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by Charles and Frances Hunter




14 35 52 81 88 98 105 124 135 143 151 164 193


Jesus, the most beautiful gift that was ever given to the world, contained !! of "od in a tin# human bod# the moment he was born$ "od loved the world sufficientl# to let this child he loved so much die on a cross for us% "od did more for the human race in giving us Jesus than an#thing that has ever been accom&lished b# scientists, educators, teachers, or all things combined$ 'he (harisees condemned him% 'he# said he was of the devil% 'he# credited his &ower to the devil$ 'he# said this about the )avior of the world% 'hat*s hard to imagine, isn*t it+ ,r is it+ 'he most beautiful gift Jesus sent bac- to the world was the gift which he &lanned to go hand in hand with salvation$ .hen he went to heaven, he sent bac- the /ol# )&irit to accom&an# "od*s original gift of salvation$ /e sent bac- the /ol# )&irit to give us &ower to live the 0hristian life$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is as natural as salvation and as normal for a 0hristian as acce&ting Jesus as the )avior of the world$ 1t is difficult to believe that the same things are being said toda# of the beautiful gift of the /ol# )&irit as were said about Jesus$ "ordon !indsa# sa#s2 3'o sa# that all su&ernatural manifestations of the s&ea-ing in tongues in general are the wor- of evil s&irits is to ta-e a daring and dangerous stand$ 'he (harisees were the fundamentalists of 0hrist*s da#, and the# attributed his wor-s to the &ower of the devil 45att$ 122226307$ Jesus not onl# rebu-ed 4

such accusations but said,*$$ ll manner of sin and blas&hem# shall be forgiven unto men2 but the blas&hem# against the /ol# "host shall not be forgiven unto men$* 45att$ 122317 8J9: 'he beautiful gift of &ower to the 0hristian world has been lambasted, condemned, forbidden, ridiculed and critici;ed b# the (harisees of the 20th centur#, as the# attribute the wor- of "od*s /ol# )&irit to the devil, claiming that Jesus has changed and is not the same as he was 2,000 #ears ago$ )ome attem&t to negate the healing &ower of the /ol# )&irit toda#< some insist that s&ea-ing in tongues is of the devil$ )ome refuse to believe that miracles are occurring when &eo&le fall under the &ower$ )ome do not acce&t &ro&hec#, messages in tongues and inter&retations$ 'he =ible will alwa#s stand the test if we believe the =ible is true% '/>?>*) @,'/1@" 1@ '/> =1=!> '/ ' >9>? 5>@'1,@) '/> A>91! @A ',@"B>)% 'he onl# time that tongues are ever mentioned in the word of "od is in conCunction with the /ol# )&irit% .e never have to worr# about criticism when we stand on the word of "od% 'he best &roof of the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is a life of intimac# with "od and a wal- in the &ower of the )&irit$ 1t 1) genuine, it 1) real, and it 1) for toda#% 'he most eDciting &eo&le we -now are the ones who have acce&ted the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit% (eo&le whose ever# word, thought and deed concerns Jesus$ (eo&le whose lives overflow with the fruit of the )&irit% 5an# &eo&le are o&&osed to 0harismatics because the# feel too much em&hasis has been &ut

u&on s&ea-ing in tongues$ 'his is$ interesting, because the onl# &roof the =ible offers concerning the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is )(> 81@" 1@ ',@"B>)% 'he first time 3tongues: were ever mentioned in the =ible was b# Jesus himself% 1n the 16th cha&ter of 5ar-, where Jesus was s&ea-ing to his disci&les, he made some ver# em&hatic statements% 5an# &eo&le feel the "reat 0ommission of the =ible a&&ears in the last cha&ter of 5atthew$ 'he 0,5(!>'> "reat 0ommission a&&ears in the last cha&ter of 5ar-$ 1n this area 5ar- was more word# than 5atthew, because he included !! of the things Jesus said about what he eD&ected from the believers% @otice that Jesus is tal-ing to =>!1>9>?)$ /e sa#s this several times in this section of the =ible$ )tarting with verse 15 4'!=7, 3 nd then he told them, EFou are to go into all the world and &reach the "ood @ews to ever#one, ever#where$ 'hose who =>!1>9> and are ba&ti;ed will be saved$ =ut those who refuse to believe will be condemned$*: Ao #ou -now that ever#one will agree with #ou concerning the first sentence+ 'hat*s wh# we have missionaries from ever# denomination all over the world, but a lot of churches refuse to acce&t the second &art$ 1 4Grances7 remember when 1 was 3saved: 1 was so eDcited about it that 1 ran bac- to the &astor of the church where 1 was a member and told him about m# fabulous 3born again: eD&erience% /e &atted me on the head li-e 1 was a naught# little girl and said,

3'hat*s all right for #ou, hone#, if #ou need it% 3>9>?F,@> @>>A) 1' according to m# =ible% Jesus continued tal-ing to believers$ /e doesn*t mention a thing about s&ea-ing to unbelievers at this &oint% /e continued2: E nd those who believe shall use m# authorit# to cast out demons, @A '/>F )/ !! )(> 8 @>. ! @"B ">)$* 3'his is as much a &art of the "reat 0ommission as the first &art about &reaching the gos&el$ Jesus didn*t se&arate it as something for Cust a few &eo&le< he said it was for !! believers% /e continued on, and this is the &art that &robabl# throws most &eo&le who do not understand it$: E'he# will be able even to handle sna-es with safet#, and if the# drin- an#thing &oisonous, it won*t hurt them<* 3.ho wants to go out and handle sna-es+ .e certainl# don*t% nd we*re eHuall# sure that "od doesn*t intend for #ou to go out and &ut #our hand in a bas-et of rattlesna-es Cust to see whether or not the# bite #ou$ .hat does it mean, then+ Ao #ou remember what ha&&ened to (aul when he was shi&6wrec-ed+ 1n cts 282365 he &ic-ed u& a ser&ent =F 001A>@', and he did not run around telling ever#one, 3!oo- at me, loo- at me, 1 can handle sna-es with safet#$: @o, he Cust shoo- it off into the fire and &raised "od because he &rotected him$ .e certainl# don*t intend to go around drin-ing &oison Cust to &rove that we*re immune, because we believe we*d soon find out we*re not% "od doesn*t intend for us to tem&t him, but his &rotective covering is there 1G we need it$ Ao #ou notice the =ible sa#s 31G: we 4accidentall#7 drin- an#thing I

&oisonous, it won*t hurt us% /alleluCah% =est insurance &olic# we -now of% Grom "enesis to ?evelation, who*s the biggest sna-e of all+ ) ' @, of course% nd what does the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit do for #ou+ 1t gives #ou the &ower to handle )atan because we certainl# wouldn*t want to argue with )atan without the &ower of the /ol# )&irit$ =efore we received the ba&tism, we didn*t believe that demons eDisted toda#% .e Cust ignored them$ 'he devil didn*t have to worr# about us because we didn*t have an# &ower to stand u& against him before the ba&tism$ 'oda# we 8@,. the#*re real and that the# do eDist in the 20th centur#$ =ut &raise "od #ou*ve got the &ower to handle demons and the devil himself when #ou*ve got the &ower of "od in #our life% Jesus didn*t sto& there, but continued on, giving the fifth &art of the "reat 0ommission2: Eand the#will beable to &lace their hands on the sic- and heal them$* Jesus didn*t sa# that Cust a few would be able to la# hands on the sic- and heal them, he ver# em&haticall# said that !! =>!1>9>?) would be able to la# hands on the sic- and heal them$ 5ar- concluded b# sa#ing what would ha&&en to believers when the# fulfilled 100J of the "reat 0ommission$ 3.hen the !ord Jesus had finished tal-ing with them, he was ta-en u& into heaven and sat down at "od*s right hand$ nd the disci&les went ever#where &reaching, and the !ord was with them and confirmed what the# said b# the miracles that followed their messages$: Jesus didn*t &romise this to those who &roclaim one out of the five &arts

of the "reat 0ommission< he onl# &romised it to those who fulfilled !! of it 1$ (reaching the gos&el 2$ Bsing Jesus* authorit# to cast out demons 3$ )&ea-ing new languages 4$ /andling sna-es 4)atan7 4&oison7 5$ /ealing the sic5a#be #ou*ve heard that this &art of 5ar- does not belong in the =ible, but ever# =ible we have in our house contains this teDt, and ever# =ible we*ve ever seen contains this teDt% nd we*ve never seen an#one who actuall# cut it out of their =ible$ 'he# Cust ignore it% 'he =ible so beautifull# shows us how we are able to identif# the believers who are filled with the /ol# )&irit% !et*s go bac- to the original Aa# of (entecost to find the evidence2 Jesus had given his disci&les the "reat 0ommission of the =ible when he told them to ", into all the world, and then &rom&tl# told them @,' ', ",, but to wait until the# received &ower from on high$ 3)even wee-s had gone b# since Jesus* death and resurrection, and the Aa# of (entecost had now arrived$ s the believers met together that da#, suddenl# there was a sound li-e the roaring of a might# windstorm in the s-ies above them and it filled the house where the# were meeting$ 'hen, what loo-ed li-e flames or tongues of fire a&&eared and settled on their heads$ nd ever#one &resent was filled with the /ol# )&irit and began s&ea-ing in languages the# didn*t -now, for the /ol# )&irit gave them this abilit#$: cts 22164 4'!=7

1sn*t "od uniHue+ .ho else would have thought of &utting flames or tongues of fire on the heads of ever#one &resent+ 1 wonder who &ee-ed first to see the flames of fire% 5a#be (eter, the im&etuous one+ ,r was it 'homas, the doubter, who might not have believed what he heard% ?egardless of who it was, the =ible sa#s the# !! began to s&ea- in languages the# didn*t -now$ @ot Cust some of them, but !! of them% /alleluCah% 1n cts 821I 4'!=7 the =ible sa#s, 3'hen (eter and John laid their hands u&on these believers, and the# received the /ol# )&irit$: .hat was it that ha&&ened that caused )imon to offer mone# to bu# the &ower to la# hands on &eo&le*s heads to have them receive the /ol# )&irit+ )urel# something must have ha&&ened to cause him to want this &ower$ 0ould it have been the su&ernatural manifestation of s&ea-ing in languages the# didn*t -now+ cts 10244 4'!=7 3>ven as (eter was sa#ing these things, the /ol# )&irit fell u&on all those listening% 'he Jews who came with (eter were ama;ed that the gift of the /ol# )&irit would be given to the "entiles too%: /ow did he -now+ 0ould he tell b# Cust loo-ing at them+ @o, the =ible s&ecificall# sa#s the# gave the evidence of having received, 3=ut there could be no doubt about it, for the# heard them s&ea-ing in tongues and &raising "od$: 'his was 10 #ears after the /ol# )&irit had fallen on the Aa# of (entecost$ 1' . ) )'1!! ",1@" ,@% 1n the 19th cha&ter of cts, verse 2, 4'!=7 the same thing ha&&ened% (aul arrived in >&hesus 10

where he found several disci&les% /e was not tal-ing to unbelievers, /> . ) ' !81@" ', A1)01(!>)% /e as-ed the famous Huestion, 3EAid #ou receive the /ol# )&irit when #ou believed+* he as-ed them$ E@o,* the# re&lied, Ewe don*t -now what #ou mean$ .hat is the /ol# )&irit+* E'hen what beliefs did #ou ac-nowledge at #our ba&tism+* he as-ed$ nd the# re&lied, E.hat John the =a&tist taught$* 'hen (aul &ointed out to them that John*s ba&tism was to demonstrate a desire to turn from sin to "od and that those receiving his ba&tism must then go on to believe in Jesus, the one John said would come later$ s soon as the# heard this, the# were ba&ti;ed in the name of the !ord Jesus$ 'hen, when (aul laid his hands u&on their heads, the /ol# )&irit came on them, and the# )(,8> 1@ ,'/>? ! @"B ">) @A (?,(/>)1>A$: >Dactl# the same thing ha&&ened 25 #ears after the Aa# of (entecost% 'he# received the /ol# )&irit with eDactl# the same evidence as the believers did in the u&&er room$ ll of them were gathered there in one accord and !! began s&ea-ing in tongues, and 25 #ears later, eDactl# the same thing ha&&ened again% 1n the 20th centur# we don*t have to settle for an# less than the disci&les did% "od is &ouring out his /ol# )&irit in the same manner toda# as he did then$ 'here is no difference$ (robabl# the verse we*ve heard Huoted more than an# other is /ebrews 1328, 3Jesus 0hrist is the same #esterda#, toda#, and forever$: 4'!=7 1f he ba&ti;ed with the evidence of s&ea-ing in tongues #esterda#, then surel# he*s doing the same thing toda# and will continue doing 11

it tomorrow$ 'he @ew 'estament has not been rewritten since the da#s of the disci&les and we would be assuming it had been if we are to have a different evidence 4or lac- of &ositive evidence7$ >ver# word of the @ew 'estament was written b# those who had received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and who s&o-e in tongues$ "od considered it vital$ Jesus commanded it$ .e acce&ted it$ 1t wor-s% 1n our lives ver# few miracles followed our enthusiastic messages as we shared the "ood @ews, until we acce&ted the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and s&o-e in tongues$ .e did ,@> of the five &arts of the "reat 0ommission 4&reach the "ood @ews7 and tried to do a second &art 4heal the sic-7 but with virtuall# no success< the other three &arts were b#&assed without our awareness$ 'oda#, em&owered b# the /ol# )&irit, our ministr# has changed considerabl#% fter we &roclaim the "ood @ews we have been &rivileged to see miracles occur% .e*ve heard it said that tongues were given on the Aa# of (entecost because there were men there from all different countries and the# heard the 3message: in their own language$ 'his isn*t true according to the =ible%% 'he# heard all those in the u&&er room &raising "od in their new tongues, but the evangelist who gave the 3message: s&o-e in onl# one language$ (eter delivered the message that da#$ 'he =ible sa#s he &reached a long sermon, and obviousl# he could not tal- in more than one language at a time, so he &reached in whatever his native tongue was, Cust as we would s&ea- in our countr# in our native tongue, >nglish% nd the 12

listeners were saved b# listening to his evangelistic message s&o-en in his native tongue$ 'ongues were s&o-en b# all to &raise "od and tell in various languages about the might# miracles of "od then came (eter eD&laining and his sermon caused 3,000 to believe$ 'he thing we enCo# the most about the &eo&le who have acce&ted the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit is their love of Jesus% 'he# don*t want to tal- about an#thing else$ 'he /ol# )&irit was sent to magnif# Jesus, and &raise Jesus< that*s eDactl# what he does when #ou are filled with the /ol# )&irit% .e*ve met man# eDciting &eo&le since we received the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ &eo&le from all wal-s of life and all denominations who found a new dimension in their life through the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ .e*ve as-ed a few of them to share with #ou what the ba&tism has done in their life, and to tell #ou the answer the# found to Why Should I Speak in Tongues+ 5a# the )&irit of "od s&ea- to #our heart through these stories, each one different, and each one uniHue in its own wa#, but all ending u& sa#ing eDactl# the same thing, Cust as 5atthew, 5ar-, !u-e and John did when the# wrote the gos&els%
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(astor, >vangelistic 'em&le /ouston, 'eDas
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not some sort of a shelter you get in from the battle. Its giving you a gun and putting something in you that says, Im going to go out and fight the devil wherever he is.

.e were &ra#ing about the o&ening cha&ter of this boo- because we wanted to acHuaint our readers with the 0harismatic move if the# had not #et been swe&t into it$ .e went to church )unda# morning before starting to write that afternoon$ "od arranged at eDactl# the right time and on one of our rare times to be home on )unda#, for our beloved &astor to &resent his views on the 0harismatic ?enewal$ .e ca&tured his beautiful &resentation on cassette ta&e and it was eDactl# what we wished we could have said$ (astor .il-erson is recogni;ed widel# throughout the Bnited )tates and other &arts of the world as being solid in his understanding of the word of "od$ /e has long been in the (entecostal movement, but he got caught u& in the new move of the /ol# )&irit and became a 0harismatic tool /e attended 'ulsa Bniversit# and graduated from the 0entral =ible 0ollege in )&ringfield, 5o$ /e received the lumnus of the Fear ward in 19I3, the onl# &astor who has ever received one from 0=0$ 14

(astor .il-erson has been &astoring in /ouston 25 #ears$ 1n ugust of 1966, two churches merged and became >vangelistic 'em&le, where he has been &astoring ever since$ >vangelistic 'em&le is one of the most eDciting, &eo&le6&ac-ed, &ower6&ac-ed, fastest growing churches in merica$ 'here*s a lot of Huestion and a lot of controvers# right now being raised about what is called the 0harismatic ?enewal$ 1 would li-e to share with #ou what 1 see from the =ible as it relates to this subCect$ 'o hel& us understand what we*re tal-ing about, 1 would li-e first of all to establish ./ ' 1) the 0harismatic ?enewal$ .h# is there so much controvers#+ .h# has almost ever# maCor denomination had to come to some conclusions relative to this subCect of the 0harismatic ?enewal+ Girst of all, let*s find out what 3charismatic: means$ 'he word 3charismatic: comes from a "reeword 3charisma$: .e*re hearing the word 3charisma: used a lot of toda#, not onl# in the religious realm or the 0hristian realm but also in the secular realm$ Fou*ll hear &eo&le tal-ing about somebod# having a lot of 3charisma$: 1*d li-e to give #ou 5r$ .ebster*s definition of 3charisma$: /ere*s what he sa#s$ 1*m going to read it verbatim, so that we can -now eDactl# what we*re tal-ing about from an official stand&oint, such as 5r$ .ebster$ 3 s&ecial divine or s&iritual gift, a s&ecial divine endowment conferred u&on a believer as an evidence of the eD&erience of divine grace and 15

fitting him for the life, wor-, or office to which he was called$ grace 4and if #ou understand what the word Egrace* means, it is an unmerited favor of "od7 as a miraculousl# given &ower of healing or of s&ea-ing in tongues or of &ro&hes#ing, etc$, attributed to some of the earl# 0hristians$: 5r$ .ebster sa#s that 3charismatic: or 3charisma: or 3charismata: means a divine endowment to enable a believer or a &erson to carr# out the life or the office to which a believer has been called$ .hen we come to the subCect of 30harismatic ?enewal: this is a &roblem, because most 0hristian &eo&le who believe in church histor# at all will conclude that all of these things have ha&&ened in the &ast$ 'he# -now because the =ible sa#s that it ha&&ened, that there was a s&ecial da#, the Aa# of (entecost, which most churches conclude was the beginning of the 0hristian 0hurch, and that this was also an eD&erience that ha&&ened often and regularl# in the da#s of the a&ostles, that it was &art of the earl# da# 0hristian 0hurch$ 'he &roblem is the subCect of the 30harismatic ?enewal,: which means a renewal @,. of the divine enablement or gifts of the )&irit to the church$ 5an# &eo&le believe in the historical out&ouring of "od*s /ol# )&irit$ 'he# believe that "od sent to the earl# a&ostles this s&ecial enablement to thrust the church into a &rofitable, effective ministr# in their generation$ Gor nearl# 2,000 #ears the church 4off and on7 has had s&iritual awa-enings, s&iritual renewal, or as we call it 3revival$: 'he Huestion is, 31s the 0harismatic ?enewal that we are seeing toda# 16

scri&turall# in order with the =ible+: !et me go a little be#ond the definition of the 3charismatic: and 3charismatic renewal: to &oint to #ou the origin and where it all began$ 1n Joel, cha&ter 2, verse 28 48J97 bac- in the ,ld 'estament before Jesus came, one of the &ro&hets of "od said,:$ 1 will &our out m# s&irit u&on all flesh$: 'hen he goes on to sa#, and #our sons and #our daughters shall &ro&hes#$: /old onto the word 3&ro&hes#: because this is &art of the divine enablement of the gifts of the )&irit or the hel&s, as we often refer to them$ /e sa#s, 31 will &our out m# s&irit and #our sons and #our daughters shall &ro&hes#$: 'hen he goes on to eD&lain that there will be visions and there will be dreams, and that u&on the handmaids and u&on the servants "od would &our out his )&irit$ 1n the ,ld 'estament, when the /ol# )&irit came he did not come u&on !! flesh$ 'he /ol# )&irit did not come u&on the general ,ld 'estament congregation of 1srael$ 'he /ol# )&irit came u&on men li-e >liCah and >lisha, &erha&s even li-e >noch and u&on a -ing li-e Aavid or even u&on 8ing )aul$ 'he /ol# )&irit came u&on the Cudges$ 1t was an endowment, or an enduement of &ower, that made these ,ld 'estament &ro&hets effective$ 1t ha&&ened on rare occasions or u&on occasions where "od was &roCecting to his &eo&le, 1srael$ =efore the ,ld 'estament dis&ensation, or the dis&ensation of !aw 4the method through which "od was dealing with the world, with the &eo&le of 1srael7 was to come to a close, "od said through one of the &ro&hets, there will come a time when 31 will &our out m# s&irit
$ $ 3 $ $$ $ $ $


u&on !! flesh$: 'his is in contrast to the fact that he onl# came u&on the -ings and the &ro&hets and the Cudges, basicall#, in the ,ld 'estament$ 1n the gos&el of 5ar-, cha&ter 16, verse 14, Jesus, after his crucifiDion and resurrection from the grave, said he wanted to meet with his disci&les that he had been training and tutoring in his ministr#, 3 fterward he a&&eared unto the eleven as the# sat at meat, and u&braided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because the# believed not them which had seen him after he was risen$: /e was tal-ing to his select disci&les, when he said to them, 3"o #e into all the world, and &reach the gos&el to ever# creature$ /e that believeth and is ba&ti;ed shall be saved< but he that believeth not shall be damned$: 'hen he began to give the evidences that would follow them that believe$ /ere*s what it sa#s in verse 1I, 3 nd these signs: or these evidences 3shall follow them that =>!1>9>$: 'he Huestion in front of us is the 3unbelievers: and the 3believers$: 3/e that believeth and is ba&ti;ed shall be saved< but he that believeth not shall be damned,: the evidences that shall follow the =>!1>9>?$ 1 ho&e #ou have the abilit# to eDercise #our intelligence to tr# to unshac-le #ourself from denominational &reCudices or bac-grounds that will describe believers in an# other wa# than what the =ible sa#s$ 1t merel# sa#s he that believes the good news of the gos&el and is ba&ti;ed shall be saved, and he that believes not shall be damned$ 'hose who believe the good news of the gos&el and are ba&ti;ed and become the saved &eo&le shall have the following evidences following their


believing$ 31n m# name shall the# cast out devils$: 'his is where a lot of the controvers# regarding the 30harismatic ?enewal: hinges$ )hould these evidences or these em&hases be within the framewor- of the 0hristian church toda#+ /e sa#s, 3believers$: /e doesn*t sa# Cust the believers of the da#s of the disci&les% /e doesn*t sa# that it was Cust for that generation$ 1f we*re going to believe that we can &reach the gos&el toda# that he that believeth and is ba&ti;ed is saved, then we must &ut those believers in the same categor# with those believers that we*re tal-ing about in the gos&el of 5ar-, cha&ter 16$ .e must not se&arate them b# generation or b# certain &eriods of time when the# lived or eDisted$ )o we have to conclude that if we were reading this in the wa# that Jesus full# intended it, he was sa#ing, 3>ven in 19I5 he that believeth and is ba&ti;ed shall be saved, and in 19I5 these signs shall follow them that believe$ 'he# shall cast out devils, and the# shall s&ea- with new tongues$: @ow, hold onto this, because this is what 5r$ .ebster sa#s is &art of the 3charisma: or the 3charismatic$: 1' 1) ( ?' ,G '/> "1G')$ 5r$ .ebster sa#s this in his own &erha&s limited understanding$ Jesus said, two of the evidences of the believer will be that the# shall cast out devils in m# name, and secondl# the# shall s&ea- with new tongues$ 1t goes on to sa# that 3if the# drin- an# deadl# thing,: 4and 1*ve alwa#s &ut the word 3accidentall#,: because this is not to test or tr# "od7 3it shall not hurt them< the# shall la# hands on the sic-, and the# shall recover$: 'his is bringing healing or the hel&s of healing or the gift of healing
$ $


that belong to the church$ )o Jesus s&o-e concerning these hel&s$ )ometimes 1 thin- the reason &eo&le misunderstand the 0harismatic ?enewal is because we are confused between the old6line (entecostal conce&ts and the &resent6da# out&ouring of "od*s )&irit$ 1 thin- some &eo&le who are antagonistic toward the 0harismatic ?enewal are actuall# going bac- a few #ears and &ic-ing u& some of the things that were not understood in the era of the (entecostal out&ouring$ 1 -now that some of #ou are as-ing the Huestion, 31s there an# difference between (entecostalism and the 0harismatic ?enewal+: 1 thin- there definitel# is a difference between these two$ 1 hear a lot of (entecostals sa#, 3.ell, 1*m 0harismatic$: 'he#*re not 0harismatic< the#*re (entecostal$ 1 see a vast difference% 1 was reared (entecostal, but toda# 1*m dee&l# involved in the 0harismatic ?enewal$ 1 can see a lot of differences between the two$ Girst of all, let me describe one of the differences$ (entecostalism seemingl# taught that the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and ultimatel# and subseHuentl# the gifts of the )&irit was a merit badge to the believer$ 1f #ou had come into this eD&erience, if #ou tarried long enough, em&tied out enough, got rid of all the &roblems that #ou could, finall# "od loo-ed down and said, 3/e#, #ou*re a &rett# good Joe$ Fou*ve Huit drin-ing$ Fou*ve Huit going to shows$ Fou*ve Huit smo-ing$ Fou*ve Huit dancing$: .e had a whole lot of things we (entecostals did that we felt "od was ver# offended about, so we said, 3@ow, #ou have to get rid of 20

these things, because "od is not going to come in and fill a vessel that has all these things in it$: .e didn*t tal- much about gossi&ing or bac-biting or Cealous# or a lot of things, but we had some eDternal things we -new "od wanted ever#bod# to get rid of$ )o we said, 3@ow, if #ou will do #our best to get over these things, commit them to "od, '/>@ "od will fill #ou with the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$: )o &eo&le were filled with the /ol# )&irit, and the# felt so great because the# had received the merit badge$ "od had &ut a stam& on them, 3Fou have reall# come a long wa#s now, and 1*m going to give #ou the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit%: 1n the 0harismatic ?enewal, we understand the o&&osite to that, that "od the /ol# )&irit does not wait for #ou to clean u& #ourself and do ever#thing #ourself$ 1f #ou can do that, then #ou don*t need the /ol# )&irit$ 1G F,B 0 @ ">' ?1A ,G !! ,G F,B? / @"6B() @A F,B? (?,=!>5) @A F,B? )1@ @A !! '/>)> '/1@"), '/>@ F,B A,@*' @>>A '/> /,!F )(1?1'$ 'he /ol# )&irit in the 0harismatic ?enewal is "od*s gift to #ou of his &ower, his enablement, to hel& #ou rise to become what he ultimatel# wants #ou to become$ 'his gives a lot of &roblems to the (entecostals because the# sa#, 3/ow can a 0atholic &riest who still &ra#s to 5ar# s&ea- in tongues+: Fou see, their conce&t is that until #ou Huit &ra#ing to 5ar#, the /ol# "host isn*t going to come in$ /e*s waiting for #ou to do all #ou can$ 'hen #ou*ll get the merit badge, the ba&tism with the /ol# "host and the s&ea-ing in other tongues$ 1t doesn*t bother me toda# in the 0harismatic ?enewal, 21

because 1 -now if a 0atholic comes along to the &lace where he receives the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, "od is ca&able of bringing that &erson ultimatel# to his own goal for that &erson$ )o, it is a "od6given &ower to achieve and accom&lish the will and the &ur&oses of "od$ 'hat*s Cust one eDam&le of the difference between (entecostalism and the 0harismatic$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and the gifts of the )&irit are not merit badges that sa# to the other &erson, 3'his &erson is better$: lot of &eo&le in the 30harismatic: controvers# have the idea that 0harismatics thin- the#*re better than an#bod# else$ 'he#*re Huite the o&&osite$ 'his is m# view of the 0harismatics$ 5ost 0harismatics are ver# humble and feel ver# much their need of more of the &ower of "od and don*t go around sa#ing, 31 have the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 1 am better than #ou,: or that 3"od endowed me with the /ol# )&irit, so therefore, 1 am better than #ou or above #ou in s&iritual attainment$: 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is ver# humbling$ 1t brings a &erson to their consciousness that the# are nothing$ 'he /ol# )&irit comes into a man*s or a woman*s life to hel& them become what "od wants them ultimatel# to become$ nother one of the Huestions in the controvers# is, 3Aoesn*t the &erson receive the /ol# )&irit when the# are born again+: 'he 0harismatics believe that when a &erson is born again, the# are born again scri&turall# b# the .,?81@" of the /ol# )&irit$ 'here is no wa# to be born into the famil# of "od without the wor-ing of the /ol# )&irit, an# more than Jesus was born an# other wa# than b# the /ol# 22

)&irit$ 5ar# the 9irgin conceived and bore a child b# the /ol# )&irit$ 'hat*s what the =ible sa#s$ 1n other words, Jesus was born of the /ol# )&irit$ 1f #ou are a believer in the church toda#, regardless of what denominational tag #ou wear, #our new birth, #our new life, came onl# through the wor-ing of the /ol# )&irit bringing #ou to Jesus 0hrist and his life into #ou$ .hether or not #ou*ve ever been ba&ti;ed .1'/ the /ol# )&irit, #ou are born again =F the /ol# )&irit% 1f #ou have never s&o-en in other tongues, #ou*re born again and belong to the famil# of "od$ 0harismatics do not believe that the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit and s&ea-ing in tongues is salvation$ 'here is a segment of (entecostals who will tell #ou that #ou are not born again until #ou have s&o-en in other tongues$ 'here is nothing to give foundation to that -ind of thought$ )&ea-ing in tongues is not s#non#mous with salvation$ ?eceiving the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is not one and the same with salvation$ Jesus was born of the /ol# )&irit, but when he came of the age when "od was read# for him to be thrust into the ministr#, he &resented himself to John for ba&tism in the Jordan ?iver$ 3 nd Jesus, when he was ba&ti;ed, went u& straightwa# out of the water2 and, lo, the heavens were o&ened unto him, and he saw the )&irit of "od descending li-e a dove, and lighting u&on him2 and lo a voice from heaven, sa#ing, 'his is m# beloved )on, in whom 1 am well &leased$: 5atthew 321661I 48J97 Jesus had more than one encounter with the /ol# )&irit$ /is birth was # the /ol# )&irit, and 1 23

conclude that for ever# born again believer, #our new birth was b# the same /ol# )&irit that Jesus was conceived of when he was born of 5ar#$ .ill #ou anal#;e with me for a moment the difference in Jesus before John*s ba&tism and the coming of the dove, and Jesus afterwards+ 1f #ou will loo- ver# carefull# #ou will &robabl# conclude that from the time of the birth of Jesus to his ba&tism we have onl# a few s-etch# accounts of his childhood, his #oung adolescence, and his #oung manhood da#s$ '/>?> 1) @, 00,B@' '/ ' /> . ) 51? 0!> .,?8>?$ '/>?> 1) @, 00,B@' '/ ' /> >9>? /> !>A$ '/>?> 1) @, 00,B@' '/ ' /> . ) )B(>? 1@ @F . F$ 'he onl# account was when he was twelve #ears of age when he was with the doctors in Jerusalem$ ,utside of that account, there is nothing that describes him as a miracle wor-er or a &owerful &erson, but when he came to John*s ba&tism and the )&irit of "od came down u&on him and he was led b# the )&irit into the wilderness, then it sa#s that he returned 31@ '/> (,.>? ,G '/> )(1?1'$: G?,5 '/ ' 5,5>@' ,@ /> (>?G,?5>A 51? 0!>)$ /> 'B?@>A '/> . '>? 1@', .1@>$ /> /> !>A '/> )108$ /> /> !>A '/> =!1@A, '/> ! 5>, '/> !>(>?), '/> .,5 @ .1'/ '/> 1))B> ,G =!,,A, J 1?B)* A B"/'>?, (>'>?*) 5,'/>?61@6! .% 24

J>)B) /> !>A >9>?F./>?> /> .>@' G?,5 '/> '15> ,G /1) >@AB>5>@' 1@ '/> )>0,@A )' "> ,G '/> (,.>? ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1'$ 'he 0harismatics do not believe that the ba&tism of the /ol# "host is s#non#mous with the /ol# )&irit$ .e believe that the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is a similar eD&erience to that of Jesus$ /e had a )>0,@A encounter with the /ol# "host$ 1t*s an encounter of being filled with the &ower$ Jesus was showing himself again to his disci&les in John 20221622 48J97, when he said, 3(eace be unto #ou2 as m# Gather hath sent me, even so send 1 #ou$ nd when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, ?eceive #e the /ol# "host2: )ome &eo&le sa# that this means then that if the# received the /ol# "host, this is the same ba&tism that is recorded on the Aa# of (entecost< but when #ou read carefull# #ou will discover that the =ible sa#s in John I239 48J97, for the /ol# "host was not #et given< because that Jesus was not #et glorified$: It is m# belief that in John 20222 these were the first &eo&le to be born again, who received the breathing of the )&irit to become born6again believers$ B& to this time, the# were disci&les$ 'he# were followers of Jesus$ 'here is a difference in being a disci&le and a follower and in being born again$ 'hese disci&les followed Jesus$ 'he# heard his teaching$ 'he# were with him$ =ut on this occasion 1 believe these &eo&le were born again$ 1 believe these were the first born6again &eo&le of the @ew 'estament$ /e breathed on them, and said, 3?eceive #e the /ol# "host$: 'o this same grou& of &eo&le now, he
3 $ $ $


sa#s in the boo- of cts, cha&ter one and verse four, 3=eing assembled together with them, commanded them that the# should not$ 3.ho are these+ '/> ) 5> (>,(!> /> =?> '/>A ,@ @A ) 1A, 3?>0>19> F> '/> /,!F "/,)',: commanded them that the# should not 3de&art from Jerusalem, but wait for the &romise of the Gather, which, saith he, #e have heard of me$: 'hen in verse 8 he sa#s, 3=ut F> )/ !! ?>0>19> (,.>?, after that the /ol# "host is come u&on #ou2 and #e shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and in )amaria, and unto the uttermost &art of the earth$: 1 believe that Jesus was tal-ing about two different eD&eriences2 G1?)' ,G !! '/> @>. =1?'/, =>1@" =,?@ " 1@, 0,51@" 1@', )(1?1'B ! !1G> '/?,B"/ '/> /,!F )(1?1'2 @A )>0,@A!F, ?>0>191@" @ >@AB>5>@' ,G (,.>? '/?,B"/ '/> = ('1)5 ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1' to become the effective witness that "od wanted the 0hurch to be$ 1 would be foolish to tell #ou that the church through all the centuries was not effective or has not been effective nor that a born6again believer cannot be effective without the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 1*ve -nown a lot of 0hristian &eo&le genuinel# born again who were ver# effective in their witness, who were ver# much attuned to "od, and were effective in their wal- with "od$ =ut for some reason or another, Jesus said to his disci&les, 3Aon*t go out into the battlefield$ Aon*t leave Jerusalem until #ou receive the enduement of &ower$:
$ $ $


1 see m#self as a 0hristian soldier$ 1*ve Cust been called b# m# countr# to enlist for a battle in 9iet @am$ 5# officers have called me in and said, 3@ow, we*ve got a battle over there to fight, and we feel that #ou ought to have some ammunition$ .e*d hate for #ou to get out there on the front line without a gun, without some rations on #ou$ .e*ve going to give #ou all the &rotection we can with tan-s and with air&lanes and other things, but we*d li-e for #ou to carr# along a little rifle$ 1t might come in hand#$ )o, we*re going to give #ou some of these su&&lies$: !et me tell #ou, if 1*m going out to face a literal enem# that*s got a rifle that he*s aiming at me, and he*s got some tan-s on the other side and he*s got a government behind him, 1*m going to want something in m# hands, too$ 'his is eDactl# what Jesus is sa#ing$ /e didn*t sa#, 3/e#, 1*m going to ma-e #ou some -ind of an outstanding soldier, and #ou*re going to stand around with a rifle in #our hand$ Fou*re going to have 0 rations, and #ou*re going to be somebod#$: @ot at all% /e said, 1*m going to endue #ou with &ower from on high, because #ou*re going to face an enem# that*s well6 eHui&&ed to destro# #ou unless #ou have the ammunition that is necessar#$ 'he church is not fighting an intellectual battle with Cust other &eo&le out in the world on the intellectual level$ .e*re not tr#ing to fight some -ind of a battle in the financial world$ 1 tell #ou, we*re fighting according to the &ostle (aul, a battle that is not against flesh and blood but is against &rinci&alities and &owers and dominions and -ingdoms of dar-ness$ .e are involved in a real battle, and "od said the onl# wa# 2I

that battle can ever be fought is for #ou to receive the enduement of m# &ower so that #ou can go against the &ower of #our enem# and #ou can be successful$ 'he 0harismatic ?enewal and the &eo&le involved in it have no reason to stand bac- and boast$ ll we have is the ammunition "od has given to us to fight a good fight and to war a good warfare against #our enem# and mine that attac-s us in a s&iritual battle% 1t*s "od*s enablement for us to fight a successful battle at this ver# moment% =eloved, the church is in a battle$ 1 believe that the 0harismatic ?enewal is "od*s last s&iritual awa-ening to the world$ 1 don*t get u& in a lot of &ride to sa# that 1*m in the 0harismatic ?enewal$ 1 see what "od is doing toda#$ "od is tr#ing to thrust &eo&le from all wal-s of life into a s&iritual warfare$ 1f #ou*re thin-ing the ba&tism of the /ol# "host is an insurance &olic# that ma-es #ou have a lot more securit# and ma-es #ou feel a lot better, #ou*ve got another thought coming% 1f #ou*ve had &roblems before #ou received the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, #ou wait until #ou get it% Fou*ll have attac-s from the devil #ou*ve never had before$ 5an# times &eo&le who have been filled with the /ol# )&irit Cust couldn*t wait to run and tell their &astor% .hat a shoc- to have him loo- down at them as if the# were some -ind of :Huir-#: &eo&le and ultimatel# be shown the door$ (eo&le can*t understand, 3.h# in the world+ /ere*s something that*s so wonderful and so beautiful, and #et all of a sudden 1*m an outcast$:


'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is not some sort of a shelter #ou get in from the battle$ 1t*s giving #ou a gun and &utting something in #ou that sa#s, 31*m going to go out and fight the devil wherever he is$: (rett# soon #ou find #ourself in the middle of a big battle, and #ou sa#, 3.hat in the world did 1 do to get into this+: 1 grew u& as a (entecostal with m# han-ie being waved and singing, 3/old the fort, for 1 am coming$: 1t described us sitting inside the fort with our flags, and we were sa#ing, 3Aon*t worr#, !ord$ .e*re going to hold the fort%: =ut the 0harismatics have learned that being filled with the /ol# )&irit is not holding the fort$ 1t*s getting out of a fort and charging against the devil ever#where he is, even if it*s the boss on the Cob, even if it*s the secretar#, if it*s the school teacher, if it*s the -ids, whoever$ .hen a &erson becomes d#namicall# filled with the /ol# )&irit, it thrusts him out of an# -ind of a fort and &uts him right out on the battlefield$ 'his is what is so beautiful about the 0harismatic ?enewal$ .ee- after wee-, &eo&le come wal-ing in with somebod# that the# met out on the battlefield, and sa#, 3/ere*s a ca&ture$ .e met out on the battlefield, and "od has saved him$: 'he 0harismatic ?enewal, as 1*ve said, is not merit badges$ 1t*s not something that &uts us into some sort of a s&ecial, uniHue, su&er club$ .hat 1 see as a 0harismatic ?enewal is a return to what the boo- of cts describes as the norm of the @ew 'estament 0hurch$ 1 see the @ew 'estament 0hurch as a grou& of &eo&le much li-e what 1 have seen in the 0harismatic ?enewal$ 29

!et me sa# this about the 0harismatic ?enewal$ @ot ever#where #ou go are #ou going to find the same -ind of grou& of &eo&le that fl# that flag, and 1 would be foolish to tell #ou that there is not some error in the 0harismatic ?enewal$ =ut #ou can*t classif# all charismatic grou&s b# something that #ou have seen that #ou didn*t understand an# more than #ou can classif# all =a&tists or all 5ethodists as being the same$ 'here are differences of o&erations and differences of o&inions in different grou&s$ 1*m tal-ing from what 1 have seen in the 0harismatic ?enewal here and the other areas in which 1*ve been &rivileged to s&ea- and minister to in different &arts of the countr# and world, but the 0harismatic ?enewal as 1 see it toda# is a grou& of &eo&le who are see-ing to come bac- to the sim&licit# of the earl# church, the @ew 'estament church% Gor eDam&le, in >&hesians 5218 it sa#s, 3 nd be not drun- with wine, wherein is eDcess< but be: 4and that*s an 0'19> verb be, being7 3filled with the )&irit<: 'hen it goes on to describe how #ou ventilate this out&ouring of the /ol# )&irit or this being filled with the )&irit, and he sa#s that we do that b# 3)&ea-ing to #ourselves in &salms and h#mns and s&iritual songs, singing and ma-ing melod# in #our heart to the !ord<: 'hat sounds Cust li-e the 0harismatics 1*ve been eD&osed to, doesn*t it to #ou+ 1*ll tell #ou something else that reminds me of 0harismatics$ (aul said, 3/aving done all, to stand$: 0harismatics stand more than an#bod# in the world%


/e tells us that after being filled with the )&irit, the outcro&&ing of it is 3s&ea-ing to #ourselves in &salms and h#mns and s&iritual songs, singing and ma-ing melod# in #our heart to the !ord< "iving than-s alwa#s for all things unto "od and the Gather in the name of our !ord Jesus 0hrist$: @ow here*s another indictment against the 0harismatics that some &eo&le have made recentl#$ 1t*s been said that we*re &reaching another gos&el< that Jesus is the gos&el$ 'he /ol# )&irit should never re&lace the &erson of Jesus< and from what 1 have seen in the 0harismatic ?enewal, it is the o&&osite of that$ .hen a &erson becomes filled with the /ol# )&irit and gets involved in the 0harismatic ?enewal, as we -now it toda#, he starts in singing about Jesus, 3/e is !ord,: 3/e*s the )avior of m# )oul,: 3/e lone is .orth#$: 1 don*t hear an# song or choruses lifting u& the &erson of the /ol# )&irit$ 1t*s lifting u& Jesus$ 'he &eo&le that 1 have seen being filled with the /ol# )&irit are more in love with Jesus than &eo&le who are not filled with the /ol# )&irit$ 'he# love Jesus% ,h, how 1 love Jesus$ ,ver and over, it*s &raise to the &erson of Jesus$ 'hat*s scri&tural$ 'he =ible sa#s 4John 16213 8J97 that 3.hen he, 4the /ol# "host7 the )&irit of truth, is come, he will guide #ou into all truth2: /e not onl# will guide #ou into all truth, but he will remind #ou of things that 1 have said, and it*s Jesus that*s s&ea-ing$ .hen the /ol# )&irit comes, he will remind #ou of Jesus and who he is and what he has said$ /e will glorif# Jesus% )o, #ou see, to be filled with the /ol# )&irit brings an enduement of &ower into #our life and 31

brings the third &erson of the 'rinit# into #our life so that he can ma-e Jesus more alive and more real$ 'he reason we come to the &oint of &ra#ing for the sic- and believing in divine healing is because the /ol# )&irit reminds us that Jesus came not onl# to save the soul but to also heal the bod#$ "o over and read in the boo- of (salms, the 103rd (salm, 3=less the !ord, 0 m# soul, and forget not all his benefits2: /e goes on to tal- about the iniHuities being forgiven and diseases being healed$ 1t*s all tied together in the atonement, that is, the forgiveness of sin and the healing of the bod#$ 'he &erson becomes filled with the /ol# )&irit, and the /ol# )&irit begins to ma-e Jesus alive$ 'hen, we become conscious of the fact that he wants to heal us of our &h#sical and emotional &roblems as well as to forgive us and cleanse us from our sin sic-ness$ )o, the /ol# )&irit as 1 see it toda# is not creating a &eo&le who are on a su&er6ego tri& that thin- the#*re somebod#$ 'he# are a &eo&le who submit themselves one to another in the love and in the fear of "od, believing what "od*s word sa#s, that he would endow us with &ower and give unto us the hel&s so that we would be able to be strengthened, to be edified, to be comforted, and to be u&lifted as a grou& of &eo&le within the bod# of 0hrist$ 0harismatics are not negative against an#bod#$ 'he#*re not against an# denomination$ 0harismatics love &eo&le the# do not understand$ 0harismatics are not out to start a new denomination$ 5artin !uther wasn*t tr#ing to start a new denomination$ ll he wanted was for new life to come bac- into 32

the ?oman 0atholic 0hurch$ John 8noD did not intend to start the (resb#terian$ /e Cust wanted "od*s life to be in the church$ John and 0harles .esle# did not intend to start the 5ethodist 0hurch$ 'he# wanted life in the church$ "od is going to have a &eo&le, call that &eo&le whatever #ou ma#$ 'he 0harismatics toda# are not interested in starting a new denomination$ 1n fact, most 0harismatics would Cust love to see their own church come alive in the /ol# )&irit and worshi& "od and love "od, and the# would li-e to sta# right with their own denomination$ ,ne of the Huestions 1*ve been most often as-ed in the 0harismatic ?enewal is, 3)hould 1 sta# in m# church, or should 1 leave+: 1*m going to tell #ou, even with m# (entecostal bac-ground, what 1 tell them$ )ta# as long as #ou can$ s long as #ou can breathe, sta# there< but if #ou get where #ou can*t breathe, #ou have no alternative$ Fou*ve got to find a &lace where #ou can breathe s&irituall# and sta# alive$ 1 want #ou to -now that*s not Cust something 1 sa# because 1 thin- 1 ought to sa# it$ 'here*s nothing that would thrill this &astor*s heart more than for the church down the street with a different flag to have the same moving of "od 1 see in the =ible and as 1 see it in the 0harismatic ?enewal$ 1t would thrill m# heart for /ouston to come alive, and 1 don*t care what name is over the church$ =ut, 1 want to see "od*s &eo&le come into that beautiful &osition of being endued with the &ower from on high, bringing healing to humanit# that is sic- in mind, bod#, and in s&irit and to see the church come alive to


welcome the glorious return of our !ord and )avior Jesus 0hrist in the clouds of "lor#$ s a (entecostal, 1 thin- there were times that 1 did not reall# have a desire to see m# denominational friends have an eD&erience as 1 could see in the =ible$ 1 thin- 1 almost felt that the# were condemned< and 1 didn*t have an# real love or com&assion when "od touched m# life anew after having &astored for man# #ears and done the best that 1 -new how to do$ 1*ll not forget the moment nor the time nor the #ear that "od touched m# life afresh$ lmost in one s&lit second of time, when 1 saw "od in a com&lete new wa#, 1 saw m#self in another wa#, 1 saw the 0hurch in a new wa#, 1 saw the =ible in a new wa#, 1 saw the world in a new wa#$ 5# =ible was almost com&letel# re6written$ !et me tell #ou, it*s as difficult as a (entecostal to get in the 0harismatic ?enewal and in the move of "od as it is for a =a&tist or a 0atholic or a (resb#terian or an#one else$ 1t ma# be more difficult$ 1 don*t have an#thing to go b#, but 1 sometimes thin- that it is more difficult, because we (entecostals have had a move of "od and we have been acHuainted with the gifts of the )&irit and these things$ =ecause of that, 1 thin- we had some hang6 u&s that made it more difficult< but 1 remember the time when "od was touching men li-e Jim =rown, the (resb#terian< Aennis =ennett, the >&isco&alian< Gather 5c@utt and others that are of other denominations$ 1 didn*t as- for "od to touch m# life anew$ 1 wouldn*t have -nown what to as- "od for an#wa#$ 1 would have &robabl# concluded that 1 alread# -new, but "od in his infinite grace touched 34

m# life and ever#thing began to ha&&en and began to change$ 1 began to go through deaths$ 1 got into some battles that 1 did not -now how to get out of, and one of the difficulties in this moment is that what "od is doing he is doing so Huic-l# that there are no boo-s that can be &ublished in the neDt battle and in the neDt decision$ 1t*s li-e a &ilgrim wal-ing through a Cungle$ Fou come to rivers, #ou come to mountains that have never been charted$ 'he underbrush of the Cungle is so dense that there is no wa# to see be#ond the ste& tomorrow$ 'he faithfulness of the /ol# )&irit is right there to hac- through the Cungle, to forge the rivers, to climb the mountains, and to move on$ 0harismatics have not arrived$ 'he# are on the march$ 'he# don*t -now it all, but the#*re learning% 'he =ible sa#s, 3@ow 1 would not have #ou ignorant, brethren 0harismatics are stud#ing to -now what "od*s will is toda# for their lives%
$ $ $


I had really lost interest in reading the ible. I thought mira!les had stopped a long time ago, and if anyone was ever healed, "# "#$# SH%&'#() The only regret I have is that I didnt a!!ept the baptism ten years ago when this happened in our !hur!h ba!* home in 'ansas &ity.

3Aon*t store u& treasures here on earth where the# can erode awa# or ma# be stolen$ )tore them in heaven where the# will never lose their value, and are safe from thieves$ 1f #our &rofits are in heaven #our heart will be there too$: 5att$ 6219621 4'!=7 )hirle# doesn*t a&&ear to even be thin-ing of her riches as she efficientl# &ours her time and energ# into wor- for which she receives no earthl# &a#$ (raise "od for her husband, Jim, for &roviding their earthl# needs willingl# as she s&ends much time in wor- for Jesus$ )urel# the# have a ! ?"> heavenl# ban- account$ )he does receive com&ensation while she wor-s as a consultant for 5ar# 8a# 0osmetics$ .e see her energeticall#, voluntaril# wor-ing at /unter 5inistries office almost ever# time we are there$ )he is also our ma-e6u& artist for television &roduction$ )he has taught in church schools since she was 18$ )he has been &re6school director for her church$ )he has served on &racticall# ever# board and committee in her church$ )he has been conference leader in several &laces, teaching teachers$ )he and her husband are counselors on the I00 0lub$


.e love to be around her because of her charisma, sharing Jesus from the de&ths of her devoted, energetic heart$ .ould #ou li-e to get eDcited+ ?> A and =>%

.h# should 31: s&ea- in tongues+ .ow% Gor almost three #ears 1 was feeling a real dullness in m# 0hristian life$ 1t wasn*t because 1 wasn*t going to church, because 1 was there &racticall# ever# time the doors o&ened, )unda# morning and night and .ednesda# and whenever else there was a meeting of some -ind that needed to be attended$ 1 -e&t telling m# husband, 3Jim, there*s something missing in m# life$: /e -e&t sa#ing, E1*m com&letel# satisfied$ Fou*re not, because #ou*re not teaching eleven and twelve #ear olds li-e #ou used to$ Fou*ve been at &re6school wor- Cust too long$: 1 said, 3@o, that*s not it$: 1 / A ?> !!F !,)' 1@'>?>)' 1@ ?> A1@" '/> =1=!>$ 1t Cust didn*t mean an#thing when 1 read it, 1G 1 got around to it$ 1 was raised a =a&tist, and m# &arents were faithful in ta-ing me to church when 1 was #oung$ 1 acce&ted 0hrist as m# &ersonal )avior when 1 was eleven #ears old, and when 1 was eighteen 1 began teaching girls eleven and twelve #ears old and was constantl# bus# being in church$ fter 1 married 1 started directing the children*s choir$ 1 was right in there doing ever#thing #ou can imagine a #oung &erson can do in a church, full steam ahead$ .hen our daughter 8im was horn 1 started attending &re6 3I

school conferences and became ver# interested in how little children from birth through age three can be taught about Jesus arid his love for them$ )o for the &ast twelve #ears 1*ve been in &re6school worin our church, leading conferences in the state and in other churches, teaching teachers how the# can teach the #oung children$ 5# life still wasn*t eDciting s&irituall#$ 1n Januar# of 19I3, during our 'raining Bnion time, it was announced in the bulletins that we were going to have an author, Grances /unter, as a guest s&ea-er$ 1 had heard some of the others sa# how much the# had enCo#ed her boo-s, but 1 had never gotten around to reading them$ 1 had at one time loved to read, but that too had gotten awa# from me$ 1 went$ ,h, the things she said, the things she told$ $ $ 1 sat there and cried, 1 laughed, 1 got so eDcited hearing her give her testimon# about her love for Jesus% 'ime was &assing, months went b#, and 1 still felt this void in m# life$ 5a# 10, 19I3, our )unda# )chool Ae&artment was having a ladies luncheon in our de&artment director*s home$ 1 reall# had gotten to the &oint 1 didn*t enCo# going to class meetings, because we*d eat and then it was Cust gab, gab, gab% 'hen, the#*d have a Huic- devotion, and that was all$ 1 heard Grances was going to be there and because 1 had enCo#ed her so much, 1 decided 1 would go$ Grances was going to s&ea- first$ 'hen we were going to have a luncheon$ 1 had to leave earl# for m# daughter*s orthodontist a&&ointment$


Grances s&o-e on how to ma-e Jesus come alive in #our life through reading the =ible$ .e reall# got a lot out of the tal-$ 'hen, at the ver# end, she even had an invitation% 'hat -ind of shoc-ed me, because 1 thought, 3/ere we are in a =a&tist )unda# )chool grou&, and she*s giving an invitation%: 'hen, she said, 31 have two or three minutes left$ .ould #ou li-e to -now what is going on in the world toda#+: ,f course, all of us, about thirt# of us, were eager$ .e all said, 3Fes, we want to -now%: )o, Grances started telling about how "od had told them to have a miracle service on a 'uesda# night in a =a&tist 0hurch in >l (aso, 'eDas, and how word got to the schools that Jesus was going to be &assing b# the church and healing the sic-, the maimed, and the lame$ little child with cerebral &als# heard the good news and begged and &leaded to go until she finall# got someone to ta-e her$ Grances said she was healed, fell under the &ower, and started s&ea-ing in tongues$ .hen she said this 1 started having a million Huestions, because 1 -new that m# =ible said that #ou are not to s&ea- in tongues unless #ou have an inter&retation, and she had said nothing about an#bod# inter&reting what that girl had said$ 1 also was ver# interested in this, because 1 had been out canvassing our neighborhood Cust before that to collect cerebral palsy donations$ )he said a lot of things within that few minute &eriod$ )he told how she had been to a 8athr#n 8uhlman miracle service and how she had fallen under the &ower$ 'hen she Huic-l# closed% 1 had hundreds of Huestions running through m# mind that needed answers$ Just then a friend came 39

u& and as-ed Grances if she would &ra# for someone who was ver# sic-$ Grances said, 3!et*s all sto& and &ra# for this friend of =ett# Jo*s$: .e all closed our e#es, and Grances &ra#ed$ 1 heard a little bit of a commotion and thought, 3,h, 1 guess ever#bod# is getting read# to hold hands$: 1 o&ened m# e#es to get someone*s hand, and =>''F J, . ) @,' )' @A1@" B( @F5,?>$ )/> . ) !F1@" ,@ '/> G!,,?% ll of our mouths were ga&ing o&en% 1 can remember someone bending over =ett# Jo and wondering what to do$ Grances Cust laughed and said, 3!eave her alone$ )he is with Jesus, and she*ll never be an# ha&&ier than she is right now$: 1 thought, 3.hat is this woman tal-ing about+: =ett# Jo got u& and was smiling$ 1t seemed as if ever#one else wanted to ignore the whole thing% )omeone called dinnertime, and 1 thought, 31 want to -now if =ett# Jo -new she was falling on the floor$: 1 wanted to -now% 1 went all through the house tr#ing to find =ett# Jo to as- her the Huestions that were in m# mind$ 1 finall# found her and said, 31*ve got some Huestions to as- #ou$: 1 was sha-ing all over% 1 didn*t reali;e that this was the &ower of the /ol# )&irit that had fallen u&on me during Grances* &ra#er$ =ett# Jo said, 3)ure% !et*s go in the other bedroom$: )o we did, and 1 as-ed her as man# Huestions as 1 could$ 1t was alread# &ast the time for that orthodontist a&&ointment 1 was to have left for$ 1 hadn*t even &ic-ed ?honda 4m# daughter7 u&, and 1 was on the other side of town$ /owever, 1 as-ed as man# Huestions as 1 could and left Huic-l#, sha-ing all the wa# to &ic- u& ?honda at school, sa#ing, 3!ord, what is 40

this+ )how me$ 1 don*t understand$: ll 1 wanted to do reall# was to go home and read m# =ible$ Fet 1 couldn*t$ 1 had to ta-e m# daughter to the orthodontist% cou&le of wee-s later 1 went to deliver some cosmetics to a friend who had Cust moved bac- into town$ )he was a member of the Girst =a&tist 0hurch$ 1 started telling her what had ha&&ened at our class meeting$ )he said, 3.,.% Fou mean this ha&&ened, and #ou didn*t invite me to the luncheon%: 1 said, 31 didn*t -now it was going to ha&&en$: 1 mentioned 8athr#n 8uhlman, and she said, 31 thin- 1 read somewhere that 8athr#n 8uhlman is going to be in town$: 1 said, 3.ell, if #ou hear of this, let me -now, because 1 want to go$: 1 started &iecing things together and remembered about a #ear ago some girls in m# )unda# )chool class had tal-ed about getting on a bus and going to a 8athr#n 8uhlman service$ 'he !ord had brought this bac- to m# memor#, but 1 remembered Cust a little bit of it$ 1 started calling different ones and said, 31s there going to be a bus this #ear+: 'he# didn*t -now an#thing about it$ 'he# were reall# hesitant to tell me who had even ordered that bus$ 1 said, 3.h# are #ou -ee&ing it a secret+: 'he# said, 3=ecause not ever#bod# believes this$: 1 said, 3(lease -ee& chec-ing, and if there is a bus &lease let me -now$: 5# mother had gotten reall# sic-, had a tem&erature of 106L and was &ut in the hos&ital$ @ot -nowing what was wrong with her, the doctors had &ut her in isolation and were giving her all -inds of tests$ 1 -e&t wanting to go hel& her, but she said, 41

3@o, there*s nothing #ou can do now$ Aon*t come until the# let me out of the hos&ital$: 1 -e&t waiting and told the &eo&le that 1 would call, 3(lease -ee& chec-ing about the bus to the 8athr#n 8uhlman service, and if #ou find out an#thing, call m# husband and let him -now$ 1*m going to have to go to 8ansas 0it# to be with m# mother$: ?ight after Grances had been to the luncheon 1 had written 5other all about what had ha&&ened at the )unda# )chool luncheon$ .hen 1 finall# arrived in 8ansas 0it#, 5other said, 3'here is something missing in m# life$ 1f "od doesn*t do something about it, 1 don*t -now what 1*m going to do%: 1 toocare of m# mother and told her, 31 have to leave on )aturda#, because 8athr#n 8uhlman is going to be in /ouston on )unda#$: 1 had been with m# mother almost two wee-s$ 5# husband had called and told me about the meeting$ 1 had as-ed him to see if he could get me a tic-et to go on a bus, thus reserving a seat, so 1*d -now for sure 1 could get in$ 1 got home about midnight and was so tired from m# tri& that 1 sta#ed home the neDt da#, )unda#, and sle&t$ .e @>9>? miss church on )unda#, but "od was in control% t ten o*cloc- that morning the &hone rang$ 'he lad# said, 31*m =ett# from #our church$: 1 was still slee&#, but 1 -new that she was the lad# who wor-ed iii the librar#$ )he said, 31 understand #ou want to go to the 8athr#n 8uhlman service$ 1 have an eDtra tic-et for the bus$ .ould #ou li-e to have it+: 1 went to >vangelistic 'em&le where we were to catch the bus and arrived Cust as the services were being dismissed$ 1 heard someone mention 42

3 "!,.: in &assing and wondered what that was$ )omeone introduced me to .anda, who was a =a&tist but was coming out of >vangelistic 'em&le$ 1 thought, 31 wonder what a =a&tist is doing there+: )he gave me a big old bear hug as if she had -nown me all her life, and that was reall# the first time 1*d ever met her$ t the meeting we sat right above the wheel chair section in the audience$ ll 1 could do that whole time was &ra# for all those &eo&le$ 1 thought when 8athr#n &ra#ed for these &eo&le and the# fell, the# were receiving the /ol# )&irit$ 1 thought that was how #ou received the /ol# )&irit$ 1 was ins&ired% )o man# things were whirling around in m# mind$ .e had to get bac- to church, because our choir was doing a s&ecial number$ Fet 1 did not want to go again$ 'he thing 1 wanted to do was to get into the =ible$ 1nstead, 1 went to church but did not enCo# it$ ll 1 could thin- about was reading the =ible$ 1 called =ett# and as-ed what she had been able to see at the 8athr#n 8uhlman meeting, since she sat in the choir$ =ett# answered onl# what 1 as-ed$ =ecause of m# inHuisitiveness, she -e&t telling a little bit more and a little bit more$ !ater 1*d thin- of another Huestion and call her bac-$ )he*d tell me a little more$ 'his ha&&ened again and again%% 1 wrote to 5other and told her that 1 now -new what she was missing$ =ett# had given me some boo-s to read, @>. ),@" and '/> '., )1A>) ,G 0,1@$ .e left on our vacation on June 30th to )outh Aa-ota to go cam&ing with m# &arents$ ,n Jul# 1st 43

as we came out of the motel room 1 noticed something on the trailer that 1 had never noticed before$ 1t said, 31n case of emergenc# call such and such a number$: 1t gave me a funn# feeling% 'hat da# while traveling a #oung bo# &ulled out in a &ic-u& truc- and we could not sto&$ Jim said, 3)hirle#, we*re going to hit him$: 1 had been reading at that time about )hirle# =oone receiving the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 1 loo-ed u&, and we were heading right toward the truc-$ t the ver# last minute, Jim turned the wheel or "od did$ ,ur car onl# sideswi&ed him$ Jim was -noc-ed unconscious$ =lood was streaming from him$ 1 thought the car was going around and around in circles, and 1 -e&t waiting for it to sto&, not reali;ing until that night when 1 thought bac- u&on it that the car had sto&&ed straight on the road$ 1 had been hit on the bac- of the head b# the steering wheel or something, and a great big -not was there$ 5# daughters had been aslee&$ .e all had severe concussions$ 5# husband had a fractured s-ull and elbow$ 1 had a s&rung tailbone$ 5# teeth were -noc-ed out of line b# the im&act$ 1 said, 3)tart &ra#ing, 8im$ )tart &ra#ing$: 'he !ord was with us all through this time$ Jim became semiconscious$ /e did not -now where he was and could not ma-e an# sense when he tal-ed$ .e were ta-en to a twelve6bed hos&ital, and we had four of the beds% 1 went over and laid hands on m# husband and said, 3!ord, Cust heal him$: =ett# had shared a little about this with me, but 1 had not received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit at that time$


Gor a whole month, we were off wor-, and the !ord had us listening to ta&es which =ett# shared$ .e read boo-s$ 1 was consuming the =ible% ",A / A 5 A> '/> .,?A 0,5> !19>$ 1 -e&t sa#ing, 3!ord, when did #ou &ut that in there+: 1 had read the =ible all m# life, but now it became so alive% 1 Cust couldn*t believe what was &o&&ing out of those scri&tures% 1*d get u& earl# in the morning and would read all da# long< "od*s word or boo-s that =ett# was feeding me, or 1 would listen to ta&es$ 1' . ) >M01'1@"$ ugust 21st came, the da# of the first /unter meeting 1 would be able to attend$ 1 -e&t sa#ing to =ett#, 3.h# am 1 not seeing these miracles+: )he -e&t sa#ing, 3)hirle#, #ou won*t see them at the =a&tist 0hurch, because the# believe that these things sto&&ed #ears ago$: 1 -new this, because we had been tal-ing about it, that these things had &assed, even though we &ra#ed that someone would be healed if it would be "od*s will$ /owever, 1G '/>F >9>? ",' /> !>A .> .>?> )/,08>A$ 1 Cust -new 1 was going to receive the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit at the meeting that night$ friend from another =a&tist church went with me$ .e sat on the ver# front row$ ll of a sudden 0harles started calling out healings$ ,ne was arthritis, and right on the front row a lad# let out a scream and said, 35# legs% 5# legs%: 0harles said, 30ome on u& on the stage and tell us what "od has done$: 'he# had to hel& her u& on the stage$ )he seemed drun-$ )he said, 3"od has Cust healed me of gout and arthritis$: 1 thought, 35# mother has gout$: Just 45

as she said this, down she fell$ 'he# hadn*t even touched her$ 1 was so eDcited, because when she got bac- u& she said, 31*m a =a&tist$: Grances then called for all the &astors to come u& so that she could as- Jesus to bless them that the# might be renewed in their faith and their strength to minister to their &eo&le$ 'hen, after she did that she said, 31 want ever#one to come u& who is a )unda# )chool teacher$: 5# husband and "lenda Cum&ed u& to go forward, and the# said, 30ome on, )hirle#$: 1 said, 31 can*t$ 1*m not an actual teacher now$: 1 was a substitute teacher$ 1 was still in the &re6school area wor-ing as a hostess$ .hen the# needed a teacher 1 would teach, but 1 was not an actual voted6in )unda# )chool teacher that #ear$ )o 1 couldn*t go, 1 thought$ 'hen, all of a sudden she said, 3 n#bod# who wor-s in )unda# )chool, come on u&$: 1 went u&$ )he &ra#ed for m# husband, and down he went$ 1 gave a little laugh, and she said, that #our husband+: 1 said, 3Fes$: )he said, 3.ell, let me &ra# for #ou, too$ .hen 1 &ra#ed for #ou 1*m going to as- them to Coin #our hands$: )he &ra#ed, and down 1 went% 'he# Coined our hands$ 'hen she &ra#ed that the !ord would bless our marriage$ 31*ve received+: gain when 1 got u& m# husband said, 3)hirle#, #ou were down a long time$: 1 said, 3Jim, did 1 reall# receive+: /e said, 3Fou were sure sa#ing something that 1 didn*t understand$: 1 watched "lenda, m# friend$ )he was u& on that stage, and 1 -new that she had received$ 1 had seen her fall$ 'hen, here she came with all of her doubts and ever#thing sa#ing, 3'he# &ushed me$: 1 said, 46

3@o, the# didn*t$ 1 was watching$: 1 said, 3Fou did receive$: )he tal-ed about her -nee having &roblems$ )he said, 35# husband is home tonight doing housewor- that 1 cannot do, because 1 cannot get down on m# -nees$: 1 hadn*t reali;ed that$ 1 said, 3"o on u& there and have them &ra# for #ou$: )he said, 31*m not going bac- u& there$: 1 said, 3Fes% .e*ll go to Grances and as- her to &ra# for #our -nee% "od will heal it%: Fou see, 1*d been reading all these boo-s, and "lenda hadn*t$ 5# faith was great% Jim said, 31*ll go with #ou$: )o, we went u& there, and 1 told Grances what the &roblem was$ Grances Cust said, 3Jesus heal it$: )he touched "lenda, and down she went% 'hen, u& she &o&&ed again and said, 3Aid she &ush me+: )he said, 3,h% 5# -nee% 1 was so concerned about whether she &ushed me or not that 1 didn*t notice that m# -nee is healed%: n usher was standing there and said, 3Fes, awhile ago when #ou got u& 1 had to hel& #ou< but this time #ou Cum&ed right u&$: )he was so eDcited about her -nee$ 'hen, 1 was bac- u& again as-ing Grances to &ra# for m# neighbor who couldn*t come$ 1nstead, she as-ed the !ord to anoint m# hands to &ra# for m# neighbor, to as- that Jesus would heal his -idne#s$ 1 -e&t thin-ing, 3!ord, he*s onl# got one -idne#$: Aown 1 went again% 'hat was three times in one night% =ut it was eDciting to see what the !ord had done$ 1 had sent m# mother some ta&es to listen to$ )he called and said, 3)hirle#, are #ou all right+ Fou have constantl# been on m# mind$ re #ou sure ever#thing is all right+: 1 said, 3Fes$: )he was so 4I

concerned while we were tal-ing and later told me that she had reall# thought 1 was having an affair$ 1 told her, 31 was but it was with J>)B)%: ,n )e&tember 1st we went to our first Gull "os&el =usiness 5en*s meeting$ 1 bought nine boo-s, all boo-s 1 had alread# read< but 1 wanted 5other to read them, too$ 'hen, 1 saw one more boo-, @">!) ,G !1"/'$ .e had alread# written the chec-, but 1 as-ed Jim if we could bu# this$ /e didn*t want to write another chec-, but he said, 31f it costs less than N1$00 1*ll let #ou have it$: 1t cost N$95$ (raise the !ord% =# listening to a cassette ta&e we found out how 0hristians can be o&&ressed b# demons$ 5 @ . ) '/ ' )/,08% 1 -new m# husband had been reading some >dgar 0a#ce boo-s$ 1 had been sa#ing to him that 1 didn*t believe in this$ 1 thought it was fair# tale stuff$ 1 did not reali;e the &ower that )atan has with such things as horosco&es, e$s$&$, transcendental meditation, #oga, etc$ 1 Cust thought it was foolishness, so 1 did not get m#self involved$ 1 -new m# husband loved to read boo-s b# such &eo&le as Jeanne AiDon and >dgar 0a#ce$ 1 said, 3Jim, 1*m getting so concerned$ Fou*re reading these boo-s much more than #ou are the =ible$ 1f #ou read something so much #ou are going to believe it instead of what "od*s word sa#s$: 1n reading @">!) ,G !1"/', 1 saw how these things were not of "od$ 1 tal-ed to a friend about it$ 1 -now now how much the !ord let her be in m# life, because when 1 needed an answer the &hone was alwa#s available$ @ow if 1 want to call 48

u& to as- her a Huestion of non6im&ortance, her line is never free, because she counsels so much$ )he said she -new of someone who &ra#ed for deliverance$ )he said, 3)hirle#, don*t s&read this to too man# &eo&le, because even some 0harismatics do not believe that 0hristians can be o&&ressed b# demons$: 1 thought, 3.ow% 'he# need to read this boo-$: 1 tal-ed m# husband into going$ ,n )e&tember 6th we went over for deliverance$ 5# husband had healings, and we got to see legs grow out, which was eDciting% .hen this started ha&&ening to me there were three &eo&le that 1 wanted to share with$ 'he# were m# mother, m# uncle, and a girl in 8ansas 0it# who had multi&le sclerosis$ !ittle did 1 -now until 1 went home at 0hristmas time that the !ord had alread# healed her of multi&le sclerosis and that she had alread# received the /ol# )&irit a long time ago$ 5# mother told me that m# uncle was going to come u& 'han-sgiving to tal- to me about all of this, because he was ver# concerned$ mong the ta&es 1 had sent to m# mother was one of Jerr# /omer, who was (rofessor of "ree- and @ew 'estament and 0hairman of the 'heolog# Ae&artment at the =a&tist college in 5issouri where m# uncle had been counselor and dean of men$ 5# uncle was now a )outhern =a&tist &reacher$ .hen 1 got word of this, 1 was reall# eDcited% 1 started laughing and &raising the !ord$ 1 thought, what is wrong with me+ 5# Bncle Johnn# is going to come and reall# get all over me, because he thin-s this is not of the !ord$ nd, 1*m eDcited% 49

1 immediatel# called =ett# and as-ed her to &ra# for a miracle% .e &ra#ed that "od would &erform a miracle that wee-end$ "od started wor-ing, and it was eDciting how he started wor-ing% 1 didn*t even -now what was going to be ha&&ening during that time$ 1 wondered what 1 could ta-e them to$ ,n the 15th of )e&tember, =ett# had invited us to a &ra#er meeting at her home$ Cust before we were to go, m# older daughter, ?honda, went to lie down$ 1 discovered she had 103L tem&erature$ 1 called >d and said, 3>d, do #ou believe in miracles+ 1f #ou do, &ra# for ?honda$ 1f we are to come to that &ra#er meeting, "od has got to heal ?honda$: /e &ra#ed with her$ .e went ahead and ate, and because 1 had been taught that if #our children are sic- #ou -ee& them home and don*t eD&ose them to other &eo&le, 1 sta#ed home$ 1 said, 3Jim, #ou go, and when ?honda*s tem&erature gets com&letel# down 1*ll come$: 1 told ?honda, 3)tart &raising the !ord$: .e had Cust received a letter from Grances telling us about the I00 0lub$ 1 as-ed ?honda if she would li-e to watch the I00 0lub$ .e turned it on, and (at ?obertson said if an#one was sic- we should &ut our hands on the television and believe for a miracle$ .e &ra#ed, and 1 didn*t -now an#thing had ha&&ened$ .e got dressed and got in the car, turning on the 0hristian radio station$ 1 heard, 31f an#one is sic-, as- the elders to &ra# with #ou, anointing the sic- with oil$: 1 said, 3!ord, are #ou tr#ing to tell me something+: .hen we arrived at the &ra#er meeting, m# husband was l#ing on the floor% /e had Cust received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ >d was in tears$ /e was so ha&&# to see us 50

all$ 'he# chec-ed ?honda$ /er tem&erature was normal$ )he said, 35other, do #ou remember when that man said, E)omebod# has a throat condition and it is being healed+* 3'hen she said, 35# throat sto&&ed hurting$: 1 hadn*t even -nown that it was hurting$ 1t was in Cust one wee-*s time that the !ord did all this in our famil#$ 'hat night m# #oungest daughter, 8im, also received the ba&tism% 5# mother had said, 31f there is going to be a /unter meeting, #ou let me -now, because 1 want to come down and chec- this all out$: ,n )e&tember 20th she came, she saw, and she received the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit at a /unter meeting$ ,n the 22nd we were watching the I00 0lub, and (at ?obertson had a word of -nowledge about someone having a s&ur in the bac- being healed$ 1t was 5other*s bac-$ =# the time 'han-sgiving came, m# uncle had alread# received the ba&tism over the &hone$ 1nstead of 3getting all over me,: m# mother and Bncle Johnn# both got to give a little of their testimon# that night% 'he neDt da# we had >d and =ett# come over to share, and m# aunt*s gall bladder was healed right in our front room% 5# cousin received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 'he neDt night the =arnwells came over to share, and m# daughter ?honda received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit, ma-ing our whole famil# com&lete in receiving the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 1t*s Cust been glorious -nowing that 1 can &ra# to the !ord an# time in m# &ra#er language and -nowing that our famil# is com&lete in this, too$ 'he !ord has shown us man# miracles% 51

.h# should 31: s&ea- in tongues+ =ecause m# &recious !ord has become so real to me$ s 1 grew u& 1 alwa#s went to church, alwa#s believed in "od< 1 had alread# trusted him as m# )avior$ 'his was a transaction between him and me, a trul# beautiful one, where he trul# became the lover of m# soul$ 1 want to &raise "od that he has so much &atience, so much love, so much grace and merc#, that he cared enough to stic- b# me, to -ee& after me, and to ma-e me hungr# for his word$ 'he onl# regret 1 have is that 1 didn*t acce&t the ba&tism ten #ears ago when this ha&&ened in our church bac- home in 8ansas 0it#$ ,ur &astor received and some of the members, but 1 was too ignorant to understand what was going on$ (raise "od, he never let me go but showed me the truth on ugust 21, 19I3$



ssociate (rofessor of =iblical !iterature, ,ral ?oberts Bniversit#$
Jerry: efore the baptism I !ould ta*e a passage of s!ripture and analy+e it grammati!ally, ,T IT (I(-T #.T "ITH TH# /,0S# %1 TH# 0I2I-3 3%( I- IT) The baptism of the Holy Spirit brought new areas of spiritual understanding in my life. The ible is no longer a te4tboo*, it has be!ome a 0I2I-3 word to me, but 5%, &.- -#2#$ #6/#&T T% H.2# TH# ./TIS7 %1 TH# H%05 S/I$IT I1 5%, .$# &%-T#-T T% 0I2# "ITH%,T IT. Ann: I 0.7#( 75 /.ST%$ 1%$ -%T H.2I-3 TH# S/I$IT,.0 3$%"TH TH.T I 0.&'#( I- 75 0I1#.

Jerr#2 = Bnion Bniversit#, Jac-son, 'ennessee =A O 5$Aiv$, 'h$A$ )outhwestern =a&tist 'heological )eminar#, Gt$ .orth, 'eDas (ost "raduate .or- at 0ambridge Bniversit# and 5anchester Bniversit#, >ngland$ !isted in .ho*s .ho in merican >ducation !isted in .ho*s .ho in ?eligion !isted in ,utstanding >ducators of merica uthor of (ublications2 Give (ortraits of 0hrist< n ,utline )urve# of the @ew 'estament< numerous articles in theological and educational Cournals$


GreHuent s&ea-er at conferences, conventions and seminars in 0hristian circles$ /as traveled in more than 60 countries$ ,rdained minister$ (rofessor of "ree- and @ew 'estament and 0hairman of the Aivision of 0hristianit# and (hiloso&h# at )outhwest =a&tist 0ollege, =olivar, 5issouri, 1962619I3$ ssociate (rofessor of =iblical !iterature, ,ral ?oberts Bniversit#, 'ulsa, ,-lahoma, 19I36(resent$ >vangelical 'heological )ociet#$ ssociation of =a&tist (rofessors of ?eligion$ nn2 = )outhwest =a&tist 0ollege, =olivar, 5issouri$ 5aCored in >lementar# >ducation$ 'aught five #ears >lementar# >ducation$

3.hen "od began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was at first a sha&eless, chaotic mass, with the )&irit of "od brooding over the darva&ors$: "en$ 12 162 4'!=7 /e 4"od*s )on7 regulates the universe b# the might# &ower of his command$: /eb$ 123 4'!=7 3/e was before all else began and it is his &ower that holds ever#thing together$: 0ol$ 121I 4'!$=7 Jerr#, with all his = , =A & 5$Aiv$ & 'h$A$, his 0ambridge Bniversit# and his 5anchester Bniversit#, found that education, theological -nowledge and salvation left his earthl# world of religion as a sha&eless, chaotic mass 4better &ronounced mess7$ /e was tr#ing with intellectual determination of the flesh to regulate his s&iritual universe b# his own might instead of the might# 54

(,.>? of 3his: command$ "od*s command in >&hesians 5218 is to 3be filled instead with the /ol# )&irit, and controlled b# him$: '/>@ /> )(,8> 1@ ',@"B>)%%% and now it is 3/1) (,.>?: that holds ever#thing together% Jerr# 1t*s the greatest, most eDciting thing in the world to be a child of "od, to enCo# the fullness of "od*s /ol# )&irit% 1 &ersonall# went for #ears and #ears and #ears as a carnal 0hristian$ 1 have the best education that m# denomination can give me$ 'hen 1 did &ost6graduate wor- at 0ambridge Bniversit# in >ngland, and at 5anchester Bniversit# in >ngland$ Gor eleven #ears 1 served as &rofessor of "ree- and @ew 'estament and as 0hairman of the 'heolog# Ae&artment in a )outhern =a&tist college$ 1n all that time there was still a lac- in m# life$ 1 could ta-e a &assage of scri&ture and anal#;e it grammaticall#$ =B' 1' A1A@*' => ' .1'/ '/> (B!)> ,G '/> !191@" ",A 1@ 1'$ ll of these attainments faded into insignificance when the glor# of Jesus burst u&on me% 1 could see where (aul characteri;ed &eo&le into three grou&s$ /e called one grou& the natural$ 'he# don*t have the )&irit of "od at all$ 'he# are not even 0hristians$ 'he#*re &erishing$ /e called one grou& the carnal$ 'he#*re children of "od$ 'he#*ve been born again, but the#*ve never entered into the fullness of "od*s /ol# )&irit$ 'hen, there was the grou& that he called the s&iritual, the mature, those


who have gone on in the !ord, those who have been filled with his /ol# )&irit$ Fears ago, when 1 was Cust a #oung student &astor at the Girst 0hurch, 1 was in the count# seat, and here were some soberl# dressed women going around ta-ing u& a collection right on the street$ 1 was standing on the sidewal- tal-ing with some &eo&le who lived in the little communit# where 1 was serving as &astor$ 1t so ha&&ened that the &eo&le to whom 1 was tal-ing were (entecostals$ 'his lad# came u& with her offering boD and she said, 3.ould #ou li-e to contribute to hel& build our church building+: 1 said, 3.hat church is it, 5a*am+: )he said, 31t*s the 0hurch of "od$: 1 fished out a Huarter% 'he lad# 1 was tal-ing with told the woman, 3Fou*re getting that from a =a&tist (reacher$: =rother, did she &ut on a show% E(raise the !ord%: she said, 3)on, -ee& on &ra#ing$ Fou*ll see the light$ 1*m going to &ra# for #ou, that the !ord will fill #ou with the /ol# )&irit$: )he reall# got to dancing in the !ord$ 1 said later 1 was glad 1 didn*t &ut a dollar in the offering &late% 1 don*t -now whether that lad# &ra#ed or not, 1f she did, the !ord finall# answered that one% )everal #ears ago, -nowing that something was lac-ing in m# life, 1 &ra#ed, 3!ord, 1 don*t care what #ou have to do$ Just do it% Just do what #ou*ve got to do%: 'hat*s a dangerous &ra#er when #ou leave "od wide o&en li-e that$ /e did it$ =rother he did it% 'he !ord had been dealing with me for several #ears until there came into m# life an over &ressing
$ $


burden so heav# u&on me that 1 felt li-e 1 literall# was in hell$ 1 would agoni;e before the !ord$ 1 would s&end hours flat on m# face agoni;ing before "od, wee&ing bitterl# on and on and on$ 'here was no relief$ ,ne thing that -e&t me going all this time was m# firm belief in the faithfulness of "od$ 1 believed the word of "od to be true, and 1 believed "od meant it when he said that he would not allow us to go through an# trial be#ond our abilit# to endure$ 1 -new that "od was faithful$ 'hat was the one thread that held me u&$ )everal things ha&&ened$ 1 read 0orrie 'en =oom*s boo-, '/> /1A1@" (! 0>$ ,ne thing sta#ed with me from that boo- and that was where she and her sister in the "erman concentration cam& &raised "od for !! things, even the fleas that infested the barrac-s$ 3(raise "od for the fleas%: 'hat sta#ed with me$ .hen 1 got as low as 1 could get, which is Cust where "od wanted me, the !ord was read#% 1 was able to attend m# home church one )unda# evening$ 1 had not been there for months$ 1 had been out visiting other &laces$ 'here was a famil# visiting there from 8ansas 0it#, com&lete strangers to me$ fter the service this woman came u& to me and handed me a boo-$ )he said to me, 3'he !ord has told me to give #ou this boo-$: 1 said, 3.ell, than- #ou$: 1 loo-ed at the title and said, 3.ell, ma#be this has some answers for me$: )he said< 3=efore we left home this afternoon, 1 felt com&elled to &ut this boo- in m# &urse$ 1 didn*t -now wh#, but 1 -now the !ord well enough 5I

to -now that he had some reason for it$ 'he !ord told me during this service to give #ou this boo-$: 'he boo- was 5erlin 0arother*s boo- (?1),@ ', (? 1)>$ 1 read the boo- twice that night and felt &rett# good the neDt da#$ 'he boo- s&o-e to me$ 1 warn #ou if an# of #ou are see-ing a closer wal- with the !ord Jesus 0hrist and #ou want to move on with the !ord, the devil is going to be right there with #ou$ .hen an#bod# begins to ma-e &rogress in the !ord, the devil is going to do his worst to tr# to &ut a roadbloc- in the wa#$ )o b# 'uesda# 1 felt more miserable than ever, because the devil was giving me the full weight of his &ower$ gain 1 was in agon# before "od$ ?ight out of the blue the !ord s&o-e to me and said, 3,&en the =ible$: 1*ve never been one to go to the =ible cafeteria st#le and Cust close m# e#es and &oint$ 1*m afraid of what 1 might &oint at$ =ut the im&ression was so strong2 3,&en the =ible$: )o 1 o&ened the =ible and the ver# first word 1 saw was 3&raise$: (raise "od$ 'he living &raise "od< the dead cannot &raise "od and so on$ 1 had no idea where it was$ 1 loo-ed u& a few lines before that and this statement loo-ed li-e it was underscored in bright colors$ 31t was for m# welfare that 1 had great bitterness$: 31' . ) G,? 5F .>!G ?> '/ ' 1 / A "?> ' =1''>?@>))$: 4?)97 1 saw this was 1saiah cha&ter 38, 8ing /e;e-iah*s eD&erience$ /e was going to die$ !ater the !ord added to his #ears, but in the midst of his sorrow he wrote this &oem describing the bitterness 58

that he felt, the agon#$ 1 said, 35an, this is me$: 1 identified with that$ /e tal-ed about how he cried out to the !ord da# and night$ 'hen he saw the hand of "od in this and said, 31t was for m# welfare that 1 had great bitterness$: 'his directed me to the twelfth cha&ter of /ebrews, a &assage concerning the !ord*s disci&line that 1 had taught and &reached for #ears =B' / A @>9>? >M(>?1>@0>A% 1t tells how the !ord loves us so much that he brings disci&line into our lives as his children to bring us into his holiness$ .hen 1 read those words the ver# first thought that came to me was, 3"od, how #ou must love me% /ow #ou must reall# love me%: 1*ll tell #ou wh# because wa# bac- months before when 1 was in such dee& agon#, the !ord could have delivered me at that moment, and 1 would have -nown some measure of &eace$ =ut where were the lessons 1 needed to learn+ .here was the s&iritual maturit# 1 needed to reach+ .here was all of this fullness that "od wanted me to have+ 1t too- great love for "od to restrain himself from reaching down and giving me deliverance at that time$ 1t too- great love for "od to bring me through all of these tr#ing times and then to lift me u&$ '/1@") =>" @ ', / ((>@ G?,5 '/ ' (,1@' ,@$ 'he neDt thing of significance that ha&&ened after the !ord began dealing with me in this wa# was in a convention to which 1 brought a series of =ible studies$ 'he annual sermon at this convention was &reached b# a #oung man, one of the most successful =a&tist &astors in the )tate of 5issouri and the &astor of one of the largest churches in the


state$ /e announced his sermon to&ic as 3'he Aangers of the 0harismatic 5ovement$: 1 was sitting on the front row$ 1 didn*t -now an#thing about the 0harismatics$ 1 didn*t -now an#thing about the full gos&el movement, but one thing 1 did -now was that no man could &ut a curb on the )&irit of "od$ @o man can shut the )&irit of "od u& in a cage and sa#, 3Fou Cust can*t do that toda#$: 'his #oung man said, 35iracles were reserved for the first centur#$: 1 thought, 3/e*s got his e#es closed$ .here has he been+: /e said that s&ea-ing in tongues is of the devil$ /e said that the s&iritual gifts were meant onl# for the first centur# church$ 1*ve read the @ew 'estament< 1*ve studied it$ 1*ve taught it% 1*9> @>9>? )>>@ '/ ' @F$ ./>?>$ ,ne thing in &articular that he said reall# raised m# curiosit#$ /e said, in a ridiculing manner, 3Ao #ou -now what the#*re doing now+ 'he#*re growing legs%: 1 didn*t -now what he was tal-ing about% /e said, EFeah, the#*re getting somebod# with one leg shorter than the other, and the#*re &ra#ing that the !ord will lengthen their legs$: (eo&le reall# thought that was funn#, but 1 didn*t, because m# mother has ore leg about five inches shorter than the other$ s a #oung girl she fell and dislocated her hi&, and she grew u& cri&&led$ 1t never occurred to me until that &recise moment that 1 could &ra# for m# mother &h#sicall#$ /e went on, and m# interest was reall# aroused$ /e &reached a vehement sermon against the 0harismatics and against the )&irit of "od$ 'he
$ $


!ord used that sermon mightil#, because as 1 drove home he Cust bathed me in his word and in his love$ 1 was &ra#ing, 3!ord, Cust fill me to overflowing$ Gill me to ca&acit#$ !et it overflow, and then enlarge m# ca&acit# for more$: 1 began to re6stud# the word of "od$ 'he !ord gave me a hunger and a thirst for his word that 1 had never -nown before$ .hen #ou*ve got a hungr# heart for "od, he is going to feed #ou until #ou are fed% .hen #ou reach out to "od he is right there to meet #ou% ,ne da# as 1 was driving to )&ringfield, 5issouri, 1 began to thin- about s&iritual gifts$ 35eant for the first centur# onl#$: @o, 1 didn*t believe that$ .ho in the world would want a "od who has lost all of his ;i&+ 0ould "od do one thing in one centur# but not in another centur#+ 0ould "od &erform the miracle of creation+ 0ould Jesus 0hrist &erform miracles of healing+ 0ould Jesus do all of these wondrous things then but not now+ / ) ",A !,)' !! ,G /1) (,.>?+ .hat -ind of a "od is that+ 1f Jesus doesn*t have the same -ind of com&assion now u&on &eo&le as he did 2,000 #ears ago, what*s wrong with him+ .hat changed him+ 1 began to see the truth about s&iritual gifts and the fullness of "od*s /ol# )&irit$ ,ne thing that alwa#s bothered me was a stud# I did on the 3terrible: to&ic of s&ea-ing in tongues several #ears ago$ 1 &resented this at the 5issouri =a&tist 0onvention$ 1t was &ublished in boo-let form, and thousands of co&ies have been distributed$ 1 never denied that it was valid for toda#$ 1 was o&en to that$ 1 mean, 3.> didn*t need it$ 1t was for a bunch of s&iritual babies and thumb suc-ers but we 61

reall# don*t have to have this$: 'he thing that reall# bothered me was that 1 identified the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit with conversion$ .hile 1 was writing that the !ord used a &assage of scri&ture in cts 1 that gave me a lot of trouble, when Jesus told his a&ostles, 3Fou shall be ba&ti;ed with the /ol# )&irit in Cust a few da#s$: .eren*t those disci&les alread# 0hristians+ 1f the# were 0hristians didn*t the# have the /ol# )&irit+ Fou can*t be a 0hristian without the &resence of the /ol# )&irit, but here Jesus was sa#ing to these men, 3Fou*re going to be ba&ti;ed in the /ol# )&irit$: 'hat reall# bothered me$ 1t shoom# =a&tist u&bringing Huite a bit$ 41t needed sha-ing u&$7 ,n this occasion, while 1 was driving down the highwa#, 1 said, 3@ow, loo-$ >ver#thing that is a gift of "od is of grace$ 1 don*t wor- for it$ 1 don*t agoni;e for it$ "od doesn*t reward me for a bunch of s&iritual merits$ "od doesn*t chal- u& &oints in m# favor and wait until 1*ve got enough of them to earn a gift% .hat do we do then to receive a gift+ @othing eDce&t we ta-e the hand of faith and reach out and grab the free gift$: /ow did 1 get saved+ 1 as-ed the !ord Jesus 0hrist to save me, and 1 believed that he saved me$ 1 claimed it through faith$ /ow do 1 get an# s&iritual gift+ 1 sim&l# as- and receive in faith$ ,n this occasion 1 said, 3!ord Jesus, 1 &ra# that #ou will ba&ti;e me in the /ol# )&irit and, !ord, 1 than- #ou$ 1 believe that #ou*ve done it$ !ord, 1 -now that s&ea-ing in tongues is a manifestation of the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 1*ve been taught that this is the devil but 1 don*t believe that% 1 . @' 62

>9>?F'/1@" F,B / P1> G,? 5>$ 1*m going to o&en m# mouth to &raise #ou, and 1 want the /ol# )&irit to ta-e com&lete control$: 'here, alone with the !ord, 1 o&ened m# mouth$ 1 thin- 1 got the word 3!ord: out$ 'hen the dam bro-e$ 1t reall# bro-e% 1t was terrific$ 1 began thin-ing, 31f this is of the devil, it sure feels good$: =B' 1 8@>. 1' . ) ,G '/> !,?A$ 1 wasn*t doing it$ 1 can*t even thin- that fast$ 'he words were &ouring out and "od*s love was &ouring over me$ 1 went to a meeting of the Gull "os&el =usinessmen*s Gellowshi& at the !a-e of the ,;ar-s$ 1 was &rett# well -nown across the )tate of 5issouri in =a&tist circles, but 1 figured no =a&tist that 1 -new would be there$ 1 got in there and 1 couldn*t believe what 1 was seeing% />?> .>?> "?,.@ 5>@ /B""1@" ,@> @,'/>?% 1 couldn*t believe this$ 'here was love flowing all over% 1 sat down and relaDed but not for long$ 3.h# Ar$ /omer$: 1 didn*t get b# unrecogni;ed$ 'he (resident of the )&ringfield, 5issouri cha&ter got u& and said, 31*ve got some eDciting news to tell #ou$: /e said, 3'here is a #oung &rofessor, a =ible &rofessor, who has been ba&ti;ed in the /ol# )&irit$ 'his man has written a boo- against s&ea-ing in tongues$ /e got u& in one of his classes the other da# and ri&&ed the boo- to shreds and said, E'his boo- will never go to &ress$* 1 said, 35mm$ 1 wonder who that is$: /e said, 3'he man has s&o-en all over 5issouri churches have used him, as he has gone around to s&ea- against the business of tongues and the
$ $ $ $


ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$: 1 had been around in churches s&ea-ing on the fullness of the /ol# )&irit and so on, and 1 was still wondering who he was tal-ing about$ /e continued, 3/e teaches at )outhwest =a&tist 0ollege$: 1 began to sin- down into m# chair a little bit$ 3/is name is Ar$ Jerr# /omer,: he said$ 1 -new what was coming neDt$ 1 Cust -new he was going to sa#, 3/e*s here tonight$: nd 1 -new that 1 wasn*t even su&&osed to be there% 'he fellows with me were Cust d#ing laughing$ (raise "od, it turned out that the brother had no idea 1 was there$ /e had never met me before, and he got his testimon# twisted Cust a little bit$ ,ne da# while 1 was driving to )&ringfield, 1 felt a strong com&ulsion to sto& at a &articular 0hristian boo- store$ 1 thought 31 don*t have time to sto& here$ 1*ve got an a&&ointment$: =ut the com&ulsion was so strong, 1 sto&&ed and browsed around and overheard two ladies s&ea-ing$ ,ne lad# said to the other, 31 don*t remember the eDact title of this boo-, but it has the word E(raise* in it$: 'hat interested me, and 1 loo-ed down right where 1 was standing< and here was the boo- with the title (? 1)> '/> !,?A, @F. F$ 1 said, 31s this the boo- #ou*re loo-ing for+: )he said, 3,h #es, do #ou -now an#thing about the lad# who wrote this boo-+: @o$ )he told me something about her, so 1 &ic-ed u& a cou&le of the boo-s, (? 1)> '/> !,?A, @F. F and /,' !1@> ', /> 9>@$ fter 1 read those boo-s 1 went bac- and got the rest of the 64

boo-s written b# 0harles and Grances /unter$ )hortl# thereafter 1 read in the &a&er that 0harles and Grances were going to be in )&ringfield at the Gull "os&el meeting$ 1 figured 1 could get a wig and dar- glasses and go over there$ ?ight before 1 went to that meeting, 1 read about a news&a&er re&orter in 5innea&olis who was not a 0hristian who went out to cover a !utheran charismatic convention$ /e said he saw somebod# &ra# for a &erson with one leg shorter than the other and ?1"/' =>G,?> /1) >F>) '/> !>" "?>.% 'his man was not even a 0hristian$ /e was a news&a&er re&orter, and he wasn*t tr#ing to &rove an#thing$ /e was Cust stating facts% 1 went to the meeting that night$ 5# wife received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ fterward 1 went u& to 0harles /unter and said, 3=rother /unter, 1 wish #ou would &ra# for m# bac-$ 1*ve got terrible bac- &roblems$ )ometimes 1 can*t even straighten u&$ 5# nec- is so stiff$ 5# shoulders are so stiff$: /e loo-ed at me, 3Aid it ever occur to #ou that #our trouble might be that #ou*ve got one leg shorter than the other+: 1 said, 3,h no$: /e said, 3.ell, let*s chec- it out$: 1 sat down in a straight chair, too- m# shoes off, and stuc- m# legs out$ )ure enough, m# right leg was about 3Q4 inch shorter than the left one$ =efore 1 -new what he was doing, he was as-ing the !ord to lengthen the leg and, boom, out it came% 'he neDt da# 1 told m# best friend what had ha&&ened$ Fou -now how that went over+ /e*s a 65

=a&tist &reacher$ 1 though he*d be eDcited about this% 1 thought he would reCoice% /e said, 31 thin- #ou ought to see a &s#chiatrist$: 1 said, 31 alread# have$ /is name is Jesus$: !ast ,ctober, 1 was wal-ing across the cam&us on the wa# to the "ree- class, and the !ord sto&&ed me dead in m# trac-s$ /e said, 3Fou*re going to ,ral ?oberts Bniversit# to teach$: 1 had never even thought about the &lace$ 1 had never been there$ 1 -new ver# little about it eDce&t its re&utation for being an eDcellent institution in ever# wa#$ =ut the !ord said, 3Fou*re going to ,ral ?oberts Bniversit# to teach$: 1 &ut the thought aside$ ! didn*t mention it to an#bod#$ 'his was before some turmoil at the college where 1 was teaching too- &lace$ 'he !ord was getting me read# to move$ 1 was told that 1 would be restricted in m# movements, that 1 couldn*t attend meetings of the Gull "os&el =usiness 5en*s Gellowshi&, that 1 couldn*t mention the ba&tism$ 1 told the !ord that night, 3!ord, if #ou*re getting me read# to leave, 1 not onl# am read# to leave, 1 want to leave$ 1 &ra# that #ou*ll o&en a &lace for me at ,ral ?oberts Bniversit#$: 'he ver# neDt da# 1 got a tele&hone call from ,ral ?oberts Bniversit#$ 1 had not a&&lied there$ 'he /ol# )&irit had alread# s&o-en because the recommendation came from 0harles and Grances /unter$ 5an# 0hristians are suffering from various forms of s&iritual wea-ness, sim&l# because the#*ve never gras&ed what the /ol# )&irit can be in their lives$ .e*re alwa#s going to stand &owerless and 66

abashed in the &resence of our difficulties and our enemies until we eD&erience the /ol# )&irit as a might# -ind of flood &ower of love within our lives$ =efore Jesus left this world, in fact on the night of his betra#al, he said, 31 will as- the Gather, and he will give #ou another 0omforter$: .hen Jesus received the &romise of the )&irit from the Gather, he received him for #ou and me$ t (entecost, (eter eD&lained that what ha&&ened there was meant not onl# for the a&ostles, but for those &eo&le &resent, 3for as man# as were afar off, even as man# as the !ord would call$: Jesus 0hrist gave the /ol# )&irit to his church to be its &ermanent &ossession during this &resent age, and the !ord Jesus 0hrist is waiting to give each individual member of that church his or her share in (entecost on the one condition, of a&&l#ing for it b# faith$ 'here are thousands of 0hristians who are living on this side of (entecost, as if that great event had never occurred$ 'he#*re living on the same &lane as those earl# disci&les before the# were filled with the /ol# )&irit$ /istoricall# and chronologicall#, the# are living on this side< but eD&erientiall# the# are living on the other side of (entecost$ 'he river of "od Cust flows on and on in its glorious fullness< but how tragic it is that man# &rofessing 0hristians have withdrawn from the ban-s of that river and are content to live on the edge of an arid desert$ /ow foolish it is to forsa-e the fountains of living water to go to cisterns that can hold none$ .ouldn*t it be foolish for a man to refuse the uses of electricit# and be content to go on in the same old wa# of &ast centuries< but those who 6I

are content to live their life without the &ower which is right there within reach are ma-ing the same mista-e$ (eo&le sa# the# want to live li-e 0hrist$ 'he# want to follow in his ste&s$ Fet, the# refuse to ma-e use of the &ower which he himself has su&&lied$ 'he (entecostal fullness, the enduement of &ower, the ba&tism of fire are all within our reach< and 1 &ra# that we*ll be ins&ired with a hol# ambition to get all that our !ord is willing to bestow$ !u-e cha&ter 4 tells us about the relationshi& of the /ol# )&irit to the !ord Jesus 0hrist$ /e went to the Jordan and was ba&ti;ed, and there he was filled with the /ol# )&irit$ /e went in the fullness of the /ol# )&irit into the desert to be tem&ted, and he returned to "alilee in the &ower of the /ol# )&irit$ /e stood u& in the s#nagogue in @a;areth and declared that the )&irit of "od was u&on him, and we*re told in cts 10238 that the wondrous wor-s and words of Jesus are directl# traced to the marvelous o&eration of the /ol# )&irit u&on his human life$ ,ur )avior would not begin to hel& a d#ing, bro-en6hearted world until he was sure he had the &ower of the )&irit of "od$ 1t is absurd for us to send our #oung men to college and to seminar# to eHui& them with an intellectual and &hiloso&hical and grammatical learning and then to send them out to &reach and to teach without insisting that if Jesus himself waited to be anointed before he went to &reach, @, F,B@" 5 @ ,B"/' ', (?> 0/ B@'1! /> / ) =>>@ @,1@'>A ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1'$ Jesus &romised that same 68

&ower to his followers, !! ,G '/>5$ Just as #ou too- forgiveness from the hand of the d#ing )avior, #ou can ta-e #our share of the (entecostal gift from the hand of the living )avior$ Aon*t thin- that the blessed gift of the /ol# )&irit is reserved for some s&iritual su&er stars or for some s&ecial wor-$ 'he fullness of the )&irit of "od is meant for >9>?F =>!1>9>? to ma-e them the disci&les the# ought to be$ 'he failure of so man# 0hristians is that the# are tr#ing to attain the ideal that "od has set u& for us without the &ower which alone ma-es the ideal &ossible$ 'he /ol# )&irit has alwa#s been in this world$ 'he same /ol# )&irit who was at (entecost was there at creation. 1t was that )&irit which brooded over the chaos$ 1t was that )&irit who s&o-e through &ro&hets and em&owered saints of the ,ld 'estament times$ 'he da# of (entecost did not introduce a new /ol# )&irit into the world$ 1t began an era in which >9>?F =>!1>9>? might &ossess him in the same measure as did those s&iritual aristocrats who did live in the &ower of the )&irit of "od before that da#$ .hat had been the &rerogative of onl# a few, ones li-e 5oses and >liCah and 1saiah and Aaniel and so on, became the common &ro&ert# of ever# 0hristian$ 'he ministr# of the /ol# )&irit is not the eDclusive of an# age$ 'he gifts of the /ol# )&irit are not limited to an# confined e&ic in the histor# of the church$ 'he /ol# )&irit &ours out his flood6tide of light and &ower around us toda#, and the /ol# )&irit will enrich and fertili;e the soil of an# life which is willing to receive$ /ow tragic it is that man# &eo&le thin- that "od is li-e some 69

ban-ru&t builder, that he began building his church, that he built the &ortico of the church ,ut of beautiful marble, but that he ran out and finished it with common cla# bric-$ /ow tragic% 3=e filled with the /ol# )&irit$: 'hat*s a command$ "od*s commandments are enablings% ",A 1) (?>( ?>A ', 5 8> B) ./ ' /> '>!!) B) ', =>0,5>$ ?eCoice, because the fullness of the /ol# )&irit is for #ou% F,B 0 @ @>9>? >M(>0' ', / 9> '/> = ('1)5 ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1' 1G F,B ?> 0,@'>@' ', !19> .1'/,B' 1'$ 'he !ord Jesus would not entrust this &riceless gift to those who are indifferent to its &ossession$ 'he &romises of the scri&ture ought to incite us to the uttermost so that we will desire the /ol# )&irit< that rivers of living water should flow from within< that we should be taught all things and be led into the whole circle of truth< that we should -now Jesus 0hrist and be transformed into his image< that we should have assurance and &ower$ ll of this ought to be so fascinating that it seems im&ossible not to burn with the hol# desire to be filled with the /ol# )&irit$ ,ur one &assion must be the glor# of the !ord Jesus 0hrist, and our onl# one &ur&ose must be to magnif# him, whether b# life or b# death$ 1 want to give #ou five tests, briefl#, b# which #ou ma# 8@,. that #ou have received this infilling$ Fou*ll understand all of this &resu&&oses the fact that #ou are a 0hristian$ &erson cannot have the =B@A @' life without first eD&eriencing life itself, and #ou cannot wal- in


newness of life until first #ou have been resurrected to new life$ /ere are the tests2 Girst, is the !ord Jesus 0hrist a living realit# in #our life+ Jesus said in John 16 that the /ol# )&irit would glorif# him$ /ow tragic that man# 0hristians have a &ast6tense )avior$ .hen 1 was a bo# 1 used to hear these testimon# meetings, and 1 noticed several things$ Gor one thing, the same &eo&le alwa#s tal-ed$ Gor another thing the# alwa#s said the same thing$ Gor another thing, it was alwa#s in the &ast tense, how "od saved them$ 'his is tremendous that we loo- bacon our eD&erience with the !ord, but what about toda#+ 'here are man# &eo&le who have a future tense )avior$ 'he# antici&ate the !ord*s return$ .e ought to do this% =ut what about the &resent tense )avior+ Jesus is in the @,.$ /e is a &resent, living realit# and there are so man# 0hristians who have no &erce&tion of 0hrist as a living &resence with them da# b# da# and moment b# moment$ .hen the )&irit of "od fills the heart, Jesus is vividl# real and evidentl# near$ 'he whole aim of the /ol# )&irit is to shed light u&on Jesus 0hrist$ 'he )&irit does not glorif# himself, he does not reveal himself, but Jesus$ )o the &erson who is most filled with the )&irit of "od tal-s most about Jesus as a living &ersonalit# in his &resence$ 1 have a =a&tist &astor friend who was fired not too long ago because he was ba&ti;ed in the /ol# )&irit$ Ao #ou -now what one of the com&laints against him was+ 0an #ou believe this from a


=a&tist deacon+ /e said, 3 ll he tal-s about is Jesus$: 1 -now of another =a&tist &astor who was fired$ 'he church gave him an o&&ortunit# to give his side of the stor#$ /e got u& and for a solid hour he Huoted scri&ture$ t the conclusion the chairman of deacons got u& and said, 3.ell, =rother )o6and6so, it ma# be scri&tural< but it*s not =a&tistic$: .hat is Jesus 0hrist to #ou+ Ao #ou awa-e in the morning beneath his light touch+ Ao #ou s&end the hours of the da# with him, conscious of his &resence+ re #ou constantl# see-ing and receiving from him &ower and grace and direction+ Ao #ou have a total awareness of his &resence+ 1f 0hrist is Cust a dim vision in #our life wa# bac- or wa# off, then #ou have not reali;ed the (entecostal gift% second test is this2 Ao #ou have assurance that #ou ?> a child of "od+ (aul said the /ol# )&irit seals us$ 'he /ol# )&irit is our earnest, our &ledge, our guarantee of our redem&tion$ /is sacred office is to witness with our s&irit that we ?> the children of "od$ /e*s the )&irit of ado&tion whereb# we cr# 3 bba, Gather$: 'he /ol# )&irit brings us an assurance of salvation that is Huite inde&endent of our emotions and our feelings$ 5an# &eo&le have a roller coaster religion$ 'he# are u&, and the# are down$ 1f 1 had to de&end u&on m# feelings for m# securit# in "od 1*d have been swe&t awa# long ago, but there is a dee&er consciousness in the fullness of the /ol# )&irit which #our feelings do not affect$ third test is2 Ao #ou have victor# over -nown sin+ .hat did (aul sa#+ .al- in the )&irit, and #ou I2

will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh$ 'hat negative in the "ree- teDt is the strongest wa# of negating$ 1t*s a double negative$ Fou*ll not ever fulfill the lusts of the flesh$ Fou*ll not carr# it out$ 1 don*t as- if #ou*re sinless$ 1 -now the answer to that alread#, but are #ou -e&t from -nown sin u& to the light "od has given #ou+ 1G F,B ?> 0,@)' @'!F =>1@" ,9>?0,5>, F,B*?> @,' G1!!>A .1'/ '/> /,!F )(1?1'$ 'he /ol# )&irit is li-e an antise&tic to im&ure thoughts and unclean desires and things that are selfish and worldl# and abominable$ .hen the /ol# )&irit fills the heart with his glorious fullness, the suggestions of tem&tation are instantl# Huenched li-e s&ar-s in water$ 'he /ol# )&irit is the antidote to the dominion of the flesh$ )in can no more stand against the &resence of the /ol# )&irit than dar-ness can resist the all &ervasive beams of the bright morning sun$ 'he 0hristian life is not legalistic$ 1t doesn*t consist in avoiding this and that and &erforming this rule or regulation, but the 0hristian life consists of being so saturated with something better that #ou have no desire for those sim&le, sinful things$ 1f #ou*re full of the )&irit of "od #ou*re delivered from the &ower of sin$ Fou*ll be -e&t full of Jesus 0hrist and hol# desires, and the e&idemic of sin will have no fascination over #ou$ 'here are man# 0hristians who sa# the# Cust can*t give u& 3that: habit, the# can*t rid themselves of 3that: thing which gri&s them$ .ould "od give us an ideal and then leave us to ourselves to wallow in the swam& of our own hel&lessness and im&unit#+ Jesus I3

0hrist is not a theor# to be studied< he*s a living &ower in one*s life$ 'he fourth test is2 Ao #ou have &ower to witness+ Aidn*t Jesus tell his disci&les that when this &ower came u&on them the# would bear witness to him+ 0an #ou s&ea- to others for the !ord Jesus 0hrist+ Ao #ou have a burning thirst for the salvation of others+ /ave #ou ever agoni;ed over the alienation of an#one from "od+ 1s it natural for #ou to s&ea- for Jesus+ ,r is it an effort for #ou to witness for him+ 1t isn*t difficult for a bird to sing$ 1t isn*t difficult for a child to laugh$ 1t shouldn*t be difficult for #ou to s&ea- for Jesus 0hrist$ Fou cannot eD&ect fruit to fall into #our bas-et and fish to brea- #our net until #ou obtain the &ower that Jesus &romised$ 1f #ou are living in 0hrist and 0hrist lives in #ou, living waters ought to s&ring u& and overflow and s&lash on others$ 'he fifth test is2 Ao #ou have the )&irit of hol# love+ 1 love the last few verses of cts 2, because the# give us a tremendous descri&tion of the life of the earl# church$ Ao #ou remember how the# were going around sharing things, how the# were filled with love and Co#+ 1s there bitterness, Cealous#, strife and selfishness instead of -indness and mutual hel&fulness and unit# and humilit#+ 1f onl# we were filled with the /ol# )&irit, then there would be Co#, a &ower, a consciousness of the !ord Jesus, and a habitual rest in the will of "od$ 1 as- #ou to refuse to be satisfied with an#thing less than the full indwelling of "od*s /ol# )&irit$ 'he great traged# is that so man# 0hristians are s&iritual window sho&&ers$ 'he# wal- along the s&iritual avenue, and I4

loo- at all the &riceless treasures of "od dis&la#ed there$ Aid #ou -now there is not a &rice tag on an# of them+ 'he# all sa#, 3m# free gift$: 'he# loo- at that and sa#, 3'hat*s terrific% 'hat*s great%: =ut the# never have faith to believe the &romise of "od to reach out and ta-e the &riceless gifts of "od% !et me give #ou five ste&s to hel& #ou in #our faith$ 1$ )a# '/>?> 1) )B0/ =!>))1@" ) '/> = ('1)5 ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1'$ 1*ve tried to show #ou that that blessing is there$ 'here 1) such a thing as the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 2$ 1' 1) G,? 5>$ =elieve that it is for #ou$ 1f words mean an#thing at all, then the (entecostal eD&erience is for us toda#$ 'here is as much /ol# )&irit &ower toda# as there ever was, and "od does not reserve that &ower for a few of his favorites and then leave the rest to ta-e their chance$ 3$ 1 / 9> @,' ",' 1'$ ?eali;e that #ou don*t have it$ Ao #ou recogni;e that although #ou ma# eDhibit and dis&la# the &ower of intellect and energ# and enthusiastic ;eal, there is a lac- in #our life+ 4$ 1*5 .1!!1@" ', )>0B?> 1' ' !! 0,)'), and 1 am &re&ared to surrender whatever hinders me from receiving all that "od has for me$ 5$ 1 /B5=!F @A '/ @8GB!!F ,(>@ 5F /> ?' ', ?>0>19> !! that 1 believe m# )avior is waiting to give$


Ao #ou -now what somebod# said to me the other da#+ 3=o#, #ou*ve reall# gone off the dee& end$: 1 said, 3(raise the !ord, #ou can*t learn to swim until #ou get in water over #our head$: 1 have seen terrific miracles of "od since 1 received the ba&tism$ ,ne morning 1 called m# mother who is over the age of sevent#$ )he is in &oor health< we*ve been &ra#ing for her$ .e have full confidence that the !ord is going to give her an overhaul< but last wee- when 1 called her, 1 -new something was wrong because m# father answered the &hone$ 1 learned that m# mother had had a hemorrhage behind her left e#e$ )he couldn*t do an#thing$ )he couldn*t get u& suddenl#, because the rush of blood might even be fatal$ )he couldn*t do her housewor-$ )he couldn*t get out of the house$ )he couldn*t do an#thing$ few da#s ago 1 felt im&ressed to call 5other and Cust &ra# for over the tele&hone$ .e*d been lifting her u& in &ra#er$ 1 tal-ed to her and over the &hone 1 &ra#ed the !ord*s healing u&on her$ 1 hadn*t heard from her since those several da#s ago until 1 called her this morning$ )he said, 3.ell, 1 haven*t called #ou bac- because 1 didn*t -now whether #ou*d be home$ s soon as 1 hung u& the &hone the other da# and turned around something came over me$: )he said, 3'he &ower of "od came over me$ 'he &ain is gone$ 'he s&ot is disa&&earing$ 1 can do m# housewor-$ 1 went to church$: (eo&le were sur&rised$ )he couldn*t even get out of the house, under doctor*s orders$ )he went to church Cust beaming$ 'he &eo&le said, 3.hat ha&&ened to #ou+: )he said, 31 told them$: I6

5# entire s&iritual life has been revolutioni;ed b# the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and m# ministr# has been drasticall# changed for the better$ Jesus 0hrist became evidentl# near and vividl# real to me$ 1 had -nown Jesus as m# )avior for most of m# life, but he was alwa#s so in the bac-ground$ 5ore and more Jesus became a living realit#< and 1 enCo#ed a moment b# moment relationshi& with him as 1 &racticed the (resence of "od$ 'he function of the /ol# )&irit is to bear witness to 0hrist, to glorif# him$ /e certainl# did that in m# life% 1 began to eD&erience the &ower of "od$ 1 had read about signs and wonders following the teaching of the word but had never seen an# of that in m# ministr#$ =ut now, more and more manifestations of the &ower of "od were becoming manifest in m# own ministr#$ 1 began to see miracles ta-e &lace in m# own life and in the lives of members of m# famil# and in the lives of &eo&le to whom 1 ministered$ 'he ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit brought new areas of s&iritual understanding in m# life$ 'he =ible is no longer merel# a teDtboo-, but it has become a living word to me% 1 have a greater a&&reciation for the grace of "od in saving me$ 1 have a greater a&&reciation for the wor- of others$ 1 now see &eo&le as individuals, obCects of "od*s love, &eo&le for whom 0hrist gave the su&reme sacrifice$ 1 have a com&assion and a love for them$ 5# greatest desire is to -now him better, to love him more, and to be transformed into his image in a greater degree$ 'he ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit for me was not the end of m# 0hristian goal, but onl# II

the beginning, because the )&irit of "od has o&ened m# e#es to see how much more there is% Ann /as #our 0hristian life not been ver# eDciting+ /ave #ou wondered what in the world is wrong+ /ave #ou been bored+ /ave #ou loo-ed around and said, 3!ord, is this all there is to 0hristianit#+: bout four #ears ago this is Cust where 1 was in m# wal- with the !ord$ Gor #ears 1 had cried out and cried out to the !ord, 3!ord, what is wrong+ 1s this all there is to 0hristianit#+: 1 was ver# bus# in m# 0hristian wal-$ 1 was a )unda# )chool teacher, bus# in the .$5$B$ at the =a&tist 0hurch, bus# at 'raining Bnion, constantl# bus# doing "od*s wor-$ )till there was a hunger in m# life, a hunger 1 didn*t Huite understand$ 1 =! 5>A 5F ( )',? G,? @,' / 91@" '/> )(1?1'B ! "?,.'/ '/ ' 1 ! 08>A 1@ 5F !1G>$ 1 thought he wasn*t feeding me s&irituall#$ 1 sat at church )unda# after )unda#, )unda# after )unda#, bored$ 5# husband 4Jerr#7 taught at )outhwest =a&tist 0ollege for about eleven #ears$ fter he had been there seven #ears he had his )abbatical, and we went to >ngland$ .hile we were there we met this beautiful >nglish 0hristian cou&le, and their 0hristian life was ver#, ver# eDciting$ 'his even made me Huestion more and more, 3.h#, !ord+ .h#+ .h# is their life eDciting and ours is not+: .e came bac- to the )tates, and 1 was worse off than ever$ 1n the fall of 19I0 the# came to see us, and the# thought, 3/ere we are in the =ible =elt, I8

and we reall# are going to see 0hristianit# at its ver# best$: =ut when the# got to our town, =allwin, 5issouri, the# told us, 31t is s&irituall# dead here% Aoesn*t )atan ever tem&t #ou+ Aoesn*t )atan ever cause #ou an# &roblems+: 1 loo-ed at (auline, and 1 said, 3)atan+ .hat do #ou mean, E)atan causes &roblems*+: )he said, 31f )atan is not causing #ou an# &roblems, #ou had better chec- #our s&iritual wal-$: 'his Huestion sta#ed in m# mind more and more$ Auring this time also m# husband was going through a ver# tr#ing struggle with the !ord$ 1 didn*t -now what was wrong, because he com&letel# ignored me and the children$ 1t was a hard time, and 1 felt li-e sometimes 1*d Cust li-e to ta-e m# life, because 1 didn*t thin- life was worth living$ 'hen, in the fall of 19I2, Jerr# received the ba&tism$ /e didn*t tell me about it, but the students -new b# the wa# he tal-ed there was something ver# different in his teaching$ /e had shared with his friend, and b# wa# of the gra&evine it got bacto me that he had tongues$ 'his u&set me greatl# because he didn*t share it with me first$ 1 got ver#, ver# u&set$ 1 had a friend who 1 heard 3s&o-e in tongues$: 1 went u& to her and said, 3.hat is this all about+ 1 don*t understand it$: )he gave me a whole stac- of boo-s to read$ 1 read all the boo-s 1 could find and did eDactl# what the# said to do to receive the ba&tism, but nothing ha&&ened% 'he !ord brought Grances /unter*s boo-s into our lives at this time and 1 had read ever#one of those$ 1n Aecember of 19I2 we noticed in the )&ringfield, 5issouri, &a&er I9

that the /unters were going to be at the Gull "os&el meeting$ .e had some friends ta-e care of our children, and Grida# night, Aecember 18, 19I2, we went to hear Grances and 0harles$ 1 was ver#, ver# ama;ed at all the things the# had to sa# and all the things that went on$ fter the meeting was over 1 told Jerr#, 3Fou go call our friends and tell them we*re going to be late, because 1 want Grances to &ra# for me$: 1 went u& to Grances that night and said, 3Grances, 1 want to acce&t the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$: )he &ra#ed for me at that time, 1 received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit, and m# &ra#er language Cust flowed out$ "od reall# has a sense of humor, because the neDt night when we went to the /unters* meeting, the# had all of us measure our arms to see if we had a short one% 1 couldn*t believe what 1 saw, because one of m# arms was about four inches shorter than the other$ 1 had never been aware of this, but after measuring and re6measuring, the arm was still four inches shorter$ 'he# were &ra#ing from the &latform, and right in front of Jerr#*s and m# e#es, 5F ?5 "?>. ,B' to be eDactl# the same length as the other one and is eDactl# the same toda#% )ince that night, m# life has become an adventure with Jesus 0hrist% Grom that da# forth 1 no longer had to sa# m# 0hristian life was boring$ J>)B) / ) =>0,5> ?> ! ', 5>$ /is love and "od*s love have become &ersonal and genuine to me% 1 had a lot of hang6u&s$ 1 felt ver# insecure, unloved, unwanted< but Jesus has delivered me from 80

this$ 1sn*t it beautiful how Jesus will Just show us a little bit at a time, the ugl# things in our lives we need to turn over to him$ /e doesn*t ta-e us through it all at once and show us !! the dirt, but he shows us a little at a time$ 1 &raise the !ord for this$ 1 &raise the !ord that he has been able to use the Jesus in me da# b# da# to minister to others$ /e has led me into a ministr# of deliverance and inner healing$ 1 -now in m# own &ower that 1 could not do this, but through the &ower of Jesus 0hrist our )avior have 1 been able to minister to &eo&le$ 1 have found out in this new wal- that all "od wants of us is our availabilit#$ =e available in all things to him$ #oung bo# was once as-ed, 3.hat does E1mmanuel* mean+: /e said, 31t means Einterru&ted$* 3Ao #ou reali;e that Jesus interru&ted his time in heaven to be here with us+ )o we have to be willing to have our lives interru&ted so that we can be used of Jesus to serve others$ 'he main thing in this 0hristian life that 1 want is to be able to minister to m# famil#$ 'he verse that comes to me is (salm 10122 in the !iving =ible2 E1 will tr# to wal- a blameless &ath, but how 1 need #our hel&, es&eciall# in m# own home, where 1 long to act as 1 should$: nd 1 do long to act as 1 should in m# own home$ ,nl# the /ol# )&irit ministering to me can ma-e me act the wa# 1 should$ 5# 0hristian life, as 1 said before, has been ver#, ver# eDciting since this new wal- with Jesus$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit has added a new dimension to m# life 1 had never -nown$ 1 &raise the !ord for m# &ra#er language, because without it 1 would not -now how to &ra# sometimes$ ll 1 have 81

to do is &ra# in the )&irit, and the /ol# )&irit tells me how to &ra#$ 1t*s not onl# the &ra#er language, it*s not onl# tongues, but 1 reCoice that 1 have more and more of the love of Jesus, and 1 than- "od for this%



.fter having been at the &atholi! servi!es, this was really different. I ".S S&.$#( T% (#.TH) I have been set free from so mu!h of my past life and traditionalism. .nd we all hear these men telling in our own languages about the mighty mira!les of 3od) .!ts 89:: ;T0 < arbara =ean, S&.$#( T% (#.TH, as she puts it, now e4!itedly tells about the mighty mira!les of 3od. She will tell you in #nglish, but perhaps her spirit praises 3od in her Spirit language for his mighty mira!les in her life and family. 0isten)

1 have been a 0atholic for thirt#6eight #ears< was raised and educated in the 0atholic faith$ 1 was married at twent#6one, started m# famil# and tried to grow into an adult$ !eaving 0alifornia, our famil# came to 0olorado to start our new home and life which 1 believe was the wor- of "od$ .e moved against great odds, but our faith and obedience to "od &ulled us through and &re&ared us for the great victor# in Jesus which our famil# is now enCo#ing$ 1t all started @ovember 24, 19I4, when a grou& of 0hristian &eo&le &aid the wa# for our entire famil# to see the movie, 3 'ime to ?un$: )omething wonderful ha&&ened there2 1 acce&ted Jesus as m# &ersonal )avior$ (entecostal woman was the one "od had chosen to witness to me$ 'his was all new because we, as 0atholics, were not accustomed to doing things li-e this in our church$ 83

'he woman invited me to attend interdenominational =ible services, but 1 alwa#s found some eDcuse not to go$ ,ne da# she was so &ersistent 1 as-ed her to come to m# home after the service, and 1 would tal- with her$ .ow% .hat a da#% 1t was Januar# 1I, 19I5, and not one but '., (entecostals came to m# home and gave me the wor-s% fter the# left, 1 felt moved to read the =ible the# gave me and inside was neatl# tuc-ed awa# a little boo-let sa#ing something about receiving the /ol# )&irit$ 1 wasn*t too sure what this was all about, but 1 read it an#wa#$ ./ ' A1A 1 / 9> ', !,)>+ 1 read the boo-let and guess what+ 'he /ol# )&irit visited me, 1 committed m# life to Jesus 0hrist and from that moment m# whole life began to change$ 5# famil# wasn*t too eDcited< the# thought this was something 1 had decided to do and then dro&, li-e ever#thing else in m# life$ .ell, 1 sure didn*t dro& an#thing% 1t Cust got better and better$ 1 had eD&erienced bac- &ain for the last twelve #ears, and no doctors reall# -new what was wrong$ 1 had been in arid out of hos&itals and had been given all -inds of tests$ !ast #ear 1 went to wor- in a nursing home$ .hile em&lo#ed there 1 inCured m# bac- severel# and was hos&itali;ed$ 'he doctors couldn*t hel&, but 1 found a wonderful man who gave me thera&#$ 1 recovered enough to go bac- to wor-$ .ell, 1 did return and inCured m# bac- once again$ 1 was forced to Huit m# Cob and see- other em&lo#ment$ 1 suffered &ain all the time$ 1 had decided if the !ord wanted m# bac- healed, he


would do it in his own time, and 1 tried to acce&t m# situation$ !ast Gebruar# 1 learned that the /unters, 0harles and Grances, would be coming to "rand Junction, 0olorado, to evangeli;e$ 'here were re&orts that wherever the# went man# healings occurred$ 1 heard the# would be here 5a# 10, which was m# sister*s birthda#$ 1 JB)' / A ', G1@A . F ', ">' '/>?>% 1 -new the !ord was going to do something great that night, and 1 was sure it would be m# bac-% ,h, the Co# of never having to suffer awful bac- &ain again% 1n the neDt few wee-s, 1 was invited to go to a (entecostal revival where m# boss attended church$ 1 went with some fellow wor-ers, and after having been at the 0atholic services, this was reall# different$ 1 . ) )0 ?>A ', A> '/% 1 shoothe whole two hours, but 1 did what ever#one else did$ 1 -e&t going bac- but ma-ing sure 1 also attended our church so m# famil# wouldn*t get angr#$ 1t was reall# a sacrifice sometimes, but 1 am glad 1 went$ 'his was m# introduction into the )&irit6filled life$ 1 learned new songs, how to worshi&, and a feeling of reall# belonging$ Gor the first time in m# life m# s&irit was free$ 1t was nice to worshi& and &raise the !ord out loud$ .hat a beautiful eD&erience$ 1 was able to ta-e m# oldest bo# and girl a cou&le of times to the revival, but m# husband soon &ut his foot down and said that all of this was some -ind of 3/,!F ?,!!>? '/1@"$: .ell, 1 didn*t argue, and 1*m glad 1 didn*t, because m# husband let me go to the rall# on 5a# 10$ Fou


sure guessed right R it was a night 1 will @>9>? forget% 'his whole service was held at the Girst ssembl# of "od 0hurch, 4th and "rand, "rand Junction, 0olorado, Cust two bloc-s from our own church$ 1 wal-ed in with a good friend of mine, and we sat near the front so we wouldn*t miss an#thing$ ,h% there was a lot of singing, &raising, and warm fellowshi&$ 'here came a &oint in the service where the !ord actuall# started to do great healings$ 1 sat there waiting, not too &atientl#$ 'hen it ha&&ened% great heat went through m# bod# and Grances said someone had Cust had their bac- healed$ 5# friend #elled, 3'hat*s #ou, that*s #ou%: and 1 said, 31t couldn*t be%: 1 Cum&ed around, wiggled, and twisted$ 1 felt no &ain but a warm heat in m# bac-$ 1' . )@*' >5,'1,@ >1'/>?, 1' . ) ?> !%% 1 ran u& on the stage and waited m# turn at the &latform to testif# to the truth of the inCur# and healing$ ll of a sudden something ver# strange ha&&ened$ 1 was seeing something as a 0atholic 1 hadn*t seen before< &eo&le falling down on the ground$ 1 didn*t -now what was going on so 1 as-ed what it was$ 1 was told that these &eo&le were 3falling under the &ower of "od: or being 3slain n the )&irit$: .hat funn# words these were< 1 had never heard or seen this before$ @,., 1 . ) ?> !!F )0 ?>A ', A> '/% .ould the# do this to me+ 1f the# did it wouldn*t wor- because an#one who -nows me -nows 1 have a terrible fear


of falling and 1 . ) )B?> '/>?> . ) ),5> /,0B) (,0B) 1@9,!9>A$ 'hese &eo&le sure must be emotional because of their healings, 1 thought$ 1*ll -ee& m# cool and show them% 1 sat down and some funn# sounds were coming out of m# mouth$ Grances ran over, because it was m# turn neDt at the &latform and said to 0harles he ought to forget me, that 1 was receiving the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 1 got u&, went to the &latform, gave m# testimon# and before #ou could sa#* boo% 3these &eo&le were standing in front of me, s&ea-ing in un-nown languages and '/>?> 1 . ) ,@ '/> G!,,?$ .ow% 'his was real and 1 started to sha-e all over$ )omehow, later 1 managed to get bac- to m# seat$ 1 was a mess but 1 loved ever# moment% 1t came time for the altar call, and m# friend wanted to go so 1 went with him for moral su&&ort$ 'hat*s a laugh, because we both marched out to the &ra#er room, and together we received the full ba&tism of the )&irit$ .hat a night% 1 shall never forget the Co# in m# soul% 0ould a human dare to be this ha&&#+ .ell that was onl# the beginning$ 'he neDt night, same time and &lace, =ett# =aDter, a great evangelist for the !ord, was there$ 'he !ord found a wa# for m# thirteen6#ear6old daughter and 1to go$ .e had Cust come home from an outing in the mountains and some dunebug riding$ 4Fes, 1 went dunebug riding for two hours over real bum&# roads and m# bac- never hurt at all$7 .hat a victor# for Jesus, because &eo&le with inCured bac-s Cust don*t do that$ 1 did, because m# bac- was healed$ 8I

/alleluCah% n#how, m# daughter and 1 attended the service and when the altar call was given she went forward, acce&ted Jesus as her &ersonal )avior and !ord, then marched to the &ra#er room, received the ba&tism of the )&irit and s&o-e in tongues$ .ow% that*s not all, the neDt night m# husband &ermitted all the children to go and two more, the twelve and ten6#ear6old bo#s went forward and acce&ted Jesus$ 'he famil# countdown was starting fast$ Just two more, m# husband and fourteen6#ear6old bo#, who was a ver# lost and rebellious teenager$ 5# five6 #ear6old girl didn*t count, she was still innocent$ 1 started attending ever# service 1 could get to because 1 was hungr# for the .,?A, and reall# fired u& for the !ord$ .e all &ra#ed at the church for m# famil# and one da# m# husband said he would attend church the neDt )unda#$ .e went and #es, he -nelt down, re&ented and acce&ted Jesus% 'he church &eo&le then made arrangements for all m# children to go to summer cam&$ 5# thirteen and fourteen6#ear6olds went first$ 'he bo# acce&ted Jesus, received the ba&tism of the )&irit and was told b# Jesus 4while slain in the )&irit7 that he would be an evangelist$ .ow% from 5a# 10 to June 15%% '/> !,?A )B?> . ) .,?81@" ,9>?'15> 1@ ,B? !1''!> 0 '/,!10 /,5>$ .e were becoming )&irit6filled (entecostals awfull# fast, and all of us li-e it$ 5# other two bo#s went to cam& neDt, and the# too came home )&irit6 filled$ 'his is all reall# wonderful$ "od is so good% ,n June 20, 1 had an a&&ointment for m# glaucoma chec- b# the e#e doctor$ "laucoma was discovered about eighteen months before$ fter an 88

eDamination, the doctor informed me that the condition 1*d once had was gone% .ow% 1sn*t "od good+ /e too- care of ever#thing for me$ 1 must be chec-ed again in siD months, but 1 don*t care because 1 -now what will ha&&en$ 5# e#es will be &erfect Cust the wa# Jesus fiDed them$ /e is such a fine &h#sician$ /e can wor- on me an#time% .ell, there #ou are, the eDciting testimon# of "od*s &ower in m# famil#$ 5# husband .1!! become )&irit6 filled% /e is a fine 0hristian husband and father$ ,ur famil# is so glad to be a &art of the famil# of "od and so than-ful he has forgiven us$ /e has blessed us be#ond our imagination$ Gor the first time in m# life 1 also learned to tithe$ ,h% 1t is so much fun$ )ince then the blessings the !ord has sent down, both s&iritual and material, are greater than words can sa#$ )omeone once told me to tr# to out give "od$ 1 can*t, he / ) more than 1 can give$ ,ne thing 1 feel 1 reall# must include in this testimon# is the great &eace and freedom 1 feel since acce&ting Jesus as m# &ersonal )avior and !ord and being filled with the /ol# )&irit$ 1 have been set free from so much of m# &ast life and so much traditionalism$ Jesus has sent me the 0omforter and with his hel& m# bod# is infused with the )&irit$ 1 now can wal- freel# and -now Jesus lives in me$ 1t*s great being a 0hristian and to trul# tr# to live as 0hrist$ 1 &raise "od for loving me and m# famil# so much% 1 am eDcited about the future "od has in store for us and the fire of living we now enCo#$ 1 ho&e the fire of our famil# will touch someone else and


let them -now that the beautiful "od we -now also -nows them% uthor*s @ote2 =arbara Jean*s husband received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit, s&o-e in tongues and is filled to overflowing as his whole famil# is com&lete in Jesus%

I 1#0T 3%( H.( 0#T ,S (%"-) ... -o longer were we trying to disprove anything, but see*ing only the truth. "e wanted all of what 3od had for his !hildren, -% 7.TT#$ "H.T /$I&# "# H.( T% /.5. To me what really !ounts is the every day, abiding, !omforting presen!e of the Holy Spirit> *nowing that 3ods Holy Spirit now dwells within me, tea!hing and !orre!ting, eliminating and !omforting, and maturing me as a person.

"raduate of "ulf 0oast =ible 0ollege, /ouston, 'eDas$ ttended nderson 0ollege, nderson, 1ndiana and Bniversit# of /ouston, /ouston, 'eDas$ ,rdained to the ministr# in the 0hurch of "od of nderson, 1ndiana$ 0harles was well acHuainted with the minister &arents of 5ilton and his two brothers, .a#ne and ?a#, when he was a teenage bo# in .est 'eDas$ 90

'heir lives have been interwoven in church affiliation since then$ 1 40harles7 have seen a &ersistent desire in the hearts of these three brothers all these #ears to serve "od$ =ut li-e me, there was a long, dr# struggle to survive the effort to be a 0hristian B@'1!%

'he ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit brought a whole new wa# of life to me$ 1t was the o&ening of a new door$ .hen 1 loo- bac- 1 reali;e that "od had been dealing with our famil# for a number of #ears$ /e had been directing our lives so that we could come to believe in the realit# of such a relationshi&$ s a ver# #oung &erson 1 had felt "od*s hand on m# life$ t the age of twent# 1 felt a call into the 0hristian ministr# and entered =ible school and college where 1 &re&ared m#self that 1 might serve the !ord$ 1 was ordained to the ministr# in 1952 in the 0hurch of "od of nderson, 1ndiana$ 1 &astored in !ouisiana, labama, and 'eDas for a number of #ears$ =ecause of the name, our denomination was alwa#s confused with other churches which were (entecostal$ s a &astor 1 was alwa#s on the defensive and Huic- to eD&lain we were not 3'/ ' 81@A ,G 0/B?0/$: 5# mind was com&letel# closed to the realit# of a devotional language in connection with the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ "od had to deal with me for some time in order to o&en m# mind to his word$ 91

1n 196I m# wife, our three sons, and our daughter were in labama where 1 was &astoring a church$ .e had been &rovided with an eDcellent &arsonage, and 1 received a good salar#$ 1 had been elected three #ears before to the cit# council$ @o other &reacher had ever been elected to such &ublic office before in that &art of the state, although a number had tried$ =ut '/>?> . ) )'1!! ),5>'/1@" 51))1@" 1@ ,B? !19>)$ )o we resigned our church, and 1 resigned the seat on the cit# council$ .e moved bac- to /ouston, 'eDas, where 1 entered the construction business$ 1 continued to &reach and to teach as o&&ortunit# &resented itself, but within a #ear a sim&le test that was a surgical &rocedure was to eD&lode into a most dreadful word to m# wife, (ats#$ 'he word was 3cancer$: 1' 0,B!A@*' / ((>@ ', B)% .e*d &ra#ed$ ,ur friends had &ra#ed$ fter surger# and a long recover#, with still another surger# about eighteen months later, we were discouraged% Auring this time our older bo#s lost interest in the church, and 1 G>!' ",A / A !>' B) A,.@$ little later when our oldest son became involved in some serious &roblems, we felt we were on the ver# bottom$ 1n the midst of all this, we were called to &astor a small congregation in 0onroe, 'eDas, and we felt ha&&# to be bac- in "od*s service$ 1 drove u& on the wee-end to &reach, visit, and teach, then returned )unda# night after church$ .e continued to su&&ort ourselves as su&erintendent on a construction Cob there in the area$ ,ur oldest sons had gone their own wa#, and we began to &ut ever#thing we had into tr#ing to build a church$ .e 92

soon reali;ed that we weren*t getting much accom&lished$ .e reali;ed a need of more ?> ! &ower in our lives$ .e were becoming ver# dissatisfied with our own s&iritual de&th$ >arl# in 19I3, as a routine matter, 1 received a letter to all &astors of our denomination$ 'o me this letter said that 0harles and Grances /unter were no longer to be recogni;ed b# our movement because the# had begun to teach the receiving of the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit with the evidence of tongues$ (ats# had read all of their boo-s$ =ecause of the letter from the church, out of curiosit# she loo-ed until she found the latest boo- the# had written entitled '/> '., )1A>) ,G 0,1@$ )he had ho&ed to learn more of their eD&erience from reading this boo-$ 1t wasn*t ver# long until she &resented me with the boo-$ 1 said, 31 -now 0harles and Grances /unter, so 1*ll read this one$: 'his boo- reall# s&o-e to both of us$ 1t answered a lot of Huestions that had been unanswered b# m# studies of s#stematic theolog# in college and b# our doctrinal &ractice as ministers$ 1 found several things in this boo-2 1$ 'hat (aul wrote to the 0orinthian 0hurch for the &ur&ose of giving them &ro&er instructions in the use of tongues, not to den# their realit# and their eDistence$ 2$ 'hat there are different -inds of tongues$ 'here is a devotional tongue that onl# "od understands, and there are tongues that need to be inter&reted$ 1 reall# wanted the real thing, and this booo&ened our minds to the &ossibilit# of there being 93

more to the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit than we had believed$ 5# faith was beginning to develo&$ ,ne thing it did for us was that it caused us both to be determined to go to the =ible and stud# the word of "od in order for us to reall# see what it said$ =ut this time .> .>?> ",1@" ', )'BAF .1'/ @ ,(>@ 51@A, so that we might in an obCective wa# reall# search the scri&tures to see what the truth of "od*s word was$ @o longer were we tr#ing to dis&rove an#thing, but see-ing onl# the truth$ .e studied for a number of wee-s$ (ats# fasted most of the time and 1 fasted some and we came to believe that "od*s word reall# taught the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit was accom&anied b# a &raise language$ .e never had been to a (entecostal 0hurch or a full gos&el church of an# -ind$ .e*d never heard an#one s&ea- in an# -ind of tongue, and we reall# didn*t -now what it was all about$ 1 -new, too, that 1 wouldn*t be able to continue to be a minister in our movement if 1 ever let an#one -now that 1 had such an eD&erience as this< but we wanted all of what "od had for his children, @, 5 ''>? ./ ' (?10> .> / A ', ( F$ .e began to &ra# for the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit with tongues$ 'he first wee- of June, 19I3, 1 was in m# daughter*s bedroom, because she was out of the house at the time, and (ats# was in our bedroom neDt door &ra#ing$ 1 &ra#ed in faith to "od, and 1 as-ed that he would fill me com&letel#$ 'his time 1 reall# believed that he would$ 1 said, 3 men,: and Cust waited silentl# and o&enl# for what would ha&&en neDt$ @othing ha&&ened eDce&t that 1 felt 94

real good$ said, 3.ell, !ord, 1 -now #ou heard m# &ra#ers, and 1 believe that #ou*re going to answer me in whatever wa# and in whatever time #ou see fit about this$: 'he neDt da# as 1 was going about m# Cob, 1 heard singing from time to time and 1 reall# couldn*t understand an# of the words$ .hen 1*d sto& and listen it -e&t on$ 'his increased until almost an# time 1*d sto& and be Huiet and begin to listen 1 would hear this music coming from inside me$ 1t was beautiful% 1t was li-e stereo music in 36A% 1 seemed to be hearing a multitude of heavenl# voices% 1t was "od*s angelic choir singing with ten thousand tongues, and 1 couldn*t understand a one% !ater at a &ra#er meeting while others were &ra#ing in >nglish, 1 Cust -ind of Coined silentl# in worshi&&ing "od with this angelic choir$ 'his continued for several wee-s, and (ats# wasn*t getting ver# much results as far as her being able to reall# receive the ba&tism at this time$ .e reall# didn*t -now what to eD&ect, an#wa#$ .e didn*t -now that we had to begin to s&ea- b# faith as the /ol# )&irit gave the utterance$ ,ne of our sons, who was living in 0alifornia at the time, became hos&itali;ed$ .e were worried, because we couldn*t find out what had ha&&ened to him$ /is friends who called us the first time never called bac-$ (ats# was real sic- and worried, and so was 1$ )he was l#ing down in bed with a severe headache$ 'hat night 1 -nelt down b# the bed, and laid m# hands on her head and began to &ra#$ 1 didn*t &ra# in >nglish% .ords came out that 1 couldn*t understand% !! '/> = ??1>?) '/ ' 95

1 / A =B1!' B( G'>? !! '/>)> F> ?) .>?> ).>(' . F =F '/> ! @"B "> ,G ",A*) )(1?1'$ 1 reall# didn*t -now what 1 was &ra#ing, but 1 -new 1 was &ra#ing for (ats#*s relief, and 1 was &ra#ing for our son*s salvation and healing$ .hen 1 sto&&ed &ra#ing, (ats# loo-ed at me in a strange wa#, and in a few minutes she got u& and we wal-ed out in the bac- #ard together$ /er head had Huit hurting almost instantl#$ 1 had received also at this time what must have been a word of -nowledge, because 1 told her that 1 felt "od was wor-ing through this to bring our son bachome to see us, and that "od was wor-ing to bring him to himself as )avior$ 'he neDt da# (ats# felt that she would li-e to call and as- for &ra#er from 0harles and Grances /unter$ )he didn*t -now the number or how to call, but she loo-ed u& their number in an old tele&hone director# that we had and called them$ /er mother was also facing surger# at this time, and the doctor had told her to &re&are for the worst$ .e wanted to reHuest &ra#er for her as well$ 1 had alread# called a minister in our church #earboo- that 1 didn*t even -now, and as-ed him to visit the hos&ital and see if he could visit our son and let us -now about his condition$ .hen (ats# called the /unters* number, Joan 3b# chance: was there and answered the &hone$ )he is the daughter of Grances and 0harles and was about the same age as our son$ 1 believe she was Cust the one who needed to &ra# for our son at this time$ )he listened to (ats#*s stor# about him, and told us that 0harles and Grances were out of town$ )he 96

&ra#ed for both his healing and his salvation$ .hen (ats# hung u& the &hone, she said, 31 Cust believe that the !ord reall# heard this &ra#er and that "od is reall# going to answer$: /e did, because '/ ' ) 5> @1"/' we got a call from 0alifornia from the minister who had visited our son$ /e told us that he had &ra#ed with him and that he was doing good$ /e had acce&ted 0hrist as his )avior and said he wanted to come home as soon as he could be released from the hos&ital$ 'wo of m# brothers were being led b# the !ord during this time also$ 5# oldest brother .a#ne had received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit months before, but 1 had not tal-ed with him &rior to m# receiving$ 1 was wor-ing for another one of m# brothers, ?a#, who was )&irit6filled about the same time 1 was, but we didn*t reali;e this until later when we shared our eD&erience that the !ord was wor-ing in both of our lives at this same &eriod of time$ ?a# was interested in learning more about his recent ba&tism of the )&irit$ /e had learned through .a#ne of the /unter home &ra#er meetings$ .e all &lanned to attend the neDt month*s meeting, but on this 'hursda# 1 had to travel out of town and did not return until too late to drive bac- to /ouston from 0onroe$ ?a# and .a#ne had attended and the# filled me in on all that had ha&&ened at the meeting$ Auring this tal- 1 told them of (ats#*s desire to be ba&ti;ed in the /ol# )&irit but that she had not as #et received$ ?a# and .a#ne decided to &a# her a visit the neDt da#, so without telling me the# called (ats# who told them to come over$ .hen 1 drove in 9I

the drive that afternoon (ats# met me at the door$ ,ne loo- at her told me she had received the ba&tism$ '/>?> . ) "!,. !! ,9>? />?$ )he told me how it ha&&ened% .a#ne and ?a# arrived at about the time school was letting out and our 126#ear6old daughter 0onnie was getting in$ 'he# told (ats# the# had come to &ra# with her to receive the ba&tism$ 'he# went into the living room and began to tal-$ Auring the conversation our daughter arrived home from school and started to go into the living room$ =# this time m# brothers had laid hands on (ats# and were &ra#ing for her to receive$ 0onnie waited in the hall Cust outside the door but was loo-ing in the room$ (ats# immediatel# received her &ra#er language and the three began to &ra# in other tongues$ 0onnie was still in the hall observing this$ )he had read man# of our charismatic boo-s and had studied her =ible, so she Cust began to &ra# in the )&irit out in the hall, too$ (ats#, ?a# and .a#ne didn*t -now what was ha&&ening to her$ 1 had received &ra#ing for m#self, (ats# received b# 3la#ing on of hands: and our daughter s&ontaneousl#$ ll in different wa#s, but the same )&irit, Cust as it had been eD&erienced in the boo- of cts$ 'o us the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit meant the loss of our &astorate, because four months later when 1 gave m# testimon# on a )unda# night to our church, telling about our new relationshi&, some of the &eo&le couldn*t acce&t what had ha&&ened or '/> >5= ?? ))5>@' ,G / 91@" ( )',? ./, )(,8> 1@ @ B@8@,.@ 98

',@"B>$ 1 resigned that night because 1 -now "od*s word is true$ ,ne of these da#s, according to his word, we*ll have a church a hundred times larger$ 'he word of "od sa#s if #ou*ve left homes or houses or friends or land for Jesus* sa-e in this life #ou*ll have a hundred times more, and in the life to come, eternal life$ 'hat*s going to be some -ind of church, and 1 can*t wait until the !ord wor-s this out% 'o me the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit was another doorwa# into maturit#$ 1*m a better &erson than 1 was$ 1 see the =ible more clearl# than 1 ever did before$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is not Cust an eD&erience, it*s a relationshi& a vital relationshi& with "od$ )(> 81@" 1@ ',@"B>) 1) ?> !1'F G,? '/1) A F @A '15>$ 'he o&eration of the /ol# )&irit and the gifts of the /ol# )&irit are thrilling for us to see wor-ing in the bod# of 0hrist in these last da#s$ =ut, as eDciting as all this is, to me it*s the ever# da#, abiding, comforting &resence of the /ol# )&irit that means the most to me< -nowing that "od*s /ol# )&irit now dwells within me, teaching and correcting, eliminating and comforting, and maturing me as a &erson$ 'o me, this is what reall# counts$ 'his is what it means, and this is wh# the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is a whole new door of maturit# for me$ (raise "od%



Jack: IT &H.-3#( 7# .-( 75 1.7I05 1$%7 (#.TH T% 0I1# ? -#" 0I1# I- &H$IST =#S,S ? "ITH /%"#$. Jean: . . . It wasnt long before I be!ame overwhelmed with the fa!t that 3od really loved me and had given me his Holy Spirit . . . theres a boldness within me to share =esus)

Jack =$'h$, "ulf 0oast =ible 0ollege, /ouston, 'eDas 4 ssociate rts7 0ontra 0osta Junior 0ollege, ?ichmond, 0alif$ )erved as )&ecialist in B$)$ rm#$ )oldier of the Fear, .olfhound ?egiment, 25th Aivision in ,sa-a, Ja&an$ .or-ed in the &ersonnel field for several #ears$ Airector of the I00 0lub in /ouston Jean ?egistered @urseK /onolulu, /awaii with further studies in )an Jacinto 0ollege, (asadena, 'eDas Airector of @urses, >astwa# "eneral /os&ital, /ouston, 'eDas 3)o, m# fellow believers, long to be &ro&hets so that #ou can &reach "od*s message &lainl#< and never sa# it is wrong to Es&ea- in tongues*< however, be sure that ever#thing is done &ro&erl# in a good and orderl# wa#$: 1 0or$ 14239640 4'!=7 .e could actuall# see fear on the face of Jean as her twin sister Joan ste&&ed out to receive 100

3tongues$: .e weren*t sure how Jac- reacted$ 'he tongue is a ver# good and im&ortant &art of the bod#$ 1t announces the taste of all good 4or bad7 food and drin- entering the bod#$ Just because it tells m# brain something is bitter, 1 don*t thin- of m# tongue as an enem# to be feared$ 1t can be an enem# of "od$ =ut it should be a friend of "od$ 'eaching against 3tongues: has scared so man# of us that fear is the bitter reaction$ Jean found a friendl# tongue when she gave its control to the /ol# )&irit she found her s&irit could s&ea- to "od when she &ra#ed in tongues$ Jac- was drawn b# the &ower of s&ontaneous love of )&irit6filled &eo&le awa# from the &ull of negative teaching$ 1s it worth it, Jac- and Jean+ !et them tell #ou the good news and if #ou haven*t received this beautiful gift, it*s available, G?>>%

Jean 1 was raised in a 0hristian home and acce&ted Jesus in m# &re6teen #ears$ ,ur famil# went to church, and 1 was taught all the things that "od eD&ected from his children, but 1 alwa#s found that 1 could never Huite meet all the standards$ Jac- and 1 were married and as we went to =ible 0ollege and into the ministr#, 1 found that there was even greater &ressure to &ut forth the 0hristian image of the &erfect &astor*s wife$ 1 reall# wanted to live &leasing to the !ord, but 1 found 1 Cust didn*t have the &ower to do it$ s a result 1 felt li-e a failure, and Jac- and 1 began having &roblems in our marriage$ 1 even left 101

several times for a cou&le of da#s$ 1 became convinced that 1 was unacce&table to "od and even sat around contem&lating suicide$ 1 ?> 0/>A ,B' G,? />!( )>9>? ! '15>), =B' G? @8!F 1 A1A@*' G1@A @F,@> ./, / A @ @).>?$ 5eanwhile, Jac- had left the ministr# and shortl# thereafter we left the 0hurch of "od$ .e started attending a @a;arene 0hurch$ .e were ho&ing to find something$ .e -new dee& down inside that something was missing, but we Cust didn*t -now what it was$ Auring the time we were attending the @a;arene 0hurch 1 acce&ted m# &resent Cob as )u&ervisor of @urses and had the o&&ortunit# to meet Grances when she was a &atient in the hos&ital$ 1 -new immediatel# that she had a real, living relationshi& with Jesus$ 'hat*s what 1 wanted, too, and didn*t have$ 5# sister and 1 attended a &ra#er meeting at her home$ Gor the first time 1 heard about the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 1 was frightened, because 1 -new that Jac- had &reached against s&ea-ing in tongues$ 1 didn*t receive the ba&tism that night$ 1 didn*t even see- the ba&tism$ 1n fact, if m# sister hadn*t been so insistent that we sta# during the whole meeting, 1 (?,= =!F .,B!A / 9> ?B@ . F$ 0harles and Grances mentioned a meeting at >vangelistic 'em&le$ Jac- and 1 visited the church$ .hen we got there we saw in the &eo&le such a love, and there was such a move of the )&irit, we -new that this was what "od wanted for us$ fter attending there for several wee-s and being taught, we found ourselves in the cha&el to acce&t the


ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ t first 1 didn*t reall# -now what 1 had but it wasn*t long before 1 became overwhelmed with the fact that "od reall# loved me and had given me his /ol# )&irit$ 'hat was the real stabili;ing &oint for me as 1 began to reali;e how much he loved me$ @ow 1 had the &ower to live the wa# 1 -new he wanted me to$ 'here were still some u&s and downs and with the maturit# that we gained with the teaching at the 'em&le and with &ersonal =ible reading and meditating, the u&s and downs are getting further a&art and not reall# so far u& and down as the# used to be$ )ince 1*ve received the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, 1*ve found that there*s a boldness within me to share Jesus$ 1*ve been reall# &leased to see that a number of m# cowor-ers have become saved and also filled with the )&irit$ "od has also touched our marriage relationshi&, and Jac- and 1 are finding a oneness in the )&irit that we didn*t have before$ ,ur three children are filled with the )&irit, and are growing in the !ord also$ 1n fact, our whole famil# is now surrounded with a love and unit# instead of the bic-ering and fighting that we used to have$ s 1 loo- bac- over our lives, 1 can see that "od was leading us to this eD&erience of the fullness of the )&irit and a total devotion to him$ 1 ,@!F .1)/ .> / A G,B@A 1' ./,!> !,' ),,@>?$ Jack


Jean has laid it out &rett# reasonabl# as far as our famil# is concerned$ s far as m# life &ersonall# is concerned, 1 thin- 1 was li-e 0harles* descri&tion of his &reJesus life s&irituall# 4as well as carnall#7 a dried6u& &rune$ 1 was saved while in college where 1 was stud#ing >lectronic >ngineering$ 1 went in the militar# service after that and married Jean while in the /awaiian 1slands$ 1t was in /awaii that 1 heard of the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ #oung 0hristian met me in a &arone time and we were Cust tal-ing$ /e shared about the ba&tism with me but 1 -ind of fro;e u&$ 1t wasn*t for me, 1 thought$ /ad 1 acce&ted it then, it would have been so much sweeter for so much longer% .e -new b# the time we were discharged from militar# service that the !ord wanted us to go into the ministr#, so we attended and graduated from a =ible 0ollege$ 'hat made about eight #ears of college$ .e began &astoring in (ort rthur, 'eDas and loved the &eo&le there but we demanded Custice when seemingl# we were done inCustice$ .e didn*t -now how to la# down our lives$ .hen "od showed us in 'imoth# that we were not to strive with his &eo&le, we left the &astorate and began in other lines of wor-, still wor-ing in a church, still leading &eo&le to 0hrist but doing it in the flesh, not in the )&irit, not as "od moved and still defeated$ .hen we were &reaching in (ort rthur, we &reached against the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit and s&ea-ing in tongues$ .e believed in the sanctification of the /ol# )&irit, because that was 0hurch of "od doctrine, but we &reached against
K $$$


tongues$ .e*ve alwa#s believed in miracles, signs and wonders, and the healings that "od could bring because we felt this was scri&tural$ 1t was when we began attending >vangelistic 'em&le that we first saw s&ontaneous love among &eo&le who had received the ba&tism$ 'hat was refreshing to us and we saw miracles ha&&ening which we hadn*t seen before$ 1 as-ed, 3"od, do #ou su&&ose 1 could have been wrong for so long+: 1 could feel b# the witness of the )&irit that he was sa#ing, 3Fes, #ou -now #ou have been$: (raise "od, we listened, heard and obe#ed and received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 'he ba&tism turned on a &raise dimension inside us that o&ened a whole new s&iritual world filled with the &ower Jesus &romised and an abundant life of love and Co#$ s we &raised him we felt his &resence as never before$ 'he /ol# )&irit6given &ra#er language gave us access to the Gather and his &resence and an anointing in a wa# we had never been familiar with before$ 1t gave us a s&iritual discernment of the scri&tures$ .e began to see in the word great truths that we hadn*t a&&lied in our lives, and caused us to want to a&&l# them$ ll our famil# relationshi&s seem to be &ut into a more &erfect order under "od$ ?ecentl# 1 as-ed "od for a s&ecific ministr#, not -nowing what he*d give me$ 'wo wee-s later 1 was em&lo#ed b# the 0hristian =roadcasting @etwor- as /ouston Airector of the I00 0lub$ 1 &raise "od for the eDciting wa#s he is leading us and guiding us and loving us in ever# area of our lives$ Jean and 1 are both involved in this ministr#$ 'he '9 ministr# of the I00 0lub includes a &anel of tele&hones for 105

&eo&le to call during the nightl# two6hour &rogram for salvation, ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, healing, deliverance and other needs$ ,ne of our first acts was to &ra#, 3!ord, we need 120 counselors &er wee- within the neDt thirt# da#s<: he gave them to us in seven da#s$ .e ministered salvation to about 124 &eo&le last month$ 5an# &eo&le are healed ever# night in bodies, minds, marriages, finances and s&iritual needs$ .ould we go bac-+ Fou -now the answer to that$ 'here*s no wa# we could go bac- and receive less than what "od has for us now$ .e &raise "od for the Co# of our children$ 'he# still have some fusses once in a while, but in the !ord the#*re growing and maturing and receiving res&onsibilit# and gaining conce&ts from the teaching of the word and the fellowshi& of the believers and in 0hristian guidance in their home that 1 wish ever# child in merica could have$ 1t*s "od doing it, and we &raise him for it% .h# should 31: s&ea- in tongues+ 1t changed me and m# famil# from death to life R new life in 0hrist Jesus .1'/ (,.>?%



Through the baptism with the Holy Spirit, we have found, and are finding !ontinuously, more of =esus9 7%$# $#.0IT5, 7%$# 0%2# .-( 7%$# /%"#$)

3.e are 0hrist*s ambassadors$: 2 0or$ 5220 4'!=7 'he di&lomat became an ambassador when he received his credentials and s&o-e in tongues% $ !$ and Jo#ce, li-e so man# of us, changed Huic-l# from the desert of a bus#, sincere religious life to s&rings of living waters gushing from the ?oc- when Jesus ba&ti;ed them with fire R with the /ol# )&irit% s we have ministered with them we have seen the freedom of the )&irit of "od move through them$ 'heir 0hristian maturit# has been &henomenal since their ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ 'he booof cts of the "ills containing the miracles of healing, salvation, deliverance, ba&tism and changing lives for Jesus would, if written, contain &erha&s more than twent#6eight cha&ters$ !u-e 11236 4'!=7 &aints a &icture of their faces filled with the Co# of disci&leshi& for Jesus2 31f #ou are filled with light within, with no dar- corners, then #our face will be radiant too, as though a floodlight is beamed u&on #ou$: $ !$ "ill is >Decutive 9ice6(resident of /unter 5inistries$ /e was formerl# dministrative ssistant to (astor ?al&h .il-erson at 5elod#land 10I

0hristian 0enter in naheim, 0alifornia$ (rior to that he was "eneral 5anager of the .estern =erean )tores, a large chain of 0hristian boo-stores in the western Bnited )tates$ $ !$ also develo&ed a maCor distribution center, re&resenting most of the to& evangelical &ublishers to all of the 0hristian boo-stores in the southwest$ Jo#ce is now ,ffice 5anager of /unter 5inistries and is wor-ing in the area of &ublishing$ )he had also been involved for man# #ears in 0hristian boo-store management and served as merchandise manager for the =erean )tores for a number of #ears$ 'he "ills have three children< John K21, 8ath# K14, and 0ind# .

3.e dot our theological 3i*s: and cross our theological 3t*s:< but where is the &ower+: is the realit# of the &erson and &ower of Jesus in our lives$ 'he &ower that we see in the lives of the earl# 0hristians in the boo- of cts+: 3'/>?> 5B)' => 5,?>%%: s 1 stood teaching the adult class in our church in .hittier, 0alifornia, 1 challenged them, weeafter wee-, with these words$ 5ore than that, 1 was eD&ressing a desire in m# own life R a void dee& within me R the lac- of love and &ower in m# life$ 1 G>!' '/>?> / A ', => 5,?> ', '/> 0/?1)'1 @ !1G> '/ @ ./ ' 1 . ) >M(>?1>@01@" 1@ 5F ,.@ !1G>$ 0ould it be that there was something to this thing called the 3ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit:+ 1 had been taught that this was a wild emotional
S $ S S $ $ S$$


eD&erience, wor-ed u& b# a grou& of (entecostals who had not been 3grounded in the word of "od$: 1t could even be of the devil, for these gifts of tongues, healings and miracles were Cust tem&orar# s&iritual gifts that sto&&ed in the first centur#$ 1 had heard about these &eo&leKall the# could tal- about was the 3/ol# "host: and the# seldom mentioned Jesus$ 0ertainl# this did not line u& with the word of "od$ 1t was about this time that we began to notice a number of different &eo&le who were regular customers of the 0hristian boo-store that we managed$ >ver# time the# came in the# tal-ed about Jesus with a refreshing Co# and enthusiasm$ 'hese were the &eo&le that Jo#ce and 1 reall# loo-ed forward to seeing because the# were alwa#s a blessing and a lift to our da#$ 'he# were 3a breath of fresh air$: .e could tell the# had a vital, &ersonal relationshi& with Jesus and when we had a &ra#er reHuest, it was these individuals that we would asto &ra# with us$ bout this same time we were reading a number of boo-s telling about the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit and we began to wonder if this was the difference that we felt in our friends$ .e began as-ing them, one b# one, the neDt time that the# came into the store, 3Ao #ou &ra# in tongues+:, or 3Ao #ou have this thing called the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit+: nd Cust as we had sus&ected, '/>F A1A% .e began to stud# the scri&tures and to read more boo-s on the subCect$ .e met several of the authors, (at and )hirle# =oone, "eorge ,tis and others who had this eD&erience$ 0ould this be, could


this &ossibl# be the 3more: that we were loo-ing for in our own lives+ .e began to discuss this &ossibilit# with different &eo&le, and often the discussion would end with this &hrase2 3!oo- how the !ord is using 0harles and Grances /unter, and the# don*t have this Ething$* 3'he# were our 3out$: 'hen we heard% 0/ ?!>) @A G? @0>) / A !>' B) A,.@$ '/>F / A 3",@> ,GG 1@', ',@"B>)% @ow we were convinced that this must be of "od$ but it was a s&ecial blessing that "od had for some &eo&le% 1t &robabl# wouldn*t ha&&en to us$ !oo- how the !ord was using me in m# Cob as "eneral 5anager of a chain of 0hristian boo-stores, and as teacher of the adult class in m# church$ 1f this ha&&ened to me, 1 could lose m# Cob and be as-ed to sto& teaching, or even to leave the church$ .e decided the neDt time the /unters came to 0alifornia we would have to find out for ourselves what this was all about$ )o we did$ s we were sitting across the brea-fast table from them, 1 finall# got u& enough courage to as-, 3 h$ $ $ this ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit, it*s not for ever#one, is it+: 3Fes, it*s for ever#one,: 0harles said$ 'he# shared what the ba&tism meant to them, and then went on tal-ing about Jesus$ 1 said to Jo#ce as we left there, 31f it ever ha&&ens to me, it would have to be in &rivate the shower, or some&lace li-e that$ because it wouldn*t do for &eo&le to -now that 1 had Egone off into tongues$* =ut that desire for more of Jesus continued to grow ever# da#$
$ $ $ $ $ $ $$ 3


,n )e&tember 24, 19I2, earl# )unda# morning, we had started down from our mountain home at =ig =ear !a-e$ s we rounded a curve on the mountain road we saw the most beautiful sunrise we have ever seen% s 1 &ulled into a turnoff overloo-ing the la-e, Aoug ,ldham began to sing The !ing is "o#ing on the stereo in the car$ .e turned the stereo u&, Cum&ed from the car and stood there, s&ellbound b# the realit# of the soon coming of Jesus$ s "od unfolded a s&ectacular golden sunrise, we actuall# waited for the gates of heaven to o&en and for Jesus to a&&ear$ 0ould this be the da# when Jesus would come+ ,ur hearts raced with eDcitement% 'his was a da# of new beginnings with Jesus for us, as this was the da# when Jesus would ba&ti;e us with the /ol# )&irit$ 'he wee- before, 0harles and Grances had called on the tele&hone and invited us to come to (alm )&rings where the# would be s&ea-ing at the Gull "os&el =usiness 5en*s 0onvention$ 3.ell, ah, let me as- Jo#ce,: and with m# hand &laced carefull# over the receiver, 1 did$ 3 ?> F,B 81AA1@"+ F,B 8@,. ./ ' ",>) ,@ ' '/,)> 0,@9>@'1,@)% 3she whis&ered bac-$ 1 made some &olite eDcuse$ 'hen the# said that the# would also be s&ea-ing at 5elod#land 0hristian 0enter on )unda# evening and we made arrangements to meet them there and to go out for something to eat afterwards$ .e had been to 5elod#land several #ears before for a Aavid .il-erson ?all#, but as we wal-ed into the church that evening 1 remember thin-ing that 1*d 111

better be careful who saw me there as it might not be good for business% lread# 5elod#land was -nown for its leadershi& in the 0harismatic 5ovement$ 'he church was nearl# &ac-ed when we arrived, 1 got the /unter*s attention to let them -now that we were there and would meet them afterwards, and we found seats in the bac-$ 'hat night the# gave their testimon# of receiving Jesus as their )avior and then the# began sharing their stor# of receiving the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ /undreds went into the &ra#er room afterwards$ 41 found out later that this &ra#er room used to be the largest bar in ,range 0ount#$7 s the service ended, we hurried to where the /unters were, then in t#&ical /unter st#le we rushed to a small room where the# shared briefl# with a #oung married class on 3/ow to ma-e Four 5arriage >Dciting$: Gollowing that we sto&&ed at the ba&tistr# where a ba&tismal service was alread# in &rogress$ long line of &eo&le were waiting to be ba&ti;ed< more &eo&le than 1 had ever seen ba&ti;ed before$ 1 found out later that this ha&&ened twice a wee- at 5elod#land$ s we stood there watching several being ba&ti;ed, 1 noticed something ver# unusual< something that 1 had never seen before$ s man# came u& out of the water the# would raise their hands and begin &ra#ing in a strange language$ 1 thought, 3'his must be the tongues that 1 have heard about$: 1t was beautiful% 'hen Grances said, 3.e*ve got to hurr# to the &ra#er room$: s the# started, Jo#ce sHuee;ed m# hand$ @, . F, @, . F .>?> .> ",1@" ', ", 1@ 112

'/>?>% 1 told Grances and 0harles that we would wait for them inside the auditorium$ )o we too- a seat at the bac- of the auditorium and waited$ 1 began to feel that desire for more of Jesus rising u& inside of me, but 1 didn*t mention it because 1 didn*t want an#one to thin- 1 was getting caught u& in all of this$ cou&le of times 1 got u& and wal-ed to where 1 could loo- in to see what was going on< once 1 even wal-ed all the wa# into the &ra#er room and loo-ed around$ 'o m# sur&rise the# weren*t shouting, or even waving their hands$ 'he# were sitting Huietl# and tal-ing, or &ra#ing, with counselors, a scene 1 was familiar with having served as a counselor and later as an advisor with =ill# "raham 0rusades$ 1 went bac- to m# seat and re&orted that ever#thing seemed to be in order$ 'he /unters came running out of the &ra#er room, a&ologi;ing for -ee&ing us waiting$ Grances was coming right toward me$ =# this time we were standing Cust inside the main door to 5elod#land$ Grances said, 3 $ 1$, the glor# of the !ord is all over #ou%: 41 had felt something but didn*t -now what it was$7 3 re #ou read#+: Jo#ce had often referred to me as 3the di&lomat,: as 1 was -nown for m# di&lomac#, so she was thin-ing, 31 wonder how he is going to get out of this one di&lomaticall#$: t that moment, much to her sur&rise, 1 Cust raised m# hands and said, 3Ta& me% Grances laid her hands on m# head and &ra#ed, 3Jesus, ba&ti;e him with the /ol# )&irit$: t her instruction 1 o&ened m# mouth and said a cou&le of s#llables and then, suddenl#, 1 was aware of the 113

most beautiful language a language that 1 had never heard before, &ouring from m# li&s$ 1 did not want to sto&$ 1 had m# hands raised and &eo&le standing around could hear me, but 1 didn*t care$ 1t was real$ 1 / A @>9>? G>!' 0!,)>? ', '/> !,?A J>)B)2 1' . ) !18> . 9>) ,G !,9> (,B?1@" '/?,B"/ 5>$ 1 didn*t want to sto& because &erha&s if 1 did, 1 couldn*t start again$ 1t was Cust Jesus and me$ miracle was ta-ing &lace in m# mouth, since these words were not coming from m# mind or thoughts, but from dee& within m# s&irit$ s Grances had begun to &ra# with me, and Jo#ce heard me &ra#ing in tongues, she felt 1 had betra#ed her$ 0harles as-ed her if she too would li-e to receive$ )he said, 30harles, 1 don*t even -now what #ou are tal-ing about% /e eD&lained briefl#, then &ra#ed with her and she too received the infilling of the /ol# )&irit$ !ater, driving to the motel with the /unters, the# told us that we might not thin- that there was much difference at first, but that we would notice there was more love in our lives$ (eo&le would begin to as- us what was different about us< and that we would begin to notice more &ower in our &ra#ers$ '/ ' 1) >M 0'!F ./ ' / ((>@>A% 1mmediatel# we felt a love for the !ord Jesus that was more real$ /e was close% .e had more love for his word$ 1t seemed we couldn*t s&end enough time with him in &ra#er and in reading his =ible$ ,ur hearts were full of love and &raise for the !ord$ .e soon ran out of words in >nglish with which to
$ $ $ 3


eD&ress the &raise that we felt, but now we could shift into our new language and continue to &raise him$ 1 believe this language is the 3tongues of angels: s&o-en of in 1 0orinthians$ t first Jo#ce did not have an eas# flow and freedom in this new language, but as she continued to &raise "od in the few words she had, "od gave her more and more, until she too had a beautiful flow in her new tongue$ 1n addition to the new love that we felt for the !ord Jesus, we also noticed that we had more love and concern for our famil#, our friends and others$ .e did not share our eD&erience with an#one at first$ .e could remember how we had been turned off b# &eo&le in the &ast who had been too forceful with us$ .e wanted to wait and then to s&ea- in "od*s timing$ 'hen one b# one, &eo&le began to as-, 3.hat is the difference+: .e found that man# of our friends had been eD&eriencing the same desire that we had felt for more of the realit# of the &erson and &ower of Jesus in their lives$ .e had the &rivilege of sharing with them what the 3more: was and of &ra#ing for man# of our friends and famil# to receive the infilling of the /ol# )&irit$ Grances and 0harles had mentioned also that there would be more &ower in our lives$ 1 wasn*t sure what that meant$ 1 -new that the love and realit# of the &resence of Jesus was the most im&ortant thing in our lives$ 'hen it ha&&ened% )everal wee-s after we had received the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, we were at our &lace at =ig =ear !a-e for the wee-end$ .e had been hanging dra&eries all evening and Jo#ce suddenl# reali;ed a 115

vertebrae in her nec- was out of &lace and that she was develo&ing a terrible headache$ 1 stood behind her massaging her nec- for a minute and then, without thin-ing, 1 &ra#ed silentl#$ ll at once Jo#ce s&un around and as-ed, 3Aid #ou &ra#+: )he said, 31 felt two hands &ulling m# s&ine bac- into &lace$: '/> ( 1@ . ) 0,5(!>'>!F ",@>% /er first reaction had been tr#ing to figure out how 1 had done it, and then the reali;ation hit that the hands were on the inside% ,ur teenage son, John, was sitting on a stool across the room watching the whole thing ta-e &lace$ /e held u& his finger and said, 3Aad, what about m# finger+: John had hurt his finger on a roc-6hounding tri& the wee- before$ .e had determined that &robabl# it was not bro-en and told him to watch it closel# and, if needed, we would ta-e him to the doctor$ /ere it was, the following wee- and we had forgotten to as- him about the finger all wee-% /e was holding the finger toward me$ 1t had swollen to twice the normal si;e and was blac- and blue$ /e could move it onl# slightl#$ fter eDamining the finger 1 as-ed him, 3John, do #ou believe "od can heal #our finger+: 3Fes$: 3Ao #ou believe he wants to heal it now+: Fes%: he re&lied again$ 3'hen let*s Cust as- him to do it$: 1 too- his finger and enclosed it gentl# in m# hand and &ra#ed sim&l#, 3Jesus touch him$: 1 o&ened m# hand and loo-ed$ 'he finger had returned to normal si;e and the discoloration was com&letel# gone$ /e could bend it with no &ain$ "od had healed that finger% 116

,ur daughter 8ath# ran over to see% s John held out both hands, he as-ed 8ath# which finger was hurt$ )he &ic-ed the finger on the wrong hand% 'hen we remembered what 0harles had said about more &ower$ Grom this time on almost ever#where we went miracles were ta-ing &lace$ 5ore and more &eo&le were coming to us and as-ing for &ra#er$ @ow we trul# believed in the &ower of &ra#er and now "od began to heal2 deaf ears o&ened, burns disa&&eared, &eo&le wal-ed out of wheel chairs, and left their crutches$ ,ne #oung bo# wal-ed for the first time in his life$ )hort legs and arms have grown out and &eo&le have been instantl# delivered from arthritis$ /undreds have fallen under the &ower of "od% .e cannot begin to remember all of the fantastic miracles we have seen$ (erha&s no one has been more astonished in all of this than Jo#ce and 1, for we -now that we have absolutel# nothing to do with it$ .e certainl# have no healing &ower$ 1t is onl# the &ower of the /ol# )&irit flowing through us$ 1t is the river of living water, flowing from our innermost beings$ =efore we received the ba&tism we had felt a measure of the fullness of the /ol# )&irit man# times, but now it is flowing li-e an artesian well$$ not blessing onl# us but man# around us$ .e don*t want &eo&le to thin- that our lives have been a continuous mountain6to& eD&erience since receiving the ba&tism$ 'here have been man# valle#s, dee& valle#s of trials and testings$ =ut it has been in those valle#s that we reall# have learned to -now the !ord Jesus in a s&ecial wa#$ 1t is in the


valle#s that we have found what the victorious 0hristian life is all about$ 'he ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit didn*t mean that our &roblems would be gone$ 1t meant we now had the &ower to find the victor# through our &roblems$ ,n man# occasions we have not -nown how to &ra# about the situation we were in, so we have learned to &ra# in our &ra#er language$ letting the /ol# )&irit do the interceding$ ,ne of the greatest &rivileges has been in ministering with 0harles and Grances /unter in their miracle services$ !ast winter we went to )an Aiego to Coin the /unters for two da#s of services there and then to >scondido for two more da#s$ 'he second morning, which was )aturda#, we were bus# getting read# for a service when 1 as-ed Jo#ce where m# th#roid &ills were$ 1 had been ta-ing th#roid for fifteen #ears$ Jo#ce hadn*t &ac-ed them% 1 almost &anic-ed% 1mmediatel# 1 began to &lan2 as soon as 1 drive the /unters to the church, 1*ll drive bac- to !os ngeles and get the &ills$ 'hat was a four hour tri&$ (erha&s 1 can ta-e the grou& over to the church and then see if 1 can find a druggist who would call m# &harmacist in .hittier and get the &rescri&tion, or &erha&s$ $ $ Jo#ce interru&ted m# thoughts$ 3Ao #ou believe "od can heal #our th#roid condition+: /ow could she bother me at a time li-e this$ 1 had to ma-e a Huic- decision$ 3Ao #ou believe "od wants to heal #our th#roid condition+: )econd Huestion% 3Fes, of course$ $ $ 3=ut 1 remembered the )aturda# a cou&le of #ears before when 1 had tried


to believe "od for m# th#roid healing$ 1 had &ra#ed about it when 1 got u& that morning and then had not ta-en the th#roid$ =# the middle of the afternoon 1 was di;;# and seeing double$ 1 gave in and too- the medicine$ 'his wee-end in )an Aiego and >scondido was certainl# not the time to be 3out of it$: 3Ao #ou believe that "od wants to heal #our th#roid+: Jo#ce interru&ted again% 1f 1 could onl# -now, but this Cust was not the time to ris- it$ =ut$ $ $ it did seem strange to miss a service where 1 was to &ra# with the sic- in order to go and get m# own medicine$ 'hen 1 thought of how 1 had &ra#ed before 1 left the house for the !ord to remind me if 1 had forgotten an#thing that 1 would need$ 'hen as we were leaving the house, Jo#ce felt im&ressed to go bac- into the house, and she had &ra#ed in each room as-ing the !ord if an#thing was forgotten$ 'he !ord had showed her one thing, then she felt release and came bac- to the car$ 1 couldn*t remember ever having done this so definitel# before$ )urel# he would have reminded one of us of the th#roid if 1 reall# needed it$ 0ould it be that he reall# was going to heal me+ 3 $ !$, A, F,B =>!1>9> '/ ' ",A 0 @ /> ! F,B+: 3F>)% 1 8@,. /> 0 @%: Jo#ce &ra#ed and 1 fell bac- across the bed under the &ower of "od and 1 believed that "od had healed me% .e had a &owerful service that morning% =ut as we were getting read# for the evening service, 1


remembered m# th#roid$ 'he drug stores would be closing in a few minutes and the neDt da# was )unda#$ 1n that moment of doubt all the s#m&toms hit me$ 1 was read# to run for a drug store$ gain we &ra#ed and again the !ord gave me the faith to believe him for healing$ 'he s#m&toms left and we went on to have an absolutel# fabulous miracle service both that )aturda# and all da# )unda# and 5onda#$ ,n 'uesda# morning 1 was in the bathroom in our motel in >scondido$ .e were &re&aring to ta-e the /unters bac- to )an Aiego to catch a &lane and from there we were going home$ )uddenl# the thought hit me, 3Fou have not needed #our th#roid here, but as soon as #ou get home where #ou have #our su&&l# #ou will need it again$: 1 said, 3)atan, 1 rebu-e #ou and 1 rebu-e that negative thought in the name of Jesus$ 1 do not acce&t that% t that moment Jo#ce wal-ed into the room and said, 3"uess what the devil Cust told me+: 31 -now,: 1 said, 3because he Cust tried to tell me the same thing$: )he had not wanted to tell me, for she also had recogni;ed the source of that thought and had not wanted to &ass the thought on to me, but the !ord had im&ressed her to tell me$ .e laughed together at the devil and told him that he was a liar and to 3get lost% 3'hat evening at home 1 destro#ed the remainder of the &rescri&tion$ 'he healing is total and com&lete as 1 write this, nine months later$ ,ne of the things the !ord has shown us in the &ast three #ears is that a miracle is ver# &ersonal$ 1t 120

is hard to eD&lain to another what the !ord has done for #ou$ )o 1 have as-ed Jo#ce to write in her own words concerning the healing of her e#es$ Joyce )oon after we received the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, 1 bro-e the frames of m# glasses$ .e were in a hurr# getting read# to meet the /unters at the air&ort, so 1 grabbed some n#lon thread and tied them together$ 3)omeda# !ord,: 1 thought, 31*ll not need these an#more%: 'hat thread was to last about two #ears$ 'ime after time, in various meetings, the word of -nowledge came for e#e healings and 1 &laced m# hands on m# e#es$ ,thers &ra#ed for me but nothing ha&&ened$ 1 have worn glasses for 24 #ears and it was not unusual for $ !$ to remind me to ta-e them off as 1 was falling aslee& at night$ 1n the morning m# first move was that of m# hand feeling the night stand in the dar- for them$ 1f 1 didn*t find them Huic-l#, someone in the famil# loo-ed for them for me as 1 would get an almost instant headache$ 1 could see clearl# for about four feet and then ever#thing a&&eared blurred$ ?ecentl#, while in the mountains for a wee-end, we and a friend had s&ent almost the entire )aturda# &ra#ing and stud#ing the =ible$ .e had no 3&roCect: in mind< "od -e&t calling us to &ra#er$ s the house settled for the night and the three of us were still &ra#ing, "od told $ !$ and (at to &ra# for m# e#es$


3.h# not,: 1 res&onded, and too- off m# glasses$ 'he# &ra#ed as the !ord led for about twent# minutes, until 1 felt a &o&&ing to the side of m# e#es and began to loo- around$ 1 could read a &laHue hanging across the room% .e went from room to room seeing what 1 could see% 1 didn*t want to go to slee& but, of course, 1 did in time$ .e were u& again at five the neDt morning, as 1 couldn*t wait an# longer$ 1 had to see what 1 could see in the da#light$ 1 stood on the dec- and saw individual trees across the la-e on the o&&osite mountain% 1 didn*t -now what normal e#esight was, so all da# )unda# 1 was chec-ing m# sight b# ever#one$ 0ould the# see this+ /ow clearl# did the# see that+ 1t was eDciting% =ut at times 1 could see almost nothing% 1nstantl# someone would reCect )atan*s attac- and m# clear vision returned$ =# three )unda# afternoon 1 was eDhausted from the lac- of slee&, the continuous chec-ing, the battle with )atan and the feeling 1 wasn*t com&letel# dressed$ .earing those glasses was a habit% 5# hands searched for them even as 1 was &raising "od for his healing$ 'he three of us went to &ra#er again and 1 as-ed the Gather how long this battle would go on$ /e re&lied, 3Bntil m# word becomes concrete within #our heart$: 'hen 1 as-ed the !ord for a definite verse to become 3concrete within$: 1 needed a &ositive verse from him$ /e gave us the reference, 1saiah 60242 !1G' B( F,B? >F>) @A )>>, from the !iving =ible$ Gor the neDt wee- 1 claimed this verse out 122

loud ever# time m# vision became clouded$ 5an# times this was more an act of obedience of the will than one of high faith$ bout 'hursda# of that wee-, 1 remember 1 told the !ord that if he had chosen this time to heal m# e#es because of m# strong faith, he had made a mista-e% =ut if it were a gift of his love, great% 1 acce&t it% 'he following )unda# 1 was over the feeling of having forgotten something$ 5# hands no longer felt continuousl# for the glasses as 1 thought of something else$ 'he waves of &oor vision were almost &ast, but 1 still couldn*t see clearl# in the fluorescent lights of the su&ermar-et$ 'he second 5onda# morning 1 -new it was time to go to the Ae&artment of 5otor 9ehicles and get the corrective lens restriction removed from m# driver*s license$ 1t had been #ears ago that 1 had discovered 1 needed glasses when 1 first a&&lied for m# driver*s license$ '/>F .,B!A@*' "19> 5> !10>@)> .1'/,B' "! ))>)% 1 was certain that the office would be brightl# lighted with fluorescent lights, and the# were still bothering me$ 1 could see Cust great as 1 drove to the A$5$9$ office but when 1 wal-ed into the office with the fluorescent lighting, >9>?F'/1@" =!B??>A% 1 wal-ed over to where the e#e charts were and 1 couldn*t see them% 3!ord, what am 1 doing here+: 1 wal-ed u& to the first window and told the lad# that 1 wanted to get the restriction removed from m# driver*s license$ )he told me to go to .indow 2I, so


1 went to that line and too- m# &lace$ 1 could see nothing$ 3!ord, 1 have to see that chart% 1 was third in line$ >ver#thing was blurred$ 1 was second in line$ >ver#thing was blurred$ 1 was neDt$ >9>?F'/1@" . ) =!B??>A% 3Gather, this is the last minute% 1f #ou*re not in this, it is the most stu&id thing 1 have ever done% 1t was m# turn and ever#thing was still blurred, but 1 wal-ed u& to the window and told the man 1 would li-e to get the corrective6lens restriction removed$ /e told me to ste& over to the machine$ 41 didn*t have to read the chart hanging under the fluorescent light$7 1 read all three charts in the machine down to the second from the last number$ 1 ( ))>A% 'he girl who t#&ed m# tem&orar# license as-ed what had ha&&ened and 1 told her that "od had healed me$ )he reCoiced with me$ 1 returned to .indow 2I and too- m# &lace in line again, but this time in &eace$ 1t was a different man Ethis time, and he as-ed if 1 had contacts on$ 3@o$: 3Aid #ou have an o&eration+: /e was staring intentl# at m# e#es$ 3@o, "od healed m# e#es$: 3./ '+: 3"od healed m# e#es$: 3"et over to that machine,: he demanded$ 1 had to ta-e the test over$ 'his time 1 read all three charts R ra&idl# R down to the ver# last number% Ariving home 1 was reCoicing out loud$ E"od, 1 can see% 1 can reall# see without those glasses$ Fou


have healed me% 1sn*t that great, #ou have reall# healed me% )o often with me, it is li-e "od and 1 share a laugh together and this da# was no eDce&tion for suddenl#, as 1 was reCoicing out loud, 1 heard m# /eavenl# Gather sa# in a ver# dr# voice, 3Fou were healed two thousand #ears ago$: @ow, 1 -new 1 had been% .e could go on for hours describing what the !ord has done since we received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ )ometimes it is easier to tell of miracles, and as we write we reCoice over them again, but the real difference in our lives goes much dee&er$ 'here is no wa# to eD&lain to another how we have changed com&letel#$ "od has become 3m# Gather: in realit#$ Jesus, a ver# close friend and )avior, and the &ower of the /ol# )&irit flows out to others at an# time, da# or night$ .e live a new, eDciting life$ ,ften it is ver# Co#ful< other times the Co# is almost hidden b# the tears, but alwa#s our Gather is there$ '/?,B"/ '/> = ('1)5 .1'/ '/> /,!F )(1?1' .> / 9> G,B@A, @A ?> G1@A1@" 0,@'1@B,B)!F, 5,?> ,G J>)B)2 5,?> ?> !1'F, 5,?> !,9>, @A 5,?> (,.>?$


@ ) )&ace >ngineer, Johnson )&ace 0enter /ouston, 'eDas
I *new that any sub@e!t or thing that drew so many people so suddenly must be from =esus) The longer I spo*e ;in tongues< the !loser I felt to &hrist and the more assuran!e I re!eived of his reality and love.

3'hen he was filled with the Co# of the /ol# )&irit and said, E1 &raise #ou, 0 Gather, !ord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the intellectuals and worldl# wise and for revealing them to those who are as trusting as little children$ Fes, than- #ou, Gather, for that is the wa# #ou wanted it$* !u-e 10221 4'!=7 1ntellectual Jerr# .oodfill loo-ed be#ond his boundaries as the worldl# wise, and discovered that when he b#&assed his intellect and b# faith allowed his s&irit to tal- to "od in an un-nown tongue, he &leased "od because that is the wa# "od wanted it$ 'he /ol# )&irit is so mightil# being &oured out on all flesh that &eo&le in high &laces, the sociall# elite, the leaders of business, government and militar# are coming as trusting as little children, lifting their hands to "od in surrender and &raising "od and s&ea-ing in other tongues as the )&irit gives them utterance$


Jerr# .oodfill is a @ ) )&ace >ngineer at the Johnson )&ace 0enter in /ouston, 'eDas$ /is career there has included develo&ment and management of the &ollo 0aution and .arning )#stems of the 0ommand and !unar 5odule s&acecraft$ Auring the &ollo 13 5ission when the s&acecraft eD&loded nearl# 200,000 miles from earth, Jerr# served as &art of the mission o&erations team which successfull# rescued the crew of astronauts$ s &art of this effort as member of this J)0 team, he received the (residential 5edal of Greedom$ (resentl# he serves @ ) as a 'echnical 5onitor and (roCect >ngineer of the >arth ?esources (rogram$ 1n 19I2, Jerr# found 0hrist as his )avior and !ord at a Gull "os&el =usinessmen*s brea-fast in a /ouston motel$ )everal wee-s later, he received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit at the home of 0harles and Grances /unter$ (resentl# he serves his Bnited 5ethodist 0hurch as 5issions 0hairman and as 0hurch )chool 1nstructor$ ?ecentl#, Jerr# &artici&ated in the Gull "os&el =usinessmen*s retreat and airlift to =eli;e, 0entral merica$ 5an# leaders of the countr# of =eli;e received 0hrist as )avior and =a&ti;er on this crusade$ ttending ?ice Bniversit# on a bas-etball athletic scholarshi&, Jerr# &la#ed in varsit# com&etition throughout the Bnited )tates$ /e graduated from ?ice in 1965 with =)>> and = >> degrees &rior to Coining @ ) $ /e is local director of the /ouston 0ha&ter of the Gull "os&el =usinessmen*s Gellowshi& 1nternational and he is 12I

also a trustee of the /unter Goundation and a member of the 'eDas )ociet# of (rofessional >ngineers$ =ett# and 1 were &art of a small =ible stud# on 0olossians the /unters had been holding in their home for several months$ lthough it was a ver# long drive for us on a wee-da# evening 440 miles7, both of us were drawn to the Co# in 0hrist which we found each wee- in their home$ $ $ sharing and stud#ing$ Auring the closing of the first meeting while in a &ra#er circle, 0harles suddenl# began to &ra# that all there would receive the infilling of the /ol# )&irit$ fter &ra#ing, he shared with us that he felt most of us would receive the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 'his was confusing to me for 1 / A @>9>? /> ?A 5>@'1,@ ,G @ 1@G1!!1@" ,? = ('1)5 ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1' 1@ 5F >@'1?> >M(>?1>@0>$ 1 had been a member of !utheran and 5ethodist churches and active as )unda# school su&erintendent, board member, etc$ .e continued to stud# 0olossians and in the interim a friend invited me to attend a Gull "os&el =usinessmen*s brea-fast in /ouston where 1 was overcome b# the &resence of the /ol# )&irit and went forward to give m# life to 0hrist$ 'he# s&o-e also of this eD&erience but 1 remained confused and determined to as- the /unters more about this$ )hortl# afterward when we were leaving the meeting 1 as-ed 0harles to teach me what this eD&erience was all about$ 1 was confused, es&eciall# 128

about the eD&erience of s&ea-ing in tongues$ 0harles shared with me that at this &oint we might have a -ind of after meeting or for me to come b# his home some evening and we could tal- at length$ few wee-s later while 1 was mowing the grass, =ett# called me to sto& and come to the &hone to tal- with Grances$ )he invited me to come to their home for a s&ecial meeting on the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit, and to bring m# guitar$ .e had a house guest, m# sister, but 1 was determined to go and we brought her with us that evening$ .hen we arrived 1 was com&letel# sur&rised b# the &resence of so man# &eo&le$ .e remembered how during that &ast 0hristmas season attendance had been so few that we were feeling bad because more &eo&le weren*t coming to enCo# the stud#$ 1 could hardl# believe it but there were I0 &eo&le crammed into the living and dining rooms and there was no &lace for me to sit but on the floor to &la# the guitar$ 1 8@>. '/ ' @F )B=J>0' ,? '/1@" '/ ' A?>. ), 5 @F (>,(!> ), )BAA>@!F 5B)' => G?,5 J>)B)% .hat came neDt &robabl# did more than an#thing to sell me on the im&ortance of this eD&erience$ 0harles and Grances shared their testimon# of how it had changed their lives to become even greater witnesses for Jesus$ 'he# shared that it would give each of us much greater &ower through the /ol# )&irit to win others to him$ 'he# eD&lained about the eD&erience of s&ea-ing in tongues, which comes as evidence of the ba&tism, and how the# received this$ 0harles as-ed those men who desired to receive to remain in the living 129

room and for the ladies who wanted to receive to go with Grances$ 1 sta#ed in the living room and =ett# went to the rear with Grances$ 0harles gathered us in a circle and we began to &ra#, eD&ecting the /ol# )&irit to fall on us$ Just at that moment the &hone rang and 0harles was called from the room to minister to a &erson in need in a distant cit#$ 1 thought, 3.hat now, !ord+ Fou*ve ta-en 0harles awa# and 1 was counting on having him &ra# with me$: 'here were several )&irit6filled &eo&le in the room who had been invited to hel& minister and 1 as-ed them to &ra# with me$ 1 -nelt down and the# &laced their hands gentl# u&on me and &ra#ed for Jesus to ba&ti;e me with the /ol# )&irit$ @ot much ha&&ened eDce&t that three words came to m# mind which 1 gave utterance to over and over$ 'he# were three !atin words which 1 recogni;ed as, 3"lor# to "od, who we love$: 'his was Huite remar-able since 1 never could s&ea- !atin and could hardl# translate it in its written form$ bout this time, 1 suddenl# heard a ver# guttural language, ver# loud and inters&ersed with tears and groans and cr#ing out$ 1 loo-ed u& and there was a good friend of mine from m# 5ethodist 0hurch near @ ) s&ea-ing an entire language with his hands u&lifted and tears streaming down his face$ 1 reall# felt envious and thought, 3!ord, how come him and not me+ 1*m certainl# Cust as worth#, and 1*ve got onl# three words from #ou$ $ $ not a language$: 1 didn*t remember that Jesus isn*t concerned with our wor-s but loo-s on our faith and the condition of our hearts$ 130

0harles returned and 1 felt, 3.ell ma#be that*s all 1*m ever going to get with this ba&tism$ 1 certainl# don*t have a whole language though$: 1t was late and more &ra#er was given for others$ 1 &ac-ed u& m# guitar, and =ett# came from the bac-, having received with a whole language in another tongue and we were &re&aring to leave$ Grances as-ed at the door, 3Jerr#, do #ou reall# love Jesus+: 1 re&lied, 31 reall# love him more than an#thing$: 1 lifted m# hands to him and reall# was feeling his love for me when Grances gentl# &laced her hands Cust under m# chin$ )uddenl# 1 started to s&ea- a whole string of words and &hrases which seemed to come u& through me Cust as water flowing out of a well &um& with m# mouth as the s&igot$ 1t was wonderful$ so free and flowing and 1 could start and sto& at will% 1t was a miracle% 1 thought to m#self, 3'his is indeed a miracle li-e a healing from the /ol# )&irit% (raise the !ord% 1 drove home with =ett# and it was late when we got to bed$ 1 was so ha&&# and than-ful for Jesus giving me a miracle in m# life$ 1 Cust laid there in bed thin-ing of how wonderful he was to ba&ti;e me with the /ol# )&irit$ )uddenl# the thought came, 31 might not be able to s&ea- this new language ever again or at best when 1 felt ver# close to the !ord$: 1 loo-ed at =ett# and she was aslee&$ 1 didn*t want to wa-e her and thought she might thin- it sill# for me if 1 s&o-e in tongues and awa-ened her$ 1 Huietl# sli&&ed out of bed and into the den and laid down on the sofa and raised m# hands$ '/>?> 1' . ) / ((>@1@" " 1@% 1 could even dro& m#


hands and s&ea- this language$ 1 could s&eed u& to a ver# high word rate &er minute or slow down to a snail*s &ace with this new language$ 1 started to listen to m#self and heard certain -e# words li-e 30olia: which seemed to be re&eated in -e# s&ots of the sentences 1 s&o-e$ 1t was li-e having a new automobile and tr#ing it out on the road$ 'he longer 1 s&o-e the closer 1 felt to 0hrist and the more assurance 1 received of his realit# and love for me in that room$ 'he neDt morning 1 tested the language at greater length$ 1 found that 1 would s&ea- a series of words, sometimes as man# as twent#6five, and could re&eat the entire series without missing a s#llable$ 1 didn*t even have to ma-e an effort to memori;e the entire &assage$ 1 s&ent much time later testing and marveling in the miraculous nature of this gift from 0hrist$ 1 studied (aul*s comments in de&th and the# entirel# confirmed m# eD&erience$ s 1 would start to &raise "od, and sing and s&ea- in this heavenl# language, 1 often would start to wee&% 'hen 1*d begin to sing in the )&irit and the melod# would come along with the words$ !ater 1 began to s&eaentire sermons to m#self in the car, without an# attem&t to &re&are the teDt or material$ Ginall#, as 1 s&o-e in the tongue he had given me, 1 began to receive entire &ro&hesies given to me from 0hrist for encouragement, correction, and edification$ 'he de&th of m# eD&erience in 0hrist greatl# increased as 1 communed with him in this new wa#, and man# times a da# 1 would &artici&ate in this worshi&$


1 still continue to &ra# and worshi& in this wa# to the eDtent that 1' 1) ) @ 'B? ! ', 5> ) )(> 81@" ', 5F 0/1!A?>@ ,? .1G> @ot long ago, 1 was aslee& and dreaming that 1 was la#ing m# hands on a &erson to receive this eD&erience from 0hrist$ 1 awo-e s&ea-ing in this un-nown language$ 1t has served to fill m# entire being with Jesus 0hrist$ 1 have found that s&ea-ing in tongues is a &owerful tool from "od for the )&irit6filled 0hristian$ 1n m# life there have been five maCor areas where this gift has been most effective$ 'he first wa# has been in increasing m# faith and assurance that Jesus lives in me and loves me$ )&ea-ing in tongues has been a guarantee of the &resence of his )&irit in me and with me$ (rior to receiving a heavenl# language, 1 was too sh# to witness m# faith in 0hrist$ fterwards, 1 began to share with ever#one, including &eo&le in air&lanes, taDi drivers, a bell ho&, engineers and scientists with @ ) $ 1n m# office, 1 have &ra#ed with two s&ace technologists to receive 0hrist as )avior and !ord, not fearing what &eo&le would thin- of me$ 1 found new boldness through use of this su&ernatural abilit# from the /ol# )&irit and found m#self on one commercial flight as-ing the stewardess if 1 might visit the crew$ !ater she too- me forward and 1 shared m# faith with them as the# &iloted the Cet aircraft at 35,000 feet$ Bsuall# &rior to visiting or witnessing 1 &ra# in tongues and the !ord gives me strength and assurance as he did when 1 shared with these &ilots$


'he second area has been the leading 1 received from the /ol# )&irit as a result of &ra#ing in tongues$ ?emar-able o&&ortunities to share m# faith with &eo&le occur$ ,n occasion 1 have received &hone calls Cust as 1 ceased &ra#ing in tongues from individuals needing &ra#er or hel&$ 1 began to be led to &eo&le who were o&en to receiving 0hrist when there was no a&&arent clue other than the leading of the /ol# )&irit$ ,ne man called me who 1 had never met needing financial and medical hel&$ .e &ra#ed together and that wee- he received N4,500% )ince then he has made over N200,000 and his health and life have been restored$ /e has become a born6again )&irit6filled 0hristian who s&ea-s in tongues also$ 'he third wa# that s&ea-ing in tongues has &rofited m# life in 0hrist has been through guiding me in m# intercessions for m#self and others$ 5an# times 1 haven*t understood how to &ra# for a need or what to &ra#$ 1n m# uncertaint#, 1 &ra# in the )&irit, -nowing that the &erfect &ra#er and intercession is being made to "od b# the /ol# )&irit through me$ s an eDam&le, 1 was rooming with a high government official of a foreign countr#$ /e was an agnostic and closed to discussion of 0hrist and belief in him$ .hile he was awa# from our room, 1 &laced m# hands on his &illow and &ra#ed in tongues for several minutes$ bout a month later 1 received a letter from him$ /e had turned to 0hrist and acce&ted him$ "uess where+ 1@ /1) =>A% 'he fourth wor- of s&ea-ing in tongues has been as a s&iritual wea&on of great &ower against the enem#, )atan$ ,ften the devil will come against me and tr# to scare, defeat or discourage me in m# 134

0hristian wal-$ .hen 1 face these battles, 1 &ra# in tongues in order that the /ol# )&irit can defeat him and 0hrist will win the victor#$ =efore having this gift to s&ea- in tongues it frightened me to do combat with )atan$ 1 avoided encounters and bac-ed awa# from the battle$ .hen &eo&le were o&&ressed b# )atan in some wa# 1 often avoided &ra#ing with them$ 'hrough this gift 1 have become bold in facing the enem# -nowing that the /ol# )&irit will win the battle$ 0hristian friend of ours had been sta#ing in the home of a &erson involved in s&iritism and the occult$ s a result, ugl# sores a&&eared on her forearm which did not heal or res&ond to treatment$ )he mentioned this and 1 found in me the faith and boldness in 0hrist to la# m# hand on the sores and command )atan to be bound and for the sores to de&art in Jesus* name$ 'he# disa&&eared in the neDt 48 hours$ (rior to s&ea-ing in tongues 1 would have retreated from such a situation$ !astl#, the abilit# from the /ol# )&irit to s&eain tongues has hel&ed me to minister the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit to others so that the# also can have this wonderful gift from "od$ )hortl# after receiving this gift, 0harles as-ed me to &ra# for a #oung man at his home to receive the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ t the time 1 was uncertain if 1 should or could &ra# for another to receive$ 1 didn*t want to disa&&oint m# friend 0harles, so 1 &laced m# hands on him and as 1 started to &ra# in the )&irit, he burst forth also with an entire un-nown language different from mine$ 1 found that 1 could minister this gift to others as (eter and (aul had$ 1 have seen =a&tist )unda# 135

school teachers and businessmen, 5ethodist scientists, Aisci&le of 0hrist housewives, the #oung and old, receive the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and s&ea- in a fluent un-nown language as 1 &ra#ed for them to receive Cust as 1 was &ra#ed for b# Grances in their den near 12 midnight$ 'he# who have received this gift reCoice as 1 did in witnessing a miracle gift from 0hrist flow from their u&s$ 1t is wonderful to -now that he dwells in me and uses m# bod# to serve him through this miracle of s&ea-ing in tongues$ 1t has &roved to be the most &owerful wea&on and tool which he has given me to reach others for 0hrist% 1t has made the scri&ture, 3.e are more than conHuerors through him,: an ever#da# realit# in m# life for him$



"hen we found out that the same baptism in the Holy Spirit was available for &hristians today, "# ".-T#( IT. A . "# 3%T IT. . . .-( "# "#$# T$.-S1%$7#( I-ST.-T05)

'.>@'F6G19> F> ?) G'>? '/> A F ,G (>@'>0,)' 3.hile &ollos was in 0orinth, (aul traveled through 'ur-e# and arrived in >&hesus, where he found several disci&les$ EAid #ou receive the /ol# )&irit when #ou believed+* he as-ed them$ E@o,* the# re&lied, Ewe don*t -now what #ou mean$ .hat is the /ol# )&irit+* cts 192162 4'!=7 3'hen, when (aul laid his hands u&on their heads, the /ol# )&irit came on them, and the# s&o-e in other languages and &ro&hesied$: cts 1926 4'!=7 35# wife, ?ose, and 1 had been 0hristians most of our lives, but Jesus had been almost last in our affections$ '.>@'F6G19> F> ?)$ 'he neDt &art of the teaching was e$ually astounding because %e heard #uch teaching about the baptis# in the &oly Spirit.'
$ $

)teve and ?ose discovered that '.>@'F6G19> F> ?) after the Aa# of (entecost &eo&le were still receiving the ba&tism and s&ea-ing in tongues R the &rocedure and manifestation was not changed$ 'he# 13I

had s&ent twent#6five #ears in 0hristianit# when the# first heard similar Huestions to the one (aul as-ed2 3Aid #ou receive the /ol# )&irit when #ou believed+: )teve and ?ose re&lied, 3@o, we don*t -now what #ou mean$ .hat is the /ol# )&irit+: =rothers in 0hrist laid hands u&on them and the /ol# )&irit came on them and the# s&o-e in other languages R Cust li-e on the Aa# of (entecost$

$ $ $

Stephen "raduate of 9anderbilt 5edical )chool =) in 0hemistr#, 5A (hi =eta 8a&&a, , (ediatric ?esidenc# at 'ulane Bniversit#, @ew ,rleans (rivate &ractice of (ediatrics )ecretar# of the Glorida (ediatric ssociation Gormer 0hairman of the 5a#or*s /ealth dvisor# =oard of Jac-sonville Rose =) in =acteriolog# at the Bniversit# of @orth 0arolina 0ertified teacher in Glorida for 5arine =iolog#, 0hemistr# and =iolog# .or-ing toward 5aster of Aivinit# in ?eligious >ducation =oth of them are certified scuba divers and accom&lished #achtsmen and have cruised eDtensivel# in the =ahamas for several #ears$ 138

5# wife, ?ose, and 1 had been 0hristians most of our lives, but Jesus had been almost last in our affections$ .e had &ut the house, the medical &ractice, the children, social &restige, mone#, etc$ ahead of the !ord Jesus 0hrist$ ,ne da# about four #ears ago we found that several of our -ids were on drugs and doing other wic-ed things$ lthough a successful doctor, 1 graduall# had started drin-ing an ever6increasing amount of whis-e#$ )trangel# enough, m# wife had develo&ed a ver# irritable dis&osition% Ginall#, as our marriage hit roc- bottom and m# wife told me that she was seeing her law#er the neDt da# and that 1 should see m# law#er, there 3ha&&ened: to be a conference on famil# life with Aavid Au(lessis, s&onsored b# the Gull "os&el =usiness 5en*s Gellowshi& and )t$ (eter*s >&isco&al 0hurch of Jac-sonville$ )he too- me to this to get me straightened out, and both she and 1 thought somebod# had rewritten the =ible because the first thing we saw &resented in the =ible was that wives should submit to their husbands$ 1n twent#6five #ears this thought never had entered her mind, nor did 1 -now it was scri&tural% 'he neDt &art of the teaching was eHuall# astounding because we heard much teaching about the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ s (resb#terians we -new that the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit ha&&ened on the Aa# of (entecost, but we thought it was a one6time deal li-e the crucifiDion of our !ord Jesus 0hrist was a one6time deal$ .e found out that the crucifiDion totall# finished and &erfected "od*s &erfect &lan of salvation, but the ba&tism in the /ol# 139

)&irit is recorded @,' JB)' ,@ '/> A F ,G (>@'>0,)' =B' G,B? AA1'1,@ ! '15>) 1@ '/> =,,8 ,G 0')$ fter (hili& &reached 0hrist in )amaria, the a&ostles laid hands on these )amarians who had received salvation and ba&tism in the water under (hili& the evangelist$ .h#+ )o that the# might receive the /ol# "host$ )imilarl#, (aul on the road to Aamascus saw the bright light and became an 3instant: 0hristian, but nanias had to ris- his ver# life to la# hands on (aul that he might be filled with the /ol# "host$ lso, at the house of 0ornelius, the &eo&le ?>0>19>A ) !9 '1,@ @A '/> = ('1)5 1@ '/> /,!F )(1?1', this time simultaneousl#, or in close succession$ .hen (hili& went down to the cit# of >&hesus and found certain disci&les, he said, 3/ave #e received the /ol# "host since #e believed+: (aul laid his hands u&on them, and the /,!F )(1?1' 0 5> B(,@ '/>5, @A '/>F )( 8> .1'/ ',@"B>) @A (?,(/>)1>A% .hen we found out that the same ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit was available for 0hristians toda#, we wanted it$ .e had tried running our lives our wa# and had made a total mess of ever#thing$ @ow, we determined to live our lives the wa# of Jesus$ '/1@") 0,B!A@*' => @F .,?)> @F. F$ .e gave our lives com&letel# to Jesus and as-ed him to give us what he had for us$ .e -nelt and &ra#ed, and because Jesus is the same #esterda# and toda# and forever, he ba&ti;ed us in the /ol# )&irit Cust li-e on the Aa# of (entecost$ =rothers in 0hrist 140

laid hands on us, and we received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit and s&o-e a new language$ .> .>?> '? @)G,?5>A 1@)' @'!F% .e had a )B(>?@ 'B? ! love &our out of us for all 0hristians and for ever#bod# else, which has been undiminished in three and a half #ears$ .e had a )B(>?@ 'B? ! Co#, so it was hard not to be singing and &raising the !ord all the time$ .e had a )B(>?@ 'B? ! faith, so that although our three -ids were still ta-ing drugs we didn*t worr# one more minute, for the scri&ture sa#s, 30ast all #our cares u&on him, for he cares for #ou$: .e were at this &oint able to do eDactl# that, and sure enough once #ou &ra# in faith, Jesus will answer #our &ra#ers$ .ithin three months all three -ids gave their lives to the !ord Jesus 0hrist, and all three received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit and s&o-e a new language$ )ince then our other three -ids have received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ /alleluCah% 'he da# following the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit, 1 was treating a doctor*s two6#ear6old child who was criticall# ill with s&inal meningitis$ 5# wife came down to the hos&ital to bring them some 0hristian literature to read$ 'hen she smiled u& at me$ )he said, 35a# 1 touch the bab#+: 1 said, 3"o ahead, but wash #our hands afterward, because it*s contagious$: )he laid hands on the bab# and &ra#ed, although we hadn*t read enough of the =ible #et to -now that we were su&&osed to do this$ .1'/1@ @ /,B? '/> = =F . ) ,B' ,G A @">? @A


)B?919>A .1'/ ,B' @F 0,5(!10 '1,@)$ ,ur life has been filled with miracles$ .e*ve not had one minute of unha&&iness since that time$ .e*ve found that when we share Jesus a ver# few words freHuentl# will lead someone to acce&t Jesus as his or her )avior and get born again, because 1'*) @,' ,B? .,?A) @F 5,?> =B' '/> (,.>? ,G '/> /,!F )(1?1'$ .e also find that a ver# few words will occasionall# offend &eo&le$ 1f the# ha&&en to be m# &atients, the#*ll change doctors$ /ere again, it*s not m# words but the &ower of the /ol# )&irit, who shall convict the world of sin$ 'he miracles have continued to flood2 cancer being healed, deaf ears o&ened, 5eniere*s s#ndrome healed$ ,ne of the eDciting ones was when a law#er came to our house who had not been a believer for thirt# #ears$ .e as-ed him if we could &ra# for him at &ra#er meeting$ /e said, 31t wouldn*t do an# good, because 1 haven*t believed an#thing #ou*ve said all night$ 1 don*t believe in Jesus, and 1 haven*t &ra#ed in thirt# #ears$: 1 said to him, 30harlie, #ou need to see a miracle$: 1 as-ed if an#bod# in the room had bac- trouble caused b# one leg being shorter than the other, because the visible miracle of a short leg growing out before &eo&le*s ver# e#es convinces man# that Jesus is eDactl# who he said he was, and that he is alive toda# and doing well$ 1t*s beautiful when cancer or leu-emia or hemorrhoids get healed, but 142

nobod# can see these miracles% .hen a cri&&led limb straightens or a short leg grows out, this is what !arr# /ammond calls the 3Aoubting 'homas: miracle$ @o 0hristian in the room had this$ Ginall# 0harlie said, 3Aoctor, 1 do$: 1 thought of Jesus and his miracle6wor-ing ministr# when he said, 3=e it unto #ou according to #our faith$: 'hen, the /ol# )&irit Huic-ened 5ar-*s gos&el where Jesus said, 3'hese signs shall follow them that believe$ 'he# shall s&ea- with new tongues$ the# shall la# hands on the sic- and the# shall recover$: 1 said, 3!ord, 1*m a believer, and 0harlie needs a sign, because the sign is for the unbeliever$: )o 1 laid hands on 0harlie in the name of Jesus and &ra#ed for our !ord to show him a sign$ /is cri&&led leg grew out two or three inches in front of ever#bod#*s e#es, and 0harlie*s bac- was healed, his -nees were healed, he could touch his toes, and he could -neel down for the first time in twent# #ears$ s he started to leave the &ra#er meeting an hour later with this same da;ed eD&ression on his face, 1 said, 30harlie, will #ou acce&t Jesus now+: /e said, 3.e*ll wait and see if 1*m still healed in the morning$: ,n the wa# home he sto&&ed at the bar, and his testimon# at the bar led another #oung man to acce&t Jesus% 'he neDt morning he had to bu# new shoes, because the shoe with the built6u& sole wouldn*t fit an#more$ /e went bac- to 5eDico where he was living in retirement and started &reaching Jesus$ 'he !ord too- awa# his cigarettes
$ $


and alcohol and straightened out the rest of his life$ (aul said in the second cha&ter of Girst 0orinthians that he did not come with enticing words of man*s wisdom but in the demonstration of the &ower of the /ol# )&irit$ /alleluCah% ,ne night as we stood in our home &ra#er meeting, the /ol# )&irit s&o-e in m# wife*s ears with an audible voice for the first time and said, 3Fou need to forgive the drug &usher% 3 certain drug &usher had gotten our -ids started on drugs at an earl# age$ .e hadn*t thought of this man in months% /e was the onl# &erson who had been forbidden to ever come to our house$ 5# wife, with a flood of tears and the &ower of "od u&on her, managed to forgive this drug &usher in o&en famil# &ra#er$ 'hen m# seventeen6#ear6old son said, 3'han- #ou, Jesus$ ll da# 1*ve been &ra#ing and fasting for 5other to forgive the &usher,: because he had been witnessing to him about Jesus$ 'he neDt wee- at our famil# &ra#er meeting, the drug &usher came and we welcomed him with obvious love, which is the fruit of the /ol# )&irit$ .e loved him and &reached Jesus to him$ =efore the night was over he acce&ted Jesus as his )avior$ 'hen he as-ed if he could receive the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ .e &ra#ed with him and laid hands on him, and the &ower of "od fell on this man and he s&o-e a new language and was transformed$ /ow li-e our !ord Jesus% '/> G1?)' (>?),@ ', ?>0>19> ) !9 '1,@ @A ', ?>0>19> '/> (?>01,B) /,!F )(1?1' / A =>>@ '/> ,@!F /B5 @ =>1@" >9>? G,?=1AA>@ ', 0,5> ', ,B? /,5>$ 144

'he neDt da# this man was at the high school, =ible in his hand, fasting and &ra#ing and &reaching Jesus$ /alleluCah%


I have found one pe!uliarity in having the baptism with the Holy Spirit) "hen I formerly was drun* with al!ohol, those who didnt drin* loo*ed down on me. -ow that Im drun* on the new wine Ive dis!overed that those who dont imbibe at the fountain of living water dont appre!iate me either. Hallelu@ah)

3 nd be not drun- with wine, wherein is eDcess< but be filled with the )&irit< )&ea-ing to #ourselves in &salms and h#mns and s&iritual songs, singing and ma-ing melod# in #our heart to the !ord$: >&hesians 5218619 8J9 =ob 5ur&h# is someone who switched from one fountain to the other and who found life in Jesus 0hrist% /e attended )outhwestern Bniversit# in "eorgetown, 'eDas, then fell into the bottle and s&ent man# #ears as an alcoholic while &la#ing, singing and tal-ing at &laces li-e the ?andol&h )Huare 'heatre =ar in 0hicago, 'he "olden /orseshoe in !eDington, 8entuc-#, 'he /ouse of )teele in !a-e =luff, 1llinois, and man# others$ 'oda# he is the o&erator of )erenit# Garm in /ouston, 'eDas, a haven for alcoholics where he shares ver# sim&l# what Jesus has done in his life$ 'oda# he still &la#s the organ with the same ;eal he formerl# did, but now he &la#s &salms and h#mns and s&iritual songs% /alleluCah% /e is author of the boo- 0/?1)'1 @1'F ?B=) /,!>) 1@ 5F ?>!1"1,@, &ublished b# /unter 5inistries (ublishing 0om&an#$ 146

1n order to understand some of the eD&eriences of m# later life #ou must -now something of m# earl# life$ 1 was born into a famil# of sincere fundamentalists and a religion which &ut great em&hasis on negatives$ 1n order to be 3saved: one went down front at a &ublic meeting, and with great emotion re&ented of his sins and acce&ted Jesus 0hrist as his )avior$ ,ne then began an im&ossible &rogram of do6it6#ourself &erfection b# giving u& various habits and activities which were considered b# the fundamentalists to be sinful$ "reat em&hasis was &laced u&on eDterior tra&&ings, how we loo-ed, what we wore, where we went, and what we said or did not sa#$ ll this was &resented as the 3truth: which 0hrist said would set us free$ 1 tried des&eratel# to become a &art of this religion but 1 did not find it truth for me$ 1 certainl# found no freedom$ )o 1 decided at an earl# age that 0hristianit# was a ho&eless chore and a definite bore, and there was no wa# 1 could ma-e it% 1 0,B!A @,' A, '/> 15(,))1=!> G,? 5F)>!G$ nd it was man# #ears before 1 read for m#self Jesus* statement, 3.ith men this is im&ossible but with "od all things are &ossible$: 1t is /1) &erfecting, not m# own, which ma-es the great difference$ 1f 1 was eDcluded from "od*s famil# b# m# inabilit# to fit into the fundamentalists* idea of "od, then 1 decided 1 would have a fling at all that was worldl# and forbidden$ 1 would find a &lace where 1 could 3fit in$: nd that is eDactl# what 1 did% 1 fit in$ 1 found eDcitement and &leasure in a world of entertainment$ s a musician and &rofessional 14I

entertainer one can go to a &art# ever# night where he is the guest of honor and have a ver# wild time in the &rocess$ 1 found alcohol gave the 3high: 1 had never found elsewhere and all the sh#ness was suddenl# re&laced b# a new -ind of bottled boldness 1 had never -nown before$ 'his was a 3freedom: 1 had heard about but never found$ 0ertainl# 1 was aware of the fact that one had to drin- this boldness and freedom, but it didn*t seem to matter at the time$ 'his wa# of life continued for man# #ears$ 1t got faster and wilder, and 1 couldn*t get off the merr#6go6round because 1 did not -now how to get off$ )ince the onl# real freedom and &eace is s&iritual and is free, it is obvious that an# other freedom and &eace is artificial and is not free< it has a &rice$ 1n m# case the &rice was a fast develo&ment of a drin-ing &roblem which &rogressed right into the middle stages of alcoholism% 1f #ou -now about alcoholism #ou will -now without m# telling it, and if #ou do not -now, #ou cannot &ossibl# understand this horrible addictive illness$ sic-ness of bod#, mind, and soul$ 1 had a definite drin-ing &roblem at age 23 which continued until 1 was 39% .hen 1 had enough and wanted hel&, 1 located a fellowshi& of men and women who share their strength, ho&e, and eD&erience toward a s&iritual recover# from alcoholism$ 'he# told me 1 must be willing to go to an# lengths to be free of a drin-ing &roblem$ nd 1 was willing$ 'he# also had a magic &hrase which followed the word of 3"od: in their


writing and s&ea-ing$ 1t said, 3 ) F,B B@A>?)' @A /15$: @obod# in m# life had ever given me the right to m# own conce&t or relationshi& with "od$ lwa#s it had been someone else*s conce&t of an angr# "od, anDious to &unish, strict be#ond measure, and with more rules than #ou could read in a lifetime$ Grom m# own eD&erience 1 have alwa#s been careful to offer others this same &ersonal and individual beginning contact with "od$ 3 s #ou understand him: is the onl# contact which will wor- for #ou$ 5# conce&t ma# be of no value to #ou at all$ .ith m# new "od of !,9>, 1 began a &rocess of s&iritual growth, willing to go to an# lengths to find &eace and freedom$ 0ertainl# 1 &ut down the bottle and 3gave u&: alcohol$ 'his was no big deal because it was -illing me$ =ut the onl# other 3giving u&: 1 had to do was of m#self$ total and com&lete giving u& of m#self to the care of "od, ) 1 B@A>?)',,A /15$ Grom this total giving u&, came a new s&iritual eD&erience and a Co# and freedom which cannot be reduced to words$ ,nl# those of us who have been down the road of com&lete des&eration and total loss can trul# a&&reciate the restoration of our !ord and the real re6creation of ever# &art of our &erson$ 'his was G?>>A,5 1@ 0/?1)'$ nd 1 never gave u& a thing$ 1t was all ta-en awa# as 1 -e&t see-ing the realit# of 0hrist in m# life$ 1t was no do6it6 #ourself &erfection, because 1 am still the world*s worst self6 &erfectionist$ nd 1 than- "od dail# for what 1 am, remembering too well what 1 once was%


t the end of about two #ears after m# conversion and recover# eD&erience 1 went to a town in western 'eDas to visit$ 1 s&ent some time with an old and close friend with whom 1 shared drin-s in #ears &ast$ /e never develo&ed a drin-ing &roblem, even though we had tossed off more than a few in our time$ /ere 1 was ver# eDcited in sharing with him m# freedom from alcoholism and m# new relationshi& with "od$ nd here he was Cust as eDcited in sharing his eD&erience with the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and &ra#ing in tongues% 'his man was tal-ing Cust li-e a card6carr#ing* 3/ol# ?oller% nd 1 -new he was a member of a traditional church, a college graduate, member of the 0ountr# 0lub, and one of the older families in town$ 'his was no -oo- or crac-&ot$ 0ertainl# no emotionalist, because 1 -new him well and his &ersonalit# was Huiet and sh#$ /e related his eD&eriences in a matter6of6fact wa# that made his eD&erience seem the most natural and normal s&iritual growth &attern 1 ever heard$ 1n short, he turned me on to this eD&erience as a realit# where (entecostals had turned me off for fort# #ears% /e loaned me a co&# of John )herrill*s boo'/>F )(> 8 .1'/ ,'/>? ',@"B>), which 1 later loaned to someone else< and last 1 heard it was in )wit;erland still ma-ing the rounds, with results onl# "od -nows about$ s 1 read this boo- 1 got the same im&ression, that the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit is a natural and normal ste& in the 0hristian eD&erience$ 1 became more fascinated and more anDious to see- this eD&erience as 1 read the @ew 'estament again$


1 -new no &erson in m# own cit# who had had such an eD&erience, so 1 went bac- out to the town in .est 'eDas to as- more about m# friend*s eD&erience$ 1 -new the &astor of a local (entecostal church, and 1 thought the# had the local franchise, so 1 attended a )unda# service and went down front to see- whatever the# had$ @othing ha&&ened% 1 thin- this was our !ord*s wa# of telling me his )&irit is not franchised b# an# one grou&$ 'he neDt da# we went to the home of a retired 5ethodist minister whose wife had an unusual abilit# to &resent this eD&erience in the sim&lest and most direct terms$ nd it was there that 1 received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit with &ra#ing in tongues$ 5e a 3/ol# ?oller+: @o dear, me an >&isco&alian with a &rivate and &ersonal eD&erience which lea&s over barriers and has nothing at all to do with the church 1 was led to Coin$ (ra#er in the )&irit is not an arrival &oint in 0hristian eD&erience so much as a tool for travel$ Gor me, it is not a badge to be worn as indicating some advanced state of grace$ 1 still have a long wa# to go, and 1 am the first to admit it$ Gor me, it has never been a &erformance one trots out to im&ress or entertain believers or non6believers, li-e &la#ing the violin$ Gor me, this m#ster# eD&erience is the strength to go another mile when 1 could not have gone otherwise$ 1t has often been guidance when 1 had none$ 1t is &eace when m# &eace has been shattered b# the &roblems of the da#$ 1t is the abilit# through &ra#er to do things 1 could not and would not do otherwise$ 1t is de&th and dimension in 0hristianit# 151

which 1 definitel# need for the wor- 1 do and the &roblems 1 face$ 1 do not &retend to understand what ha&&ens in the m#ster# of the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 'his does not &revent m# use of the eD&erience$ 1 do not &retend to understand electricit#$ =ut this does not &revent m# turning on m# lam& for the light 1 need% Gor see-ers 1 feel the most im&ortant factor is a com&lete submission to "od as #ou understand him, not necessaril# the see-ing of an eD&erience itself$ 1f we see- the !ord in all the realit# we can, then he will lead us into those eD&eriences which give us that realit#$ 1 had few hang6u&s about the eD&erience$ =ecause 1 had eD&erienced such des&air before our !ord changed m# life, 1 had few reservations and was Huite willing for "od to ma-e as man# changes as he saw fit$ Gor those who have hang6u&s, let me clear the air on a few2 the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit will not ma-e #ou some -ind of far6out frea-% (eo&le will not be able to &oint #ou out on the street or in #our church and sa#, 3!oo- at the funn# hol# roller%* 30ertainl# the# will note a new de&th in #our 0hristian eD&erience, but the# will not be able to define it unless the# have had a similar eD&erience$ 1t is a strange thing, but most &eo&le who have had this eD&erience can and do recogni;e others who have had it, without a s&o-en word$ 1 cannot eD&lain this 3inner witness$: 1t needs no eD&lanation$ 'he eD&erience with the /ol# )&irit does not mean #ou or 1 will leave our church to Coin another$ 1 am a member of a traditional church and eD&ect to 152

remain so$ 5# church sa#s, 3.ithin this broad framewor- #ou ma# have #our own s&iritual eD&eriences,: and that is eDactl# what 1 am doing$ =ecause the eD&erience ma-es #ou a better 0hristian, #ou will be a better 5ethodist, or 0atholic, or >&isco&alian$ 1 did not, or do not run all over town &assing out literature on the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ !i-e &eace, deliverance, healing, or an# of the other eD&eriences in m# life, 1 witness when 1 have definite leading to do so, and 1 remain silent when 1 do not have leading to witness$ 'his eD&erience has not been &erfection in m# life, but rather the &ower of &ra#er to see- our !ord*s &erfecting grace and growth$ 1 have once had to deal with the self6 righteousness and a lac- of love in m# life G'>? the eD&erience with the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ nd 1 once had the idea that this eD&erience was a &erfection itself and nothing would be needed be#ond it$ gain, it is a means of travel and not an arrival &oint$ =ecause 1 became willing to go to an# lengths to find s&iritual &eace, 1 found new eD&eriences with our !ord which were be#ond m# wildest eD&ectations$ 1 am an unusual &erson with unusual &roblems$ 'he wor- 1 do with alcoholics is difficult and tiring$ 1 could not &ossibl# face the &roblems and unusual facets of m# life now without the added boost of m# &rivate &ra#er life with the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ 1 cannot 3sell: an#bod# the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ =ut for those who seegrowth in the 0hristian adventure, it seems the neDt natural and normal ste& for the see-er$ 153

1 have found one &eculiarit# in having the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit% .hen 1 formerl# was drun- with alcohol, those who didn*t drin- loo-ed down at me$ @ow that 1*m drun- on the 3new wine: 1*ve discovered that those who don*t imbibe at the fountain of living water don*t a&&reciate me either% /alleluCah%



(astor, "race 0ha&el, /ouston, 'eDas
"hen my wife .my re!eived, I was rather s*epti!al. I began to observe her life very !losely, very !riti!ally. 1or e4ample, whenever she burned the ri!e or failed to dust a little !orner of a boo*!ase I would say, So you are bapti+ed in the Holy Spirit, are youB. .. I 1.I0#( T% $#.0IC# TH.T TH#5 H.( S% 7,&H 0%2# #&.,S# TH#5 S/%'# I- T%-3,#S.

Hong =orn in )t$ !ouis, 5issouri of 0hinese origin$ =oth &arents were born in 0hina, but s&ent most of their lives in B) $ /ong attended school in the B$)$ eDce&t for one #ear in 0hina in a =a&tist high school$ ttended the Bniversit# of 1llinois, maCored in 0hemistr#$ "raduated summa cum laude$ 5ember of (hi =eta 8a&&a$ ?eceived =A and )'5 45aster of )acred 'heolog#7 at Gaith 'heological )eminar#, .ilmington, Aelaware in 1950$ ?eceived 'h$A$ at @orthern =a&tist )eminar#, 0hicago, 1llinois$ )erved in B$)$ rm# during .orld .ar 11 as a 0a&tain in the )ignal 0or&s, in charge of inter&reting and translating at "eneral 5arshall*s headHuarters in (ei&ing, 0hina$ (resident of 0hinese Goreign 5issionar# Bnion, which is the first missionar# effort b# 0hinese 0hristians in modern times$ Ar$ )it has &astored =a&tist and inde&endent churches and founded and &astored "race 0ha&el, 155

/ouston, 'eDas, where he is &astoring at the time of this writing$ Amy m# was born in Goo 0how, 0hina, the countr# which &roduced .atchman @ee, John )ung and !eland .ang 4her father7$ .hen she was little, 3Bncle: .atchman used to come around their house freHuentl#$ /er father, !eland .ang was often called 3the 5ood# of 0hina$: )he came to the Bnited )tates to stud# to be a concert &ianist, under a scholarshi& at 0urtis 1nstitute of 5usic 4&art of 0urtis (ublishing 0om&an#7$ 'his school s&eciali;ed in &roducing concert artists$ "raduate of .heaton 0ollege of 1llinois$ )he has been active in teaching women*s seminars$ )he has written man# singing scri&tures and a number of songs$ /as &ublished four songboo-s$ /ong and m# have four children$ .e love to hear them tal- as the 0hinese accent flavors their language$ Fou can almost hear the foreign tones in their writing as #ou read inside their hearts about their search for and discover# of (,.>?% Amy bout twent# #ears ago 1 received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit< and 1 . ) = ('1)' 51@1)'>?*) .1G>$ 1 -new that 1 was dr#ing u& s&irituall#, and 1 wasn*t satisfied with m# s&iritual life$ 1 -new that one needs to be filled with the /ol# 156

)&irit, so for about seven #ears before that 1 was reading ever# boo- 1 could get hold of about the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ .ell, ever# boo- tells #ou, #ou need to be filled, and 1 was all convinced of it< but '/>F @>9>? '>!! F,B /,. ,? ./ ' / ((>@) ./>@ F,B ?> G1!!>A$ )o 1*d tr# to tell m#self that now 1 was filled$ 'hen, something lea-ed awa#$ 'hen it was the same old stor# again$ ,ne night there was a #oung teen6age girl who came to me with a real &roblem$ )he was onl# fifteen #ears old, and she was tal-ing about committing suicide$ 1 thought, 31 haven*t got a word for her$: .hat 1 needed was the /ol# )&irit for &ower and wisdom to -now how to tal- to her$ 'hat reall# brought u& the urgenc# of it$ 1 couldn*t fill m#self$ 1 -new whether 1 was filled or not, and 1 8@>. 1 . )@*' filled with the /ol# )&irit$ 'hen the !ord gave me a &romise, 3)ee- and #e shall find$ s- and it shall be given #ou$ 8noc- and it shall be o&ened unto #ou$: 1 didn*t -now ver# much about the /ol# )&irit at all, how #ou receive the fullness, but 1 Cust hung on to that &romise$ 1 said 1*m going to -ee& on see-ing until 1 find it$ 'hat night after church we were all sitting around the -itchen table$ .e had a visiting minister, /enr# and his wife 0orrie$ /e was m# husband*s seminar# schoolmate in a (resb#terian seminar#$ 5# husband would alwa#s sa# that /enr# was a fine &erson and a smart student$ 'he onl# trouble with him is that he s&ea-s in tongues$ ,nce he Cust came out of the clear blue s-# to visit us with all of his children, five or siD or 15I

something li-e that$ /e came to the door and said, 3/ere we are$: .e were Cust com&letel# sur&rised$ )o we as-ed him to s&ea- at the church$ 1t was a =a&tist church$ )omething inside of me Cust said, 3/enr# has something that we don*t have$: 1 got more and more hungr#$ 1 said that night while we were sitting around the -itchen table, 31f /enr# and 0orrie would la# hands on me 1 believe 1 would receive the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit,: although 1 reall# didn*t -now what it was all about$ 1 told him that 1 felt so dr# and 1 felt that 1 reall# needed to have this eD&erience$ =ut nobod# did an#thing that night$ .e all got down on our -nees and &ra#ed, and 0orrie and /enr# said that the# felt that the !ord would fill me in a few da#s or in the ver# near future$ ll 1 wanted to -now about the neDt da# was the filling of the /ol# )&irit$ 'hat*s all 1 wanted to talabout< and 1 was cr#ing and cr#ing, as if the !ord was em&t#ing me out$ 'he neDt night, 1 said, 31*m going to go to that &ra#er room in the church, and 1*m not going to go to slee& tonight until "od fills me with the /ol# )&irit$: .e had four little children then, all babies$ 1 said, 31*m going to &ut them all to bed, and 1*m going to sta# u& all night if 1 have to$: 1 went to the &ra#er room and said, 3!ord, if #ou want somebod# to &ra# with me, let them come$ ,therwise, 1 don*t want to call &eo&le to come to the &ra#er room$: 1 went there and lo and behold ever#one 4/enr# and 0orrie and m# husband7 all came to the &ra#er room$ 1 didn*t even tell them 1 was going to be there$ 'he# started coming in, and so we &ra#ed$ 1t 158

was about midnight when the /ol# )&irit came u&on me$ 1nstead of s&ea-ing in tongues right off the bat, 1 was &ro&hes#ing$ 'he !ord said, 3Aon*t be afraid$ Fou will bear fruit$: 'hree times it Cust burst out of me, and 1 had never heard of &eo&le &ro&hes#ing or an#thing li-e that$ 1 was satisfied$ 1 felt that the /ol# )&irit had filled me, although 1 didn*t s&ea- in tongues that night$ fter a little while we went to a revival center some6where$ 'he !ord Cust led us there$ 'hat night, the minute 1 wal-ed into the church, 1 started to cr# again$ 'he minister said, 3"od is going to give #ou the desire of #our heart$: /e didn*t -now me or an#thing about me$ 1 went in there and it was a strange eD&erience, because before the sermon there were several &ro&hecies$ 1 couldn*t even -ee& m# e#es o&en the whole time$ 1 Cust had m# e#es shut, and 1 wasn*t loo-ing at an#bod#$ Aifferent &ro&hec# was directed to me$ 1 -new it was coming$ 1t felt li-e an arrow fl#ing all the wa# to where 1 was$ 'he !ord gave me different &ro&hecies$ 1 told him, 3'his is a real &rivilege, and 1 can never love #ou enough$: 1 made a real commitment to him that night% .hen the sermon started, it seemed as if he said, 3@ow #ou go u& to the &ra#er room$: 'he lad# who came with me too- me u& to the &ra#er room where it was all dar-$ 'here was a man on the floor$ /e heard us, and he was going to get u&$ 1t was as if the )&irit wouldn*t let him get u&$ )o he &ut a hand-erchief over his face$ @obod# saw who he was and he Cust continued on$ /e was &ra#ing in tongues the whole time$ 'his lad# and 1 got on our -nees$ 159

'hat night when we had arrived somebod# as-ed me if 1 s&o-e in tongues$ 1 thought, 3.ell, the !ord will show me what to do in his own wa#, because 1 don*t want an#thing strange or an#thing li-e that$: ctuall#, nobod# in our church had had this eD&erience at all$ .e were the first ones$ 'his man was going on so fast it sounded li-e a machine gun$ 1 said, 3!ord, if #ou want me to s&eain tongues, #ou*ve got to slow him down, because 1 don*t even -now how to go about it$: )o the man started slowing down$ 1 was Cust &ra#ing silentl#< he couldn*t hear me$ /e Cust slowed down$ 1 said, 3!ord, m# husband alwa#s sa#s to checit out as to whether the# s&ea- the blood of Jesus or not, to ma-e sure this is not the devil$: 'he man started sa#ing, 3the blood of Jesus$: 1 didn*t tell him an#thing$ 1 was Cust &ra#ing in m# heart to the !ord$ /e said, 3the blood of Jesus$: /e said, 3!ai6 nee6doe: in 0hinese, which means, 30ome here$ 0ome here$: 'hat sort of settled m# heart$ 1 thought, 3.ell, the !ord sa#s to come here, and this is the blood of Jesus$: )o it couldn*t be the devil$ 'hen, in the middle of his &ra#er, it was as though he reall# &ra#ed about a burden on his heart$ 1n the middle of it he started to laugh and laugh$ 1 had never heard an#bod# laughing li-e that$ /e was laughing in the )&irit$ /e laughed for about twent# minutes straight, and 1 thought, 31 don*t see an#thing funn#, but that man sure can laugh, right from the bottom of his soul$: 1n the middle of that 1 caught it$ 1 was laughing, too$ 'hen 1 started singing, 3/alleluCah$: 1 160

thought, 3'he# can hear me two bloc-s awa#% 31t was a su&ernatural voice$ 1t was so strong and wa# u& there, not li-e me at all$ 1n the middle of singing 3/alleluCah%% 3m# tongue started going real fast$ 1 didn*t even hear m#self$ ll 1 -new was that m# tongue was going fast, and later on 1 as-ed the lad# neDt to me, 3Aid 1 s&ea- in tongues+: )he said, 3Fou sure did% 31 was com&letel# unaware of it$ 'hat*s howl got that eD&erience$ fter that 1 went home$ 5# husband wasn*t with me that time$ ,ur church organist, who was in her siDties, sta#ed with me one time when m# husband was on a tri&, Cust to -ee& me com&an#$ Gor that ten da#s she was telling me how this minister would get the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit and that minister received and that minister*s wife received$ 1 Cust followed her li-e a &u&&# dog from room to room as-ing her, 35rs$ >vans, did #ou ever s&ea- in tongues+: )he said, 3Fes$: 1 thought, 3)he*s such a nice lad#$ 1f she s&ea-s in tongues, it must be all right$: )he was the one who had introduced me to this revival center, #ou see$ 'hat night when we came bac- home 1 wasn*t going to sa# an#thing$ 5# husband said, 3Fou looli-e a cat that swallowed a canar#$: /e said, 3@ow, Cust tell me #es or no, did #ou s&ea- in tongues+ 'hat*s all 1 want to -now$: 1 Cust didn*t want to get u& and sa#, 3Fes, 1 s&o-e in tongues$: 1 didn*t want him to ever thin- that 1 was better off than he was% 1 told him that some will get it easier, but that the ones who ta-e longer are more stable and the# last longer$ )o it*s not who is better and who is not%


n#wa# 1 didn*t want to Cust tell him$ )o 1 got down on m# -nees with fear and trembling and 1 told him the whole eD&erience$ ,ne of the &ro&hecies was that 1 would la# down m# life for the !ord, and that was the &art he didn*t li-e$ =ut 1 was ha&&#% 1 was thrilled to thin- that the !ord would allow me the &rivilege to la# down m# life for him$ 1 felt so &rivileged$ fter that we didn*t sa# much about it, but 1 felt such a difference$ 'he =ible would o&en u& li-e a new boo- to me$ 1 never did go to a seminar#, but m# husband went to a cou&le of seminaries and got a doctor*s degree and all that$ 1 began to sa#, 3/one#, loo- at this$: /e would thin-, 3/ow did she -now about that+ )he never did go to seminar#$: 1t reall# &rovo-ed him, #ou -now$ )o, 1*ll let him tell how he got the ba&tism$ 1t reall# made a difference in m# life$ Hong .hen m# wife m# received, 1 was rather s-e&tical$ 1 remember that night in the &ra#er room 1 started thin-ing to m#self, 31 couldn*t trust a single &erson in this room$ 'he# are all carr#ing on so, &ra#ing all at once for one thing$ .e =a&tists don*t do that% 3!ater 1 said to her, 31 couldn*t trust an#one in there but #ou, and now 1 wonder about #ou% 1 thought she was getting too nervous, and after she had these wonderful eD&eriences in the /ol# )&irit 1 began to observe her life ver# closel#, ver# criticall#, because there were so man# misunderstandings on m# &art$ 1 su&&ose man#


&eo&le have this t#&e of a wrong notion$ Gor eDam&le, whenever she burned the rice or failed to dust a little corner of a boo-case 1 would sa#, 3)o #ou are ba&ti;ed in the /ol# )&irit, are #ou+: 1 thought that meant &erfection, but of course no one is &erfect in this life$ 1 imagine it made things hard for her$ )till 1 -new that she had something more than she had before$ 1 began to &ra#, and 1 said, 3!ord, if this is real 1 want it$: 1 would argue with her$ 1 told her, 3!oo-, 1 have read this thing in the "ree-, in the original language of the @ew 'estament$: Fou*re Cust reading it in 0hinese language$ )he would sa#, 3 ll right, but #ou don*t have the same results the# had$: 1 said, 3=ut, 1 don*t need this$ 1 don*t need the tongues$ 1*ve been filled alread#< besides, tongues is the least one of the gifts$ 1t is listed the last one of the nine$: )he said, 3?emember the old 0hinese sa#ing, EFou go from shallow water to dee&$* 1f #ou don*t -now the least how can #ou -now an# more+: .ell, that*s true, but 1 consoled m#self with the thought that 1 didn*t need tongues$ 1 had graduated from tongues to love$ Fou -now, we can fool ourselves, 1 imagine, to thin- that we have a lot more love than we reall# have< but one of the most outstanding demonstrations to me of love came to me when 1 visited a little assembl# in .aco$ .e were &erfect strangers there, but the first time we got there, the old gentleman, =rother >wing, who was the &astor, embraced me and -issed me on the chee-, and welcomed me li-e a long lost brother$ 1 '/,B"/' /> 51)',,8 5> G,? ),5>,@> >!)>$ =ut he reall# meant it$ 'he# were so full of love there, and when the# finall# told 163

us that the# also s&o-e in tongues in this @ew 'estament 0hurch, 1 thought, 31t couldn*t be too bad, because the# have so much love$: 1 G 1!>A ', ?> !1T> '/ ' '/>F / A ), 5B0/ !,9> =>0 B)> '/>F )(,8> 1@ ',@"B>)$ s a )outhern =a&tist minister 1 was caught u& in the regular routine$ .e had three services on a )unda#, a meeting ever# da# of the wee-$ 5onda# was a deacons* meeting, 'uesda# was the men*s brotherhood, .ednesda# was mid6wee- service, 'hursda# was .$5$B$, Grida# was #outh council, and )aturda# was to get read# for )unda#$ 1 was so bus# 1 had no time to wait on the !ord$ 'hose &eo&le could ta-e time to receive "od, but "od had to -noc- me out with an a&&endectom#$ 1t was an acute attac- of a&&endicitis$ bout the middle of the da#, after suffering all morning, 1 as-ed m# wife to go call in her )&irit6filled friends who believed in healing$ 1 said, 3!et*s see what the# can do$: 'he first one she called was a man who is now a missionar# in rgentina$ t that time he was one of m# chief hel&ers in the =a&tist 0hurch$ /e was a =a&tist, so 1 trusted him< but he had also had this eD&erience of the ba&tism in the )&irit$ /e came, and he &ra#ed li-e a house on fire$ /e told me that la#ing hands on me was li-e la#ing hands on a bloc- of wood$ 'here was no corres&onding res&onse on m# &art, because 1 was -ind of daring him$ 1 said, 3,-a#, let*s see what #ou can do$ !et*s see if it*s real$: 'hat evening the# rushed me to the hos&ital, and the &h#sicians o&erated without a&olog#$ 1 wondered, 31f this thing were real, wh# didn*t "od 164

heal me$: !ater 1 reali;ed it was the onl# wa# "od had of ta-ing me out of m# routine so that 1 could ta-e time to wait on him$ Fou -now, 1 feel that "od will alwa#s answer &ra#er for healing unless there is a higher &ur&ose to be served b# the dela#, to his glor#$ 1n this case 1 was given an eDtensive leave b# the church$ 1 too- advantage of it b# going to this church in .aco and for three da#s did nothing but Cust wait on the !ord and &ra#$ 1 went forward at ever# service, and the# had about two services a da#$ 1 &ra#ed$ 'he third da# 1 got des&erate and decided, 31 must receive or give it u&$: )o 1 fasted and &ra#ed$ #oung brother sta#ed right with me all da# long$ 1t was his father who greeted me earlier$ /e was so ha&&#, &ra#ing in tongues, singing in the )&irit$ 1 envied him$ 1 was so dried u&$ 1 tried to &ra# neDt to him$ 'hough 1 had confessed man# times, 31 have been filled$ 1 don*t need the tongues,: the &romise of John I238639 would s&ea- to me, /e who believed in me as the scri&tures said, from his innermost being shall flow rivers of !iving .ater$ '/ ' 1 A1A@*' / 9>$ 'he third da# "od graciousl# filled me% 1t*s been a whole new dimension of living and of serving the !ord ever since$ 5# father6in6law, Aoctor !eland .ang, who has served the !ord for over fift# #ears and was Huite well -nown in the fundamentalist circles, heard about our eD&eriences and wrote to us s#m&atheticall#$ 3Fou have gone from a mountain to a molehill$ @ow all the doors will be closed to #ou,: he said$ 4)ince that time


Jesus ba&ti;ed him with the /ol# )&irit, and he*s been on a mountain6to& ever since%7 .e wanted to obe# "od, regardless of the results$ =ut 1 must confess and &raise "od for this, that b# his grace it has not been a molehill eD&erience$ /e has o&ened more doors than ever before, and we have seen more results in a shorter time than we had when we tried to serve "od, however sincerel#, without the ba&tism eD&erience$ Gor eDam&le, he has given us much greater faith than we*ve ever had before$ 1 thin- of the case of (aul writing to the 'hessalonians$ 1n 1 'hessalonians 2213 48J97 he said that, 3Gor this cause also than- we "od without ceasing, because, when #e received the word of "od which he heard of us, #e received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of "od, which effectuall# wor-eth also in #ou that believe$: 'hat*s what "od enabled us to do$ .e began to believe "od that whatever we sa# will come to &ass$ .e, b# faith, started a new wor- in /ouston called "race 0ha&el, moved into a new house with hardl# an# mone# and Cust the &romise of (hili&&ians 4219, which we wrote down on the a&&lication for a "$l$ loan$ 'he realtor didn*t li-e it$ /e said, 3Fou*ll never get it that wa#$: 1 said, 3=ut we have no boss but the !ord$: 'he loan came through$ 'he !ord enabled us to move in$ 1t*s a long stor#, but we*ve seen this over and over$ /e su&&lied mone# for a missionar# tri&$ /e gives us faith for healing and to see miracles ta-e &lace$ Aidn*t the !ord sa#, 3Fe shall receive &ower when the /ol# "host comes u&on #ou$ 'hen, #e 166

shall be witnesses unto me% 3.e have had the Co# of seeing the !ord &our out his )&irit in the man# &laces he has sent us, /awaii, 'ahiti, Gar >ast, ustralia, @ew Tealand, as well as here in merica$ 1 &raise "od that the most wonderful blessings of the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit to me have been even be#ond this matter of greater faith and revival and &ower$ 1t is sim&l# this, that 1 feel 1 have been drawn much closer to the !ord because of the fullness of the )&irit$ Jesus said, 3/e shall glorif# me$: 'hat*s wh# he sent us the /ol# )&irit, to fill us, that we might -now Jesus in a greater glor#$ =efore this 1 thought that some &eo&le are Cust 3that wa#$: 'he# are blessed with an eDtrovert &ersonalit#$ 'hat*s wh# the# are so outgoing and so ha&&#$ =ut now 1 reali;e that "od can change #our &ersonalit#$ /e can fill ever# &erson with his /ol# )&irit, and he can fill ever#one with Co#, with Co# uns&ea-able and full of glor#< and the half has not been told$ men$



I didnt pi!* tongues, 3%( (I() Ill serve noti!e on all &hristians that if spea*ing in tongues is offensive to you, youd better !he!* who your 0ord is) The &hristians who dont stay drun* on the new wine are the &hristians who have problems.

3=ut if #our gift is that of being able to Es&ea- in tongues,* that is, to s&ea- in languages #ou haven*t learned, you %ill be talking to (od but not to others, since the# won*t be able to understand #ou$ Fou will be s&ea-ing b# the &ower of the )&irit but it will all be a secret$: 1 0or$ 1422 4'!=7 ,ne of the most eDciting families we have ever met is the Aoug Gowler famil#< Aoug, )ue and their five children, ages I to l5$ ll have received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and tal- in un-nown tongues o&enl# and freel# in their home$ .hen there is sHuabbling among the children, the /ol# )&irit wells u& in )ue and she loudl# begins to &ra# in the )&irit$ ll of the children come running li-e a bunch of chic-ens to a mother hen the minute the# hear her &ra#er language, because the# -now she is tal-ing to "od b# the &ower of the )&irit about their behavior$ 'he# all gather around her, raise their hands and &ra# in tongues, and '/> ?"B5>@' )',()% .hen the# come home from school, if their mother isn*t home, she leaves them a note instructing them of the various duties the# are to &erform such as washing out their lunch &ails, etc$, and at the bottom of the note it alwa#s sa#s 3@,. 168

!1G' F,B? / @A) @A (? 1)> ",A% 'heir entire house is decorated with signs 3J>)B),: 3!,9>: 3J,F,: 3(> 0>,: 3G 1'/,: and there are scri&tures in ever# imaginable &lace in the house$ 'he love of "od Cust runs all through their house and s&ills out the door% )ince the same /ol# )&irit dwells in all siD of them, the same &ower is available to all$ .e don*t find that ever#one who has received the ba&tism has the same ministr# or assignment from Jesus, but when "od wants to use an# believer who meets the full reHuirement of disci&leshi& 0hristianit#, he will give !! the &ower necessar# to &er$ form$ 'he Gowlers relate the night "od told them he had anointed their children to &ra# for the sic-$ s the four children lined u& across the front of the assembl#, the little ones standing on chairs, the &ower of "od fell on them$ )cores were healed as the# were slain in the )&irit, when the healing &ower flowed through their tin# hands%

Biographical Data 5A !ouisiana )tate Bniversit# 5edical )chool, @ew ,rleans, !a$ 1nterned at B$)$ @aval /os&ital, Jac-sonville, Gla$ )urgical training at 0onfederate 5emorial 5edical 0enter, )hreve&ort, !a$ 5ember )outheastern )urgical 0ongress< merican )ociet# of bdominal )urgeons< merican 'rauma )ociet#< Auval 0ount# 5edical )ociet#< Glorida 5edical


ssociation< merican 5edical ssociation< 5ember of 0andidate "rou& of the merican 0ollege of )urgeons$ B$)$ @av#, 3 #ears >lder in =eaches 0ha&el 1nternational Airector, G$"$=$5$G$1$ GreHuent s&ea-er and la# minister for 0hristian organi;ations, conventions, etc$ 1*m here as an heir to the grace of "od$ few #ears ago we were living our own life and doing our own thing$ .e thought we had things &rett# well made$ 'hen life began to close in around us$ ,ur stor# is a stor# of deliverance from the world$ "od didn*t deliver us from the world to ta-e us out of the world$ /e delivered us from the world to set us bacin it$ 'his is reall# our testimon#, and that*s what basicall# the !ord would have me to share with #ou$ 3Jesus, we magnif# #our name, the name that is above all names, the name that is eDalted in the heavenlies and on the earth and under the earth and the name to which ever# -nee shall bow$ Jesus, when #ou ministered on this earth, the words that #ou ministered were )&irit and the# were life$ Jesus, #ou said that we could as- and receive from #ou and the words that we would minister would be )&irit and would be life$ )o, Gather, in the name of Jesus of @a;areth, we as- #ou right now to su&ernaturall# anoint this sharing so that these words ma# be words of )&irit and words of life to the reader$ Fou said, Jesus, that the )&irit of the !ord was u&on #ou to set the ca&tives free, to loose the chains, to o&en 1I0

&rison doors$ Gather, we believe this is a time of the o&ening of the &risons$ .e believe this, !ord, and we receive it in the name of Jesus$ /alleluCah% (raise "od% 'here was a testimon# a few #ears ago b# a man who eD&erienced this in a revival6t#&e crusade in 8orea, and it s&o-e to me so strongl# about the su&ernatural &ower in Jesus in delivering from &rison$ /is ministr# was sim&l# sharing as he told about having been in a crusade in 8orea$ 1n the crusade, it loo-ed as though things weren*t &articularl# going an# s&ecial wa#< but he challenged them to find someone who was ho&eless and to bring them to the crusade$ 'he# brought a little girl u& to the &ra#er line who had been demon6 &ossessed and who was com&letel# out of control R a breathing, frothing, screaming maniac$ )he had never s&o-en naturall#$ )he had never had an# communication with her famil#, and she was for all intents and &ur&oses ho&eless with no wa# to receive the gos&el$ s he stood on the stage the# drug this little girl out and shoved her into his arms$ /e threw his arms around her and held her$ )he struggled and even bit him on the chest$ s he held her, she suddenl# became still and calm< he didn*t tal- to her or an#thing but Cust let her go$ s she stood there, the thought came to him, E1*ve never reall# tal-ed to her about Jesus$ 'here*s no wa# for her to -now and hear$: )he turned around, and he as-ed her, 3Foung lad#, have #ou ever seen Jesus+: 'he little girl loo-ed u& to him, and in &erfect understanding said to him, 3.h# #es, 1 was sitting in a &rison, and 1I1

Jesus wal-ed in and o&ened m# cell door$ /e said, E0ome out$ 1*ve set #ou free$* )ure 1 -now him% 3/e said that the )&irit of the !ord fell on that &lace$ 'he neDt thing he saw was a crutch sail across the stage in an arch$ 'hen some little man who had been in a wheelchair was running u& and down the stage$ 'he sovereign &ower of "od can move into a life, into a home and into a famil# and bring an understanding of the wa#s of "od so &eo&le can live above the circumstances of life$ 1f 1 had a scri&ture that is m# testimon#, it would be this scri&ture in 1saiah where "od as-ed a Huestion, 1saiah 2829$ 3.hom shall he teach -nowledge+ and whom shall he ma-e to understand doctrine+ them that are weaned from the mil-, and drawn from the breasts$ Gor &rece&t must be u&on &rece&t, &rece&t u&on &rece&t< line u&on line, line u&on line< here a little, and there a little2 Gor with stammering li&s and another tongue will he s&ea- to this &eo&le$ 'o whom he said, 'his is the rest wherewith #e ma# cause the wear# to rest< and this is the refreshing2 #et the# would not hear$ =ut the word of the !ord was unto them &rece&t u&on &rece&t, &rece&t u&on &rece&t< line u&on line, line u&on line< here a little, and there a little< that the# might go, and fall bac-ward, and be bro-en, and snared, and ta-en$: 'hat*s what "od did with us$ .e were living our own life and doing our own thing$ .e thought we had things &rett# well under control$ 1 remember as a teenager in a 5ethodist 0hurch in a revival, the )&irit of the !ord had moved on me, and 1 had gone to the altar and given m# life to Jesus$


1 never had an# Huestions or &roblems in terms of m# scientific education or an# other &roblems in the world concerning m# eternal relationshi& with "od$ 'hat was something that did not frustrate me$ 'he onl# &roblem with m# situation was that here 1 was with an eternal relationshi& with "od and no &ower here, no &ower in m# home, no &ower in m# life, no &ower to tell others about who could hel& them$ 5# wife, )ue, had been raised in a 5ethodist bac-ground, and through the circumstances that eDist in churchianit# these da#s, had never been born again$ 'he &ressures of the world began to move in on our home$ .e were in the @av# stationed in Jac-sonville, and we got involved in the circle loo-ing for &eace$ .hen #ou are loo-ing for &eace, if #ou don*t go to the (rince of (eace, #ou*ll li-el# go to a bottle$ 1f it*s not a big bottle, it ma# be a little bottle with &ills in it or some other substitute, loo-ing for &eace$ 1t was in the midst of these circumstances a few #ears ago that "od began to s&ea- to us$ @ow, it*s never the will of "od, if 1 understand it scri&turall#, for us to have to go down to the &it to the bottom of the &itKto get hel&$ 'he &roblem, of course, is that most of us won*t listen until we get down to the bottom$ 5ost of us have a lower nature which is a 3&it dweller,: and it ta-es these &it sto&s for us to hear the voice of "od$ )o, on our wa# down to the &it, "od began to tr# to hel& us out$ )ue*s mother, who was a 5ethodist over in r-ansas, began to send us little care &ac-ages of literature$ 'he# would include such things as testimonies about the ba&tism of the /ol# "host and 1I3

s&ea-ing in tongues and co&ies of 9oice 5aga;ine$ @aturall#, li-e good, intellectual &eo&le, we moc-ed these things and threw them in the garbage$ 'he onl# &roblem was when we got down to the bottom of the &it, we remembered the word of the !ord, and we called for hel&$ 1 called m# mother6in6law$ .e were in a situation where, had 1 not been a &h#sician, )ue would have been &ut in some mental hos&ital, because of the &roblem$ 1 -new who she needed for hel&$ 1 -new she needed the !ord, but 1 had no &ower to hel& her$ 1 naturall# had enough insight to -now that she needed hel&, but we didn*t -now what to do$ .hen we got down to the bottom, we called m# mother6 in6law to come over and hel& us$ Four friends might not li-e it that #ou s&ea- in tongues, but let one of them get sic- and #ou*re the first one the#*re going to call, because the# -now where the &ower is$ .e called her$ )he came over to our home$ )he loo-ed at her daughter and said, 3)ue, #ou need Jesus$ .hen #ou get des&erate enough, he*s going to be there to meet #ou$: 1n essence, she &ac-ed her bags and went bac- to r-ansas$ Auring a dramatic set of circumstances in our home, Jesus su&ernaturall# came into the situation and )ue was born again% 5an# of the &roblems that loo-ed li-e the bad things on the to& of the &ile began to settle down$ 'here was enough measure of &eace in that relationshi& that things loo-ed as though the# were going to level off &rett# good$ ,f course, #ou reali;e that "od the /ol# )&irit is the administrator of "od*s business on the earth$ "od the /ol# )&irit is the one who leads a &erson to 1I4

Jesus$ )o, Huite naturall#, through the salvation relationshi&, ever# born6again 0hristian is aware of or -nows the /ol# )&irit$ 1 run into &eo&le all the time who come u& with such mon-e# business as telling me the# have the /ol# )&irit but the# don*t s&ea- in tongues$ 1t*s im&ortant to reali;e that ever# born6again 0hristian does, indeed, -now the /ol# )&irit$ 'he onl# &roblem about maintaining this relationshi& is that there*s no wa# for the 0hristian to have &ower to stand against the wor- of the enem#$ Fou ma# -now the /ol# )&irit$ Fou ma# -now #our salvation$ 'his is the situation we were in$ s things settled down in our home we were transferred, and 1 went into m# s&ecialt# training in surger#$ Fou must remember that 1 was Huite religious to the eDtent that we never missed church services$ 'he# didn*t do us an# good, but we never missed$ .e were religious, and 1 was on the board of this and doing this and doing that in churchianit#, and we were serving "od$ .e thought that was what #ou were su&&osed to do K the t#&ical &attern of churchianit#$ ,ne man said he thought a nice wa# to do it would be to have it set u& so that #ou got &eo&le in the church, got them saved, got them filled with the /ol# "host, and then shoot them$ 'hen, #ou*d have no bac-6sliders$ n#wa#, we were involved in situations and things$ 1 don*t s&ea- criticall#$ 1 than- "od for m# church u&bringing and for the foundation that was laid$ 1 than- "od that this was "od*s blessing in m# life, but 1 thin- it*s im&ortant to reali;e that if "od moves be#ond where the anointing is in what we*ve 1I5

learned in churchianit#, and we don*t move with him, we*re going to be left behind$ .e*re going to end u& being an old shriveled6u&, bitter, hateful sna-e with all -inds of meanness and resentment and bitterness and ever#thing else living on the inside of us$ 1*ve seen it wor-$ .hen "od the /ol# )&irit tries to move into a church or move into a famil#, there comes a &oint where we can resist the /ol# )&irit onl# so long$ 'hen, the anointing of "od lifts and "od leaves us in the hands of the tormenter$ 1*ve seen it ha&&en$ 1t*s not that "od doesn*t love us$ 1t*s not that "od isn*t going to save us$ 1*m not tal-ing about that$ 'he &ur&ose of the o&eration of the /ol# )&irit in a 0hristian*s life is not to get #ou to heaven, it*s to get a little heaven to #ou$ 1t*s to teach #ou how to live heavenl# here$ 'his is the &ur&ose$ Jesus sa#s that those who are the over6comers are the ones who are going to dance around the throne$ 1*ll guarantee #ou, if #ou don*t -now how to dance around the throne here, #ou*re not going to be able to dance around the throne u& there$ Fou*re going to be ashamed$ 'hese are Cust some basic facts of life, and these are the things we learned$ .ell, 1 was not eD&osed to an# of these &ower things that were going on, because 1 was 35r$ ?eligious$: 1 had ever#thing 1 could ever want and had no desire for an#thing else$ )ue went to a little home &ra#er grou& in south r-ansas held b# some little 5ethodist lad#$ man from !ittle ?oc-, r-ansas, came into their home and said "od sent him there to &ra# for some #oung mother to receive the ba&tism of the /ol# "host$ )ue said, 3'hat*s 1I6

me,: and fell on her -nees% 'his man wal-ed over and &ut his hand on her head and she began to &raise "od in another tongue, not -nowing an#thing about what the word of "od had to sa# about this$ )he had no training or teaching about the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit$ 1t was Cust that she was read#$ "od sovereignl# moved into her life and liberated m# wife$ Jesus is the onl# one who can liberate a woman$ .omen*s !ib is from the &it$ .omen*s !ib will get a woman into more bondage than she can ever get into on her own$ Jesus is the onl# one who can ever liberate a woman, and m# wife was a liberated woman$ )he bla;ed a hot trail of glor# through southern r-ansas, northern !ouisiana, and offended all of her famil# and all of mine$ 1 arrived home from the Bnited )tates @av# late one evening at our home in !ouisiana$ 1, 35r$ 5ethodist,: was standing in the famil# room of our home, having never heard an#thing about the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ 5# wife drove into the drivewa#, Cum&ed out of the car, and wal-ed into the famil# room$ 'he door hit the bac- of the wall as she wal-ed in$ )he got right u& to m# face and said, 3/ave #ou received the ba&tism of the /ol# "host with s&ea-ing in tongues+: 1 said, 3.hat+%% 31 -ind of bac-ed off and said, 3@ow, 1 don*t -now what #ou*re tal-ing about, but 1 thin- #ou*re cra;#$: 1 had enough of "od in o&eration in me still left after all of m# education and after all of m# unbelief and after all of m# religion that 1 told her, 31f what #ou*re telling me is in the scri&tures, then 1 -now that one da# 1*m going to have to answer to "od 1II

lmight# for it$ 1*ve got to find out what #ou*re tal-ing about$ 1 don*t -now what #ou*re tal-ing about$ 1*m ignorant$: 'he !ord then began to worin m# life$ t that time 1 was involved in an u&heaval situation in the natural the beginning of a residenc# training &rogram$ 'o have a s&iritual u&heaval going on at home was something else$ "od o&ened the door in m# own home situation for me to have a little time to read the @ew 'estament$ 1 was at the &oint s&irituall# where 1 couldn*t understand an#thing about 8ing James >nglish$ )ue was com&letel# set free, running around the house &raising "od, s&ea-ing in tongues and writing scri&tures on the wall% )he used to &ic=ible &romises out and sa#, 3,h% ,h% "lor# to "od% 'here*s m# word for the da#$: 1 was the one who was su&&osed to be s&iritual, and 1 had to sit there and watch this sort of thing$ 1 too- the @ew >nglish translation of the @ew 'estament that was at that time the most modern translation &ublished$ 1 said, 3@ow, "od, 1 believe that if #ou are reall# sovereign, there*s no translation of the scri&tures that has ever been written that man could screw u&$ )o 1*m going to ta-e the most modern translation 4it ha&&ened to be that one at the time7 and read it$: )ure enough, the divine thread of "od*s truth ran right through those scri&tures$ 'hat*s wh# 1 don*t worr# about it when religious &eo&le start hollering about translations$ !et me tell #ou something$ ,ne time "od used a Cac-ass to s&ea- through$ )o an# =ible that comes out as =ible, "od can s&ea- through$ 1f #ou find somebod# reading it, let them read it$ Aon*t tr# to


get them into some translation that #ou thin- is the &erfect will of "od, because "od can use an#thing$ 'hat doesn*t mean that 1*m against sound teaching and instruction and understanding at all, but when a &erson has a need and "od is s&ea-ing to them, "od can s&ea- through a Cac-ass$ Aon*t forget that$ "od s&o-e to me in this translation, and 1 began to understand that what m# wife was telling me was all true and that if 1 was going to come into a &lace where 1 was to have "od*s blessing in m# life and in m# famil# and in m# home, this was the -e#$ 1 went through, #ou might sa#, sort of a religious transformation that too- about two or three wee-s$ 1t was about a month or two after )ue received that 1 also received the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ )et #e say right here that i* you+e had an e,perience %ith the &oly Spirit that did not end in a ne% tongue- you+e not been co#pletely bapti.ed. 'hat doesn*t mean that #ou don*t -now him$ =ut the /ol# )&irit s&ea-s$ 1f #ou*ve had some eD&erience with the /ol# )&irit of feeling a tingle or whatever, and #ou don*t have a new tongue, then don*t leave without it, because the right )&irit has a tongue$ 'he /ol# )&irit is not a dumb s&irit$ @ow, when 1*m s&ea-ing of the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit, 1*m s&ea-ing of the &resence of "od lmight# moving into a human life and teaching that life how to magnif# "od, teaching that life how to enter into a &ower relationshi& with him$ 'he result is that the 0hristian will -now how to &ra# and magnif# "od in his own &ra#er language% 'he transformation 1 went through and went into was something li-e this% Gor about a wee- or two 1 1I9

told all of m# friends, 31 am certainl# glad m# wife has this$ )he needed it$: 'hen, after that wore out 4that was a lie, #ou -now7 1 went around telling all of m# friends, 3.ell, if "od wants me to have this thing, he will do it$: 'hat was the biggest lie of all, because the last instruction that Jesus gave his disci&les was to receive the /ol# "host$ 'he first thing Jesus did when he ascended on high was to send the /ol# "host$ /e*s never left$ 'he boo- of cts has never sto&&ed$ '/> =,,8 ,G 0') / ) @>9>? >@A>A$ 1t*s going to go on$ )ome &eo&le feel that in this da# and age the boo- of cts is going to loo- li-e a -indergarten &rimer b# the standards we*re seeing R the number of &eo&le turning to the !ord and the number of miracles "od is bringing forth$ 1 hid behind that for a while$ 'hen "od began to draw closer and to deal with me$ 1 thought m# wife had conned me into going to a little meeting, but it wasn*t her$ 1t was "od who had arranged it$ 1 thin- there were some 0hinese missionaries that were teaching$ t the end of the meeting, the# said, 3 ll right now, we*re going to all raise our hands and &raise the !ord$: 1 thought, 3@o, 1*m not$ 1*m a 5ethodist, and 1 don*t behave li-e that$: 1 got u& and left the meeting% 1 don*t believe "od has a set &attern for ba&ti;ing #ou with the /ol# )&irit$ "od has an eD&erience that is individual to all of his children, because there is a treasure in all of "od*s children$ "od -nows Cust what it ta-es to get the treasure out$ Fou*ve got scri&tural signs or scri&tural guidelines to tell whether #ou*ve got the right s&irit or not$ "od 180

had shown me scri&tural teaching in the @ew 'estament that in another tongue the flow of the /ol# )&irit comes in the 0hristian*s life$ )&ea-ing in tongues is one of the scri&tural evidences that #ou*ve got the right s&irit$ Fou don*t want an eD&erience that doesn*t have the right eHui&ment with it, because if #ou don*t allow "od to give #ou the right eHui&ment, eventuall# #ou will &ic- u& a s&irit of error$ 'hat*s where things go wrong$ 1 mean these 'echnicolor vision sort of things that #ou see running around in little &ra#er grou&s and little meta&h#sical sort of trash$ ll of those things come in and seduce &eo&le who will not submit to the right s&irit$ 'hese are guidelines 0hristians can go b#$ .ell, what ha&&ened to me was that 1 was riding home in the automobile$ 1 came to a sto&light, and the voice of "od began to s&ea- to me$ 'his was about seven or eight #ears ago now$ "od began to s&ea- to me, and sim&l# said, 3 ll right, #ou call #ourself a 0hristian$ 1*m offering #ou something that is in m# word$ 1 want #ou to -now that from #our stand&oint #ou are rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing$ 1*m going to s&ew #ou out of m# mouth$: 1 remember sitting there in the car sa#ing, 3 ll right "od, if that*s the case, 1*m fiDing to get some of these tongues$: @ow, 1 didn*t -now how to s&ea- in tongues, but 1 remembered how the natives in some of the movies tal-ed$ 1 remembered that was another language$ 1 said, 3 ll right, "od here goes$: 1 began to s&ea-$ 1 reali;ed that as 1 began to s&ea- that it was Cust as the scri&ture sa#s, the /ol# )&irit began to give the 181

utterance$ 5# mind was sitting bac- watching, 3.hat are #ou doing+ Fou*re ma-ing all sorts of babbling noises$ .hat*s going on+: ,f course, "od*s enem# came along right awa# and assured me that what was ha&&ening to me was not from "od$ ,f course, 1 didn*t reali;e that )atan can*t even understand the tongue an#wa#$ 1 reali;ed that was a lie and that if 1 would continue to &ra#, the enemies of "od would have to leave$ 1 continued driving along s&ea-ing in tongues, and 1 -new it was genuine and that "od understood what m# s&irit was sa#ing%% )&ea-ing in tongues is a m#ster# to the one s&ea-ing because, li-e the =ible sa#s, it*s an un-nown tongue or language$ 3Gor he that s&ea-eth in an un-nown tongue s&ea-eth not unto men, but unto "od2 for no man understandeth him< howbeit in the s&irit he s&ea-eth m#steries$: 1 0or$ 1422$ )o when a 0hristian &ra#s in an un-nown tongue, he o&ens the doorwa# of su&ernatural communion with "od the Gather that the devil and all of his angels cannot understand, nor can an# man understand$ 'hat*s our hol# &ersonal relationshi& with the heart of "od$ 'hat*s the m#ster# of the tongue$ 1 &ra# in tongues, not Just because of the tongue, but because the =ible sa#s 1*m s&ea-ing the m#steries of "od$ .hat ha&&ens is when a 0hristian o&ens u& his life to magnif# "od, to s&ea- "od*s m#steries to him, "od in return flows through him% /alleluCah% "od showed me right after 1 received the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit while sitting in m# car 3'his is not the gos&el, this is Ar$ Gowler*s gos&el$: 182

1t sort of confirmed things to me Kthat m# tongue was li-e a dam in front of a giant reservoir$ Fou -now how #ou run water over a dam through generators to get &ower$ 'he !ord showed me that 1 would have Cust as much &ower as 1 let water run over the dam and that 1 would have Cust as little &ower as 1 let water run over the dam$ 1*m here to testif# as a &h#sician that the onl# &roblems 1 run into with 0hristians in s&iritual matters are 0hristians who don*t &ra# in tongues enough$ 'here is a reason for it$ 'he ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit and the s&ea-ing in another tongue is a new wine$ .hen it first ha&&ened on the Aa# of (entecost, do #ou remember the# thought the# were drun-, and it was nine o*cloc- in the morning% 'he im&ortance of &ra#ing in tongues in the 0hristian*s life is that this is the wa# for the 0hristian to get drun- on the &ower of the /ol# )&irit$ 'he 0hristian who -nows how to get u& earl# in the morning and get drun- doesn*t worr# about his &roblems for the rest of the da#$ 1t sim&l# wor-s this wa#2 31f #ou*ve got a man who has financial &roblems, what does he do+ 1f he*s a drun-ard he goes to the bar and gets drun-$ .hen he goes in he has a &roblem$ .hen he comes out he doesn*t have a &roblem$ /e ma# have given all of his mone# awa# to the rest of the drun-s in the bar$ /e ma# hate somebod# or the whole world when he goes into the bar and sits down at the barstool and gets the first drin-$ =ut after he gets two or three under his belt, the neDt thing he -nows he is inviting some un-nown character, ma#be somebod# from another race, down at the other end of the bar, E0ome on 183

down here and have a drin- with me$* 'he &rinci&le involved is that if 0hristians would drin- enough new wine, the# wouldn*t be defeated b# the &roblems of the world$ .e would be able to float above them$ Fou see, a drun- doesn*t worr# about it when things don*t go right$ drun- doesn*t worr# about his feelings$ /e gets drun-er, doesn*t he+ drun- doesn*t worr# about his hates$ /e drin-s them awa#$ drun- doesn*t worr# about his financial &roblems$ /e Cust goes and gets drun- and buries his financial &roblems$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit and drin-ing the new wine, &ra#ing in an un-nown tongue as the scri&ture sa#s, is the wa# for the 0hristian to get the overcoming &ower that he needs to face the &roblems of the world$: 1 am here to testif# to #ou in the name of Jesus that if 1 had not learned how to o&erate in the &ower of "od in this da# and age, within the &ast month 1 would have been in a &lace where it would have been nothing for me to have listened to a suicide demon and ta-e a gun and shoot m#self, because of &ersecution that had arisen$ 1t*s a sobering thing, but Cust a gist of some of the &ersecution is this$ 'here was a com&laint filed against me as a doctor at one of the hos&itals where 1 o&erate$ 1 o&erated on a #oung girl in whom we found a breast cancer$ 1 told the girl 1 was going to &ra# for her$ )ome rumor got started, and someone filed a com&laint against me as a &h#sician, because 1 told the &atient 1 was going to &ra# for her$ 1 got called before a disci&linar# board at that hos&ital$ @ow, 1 -now what it is to sta# drun-$ !et me tell #ou what ha&&ened$ .hen 1 got that letter from that disci&linar# board, 1 sobered u& 184

in about thirt# seconds$ 'hen, the voice of "od s&o-e to me and said, 31 delivered )hadrach, 5eshach, and bednego from the fier# furnace< and 1 delivered Aaniel from the lion*s den$ 1t*s nothing for me to deliver #ou$: )o 1 Cust -e&t on drin-ing new wine$ .hat 1 thin- about drin-ing this new wine is that when #ou get to drin-ing, a little dab will not do #ou$ 'here*s one thing 1 would sa# to all of #ou in dealing with &eo&le*s &roblems and in dealing with &roblems of toda#, '/> 0/?1)'1 @) ./, A,@*' )' F A?B@8 ?> '/> 0/?1)'1 @) ./, / 9> (?,=!>5)% 'here*s some -ind of a funn# doctrine going around in the bod# of 0hrist that #ou don*t &ra# in tongues unless the anointing 3comes on #ou: to &ra# in tongues$ !et me tell #ou, that is unscri&tural$ (aul said in 1 0orinthians 14215, 31 will &ra# with the s&irit, and 1 will &ra# with the understanding also$: Fou don*t &ra# with #our understanding Cust when the anointing comes on #ou$ Fou &ra# because #ou need to$ )o the reason for &ra#ing in tongues is not because the anointing of "od swoo&s down and ma-es #ou do something$ 1 &ra# in tongues because 1 need to$ .hen 1 am faced with a &roblem and a trial, the anointing of "od is not there$ )o 1 get drun-% 'hat*s the &rinci&le$ 1f we 0hristians would learn this o&eration, then we would be able to overcome man# of the &roblems the enem# throws at us$ =# and large if a 0hristian will ta-e the &ower of "od when he gets u& in the morning and get good and drun- on new wine, then he will have &ower to o&erate during the da# against the wor- of the evil 185

one$ 'he disci&le John did$ /e got u& on the !ord*s Aa# and got in the Spirit' R he got drun- on new wine$ 4from ?ev$ 12107 'his is the &rinci&le that is involved in the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit with the evidence of &ra#ing in tongues is our )&irit6given means of &erfect communication with "od$ ,ne of the most dramatic miracles of m# life occurred when 1 &ra#ed with m# s&irit2 n announcement came over the louds&ea-er that our awaiting &lane had two flat tires$ 1 considered renting a car to drive the fift# miles in order to fulfill m# s&ea-ing engagement$ s 1 was standing at the counter a lad# came u& and sort of &ushed me aside and said, 3!et me have those -e#s$: )he grabbed the -e#s and said, 31*ve got to drive bacover to 5obile now$: )he turned to me and said, 3Foung man, would #ou li-e a ride+: 1 said, 3Fes, &raise the !ord%: s we left the station she turned to me and said, 3Foung man, 1*ll have #ou -now 1 never &ic- u& hitchhi-ers$: 1 said, 3.ell, glor# to "od, #ou didn*t -now Jesus had #ou drive over here to &ic- me u&, did #ou+: )he laughed$ 1n the car she began b# telling me she was a Jew of Jews and had been raised in a s#nagogue$ )he tal-ed on and on about the s#nagogue, about owning a chain of interior decorating firms, about her husband*s recent death and about her children having &roblems with drugs$ s she was telling me about being a Jew, 1 said, 3Fou -now, 1 -now #our brother real well$: )he said, 3,h, is that right+ .ho+: 1 said, 3Jesus$: )he said, 3.ell, #ou -now in the s#nagogue the# used to 186

tell us that he didn*t wal- on water, but 1 never did believe that$: s 1 was driving with this woman, the )&irit of the !ord began to &rom&t me to &ra# in tongues% 1 didn*t want to do an#thing out of order$ 1 wanted ever#thing to be done &ro&erl# and under "od*s design, and 1 didn*t want to ma-e a fool of m#self$ )o 1 Cust as-ed the !ord to show me what was going on$ /e said, 3 s- this woman if she would li-e to &ra#$: 1 as-ed her and she said, 3,h, 1 would !,9> to &ra#% 3 1 said, 3(raise "od% Aid #ou -now that Jesus could give a &erson another language for &ra#ing to "od and &raising him+ 1t goes something li-e this$: 1 began to s&ea- in an un-nown tongue for this lad#$ t the time we were driving in front of the battleshi& labama, and as 1 began to s&eathese words, her mouth flew o&en$ )he &ulled the car to the side of the road, sto&&ed, and loo-ed at me and said, 3Foung man, how do #ou -now /ebrew+: 1 said, 3!ad#, 1 don*t -now an# /ebrew$: )he said, 3.ell, #ou Cust told me in /ebrew that as a daughter of Tion 1 must sto& and see "od$ 1 -now now that 1 love this Jesus%: (raise "od for confirming the genuineness of un-nown tongues and his sovereign wa# of drawing one of his chosen children to Jesus$ /ad 1 not &ra#ed in the )&irit, to be drunenough for the /ol# )&irit to use me, 1 would not have had the &ower to allow the )&irit to flow through me to bring light to her$ 'he =ible sa#s when one sinner re&ents all of heaven begins to reCoice$ 'hat Jewish lad# in front of that battleshi& 18I

there on that highwa# turned heaven on in that instant, because of this /ol# )&irit given abilit#$ 1f #ou have received the /ol# )&irit #ou have been given a tongue$ )o Cust get drun- on the new wine and sta# drun-% 'he &roblems with some 0hristians is the# Cust don*t drin- enough of that new wine% 'he onl# 0hristians that cool down are the ones that get sober$ 1 can testif# to #ou that the anointing of "od and the &resence of "od and the &ower of the /ol# )&irit is greater toda# than it was when we first came into this new dimension of the )&irit$ !ittle )u;ie had an incurable disease, 0#stic Gibrosis$ s 5ethodists we didn*t -now an#thing about healing$ 1 was a doctor$ 1 had done ever#thing medicall# 1 -new for her$ .e began to learn about "od*s healing &ower$ .e learned from the word of "od that Jesus was beaten before the# hung him on the cross, that the# gouged out his flesh and tore it off with the ?oman whi&$ .e discovered that 3b# his stri&es we are healed$: =# those stri&es he had &aid the &rice for our healing$ 'hat means that it is alread# an accom&lished, settled fact% "od is more interested in 0hristians sta#ing health# than in their being healed% 1 believe if we 0hristians would sta# drun- we would sta# health#, and all of our infirmities would flow right out the window$ 1t doesn*t mean that we*re not going to be attac-ed$ .e*ve been attac-ed$ 'here have been times when "od has sovereignl# moved in our famil# and taught us and moved instantl# into divine health, and there have been times when "od has not healed us$ .e*ve had to learn to wal- b# faith$ .e*ve had to learn to wal- ste& b# ste& with 188

diseases$ )u;ie had this &roblem< we didn*t -now what to do$ )he was about four #ears old at the time, and she came u& to her mother one morning after having had a real bad attac-$ )he said, 35omm#, #ou haven*t as-ed Jesus to heal me$: .e -new this was "od*s time$ .e &ut our hands on her little chest and said, 3'han- #ou, Jesus, for healing her$ 'han#ou that when #ou died on the cross #ou &aid for this$: 'hat child coughed once and to this da# has never whee;ed again$ )he is a com&letel# normal, health# fourth grader$ .hen bigail was a new6born bab#, she develo&ed infant diarrhea and a deh#dration &roblem and was in a coma$ .e were infants in the =ible at that time$ 1 -new that as a &h#sician 1 could do this or that for her, but 1 -new that medicall# s&ea-ing there was not a cure for her &roblem$ -new Jesus was her healer$ 1 was on dut# at the hos&ital and )ue was at home holding the fort$ 1*d get a little bit of unbelief and tell her to bring her to the hos&ital$ )ue would sa#, 3@o, it*s not time$: .hile we were tal-ing bac- and forth on the &hone, the child -e&t getting worse and worse and worse$ 1 -e&t having all sorts of thoughts2 3.hat if she dies+ .hat are the# going to sa# if a doctor*s child dies+: !ate one night in the hos&ital 1 remember falling on m# -nees, and the )&irit of "od began s&ea-ing to me$ /e said, 3.hose child is she+: 1 said, 3)he*s #ours, "od% Fou created her$ Fou gave her to me to -ee&, but she*s not mine$ .ell, "od, all right, 1 understand$ 'hat child is #ours, #ours to -ee&$ Fou can ta-e her$ 'a-e her%


Just as 1 said 3ta-e her: 1 saw, in a vision, Jesus sitting on a throne with our child in his la&$ 1 saw an angel, a big radiant angel, standing at his left side$ Grom that instant, in the wee hours of the morning, our child was com&letel# healed% )he got u& &la#ing the neDt morning, had not had a dro& of fluid, and was com&letel# healed as if nothing had ever been wrong with her% .e*ve learned to teach our children how to o&erate b# faith$ .hen the# get hurt and come to us with their &roblems, we*ve learned to as- them, 3Ao #ou want healing, or do #ou want &it#+: )ometimes the# Cust want &it#$ 1f the#*ve got some des&erate need that hasn*t been met and the# Cust want attention, that*s what "od will give them$ =ut the#*ve learned b# eD&erience that it*s no fun to ta-e that route, that the real blessing is in health$ 'he#*ve learned to &ra# for one another$ 1 guarantee #ou, when #ou get a two6#ear old that &ra#s for #ou, #ou*d better get healed, because he*s believing% 1t*s so sim&le for a child to come into the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ Jesus said unless #ou become as a little child #ou can*t get the things of the -ingdom of "od$ ll of our children &ra# in the )&irit$ (art of our dail# routine in evening &ra#ers is to get on our -nees and &ra# with our understanding and &ra# with our s&irit$ 'his doesn*t mean that children don*t -now that there is that time in their lives where the# have to ma-e the decision to walwith "od$ Foung &eo&le face this$ ,ur older children are Cust now understanding this$ 1 believe the -e# to teaching6 #oung &eo&le how to wal- with "od is to teach them the &rinci&les of the -ingdom 190

of "od$ 'he word of "od sa#s that the -ingdom of "od is not meat and drin-, not doing #our own thing, but righteousness, &eace, and Co# in the /ol# "host$ 1t*s eas# for a #oung &erson to understand that if he wants to do his own thing he forfeits the -ingdom of "od$ 1f he wants to do his own thing in rebellion, then "od will leave him in the hands of the tormentor$ =ut once he*s tasted the -ingdom of "od, it doesn*t ta-e an idiot to learn where the goodies are$ 'hat*s what our #oung &eo&le are learning$ 'he# learn how to sta# in the -ingdom of "od$ 'here are times when the# choose not to, and that*s when the rod of direction has to hel& them sta# there$ .e recentl# had a man come to visit us, a minister in a 0hristian church$ /e was li-e @icodemus, snea-ing out at night$ /e &astored a little church, sort of li-e !a;arus* tomb$ /e didn*t have a whole lot of members, but it was his church$ /e said he heard that we were in the move of "od, and said, 31 want to get m# church moving into the things of "od$: 1 sat down with him and said, 3Ao #ou -now what #ou are as-ing for+ 1n the first &lace, #ou need to reali;e that #ou*re going to lose ever#thing #ou*ve got$ 1n retros&ect #ou*ll loobac- on it and reali;e that #ou didn*t have an#thing to begin with, but a little religious club$ =ut, if that*s #our -ingdom, if that*s where #our securit# is, then #ou*d better chec- it out, because #ou*re going to lose ever#thing #ou*ve got, because when "od moves into a church, he*s going to ta-e it over$ Fou*re going to have ever# 'om, Aic-, and /arr# flowing into #our church$ Fou*re going to see the 191

most des&erate of needs$ 'hat*s where "od is, where the need# are$ "od is not where the full are$ "od is where the need# are$ Bntil #ou can stand at the altar of #our church and s&ea- to a need and sa#, E1n the name of Jesus, )hum ba 1a ta -a,* "od will never move in #our church$: 3.ell,: he said, 31*m read#$: /e came bac- the neDt wee- to see me, and he had his nice little religious argument against s&ea-ing in tongues in relation to the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit$ Fou see, the onl# &roblem &eo&le have with the /ol# "host is 3tongues$: 'ongues is the onl# thing, because to the obCectors it*s offensive$ 1 didn*t &ic- tongues, "od did% 1*ll serve notice on all 0hristians that if s&ea-ing in tongues is offensive to #ou, #ou*d better chec- who #our !ord is% >ver# time a &reacher gets u& and &reaches against tongues, more &eo&le receive the /ol# "host$ 'he sim&le fact is that #ou Cust can*t sto& "od*s move$ 1 don*t have an# bitterness about this, 1 sim&l# thin- it is im&ortant to be wise and to reali;e what is going on$ "od is moving% "od is drawing a &eo&le% "od is going to have a &eo&le that will follow him all the wa#% 'his minister came bac- to the religious argument that tongues had &assed awa# and had sto&&ed with the a&ostles and the usual theological things that the# learn in 3cemeter#$: 1 sat there and reCoiced$ /e said, 3@ow show me in the scri&tures what #ou*re tal-ing about$: )o 1 too- the word of "od and wal-ed through the scri&tures with him$ /e saw% 'hen he began to confess that he had received the ba&tism in the /ol# "host and &ra#ed in 192

tongues$ E(raise "od% @ow, #ou*ve got to get #ourself free if #ou want "od to move$: 1 later too- him with me to a 5ethodist 0hurch where the# have a little Grida# meeting$ s the )&irit of "od was moving in &ra#er, the !ord had me call him u& to hel& minister$ ,nce that brother got to tasting the goodness of "od he was louder in tongues than 1 was% "od is moving$ "od is going to have a &eo&le who will move with him$ "od wants ever# da# in our lives to be filled with his &ower$ /e wants us to have such a wal- with him that our dail# lives are filled with miracles$ 5iracles are not to be an unusual circumstance of life$ 'he# are to be the dail# events of 0hristianit#$ 'his was the wal- of Jesus$ Jesus said that greater things than he did on earth we would do$ )o in this da# and age we ought to see more miracles than we read in the =ible$ 5iracles did not &ass awa#$ )omebod# as-ed me the other da# if 1 went to see the movie 3'he >Dorcist$: 1 said 1 wouldn*t go see that -ind of trash, that if the# wanted to see eDorcising of s&irits the# could come to m# office$ 1 do that as a &art of m# dail# wor- the right wa#$ woman came in m# office the other da# cri&&led with arthritis and stiff Coints and couldn*t move$ )he actuall# came to me because she thought 1 was a wi;ard or some -ind of s&iritualist$ )he thought 1 &racticed witchcraft, and that*s what she came for$ )he had been in >dgar 0a#ce and all that occult trash$ 1n the eDamining room 1 started tal-ing to her about Jesus$ 'he !ord showed me that there was a demon of witchcraft that she had &ic-ed u&$ 1 tal-ed


to her, &ra#ed with her, and told her to go home and burn her witchcraft stuff and come bac- the neDt wee-$ )he came bac-$ 1 &ra#ed with her and cast that demon of infirmit# and witchcraft out of her$ )he got u& and wal-ed out of the office healed well% 'hat*s the right wa# to cast out a demon% 'hat*s the scri&tural wa#% 1 had an eD&erience a few months ago$ #oung fellow was shot on the beach and was brought in with a gunshot wound to the chest 1 was not on call, but the# Cust 3ha&&ened: to call me$ 1 got u& and went to the hos&ital to see this -id$ .e rushed him to the o&erating room and o&erated on him$ /e was shot through the left ventricle, the lung, the dia&hragm, the liver, the s&leen, and the stomach$ .e re&aired the ventricle, drained the lung, and re&aired the dia&hragm, too- out a &iece of the liver, too- out &art of the stomach and closed it, too- out the s&leen, and even found the bullet in this case, which #ou don*t usuall# do eDce&t in a '9 stor#$ s we were getting this -id off the o&erating table, he died$ /e went into an electrical cardiac arrest K no electrical activit# whatsoever in his heart$ )everal of us wor-ing with him did all the things #ou usuall# do to tr# to &romote a survival in someone$ @othing was wor-ing$ fter about thirt# minutes we were getting read# to cut off all the eHui&ment and Huit$ "od sa#s, 3/aving done all, stand$: )o, 1, having done all, stood$ 1 stood b# his bed and &ra#ed in tongues$ .hen 1 began to &ra# in tongues, this -id sat straight u& in the bed, &ulled his intra6tracheal tube out, and do #ou -now what he said+ 3. '>?% 1 thought of how Jesus said, 3if an# man gets
$ $ $ 3


thirst#, let him as- me for a drin-Kout of his bell# shall flow rivers of !iving .ater$: 'hat bo# was raised from the dead and went home in five da#s, healed%% @ow, what do 1 care if somebod# comes to me and tells me that 3tongues: aren*t real$ 'hat*s ridiculous% .hen someone comes to #ou and tells #ou that #ou can*t s&ea- in tongues, that it has all &assed awa#, #ou Cust -ee& on s&ea-ing$ ,-a#+ "od is loo-ing for a &eo&le who will hear his voice and who will allow him to o&erate in them$ .hen 1*m dealing with &atients, 1 don*t &ra# with ever# &atient that comes to see me$ 1 have some &atients that come to me with strictl# medical &roblems, and we handle them$ 'hat doesn*t mean that 1 don*t lift u& Jesus to them$ 'hat doesn*t mean that 1 don*t see- the doors to be o&en to witness$ 1t*s not some sort of a 3&reach#: situation$ "od settled the issue in m# life about where 1 was su&&osed to be when we received the /ol# )&irit$ "od showed me that 1 was to be &lanted in the -ingdom of medicine as a light$ 1*ve got an answer when medicine runs out$ 'hat doesn*t mean that ever# &erson that 1 deal with survives$ 'hat*s "od*s business$ 1 learned a long time ago that when Jesus rose from the dead and sat down at the right hand of the throne of "od, one of the things "od handed him along with his crown was the -e#s of life and death$ 1 don*t hold those -e#s$ 'hat*s the greatest deliverance 1 had as a doctor, reali;ing that 1*m not res&onsible for life or death$ 1*m res&onsible to minister to needs and do the best 1 can, but Jesus holds those -e#s$ 'here are times when 1*ve seen 195

"od sovereignl# raise &eo&le from the dead and have seen "od deliver and heal &eo&le su&ernaturall#$ 'here have been other times that 1*ve seen &eo&le die$ 1 don*t have all the answers$ =ut 1 -now this$ 'here is a &lace in the heart of "od where a believer can come to "od with a need, and the &ower of "od can sovereignl# and su&ernaturall# solve the need to the glor# of Jesus$ "od is loo-ing for a &eo&le who will allow themselves to get in the )&irit, to get drun- enough on new wine that he can flow in and out freel# with &ower and authorit#$ 'he =ible sa#s the glor# of "od is going to fill the earth as the waters fill the sea$ Ao #ou -now that about half of the 0hristians would be scared to death if the glor# of "od came on this earth+ .e are going to have to be drun-, or we*re not going to be able to stand it$ 1t will scare us to death$ 'he =ible sa#s that 3"od has not given us the s&irit of fear< but of &ower, and of love, and of a sound mind$: 411 'imoth# 12I7 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit, 0hristians, is to get us into the &lace where we can stand boldl# and &roclaim the name that is above all names, where we are, whatever we are doing$ 'hat*s the &ur&ose of the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 1t*s not to get #ou to heaven$ Jesus is the wa# to heaven$ 1t*s not to solve #our &roblems$ 1t hel&s, but the ba&tism in the /ol# )&irit is to give the 0hristian the anointing or boldness that it ta-es to stand u& against the wor- of the enem# and &roclaim that J>)B) 0/?1)' 1) 81@" ,G 81@") @A !,?A ,G !,?A)%%% @ote2 ll references in this testimon# are from the 8ing James 9ersion$ 196


.ho is the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit for+ 1t*s for >9>?F,@>% 'he = ('1)') are receiving, the 0 '/,!10) are receiving, the =?>'/?>@ are receiving, those from the 0/?1)'1 @ churches are receiving, and so are those from the 0/B?0/ ,G 0/?1)' and the 0/B?0/ ,G ",A$ 'hose from the 0,9>@ @' and 0$5$ $ churches are receiving$ 'he >(1)0,( !1 @) are receiving, the G?1>@A) are receiving, the !B'/>? @) are receiving, the 5>@@,@1'>) are too% 'he 5>'/,A1)') are receiving, the @ T ?>@>) are receiving, the (>@'>0,)' !) are receiving, the (?>)=F'>?1 @) are receiving, the ?>G,?5>A churches are receiving, even the ))>5=!F ,G ",A finds an occasional one who hasn*t received the ba&tism$ (eo&le from all -inds of non6denominational churches and &ra#er grou&s are receiving the &ower of "od in their lives$ "od didn*t sa# the ba&tism was for Cust a few, /> . @') >9>?F,@> ', / 9> (,.>? 1@ '/>1? !19>)$ 'his is "od*s hour of &ower, Cust as was &redicted centuries ago b# the &ro&het Joel,: n the last da#s,* "od said, E1 will &our out m# /ol# )&irit


u&on all man-ind, and #our sons and daughters shall &ro&hes#, and #our #oung men shall see visions, and #our old men dream dreams$ F>), '/> /,!F )(1?1' )/ !! 0,5> B(,@ !! 5F )>?9 @'), 5>@ @A .,5>@ !18>, and the# shall &ro&hes#$* 4 cts 221I618 '!=7 s we*ve had the fun of t#&ing and editing these testimonies as the# have come to us, we have cried and laughed with each one$ .e had as-ed "od to bring testimonies to s&ea- to the hearts of &eo&le of all faiths about the might# &ower of "od through his /ol# )&irit ba&tism$ Fou ma# be a 0atholic and "od ma# use a =a&tist to reveal the magnitude of this (,.>? for #ou$ Fou ma# be a @a;arene and "od ma# s&ea- to #ou through a 5ethodist*s testimon#$ Fou ma# be a !utheran and "od will use the testimon# of someone from the 0hurch of "od to s&ea- to #ou$ =ecause we as-ed "od to &ut his chosen testimonies in this boo-, we believe "od will o&en multi&lied thousands of 3s&irit mouths: and &our into them his righteousness through the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ 3,&en #our mouth wide and see if 1 won*t fill it$ Fou will receive ever# blessing #ou can use% 34(salm 81210 '!=7 .h# should we tr# to o&erate differentl# than (eter, James, John and the others+ 'here is no reason, and there is no difference in the &ower, and the wa# the &ower is evidenced in the life of the believer$ Fou*ll notice some of the testimonies


indicate the# needed instruction before "od could fill their mouths$ .e didn*t -now how to be saved until somebod# told us$ 3=ut how shall the# as- him to save them unless the# believe in him+ nd how can the# believe in him if the# have never heard about him+ nd how can the# hear about him unless someone tells them+: 4?omans 10214 J1=7 )omebod# told us ho% to be saved, but J>)B) ) 9>A B)% .e didn*t -now how to receive the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit until someone told us$ /e told us ho%- but J>)B) = ('1T>A B)% 'he same thing is going to ha&&en to #ou if #ou reall# love Jesus and want all he*s got for #ou$ ?emember that we*re loo-ing at an event in histor# some 2,000 #ears ago, and the same thing is going to ha&&en to #ou in eDactl# the same wa#, ?1"/' @,.% 1t*s not going to be an# different than the original time, because "od hasn*t changed and neither has Jesus% 'he /ol# )&irit was given one time to 120 &eo&le$ @ow the same /ol# )&irit is going to be given to F,B$ ?ight now while #ou read this, the /ol# )&irit is alread# drawing near to #ou$ /e is engulfing #ou while #ou are reading this, envelo&ing #ou with his love and his &ower$ ,&en #our heart to receive !! of him$ '/>F began to s&ea-$ '/>F gave the sounds of their voices and the )&irit gave the utterance, or language$ nd if #ou give the sounds of #our voice, #ou*re going to get sounds bac-, but this will be the language from the /ol# )&irit$ 199

5an# of #ou will be hearing little sounds right now running through #our mind$ )trange little &arts of words$ )trange little s#llables$ Fou don*t understand them, but listen for them, because this is the beginning of #our )&irit language$ )ome of #ou ma# not hear an#thing, but will Cust begin to s&eain a moment$ .e*re going to as- #ou to Coin with us in a little &ra#er in Cust a moment and in that second of time, in that instant, thin- of Jesus la#ing his hands on #ou to im&art to #ou the gift of the /ol# )&irit$ .e want #ou to also remember that #ou can*t s&ea- two languages at onetime$ Fou can*t s&ea- in >nglish and in #our &ra#er language, so after we &ra# this &ra#er, we*re going to as- #ou @,' to s&ea- in >nglish an# more$ nd remember that all languages are made u& of a bunch of miDed u& little s#llables, so give the )&irit some s#llables so /> 0 @ "19> F,B '/> ! @"B ">$ ?emember the su&ernatural miracle is not a new set of vocal chords< the su&ernatural miracle is the language which the /ol# )&irit gives #ou through #our own vocal chords$ .e have also discovered that if #ou will &ra# ra&idl# at first it will hel& #ou considerabl# because when #ou &ra# slowl# #ou have a tendenc# to thinabout what*s coming out of #our mouth$ .hen #ou &ra# in the )&irit, it has to b#&ass #our mind, and #ou*ll find this easier if #ou will &ra# a little faster$ 1f #ou Cust sit there and don*t give an# sounds, #ou won*t receive an#thing bac-, because onl# if #ou give will #ou get% ?emember also that the =ible doesn*t sa# #ou will receive an emotional 200

eD&erience, but it does sa# #ou will receive (,.>?% Aon*t loo- for the emotional eD&erience, loo- for the (,.>?% )ome &eo&le do have an emotional eD&erience, but not alwa#s$ 5an# times the emotion will come G'>? #ou &ra# in the )&irit% >ver# once in a while, someone will sa#, 31*m not going to ma-e some sill# sounds, the /ol# )&irit*s going to have to do it all% 3 5a# we remind #ou that "od is a gentleman, and he will never G,?0> himself on #ou, and so #ou, li-e those in the u&&er room on the Aa# of (entecost, are going to have to do the )(> 81@"% ,nce #ou*re saved, the onl# thing that can -ee& #ou from receiving is F,B, #ourself, if #ou don*t o&en #our mouth and s&ea-% 'he most im&ortant thing to -now before #ou receive the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit, is that #ou are saved, so we*re going to as- #ou to &ra# a sim&le little sinner*s &ra#er right now2 3Gather, 1 want to 8@,. 1*m saved, so 1 as#ou to forgive !! m# sins$ 1 believe that Jesus is #our divine )on$ 1 believe that he shed his blood on a cross for m# sins$ 1 o&en the door to m# heart and 1 invite Jesus to come in$ 'a-e m# whole life and ma-e me the -ind of &erson #ou want me to be$ @ow, Gather, 1 than- #ou for hearing m# &ra#er$ 1 than- #ou for forgiving m# sins$ 1 than- #ou for saving me$:


!et*s &ra# again shall we+ ?emember that this is the great /ol# )&irit of "od we*re going to receive right now$ re #ou read#+ 3Aear Jesus, 1 believe the &ower of the 0hristian life lies in the ba&tism with the /ol# )&irit, so 1 as#ou to ba&ti;e me right now with the /ol# )&irit$ Gill me u& from the bottom of m# feet to the to& of m# head$ 4Just wait for a moment now and feel him Cust filling #ou u&, and filling #ou u&, and filling #ou u&$7 !ord Jesus, 1 than- #ou because #ou*ve done #our &art< now 1*m going to do m# &art$ 1*m going to o&en m# mouth, and 1*m going to give #ou some sounds and b# faith 1*m going to believe that the /ol# )&irit is going to give me a language$ !ord Jesus, 1 was saved b# faith, and b# faith 1 acce&t the ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit$ =ecause 1 trust #ou, !ord Jesus, 1 than- #ou in advance for the language the /ol# )&irit has alread# given me$ 1 love #ou, !ord Jesus$ 1 worshi& #ou, !ord Jesus$ 1 &raise #ou, !ord Jesus$ 1 magnif# #our hol# name, !ord Jesus% @, 5,?> >@"!1)/% @ow loo- u& to "od, ,(>@ F,B? 5,B'/ @A !>' '/,)> ),B@A) 0,5> ,B' /01ISI2( (34 and listen for that beautiful language the /ol# )&irit has given #ou$ ?>0>19> F> '/> /,!F "/,)'% 8ee& &ra#ing, and reall# let it flow in long sentences$ @ow that #ou*ve received, ma# we suggest that #ou (? F 5B0/ 1@ '/> )(1?1'% (ra# at least 10 to 15 times a da# in the )&irit% '/> 5,?> F,B (? F 1@ '/> )(1?1', '/> 5,?> (,.>? .1!! 0,5> 1@', F,B? !1G>$ )ing in 202

the )&irit the /ol# )&irit will give #ou tunes as well as the words% Fou have not been given "od*s /ol# )&irit Cust to s&ea- one time$ but #ou can sto& and start will$ Fou do not have to wait for the )&irit to 3come on #ou,: because the )&irit is now 1@ #ou, and so #ou can s&ea- an# time #ou want to in #our new tongue$ 3 nd the s&irits of the &ro&hets are subCect to the &ro&hets$: 41 0or$ 14232 8J97 wonderful wa# to start off a da# is to start off 3in the )&irit% 3.hen #ou wa-e u& in the morning, don*t &ra# in #our native language, but start &ra#ing in tongues before #ou even get out of bed$ Fou*ll be ama;ed what this will do to #our da#% 'he devil is going to come and visit #ou, Cust li-e he does ever#one who receives$ /e can*t understand tongues, so he can*t stand them% /e*ll come snea-ing around and tell #ou #ou*re Cust ma-ing sounds, that it*s Cust a bunch of gibberish$ ">' ?1A ,G /15 .1'/ )/,?', !,BA =B?)' ,G ',@"B>)%%% ?ight now we want #ou to do something else$ Ao #ou have a loved one who is unsaved+ 1f so, &ut that &erson in the &alm of #our hand and hold #our hand u& to "od and &ra# for that &erson in #our @>. ',@"B>% (ra# softl# and believe for a miracle$ ?ecentl# at a meeting, a Jewish convert who had Cust received, &laced her mother*s name in her hand and &ra#ed in tongues for her$ 'hat night about two o*cloc- in the morning, her mother called and said, 3"od*s been dealing with me all evening$ 1*ve got to acce&t Jesus as m# 5essiah$ .ill #ou &ra# with me+: 'han- #ou, Jesus%


Fou ma# start off with a little bab# language, but Cust -ee& on$ ?emember when #our children were small the# started out with a ver# small vocabular#, and then as the# added new letters to it, the# were ca&able of ma-ing more words$ 'he same thing is sometimes true of #our )&irit language$ 'he )&irit can onl# give bac- to #ou what #ou give to him, so &ut those eDtra sounds of the al&habet in and see what he does with them% Aon*t -ee& on s&ea-ing a bab# language, but allow the /ol# )&irit to develo& a full language in and through #ou$ 'he ba&tism of the /ol# )&irit means you ha+e recei+ed po%er(ods &ower$ ll the &ower #ou will ever need to do an#thing "od ever tells #ou to do$ A1A F,B /> ? '/ '+ !! '/> (,.>? F,B .1!! >9>? @>>A ', A, @F'/1@" ",A >9>? '>!!) F,B ', A,% 'hat*s a lot of &ower% .hat are #ou going to do with this &ower+ /ow can #ou a&&l# it+ .hat is its final &ur&ose+ ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% 'he &rinci&al ingredients for abundant earthl# life and for eternal life are2 1$ )alvation 4new birth, but continued victoriousl# until the end of our time7 ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% 2$ =a&tism with the /ol# )&irit for (,.>? ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% 3$ 0ommitment 100J of our lives ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)%


4$ =ible meditate at least an hour a da# ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% 5$ (ra# about ever#thing, continuousl# 4thin- to "od and hear him and obe#7 &ra# with #our understanding or mind 4#our native tongue language7 and with #our s&irit 4#our un-nown tongue7 K ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% 6$ =ear fruit K add souls to "od*s 8ingdom< bear fruit the fruit of the )&irit 4"alatians 52226237 ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% I$ .itness tell ever#one #ou can about Jesus and how to get to heaven$ 'he /ol# )&irit in #ou will cause #ou to . @' to tal- about Jesus, so be obedient to each o&&ortunit# and im&ulse ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)% 8$ 0' become a @ew 'estament boo- of cts in #our own wa# in #our own world$ 5editate hundreds of hours in cts 4as well as the rest of the =ible7 to see what Jesus and his disci&les did and how the# did it, and 3go thou and do li-ewise: ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)%

./F )/,B!A 31: )(> 8 1@ ',@"B>)+ ', (!> )> ",A @A J>)B)%


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