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Em"#o$ees sho%#& sho' #o$a#t$ to their (om"an$ b$ )%##$ s%""orting the (om"an$*s managers an& "o#i(ies+ e,en 'hen the em"#o$ees be#ie,e that the managers an& "o#i(ies are misg%i&e& ! Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "osition 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing Employee showing loyalty to their company by fully supporting the company's managers and policies, knowingly that policies and managers are misguided. I dont agree to the above statement as this might turn out to be a big negative for the company and employee. The key to retaining good employee is by maintaining the good atmosphere within the company by giving freedom of speech. And team within the company is like a family hence if anything is misguided in a family and it is to our knowledge that its happening. Then its our duty to take necessary steps against it before it is too late. ut yes, at the same time we need to respect our managers and should put the suggestions politely. And its a responsibility of managers to maintain healthy relation within the team and encourage the team to be proactive and give suggestions for any improvement re!uired. According the survey conducted, on an average every year company spends "#$ of there revenue in training employees on new upcoming technologies. %ence it becomes really more important for the company to retain employees and policies acts as a catalyst for the same. &olicies are made for the goodwill of the employee. And if policies are misguided then management should be made aware for the same as they e'pect employee to come back to them. Employees are the best people to decide what they want and management will definitely try there best to get the same to them provided they are informed, as they want there employees.

In todays booming market, we all know there are many (obs. Even a small trigger in mind can make you look out for a change. It can be salary, company environment, bad relation with )anager, policies or any other reason. ut most of the %* managers who take the e'it interview of employee leaving the company says +Employee leave the )anager not the company,. In todays competitive world, companies are growing very fast. %ence it becomes really difficult for the company to decide what employee wants. Thus it becomes fairly more important for the )anagers to encourage there employees to come up with any suggestions if re!uired. And at the same time its a sole responsibility of employees to point our any issue whatsoever with policies or with )anager to the management so that they can take necessary steps. - Do $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the statement/ 0Men ma1e better managers than 'omen/ 2 I have been pretty much ama.ed to read certain opinions which conclude with a sweeping statement /0omen are better managers than )en/.

I would say, 0omen are not given a fair chance in the corporate market due to a still e'isting orthodo' feeling that 0omen can't survive in this tricky 1 confusing world which is absolutely wrong. 0e should come out of this traditional feeling of )en should do work 1 women should manage home. 0omen are good caretakers 1 have the natural ability of being careful 1 committed.

2onclusion 30omen cannot be (udge as being superior to men or vice4versa (ust because of certain natural abilities. )en can handle situations well where you need a /*526 758I9/ heart 1 women can where it needs handling with sensitivity. 7o, both )en 1 women have their own merits 1 demerits in handling diversified roles of a )anager. 0omen or a )en who maintains the balance between their natural merits 1 demerits

becomes a good manager.

ecoming a :ood manager is :E;9E* neutral 1 women

should given e!ual opportunities 1 freedom both in corporate 1 personal life.

Unit 3: Internationa# management an& (%#t%re &i,ersit$ 1 Di))eren(es bet'een (o%ntries be(ome #ess e,i&ent ea(h $ear No'a&a$s+ a## o,er the 'or#& "eo"#e share the same a&,ertising+ bran&s+ eating habits an& T4 (hanne#s Do the a&,antages o%t'eigh the &isa&,antages o) these )ashions2 It is true that many aspects of culture are becoming increasingly similar throughout the world. Although this trend has some benefits, I would argue that there are more drawbacks. 5n the one hand, the globali.ation of fashion, brands, eating habits and other areas of culture has some benefits. <irstly, it increases the knowledge and information about other cultures. 5ur understanding of other people and cultures therefore increases. 7econdly, the globe has become a global village, thanks to technology like the internet and satellites which brought this world so close. Thirdly, we get the best aspects of different cultures like best foods and products are sold all over the world. As a result, people have more choices ever than before. <inally, it would be much cheaper and more efficient for countries to have a uni!ue identity. 5n the other hand, I believe that the disadvantages of cultural globali.ation are even ore significant. <irstly, sometimes we get the worst aspects of certain culture such as (unk or fast food which is not good for health. 7econdly, traditional customs, clothing etc. might disappear due to the influence of foreign culture. If a culture disappears, the whole way of life will disappear with it and we will lose the rich cultural diversity which makes societies more interesting. <inally, &eople are wearing almost same clothes all over the world. As a conse!uence, few brands like ;ike, Addidas are occupying the big market.

=nemployment and gap between different nations economy will therefore increase in some way. In conclusion, it seems to me that the drawbacks of globali.ation, in terms of cultural habits such as clothes we wear or the foods we eat, do outweigh the benefits.

3 Some "eo"#e be#ie,e that ,isitors to other (o%ntries sho%#& )o##o' #o(a# (%stoms an& beha,ior Others &isagree an& thin1 that the host (o%ntr$ sho%#& 'e#(ome (%#t%re &i))eren(es Dis(%ss both these ,ie's an& gi,e $o%r o'n o"inion As life has improved day by day, people tend to travel more fre!uently now than in the past. It is argued that visitors to other countries should follow the host countries' traditions and behavior. %owever, there is an opposite idea saying that the host country should welcome culture differences. This essay will take a closer look at the issue.

;owadays, not only do people consider travelling as a chance to rela' but they also think it is a way to self4improve. It will be a great opportunity to try new things such as traditional cuisine, music, custom. In my country, I have seen many visitors being very e'cited and surprised when they tasted our food or when they wore Aodai. If you travel to other countries (ust to view landscapes, you will obviously waste a perfect chance for learning new things.

%owever, there are various aspects against this argument. 7ome people think that it is really hard for travellers to follow local customs and behaviour because they are totally different and they may not be able to adapt to the traditions. If visitors are welcomed despite all the differences, they will feel comfortable and may travel to that country again. esides, it is also very beneficial for the local people to e'perience new culture in

their home countries. 2onse!uently, the host country should greet culture differences. Almost all people in my country find it very e'citing when they have a foreign guest. They can also accept the differences easily.

&ersonally, it is always good to have more e'periences, even for the visitors or the local people. )oreover, it is not very frustrated to try new things or to accept new things. 0hat important is the knowledge you get and the feelings you have been through. Therefore, visitors to other countries should try to follow local customs and behavior and the host countries should welcome culture differences as well.

Unit 5: Ethi(s an& 6SR 1 The most e))e(ti,e 'a$ )or a b%siness"erson to ma-imi7e "ro)its o,er a #ong "erio& o) time is to )o##o' the highest stan&ar&s o) ethi(s / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r ,ie's 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing The argument above states that in order to ma'imi.e his profits over a long period of time , a businessman needs to stick to the highest standards of ethics . I agree to the opinion stated above to an e'tent. %owever , I think that there are many other factors that determine ones profits. To begin with , ethics decide what is morally right and what is morally wrong , and I believe that it is very important for any businessman to know the ethics in order to run his business. <ollowing standard ethics can earn a businessman a solid foothold in volatile market . <or e'ample maintaining !uality of a product , keeping price of the product reasonable, and providing good customer service in times of tough competition from his rivals are some of the factors that help a businessman garner new consumers while retaining the old ones. Also , )arket surveys help in finding the demands and e'pectations

of people , and thus help businessman to know which areas he need to work upon in order to ma'imi.e his profits. 3 The goa# o) b%siness sho%#& not be to ma1e as big a "ro)it as "ossib#e Instea&+ b%siness sho%#& a#so (on(ern itse#) 'ith the 'e##8being o) the "%b#i( / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "oint o) ,ie' 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing The opinion that the goal of business should not be to make as big as a profit as possible, but also be concerned about the well4being of the public sounds too idealistic. A company as big as >ohnson and >ohnson can concern itself with the well4being of the public but asking the same of a business as small as the neighbourhood restaurant would be too much. 5nce a restaurant owner myself, I can say that keeping the business afloat itself was like carrying a huge load on my shoulders and trying to swim against the waves. Each day a new problem would arise. The failing economy didn't help either. There was no way I could think of doing public service when I had to work hard day and night to keep my business running.

>ohnson and >ohnson is a household name internationally. Its concern for the well4being of the planet and its people is also one of its biggest marketing strategy. y working for the people, it is in turn able to get more people to buy its products. The dollar amount spent on the well4being of the people dont cause a dent in the annual profits of >ohnson and >ohnson At the same time, even a small amount spent on the well4 being of the people causes a big difference for a small business.

In conclusion, I would say that the idea that businesses should not be (ust about profit but also the well4being of the public is very optimistic but at the same time impractical. Each

business has to be viewed individually and not generali.ed as one entity and e'pected to do as the other business does. ?. Organi7ations ha,e to be m%(h "ro)it oriente& than being so(ia##$ res"onsib#e+ es"e(ia##$ &%ring an e(onomi( &e"ression/ Do $o% agree or &isagree2 Dis(%ss . Unit 9: Essentia# o) "#anning ". Some "eo"#e (onsi&er thin1ing abo%t an& "#anning )or the )%t%re to be a 'aste o) time The$ arg%e that "eo"#e sho%#& sim"#$ #i,e in the moment Do $o% agree or &isagree2 Use at #east one "ersona# e-am"#e in $o%r res"onse . To live in present and to plan future, has been one of oldest ideology of people since ages. 5n the other hand the modern trend teaches people to en(oy present without worrying about future. oth the life styles have their own merits and demerits. %owever I believe thinking about future and planning it in advance is !uite more preferable. 8et me elaborate in details with some of my personal evidences. To start with, a life without an ambition is a ship without rudder. Thinking about future gives one a vision which provides a way to reach his goal. &lanning for future provides a chance to achieve anything more easily and safely. To illustrate simply I can give an e'ample of my own education, I wanted to be an IA7 officer, which re!uires great deal of general knowledge and good health to clear the entrance e'am of this post. 7o I started to gather information about this and started preparation for the same and finally recently I cleared the written e'am of IAs. %ence, I succeeded easily only because@ I have started to think about it in advance since my "Ath standard. If I were to start the preparation on last night, I would not have been succeeded. Thus for every student it is essential to decide their future way and to plan about it as early as possible. And this is true not only in students case but everywhere in todays era. <or every businessman, sportsman,

politician, army man, employer or employee planning in advance gives more chances to success and to remove obstacles from the way of ones goal. In addition, I differ from those who consider advance planning a waste of time as in my every day to day routine I have observed only my advance preparation has saved my lots of time@ in contrast last minute preparation cause more hassles and makes me to spoil more time. <or instance, our every appointment, interviews, lectures or any important meeting cannot be possibly arranged without prior panning. Even the planning for the life after retirement, in ones young age, only helps him in old age days. 8ikewise, planning about future makes one ready to face any kind of upcoming changes or crisis in their lives, may it be either financial or emotional. )oreover planning about future and worrying about it are two different things. 7o, those who consider planning as a worrying and a waste of en(oyment in life, are not true. 5bviously, one must not waste his precious moments of this beautiful life (ust in an'iety of future but yes one must have to be ready to fight against anything in advance. In brief, &eople ought to commit some of the precious time from their present for their future. 0hich in turn will be helpful not only to shape their career, to meet their professional plans or to achieve their targets but also to make their future more secure, safer and convenient or to shape it as their own wishes.

Unit :: ;rob#em so#,ing an& &e(ision ma1ing 1 Do $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the )o##o'ing statement2 A "erson sho%#& ne,er ma1e an im"ortant &e(ision a#one Use s"e(i)i( reasons an& e-am"#es to s%""ort $o%r ans'er

A person should never make an important decision alone. Important decisions should to you be can well give thought out. &eople who know you well, know what is best for you. &eople close you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own e'perience. 0hen I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in college, I talked to my teachers classes unsuitable were the and best courses. advisors. They had the knowledge and e'pertise to help me determine which ones to take for my future career. 0ithout their advice, I might have chosen

In college, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. of auditions, a friend of mine asked me why I wasn't Therefore, the auditioning. I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. The day

0hen I told her I didn't feel I was good enough, she was shocked. 7he was able to provide tried got a lead outB in the me and play. with another perspective on my talents and myself. I rethought my decision and

8ast year when I was trying to decide whether or not I should study overseas, I talked because to I my had friend. This was the best thing I could have done. This was a big decision for me

never been overseas on my own and I wasn't sure I could do it. 7he had studied overseas encounter me make the right decision. and I went and it was the helped ama.ingC previous year. 7he told me about the challenges and opportunities I might

0henever I am faced with an important decision, I seek advice from others so that I am well informed and have the benefit of their perspective and e'perience. 3 De(isions (an be ma&e <%i(1#$+ or the$ (an be ma&e a)ter (are)%# tho%ght Do $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the )o##o'ing statement: 0The &e(isions that "eo"#e ma1e <%i(1#$ are a#'a$s 'rong / Use reasons an& s"e(i)i( e-am"#es to s%""ort $o%r o"inion 9ecision making always dependents on individual personality, some people make the decisions !uick and some take longer time to decide. )ost people don't know the profound effect of decision making. Every single decision we make in our days shapes our current reality. It shapes who we are as a person because we usually follow through with the decisions we make without even it. In my point of view, decisions are made carefully rather !uickly. <irst of all, there are some important decisions, which takes longer time because it may change one's life forever. efore making a decision, one should understand the what a decision does. <or instance, when a person picks a cigarette to smoke, that decision might result in picking one more after few mins. And at the end of the day the person won't even reali.e that the person have gone through a packet without knowing it. 7o, by distracting or making a strong decision not to pick a cigarette will definitely changes the person's life.

In addition, sometimes sharing the decision to family, friends or close one's will get better results. There is somethings about telling other people what we are going to do that makes us follow through. <or e'ample, i had to choose between few interests i had to study in future, so i discussed with my family and friends took advice, which helped me to make my decision correct, even though it was a slow process. In contrast, my friend was in same situation as myself, because of her !uick decision she couldn't follow her dreams. 0e may make mistakes be taking !uick decisions. <urthermore, every good and bad e'periences teaches us lot of things, even we learn from our past decisions. 0e take too much time to decide because we are afraid of what's doing to happen that too when bad e'periences happen. It always better to plan, deep analysis, pron and corns before deciding. This seems to be time consuming but it is better then failure. In conclusion, decision should be made with careful thought because it a life changing things. Always it good to share with people about the decisions and take the advice for better results. 0e often learn from past decisions which makes us strong on confident to not to repeat bad things.

?. Do $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the )o##o'ing statement: "arents sho%#& ma1e im"ortant &e(ision )or their =1:81> $rs? teenage (hi#&ren2 Use s"e(i)i( reasons an& e-am"#es to s%""ort $o%r o"inion. 9uring the years of adolescence, all the decisions for the children are being made by their parents. In some families this tendency still takes place as the children are growing and becoming more mature. I strongly believe that starting with "#4"D years old, teenagers must start making important decisions up to their own discretion. 9oing that, teenagers will become more independent, increase self4 confidence and prevent themselves from unintentional mistakes their parents could made.

<irst of all, sooner or later child will be in situations when he must do his own choice. 7eventeen years old is e'actly the age when teenagers are applying for the college and, therefore, have to leave their home and live away from their families. If one was always told what to do by his parents, either do the homework or go to bed, he would not be able to make such basic decisions alone. ;ot to mention living for months, studying and providing himself with the sustenance. <ollowing directions of his parents hi still be callow even in -A and -#. Therefore, making their own decisions in the early stages of teenage years will give children necessary e'perience, indispensable for living alone.

7econdly, observations of your own successful decisions will increase self4 confidence in personality of the child. 7uch positive e'perience will make teenagers believe in themselves and act decisively in the future. 5ne of my friends, )att, being seventeen years old (uvenile, fortuitously won substantial sum of money in lottery. 9espite his parents wanted him to put these money on the bank account, they ultimately decided to let )att to make his own choice how to spend it. )att has bought a stock which hat tripled in the half of year. It was the right decision which )att did by himself. Ever since he never hesitate how he should spend money and never need any advice of anybody else. )att became mature independent man. Therefore, making their own decision, children strengthen confidence in themselves.

<inally, parents, trying to help to their teenage children by advices sometimes unintentionally making decisions that are inherently wrong. 0hen I was a teenager and (ust finished my study in the high school, me and my classmates had to choose which ma(or to go on in the college. I knew in the first place that I adored math and was going to get degree in this field. In contrast, many of my classmates did not know who they wanted to be. Their parents have chosen for them

/appropriate/ programs that, as they considered, would best fit for their children. After seven years it turned out that many of my classmates eventually had to change their ma(or, because it was not e'actly what they would like to study. 5pposite, now I am finishing my &h.9. in math. If my classmates made they own choice which school and program to apply for, probably, they would not go in the wrong way in the very beginning. %ence, decisions, being made by parents are not necessarily the best ones for their teenagers who can come up with more effective solutions., I adhere to the opinion, that in age of "#4"E years old, teenagers can and ought to act up to their own discretion making important decisions by themselves. Indeed, it teaches them how to be independent, increases their self4 confidence and protects them from possible mistakes of their parents

Unit @: Organi7ation str%(t%re+ (%#t%re an& (hange ". +6or"orations an& other b%sinesses sho%#& tr$ to e#iminate the man$ ran1s an& sa#ar$ gra&es that (#assi)$ em"#o$ees a((or&ing to their e-"erien(e an& e-"ertise A )#at organi7ationa# str%(t%re is more #i1e#$ to en(o%rage (o##egia#it$ an& (oo"eration among em"#o$ees / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r ,ie's 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing F The speaker here claims that a flat organi.ational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality among employees. I disagree with the statement. In support of my position, I would like to present following aspects that constitute to an organi.ational operating.

<irst, this statement ignores our daily e'perience in workplace. 0hen there is

dispute among coworkers, there should be a clear figure to take authority and to make final decision. If not, disagreement will go unresolved and the congeniality is discouraged.

7econd, under a flat system, workers have little enticement, if any, to improve their performance and bear responsibility for their assigned tasks. In fact, a flat system might actually discourage productivity and efficiency because workers are not responsible for the !uality or !uantity of their work.

In sum, I disagree the opinion that a /flat/ organi.ational structure is more likely to promote collegiality and cooperation among employees because it breaks the common sense about how people work and it discourage the cooperation among employees. F Introducing a flat organi.ational structure in corporations and other businesses may not be the right option for the development of not only the company but also the world. It needs further analysis before coming to a conclusion that flat structure can only encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees. <irstly, ranks and salary grades encourage people to work hard and be more innovative and creative in improving the areas on which they work on. It encourages people for a fair competition where everyone tries to outdo themselves every day, unleashing a new energy at their workplaces. The same notion can also be e'tended to a team of people where they try to outsmart other teams. Eventually, it leads to a healthy and competitive business environment where achievements are well recogni.ed and awarded, enhancing the !uality of the products of the corporations. 7econdly, ranks and salary grades gives a clear picture of ones achievements and responsibilities. Its a known fact that people love to pro(ect themselves and be in a limelight. *anks and salary grades help individuals and teams achieve such a status within an organi.ation with their sheer pro(ection of capabilities. <or e'ample, Infosys is

pro(ected as a well known company due to its strong ethical business culture followed by its top level management led by its founder, ;arayana )urthy. 8astly, e'perience and e'pertise give people, the chance to lead the organi.ation in their specific field of e'pertise, in future. It pro(ects the future leaders for the corporations and businesses. It clearly shows the fat from the milk who can lead the organi.ation through its tough time with hisGher leadership. Imagine a company whose 2E5 dies suddenly and it cannot find a suitable person to replace him within the company. Anyone replacing him 2E5 post from outside, usually, takes time to understand the work culture and environment of the new company, before he can become a responsible 2E5. %ence, it is necessary that corporations should continue to encourage ranks and salary grades based on e'pertise and e'perience instead of promoting a flat structure. At the same time, corporations should ensure that everyone gets a fair share to showcase their talents and innovations, necessary for the development of the new and better products for the businesses, with its policies and guidelines.

3 0A## gro%"s an& organi7ations sho%#& )%n(tion as teams in 'hi(h e,er$one ma1es &e(isions an& shares res"onsibi#ities an& &%ties Ai,ing one "erson (entra# a%thorit$ an& res"onsibi#it$ )or a "roje(t or tas1 is not an e))e(ti,e 'a$ to get 'or1 &one / To 'hat e-tent &o $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e2 S%""ort $o%r ,ie's 'ith reasons an&.or s"e(i)i( e-am"#es &ra'n )rom $o%r o'n 'or1 or s(hoo# e-"erien(es+ $o%r obser,ations+ or $o%r rea&ing 7ome people argue that it is not an effective way to give one person central authority and responsibility to get work done. *ather, all groups and organi.ations should function as teams where everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities. Although it is true that doing things in team4based environment creates a cooperation spirit which is a powerful motivator for the workers of the

company, I still believe that there should be someone who makes decision and share duties.

<irst, a group cannot make decisions. Everyone in a group can bring out suggestions, pros and cons, but only one person can make the final decision and bear the ma(or responsibility for a pro(ect or task. This brings my second point that responsibility has to be personal to mean something. :roup responsibility means nothing. Another point is that a re!uired step in any large pro(ect is to divide the pro(ect into smaller parts and to assign them to the team members. ;aturally, only a chief person can do that.

7econd, most people agree that they are motivated when they are assigned to authori.e and bear responsibility for a pro(ect or task. If the responsibility is handled by a single individual, there is a high degree of accountability because that person is completely responsible for his actions. <urthermore, pro(ects that re!uire !uick response time and intuition should be done by individuals. In this case, there is no time to call a meeting and come to a group discussion on what to do ne't.

In conclusion, although team work is a necessity in any organi.ation, it is best when it is done in the presences of several decision making e'ecutives, whom will make the decisions, after consulting with their teams, assign tasks, and carry the responsibility.

5 Organi7ations sho%#& be str%(t%re& in a (#ear hierar(h$ in 'hi(h the "eo"#e at ea(h #e,e#+ )rom to" to bottom+ are he#& a((o%ntab#e )or (om"#eting a "arti(%#ar (om"onent o) the 'or1 An$ other organi7ationa# str%(t%re goes against h%man nat%re an& 'i## %#timate#$ "ro,e )r%it#ess / Dis(%ss the e-tent

to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "oint o) ,ie' 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing The author mentions that the best possible organi.ational structure is heirarchial in nature. The reasoning provided is that the structure is parallel to the basic human nature. I agree with the statement. There are two main reasons for my viewpoint <irstly, the hierarchial system is highly efficient. This is because in such a system, the roles at each level are pre4defined. A person at a particular level is e'pected to perform upto a specific criteria only. This helps the employee to focus on this specific criteria and improve his performance in that role only. <or e'ample, in software industry, an entry level engineer is e'pected only to write code based on the design provided to him. %e is not e'pected to design the system, which infact is the role of the senior engineer who is one level above in the heirarchy. 7econdly, without a heirarchy based structure, all people in an organi.ation are at same level. This does not match with the basic understanding that different people perform differently. In a heirarchial system, it is easy to differentiate a person performing e'cellently in his role by moving him to a role upwards in the structure. Also, this serves as a motivation for the employee to work efficiently contributing to the growth of organi.ation.

7ome might argue that the heirarchial nature of the structure increases gaps between employees. %owever, it is important to note that such difference in level creates efficiency and harmony amongst the employees. This is because each person at a particular level in hierarchy understands what is e'actly e'pected from him. This definition of role makes the work easy and harmonious.

In sum, i agree that the heirarchy based structure is best for organisations. It leads to efficient performance and harmonious culture in the organi.ation. 9 Te#e(omm%ting* re)ers to 'or1ers &oing their jobs )rom home )or "art o) ea(h 'ee1 an& (omm%ni(ating 'ith their o))i(e %sing (om"%ter te(hno#og$ Te#e(omm%ting is gro'ing in man$ (o%ntries an& is e-"e(te& to be (ommon )or most o))i(e 'or1ers in the (oming &e(a&es Bo' &o $o% thin1 so(iet$ 'i## be a))e(te& b$ the gro'th o) te#e(omm%ting It is true that telecommuting has become a trend in many countries in that it provides eases for most office employees. According to this phenomenon, I think there will be both positive and negative impacts initiated from telecommuting. To begin, this new method of working serve eases and therefore also contribute to further indirect positive effects. The main advantage of telecommuting is that it allows workers to accomplish works from various places such as their home, library, or even cafe, and then communicate them to their office with computer technology aid. This advanced working style indirectly brings some positive effects. <irst, by working in such comfortable places, the employees will be more creative and therefore be able to accomplish many more works effectively and efficiently. 7econds later, with less commuting activity, individual or company can save money allocated as transportation cost. It will be very useful for such company with low capital. %owever, telecommuting like the other innovation in technology also has drawback and weakness. 5bviously, this method, also the user, highly depends on computer as a media to communicate between workers and their office, which means that telecommuting is in danger of computer virus and hacking. In addition, it also can decrease the interpersonal skill of a worker due to a low fre!uency of face4to4face meeting among office staffs. )orever, bosses has less control to their staff accomplishment personally.

In conclusion, the development of telecommuting will affect society both in positive and negative ways. &eople should know how to use it properly.

Unit C: Sta))ing an& BR management 1 As most "eo"#e s"en& a major "art o) their a&%#t #i)e at 'or1+ job satis)a(tion is an im"ortant e#ement o) in&i,i&%a# 'e##being Dhat )a(tors (ontrib%te to job satis)a(tion2 Bo' rea#isti( is the e-"e(tation o) job satis)a(tion )or a## 'or1ers2 ;o one can deny that most people spent the ma(or part of their adult life at workplace and (ob satisfaction can play an important role at individual wellbeing. )any factors, such as a fair salary, good relationship with colleagues, and career options, can be important elements to (ob satisfaction. 9espite this, I believe that some people end up working ultimately for a living.

Employers get (ob satisfaction in a number of ways, which includes receiving a good salary, be part of a high4level work4team, and even eventually become a manager. I believe that people should desire the best career possible for themselves and work as hard as possible to achieve this. <or instance, my brother has been working for the biggest company in since he graduated. The company gives him the opportunity to develop his abilities in a high4level as well as pay him a salary above the average. %e works in a team where everyone have a deeply knowledge of the sub(ect they work with and they are a strong team. Eventually, he may become a manager at there or in another company. It may not be the situation of everybody.

%owever, it is difficult to imagine a world in which everyone is truly satisfied with their (ob. )ost people work for a living, and they would probably not choose to

spend eight or more hours each day doing their (ob if they did not need the money. 0hen I lived in 8ondon, for e'ample, I worked given away free newspaper in order to pay for my studies and my international e'perience. If I had money, I would not have worked as much as I did. In fact I would argue that the ma(ority of people dislike or are unhappy their salaries, working hours, workload, or their bosses. In conclusion, even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I believe that every person should try their best to find the best (ob that would fit their e'pectations. 3 In some (o%ntries+ it is i##ega# )or (om"anies to reje(t job a""#i(ant )or their age Is this a "ositi,e or negati,e &e,e#o"ment2 9ue to an introduction of an industry revolution,it became beneficial to the many people getting selecting for (obs. ut depending upon their skills companies are selecting the members. This essay will discuss the pros and cons and give practical solutions. <irstly,the education system has become result oriented.They are stressing for the students to study their sub(ects but they are not introducing any sub(ects like communication and interpersonal skills. Though the person who is !ualified in written test but unable to face in an interview. 7o,they got re(ected because company will see some re!uirements from the (ob applicants and that should be satisfied. )y friend who has completed her engineering with distinct class . There was a campus recruitment in the college. 7he applied for many companies though she got selected in written test but she got re(ected in interview because due to lack of these skills. 7econdly,most of the companies look for e'perienced persons in their fields.These are not giving encourage for the fresher's. In order to enhance their company

growth they prefer these e'perienced persons and which finally effects fresher's carrer. )y uncle's daughter who had a company she prefer only e'perienced candidates in order to improve their company growth. )any people does not get (obs and effects their career which also increase in inflation. )oreover,if the company is in recession period they will not hire any people even though they had satisfied (ob re!uirements. The company should maintain in a balance way and take necessary steps in order to prevent recession. According to my view,even though the people had technical knowledge they are unable to perform some skills which is necessary for a (ob. 7o,they should develop these skills The company should give an e!ual opportunity even to the fresher's. Then each and every individual will work and enhance company growth and have a lucrative career. In conclusion,it is the responsibility of the education system to introduce sub(ect like communication skills and government should make the sub(ects compulsory in all institutions. Even government should encourage companies to take fresh candidates. In this way,our country will prosper and progress in a better way

?. +Eob se(%rit$ an& sa#ar$ sho%#& be base& on em"#o$ee "er)orman(e+ not on $ears o) ser,i(e Re'ar&ing em"#o$ees "rimari#$ )or $ears o) ser,i(e &is(o%rages "eo"#e )rom maintaining (onsistent#$ high #e,e#s o) "ro&%(ti,it$ / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r ,ie's 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing The !uestion at hand is whether (ob security and salary should be decided by the employee performance or by the years of service. The speaker supports employee performance. Though in some labor4intensive businesses where individual

performances can not be compared, giving priority to number of years on service may be (ustified, but in most of the cases I support speaker's viewpoint. T5 begin with, I agree with the speaker in his assertion that if an employee is awarded based on the length of his tenure with the company, he can easily loose the focus on their respective (obs, therefore reducing the overall productivity of company. It can not be argued that financial incentives is a crucial factor in motivate people to perform better.

)oreover, another pitfall of the policy to decide one's salary by number of service years is that bright and more efficient employees can easily get discouraged. If one were to know the fact that a less efficient co4worker with same number of years of service behind him, is going to be rewarded in same as he would, one can loose the motivation to do one's best. 5ne good e'ample supporting this concept is the fact that most of the companies these days offer stock options to attract the best talent in industry. 6nowing that their performance will decide the company's future, and eventually their financial benefits, people do prefer stock options compared to other perks of the (ob.

In conclusion, I agree with the speaker that the decision of (ob security and wages for an employee should be evaluated based on his performance, and not by the number of years on (ob. If the policy is not followed, most of the employees will certainly loose the motivation to perform better. 9 6om"anies bene)it 'hen the$ &is(o%rage em"#o$ees )rom 'or1ing e-tra ho%rs or ta1ing 'or1 home Dhen em"#o$ees s"en& their #eis%re time 'itho%t "ro&%(ing something )or the job+ the$ 'i## be more )o(%se& an& e))e(ti,e 'hen the$ ret%rn to 'or1 / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "oint o) ,ie' 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing

The progress of any company lies in the hands of the employees.It in the end it is their work that matters,nothing else.In order to keep a healthy environment,employees should be discouraged from working e'tra hours or taking work home.The speaker states that they will be more focussed on work when employees spend their leisure time without producing something for the (ob.Though there a pros and cons for this issue,I would agree with the speaker on discouraging employees from working e'tra hours. <or any person,health comes first.There is a saying /%ealth is 0ealth/.0hen a person is not in good health he cannot do any work.7o companies must ensure that their employees stay healthy.Any organi.ation will rise when they maintain a healthy environment at work.This helps the people working there to do their (ob efficiently.0orking e'tra hours or taking work home is not advisable.They work for the whole day.0ithout taking rest if he continues to work in the same way,it can affect his health.These days many people working under stress conditions are complaining about cardiac problems.All this can be avoided when one does things appropriately and at correct time.

<urthermore,this type of work culture can affect the personal life also.0hen an employee has no time to spend with his family and works all the time,it will not only affect him but also his spouse and children.0hen am employee spends his leisure time with his family or on some activities other than work he can work more effectively when he returns to the work.<or e'ample,these days the software industry is on the top employing many people.These companies re!uire their staff to work e'tra hours to remain competitive in the market.They are not looking into the long term effects of such acts.They are (ust concerned about their present benefits and growth of their organi.ation.

5n the contrary,some people might argue that the concept of working from home has made the work of the employees more fle'ible.5f course this is possible only

in software industry.;o other type of business can allow people to work from home.)ost people agree that 0hen one is working from home,he can spend time with his family also. ut this cannot be true because when a person is working,he cant do any other activity.Thus,firms should not encourage this kind of work culture in their offices.

In conclusion,considering all the above points it can be said that the disadvantages overweigh the advantages.7o in my view when a company discourages its employees from working e'tra hours and taking work home the organi.ation will benefit.It not only helps increase their workers productivity but also helps them to remain in good health. : 6om"anies sho%#& not tr$ to im"ro,e em"#o$ees "er)orman(e b$ gi,ing in(enti,es+ )or e-am"#e+ a'ar&s or gi)ts These in(enti,es en(o%rage negati,e 1in&s o) beha,ior instea& o) en(o%raging a gen%ine interest in &oing the 'or1 'e## / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r ,ie's 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing I disagree with the statement that companies should not try to improve employees performance by giving incentives. ;owadays, incentive plays an important factor in employees work choices. Incentives encourage people to go toward their goal and work harder to get higher reward.

As incentive can be regarded as a motivation for people to work harder than they do, the companies should maintain it. After putting lots of efforts and works on (ob, everyone feels that he or she deserves a reward from the companys success. <or e'ample, bonus is considered as a good method to give out incentive and many evaluation methods have been adopted. 2ompanies are currently applying the balance score card method in order to evaluate the performance of each

worker. The system of balance score card works by each workers setting up goals to improve his or her working process at the beginning of the year and the head of each department will evaluate the performance at the end of the year to calculate the bonus payment. y this method, department heads are capable of keeping track of the improvement of each worker. The workers also know the standard they have to meet and the reward for outperforming the (ob, so they work harder to get to the higher level of evaluation and getting more reward. Another e'ample is the commission given to insurance salesperson. AIA assures its sales representative forty percents of the premium charged to customers on the first year of the contract and guarantees ten percents of the premium charged each year that customer continues paying the premium. This encourages sales representatives who want to make more money put more effort in finding customers. In my opinion, incentives still play an important role in the world labor market. It makes workers feel that they are a part of the companys success and receive reward from the hard work they have done for the company. At the present, some workers even choose (obs by looking at all incentives companies offer. Those are why companies should maintain incentives system.

Unit >: #ea&ershi" 1 Dhat are some im"ortant <%a#ities o) a goo& #ea&er2 Use s"e(i)i( &etai#s an& e-am"#es to s%""ort $o%r ans'er ? The concept of leadership has always elicited a hot debate. 8eadership is a sub(ective term, for there are some leadership !ualities that may be beneficial in one situation, but harmful in others. Thus, there is no universal instrument of measuring the !ualities of a great leader. %aving said that, there are some !ualities that are fairly common among leaders in all spheres of life. These !ualities dont

usually come under dispute, and people universally agree to their effectiveness in defining a great leader. The most important !uality that a good leader must possess is the ability to lead. eing a leader means managing groups of people small and large. In order to properly lead the people, a leader should be self4confident. %eGshe must have the guts to inspire the people to blindly follow himGher, to do whatever is e'pected of them. If a leader should falter in self4confidence or allow even a shadow of doubt to cross hisGher face, that will mean certain panic for the followers. <or e'ample, the great revolutions of Ale'ander the :reat or ;apoleon onaparte wouldnt have been successful if these people were riddled with self4doubt. They were so determined in their ob(ectives that they didnt allow any problem to sway them. In addition to self4confidence, a leader should possess democratic tendencies. %e should be prepared to listen to what his followers have to say. This goes for both governments and organi.ations. If a pro(ect manager is not prepared to listen to the findings and opinions of a member of his team, it wouldnt be possible for him to fully appraise the situation. 7imilarly, in a government, a leader should be prepared to listen to the opinions of hisGher people and the cabinet. 0ithout this !uality, a leader is likely to fall prey to the insidious disease of autocracy, which would !uickly swallow any sense of democracy in a nation, and propel it into becoming a dictatorship, and no matter what the statistics say, the ma(ority of dictatorships have a very grim future. 2harisma is a another !uality that a leader must possess. 2harisma is what burgeons the popularity of a leader, and makes him likable to the masses. The same goes for organi.ations. =nless the leader possesses a certain charisma, the workers in the organi.ation will be reluctant to follow hisGher lead. They will begin !uestioning his motives, and while some degree of !uestioning is healthy for any organi.ation, a full4scale riot or strike often has devastating conse!uences. <or

e'ample, although >oseph 7talin was a ruthless dictator, he did possess a certain charisma that led the people to blindly follow him. >ohn <. 6ennedy, the assassinated &resident of the =nited 7tates, also possessed similar !ualities that wooed the masses to no end. If a leader has charisma, the public will most certainly like himGher. Thus, while it is said that there is given measure of what constitutes a good leadership, the !ualities discussed above most certainly lend a great degree of substance to the argument of what a leader should possess. The right amount of self4confidence, charisma, and democratic beliefs can create the most astonishing leader. %istory is proof of that.

-. +For a #ea&er there is nothing more &i))i(%#t+ an& there)ore more im"ortant+ than to be ab#e to ma1e &e(isions / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "oint o) ,ie' 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing . 0hat is the most important and the most difficult task for a leaderH The speaker asserts that for a leader, nothing is more difficult, and thus more important than decision making. I agree with the speaker that making decisions is the most important and the most difficult task for a leader, because virtually everything a leader does involves decision making. The most important thing for a leader is the ability to make sound decisions. In fact, everything a leader does essentially involves decision making. <or e'ample, when a leader assigns tasks to other members of the team or the organi.ation, he or she has to decide what tasks should be allocated to each member so that the team or the organi.ation can achieve its ob(ective in the most efficient way@ when a leader finds that the performance of some members in the team or the organi.ation is unsatisfactory, he or she needs to decide how to stimulate them to improve their






7econd, decision making is also the most difficult task for a leader. )aking sound decisions demands a leader to possess a variety of personal capabilities and to make a great deal of efforts. <or instance 0hen a leader assigns tasks to members of the team, he or she needs to have the ability to (udge the capabilities and drawbacks of each member, to (udge the nature of each task, and to clearly inform all the members what they are e'pected to achieve. %e or she also needs to spend time with the members to get a deeper understanding of their personal characteristics, and to devote time to the re!uirements of completing each task.

Admittedly, to be a successful leader re!uires far more than the ability to make sound decisions. A leader needs to possess strong analytical skills so that when he or she encounters a problem, he or she will be able to identify the essence of the problem so as to formulate alternative solutions to the problem. In addition, a leader also needs to have the abilities to carry out the decisions he or she makes. <or e'ample, when a marketing manager starts to implement her decision to conduct television advertising for the company, she may need to have the ability convince the directors of the company so that she will obtain the funds re!uired. In conclusion, although there are a variety of factors that determine the success of a leader, the ability to make sound decisions is the most difficult and the most important one, since decision making is involved in nearly everything a leader does. 5 In an$ b%siness or other organi7ation+ it is better to ha,e managers 'ith strong #ea&ershi" s1i##s than managers 'ith e-"ertise an& 'or1 e-"erien(e in a "arti(%#ar )ie#& / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the

o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r ,ie's 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ The speaker asserts that in any organi.ation managers with strong leadership skills are better than managers with e'pertise and work e'perience in a specific field. The issue is a controversial one but a closer e'amination would reveal that managers having e'pertise and work e'perience in a particular field are better than those managers who have strong leadership skills for several reasons. 5ne reason is that managers having e'pertise in a specific field understand the nuances of the pro(ect !uickly and easily. Their e'pertise in the field helps them in the estimation of effort and budget for the individual tasks. This in turn helps them to negotiate better deals with the client. 7uch managers would better know how much time to account for small tasks and have some buffer time as well at the end. Another reason is that managers with e'pertise in a specific field can provide their teams with deep domain knowledge and can provide insight into the specifics of an issue. The team may be having lesser e'perience and in such cases these managers apart from managing the team can guide the pro(ect towards completion. &erhaps the best reason is that managers having e'pertise in a field are of immense importance in times of crisis or if the pro(ect is in emergency. They know what hurdles the team might face in times of crisis. They know how to steer the ship towards the shore when the sea is stormy. If re!uired, in times of crisis the manager himself can get into the technical role and provide support to the team to get the pro(ect out of emergency. <or e'ample, during one of our critical pro(ect deliveries, our manager helped us a lot during the testing phase of the pro(ect. %e helped us resolve defects !uickly and at the same time also managed the concerns of the client.

In summary, though there are arguments to be made to both the sides of the issue, clearly managers having e'pertise and work e'perience in a particular field are better than managers having strong leadership skills. )anagers having e'pertise understand the nuances of the pro(ect, can provide deep insight into the specifics of issues and are of utmost importance in times of crisis. %ence, managers with e'pertise are better than managers having strong leadership skills. 9 The most im"ortant <%a#it$ )or a #ea&er o) an organi7ation to ha,e is not the abi#it$ to "#an+ to organi7e+ an& to so#,e "rob#ems b%t rather the abi#it$ to (omm%ni(ate the organi7ations mission an& to ins"ire "eo"#e to 'or1 to'ar& )%#)i##ing that mission / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "osition 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing The statement asserts that most important !uality for a leader of an organi.ation is the ability to communicate organi.ations mission and to inspire people to work towards fulfilling that mission. I will pursue this issue in favor of leaders ability to plan a mission, to organi.e it properly and to solve problems related to that, not in favor of his communication skills. To communicate the mission effectively, leader should have a clear picture about it. The more efficient leaders an organi.ation have, more competitive it will be. 8eaders need to inspire people who work for the company. ut only those leaders who are capable of planning efficiently and e'ecuting it successfully can get respect from their subordinates. 0ith out admiration, they cannot inspire their colleagues 8eaders should need an intuition and long term perspective for any business to be successful. 0ith a proper plan, it is relatively easy to get work done by

subordinates and encourage the concept of team work. :ood planning is the foundation of any competitive organi.ation. &erson who cant plan anything effectively cant definitely e'plain that too.

In conclusion, only those who can plan, organi.e and solve effectively can communicate the mission in a better way and can inspire others. Unit F: Moti,ation 1 0There are essentia##$ t'o )or(es that moti,ate "eo"#e: se#)8interest an& )ear / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion state& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "osition 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing There is a saying that self4interest and fear are the most important forces to motivate people. If we are interested in doing the affairs of what we are doing now, we will do better. 7ometimes, if we have fear of what we are doing, we will do even better. %owever, in my opinion, i agree the former but disagree the latter. 0hen we are interested in what we do, we will have a motivation to continue to do, even it is difficult to finish it. <or instance, when people face the dilemma in whether to continue their double ma(or or not, they will tend to keep going on if they have an interest in what they ma(or. ut if they do not interest in what they take for classes, they will not have any reason to continue, especially when they get a problem. %ence, self4interest is the most important thing for people to concern, and it becomes gradually prevalent to scrutini.e when we seek for a (ob. <ear can be a motor for us to keep going on. %owever, fear can sometimes adversely affect what we are doing. Take solving a math problem for e'ample, if we are very afraid of mathematics calculation, we probably do not want to touch this kind of aspect. 7o when we face the math problem ne't time, we might go far











In conclusion, i strongly agree that self4interest can motivate people to do the things, but disagree that fear can also motivate people. 7ometimes, fear can (ust be a side effect for people to far away what they need to do or what they want to do. 3 There are se,era# )a(tors that moti,ate "eo"#e to sta$ in the 'or1)or(e+ an& mone$ is the most im"ortant reason.)a(tor To 'hat e-tent &o $o% agree or &isagree2 Today, as we all know, financial aspect is the ma(or part of our daily life, especially if we speak about work motivation. 7ome people think that money is the main factor people are working for, and another point of view is ,that money is only a part of motivation and work has to bring some satisfaction. This difficult situation has both advantages and disadvantages. 5n the one hand, now we live in the world in which if you have no money you are the looser in your life. Iou cannot afford a nice car, beautiful house, stable salary and your place in the social layer. )oreover, many people choose money for their main work4motivation only for self4reali.ation, they only want to prove everyone what they have achieved. It is vital to note also, nowadays we all face with the problem that without the money you cannot even to take the cure. <or instance, in some capitalistic countries medical treatment cost a lot of money, and no one can afford this. 5n the other hand, money has some drawbacks and even strong one. <irst of all, we all know, that if we want to have well4paid (ob we have to study hard for a long time. :ood education costs a lot of money too and not every family has money for education. <urthermore, not every person is happy with the well4paid (ob. 7o far as we know, that a highly4paid (ob is not everything, much more important your attitude to this work.

In conclusion, money plays an important role in motivation, but you also have to remember this saying3 + )oney can buy house but cannot buy a family, money can buy blood but cannot buy ones life, money can buy woman but cannot buy true love,.

5 The best 'a$ o) moti,ating 'or1ers or en(o%raging em"#o$ees to im"ro,e their "er)orman(e is to "a$ them a((or&ing to the amo%nt o) sa#es or "ro&%(ts the$ "ro&%(e& Do $o% agree or &isagree2 Dhat other 'a$s 'o%#& $o% s%ggest2 In everybody's life motivation plays an important role. 0ithout motivation people would lose their way in life or get depressed. &eople in various situations need motivation for continuing their life. <or Instance, students, employees, patients and etc. A group of individuals believe that they can boost workers' motivation by paying them based on their sales or products they produced. I disagree up to a point. <irst of all, managers can motivate their employees by providing them good and energetic working environment in which people e'perience the less amount of stress. <or e'ample, offices and work environments can be e!uipped with recreational facilities such as gym or massage therapy. 7econdly, managers can train their workers how to manage their time in order to increase their sales or productions. In addition, each individual may get sick during a year so they may rest a few days and as a result their salary will reduce and they won't get money for those days. )oreover, in some critical situations like bad economic that the world marketing is not good, workers will feel too much stress because they will be worried about their income. Another drawback for this method is that it can make the working

environment too competitive that can be good and bad at the same time. In such a situation some people forget about the morality and this lead to some challenges and arguments among employees. esides, it can effect the !uality of the products because workers try to produce more in order to make money. To sum up,Although some methods seems to be good and effective in short time, they'll lose their efficiency after a short time. It's better to think up long term solutions that motivate workers and boost their inspiration.

Unit 1G: (omm%ni(ation 1 0The most im"ortant <%a#it$ in an em"#o$ee is not s"e(i)i( 1no'#e&ge or te(hni(a# (om"eten(e Instea&+ it is the abi#it$ to 'or1 'e## 'ith other em"#o$ees / Dis(%ss the e-tent to 'hi(h $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e S%""ort $o%r "oint o) ,ie' 'ith reasons an&.or e-am"#es )rom $o%r o'n e-"erien(e+ obser,ations+ or rea&ing The opinion asserts that the most important !uality of an employee is not specific knowledge or technical competence@ instead it is the ability to work well with other employees. At the first reading, one may think that the technical e'pertise is the only important factor that helps in the employee's growth. %owever, I tend to agree with this opinion. Its the ability to work well within a team that is more important than (ust having the technical e'pertise. The ability to work within a team not only helps the employee in gelling well within his colleagues but also helps the team to achive its goal. ;o team can succeed successfully if their are conflicts with the team members or they are isolated from each other. Admittedly, technical e'pertise is important for the success, but even if the employee lacks certain specific knowledge they can

covered as a part of the team. ;ot everyone is perfect, but a team can be made perfect if the team members cope up for the defects in other team members. 2onsider the e'ample of a pro(ect consisting of a technical lead, who is technically sound but not a team player. The fellow colleagues working under him won't have anyone to approach to even they encounter difficulties in their work. )oreover, their could be ma(or problems that will remain unresolved and will ultimately hamper the pro(ect's success. 5n the other hand had their been a technical lead though less technically sound but gels well within a team he would be discussing these problems. =sing his e'perience and discussions he will be able to come up with a solution, thus contributing to pro(ect's success.

%ence, the opinion that the ability to work well with other employees is more important than technical competence is valid. Though in certain specific cases it may not hold true, yet in ma(ority of the cases the opinion holds true.
2. Mo&ern (omm%ni(ation s$stems bene)it man$ "eo"#e $et there are some that

o""ose to them To 'hat e-tent &o $o% agree or &isagree2 ;owadays, modern technological developments in many fields are bringing enormous changes in our daily lives than it was in earlier centuries. 5ne of the greatest technological developments mostly affected to human beings life is modern communication system. Even many people compliment the benefits of modern communication systems, there are some individuals who disagree with its gaining. 5verall, I disagree with the second opinion, I would like to e'press my view by pointing out some advantages of modern communication systems. Today, the communication methods are becoming more easy to use with range of selection and shortening distance. 0e connect with people easily through internet or telephone regardless of distance between places. <or e'ample, we can use chat

applications like skype to connect person in different places and they give us a possibility to talk and see himGher like we are ne't to himGher. Therefore, advanced development in communication makes distance between places more shortened. Another great achievement of modern communication system is its relatively low cost and time4saving aspect. <or e'ample, a half century ago, it was time consuming, costly process to gain higher degree in foreign countries. Thanks to todays rapid development of internet communication, people pursue an high education online attending in universities in abroad. This great chance saves time and costs related to travel, live and study in foreign country. In conclusion, high developments of modern communication systems make tremendous changes in peoples living throughout world. It gives us some great advances in our communication style, education and knowledge by saving time, money and shortening distance.
3. Some "eo"#e ha,e bene)ite& )rom mo&ern (omm%ni(ations te(hno#og$+ b%t

some "eo"#e ha,e not bene)ite& )rom it at a## To 'hat e-tent &o $o% agree or &isagree2 The modern era can be easily correlated to the revolution in communication where people from across the world have come close enough to be clubbed and termed as living in global village. This has simultaneously generated a controversy of sorts, among diverse sections of society, where some feel that this development is positive and will go a long way in bringing humanity together, but there are certain conservationist section who are completely critical of the new technological innovations.

The modern gadgets like mobile and satellite phones etc. introduced in past two decades are compliment advancements in technology. Innovations have made it possible for humans to communicate with each other as per their convenience.

This has helped in e'panding itenary of available communication alternatives and people have facilities of voice and video calling, along with emails and test messaging from single device. This has not only facilitated personal communication but also paved way for more convenient and cost effective business communications 5n contrary, many people hold cynical views about these new developments. They feel, these introductions have fuelled isolated lifestyle where people prefer to live in isolation. 0ith more convenient methods of reaching out to outer, world being available many individuals have resorted to shunning human contact which is adversely affecting social life and as a result traditional relationships and ways of life are being adversely affected. esides shunning social life, modern means of communications also incite people to develop unwarranted and dangerous habits like it is commonly observed that people use these gadgets even while driving, which poses a great danger to their and others safety. In conclusion, I personally feel that even though newer means of communicating have some evils but these factors are insufficient to undermine the benefits they have bought along.

4. Some sa$ that the Internet is ma1ing the 'or#& sma##er b$ bringing "eo"#e

together To 'hat e-tent &o to $o% agree that the Internet is ma1ing it easier )or "eo"#e to (omm%ni(ate 'ith one another2 It goes without saying that internet is one of the greatest invention in twenty first century and it is significantly improving day by day. Today, internet is generally accepted as a fast communication medium thus,some people believe it can makes the world smaller by reducing the communication gap among us. To a some

e'tent, I agree with the statement because, it can generally be observed that, limited number of drawbacks of the internet are usually overcome by it's advantages in the terms of communication. There are different opinions among people about the usage and side effects of the internet. 0hile people dwell on their ideas, I would like to bring forward my opinion to better side. 9epending on the facts, half a percent of world population doesn't have an access to internet. Thus, limited number of people around the world are getting opportunity to e'perience the internet whether it delivers negative or positive outcomes. This trend is commonly seen in developed nations such as =7A, Australia,as well as Europe.It has been reported that, to a some e'tent, internet is responsible for increasing criticism and break4up relationships in those countries. 5n the other hand, Internet has been dramatically change communication patterns around the world. ;owadays, internet is considerably sustained with various demanding methods and tools of communication such as, social networks, 7kype, E4mails and internet calling. Those technologies are helpful in bringing people together by providing world wide access with an internet. The latest social media technologies such as <acebook and twitter allow their users to share their photos and videos with in a matter of second.In addition security that provide by the internet is also useful when transferring confidential information through the network. Thus, internet is a widely use for business activities perhaps, people pay their charges on4line to buy products then the purchased good would be deliver to the door in the ne't morning.

J essay -K Internet so call the world wide web, a search engine, with the help of it you can reach out and get to know the people you might never have met in person. 9egree can be

earned, deal can be fi'ed, you can clear an interview get a (ob, seek medical advice,plan vacation get the details, buy on line and many more you can do with out going there. Electronics mail instant messenger , apps, programme, gadgets make the presence of the other person more real, who knows with the help of visual reality you might even get a ?4 d image of the speaker. i believe that the internet is one of the best invention of the last century. you can hardly guess to miss anyone and no body is really out of reach. howeever the internet can also be ma(or source of harasment spammer and hackers can invade your privacy and get personal confedential information, you are never out of anybody search unless you make a concious decision of not checking your email. there can always more works waiting for you in your inbo'. and you might not ahve a moment for urself. Asa family person, i will always looking forward to getting occasional letter in the small mail. a personal letter where i can sense the mood of writer by the slants in hisGher handwriting and get to know himG her. but on the other hand the internet give me all what i dream of in terms of communication, the speed reliability and convenience of time and place i can certainly tolerate the short coming anyday A## gro%"s an& organi7ations sho%#& )%n(tion as teams in 'hi(h e,er$one ma1es &e(isions an& shares res"onsibi#ities an& &%ties Ai,ing one "erson (entra# a%thorit$ an& res"onsibi#it$ )or a "roje(t or tas1 is not an e))e(ti,e 'a$ to get 'or1 &one/ To 'hat e-tent &o $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the o"inion e-"resse& abo,e2 S%""ort $o%r ,ie' 'ith reasons an&.or s"e(ia# e-am"#es &ra'n )rom $o%r o'n 'or1 or s(hoo# e-"erien(es+ $o%r obser,ations or $o%r rea&ing A corporation could be designed in a variety of appropriate organi.ation structure for each enterprise such as bureaucracy, departmentation, and so forth. ;erverthless, The statement tell us that in groups and organi.ations, everyone should be allowed to take decisions and share responsibilities and duties. In my view, I strongly agree with this statement for the following reasons

<irst, the members of the team is given their idea, which means they are respected and feel as a part of the organi.ation. In a system where everyone has a right in decision making, the product or the idea that is finally approved is through consensus. This makes everybody feel responsible for the product or the idea. The workers feel as if they are working for themselves. 0hereas, if the idea is forced upon them by some central authority than they might feel as if they are working for some other person. <or e'ample, the 7ahara group of companies is owned by a man who calls himself the chief worker of the organi.ation instead of the 2E5. Also, all the workers in the organi.ation have a say in the decision making process of the organi.ation. This has worked e'ceptionally well for the company in term of profit and getting goodwill. )any of its employee work for wages lower than normal because they want to be associated with the company second, If in such an organi.ation, all the decisions are taken by a single person called Lleader, who is a dictator, that will be not good. ecause the characteristic of the organi.ation would also be like its leader. <or e'ample, if a leader is very aggressive than the organi.ation would also deal with all its issues aggressivel.This would hamper the fle'ibility of the organi.ation and vice versa.

In conclusion, I feel that a distributed system to make decision is better than a central authority system and its chances of success is more than failure De(isions (an be ma&e <%i(1#$+ or the$ (an be ma&e a)ter (are)%# tho%ght Do $o% agree or &isagree 'ith the )o##o'ing statement2 The &e(isions that "eo"#e ma1e <%i(1#$ are a#'a$s 'rong Use reason an& s"e(i)i( e-am"#es to s%""ort $o%r o"inion 7ome people consider as if it is a general truth that to make a wrong decision is better than to make no decision at all. ut to be frank, I can not agree with this opinion.)ost people dont know how the profound effect of making decisions !uickly is. In my view, I

see that making decision !uickly is always wrong, because of lack of thinking carefully and making the results those nature is rational. <irstly, a rapid decision usually means that it is lacked of careful think about all aspects can happen. Therefore, the results are not always good as e'pected or fall outside the scope of personal control severely.<or e'ample, I decided to register my name for the <oreign Trade university (ust in a shortest moment, I did not consider some important things carefully such as corresponding of my ability and this university re!uirement or not, or easily finding a (ob after graduation or what my passion is, do I like the businessH i did that,however I only thought that this university is very beautiful and romatic. 7o I had to register that. 2onse!uently, I failed in the entrance e'am. This shows that making decision !uickly is almost wrong. I see that it is ignorant of the basic fact that a bad decision will influence the subse!uence step and produce an unsuccessful result even a failure. 7econdly, I want to mention about the conte't of decisions which depends on your feeling, because it is a critical factor to influence on the result of decisions. 7ome of them are rapidly made which almost are given in highly e'cited4status such as very happy, so sad, or disappointmet. This feeling will dominate your decisions and for this reason, the decisions are not precise, and also cause for many une'pected things to adversely affect on people made them. <or instance, when I became anger, I could not control my actions. At that time, I (ust spoke out what I wanted to say without my thinking. As a result, I hurt some one by unacceptable words. =ntil now, I have been regretted about my mistake. 5n the small other aspect, a rapid decision also help you too much. <or e'ample, you're at work and the boss calls you to his office and tells you there's a big pro(ect that needs to be done. %e thinks you're the best person for the (ob, but he needs an answer from you on the spot. %e hasn't told you what the pro(ect is, but you make the !uick decision to accept. This is the right !uick decision, because you're basing it on a lot of factors that will occur to you later. 5ne is that it wouldn't make sense for the boss to ask you to do

something he didn't think you could handle. That would only hurt his business. &lus, doing a good (ob on this pro(ect might help your career. Iou reali.e it's good to reach higher, if you want to get ahead. To sum up, the deliberate consider can help to avoid the appearance of trouble effectively and to resolve problems successfully. I see that 0e often learn from past decisions which makes us strong on confident to not to repeat bad things. Therefore we will always share with people about our decisions and take the advice for better results.

In any business or other organization, it is better to have managers with strong leadership skills than managers with expertise and work experience in a particular field. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience It is believed that a good manager is intelligent, have e'pertise and work e'perience in a particular field. %owever, opponents suppose that a good manager have to have strong leadership skill to achieve organi.ational ob(ective in the world today. In my view, the both the ability to lead and the e'pertise with work e'perience are a prere!uisite for one to be an effective and efficient manager. Admittedly, if manager is using good technical skills, heGshe will take advantage to promote herself in any company. ;erverthless, the business environment always fluctuates, the managers wil have to cope with this issues to remain the organi.ational ob(ective. The technically skills, meantime, may be more inefficient than a leadership skills. <or e'ample, a good manager is one who takes up well4calculated challenges and accomplishes them by taking along the team members. A manager needs take up the responsibility of ac!uiring, allocating and ad(usting the resources at hand. %e or she needs to motive the team to achieve the set goal. 7imilarly, A good manager is one who understands the needs and wants of each individual member of the team, correlates the

goals of individuals with the goals of the team and organisation. In summary, the manager is supposed to have leadership !ualities so as to bring the best in the team. 5n the other hand, one cannot ignore the importance of e'pertise and work e'perience. A manager, however good in leadership abilities, if lacks e'pertise and work e'perience is bound to struggle to succeed, if not fail. <or instance, in professional teams, the manager needs to have some e'pertise in the field of interest of the team. A football team manager needs to have some knowledge in football game and the management of the football team. 7imilarly, the need for work e'perience also places an important role. A manager who lacks work e'perience in the area in which the team works would face practice problems on the field. <or e'ample, a manager with theoretical knowledge in the field of e'pertise and with good leadership skills would not be as effective as a manager who possesses all the three 4 leadership skills, e'pertise and work e'perience. This is because one tends to learn more by e'perience. In sum, though leadership skills play an important role in making a manager successful, the lack of e'pertise and work e'perience would definitely undermine the abilities of a manager. Thus the best bet would be to have a manager who has the ability to lead, the domain knowledge and sufficient work e'perience. rganizations have to be much profit oriented than being socially responsible, especially during an economic depression!. Do you agree or disagree" Discuss #nswer The discharging wastes Thi Mai river of Medan company in -AAE is a typical case at Mietnam, has condemaned harshly for the organi.ations running under profits and forgetting themselves social responsibility. This case has killed a lot of people that living near this river and has been serious environmental pollution. )ost organi.ations have oriented their own profit, however they could not be for that purpose that are not concerned all the social welfare and business ethics. That is a !uestion that many

organi.ations are paying attention .I think the priority of social responsibility should be posed by all organi.ations ,especially during economic depression. Indeed, according to Adam 7mith's metaphor of the invisible hand, an economic agent pursuing his own self4interest also promotes the good of society in a free market .The simple answer for the increasing profit and welfare of organi.ation is the 2orporate 7ocial *esponsibility concept whereby firms commit to improve their environmental andGor social performance beyond legal obligation. 2orporate social responsibility has been very popular amongst companies and top corporations. Especially in the -"st century when environmental concerns, human rights, labor rights, fair trade and many other concerns are becoming increasingly important to consumers, stakeholders and companies alike. )any organi.ations also create corporate social responsibility reports where they rank businesses and corporations based on their 27* performances in multiple dimensions. y ranking these businesses it may motivate them to perform better and attempt to become even more socially responsible since no one wants to be at the bottom of the list. The relationship between investment on social responsible pro(ects and financial performance where corporate social performance and corporate financial performance feed and reinforce each other. It is impossible to see immediate results from corporate social responsibility practice however most businesses knows that 27* practice will help them in the long run. The most widely believed reason for engaging in 27* is often profit and value ma'imi.ation in which companies hopes to improve and increase in profit for both short term and long term. In summary, 2orporate 7ocial *esponsibility can be profitable for the organi.ation. Although it is difficult to receive high ratings in all areas of corporate social responsibility but many companies are working towards becoming more and more responsible as they are motivated. It is the way to become stronger and survive amongst competitors, as they know that corporate social responsibility will make a big difference and help the company survive in the tough economy.

Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. thers disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. + 0hen in *omes, do as the *omans, a very famous statement of the *omans, however this saying may not be entirely correct nowadays, why soH *ecently, many people visit other countries with many kinds of purpose such as travelling, work, study,ect,.. 7o they have only a short time to know about this countrys cultures and they could completely use their national culture for the target . I think it could be accepted and the host country should welcome cultural differences. Indeed, every year there are many people who travel and bring their own customs of country. Iour nation welcome this culture,which means that your country are not only very friendly,hospitable, but also show your country Ls respect for foreign cultures and of course, they will come there much more.5n the other hand, They use their national culture,it is not the visitors mistake to ignore the local behavior and hold their culture, because it is their identity that show who they are, where they are from. 7o, the host country should accept and welcome the visitors culture although it is not same with its culture, because it is the visitors right to keep their culture. however, in some other aspects,If you are visitors ,you should follow local customs and behavior if possible, which will be very beneficial for you. ecause it shows that you are respecting the local behavior and try to understand it even though it is different with your own culture. It also prove that you could adapt well to the states culture although you are not used to the custom. esides that, the visitors also obtain new knowledge about the other cultures and how the people in some countries behave . 0ith this customs, the visitors could compare the differences or the similarity between their culture and other peoples culture to be useful for business. They maybe en(oy the culture there and the ability for relocation is very high

In summary, depending on the purpose of each person that they should follow local customs and behavior or not. %owever, In my opinion, that the host country should welcome cultural differences to be suitable for the development of the times Some people consider thinking about and planning for the future to be a waste of time. $hey argue that people should simpy live in the moment. Do you agree or disagree" %se at least one personal example in your response 7ome people believe that the future is a uncertain kind of thing which can never plan and simply living in the moment is the best way to live. thus you will not have to think anything and your life is getting more and more simple. %owever, it is !uestionable how you can achieve a long lasting success without having far sighted views.I like a saying so much +If you do not prepare for the plan before doing anything , you will be preparing for the failure in the training sessions of soft skill and my life is the best evidence for this saying. In my opinion, although our future is often beyond our control, we always think about and plan the planning for the future. That is very beneficial. 0hen you start with your life without an ambition, you are a bad thing like a ship without rudder. Iou are thinking about the future and giving a vision ,which will be the best way to reach your goal.The planning for future will provide to you a chance to achieve anything more easily and safely. To illustrate simply I can give an e'ample of my own education, I wanted to be the first in my class in this semester, which re!uires great deal of general knowledge and learn hard to gain the highest marks. 7o I started to gather information about this and started preparation for the study before that semester takes place. I had read all te'tbooks carefully day by day. I am happy for everything is according to the plan and my effort is paid off. If I were to start the preparation when that semester started, I would not have been succeeded. Thus, it is essential to decide your future and to plan about it as early as possible. This is true not only in my case but everywhere in todays era for businessman, sportsman, politician, army man, employer or

employee planning in advance gives more chances to success and to remove obstacles from the way of ones goal. In addition ,the planning about future makes you ready to face any kind of upcoming changes or crisis in your life, may it be either financial or emotional. I have found that only my advance preparation has saved my lots of time@ in contrast last minute preparation cause more hassles and makes me to spoil more time. <or instance, my every appointment, interviews or any important meeting cannot be arranged or taken place in sight without the prior planning. )oreover planning about future and worrying about it are two different things. 7o, those who consider planning as a worrying and a waste of en(oyment in life, are not true. 5bviously, one must not waste his precious moments of this beautiful life (ust in an'iety of future but yes one must have to be ready to fight against anything in advance.

In conclusion, despite of uncertainty of our future, ecause of the benefits of planning for future, we should take a great effort to plan it properly. 5therwise, life would be full of burden issues and difficulties.

why do large organization encourage many of their employees to& think like entrepreneurs" If you are a business owner, what will you do to ma'imi.e your assetsH ;o matter how your corporation is, the staff is also the most important resource to help you achieve organi.ational ob(ectives, so you will always have the two !uestions in your mind . <irstly, how do you do to keep employees in your workplace happy and satisfied then they will be devoted their own ability for your corporation. 7econdly, you will be concerned about maintaining your competitive edge in terms of innovation and industry

leadership. 5ne way to accomplish both of these challenging goals is to encourage many of their employees to think like entrepreneurs, especially in large organi.ations. At first glance, the benefits of encouraging the employees to think like entrepreneurs is too big. ecause you always think of yourself are entrepreneur, your working attitude is completely different such as work hard to accomplish the set ob(ectives,so on, then you are gotten not only all the respect of people, but also a high salary amount and everything will be fine. Iou will gradually gain in demand according to )aslows pyramid of needs. <or decades, big corporations have sought out and nurtured +entrepreneur, within their ranks. These employees, who have many of the self4motivation and leadership skills associated with entrepreneurs, are used to start and head new divisions, initiatives or pro(ects within the company. A recent post on the %arvard prove that employees usiness *eview blog has 7o their have a desire to own their own businesses, are highly

individualistic, want to be in control and have a +sense of urgency., organi.ation is very successful in many fields.

An additional problem that business owners are always concerned is to maintain the competitive edge in terms of innovation and industry leadership. To do that you will have to pay attention to a new term of the %arvard usiness *eview is entrepreneneurial4 minded people JE)&sK . E)&s share some characteristics of traditional entrepreneurs, but are happier within a company and working with a group toward a goal. They like organi.ation, consistency, and working in teams. The good news is, as an entrepreneur, you can benefit from the entrepreneurial mindset of these employees. what about the employees who want something moreNwho want to come up with their own ideas, take charge and pursue them with a passionH These employees are also easy to spotNand should be encouraged. %ere are some ways to test and nurture your E)&s3

Ask them to come up with ideas for a new product, service or way of doing things. &ut them in charge of a pro(ect. :ive them a goal, and let them figure out how to accomplish it.

Tie reward to their accomplishments via a bonus or pay4for4performance structure. 8et them lead a team.

E)&s can be found at any level, from your managers to your front4line staff, and should be encouraged at any level, too. Even an entry4level employee can be handed a goal and allowed to figure out how to achieve it, asked for new ideas, or rewarded for accomplishments. ;o matter where they are in your company, E)&s are eager to stretch, so challenge themC if you keep them happy and challenged, you will benefit enormously from their contributions while theyre with your company The simple reason for the !uestion, why do large organi.ation encourage many of their employees to/ think like entrepreneurs, + is to help your corporation grow daily and compete with international companies through training E)&s . That is the goal that all business owners towards

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