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through Bertha Dudde 7787

Explanation about different Word-reception ....

I will trul not den ou ! Word i" ou want to be addre##ed b !e$ but ou %u#t alwa # chec& and a#& our#el'e# what ou would li&e to &now .... I will an#wer our (ue#tion# i" the concern #piritual thought# and i" thi# an#wer will be bene"icial "or ou. For I certainl want ou to &now the truth but I will withhold ! an#wer i" the (ue#tion i# not ba#ed on pure %oti'e#. )hat happen# i" ou want to u#e thi# an#wer to di#tingui#h our#el'e# be"ore our "ellow hu%an being# or i" ou intend to u#e thi# an#wer in order to i%pel the% into thi# or that action. For I recogni#e e'er intention within a hu%an heart$ and e'en i" he #ub#e(uentl co%%unicate# with !e .... he will not be prepared enough that I ! #el" can an#wer hi%. )hen no #piritual exchange will ta&e place but the per#on*# intellect wor&# out an an#wer "or it#el" which he will then pa## on a# a +#piritual reception*. E'er per#on will be addre##ed b !e i" he "ul"il# the condition#, i" he %a&e# heart"elt contact with !e and appeal# to !e "or ! Word .... -nd I will tal& to hi% in accordance with hi# #tate o" %aturit $ I will place the an#wer into hi# heart$ I will direct hi# thought# #uch that he will not li'e in error. But thi# a##urance o" !ine i# al#o being %i#u#ed in#o"ar a# that people contact !e "or an#wer# relating to earthl %atter#$ in#o"ar a# the are incapable o" di""erentiating between spiritual and earthly %atter#.

I trul do not want to den ! #el" to ! children but neither will I di'ert "ro% ! condition# on which I ba#ed the wor&ing o" ! #pirit, I want a pro"ound de#ire "or truth to be the cau#e o" such (ue#tion# which concern spiritual knowledge. Once ou hu%an# ha'e reached the degree that +! #pirit* can wor& in ou then ou will al#o &now that our Father direct# earthl de#tinie# a# the will #er'e ou be#t .... ou will entru#t yourselves to Me a# our .eader and &now that I will arrange e'er thing "or our own good. )hu# ou will not expect personal in#truction# or a##ign%ent# nor a#& our Father "or the%. For with earthl (ue#tion# ou alwa # run the ri#& o" pro'iding our own an#wer# a# you would li&e the% to be .... .et !e ta&e care o" ou and co%pletel lea'e our guidance to !e .... -nd onl %a&e #ure that our #oul will %ature$ that it will beco%e a 'e##el "or ! #pirit .... )hen hold pri'ate con'er#ation# with !e and let !e in#truct ou$ i.e.$ initiate ou into spiritual knowledge .... For ! &ingdo% will onl e'er be the #piritual world$ and "ro% thi# world ou recei'e spiritual teaching# which intend to rai#e our #oul*# %aturit i" ou li'e our li"e on earth in accordance with the#e teaching#. -nd the thought# o" an one wanting to wor& "or !e will trul be correctl directed b Me$ he will need no ad'ice "ro% "ellow hu%an being# who %a al#o ad'i#e hi% wrongl or pa## wrong %e##age# on to hi% .... /nite our#el'e# with our Father o" eternit and pra to 0i% "or right guidance$ and ou will "eel ! will in our heart and co%pl with it. -nd te#t all thing# and &eep what i# good .... 1o-one #hould o%it te#ting the #piritual in"or%ation gi'en to hi%$ "or e'er one #hould &now that during the la#t da # ! ad'er#ar will wor& where'er he can in order to cau#e %ental con"u#ion ....

but that he ha# no in"luence on tho#e who "or% a heart"elt bond with !e and ha'e appealed "or ! guidance. -nd he al#o &now# to di#gui#e hi%#el" well and to appear a# an angel o" light .... et it can be recogni#ed b all tho#e who are loo&ing "or light and truth$ "or I will not let the% wal& in dar&ne## .... I ! #el" will grant the% light becau#e the de#ire it ....


2ubli#hed b "riend# o" new re'elation# o" God 3 In"or%ation$ download o" all tran#lated re'elation#$ the%e-boo&let# at, http," 5 http,44en.bertha-dudde.org4

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