve sse ls - Mate rials, de sign, m anufacturing and te sting EN 14071:2004 Pre ssure re lie f valve s for LPG tank s - Ancillary e quipm e nt



EN 13835:2002 Note 2.1





EN 14129:2004 Pre ssure re lie f valve s for LPG tank s EN 14197-1:2003


C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Static non-vacuum insulate d ve sse ls - Part 1: Fundam e ntal re quire m e nts EN 14197-2:2003 C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Static non-vacuum insulate d ve sse ls - Part 2: De sign, fabrication, inspe ction and te sting

C EN EN 14197-2:2003/A1:2006 EN 14197-2:2003/AC :2006 EN 14197-3:2004 C ryoge nic ve sse ls - Static non-vacuum insulate d ve sse ls - Part 3: O pe rational re quire m e nts C EN EN 14197-3:2004/A1:2005 EN 14197-3:2004/AC :2004 C EN EN 14222:2003 Stainle ss ste e l she ll boile rs EN 14276-1:2006+A1:2011 C EN Pre ssure e quipm e nt for re frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Part 1: Ve sse ls Ge ne ral re quire m e nts EN 14276-2:2007+A1:2011 C EN Pre ssure e quipm e nt for re frige rating syste m s and he at pum ps - Part 2: Piping Ge ne ral re quire m e nts EN 14341:2006 Industrial valve s - Ste e l che ck valve s EN 14359:2006+A1:2010 Gas-loade d accum ulators for fluid powe r applications EN 14382:2005+A1:2009 C EN Safe ty de vice s for gas pre ssure re gulating stations and installations - Gas safe ty shut-off de vice s for inle t pre ssure s up to 100 bar EN 14382:2005+A1:2009/AC :2009 EN 14394:2005+A1:2008 C EN He ating boile rs - He ating boile rs with force d draught burne rs - Nom inal he at output not e x ce e ding 10 MW and m ax im um ope rating te m pe rature of 110 C EN 14570:2005 C EN Equipping of LPG tank s, ove rground and unde rground EN 14570:2005/A1:2006 C EN EN 14585-1:2006 C orrugate d m e tal hose asse m blie s for pre ssure applications - Part 1: R e quire m e nts EN 14917:2009+A1:2012 (new) Me tal be llows e x pansion joints for pre ssure applications EN 15001-1:2009 C EN Gas Infrastructure - Gas installation pipe work with an ope rating pre ssure gre ate r than EN 14917:2009 Note 2.1 Note 3 EN 14359:2006 Note 2.1 EN 14382:2005 Note 2.1 EN 142761:2006 Note 2.1 EN 142762:2007 Note 2.1 Note 3 Note 3

Date e x pire d (28/02/2007)

Date e x pire d (31/12/2005)

Date e x pire d (09/09/2011)

Date e x pire d (09/09/2011)



The date of this publication () Date e x pire d (30/09/2009)

Date e x pire d (31/08/2006)




Gas Infrastructure - Gas installation pipe work with an ope rating pre ssure gre ate r than 0,5 bar for industrial installations and gre ate r than 5 bar for industrial and nonindustrial installations - Part 1: De taile d functional re quire m e nts for de sign, m ate rials, construction, inspe ction and te sting EN ISO 15493:2003 Plastics piping syste m s for industrial applications - Acrylonitrile -butadie ne -styre ne (ABS), unplasticize d poly(vinyl chloride ) (PVC -U) and chlorinate d poly(vinyl chloride ) (PVC -C ) - Spe cifications for com pone nts and the syste m - Me tric se rie s (ISO 15493:2003) EN ISO 15494:2003



Plastics piping syste m s for industrial applications - Polybute ne (PB), polye thyle ne (PE) and polypropyle ne (PP) - Spe cifications for com pone nts and the syste m - Me tric se rie s (ISO 15494:2003) EN ISO 15613:2004


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials Q ualification base d on pre -production we lding te st (ISO 15613:2004) EN ISO 15614-1:2004 Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 1: Arc and gas we lding of ste e ls and arc we lding of nick e l and nick e l alloys (ISO 15614-1:2004) EN ISO 15614-1:2004/A1:2008 EN ISO 15614-1:2004/A2:2012 (new) EN ISO 15614-2:2005 Note 3 Note 3 Date e x pire d (31/08/2008) 31/08/2012



Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 2: Arc we lding of alum inium and its alloys (ISO 15614-2:2005) EN ISO 15614-2:2005/AC :2009 EN ISO 15614-4:2005


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 4: Finishing we lding of alum inium castings (ISO 15614-4:2005) EN ISO 15614-4:2005/AC :2007 EN ISO 15614-5:2004


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 5: Arc we lding of titanium , zirconium and the ir alloys (ISO 15614-5:2004) EN ISO 15614-6:2006


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 6: Arc and gas we lding of coppe r and its alloys (ISO 156146:2006) EN ISO 15614-7:2007


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 7: O ve rlay we lding (ISO 15614-7:2007) EN ISO 15614-8:2002


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 8: W e lding of tube s to tube -plate joints (ISO 15614-8:2002) EN ISO 15614-11:2002


Spe cification and qualification of we lding proce dure s for m e tallic m ate rials - W e lding proce dure te st - Part 11: Ele ctron and lase r be am we lding (ISO 15614-11:2002) EN ISO 15620:2000 W e lding - Friction we lding of m e tallic m ate rials (ISO 15620:2000) EN 15776:2011



Unfire d pre ssure ve sse ls - R e quire m e nts for the de sign and fabrication of pre ssure ve sse ls and pre ssure parts constructe d from cast iron with an e longation afte r fracture e qual or le ss than 15 % EN ISO 16135:2006 Industrial valve s - Ball valve s of the rm oplastics m ate rials (ISO 16135:2006) EN ISO 16136:2006 Industrial valve s - Butte rfly valve s of the rm oplastics m ate rials (ISO 16136:2006) EN ISO 16137:2006 Industrial valve s - C he ck valve s of the rm oplastics m ate rials (ISO 16137:2006) EN ISO 16138:2006





Industrial valve s - Diaphragm valve s of the rm oplastics m ate rials (ISO 16138:2006) EN ISO 16139:2006 Industrial valve s - Gate valve s of the rm oplastics m ate rials (ISO 16139:2006) EN ISO 21787:2006 Industrial valve s - Globe valve s of the rm oplastics m ate rials (ISO 21787:2006)



(1) ESO : Europe an Standardisation O rganisation: C EN: Ave nue Marnix 17, B-1000, Brusse ls, Te l.+32 2 5500811; fax +32 2 5500819 (http://www.ce n.e u) C ENELEC : Ave nue Marnix 17, B-1000, Brusse ls, Te l.+32 2 5196871; fax +32 2 5196919 (http://www.ce ne le c.e u) ETSI: 650, route de s Luciole s, F-06921 Sophia Antipolis, Te l.+33 492 944200; fax +33 493 654716, (http://www.e tsi.e u)

Note 1: Ge ne rally the date of ce ssation of pre sum ption of conform ity will be the date of withdrawal (dow), se t by the Europe an Standardisation O rganisation, but atte ntion of use rs of the se standards is drawn to the fact that in ce rtain e x ce ptional case s this can be othe rwise . Note 2.1: The ne w (or am e nde d) standard has the sam e scope as the supe rse de d standard. O n the date state d, the supe rse de d standard ce ase s to give pre sum ption of conform ity with the e sse ntial re quire m e nts of the dire ctive . Note 2.2: The ne w standard has a broade r scope than the supe rse de d standard. O n the date state d the supe rse de d standard

ce ase s to give pre sum ption of conform ity with the e sse ntial re quire m e nts of the dire ctive . Note 2.3: The ne w standard has a narrowe r scope than the supe rse de d standard. O n the date state d the (partially) supe rse de d standard ce ase s to give pre sum ption of conform ity with the e sse ntial re quire m e nts of the dire ctive for those products that fall within the scope of the ne w standard. Pre sum ption of conform ity with the e sse ntial re quire m e nts of the dire ctive for products that still fall within the scope of the (partially) supe rse de d standard, but that do not fall within the scope of the ne w standard, is unaffe cte d. Note 3: In case of am e ndm e nts, the re fe re nce d standard is EN C C C C C :YYYY, its pre vious am e ndm e nts, if any, and the ne w, quote d am e ndm e nt. The supe rse de d standard the re fore consists of EN C C C C C :YYYY and its pre vious am e ndm e nts, if any, but without the ne w quote d am e ndm e nt. O n the date state d, the supe rse de d standard ce ase s to give pre sum ption of conform ity with the e sse ntial re quire m e nts of the dire ctive .

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