Anda di halaman 1dari 9


I would I would like to share with you part of a testimo y of a sa!ed perso who o "e ser!ed the de!il# Whe I heard him $i!e his testimo y it so "halle $ed me I did ot wa t to %elie!e it# I had to fast %efore the &ord for te days' aski $ Him' (&ord' is this true)( It was at that time the &ord %e$a to tea"h me the thi $s that take pla"e i the spiritual realm whe we pray#

This ma was %or after his pare ts had dedi"ated themsel!es to lu"ifer# Whe he was still i the wom%' they performed ma y rituals to dedi"ate him to the ser!i"e of lu"ifer# Whe he was four years old' he %e$a to e*er"ise his spiritual power' a d his pare ts %e$a to fear him# Whe he was si* years old' his father %rou$ht him to some wit"hes for them to trai him# A d %y the time he was te years old' he was doi $ treme dous e*ploits for the ki $dom of the de!il# He was feared %y the "ommo wit"hes#

He was still a you $ %oy' %ut he was so terri%le i the thi $s he did# He $rew to %e a you $ ma i his twe ties with a lot of %lood o his ha ds# He killed at will# He had the a%ility to lea!e his %ody throu$h tra s"e de tal meditatio # A d he "ould le!itate+ at times his %ody would rise off the $rou d a d ha $ i midair# Sometimes he would $o i to a tra "e a d lea!e his %ody+ his %ody would remai %ehi d while he we t out i to the world' %y a pra"ti"e "alled ,astro-tra!elli $#. He was used %y sata to destroy or di!ide ma y "hur"hes' a d to rui ma y pastors#

O e day' he was assi$ ed to destroy a "hur"h that was full of prayer# There had %ee mu"h di!isio i this "hur"h' a d mu"h "o fusio # He %e$a to work a$ai st it' %ut at that time' the pastor "alled a fast for the whole "hur"h# As the "hur"h %e$a to fast' there was mu"h repe ta "e a d a lot of re"o "iliatio # The people "ame to$ether a d %e$a to pray for the &ord to work i their midst# They "o ti ued i ter"edi $ a d "ryi $ out to /od to ha!e mer"y o them a d to i ter!e e i their li!es# As the days we t %y'

the ma "ame a$ai a d a$ai a$ai st the "hur"h with demo spirits# 0ut a word of prophe"y "ame forth telli $ the 1hristia s to rise up a d wa$e warfare a$ai st the powers of dark ess that were atta"ki $ the "hur"h#

So o e day' the ma left his %ody i his room to $o astro-tra!elli $# He led a powerful for"e of demo i" spirits a$ai st the "hur"h# Now this is his testimo y2 His spirit mo!ed throu$h the air o!er the "hur"h a d tried to atta"k it' %ut there was a "o!eri $ of li$ht o!er the "hur"h# Sudde ly' a army of a $els atta"ked them a d fou$ht a$ai st them i the air# All the demo s fled' %ut he was arrested %y the a $els#

Yes' arrested %y the a $els3 He fou d himself %ei $ held %y a%out si* a $els# They %rou$ht him throu$h the roof ri$ht %efore the "hur"h altar# He 4ust appeared there as the people were prayi $# They were deep i prayer' e $a$ed i spiritual warfare' %i di $ a d %reaki $ a d "asti $ out# The pastor was o the platform leadi $ the prayers a d the warfare# The Spirit of the &ord spoke to the pastor' (The yoke has %ee %roke ' a d the !i"tim is there %efore you# Help him throu$h deli!era "e#( As the pastor ope ed his eyes' he saw the you $ ma lyi $ there# His %ody was with him+ he was i his %ody# The you $ ma said that he does 5t k ow how his %ody 4oi ed him+ he had left it %a"k i his house# 0ut there he was i his %ody# He did 5t k ow how he had e tered it+ all he k ew was that the a $el had "arried him throu$h the roof#

Now these thi $s are diffi"ult to %elie!e# The pastor sile "ed the "hur"h a d told them what the &ord had spoke to him' a d the asked the you $ ma ' (Who are you)( The you $ ma was trem%li $ as the demo s %e$a "omi $ out of him# So they prayed for his deli!era "e' a d afterwards he %e$a to share his story# The you $ ma has ow "ome to the &ord' a d is a e!a $elist prea"hi $ the $ospel# He is %ei $ used %y the &ord mi$htily i setti $ other people free throu$h deli!era "e#

O e i$ht' I 67oh 8uli de9 we t to a di er# The o ly reaso I we t was that someo e had told me a%out this you $ ma a d I was !ery "urious to see him a d to fi d out if his story was true# So I atte ded the di er' a d i the e!e i $ he was $i!e the "ha "e to $i!e his testimo y# He spoke a%out so ma y thi $s# At times he "ried %e"ause of the thi $s he had do e# As he fi ished' he made a appeal#

There were ma y pastors i the room# He said' (I appeal to you' pastors# Please tea"h the people how to pray#( The people who do 5t pray "a %e take i a ythi $' i a ythi $ %y the de!il' a d there are ways that the e emy "a e*ploit their li!es a d their prayers#

The e emy k ows e!e how to e*ploit the prayers of those who do 5t k ow how to pray# (Tea"h the people how to use the spiritual armor that /od pro!ides#(

The he shared how he led e*peditio s throu$h the air# He would $o with other sata i" a$e ts a d ma y demo spirits# It was as if they were worki $ a shift' i the same way that you5!e $ot to $o a d work your shift# He had a re$ular' time that he was re:uired to $o a d wa$e war i the hea!e lies# He said that i the hea!e lies' i the spiritual realm' if the la d is "o!ered %y a %la ket of dark ess' the %la ket is so de se it is like solid ro"k# A d it "o!ers the whole area# The spirits are a%le to $o o top of a d %elow the %la ket' a d from there i flue "e the e!e ts o earth#

Whe the e!il spirits a d huma sata i" a$e ts fi ish their shifts' they $o dow to earth at the poi ts of "o!e a t' o water or o la d' to refresh their spirits# How do they refresh their spirits) 0y the sa"rifi"es that people $i!e at these altars# They "ould %e sa"rifi"es i ope wit"h"raft' sa"rifi"es i %loodshed of all types' i "ludi $ a%ortio ' warfare' a d huma a d a imal sa"rifi"es# They "ould %e sa"rifi"es of se*ual immorality' i whi"h people pra"ti"e se*ual per!ersio s a d all ki ds of promis"uity# Su"h a"ts stre $the these powers# There are ma y differe t types of sa"rifi"es#

He said that whe sata i" a$e ts are up i the hea!e ly realm' a d 1hristia s %e$i to pray o earth' the 1hristia s; prayers appear to them i three forms# All prayers appear like smoke that is risi $ toward hea!e #

Some prayers appear like smoke that drifts alo $ a d !a ishes i the air# These prayers "ome from people who ha!e si i their li!es that they are ot willi $ to deal with# Their prayers are !ery weak+ they are %low away a d disappear i the air#

A other type of prayer is also like smoke# It rises upward u til it rea"hes the ro"k+ it "a ot %reak throu$h the ro"k# These prayers usually "ome from people who try to purify themsel!es' %ut who la"k faith as they pray# They usually i$ ore the other importa t aspe"ts that are eeded whe someo e prays#

The third type of prayer is like smoke that is filled with fire# As it rises upward' it is so hot that whe it rea"hes the ro"k' the ro"k %e$i s to melt like wa*# It pier"es the ro"k a d $oes throu$h#

8a y times' as people %e$i to pray' their prayers look like the first type# 0ut as they "o ti ue prayi $' their prayers "ha $e a d %e"ome like the se"o d type of prayer# A d as they "o ti ue prayi $' sudde ly their prayers i$ ite i to flames# Their prayers %e"ome so powerful that they pier"e throu$h the ro"k#

8a y times e!il a$e ts would oti"e that prayers were "ha $i $ a d "omi $ !ery "lose to %e"omi $ fire# These a$e ts would the "ommu i"ate with other spirits o earth a d tell them' (<istra"t that perso from prayer# Stop them from prayi $# Pull them out#(

8a y times 1hristia s yield to these distra"tio s# They are pressi $ throu$h' repe ti $ a d allowi $ the Word to "he"k their spirit# Their faith is $rowi $# Their prayers are %e"omi $ more fo"used# The the de!il oti"es that their prayers are $ai i $ stre $th' a d the distra"tio s %e$i # Telepho es ri $# Sometimes' i the middle of !ery' !ery i te se prayer' the telepho e ri $s a d you thi k you "a $o a swer it a d the "ome %a"k a d "o ti ue prayi $# Howe!er' whe you retur ' you $o %a"k to the %e$i i $# A d that5s what the de!il wa ts#

Other ki ds of distra"tio s "ome your way# They may tou"h your %ody' %ri $i $ pai somewhere# They may make you hu $ry' "ausi $ you to wa t to $o to the kit"he to prepare somethi $ to eat# As lo $ as they "a $et you out of that pla"e' they ha!e defeated you# He said to the pastors' (Tea"h the people to set aside some time' ot 4ust for some "asual prayi $' they "a do that the rest of the day# O "e a day' they should ha!e a time whe they are fo"usi $ wholeheartedly o /od' without a y distra"tio s#

If the people persist i this ki d of prayer a d allow themsel!es to %e i spired i the spirit a d to keep $oi $' somethi $ happe s i the spirit# The fire tou"hes that ro"k' a d it melts# The ma said that whe the melti $ %e$i s' it is so hot that o demo spirit "a sta d it# No huma spirit "a sta d it# They all flee# They all ru away#

There "omes a ope i $ i the spiritual realm# As soo as it appears' all this trou%le i prayer stops# The perso who is prayi $ o the $rou d feels like their prayer has sudde ly %e"ome so smooth' so e 4oya%le' so powerful a d i te se# I5!e dis"o!ered that at that mome t' we ormally lose all aware ess of time a d other thi $s# Not that we %e"ome disorderly+ /od takes "are of our time# 0ut it is as if you lay dow e!erythi $' a d hook up with /od# The ma said that whe the prayers %reak throu$h'

from that mome t o there is o resista "e at all' a d the perso prayi $ "a "o ti ue as lo $ as he wa ts# There is o resista "e to stop him#

The he said that after the perso fi ishes prayi $' the hole remai s ope # He said that whe people rise from their pla"e of prayer' a d mo!e o ' the ope hole mo!es alo $ with them# They are o lo $er operati $ u der the %la ket# They are operati $ u der a ope hea!e # He said that i that state' the de!il "a ot do what he wa ts a$ai st them# The prese "e of the &ord is like a pillar from hea!e resti $ o their li!es# They are prote"ted' a d there is so mu"h power i side the pillar that as they mo!e arou d' the prese "e tou"hes other people as well# It dis"er s what the e emy has do e i other people# A d as they talk to people who are sta di $ with them' they too "ome i side the pillar# As lo $ as they stay i side the pillar' all the %o da$es pla"ed o them %y the e emy weake #

So whe people who ha!e e*perie "ed this spiritual %reakthrou$h share 7esus 1hrist with si ers' the si ers; resista "e is low# It is !ery easy to %ri $ them throu$h to sal!atio # Whe they pray for the si"k or pray a%out other thi $s' the prese "e that is with them makes all the differe "e# The ma said that the de!il hates su"h people# He said that i pla"es where prayer re$ularly %reaks throu$h i this way' the prese "e "omes upo that pla"e a d does ot lea!e# Whe people who do 5t k ow /od e ter su"h a pla"e' all their %o da$es e!e sudde ly weake #

If someo e is willi $ to mi ister to them with patie "e a d lo!e' they "ould easily %e pulled throu$h to sal!atio ' ot %y power or %y mi$ht %ut %y the Spirit of /od' Who is prese t# 0ut he said that if o o e %others to rea"h out to them' they merely "ome i to His prese "e' feel "o !i"ted' a d %e$i to de%ate whether or ot to yield# If they are ot pulled throu$h to sal!atio ' whe they walk away from that pla"e' their %o da$es %e"ome stro $er# A d the de!il tries his %est to pre!e t them from e teri $ su"h a e !iro me t a$ai #

As you "a ima$i e' we all sat stari $ at the ma as he told us the thi $s he used to do a d see# The he told us what they would do to those who %roke throu$h i prayer# He said that they marked su"h people a d studied them# They would di$ up e!erythi $ they "ould fi d a%out them' so they k ew their weak esses# Whe someo e o!er"ame them i prayer a d %roke throu$h' they would "ommu i"ate with other spirits sayi $' (Tar$et him with this a d this a d this# They are his weak esses#( So whe the perso walks out of his prayer "loset' the spirit of prayer is upo him' the prese "e is with him' his spirit is hi$h' a d the 4oy of the &ord is his stre $th# Howe!er' as he $oes the e emy

tries to %ri $ thi $s that "a distra"t him from fo"usi $ o the &ord#

If his weak ess is i the area of his temper' the e emy will "ause people to do thi $s to make him a $ry# If he is ot se siti!e to the Holy Spirit' a d he allows himself to lose his temper' he takes his eyes off the &ord# He $ets a $ry+ he feels furious# The after a few mi utes' he wa ts to put it %ehi d him a d mo!e forward i the 4oy of the &ord+ howe!er' he does 5t feel 4oyful a ymore# He tries to feel $ood a$ai ' %ut "a ;t# Why) While he was yieldi $ to the temptatio ' they were worki $ hard to "lose the ope i $ a%o!e him# O "e they ha!e restored the ro"k' the prese "e is "ut off# The perso does ot "ease %ei $ a "hild of /od# 0ut the e*tra a oi ti $ o his life' the prese "e that worked apart from his ow effort' is "ut off# They seek to k ow his areas of weak ess#

If his weak ess is temptatio to "ommit se*ual immorality' the e emy will prepare people or e!e ts' somethi $ to sudde ly arouse his passio to mo!e towards the temptatio # A d if the ma yields to the temptatio a d ope s his mi d to re"ei!e a d e tertai its thou$hts' whe he is throu$h a d wa ts to a$ai mo!e i the a oi ti $' he dis"o!ers it is o lo $er there# You mi$ht say' (That5s ot fair3( 7ust remem%er what the 0i%le says' (Put o the helmet of sal!atio # Put o the %reastplate of ri$hteous ess#( We ormally do ot u dersta d the part these weapo s play i warfare# 0ut remem%er what 7esus told us to pray towards the e d of the &ord5s Prayer' (&ead us ot i to temptatio ' %ut deli!er us from the e!il o e#(

E!ery time after you ha!e a %reakthrou$h i prayer' remem%er you are still a weak huma %ei $# Remem%er you ha!e ot yet %ee made perfe"t# Say to the &ord' (&ord' I5!e e 4oyed this time of prayer' %ut as I walk out i to the world' lead me ot i to temptatio # <o 5t allow me to walk i to the de!il5s trap# I k ow the e emy is setti $ a trap out there# I do 5t k ow what form it is $oi $ to take' a d I k ow I am still weak i "ertai areas# /i!e the ri$ht "ir"umsta "es' I will yield to temptatio # Prote"t me' &ord# Whe you see me tur i $ the "or er where the trap has %ee set' "ause me to tur the other way# I ter!e e' O &ord# <o 5t let me mo!e i o ly my ow stre $th a d a%ility# <eli!er me from the e!il o e#(

/od is a%le to do it# He is a%le# That is why thi $s happe sometimes# All you eed to say is' (Tha k you' 7esus#( That is why the Apostle Paul wrote i the %ook of =irst Thessalo ia s' (Tha k /od i e!erythi $' for that is the will of /od i 1hrist for you#( 6> Thes ?2>@9 Some thi $s are ot $ood# They are pai ful' a d we wo der why /od allows them# 0ut if we o ly k ew what He is sa!i $ us from' we would tha k Him# Whe we ha!e lear ed to trust the &ord' we tha k Him i e!erythi $#

0elo!ed' I do 5t k ow if I should $o deeper' %e"ause I do ot wa t to start somethi $ I "a ot fi ish# 0ut let me 4ust try to $o o e step further# The ma said that whe prayer %reaks throu$h like that' the a swer will always "ome# He said he did ot k ow of a si $le "ase i whi"h prayer %roke throu$h a d the a swer did ot "ome# He said that the a swer always "ame' %ut that i most "ases' it e!er rea"hed the perso who asked for it# Why) The %attle i the hea!e lies# He said that after they su""eeded i "utti $ off the ope hea!e a d restori $ the ro"k' they would wat"h the perso a d wait %e"ause they k ew the a swer would defi itely "ome#

The the ma said somethi $ that really shook my faith# It was %e"ause of what he shared e*t that I fasted for te days aski $' ,&ord' is this true) 1a You pro!e it to me). The ma said that e!ery 1hristia has a a $el who ser!es them# Now we k ow the 0i%le says that a $els are mi isteri $ spirits who mi ister to us# He said that whe people pray' the a swer "omes i the ha ds of their a $el# The a $el %ri $s the a swer' 4ust like we read i the %ook of <a iel# The he said somethi $ that was diffi"ult to re"ei!e2 If the o e who prays k ows of the spiritual armor a d is "lothed with it' the a swer "omes %y a a $el who is also "lothed i full armor#

Howe!er' if the o e who prays does 5t "are a%out %ei $ "lothed i spiritual armor' their a $el "omes to them without spiritual armor# Whe 1hristia s are "areless a%out the ki ds of thou$hts that e ter their mi ds a d do ot fi$ht the %attle for their mi ds' their a $els "ome to them without helmets# Whate!er spiritual weapo you i$ ore o earth' your a $el does ot ha!e it whe he ser!es you# I other words' our spiritual armor is ot prote"ti $ our physi"al %odies+ it is prote"ti $ our spiritual e*ploits#

The ma said that as the a $el was "omi $ they would wat"h him to fi d the areas that were u "o!ered' a d the atta"k those areas# If he did ;t ha!e a helmet' they would shoot at his head# If he did ;t ha!e a %reastplate' they would shoot at his "hest# If he did ;t ha!e shoes' they would make a fire' "ausi $ him to ha!e to walk throu$h fire# Now' I am 4ust repeati $ what the ma said# A"tually' we asked him' (1a a $els feel fire)( You k ow what his reply was) Remem%er this is the spiritual realm# They are spirits deali $ with spirits# The %attle is i te se# Whe they o!erpower a a $el of /od' the first thi $ they $o after is the a swer he is "arryi $' a d they $et it from him# They the $i!e it to people who are i !ol!ed i "ults or wit"h"raft' so people mi$ht say' (I $ot this %e"ause of wit"h"raft#(

Remem%er what the 0i%le says i the %ook of 7ames) All $ood thi $s "ome from /od#

So where does the de!il $et the thi $s he $i!es to his people) Some people who "a ot ha!e "hildre $o to wit"h do"tors a d sata ists a d %e"ome pre$ a t3 Who $a!e them the %a%y) Is sata a "reator) No3 He steals from those who do 5t pray throu$h to the e d# 7esus said' (Pray without "easi $#(6> Thess ?2>A9 A d the He said' (0ut whe the So of 8a "omes' will He fi d faith)( 6&uke >@2@9 Will He fi d you still waiti $) Or will you ha!e $i!e up' a d the e emy stole what you prayed for)

The the ma said that they were ot satisfied with 4ust steali $ the a swer# They were also i terested i detai i $ the a $el# They would start fi$hti $ a$ai st him# A d he said that sometimes they would su""eed i holdi $ a d %i di $ the a $el# He said that whe that happe s' the 1hristia o earth %e"omes a !i"tim as well# They "a do a ythi $ to that 1hristia %e"ause he is left totally without mi istry i the spiritual realm#

I asked him' (<o you mea that a a $el "a %e held "apti!e %y demo i" for"es)( The ma did ot k ow the S"riptures at the time he was sayi $ all this# He did ot k ow !ery ma y !erses# He was 4ust shari $ his e*perie "e# He said that they "ould ot hold the a $el !ery lo $ %e"ause as other 1hristia s prayed elsewhere' rei for"eme ts would "ome a d the a $els would $o free# Howe!er' if the 1hristia respo si%le did ot pray throu$h' he remai ed a "apti!e# The the e emy would se d his ow a $el to them as a a $el of li$ht# That is how de"eptio "omesBfalse !isio s a d false prophe"ies' false leadi $ or $uida "e i the spirit' a d the maki $ of all ki ds wro $ de"isio s# A d ma y times this perso is ope to all ki ds of atta"ks a d %o da$es#

A d I asked the &ord# I left that di er e*tremely trou%led# I said' (&ord' I do 5t wa t to e!e try to %elie!e this#( It takes away all of my "o fide "e' my se"urity# <uri $ the te days that I sou$ht the &ord' the &ord did two thi $s2 He ot o ly "o firmed the thi $s I had heard' He also ope ed my mi d to u dersta d a lot more of what happe s i the spiritual realm that the ma "ould ot tell us# A d two' He led me to see what we are supposed to do as the thi $s are happe i $ so that we are ot defeated' %ut "a o!er"ome# We eed to k ow a d really "ome to terms with three thi $s#

=irst2 How to use the weapo s of our warfare# The 0i%le "alls them the armor of /od# It is ot our armor+ it is /od5s armor# Whe we use it' we allow /od to fi$ht o our %ehalf# Se"o d2 U dersta d the relatio ship %etwee mi isteri $ spiritsBa $elsBa d our spiritual li!es' a d %e se siti!e to what is happe i $ i our hearts as a leadi $ re$ardi $ what eeds to %e do e i the spiritual realm o our %ehalf# That %ri $s us to the third thi $2 The Holy Spirit#

We should ot re$ard the Holy Spirit as our ser!a t' who is ser!i $ us a d %ri $i $ us thi $s# He does ot ru %a"k a d forth %etwee us a d the =ather to tell Him what we eed# That is the a $els; 4o%# He sta ds %y our side# <oi $ what) /uidi $ us' tea"hi $ us' leadi $ us' helpi $ us to pray i the ri$ht way# A d whe these thi $s are happe i $ i the spiritual realm' He lets us k ow# Sometimes He wakes you up i the middle of the i$ht a d says' (Pray#( 0ut you say' (No3 8y time has ot yet "ome#( A d He says' (Pray ow3( Why) He sees what is happe i $ i the spiritual realm# Sometimes He says' (=ast tomorrow3( 0ut you say' (Oh' o+ I5ll start o 8o day3(

0ut He u dersta ds what is happe i $ i the spiritual realm# We should lear to %e se siti!e to the Holy Spirit# He $uides us i paths of ri$hteous ess# 0elo!ed we5!e $ot to stop here# 8ay%e tomorrow mor i $ we will talk a%out how we "a pray throu$hB k owi $ the %attles i the spiritual realm a d how we "a %reak throu$h# A d how we "a mai tai our %reakthrou$h o "e we ha!e a"hie!ed it# O "e we lear this' it %e"omes e 4oya%le# The we will lear o e thi $2 The %attle is ot ours+ the %attle is the &ord;s3 Hallelu4ah3

&et5s sta d up# &ook someo e i the eye' a d thi k a%out how ma y times that perso may ha!e missed what /od had for him# 7oi your ha ds if you "a ' with two or three people' a d tell ea"h other that there5s o eed for a y more defeat3 We "a o!er"ome3 There is e ou$h power to o!er"ome3 7esus has already fi ished the work#( Pray for ea"h other that the &ord will help us to o!er"ome# We should ot lose# There is e ou$h $ra"e' e ou$h power' for !i"tory#

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