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Table of Contents.........................................................................................................1 Foreword.......................................................................................................................2 1. Small Grid General Conditions................................................................................4 2. Small Grid Management..........................................................................................10 3. Performance Standards for Small Grid.................................................................11 4. Small Grid Connection Re !irements...................................................................14 ". Small Grid Planning................................................................................................33 #. Small Grid $%erations.............................................................................................44
6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6. . SMALL GRID OPERATING STATES, OPERATING CRITERIA AND PROTECTION.............44 OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES......................................................................................46 SMALL GRID OPERATIONS NOTICES AND REPORTS.......................................................47 SMALL GRID OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS............................................48 FREQUENCY CONTROL AND VOLTAGE CONTROL...........................................................51 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES................................................................................................ 53 SAFETY COORDINATION...................................................................................................... 55 SYSTEM TEST........................................................................................................................ 5 GENERATING UNIT CAPABILITY TESTS..............................................................................62

&. Sc'ed!ling and (is%atc'........................................................................................## ). Metering....................................................................................................................&0 *. Small Grid Transitor+ Pro,isions..........................................................................&4 -%%endi. - / Categor+..............................................................................................&#
Appendix A Categ !" ####################$$#########$$##$#%%

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The Philippine Small Grid Guidelines (PSGG) establishes the basic rules, procedures, requirements and standards that govern the operation, maintenance and development of the Small Grid Systems that are not connected to the National Grid in Lu on, !isayas and "indanao# The PSGG ensures the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the Small Grid Systems in the Philippines# $epublic %ct No# &'(), also *no+n as the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001, mandated the creation of the ,nergy $egulatory -ommission (,$-)# Section .((b) of the %ct provides that the ,$- promulgate and enforce a National Grid -ode and a /istribution -ode +hich shall include, but not be limited to0 (a) Performance Standards for T$%NS-1 1 2 " -oncessionaire, /istributors, and Suppliers, and (b) 3inancial -apability Standards for the Generating -ompanies, the T$%NS-1, /istributors, and Suppliers# The %ct also mandates the ,$- to enforce compliance +ith the Grid -ode, the /istribution -ode, and the "ar*et $ules and to impose fines and penalties for any violation of their provisions# Section '#4#4#4 of the PG- provides that the ,$- promulgate the rules and regulations that +ill apply to the Small Grids, +hich are not connected to the National Grids# The PSGG defines the technical aspects of the +or*ing relationship bet+een the National Po+er -orporation 5Small Po+er 6tilities Group (NP-7SP6G), Generators, /istributors and all 6sers of the 8igh !oltage lines and "edium !oltage lines outside the National Grid# NP-7SP6G, Generators and /istributors must deliver electric energy to the 6sers at acceptable levels of po+er quality and customer service performance# 1n the other hand, the 6sers of the /istribution Systems must comply +ith certain rules and standards to avoid any adverse effect on the 8igh !oltage lines and "edium !oltage lines# The PSGG provides this mechanism through the /istribution "anagement -ommittee (/"-), +hich has been tas*ed to monitor the day7to7day operation of the 8igh !oltage lines and "edium !oltage lines Systems outside the National Grid, and their compliance to the PSGG# The PSGG is organi ed into nine (&) sections, as follo+s0 Section ' 7 Section 4 7 Section ( 7 Section . 7 Section 9 7 Section ) 7 Section : 7 Section ; 7 Section & 7 Small Grid General -onditions Small Grid "anagement Performance Standards for Small Grid Small Grid -onnection $equirements Small Grid Planning Small Grid 1perations Scheduling and /ispatch "etering Small Grid Transitory Provisions

Section ' of the PSGG cites the ob<ectives and establishes the classification of Small Grid areas and the definition of terms or terminologies used therein#

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Section 4 of the PSGG establishes the additional functions of /"- for Small Grid areas# Section ( of the PSGG establishes the Performance Standards for Small Grid areas and cites the $eliability Standards for Small Grid 1+ner# Section . of the PSGG specifies the procedures and requirements to be complied +ith by any 6ser see*ing connection or modification of e=isting connection to a Small Grid and the minimum technical, design and operational criteria that applies to the Small Grid# Section 9 of the PSGG specifies the responsibilities of the Small Grid 1+ner in the development of its "issionary ,lectrification Plan (",P)# Section ) of the PSGG establishes the rules and procedures to be follo+ed by all sta*eholders to ensure the safe, reliable and secure operation of the Small Grid# Section : of the PSGG establishes the rules, procedures and requirements for the Generation Scheduling, the dispatch and control of %ctive Po+er and the provision of the %ncillary Services, if any, that are required to ensure po+er quality, reliability and security of the Small Grid# Section ; of the PSGG specifies the technical requirements pertaining to the measurement of electrical quantities associated +ith the transaction for the supply of electricity# Section & of the PSGG specifies the rules and procedures pertaining to compliance +ith the provisions of the PSGG during the transitory period# The procedures for the grant of e=emption from specific requirements of the PSGG are also addressed therein# >n addition, %ppendi= ?%@ is attached detailing the categori ation of the areas of different system configurations of the Small Grids outside the National Grids in Lu on, !isayas and "indanao# Li*e+ise, ma<ority of the provisions of the PSGG +ere based from the PG- %mendment No# ' and P/-# 8o+ever, given the peculiar nature of the Small Grid, certain standards provided in the PSGG have been tapered to levels that are reasonable and applicable for the Small Grid systems but in every case, ensuring the safe, reliable and secure operation of the Small Grid# The PG- %mendment' or P/-, as the case may be, shall apply in a suppletory character to all matters not provided in the PSGG, or +henever necessary in interpreting the provisions thereof#

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O bjectives The ob<ectives of these Guidelines are to0 (a) Set a standard for Small Grid 1perationsA (b) /escribe the planning and operational responsibility of all Small Grid 6sersA (c) 3acilitate the monitoring of compliance +ith these Guidelines at the operations levelA (d) ,nsure that the Small Grid +ill be operated in a safe and efficient mannerA (e) ,nsure that the basic rules for connection to the Small Grid or to a Small Grid 6ser System are fair and non7discriminatory for all Small Grid 6sersA (f) Specify the operating states, operating criteria and protection scheme that +ill ensure the safety, reliability, security and efficiency of the Small Grid#


SCOPE OF APPLICATION '#4#'# These Guidelines shall apply to the follo+ing entities +ithin the Small Grid0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) '#4#4# NP-7SP6GA Small Grid 1+nerA /istribution 6tilityA GeneratorsA and %ny other entity +ith a 6ser System connected to the Small Grid#

The Small Grids shall be classified into the follo+ing categories0 '#4#4#'# Categ !" , 5 Small Grid having more than one (') /istribution 6tility utili ing a 8igh !oltage line to transmit po+er generated by more than one (') Generating -ompany# '#4#4#4# Categ !" ( 5 Small Grid having only one (') /istribution 6tility utili ing a 8igh !oltage line to transmit po+er generated by more than one (') Generating -ompany# '#4#4#(# Categ !" - 5 Small Grid having only one (') /istribution 6tility utili ing its "edium !oltage line to transmit po+er generated by more than one (') Generating -ompany#

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'#4#4#.# Categ !" 2 5 Small Grid having only one (') /istribution 6tility or Local Government 6nit (LG6) utili ing its "edium !oltage line to transmit po+er generated by only one (') Generating -ompany# '#4#4#9# Categ !" ) 5 Small Grid not covered by any of the above categories, Bualified Third Party (BTP) NP-7SP6G or /istributorCs Daived %reas# $efer to %ppendi= ?%@ for the list of /istribution 6tilities under each category#

ENFORCEMENT AND SUSPENSION OF PRO3ISIONS ,$-$,$ En4 !5e.ent '#(#'#'# The ,$- shall promulgate these Guidelines in accordance +ith Section '#4#4#4 of the PG-, as amended# '#(#'#4# The ,$- shall mandate the /"- to monitor compliance to the Philippine Small Grid Guidelines (PSGG)# '#(#'#(# The /"- shall initiate an enforcement process for any perceived violation of the PSGG and recommend to the ,$- the appropriate fines and penalties for such violation# ,$-$($ S'0pen0i n 4 P! 6i0i n0 %ny provision of the PSGG may be suspended, in +hole or in part, +hen the Small Grid is not operating in the Normal State or pursuant to any directive given by the ,$- or any competent government agency#


DATA* NOTICES AND CONFIDENTIALIT7 ,$2$,$ Data and N ti5e0 '#.#'#'# The submission of any data under the PSGG shall be in electronic format and submitted online (i#e# through email)# >n case online submission is not possible, the data in electronic format and saved in a compact disc or 6niversal Serial Eus (6SE) should be submitted to the 1ffice of the /"-# '#.#'#4# Dritten notices under the PSGG shall be served either by personal delivery, registered first7class mail, electronic mail or facsimile transfer# '#.#4# C n4identia/it" '#.#4#'# %ll data submitted by any Small Grid 6ser to the Small Grid 1+ner or /istributor in compliance +ith the data requirements of the PSGG shall be treated as highly confidential# These include data requirements

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for connection to the Small Grid and those that are required in the planning, operation and maintenance of the Small Grid# '#.#4#4# %ggregate data shall be made available by the Small Grid 1+ner or /istributor upon request (or upon +ritten request) of the Small Grid 6ser, specifying the purpose thereof# The data shall be used solely for the purpose specified in the request and shall be treated by the Small Grid 6ser as confidential#

DEFINITIONS >n the PSGG, the follo+ing +ords and phrases shall, unless more particularly defined in a Section or Subsection have the follo+ing meaning0 A55 'nta&/e Pe!0 n# % person +ho has been duly authori ed by the Small Grid 1+ner or /istributor or a Small Grid 6ser to sign the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments on behalf of the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser# A5ti6e Ene!g"# The integral of the %ctive Po+er +ith respect to time, measured in Datt7hour (Dh) or multiples thereof# 6nless other+ise qualified, the term ?,nergy@ refers to %ctive ,nergy# A5ti6e P 8e! or Rea/ P 8e!$ -onsider an %- source connected at a pair of terminals to an other+ise isolated net+or*# The real po+er, equal to the average po+er, is the po+er dissipated by the source in the net+or*# C nne5ti n Ag!ee.ent$ 3or purposes of these Guidelines, an agreement bet+een a Small Grid 6ser and the Small Grid 1+ner (or the /istributor), +hich specifies the terms and conditions pertaining to the connection of the Small Grid 6ser System or ,quipment to a ne+ -onnection Point in the Small Grid# C nne5ti n P int# 3or purposes of these Guidelines, the point of connection of the 6ser System or ,quipment to the Small Grid# De.and$ The %ctive Po+er andFor $eactive Po+er required by a load at any given time# Di0pat59$ The process of apportioning the total /emand of the Small Grid through the issuance of /ispatch >nstructions to the Scheduled Generating 6nits and the Generating 6nits providing %ncillary Services in order to achieve the operational requirements of balancing /emand +ith generation that +ill ensure the security of the Small Grid# Di0pat59e!$ 8as the same meaning as System 1perator, unless other+ise specified# Di0pat59 In0t!'5ti n# $efers to the instruction issued by the System 1perator to the Generators +ith Scheduled Generating 6nits and the Generators +hose Generating 6nits +ill provide %ncillary Services to implement the final /ispatch Schedule in real time#

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Di0pat59 S59ed'/e$ The target loading levels in "D or *D for each scheduled Generating 6nit or scheduled loads and for each reserve facility through the use of a dispatch optimi ation model# Di0t!i&'ti n S"0te.$ 3or the purpose of this Guidelines, the system of +ires and associated facilities belonging to a franchised /istribution 6tility, e=tending bet+een the delivery points on the 8igh !oltage (8!) or "edium !oltage ("!) Systems or Generating Plant connection and the point of connection to the premises of the ,nd76ser# Di0t!i&'ti n Uti/it"$ %n ,lectric -ooperative, private corporation, government7 o+ned utility or e=isting local government unit that has an e=clusive franchise to operate a /istribution System# Ene!g" Reg'/at !" C ..i00i n ;ERC<$ The independent, quasi7<udicial regulatory body created pursuant to $epublic %ct No# &'(), +hich is mandated to promote competition, encourage mar*et development, ensure customer choice and penali e abuse of mar*et po+er in the restructured electricity industry and among other functions, promulgate and enforce the PG- %mendment' and P/-# Gene!ating P/ant$ % facility, consisting of one or more Generating 6nits, +here electric energy is produced from some other form of energy by means of a suitable apparatus# Gene!ating Unit$ % conversion apparatus, including au=iliaries and associated ,quipment, functioning as a single unit, +hich is used to produce electric energy from some other form of energy# Gene!ati n C .pan"# %ny person or entity authori ed by the ,$- to operate a facility used in the generation of electricity# Gene!at !# 8as the same meaning as Generation -ompany# Hig9 3 /tage ;H3<$ % voltage level e=ceeding (.#9 *! up to 4(G *!# L ad F // 8ing$ The ability to ad<ust generation continuously in response to small frequency changes, so as to cover load fluctuations or minor brea*do+ns# Medi'. 3 /tage ;M3<$ % voltage level e=ceeding one (') *! up to (.#9 *!# Mete!ing E='ip.ent$ The apparatus necessary for measuring electrical real and reactive po+er and energy, inclusive of a multi7function meter and the necessary instrument potential, current and phase shifting transformers and all +iring and communication devices as provided# Mete!ing E='ip.ent O8ne!$ % person or entity that o+ns the revenue "etering ,quipment in accordance +ith a -onnection %greement# Mete!ing Se!6i5e0 P! 6ide!$ % person or entity authori ed by the ,$- to provide metering services#
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Mi00i na!" E/e5t!i4i5ati n P/an ;MEP<$ $efers to the 'G7year outline of the operational and capital programs required to fulfill the missionary electrification function of the NP-7SP6G for the succeeding ten ('G) years, funded from its sales revenues in its service areas and availments from the 6niversal -harge for "issionary ,lectrification (6-7",), and annually submitted to the /epartment of ,nergy (/1,), ,$-, through /"-# Nati na/ G!id$ 8as the same meaning as Grid in the PG-# Nati na/ P 8e! C !p !ati n S.a// P 8e! Uti/it" G! 'p ;NPC>SPUG<$ $efers to the functional unit of the National Po+er -orporation (NP-) created to pursue the missionary electrification function# Ope!ating Ma!gin$ The available generating capacity in e=cess of the sum of the system demand plus losses +ithin a specified period of time# P9i/ippine Di0t!i&'ti n C de ;PDC<$ The set of rules, requirements, procedures and standards governing /istribution 6tilities and 6sers of /istribution System in the operation, maintenance and development of the /istribution System# >t also defines and establishes the relationship of the /istribution System +ith the facilities or installations of the parties connected thereto# P9i/ippine G!id C de ;PGC<$ The set of rules, requirements, procedures and standards to ensure the safe, reliable, secured and efficient operation, maintenance and development of the high voltage bac*bone Transmission System and its related facilities# P/anned A5ti6it" N ti5e$ % notice issued either by a Small Grid 6ser, Small Grid 1+ner or Generator to the System 1perator for any planned activity, such as a planned shutdo+n or scheduled maintenance of its ,quipment, at least seven (:) days prior to the actual shutdo+n or maintenance# P 8e! S'pp/" Ag!ee.ent ;PSA<$ The agreement bet+een a Po+er Producer (or Supplier) and a /istribution 6tility (or -ustomer) for supply of electric po+er and energy or any other equivalent agreement# ?'a/i4ied T9i!d Pa!t" ;?TP<$ The alternative electric service provider authori ed to serve remote and unviable areas pursuant to Section 9& of the ,P>$% and $ule '. of its >mplementing $ules and $egulation (>$$)# Rea5ti6e Ene!g"# The integral of the reactive po+er +ith respect to time, measured in !%$h or multiples thereof# Rea5ti6e P 8e!# The component of electrical po+er representing the alternating e=change of stored ,nergy (inductive or capacitive) bet+een sources and loads or bet+een t+o systems, measured in !%$ or multiples thereof# 3or %- circuits or systems, it is the product of the $"S value of the voltage and the $"S value of the quadrature component of the alternating current# >n a three7phase system, it is the sum of the $eactive Po+er of the individual phases#
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Sa4et" C !dinat !# % person designated and authori ed by the /istributor (or the Small Grid 6ser or Small Grid 1+ner) to be responsible for the coordination of Safety Precautions at the -onnection Point +hen +or* or testing is to be carried out on a system, +hich requires the provision of Safety Precautions for electrical equipment# Sa4et" P!e5a'ti n0# The isolation and grounding of electrical equipment +hen +or* or testing is to be done on the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System# S59ed'/ed Gene!ating Unit# % generating unit offered by the Generation -ompany for /ispatch# Signi4i5ant In5ident# %n event that threatens the integrity of the po+er system or affects the security of the Small Grid# S.a// G!id$ The bac*bone system of interconnected 8igh !oltage (8!) lines or "edium !oltage ("!) lines, substations and other related facilities not connected to the National Grid in Lu on, !isayas and "indanao# $efer to %ppendi= ?%@ 5 -ategory# S.a// G!id O8ne!$ The party that o+ns the bac*bone 8igh !oltage line (for -ategory ', -ategory 4) or the "edium !oltage line (for other -ategories) and is responsible for planning, operations and maintaining adequate capacity# S.a// G!id U0e!$ % person or entity that uses the Small Grid and related facilities to +hich these Guidelines apply# S.a// P 8e! Uti/itie0 G! 'p ;SPUG<$ 8as the same meaning as NP-7SP6G# S"0te. L 00# 3or purposes of these Guidelines, the total energy in<ected into the Small Grid minus the total energy delivered to distributors andFor end7users# S"0te. Ope!at !$ The party responsible for generation dispatch, or the implementation of the Generation /ispatch Schedule based on the nomination of the /istribution 6tilities from its PS%s +ith the Generators, the provision of %ncillary Services and operation to ensure safety, po+er quality, stability, reliability and security of the Small Grid# Uni6e!0a/ C9a!ge Mi00i na!" E/e5t!i4i5ati n ;UC>ME< or Mi00i na!" E/e5t!i4i5ati n Uni6e!0a/ C9a!ge$ The "issionary ,lectrification component of the 6niversal -harge, e=pressed in Pesos per Hilo+att7hour, determined, fi=ed and approved by the ,$- and applied to all electricity ,nd76sers, as provided for in Section (. of the ,P>$%# U0e!$ 8as the same meaning as Small Grid 6ser unless other+ise specified# 3 /tage Un&a/an5e$ The ma=imum deviation from the average of the three phase voltages divided by the average of the three phase voltages, e=pressed in percent#

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3 /tage 3a!iati n$ The deviation of the $oot7"ean7Square ($"S) value of the voltage from its normal value, e=press in percent# 1ai6ed A!ea# %n area +ithin the franchise area of a /istribution 6tility (/6) declared as unviable and cannot be served for any reason by the /6s# SECTION ( ($ SMALL GRID MANAGEMENT ($,$ DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ($,$,$ F'n5ti n0 4 t9e Di0t!i&'ti n Manage.ent C ..ittee >n addition to the functions of the /"- as prescribed in the P/- and any amendments thereto, the follo+ing functions shall be carried out0 (a) "onitor the implementation of the PSGGA (b) "onitor, evaluate and ma*e recommendations on Small Grid operationsA (c) $evie+ and recommend standards, procedures, and requirements for Small Grid connection, operation, maintenance and developmentA (d) -oordinate PSGG dispute recommendations to the ,$-A resolution and ma*e appropriate

(e) >nitiate the PSGG enforcement process and ma*e recommendations to the ,$-A (f) >nitiate and coordinates revision recommendations to the ,$-A and of the PSGG and ma*e

(g) Prepare regular and special reports for submission to the ,$-, or as required by the appropriate government agency, or +hen requested by a Small Grid 6ser#


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PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR SMALL GRID -$,$ PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith by concerned parties of the Small Grid to ensure that the Small Grid +ill operate in a safe and optimum manner# -$,$,$ PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR GENERATORS AND SMALL GRID O1NER 3or all Categ !ie0, the Generators and Small Grid 1+ner shall ensure that at any -onnection Point in the Small Grid, the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0 -$,$,$,$ F!e='en5" 3a!iati n0 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (


The nominal fundamental frequency shall be )G 8 and shall be maintained +ithin the limits of 9&#. 8 and )G#) 8 during normal conditions# (#'#'#'#4# F ! Categ !" - , Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )

The nominal fundamental frequency shall be )G 8 and shall be maintained +ithin the limits of 9&#4 8 and )G#; 8 during normal conditions# -$,$,$($ 3 /tage 3a!iati n0

(#'#'#4#'# 3or the purpose of this Section, !oltage !ariation shall be defined as the deviation of the root7mean7square ($"S) value of the voltage from its nominal value, e=pressed in percent# !oltage !ariation +ill either be of short duration or long duration# (#'#'#4#4# % Short /uration !oltage !ariation shall be defined as a variation of the $"S value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time greater than one7half cycle of the po+er frequency but not e=ceeding one minute# % Short /uration !oltage !ariation is a !oltage S+ell if the $"S value of the voltage increases to bet+een ''G percent and ';G percent of the nominal value# % Short /uration !oltage !ariation is a !oltage Sag (or !oltage /ip) if the $"S value of the voltage decreases to bet+een 'G percent and &G percent of the nominal value#

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(#'#'#4#(# % Long /uration !oltage !ariation shall be defined as a variation of the $"S value of the voltage from nominal voltage for a time greater than one minute# % Long /uration !oltage !ariation is an 6ndervoltage if the $"S value of the voltage is less than or equal to &G percent of the nominal voltage# % Long /uration !oltage !ariation is an 1vervoltage if the $"S value of the voltage is greater than or equal to ''G percent of the nominal value# (#'#'#4#.# The Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator shall ensure that the Long /uration !oltage !ariations result in $"S values of the voltages that are greater than &G percent but less than ''G percent of the nominal voltage at any -onnection Point during normal conditions# -$,$,$-$ 3 /tage Un&a/an5e

The ma=imum !oltage 6nbalance at the -onnection Point of any Small Grid 6ser or any Generator shall not e=ceed 4#9 percent during normal operation conditions# -$,$,$2$ Re/ia&i/it" Standa!d0

(#'#'#.#'# The ,$- shall impose a uniform system of recording and reporting of Small Grid reliability performance# (#'#'#.#4# The ,$- shall develop reliability indices appropriate for Small Grids, +hich shall be complied +ith by the Small Grid 1+ner# -$,$,$)$ S'&.i00i n 4 Re/ia&i/it" Rep !t0 and Pe!4 !.an5e Ta!get0

(#'#'#9#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall submit the monthly interruption reports for its Small Grid every three (() months, using the format prescribed by the ,$-#

SAFET7 STANDARDS FOR GENERATORS AND SMALL GRID O1NER 3or all Categ !ie0, the Generators and Small Grid 1+ner shall ensure that at any -onnection Point in the Small Grid, the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0


Ad pti n 4 PEC and OSHS -$($,$,$ The Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator shall develop, operate, and maintain the Small Grid in a safe manner and shall al+ays ensure a safe +or* environment for their employees# >n this regard, the ,$- adopts the Philippine ,lectrical -ode (P,-) Part ' and Part 4 set by the Professional $egulations -ommission
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and the 1ccupational Safety and 8ealth Standards (1S8S) set by the Eureau of Dor*ing -onditions of the /epartment of Labor and ,mployment# -$($,$($ The Philippine ,lectrical -ode (P,-) Parts ' and 4 govern the safety requirements for electrical installation, operation, and maintenance# Part ' of the P,- pertains to the +iring system in the premises of ,nd 6sers# Part 4 covers electrical ,quipment and associated +or* practices employed by the electric utility# -ompliance +ith these -odes is mandatory# 8ence, the Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator shall at all times ensure that all provisions of these safety codes are not violated# The 1S8S aims to protect every +or*ingman against the dangers of in<ury, sic*ness, or death through safe and healthful +or*ing conditions#



Mea0'!e.ent 4 Pe!4 !.an5e 4 ! Pe!0 nne/ Sa4et" $ule 'G9) of the 1S8S specifies the rules for the measurement of performance for personnel safety that shall be applied to the Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator# The pertinent portions of this rule are reproduced as follo+s0 (a) ,=posure to +or* in<uries shall be measured by the total number of hours of employment of all employees in each establishment or reporting unit# (b) ,mployee7hours of e=posure for calculating +or* in<ury rates are intended to be the actual hours +or*ed# Dhen actual hours are not available, estimated hours may be used# (c) The /isabling >n<uryF>llness 3requency $ate shall be based upon the total number of deaths, permanent total, permanent partial, and temporary total disabilities, +hich occur during the period covered by the rate# The rate relates those in<uriesFillnesses to the employee7 hours +or*ed during the period and e=presses the number of such in<uries in terms of a million man7hour units# (d) The /isabling >n<uryF>llness Severity $ate shall be based on the total of all scheduled charges for all deaths, permanent total, and permanent partial disabilities, plus the total actual days of the disabilities of all temporary total disabilities, +hich occur during the period covered by the rate# The rate relates these days to the total employee7hours +or*ed during the period and e=presses the loss in terms of million man7hour units#


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The Small Grid 1+ner and System 1perator shall submit to ,$- copies of records and reports required by 1S8S as amended# These shall include the measurement of performance specified in Section (#4#4 ( Measurement of Performance for Personnel Safety) -$-$ PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR DISTRIBUTION UTILITIES The /istribution 6tilities shall comply +ith the provision of -hapter ( (Performance Standards for !istri"ution and Su##ly) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# SECTION 2 2$ SMALL GRID CONNECTION RE?UIREMENTS

SMALL GRID TECHNICAL* DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL CRITERIA 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" ), refer to Section 9#4 (!istri"ution $ec%nical, !esi&n and '#erational (riteria), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section 9#4 (!istri"ution $ec%nical, !esi&n and '#erational (riteria) , -hapter 9 of the P/and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (, the Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers other than /6s shall ensure that at any -onnection Point in the Small Grid, the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0 2$,$,$ F!e='en5" 3a!iati n0 /uring normal operating conditions, the Small Grid frequency shall be +ithin the limits specified in Section (#'#'#' ()re*uency +ariations)# 2$,$($ 3 /tage Un&a/an5e The ma=imum !oltage 6nbalance at the -onnection Point of any Small Grid 6ser and any Generators shall be +ithin the limits specified in Section (#'#'#4 (+olta&e ,n"alance) during normal operating conditions# 2$,$-$ G! 'nding Re='i!e.ent0 The Small Grid 1+ner shall specify the grounding requirements and the applicable ,arth 3ault 3actor at the -onnection Point#


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E='ip.ent Standa!d0 .#'#.#'# %ll ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall comply +ith the requirements of the >,- Standards or their equivalent national standards# .#'#.#4# The prevailing standards at the time +hen the -onnection Point +as designed or modified rather than the Test and -ommissioning date or the %sset Transfer /ate, shall apply to all ,quipment at the -onnection Point#


Maintenan5e Standa!d0 .#'#9#'# %ll ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall be operated and maintained in accordance +ith international standards or its equivalent national standards and in a manner that shall not pose a threat to the safety of any personnel or cause damage to the ,quipment of the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser# .#'#9#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall maintain a log containing the test results and maintenance records relating to its ,quipment at the -onnection Point and shall ma*e this log available +hen requested by the Small Grid 1+ner#


PROCEDURES FOR SMALL GRID CONNECTION OR MODIFICATION 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" ), refer to Section 9#( (Procedures for !istri"ution (onnection or Modification), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section 9#( (Procedures for !istri"ution (onnection or Modification), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (, the Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers other than /6s shall ensure that at any -onnection Point in the Small Grid, the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0 2$($,$ C nne5ti n Ag!ee.ent .#4#'#'# %ny Small Grid 6ser see*ing a ne+ connection to the Small Grid shall secure the required -onnection %greement +ith the Small Grid 1+ner prior to the actual connection to the Small Grid# .#4#'#4# The -onnection %greement shall include provisions for the submission of information and reports, Safety $ules, Test and -ommissioning programs, ,lectrical /iagrams, statement of readiness to connect, certificate of approval to connect, and other requirements prescribed by the ,$-#

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A.ended C nne5ti n Ag!ee.ent .#4#4#'# %ny Small Grid 6ser see*ing a modification of an e=isting connection to the Small Grid shall secure the required %mended -onnection %greement +ith the Small Grid 1+ner prior to the actual modification of the e=isting connection to the Small Grid# .#4#4#4# The %mended -onnection %greement shall include provisions for the submission of additional information and reports required by the Small Grid 1+ner and other requirements prescribed by the ,$-#


P! 5e00ing 4 App/i5ati n .#4#(#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall process the application for connection or modification to an e=isting connection +ithin thirty ((G) days from the submission of the completed application form# .#4#(#4# %fter evaluating the application submitted by the Small Grid 6ser, the Small Grid 1+ner shall inform the Small Grid 6ser +hether the proposed Small Grid 6ser /evelopment is acceptable or not# .#4#(#(# >f the application of the Small Grid 6ser is acceptable, the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall sign a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement, as the case may be# .#4#(#.# >f the application of the Small Grid 6ser is not acceptable, the Small Grid 1+ner shall notify the Small Grid 6ser of the same, stating the reasons therefor# The Small Grid 1+ner shall include in the notification its proposed modifications to the application, if any, to ma*e the acceptable to the Small Grid 1+ner# .#4#(#9# The Small Grid 6ser shall accept the proposal of the Small Grid 1+ner +ithin fifteen ('9) days, or a longer period specified in the Small Grid 1+nerCs proposal, after +hich the period for accepting the proposal automatically lapses# .#4#(#)# The acceptance by the Small Grid 6ser of the Small Grid 1+nerCs proposal shall lead to the signing of a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement# .#4#(#:# >f the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser cannot reach an agreement on the proposed connection or modification to an e=isting connection, the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser may bring the matter before the ,$- for resolution# .#4#(#;# >f a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement is signed, the Small Grid 6ser shall submit to the Small Grid 1+ner, +ithin fifteen ('9) days from signing or a longer period agreed to by the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser, the /etailed Planning /ata


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pertaining to the proposed Small Grid 6ser /evelopment, as specified in Section 9#. (!etailed Plannin& !ata)# 2$($2$ S'&.i00i n0 P!i ! t t9e C ..i00i ning Date .#4#.#'# The follo+ing shall be submitted by the Small Grid 6ser prior to the -ommissioning /ate, pursuant to the terms, conditions and schedules specified in the -onnection %greement0 (a) (b) Specifications of ma<or ,quipment not included in the Standard Planning /ata and /etailed Planning /ataA /etails of the protection arrangements and settings referred to in Section .#(#& (Protection Arran&ements - .enerator) for Generating 6nits and in Section .#.#4 (Protection Arran&ements / !istri"utor and 't%er Small .rid ,sers ) for /istributors and other Small Grid 6sersA >nformation to enable the Small Grid 1+ner to prepare the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument referred to in Section .#) ()i0ed Asset 1oundary !ocument Re*uirements), including the name(s) of the %ccountable Person(s)A ,lectrical /iagrams of the Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment at the -onnection Point as described in Section .#: (Electrical !ia&ram Re*uirements)A >nformation that +ill enable the Small Grid 1+ner to prepare the -onnection Point /ra+ings referred to in Section .#; ((onnection Point !rawin& Re*uirements)A -opies of all Safety $ules and Local Safety >nstructions applicable to the Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment and a list of Safety -oordinators, pursuant to the requirements of Section )#: (Safety (oordination)A % list of the names and contact numbers of authori ed representatives, including the confirmation that they are fully authori ed to ma*e binding decisions on behalf of the Small Grid 6ser in case of Significant >ncidents, pursuant to the procedures specified in Section )#)#4 (Si&nificant Incident Procedures)A Proposed "aintenance ProgramA and Test and -ommissioning procedures for the -onnection Point and the Small Grid 6ser /evelopment#






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.#4#9#'# 6pon completion of the Small Grid 6ser /evelopment, including +or* at the -onnection Point, the ,quipment at the -onnection Point and the Small Grid 6ser /evelopment shall be sub<ected to the Test and -ommissioning procedures specified in Section .#4#. ( Su"missions Prior to t%e (ommissionin& !ate)# .#4#9#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall then submit to the Small Grid 1+ner a statement of readiness to connect, +hich shall include the Test and -ommissioning reports# .#4#9#(# 6pon acceptance of the Small Grid 6serCs statement of readiness to connect, the Small Grid 1+ner shall, +ithin seven (:) days, issue a certificate of approval to connect# .#4#9#.# The physical connection to the Small Grid shall be made only after the certificate of approval to connect has been issued by the Small Grid 1+ner to the Small Grid 6ser#

RE?UIREMENTS FOR GENERATORS 2$-$,$ Re='i!e.ent0 Re/ating t t9e C nne5ti n P int .#(#'#'# The GeneratorCs ,quipment shall be connected to the Small Grid at the voltage level(s) agreed to by the Small Grid 1+ner and the Generator based on the Small Grid >mpact Studies# .#(#'#4# The -onnection Point shall be controlled by a circuit brea*er that is capable of interrupting the ma=imum short circuit current at the point of connection# .#(#'#(# /isconnect s+itches and other isolating means shall also be provided and arranged to isolate the circuit brea*er for maintenance purposes# 2$-$($ Gene!ating Unit P 8e! O'tp't .#(#4#'# The Generating 6nit shall be capable of continuously supplying its %ctive Po+er output, as specified in the GeneratorCs /eclared /ata, +ithin the Po+er System 3requency range of 9&#: to )G#( 8 # %ny decrease of po+er output occurring in the frequency range of 9&#: to 9:#) 8 shall not be more than the required proportionate value of the frequency decay# .#(#4#4# The Generating 6nit shall be capable of supplying its %ctive Po+er and $eactive Po+er outputs, as specified in the GeneratorCs /eclared /ata, +ithin the !oltage !ariations specified in Section (#4#( (+olta&e +ariations), -hapter ( of the P/- and any amendments thereto, during normal operating conditions# .#(#4#(# The Generating 6nit shall be capable of supplying its %ctive Po+er output, as specified in the GeneratorCs /eclared /ata, +ithin the limits of


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G#;9 Po+er 3actor lagging and G#&G Po+er 3actor leading at the Generating 6nitCs terminals, in accordance +ith its $eactive Po+er -apability -urve# 2$-$-$ F!e='en5" 1it90tand Capa&i/it" .#(#(#'# >f the Po+er System frequency momentarily rises to )4#. 8 or falls to 9:#) 8 , all Generating 6nits shall remain in synchronism +ith the Small Grid for at least five (9) seconds, as specified in Section (#'#'#' ()re*uency +ariations)# The Small Grid 1+ner may +aive this requirement, if there are sufficient technical reasons to <ustify the +aiver# .#(#(#4# The Generator shall be responsible for protecting its Generating 6nits against damage from frequency e=cursions outside the range of 9:#) 8 and )4#. 8 # The Generator shall decide +hether or not to disconnect its Generating 6nit from the Small Grid# 2$-$2$ Un&a/an5e L ading 1it90tand Capa&i/it" .#(#.#'# The Generating 6nit shall meet the requirements for !oltage 6nbalance as specified in Section (#'#'#4 (+olta&e ,n"alance)# .#(#.#4# The Generating 6nit shall also be required to +ithstand +ithout tripping, the unbalance loading during clearance by the bac*up protection of a close7up phase7to7phase fault on the Small Grid# 2$-$)$ Speed>G 6e!ning S"0te. .#(#9#'# The Generating 6nit shall be capable of contributing to 3requency -ontrol by continuous regulation of the %ctive Po+er supplied to the Small Grid# .#(#9#4# The Generating 6nit shall be fitted +ith a fast7acting speed7governing system to provide 3requency -ontrol under normal operating conditions in accordance +ith Section )#9 ()re*uency (ontrol and +olta&e (ontrol)# The speed7governing system shall have an overall speed7droop characteristic of five percent (9I) or less# 6nless +aived by the Small Grid 1+ner in consultation +ith the /istributor, the speed7governing system shall be capable of accepting raise and lo+er signals# .#(#9#(# Dhen a Generating 6nit becomes isolated from the Small Grid, the speed governing system shall provide 3requency -ontrol to the resulting >sland Grid# ,=emptions from this requirement shall be specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# 2$-$:$ Ex5itati n C nt! / S"0te. .#(#)#'# The Generating 6nit shall be capable of contributing to !oltage -ontrol by continuous regulation of the $eactive Po+er supplied to the Small Grid#
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.#(#)#4# The Generating 6nit shall be fitted +ith a continuously acting automatic e=citation control system to control the terminal voltage +ithout instability over the entire operating range of the Generating 6nit# .#(#)#(# The performance requirements for e=citation control facilities, including po+er system stabili ers, +here necessary for po+er system operations shall be specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement$ 2$-$%$ B/a5B Sta!t Capa&i/it" .#(#:#'# The Small Grid shall have Elac* Start -apability at a number of strategically located Generating Plants# .#(#:#4# The Generator shall specify in its application for a -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement if its Generating 6nit has a Elac* Start capability# 2$-$@$ Fa0t Sta!t Capa&i/it" .#(#;#'# The Generator shall specify in its application for a -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement if its Generating 6nit has a 3ast Start capability# .#(#;#4# The Generating 6nit shall automatically start7up in response to frequency level relays +ith settings in the range of 9:#) 8 to )4#. 8 # 2$-$A$ P! te5ti n A!!ange.ent0 .#(#&#'# The protection of Generating 6nits and ,quipment and their connection to the Small Grid shall be designed, coordinated, and tested to achieve the desired level of speed, sensitivity, and selectivity in fault clearing and to minimi e the impact of faults on the Small Grid# .#(#&#4# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall be solely responsible for the protection system of the electrical equipment and facilities at their respective sides of the -onnection Point# .#(#&#(# The 3ault -learance Time shall be specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# The 3ault -learance Time for a fault on the Small Grid +here the GeneratorCs ,quipment are connected, or on the GeneratorCs system +here the Small Grid 1+nerCs ,quipment are connected, shall be indicated in the -onnection %greement# .#(#&#.# % circuit brea*er shall be provided by the Generator at the -onnection Point to interrupt the fault current at any side of the -onnection Point, a circuit brea*er fail protection shall also be provided by the Generator#


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.#(#&#9# The circuit brea*er fail protection shall be designed to initiate the tripping of all the necessary electrically7ad<acent circuit brea*ers and to interrupt the fault current +ithin the ne=t fifty (9G) milliseconds, in the event that the primary protection system fails to interrupt the fault current +ithin the prescribed 3ault -learance Time# .#(#&#)# Dhere the automatic recloser of a circuit brea*er is required follo+ing a fault on the Small Grid 6ser System, automatic s+itching ,quipment shall be provided in accordance +ith the requirements specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#(#&#:# The ability of the protection scheme to initiate the successful tripping of the circuit brea*ers that are associated +ith the faulty ,quipment, measured by the System Protection /ependability >nde=, shall be not less than ninety nine percent (&&I)# .#(#&#;# /isconnect s+itches shall be provided to isolate the Generating Plant from the Small Grid +hen it is not operating to avoid the input to the Small Grid revenue meter to operate# 2$-$,+$ T!an04 !.e! C nne5ti n and G! 'nding

.#(#'G#'# >f the GeneratorCs ,quipment are connected to the Small Grid, the high7voltage side of the transformer shall be connected in Dye, +ith the neutral available for connection to ground# .#(#'G#4# The Small Grid 1+ner shall specify the connection and grounding requirements for the lo+7voltage side of the transformer in accordance +ith the provisions of Section .#'#( (.roundin& Re*uirements)# 2$2$ RE?UIREMENTS FOR DISTRIBUTOR AND OTHER SMALL GRID USERS 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only 2$2$,$ Re='i!e.ent0 Re/ating t t9e C nne5ti n P int .#.#'#'# The /6Cs or other Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment shall be connected to the Small Grid at voltage level(s) agreed to by the Small Grid 1+ner and the /6 or other Small Grid 6ser based on Small Grid >mpact Studies# .#.#'#4# The -onnection Point shall be controlled by a three7phase circuit brea*er that is capable of interrupting the ma=imum short circuit current at the point of connection# .#.#'#(# /isconnect s+itches shall also be provided and arranged to isolate the circuit brea*er for maintenance purposes# 2$2$($
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.#.#4#'# The protection of the /6Cs or other Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall be designed, coordinated and tested to achieve the desired level of speed, sensitivity and selectivity in fault clearing and to minimi e the impact of faults on the Small Grid# .#.#4#4# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall be solely responsible for the protection systems of electrical equipment and facilities at their respective sides of the -onnection Point# The Small Grid 1+ner, upon the request of the Small Grid 6ser, shall provide the technical data at the -onnection Point necessary for the Small Grid 6ser to design its protection system# .#.#4#(# The 3ault -learance Time shall be specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#.#4#.# Dhere the /6Cs or other Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment are connected to the Small Grid and a circuit brea*er is provided by the /6 or other Small Grid 6ser or by the Small Grid 1+ner to interrupt fault currents at any side of the -onnection Point, a circuit brea*er fail protection shall also be provided by the /6 or other Small Grid 6ser or the Small Grid 1+ner# .#.#4#9# The circuit brea*er fail protection shall be designed to initiate the tripping of all the necessary electrically7ad<acent circuit brea*ers and to interrupt the fault current +ithin the ne=t fifty (9G) milliseconds, in the event that the primary protection system fails to interrupt the fault current +ithin the prescribed 3ault -learance Time# .#.#4#)# Dhere the automatic recloser of a circuit brea*er is required follo+ing a fault on the Small Grid 6ser System, automatic s+itching ,quipment shall be provided in accordance +ith the requirements specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#.#4#:# The ability of the protection scheme to initiate the successful tripping of the circuit brea*ers that are associated +ith the faulty equipment, measured by the System Protection /ependability >nde=, shall be not less than ninety nine percent (&&I)# .#.#4#;# The Small Grid 1+ner may require specific Small Grid 6sers to provide other protection schemes, designed and developed to maintain Small Grid security, or to minimi e the ris* andFor impact of disturbances on the Small Grid# 2$2$-$ T!an04 !.e! C nne5ti n and G! 'nding .#.#(#'# >f the /6Cs or other Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment is connected to the Small Grid at a voltage of )& *! and above, the Dye side shall be connected to ground#


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.#.#(#4# The Small Grid 1+ner shall specify the connection and grounding requirements for the lo+7voltage side of the transformer, in accordance +ith the provisions of Section .#'#( (.roundin& Re*uirements)# 2$2$2$ Unde!4!e='en5" Re/a"0 4 ! A't .ati5 L ad D! pping 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only .#.#.#'# The -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement shall specify the manner in +hich /emand, sub<ect to %utomatic Load /ropping (%L/) +ill be split into discrete "D or *D bloc*s to be actuated by underfrequency relays# .#.#.#4# The underfrequency relays to be used in %utomatic Load /ropping shall be fully digital +ith the follo+ing characteristics0 (a) 3requency setting range0 9:#G to )4#G 8 in steps of G#' 8 , preferably G#G9 8 A (b) %d<ustable time delay0 G to )G s in steps of G#' sA (c) $ate of frequency setting range0 G to J'G 8 Fs in steps of G#' 8 FsA (d) 1perating time delay0 less than G#'sA (e) !oltage loc*7out0 selectable +ithin 99I to &GI of nominal voltageA (f) 3acility stages0 minimum of three (() stages operationA and (g) 1utput contacts0 minimum of three (() output contacts per stage# .#.#.#(# The voltage supply to the underfrequency relays shall be sourced from the primary system at the supply point to ensure that the input frequency to the underfrequency relay is the same as that of the primary system# .#.#.#.# The tripping facility shall be designed and coordinated in accordance +ith the follo+ing reliability considerations0 (a) /ependability0 3ailure to trip at any one particular /emand shedding point shall not harm the overall operation of the scheme# The overall dependability of the scheme shall not be lo+er than ninety percent (&GI)A and (b) 1utages0 The amount of /emand under control shall not be reduced significantly during the outage or maintenance of the equipment#

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COMMUNICATION E?UIPMENT RE?UIREMENTS AND METHODS 2$)$,$ C ..'ni5ati n S"0te. 4 ! M nit !ing and C nt! / .#9#'#'# % communication system shall be established so that the Small Grid 1+ner, /6s and other Small Grid 6sers can communicate +ith one another as +ell as e=change data signals for monitoring and controlling the Small Grid during normal and emergency conditions# .#9#'#4# ,ach Small Grid 6ser shall provide the complete communication equipment required for the monitoring and control of the -onnection Point and the Generating 6nits# .#9#'#(# The System 1perator may use a combination of communication media as agreed upon by all Small Grid 6sers# %n official communication media, such as 683F!83 hand7held or base radios andFor cellular phone, shall be provided by each Small Grid 6ser and shall be assigned as a dedicated equipment (or dedicated communication line), used only for Small Grid operations# ,ach Small Grid 6ser shall submit to the System 1perator, the names of the official and authori ed personnel assigned for Small Grid operations +ith their corresponding means of communication or mobile phone numbers# 2$)$($ Met9 d0 4 T!an0.itting Di0pat59 In0t!'5ti n0 .#9#4#'# ,ach Small Grid 6ser must provide a communications facility manned during its hours of operations and capable of receiving /ispatch >nstructions issued by the System 1perator# .#9#4#4# The System 1perator shall issue /ispatch >nstructions by means of the communication equipment agreed upon by the Small Grid 6sers# .#9#4#(# ,ach Small Grid 6ser must maintain a dedicated communication line available during its hours of operations for immediate access by the /ispatcher# .#9#4#.# The /ispatch >nstructions and all information associated +ith it shall be logged and recorded by the /ispatcher as soon as practical after issuing each /ispatch >nstruction# 2$)$-$ C ntent0 4 Di0pat59 In0t!'5ti n0 /ispatch >nstructions shall include the follo+ing information as appropriate0 (a) (b) (c) (d) ,=change of operator namesA Specific resource being dispatchedA Specific "D or *D value of the resource being dispatchedA Specific type of instruction (action required)A
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(e) 1perating level point to +hich the resource is being dispatchedA (f) Time the resource is required to begin initiating the /ispatch >nstructionA (g) Time the resource is required to achieve the /ispatch >nstructionA (h) Time of notification of the /ispatch >nstructionA and (i) %ny other information +hich the System 1perator considers relevant# 2$)$2$ A5Bn 8/edge.ent 4 Di0pat59 In0t!'5ti n0 The recipient of a verbal /ispatch >nstruction shall confirm the /ispatch >nstruction by reiterating the /ispatch >nstruction to the System 1perator# 2$)$)$ In4 !.ati n Manage.ent The System 1perator shall provide all Small Grid 6sers +ith non7 discriminatory access to information concerning the status of the Small Grid by posting such information on the +eb or other similar computer communications device or by telephone or facsimile in the event of computer systems failure#

FICED ASSET BOUNDAR7 DOCUMENT RE?UIREMENTS 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" ), refer to Section 9#)# ()i0ed Asset 1oundary !ocument Re*uirements), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section 9#) ()i0ed Asset 1oundary !ocument Re*uirements), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (, the Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers other than /6s shall ensure that the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0 2$:$, Fixed A00et B 'nda!" D 5'.ent .#)#'#' The 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments for any -onnection Point shall provide the information and specify the operational responsibilities of the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser for the follo+ing0 (a) 8igh !oltage (8!) equipmentA (b) "edium !oltage ("!) equipment, and (c) -ommunications and "etering ,quipment# .#)#'#4# 3or the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument referred to in item (a) above, the responsible management unit shall be sho+n, in addition to the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser# >n the case of the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments referred to in items (b) and (c) above, +ith the e=ception of protection equipment and inter7trip equipment operation, it is sufficient to indicate the responsible Small Grid 6ser or the Small Grid

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1+ner# .#)#'#(# The 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument shall sho+ precisely the -onnection Point and shall specify the follo+ing0 (a) ,quipment and their o+nershipA (b) %ccountable PersonsA (c) Safety $ules and Procedures, including Local Safety >nstructions and the Safety -oordinator(s) or any other persons responsible for safetyA (d) 1perational procedures and the responsible party for operation and controlA (e) "aintenance requirements and the responsible party for underta*ing maintenanceA and (f) %ny agreement pertaining to emergency conditions# .#)#'#.# The 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments shall be available at all times for the use of the operations personnel of the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser# 2$:$($ A55 'nta&/e Pe!0 n0 .#)#4#'# Prior to the -ompletion /ate specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement, the Small Grid 6ser shall submit to the Small Grid 1+ner a list of %ccountable Persons +ho are duly authori ed to sign the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments on behalf of the Small Grid 6ser# .#)#4#4# Prior to the -ompletion /ate specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement, the Small Grid 1+ner shall provide the 6ser the name of the %ccountable Person +ho shall sign the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments on behalf of the Small Grid 1+ner# .#)#4#(# %ny change to the list of %ccountable Persons shall be communicated to the other party at least si= ()) +ee*s before the change becomes effective# >f the change +as not anticipated, it must be communicated as soon as possible to the other party, +ith an e=planation +hy the change had to be made# .#)#4#.# 6nless specified other+ise in the -onnection %greement or the %mended -onnection %greement, the construction, Test and -ommissioning, control, operation and maintenance of ,quipment, accountability, and responsibility shall follo+ o+nership# 2$:$-$ P!epa!ati n 4 Fixed A00et B 'nda!" D 5'.ent


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.#)#(#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall establish the procedure and forms required for the preparation of the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments# .#)#(#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the information that +ill enable the Small Grid 1+ner to prepare the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#)#(#(# The Small Grid 1+ner shall prepare the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocuments for the -onnection Point at least t+o (4) +ee*s prior to the -ompletion /ate# .#)#(#.# The 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument for the ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall include the details of the lines or cables emanating from the Small Grid 1+nerCs and the Small Grid 6serCs sides of the -onnection Point# .#)#(#9# The date of issue and the issue number shall be included in every page of the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument# 2$:$2$ Signing and Di0t!i&'ti n 4 Fixed A00et B 'nda!" D 5'.ent .#)#.#'# Prior to the signing of the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument, the Small Grid 1+ner shall send a copy of the completed 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument to the Small Grid 6ser for any revision or for confirmation of its accuracy# .#)#.#4# The %ccountable Persons designated by the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall sign the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument after confirming its accuracy# .#)#.#(# 1nce signed but not less than t+o (4) +ee*s before the implementation date, the Small Grid 1+ner shall provide t+o (4) copies of the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument to the Small Grid 6ser, +ith a notice indicating the date of issue, the issue number and the implementation date of the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument# 2$:$)$ M di4i5ati n0 4 an Exi0ting Fixed A00et B 'nda!" D 5'.ent .#)#9#'# Dhen a Small Grid 6ser has determined that a 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument requires modification, it shall inform the Small Grid 1+ner at least eight (;) +ee*s before implementing the modification# The Small Grid 1+ner shall then prepare a revised 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument at least si= ()) +ee*s before the implementation date of the modification# .#)#9#4# Dhen the Small Grid 1+ner has determined that a 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument requires modification, it shall prepare a revised 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument at least si= ()) +ee*s prior to the implementation date of the modification#

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.#)#9#(# Dhen the Small Grid 1+ner or a Small Grid 6ser has determined that a 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument requires modification to reflect an emergency condition, the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser, as the case may be, shall immediately notify the other party# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall meet to discuss the required modification to the 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument, and shall decide +hether the change is temporary or permanent in nature# Dithin seven (:) days after the conclusion of the meeting bet+een the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser, the Small Grid 1+ner shall provide the Small Grid 6ser a revised 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument# .#)#9#.# The procedure specified in Section .#)#. (Si&nin& and !istri"ution of )i0ed Asset 1oundary !ocument) for signing and distribution shall be applied to the revised 3i=ed %sset Eoundary /ocument# The Small Grid 1+nerCs notice shall indicate the revision(s), the ne+ issue number and the ne+ date of issue#

ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM RE?UIREMENTS 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" ), refer to Section 9#: (Electrical !ia&ram Re*uirements), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section 9#: (Electrical !ia&ram Re*uirements), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (, the Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers other than /6s shall ensure that the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0 2$%$,$ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 t9e S.a// G!id O8ne! and S.a// G!id U0e!0 .#:#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall specify the procedure and format to be follo+ed in the preparation of the ,lectrical /iagrams for any -onnection Point# .#:#'#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall prepare and submit to the Small Grid 1+ner an ,lectrical /iagram for all the ,quipment on the Small Grid 6serCs side of the -onnection Point in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#:#'#(# The Small Grid 1+ner shall provide the Small Grid 6ser +ith an ,lectrical /iagram for all the ,quipment on the Small Grid 1+nerCs side of the -onnection Point in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#:#'#.# >f the -onnection Point is at the Small Grid 6serCs Site, the Small Grid 6ser shall prepare and distribute a composite ,lectrical /iagram for the entire -onnection Point# 1ther+ise, the Small Grid 1+ner shall prepare and distribute the composite ,lectrical /iagram for the entire -onnection Point#


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P!epa!ati n 4 E/e5t!i5a/ Diag!a.0 $efer to Section 9#:#4 (Pre#aration of Electrical !ia&rams), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto#


C9ange0 t E/e5t!i5a/ Diag!a.0 .#:#(#'# >f the Small Grid 1+ner or a Small Grid 6ser decides to add ne+ ,quipment or change an e=isting ,quipment >dentification, the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser, as the case may be, shall provide the other party a revised ,lectrical /iagram, at least one (') month prior to the proposed addition or change# .#:#(#4# >f the modification involves the replacement of e=isting ,quipment, the revised ,lectrical /iagram shall be provided to the other party in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the %mended -onnection %greement# .#:#(#(# The revised ,lectrical /iagram shall incorporate the ne+ ,quipment to be added, the e=isting ,quipment to be replaced or the change in ,quipment >dentification#


3a/idit" 4 E/e5t!i5a/ Diag!a.0 .#:#.#'# The composite ,lectrical /iagram prepared by the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser, in accordance +ith the provisions of Section .#:#' (Res#onsi"ilities of t%e Small .rid 'wner and Small .rid ,sers ), shall be the ,lectrical /iagram to be used for all operation and planning activities associated +ith the -onnection Point# .#:#.#4# >f a dispute involving the accuracy of the composite ,lectrical /iagram arises, a meeting bet+een the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall be held as soon as possible to resolve the dispute#


CONNECTION POINT DRA1ING RE?UIREMENTS 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" ), refer to Section 9#; ((onnection Point !rawin& Re*uirements), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section 9#; ((onnection Point !rawin& Re*uirements), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (, the Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers other than /6s shall ensure that the follo+ing standards are complied +ith0 2$@$,$ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 t9e S.a// G!id O8ne! and S.a// G!id U0e!0 .#;#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall specify the procedure and format to be follo+ed in the preparation of the -onnection Point /ra+ing for any

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-onnection Point# .#;#'#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall prepare and submit to the Small Grid 1+ner the -onnection Point /ra+ing for the Small Grid 6serCs side of the -onnection Point, in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#;#'#(# The Small Grid 1+ner shall provide the Small Grid 6ser +ith the -onnection Point /ra+ing for the Small Grid 1+nerCs side of the -onnection Point in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#;#'#.# >f the -onnection Point is at the Small Grid 6ser Site, the Small Grid 6ser shall prepare and distribute a composite -onnection Point /ra+ing for the entire -onnection Point# 1ther+ise, the Small Grid 1+ner shall prepare and distribute the composite -onnection Point /ra+ing for the entire -onnection Point# 2$@$($ P!epa!ati n 4 C nne5ti n P int D!a8ing0 $efer to Section 9#;#4 (Pre#aration of (onnection Point !rawin&s), -hapter 9 of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 2$@$-$ C9ange0 t C nne5ti n P int D!a8ing0 .#;#(#'# >f the Small Grid 1+ner or a Small Grid 6ser decides to add ne+ ,quipment or change an e=isting ,quipment >dentification, the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser, as the case may be, shall provide the other party a revised -onnection Point /ra+ing, at least one month prior to the proposed addition or change# .#;#(#4# >f the modification involves the replacement of e=isting ,quipment, the revised -onnection Point /ra+ing shall be provided to the other party in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the %mended -onnection %greement# .#;#(#(# The revised -onnection Point /ra+ing shall incorporate the ne+ ,quipment to be added, the e=isting ,quipment to be replaced, or the change in ,quipment >dentification# .#;#(#.# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall, if they have agreed to do so in +riting, modify their respective copies of the -onnection Point /ra+ings to reflect the change that they have agreed on in accordance +ith the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# 2$@$2$ 3a/idit" 4 t9e C nne5ti n P int D!a8ing0 .#;#.#'# The composite -onnection Point /ra+ing prepared by the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser in accordance +ith Section
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.#;#'(Res#onsi"ilities of t%e Small .rid 'wner and Small .rid ,sers ), shall be the -onnection Point /ra+ing to be used for all operation and planning activities associated +ith the -onnection Point# .#;#.#4# >f a dispute involving the accuracy of the composite -onnection Point /ra+ing arises, a meeting bet+een the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall be held as soon as possible to resolve the dispute#

SMALL GRID DATA REGISTRATION 2$A$,$ Data t &e Regi0te!ed .#&#'#'# The data relating to the -onnection Point and the Small Grid 6ser /evelopment that are submitted by the Small Grid 6ser to the Small Grid 1+ner shall be registered according to the follo+ing data categories0 (a) 3orecast /ataA (b) ,stimated ,quipment /ataA and (c) $egistered ,quipment /ata# .#&#'#4# The 3orecast /ata, including /emand and %ctive ,nergy, shall contain the 6serCs best estimate of the data being pro<ected for the five (9) succeeding years# .#&#'#(# The ,stimated ,quipment /ata shall contain the Small Grid 6serCs best estimate of the values of parameters and information about the ,quipment for the five (9) succeeding years# .#&#'#.# The $egistered ,quipment /ata shall contain validated actual values of parameters and information about the ,quipment that are submitted by the Small Grid 6ser to the Small Grid 1+ner at the connection date# The $egistered ,quipment /ata shall include the -onnected Pro<ect Planning /ata +hich shall replace any estimated values of parameters and information about the ,quipment previously submitted as Preliminary Pro<ect Planning /ata and -ommitted Pro<ect Planning /ata# 2$A$($ Stage0 4 Data Regi0t!ati n .#&#4#'# The data relating to the -onnection Point and the Small Grid 6ser /evelopment that are submitted by a Small Grid 6ser applying for a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement shall be registered in three (() stages and classified accordingly as0 (a) Preliminary Pro<ect Planning /ataA (b) -ommitted Pro<ect Planning /ataA and (c) -onnected Pro<ect Planning /ata# .#&#4#4# The data that are submitted at the time of application for a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement shall be considered as Preliminary Pro<ect Planning /ata# These data shall contain the

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Standard Planning /ata specified in Section 9#( (Standard Plannin& !ata), and the /etailed Planning /ata specified in Section 9#. (!etailed Plannin& !ata), +hen required ahead of the schedule specified in the -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# .#&#4#(# 1nce the -onnection %greement or the %mended -onnection %greement is signed, the Preliminary Pro<ect Planning /ata shall become the -ommitted Pro<ect Planning /ata, +hich shall be used in evaluating other applications for Small Grid connection or modification of e=isting Small Grid connection and in preparing the "issionary ,lectrification Plan (",P)# .#&#4#.# The ,stimated ,quipment /ata shall be updated, confirmed, and replaced +ith validated actual values of parameters and information about the ,quipment at the time of connection, +hich shall become the -onnected Pro<ect Planning /ata# These data shall be registered in accordance +ith the categories specified in Section .#&#' (!ata to "e Re&istered) and shall be used in evaluating other applications for Small Grid connection or modification of e=isting Small Grid connection and in preparing the ",P# 2$A$-$ Data F !.0 The Small Grid 1+ner, in consultation +ith the System 1perator shall develop the forms for all data to be submitted in accordance +ith an application for a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement#


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SECTION ) )$ SMALL GRID PLANNING 5.1. SMALL GRID PLANNING RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURES 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section )#4 (!istri"ution Plannin& Res#onsi"ilities and Procedures), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section )#4 (!istri"ution Plannin& Res#onsi"ilities and Procedures), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# )$,$,$ S.a// G!id O8ne! P/anning Re0p n0i&i/itie0 9#'#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall have lead responsibility for Small Grid Planning, includingA (a) %naly ing the impact of the connection of ne+ facilities such as Generating Plants, loads, distribution lines or substationsA (b) Planning the e=pansion of the Small Grid to ensure its adequacy to meet forecasted demand and the connection of ne+ Generating PlantsA and (c) >dentifying and correcting problems on the Po+er Buality, System Loss and $eliability of the Small Grid# The Small Grid 1+ner shall be responsible for planning the e=pansion of communications and other facilities# The Generators and other Small Grid 6sers shall cooperate +ith the Small Grid 1+ner in maintaining a Small Grid planning data ban*, revie+ing planning proposal as necessary and in improving the Small Grid Planning procedures# )$,$($ S'&.i00i n 4 P/anning Data 9#'#4#'# >f required by the Small Grid 1+ner, any Small Grid 6ser applying for connection or a modification of an e=isting connection to the Small Grid shall submit to the Small Grid 1+ner the relevant Standard Planning /ata specified in Section 9#( (Standard Plannin& !ata) and the /etailed Planning /ata specified in Section 9#. (!etailed Plannin& !ata), in accordance +ith the requirements prescribed in Section .#4 (Procedures for .rid (onnection or Modification )#
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9#'#4#4# >f required by the Small Grid 1+ner, all Small Grid 6sers shall submit annually to the Small Grid 1+ner the relevant historical planning data for the previous year and the forecast planning for the five (9) succeeding years by calendar +ee* 4: of the current year# These shall include the updated Standard Planning /ata and the /etailed Planning /ata# 9#'#4#(# The required Standard Planning /ata specified in Section 9#( (Standard Plannin& !ata) shall consist of information necessary for the Small Grid 1+ner to evaluate the impact of any Small Grid 6ser /evelopment on the Small Grid or to the Po+er System of other Small Grid 6sers# 9#'#4#.# The /etailed Planning /ata specified in Section 9#. (!etailed Plannin& !ata) shall include additional information necessary for the conduct of a more accurate Small Grid planning study# 9#'#4#9# The Standard Planning /ata and /etailed Planning /ata shall be submitted by the Small Grid 6ser to the Small Grid 1+ner according to the follo+ing categories0 (a) 3orecast /ataA (b) ,stimated ,quipment /ataA and (c) $egistered ,quipment /ata# 9#'#4#)# The 3orecast /ata shall contain the Small Grid 6serCs best estimate of the data, including ,nergy and /emand, being pro<ected for the five (9) succeeding years# 9#'#4#:# The ,stimated ,quipment /ata shall contain the Small Grid 6serCs best estimate of the values of parameters and information pertaining to its equipment# 9#'#4#;# The $egistered ,quipment /ata shall contain validated actual values of parameters and information about the Small Grid 6serCs ,quipment, +hich are part of the -onnected Pro<ect Planning /ata submitted by the Small Grid 6ser to the Small Grid 1+ner at the time of connection# )$,$-$ C n0 /idati n and Maintenan5e 4 P/anning Data 9#'#(#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall consolidate and maintain the Small Grid planning data according to the follo+ing categories0 (a) 3orecast /ataA (b) ,stimated ,quipment /ataA and (c) $egistered ,quipment /ata# 9#'#(#4# >f there is any change to its planning data, the Small Grid 6ser shall notify the Small Grid 1+ner of the change as soon as possible# The notification shall contain the time and date +hen the change too* effect, or is e=pected to ta*e effect, as the case may be# >f the change is temporary,
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the time and date +hen the data is e=pected to revert to its previous registered value shall also be indicated in the notification# )$,$2$ E6a/'ati n 4 S.a// G!id Expan0i n P! De5t 9#'#.#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall conduct Grid >mpact Studies to assess the effect of any proposed Grid e=pansion pro<ect on the Small Grid and the Po+er System of other Small Grid 6sers# 9#'#.#4# The Small Grid 1+ner shall notify the Small Grid 6ser of the results of the Small Grid >mpact Studies# 9#'#.#(# The Small Grid 1+ner shall notify the Small Grid 6ser of any planned development in the Small Grid that may have an impact on the Small Grid 6ser System# )$,$)$ E6a/'ati n 4 P! p 0ed S.a// G!id U0e! De6e/ p.ent

9#'#9#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall conduct Grid >mpact Studies to assess the effect of any proposed Small Grid 6ser /evelopment on the Grid and the Po+er System of other Small Grid 6sers# 9#'#9#4# The Small Grid 1+ner shall notify the applicant Small Grid 6ser of the results of the Grid >mpact Studies# )$,$:$ P!epa!ati n 4 Mi00i na!" E/e5t!i4i5ati n P/an ;MEP< (3or all categories) 9#'#)#' The NP-7SP6G shall collate and process the planning data submitted by the Small Grid 6ser into a cohesive forecast for the preparation of the ",P# 9#'#)#4# >f a Small Grid 6ser believes that the cohesive forecast data prepared by the NP-7SP6G does not accurately reflect its assumptions on the planning data, it shall promptly notify the NP-7SP6G of its concern# The NP-7SP6G and the Small Grid 6ser shall promptly meet to address the concern of the Small Grid 6ser#

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SMALL GRID PLANNING STUDIES 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section )#( (!istri"ution Plannin& Res#onsi"ilities and Procedures), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section )#( 5 (!istri"ution Plannin& Studies), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# )$($,$ G!id P/anning St'die0 t &e C nd'5ted

9#4#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall conduct Small Grid planning studies to ensure the safety, reliability, security and stability of the Small Grid for the follo+ing0 (a) ,valuation of Small Grid reinforcement pro<ectsA and (b) ,valuation of any proposed Small Grid 6ser /evelopment, +hich is submitted to Small Grid 1+ner in accordance +ith an application for a -onnection %greement or an %mended -onnection %greement# 9#4#'#4# The Small Grid planning studies shall be conducted to assess the impact on the Small Grid or to any Small Grid 6ser System of any /emand 3orecast or any proposed addition or change of ,quipment or facilities in the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System, and to identify corrective measures to eliminate the deficiencies in the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System# 9#4#'#(# The Small Grid planning studies shall be conducted periodically to assess0 (a) The behavior of the Small Grid during normal and 1utage contingency conditionsA and (b) The behavior of the Small Grid during the electromechanical or electromagnetic transient induced by disturbances or s+itching operations# 9#4#'#.# The relevant technical studies described in Sections 9#4#4 ( 2oad )low Studies) to Section 9#4#; ( Relia"ility Analysis) and the required planning data specified in Section 9#( (Standard Plannin& !ata) and Section 9#. (!etailed Plannin& !ata) shall be used in the conduct of the Small Grid planning studies# )$($($ L ad F/ 8 St'die0


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9#4#4#'# Load 3lo+ Studies shall be performed to evaluate the behavior of the Small Grid for the e=isting and planned Small Grid facilities under forecasted ma=imum and minimum load conditions and to study the impact on the Small Grid of the connection of ne+ Generating Plants, Loads, or 8igh !oltages (8!) lines# 9#4#4#4# 3or ne+ 8igh !oltage (8!) lines, the load condition that produces the ma=imum po+er flo+s through the e=isting and ne+ lines shall be identified and evaluated# )$($-$ S9 !t Ci!5'it St'die0

9#4#(#'# Short -ircuit Studies shall be performed to evaluate the effect on Small Grid ,quipment of the connection of ne+ Generating Plants, 8igh !oltage (8!) lines, and other facilities that +ill result in increased fault duties for Small Grid ,quipment# These studies shall identify the ,quipment that could be damaged +hen the current e=ceeds the design limit of the ,quipment such as s+itchyard devices and substation buses# The studies shall also identify the circuit brea*ers and fuses, +hich may fail +hen interrupting possible short circuit currents# 9#4#(#4# Three7phase short7circuit studies shall be performed for all nodes of the Small Grid for the ma=imum and minimum generation scenarios of the Small Grid and for different system circuit configurations# Single7phase short7circuit studies shall also be performed for critical Small Grid nodes# These studies shall identify the most severe conditions that the Small Grid ,quipment may be e=posed to# 9#4#(#(# %lternative Grid circuit configurations shall be studied to reduce the short circuit currents +ithin the limits of e=isting ,quipment# Such changes in circuit configuration shall be sub<ected to load flo+ and stability analysis to ensure that the changes do not cause steady state load flo+ or stability problems# 9#4#(#.# The results shall be considered satisfactory +hen the short7circuit currents are +ithin the design limits of ,quipment and the proposed Small Grid configurations are suitable for fle=ible and safe operation# )$($2$ Stead">State Sta&i/it" Ana/"0i0

9#4#9#'# Periodic studies shall be performed to determine if the Small Grid is vulnerable to Steady7State Stability problems# Such problems occur on heavy7loaded systems, +here small disturbances may cause steady7state oscillations that can lead to ma<or disturbances# The studies shall identify solutions, such as the installation of po+er system stabili ers or the identification of safe operating conditions# 9#4#9#4# Studies shall be conducted to determine the possibility that /ynamic >nstability problems may occur in the Small Grid#

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3 /tage Sta&i/it" Ana/"0i0

9#4#)#'# Periodic studies shall be performed to determine if the Small Grid is vulnerable to voltage collapse under heavy loading conditions# % voltage collapse can proceed very rapidly if the ability of systemCs $eactive Po+er supply to support system voltages is e=hausted# The studies shall identify solutions such as the installation of dynamic and static $eactive Po+er compensation devices to avoid vulnerability to voltage collapse# >n addition, the studies shall identify safe Small Grid operating conditions +here vulnerability to voltage collapse can be avoided until solutions are implemented# 9#4#)#4# Studies shall be conducted to determine the possibility that !oltage >nstability problems may occur in the Small Grid# )$($:$ Re/ia&i/it" Ana/"0i0 $eliability %nalysis shall be performed to determine the generation deficiency of the Small Grid using a probabilistic method such as Loss of Load Probability (L1LP) or ,=pected ,nergy Not Supplied (,,NS)# 5.3. STANDARD PLANNING DATA 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section )#. (Standard Plannin& !ata), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section )#. (Standard Plannin& !ata), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# )$-$,$ Hi0t !i5a/ Ene!g" and De.and The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the Small Grid 1+ner its actual monthly ,nergy and /emand consumption at each -onnection Point for the immediate past year# The Small Grid 6ser shall also provide the Small Grid 1+ner +ith actual hourly load profiles for a typical +ee*day, +ee*end, and holiday# )$-$($ Ene!g" and De.and F !e5a0t

9#(#4#'# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the Small Grid 1+ner +ith its ,nergy and /emand forecasts at each -onnection Point for the five (9) succeeding years# Dhere the Small Grid 6ser System is connected to the Small Grid at more than one -onnection Point, the /emand data to be provided by the Small 6ser shall be the coincident pea* %ctive Po+er /emand# 9#(#4#4#

The 3orecast /ata for the first year shall include monthly ,nergy and
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/emand forecasts +hile the remaining four (.) years shall include only the annual ,nergy and /emand forecasts# 9#(#4#(# The Small Grid 6ser shall also provide the Small Grid 1+ner +ith forecasted hourly load profiles for a typical +ee*day, +ee*end, and holiday# 9#(#4#.# /istributors (and other Small Grid 6sers) shall provide the net values of ,nergy and /emand forecast for the /istribution System (or the Small Grid 6ser System) at each -onnection Point after any deductions to reflect the output of Generating Plants# Such deductions shall be stated separately in the 3orecast /ata# 9#(#4#9# Generators shall submit to the Small Grid 1+ner the pro<ected ,nergy and /emand to be generated by each Generating Plant# 3orecast /ata for Generating 6nits and Generating Plants shall be submitted through the /istributor# 9#(#4#)# >n order to avoid the duplication of 3orecast /ata, each Small Grid 6ser shall indicate the ,nergy and /emand requirements that it shall meet under a contract# Dhere the Small Grid 6ser shall meet only a portion of the ,nergy and /emand requirements, it shall indicate in the 3orecast /ata that portion of the requirements andFor the portion of the forecast period covered by the contract# 9#(#4#:# >f the Small Grid 6ser System is connected to the Small Grid at a -onnection Point +ith a bus arrangement +hich is, or may be operated in separate sections, the ,nergy and /emand forecasts for each bus section shall be separately stated# )$-$-$ Gene!ating Unit Data

9#(#(#'# The Generator shall provide the Small Grid 1+ner +ith data relating to the Generating 6nits of its Generating Plant# 9#(#(#4# The /istributor (or other Small Grid 6ser) shall provide the Small Grid 1+ner +ith data relating to the Generating 6nits of each Generating Plant# 9#(#(#(# The follo+ing information shall be provided for the Generating 6nits of each Generating Plant0 (a) $ated -apacity ("!% and "D)A (b) $ated !oltage (*!)A (c) Type of Generating 6nit and e=pected running mode(s)A (d) /irect a=is sub7transient reactance (percent)A and (e) $ated capacity, voltage and impedance of the Generating 6nitCs step7
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up transformer# 9#(#(#.# >f the Generating 6nit is connected to the Small Grid at a -onnection Point +ith a bus arrangement +hich is, or may be operated in separate sections, the bus section to +hich each Generating 6nit is connected shall be identified# )$-$2$ S.a// G!id U0e! S"0te. Data

9#(#.#'# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the ,lectrical /iagrams and -onnection Point /ra+ings of the Small Grid 6ser System and the -onnection Point, as specified in Section .#: (Electrical !ia&ram Re*uirements) and Section .#; ((onnection Point !rawin& Re*uirements), respectively# The diagrams and dra+ings shall indicate the quantities, ratings, and operating parameters of the follo+ing0 (a) ,quipment (e#g#, Generating 6nits, po+er transformers, and -ircuit Erea*ers)A (b) ,lectrical circuits (e#g#, overhead lines and underground cables)A (c) Substation bus arrangementsA (d) Grounding arrangementsA (e) Phasing arrangementsA and (f) S+itching facilities# 9#(#.#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the values of the follo+ing circuit parameters of the overhead lines andFor underground cables from the Small Grid 6ser System substation to the -onnection Point in the Small Grid0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) $ated and operating voltage (*!)A Positive sequence resistance and reactance (ohm)A Positive sequence shunt susceptance (Siemens or ohm7')A Kero sequence resistance and reactance (ohm)A and Kero sequence susceptance (Siemens or ohm7')#

9#(#.#(# >f the Small Grid 6ser System in connected to the Small Grid through a step7up transformer, the follo+ing data for the po+er transformers shall be provided0 (a) (b) (c) (d) $ated "!%A $ated voltages (*!)A Dinding arrangementA Positive sequence resistance and reactance (at ma=, min, and nominal tap)A (e) Kero sequence reactance for three7legged core type transformerA (f) Tap changer range, step si e and type (on7load or off7load)A and
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(g) Easic Lightning >mpulse >nsulation Level (*!)# 9#(#.#.# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the follo+ing information for the s+itchgear, including circuit brea*ers, load brea* s+itches, and disconnect s+itches at the -onnection Point and at the substation of the Small Grid 6ser0 (a) (b) (c) (d) $ated voltage (*!)A $ated current (%)A $ated symmetrical $"S short7circuit current (*%)A and Easic Lightning >mpulse >nsulation Level (*!)#

9#(#.#9# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the details of its System Grounding# This shall include the rated capacity and impedances of the Grounding ,quipment# 9#(#.#)# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the data on independently7s+itched $eactive Po+er compensation ,quipment at the -onnection Point andFor at the substation of the Small Grid 6ser System# This shall include the follo+ing information0 (a) $ated -apacity ("!%$)A (b) $ated !oltage (*!)A (c) Type (e#g#, shunt inductor, shunt capacitor, static var compensator)A and (d) 1peration and control details (e#g# fi=ed or variable, automatic, or manual)# 9#(#.#:# >f a significant portion of the Small Grid 6serCs /emand may be supplied from alternative -onnection Point(s), the relevant information on the /emand transfer capability shall be provided by the Small Grid 6ser including the follo+ing0 (a) The alternative -onnection Point(s)A (b) The /emand normally supplied from each alternative -onnection PointA (c) The /emand +hich may be transferred from or to each alternative -onnection PointA and (d) The control (e#g#, manual or automatic) arrangements for transfer including the time required to effect the transfer for 3orced 1utage and planned maintenance conditions# 9#(#.#;# >f a /istribution System (or other Small Grid 6ser System) has Generating Plants and significantly large motors, the short circuit contribution of the Generating 6nits and the large motors at the -onnection Point shall be provided by the /istributor (or the other Small Grid 6ser)# The short circuit current shall be calculated in accordance +ith the >,Standards or their equivalent national standards# 5.4. DETAILED PLANNING DATA

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3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section )#9 (!etailed Plannin& !ata), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" - and Categ !" 2* refer to Section )#9 (!etailed Plannin& !ata), -hapter ) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# )$2$,$ Gene!ating Unit and Gene!ating P/ant Data The follo+ing additional information shall be provided for the Generating 6nits of each Generating Plant0 (a) /erated -apacity ("D) on a monthly basis if applicableA (b) %dditional capacity ("D) obtainable from Generating 6nits in e=cess of Net /eclared -apabilityA (c) "inimum Stable Loading ("D)A (d) $eactive Po+er -apability -urveA (e) Stator armature resistanceA (f) /irect a=is synchronous, transient and subtransient reactancesA (g) Buadrature a=is synchronous, transient and subtransient reactancesA (h) /irect a=is transient and subtransient time constantsA (i) Buadrature a=is transient and subtransient time constantsA (<) Turbine and Generating 6nit inertia constant ("DsecF"!%)A (*) $ated field current (amps) at rated "D and "!%$ output and at rated terminal voltageA and (l) Short circuit and open circuit characteristic curves# The follo+ing information for Step7up Transformers shall be provided for each Generating 6nit0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (<) $ated "!%A $ated 3requency (8 )A $ated voltage (*!)A !oltage ratioA Positive sequence reactance (ma=imum, minimum and nominal tap)A Positive sequence resistance (ma=imum, minimum and nominal tap)A Kero sequence reactanceA Tap changer rangeA Tap changer step si eA and Tap changer type0 on load or off circuit# The follo+ing e=citation control system parameters shall be provided for each Generating 6nit0 (a) (b) (c) (d)

/- gain of ,=citation LoopA $ated field voltageA "a=imum field voltageA "inimum field voltageA
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(e) "a=imum rate of change of field voltage (rising)A (f) "a=imum rate of change of field voltage (falling)A (g) /etails of ,=citation Loop described in diagram form sho+ing transfer functions of individual elementsA (h) /ynamic characteristics of overe=citation limiterA and (i) /ynamic characteristics of undere=citation limiter# The follo+ing speed7governing system parameters shall be provided for each reheat steam Generating 6nit0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (<) (*) (l) 8igh pressure governor average gain ("DF8 )A Speeder motor setting rangeA Speed droop characteristic curveA 8igh pressure governor valve time constantA 8igh pressure governor valve opening limitsA 8igh pressure governor valve rate limitsA $eheater time constant (%ctive ,nergy stored in reheater)A >ntermediate pressure governor average gain ("DF8 )A >ntermediate pressure governor setting rangeA >ntermediate pressure governor valve time constantA >ntermediate pressure governor valve opening limitsA >ntermediate pressure governor valve rate limitsA intermediate pressure governor loopA and (m) % governor bloc* diagram sho+ing the transfer functions of individual elements# The follo+ing speed7governing system parameters shall be provided for each non7reheat steam, gas turbine, geothermal and hydro Generating 6nit0 (a) (b) (c) (d) Governor average gainA Speeder motor setting rangeA Speed droop characteristic curveA Time constant of steam or fuel governor valve or +ater column inertiaA (e) Governor valve opening limitsA (f) Governor valve rate limitsA and (g) Time constant of turbine# The follo+ing plant fle=ibility performance data shall be submitted for each Generating Plant0 (a) $ate of loading follo+ing +ee*end shutdo+n (Generating 6nit and Generating Plant)A (b) $ate of loading follo+ing an overnight shutdo+n (Generating 6nit and Generating Plant)A (c) Eloc* load follo+ing synchroni ingA (d) $ate of load $eduction from normal rated "DA (e) $egulating rangeA and (f) Load re<ection capability +hile still synchroni ed and able to supply load#
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S.a// G!id Gene!a/ C nditi n0 The follo+ing au=iliary /emand data shall be submitted0 (a) Normal unit7supplied au=iliary load for each Generating 6nit at rated "D outputA and (b) ,ach Generating Plant au=iliary load other than (a) above and +here the station au=iliary load is supplied from the Small Grid# )$2$($ S.a// G!id U0e! S"0te. Data The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall e=change information, including details of physical and electrical layouts, parameters, specifications, and protection, needed to conduct an assessment of transient overvoltage effects in the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide additional planning data that may be requested by the Small Grid 1+ner# SECTION : :$ SMALL GRID OPERATIONS #.1. SMALL GRID OPERATING STATES* OPERATING CRITERIA AND PROTECTION :$,$,$ S.a// G!id Ope!ating State0 The Small Grid shall be considered to be in the normal state +hen0 (a) The 1perating "argin is sufficientA (b) The Small Grid frequency is +ithin the limits as specified in Section (#'#'#' ()re*uency +ariation)A (c) The voltages at all -onnection Points are +ithin the limits of the nominal value, as specified in Section (#4#( ( +olta&e +ariations), -hapter ( of the P/- and any amendments theretoA (d) The loading levels of the 8igh !oltage (8!) lines and substation ,quipment are belo+ ninety nine percent (&GI) of the ma=imum continuous ratings of phase conductors and transformers as certified and submitted by the Small Grid 1+ner# /eviations may only be acceptable on contingency that depends on the condition of the facility sub<ect to monitoring by the /"-# (e) The Small Grid configuration is such that any potential fault current can be interrupted and the faulted ,quipment can be isolated from the Small Grid#
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)#'#'#4# Small Grid shall be considered to be in the alert state +hen any one of the follo+ing conditions e=ists0 (a) There is -ritical Loading or >mminent 1verloading of 8igh !oltage (8!) lines or substation ,quipmentA (b) % +eather disturbance has entered the Philippine area of responsibility, +hich may affect Small Grid operationsA or (c) Peace and order problems +hich may pose a threat to Small Grid operations# )#'#'#(# The Small Grid shall be considered to be in the emergency state +hen a "ultiple 1utage -ontingency has occurred +ithout resulting in Total System Elac*out, and any one of the follo+ing conditions e=ists0 (a) There is generation deficiencyA (b) System Grid voltages are outside the limits of G#&G and '#'GA or (c) The loading level of any 8igh !oltage (8!) line or substation ,quipment is above ''GI of its continuous rating# :$,$($ S.a// G!id Ope!ating C!ite!ia The Small Grid shall be operated so that it remains in the normal state#


)#'#4#4# The Small Grid !oltage shall be operated at safe level to reduce the vulnerability of the Small Grid to Transient >nstability, /ynamic >nstability and !oltage >nstability problems# :$,$-$ S.a// G!id P! te5ti n

)#'#(#'# The Small Grid shall have adequate and coordinated primary and bac*up protection at all times to limit the magnitude of Small Grid disturbances +hen a fault or ,quipment failure occurs# )#'#(#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall design, coordinate, and maintain its protection system to ensure the desired speed, sensitivity and selectivity in clearing faults on the Small Grid 6serCs side of the -onnection Point# Such protection system shall be coordinated +ith the Small Grid 1+nerCs protection system#

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3or all Categ !ie0 other than /6s. 3or /6s in all Categ !ie0, shall comply to Section :#4#' ('#erational Res#onsi"ilities of t%e !istri"utor), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$($,$ Ope!ati na/ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 t9e S"0te. Ope!at !

)#4#'#'# The System 1perator is responsible for operating and maintaining the Small Grid during normal conditions, in accordance +ith these Guidelines, and in proposing solutions to problems# )#4#'#4# The System 1perator is responsible for ensuring that load7generation balance is maintained during emergency conditions and for directing Small Grid recovery efforts follo+ing these emergency conditions# )#4#'#(# The System 1perator is responsible for controlling Small Grid !oltage !ariations during emergency conditions through a combination of direct control and timely instructions to Generators and other Small Grid 6sers# )#4#'#.# The System 1perator is responsible for preparing the Small Grid 1perating and "aintenance Program# )#4#'#9# The System 1perator is responsible for performing all necessary studies to determine the safe operating limits that +ill protect the Small Grid against any instability problems, including those due to "ultiple 1utage -ontingencies# :$($($ Ope!ati na/ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 t9e S.a// G!id O8ne!

)#4#4#'# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for providing and maintaining all Small Grid ,quipment and facilities# )#4#4#4# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for designing, installing, and maintaining the Small GridCs protection system that +ill ensure the timely disconnection of faulted facilities and ,quipment# )#4#4#(# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for ensuring that safe and economic Small Grid operating procedures are al+ays follo+ed# )#4#4#.# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for preparing, together +ith the System 1perator, the Small Grid 1perating and "aintenance Program# )#4#4#9# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for e=ecuting the instructions of the System 1perator during emergency conditions# :$($-$

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)#4#(#'# The Generator is responsible for maintaining its Generating 6nits to fully deliver the capabilities declared in its -onnection %greement or %mended -onnection %greement# )#4#(#4# The Generator is responsible for providing accurate and timely planning and operations data to the Small Grid 1+ner andFor System 1perator# )#4#(#(# The Generator shall be responsible for ensuring that its Generating 6nits +ill not disconnect from the Small Grid during disturbances e=cept +hen the 3requency and !oltage !ariation +ould damage GeneratorCs ,quipment and +hen the System 1perator has agreed for the Generator to do so# )#4#(#.# The Generator is responsible for e=ecuting the instructions of the System 1perator during emergency conditions# :$($2$ Ope!ati na/ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 Ot9e! S.a// G!id U0e!0

)#4#.#'# The Small Grid 6ser is responsible for assisting the System 1perator in maintaining po+er quality in the Small Grid during normal conditions by correcting any Small Grid 6ser facility that causes po+er quality problems# )#4#.#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall be responsible for ensuring that its po+er system +ill not cause the degradation of the Small Grid# >t shall also be responsible for underta*ing all necessary measures to remedy any degradation of the Small Grid that its system has caused# )#4#.#(# The Small Grid 6ser is responsible for providing and maintaining voltage7control ,quipment on its system to support the voltage at the -onnection Point# )#4#.#.# The Small Grid 6ser is responsible for providing and maintaining $eactive Po+er supply facilities on its system to meet its o+n $eactive Po+er /emand# )#4#.#9# The Small Grid 6ser is responsible for e=ecuting the instructions of the System 1perator during emergency conditions# #.3. SMALL GRID OPERATIONS NOTICES AND REPORTS 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#. (!istri"ution '#erations (ommunications, 3otices, and Re#orts) , -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto#

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3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#. (!istri"ution '#erations (ommunications, 3otices, and Re#orts ), -hapter of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$-$,$ S.a// G!id Ope!ati n0 N ti5e0

)#(#'#'# The follo+ing notices shall be issued, +ithout delay, by the System 1perator to notify all Small Grid 6sers of an e=isting alert state0 (a) Dhen the -ontingency $eserve is less than ten percent ('GI) of the total Synchroni ed Generating 6nitA (b) Deather /isturbance %lert +hen a +eather disturbance has entered the Philippine area of responsibilityA (c) Elue %lert +hen a tropical disturbance is e=pected to ma*e a landfall +ithin 4. hoursA and (d) Security %lert +hen peace and order problems e=ist, +hich may affect Small Grid operations# )#(#'#4# % Significant >ncident Notice shall be issued by the System 1perator, the Small Grid 1+ner or any Small Grid 6ser if a Significant >ncident has transpired on the Small Grid or the po+er system of the 6ser, as the case may be# The notice shall be issued +ithin fifteen ('9) minutes from the occurrence of the Significant >ncident, and shall identify its possible consequences on the Small Grid andFor the other Small Grid 6sers, and any initial corrective measures that +ere underta*en by the System 1perator, the Small Grid 1+ner, or the Small Grid 6ser, as the case may be# )#(#'#(# Planned %ctivity Notice shall be issued by a Small Grid 6ser to the Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator for any planned activity such as a planned shutdo+n or scheduled maintenance of its ,quipment at least seven (:) days prior to the actual shutdo+n or maintenance# The System 1perator shall notify the Small Grid 6ser of its approval or disapproval of the Small Grid 6serCs request at least (9) days before the actual +or* commences# :$-$($ S.a// G!id M nt9/" Ope!ati n0 Rep !t0

)#(#4#'# The Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator shall prepare monthly operations report and submit to the /"- on a quarterly basis# These reports shall include an evaluation of the events and other problems that occurred +ithin the Small Grid for the previous +ee*, the measures underta*en by the Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator to address them, and the recommendations to prevent their recurrence in the future# )#(#4#4# The System 1perator shall submit to the /"- the Significant >ncident $eports#


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3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#9 (!istri"ution Maintenance Pro&ram), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#9 (!istri"ution Maintenance Pro&ram), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$2$,$ S.a// G!id Ope!ating P! g!a.

)#.#'#'# System 1perator, in consultation +ith the Small Grid 1+ner, shall prepare the follo+ing 1perating Programs that specify the availability and aggregate capability of the Generating Plants to meet the forecasted /emand0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Three7year 1perating ProgramA %nnual 1perating ProgramA "onthly 1perating ProgramA Dee*ly 1perating ProgramA and /aily 1perating Program#

)#.#'#4# The three7year 1perating Program shall be developed annually for the three (() succeeding years based on the Small Grid 6serCs historical ,nergy and /emand data as specified in Section 9#(#' (4istorical Ener&y and !emand), the five7year 3orecast /ata submitted by the Small Grid 6sers as specified in Section 9#(#4 (Standard Plannin& !ata) and the three7year "aintenance Program developed in accordance +ith Section )#.#4 ( Small .rid Maintenance Pro&ram)# )#.#'#(# The annual 1perating Program shall be developed using the first year of the three7year 1perating Program and the annual "aintenance Program developed in accordance +ith Section )#.#4 (Small .rid Maintenance Pro&ram)# )#.#'#.# The monthly 1perating Program shall specify the details of the 1perating Program for each +ee* of the month# )#.#'#9# >f a Small Grid 6ser has determined that its /emand pattern or forecast has changed or +ill change significantly from the data previously submitted, the Small Grid 6ser shall immediately provide the System 1perator +ith the updated data so that the Small Grid 1perating Program can be ad<usted accordingly# :$2$($ S.a// G!id Maintenan5e P! g!a.

)#.#4#'# The Small Grid 1+ner, in consultation +ith the System 1perator, shall prepare the follo+ing Small Grid "aintenance Programs based on the forecasted /emand, the Small Grid 6serCs provisional "aintenance Program, and requests for maintenance schedule0
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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Three7Lear "aintenance ProgramA %nnual "aintenance ProgramA "onthly "aintenance ProgramA Dee*ly "aintenance ProgramA and /aily "aintenance Program#

)#.#4#4# The three7year "aintenance Program shall be prepared annually for the three (() succeeding years# The annual "aintenance Program shall be developed based on the maintenance schedule for the first year of the three7 year "aintenance Program# The monthly, +ee*ly, and daily "aintenance Programs shall provide details for the preparation of the Small Grid 1perating# )#.#4#(# The Small Grid "aintenance Programs shall be developed ta*ing into account the follo+ing0 (a) The forecasted /emandA (b) The "aintenance Program actually implementedA (c) The requests by Small Grid 6sers for changes in their maintenance schedulesA (d) The requirements for the maintenance of the Small GridA (e) The need to minimi e the total cost of the required maintenanceA and (f) %ny other relevant factor# )#.#4#.# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the Small Grid 1+ner andFor the System 1perator by +ee* 4: of the current year a provisional "aintenance Program for the three (() succeeding years# The follo+ing information shall be included in the Small Grid 6serCs provisional "aintenance Program or +hen the Small Grid 6ser requests for a maintenance schedule for its System or ,quipment0 (a) >dentification of the ,quipment and the "D or *D capacity involvedA (b) $easons for the maintenanceA (c) ,=pected duration of the maintenance +or*A (d) Preferred start date for the maintenance +or* and the date by +hich the +or* shall have been completedA and (e) >f there is fle=ibility in dates, the earliest start date and the latest completion date# )#.#4#9# The Small Grid 1+ner shall endeavor to accommodate the Small Grid 6serCs request for maintenance schedule at particular dates in preparing the Small Grid "aintenance Program# )#.#4#)# The Small Grid 1+ner shall provide the Small Grid 6ser a +ritten copy of the Small Grid 6serCs approved "aintenance Program#


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)#.#4#:# >f the Small Grid 6ser is not satisfied +ith the "aintenance Schedule allocated to its ,quipment, it shall notify the Small Grid 1+ner to e=plain its concern and to propose changes to the "aintenance Program# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall discuss and resolve the problem# The "aintenance Program shall be revised by the Small Grid 1+ner based on the resolution of the Small Grid 6serCs concerns#


3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#) (!emand and +olta&e (ontrol), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -, Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#) (!emand and +olta&e (ontrol), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$)$,$ A't .ati5 L ad D! pping

)#9#'#'# The System 1perator shall establish the level of /emand required for %L/ in order to limit the consequences of a ma<or loss of generation in the Small Grid# The System 1perator shall conduct the appropriate technical studies to <ustify the targets andFor to refine them as necessary# )#9#'#4# The Small Grid 6ser shall prepare its %L/ program in consultation +ith the System 1perator# The Small Grid 6ser /emand that is sub<ect to %L/ shall be split into rotating discrete "D or *D bloc*s# The System 1perator shall specify the number of bloc*s and the under frequency setting for each bloc*# )#9#'#(# >f the Small Grid 6ser does not implement an %L/ program, the Small Grid 1+ner shall install the underfrequency relay at the main feeder and the System 1perator shall drop the total Small Grid 6ser /emand as a single bloc*, if the need arises# )#9#'#.# To ensure that a subsequent fall in frequency +ill be contained by the operation of %L/, additional "anual Load /ropping ("L/) shall be implemented so that the loads that +ere dropped by %L/ can be reconnected# )#9#'#9# >f an %L/ has ta*en place, the affected Small Grid 6sers shall not reconnect their feeders +ithout clearance from the System 1perator# The System 1perator shall issue the instruction to reconnect once the frequency of the Small Grid has recovered# )#9#'#)# The Small Grid 6ser shall notify the System 1perator of the actual /emand that +as disconnected by %L/, or the /emand that +as restored in the case of reconnection, +ithin five (9) minutes of the load dropping or reconnection# :$)$($
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)#9#4#'# The Small Grid 6ser shall ma*e arrangements that +ill enable it to disconnect its customers immediately follo+ing the issuance by the System 1perator of an instruction to implement "L/# )#9#4#4# /istributors shall establish a priority scheme for "L/ based on equitable load allocation# )#9#4#(# >f the System 1perator has determined that the "L/ carried out by the Small Grid 6ser is not sufficient to contain the decline in Grid 3requency, the System 1perator may disconnect the total /emand of the Small Grid 6ser in an effort to preserve the integrity of the Small Grid# )#9#4#.# >f a Small Grid 6ser disconnected its customers upon the instruction of the System 1perator, the Small Grid 6ser shall not reconnect the affected customers until instructed by the System 1perator to do so# :$)$-$ De.and C nt! / Initiated &" a S.a// G!id U0e!

)#9#(#'# >f a Small Grid 6ser intends to implement for the follo+ing day /emand -ontrol through a /emand disconnection at the -onnection Point, it shall notify the System 1perator of the hourly schedule before G&GG hours of the current day# The notification shall contain the follo+ing information0 (a) The proposed (in the case of prior notification) and actual (in the case of subsequent notification) date, time, and duration of implementation of the /emand /isconnectionA and (b) The magnitude of the proposed reduction by the use of /emand /isconnection# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the System 1perator +ith the amount of /emand reduction actually achieved by the use of the /emand /isconnection# )#9#(#4# >f a Small Grid 6ser intends to implement for the follo+ing day /emand -ontrol through -ustomer /emand "anagement, it shall notify the System 1perator of the hourly schedule before G&GG hours of the current day# The notification shall contain the follo+ing information0 (a) The proposed (in the case of prior notification) and actual (in the case of subsequent notification) date, time, and duration of implementation of the -ustomer /emand "anagementA and (b) The magnitude of the proposed reduction by use of the -ustomer /emand "anagement# The Small Grid 6ser shall provide the System 1perator +ith the amount of /emand reduction actually achieved by the use of the -ustomer /emand "anagement# )#9#(#(# >f the /emand -ontrol involves the disconnection of an industrial circuit, !oluntary Load -urtailment (!L-) or any similar scheme shall be implemented +herein the -ustomers are divided into !L- Dee*day groups
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(e#g# "onday Group, Tuesday Group, etc#)# -ustomers participating in the !L- shall voluntarily reduce their respective /emands for a certain period of time depending on the e=tent of the generation deficiency# >ndustrial -ustomers +ho implemented a !L- shall provide the System 1perator +ith the amount of /emand reduction actually achieved through the !L- scheme#


3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#: (Emer&ency Procedures), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# F ! Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#: (Emer&ency Procedures), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$:$,$ P!epa!ati n 4 ! S.a// G!id E.e!gen5ie0

)#)#'#'# The System 1perator shall give an instruction or a directive to any Small Grid 6ser for the purpose of mitigating the effects of the disruption of electricity supply attributable to any of the follo+ing0 (a) Natural disasterA (b) -ivil disturbanceA or (c) 3ortuitous event# )#)#'#4# The Small Grid 1+ner and the System 1perator shall develop, maintain, and distribute a "anual of Small Grid ,mergency Procedures, +hich lists all parties to be notified, including their business and home phone numbers, in case of an emergency# The manual shall also designate the location(s) +here critical personnel shall report for Small Grid restoration duty# )#)#'#(# ,mergency drills shall be conducted at least once a year to familiari e all personnel responsible for emergency and Small Grid restoration activities +ith the emergency and restoration procedures# The drills shall simulate realistic emergency situations# The "anual of Small Grid ,mergency Procedures shall be follo+ed# % drill evaluation shall be performed and deficiencies in procedures and responses shall be identified and corrected# :$:$($ Signi4i5ant In5ident P! 5ed'!e0

)#)#4#'# The Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers shall provide the System 1perator, in +riting, the telephone numbers of persons +ho can ma*e binding decisions +hen there is a Significant >ncident# )#)#4#4# 3ollo+ing the issuance of a Significant >ncident Notice by the System 1perator, the Small Grid 1+ner, or a Small Grid 6ser, any Small Grid 6ser may file a +ritten request for a <oint investigation of the Significant >ncident# >f there have been several Significant >ncidents, the <oint investigation may
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include the other Significant >ncidents# )#)#4#(# % <oint investigation of the Significant >ncident shall be conducted only +hen the System 1perator, the Small Grid 1+ner, and the Small 6ser involved have reached an agreement to conduct the <oint investigation# )#)#4#.# The System 1perator shall submit a +ritten report to the /"- and the ,$- detailing all the information, findings, and recommendations regarding the Significant >ncident# )#)#4#9# The follo+ing minimum information shall be included in the +ritten report follo+ing the <oint investigation of the Significant >ncident0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Time and date of the Significant >ncidentA Location of the Significant >ncidentA ,quipment directly involved and not merely affected by the eventA /escription of the Significant >ncidentA /emand (in "D) and generation (in "D) interrupted and the duration of the interruptionA (f) Generating 6nit0 3requency response ("D correction achieved subsequent to the Significant >ncident)A and (g) Generating 6nit0 "!%$ performance (change in output subsequent to the Significant >ncident)# :$:$-$ B/a5B Sta!t P! 5ed'!e0

)#)#(#'# >f a Significant >ncident resulted in a Partial System Elac*out or a Total System Elac*out, the System 1perator shall inform the Small Grid 6sers that it intends to implement a Elac* Start# )#)#(#4# The System 1perator shall issue instructions for the Generating Plants +ith Elac* Start -apability to initiate the start7up# The Generator providing Elac* Start shall then inform the System 1perator that its Generating Plants are dispatchable +ithin thirty ((G) minutes for the restoration of the Small Grid# )#)#(#(# 6pon receipt of the instruction from the System 1perator, Generating Plants providing Elac* Start shall start7up immediately to energi e a part of the Small Grid andFor synchroni e to the Small Grid# )#)#(#.# The overall strategy in the restoration of the Small Grid after a Total System Elac*out shall, in general, include the follo+ing0 (a) 1verlapping phases of blac*out restoration of >sland Small GridsA (b) ,ventual restoration of the Small Grid# )#)#(#9# The System 1perator shall inform the Small Grid 6sers, after completing the Elac* Start procedure and the restoration of the Small Grid,


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that the blac*out no longer e=ists and that the Small Grid is bac* to the normal state# :$:$2$ Re0"n59! niEati n 4 I0/and G!id0

)#)#.#'# Dhen parts of the Small Grid are not synchroni ed +ith each other, the System 1perator shall instruct Small Grid 6sers to regulate Generation andFor /emand to enable the isolated >sland Small Grids to be resynchroni ed# )#)#.#4# >f a part of the Small Grid is not connected to the rest of the Small Grid, but there is no blac*out in that part of the Small Grid, the System 1perator shall underta*e the resynchroni ation of that part to the Small Grid#


3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#; (Safety (oordination), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#; (Safety (oordination), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$%$,$ Sa4et" C !dinati n P! 5ed'!e0

)#:#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner and Small Grid 6sers shall adopt and use a set of Safety $ules and Local Safety >nstructions for implementing Safety Precautions on secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment# The respective Safety $ules and Local Safety >nstructions of the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall govern any +or* or testing on the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System# )#:#'#4# The Small Grid 1+ner shall furnish the Small Grid 6ser a copy of its Safety $ules and Local Safety >nstructions relating to the Safety Precautions on its secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment# )#:#'#(# The Small Grid 6ser shall furnish the Small Grid 1+ner a copy of its Safety $ules and Local Safety >nstructions relating to the Safety Precautions on its secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment# )#:#'#.# %ny party +ho +ants to revise any provision of its Local Safety >nstructions shall provide the other party a +ritten copy of the revisions# )#:#'#9# Safety coordination procedures shall be established for the coordination, establishment, maintenance and cancellation of Safety Precautions on secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment +hen +or* or testing is to be carried out on the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System#

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)#:#'#)# Dor* or testing on any ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall be carried out only in the presence of the representatives of the Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser# )#:#'#:# The Small Grid 6ser (or Small Grid 1+ner) shall see* authority from the Small Grid 1+ner (or the Small Grid 6ser) if it +ishes to access any Small Grid 1+ner (or Small Grid 6ser) ,quipment# )#:#'#;# Dhen +or* or testing is to be carried out on the Small Grid and Safety Precautions are required on the secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment of several Small Grid 6ser Systems, the Small Grid 1+ner shall ensure that the Safety Precautions on the Small Grid and on the Po+er System of all Small Grid 6sers involved are coordinated and implemented# )#:#'#&# Dhere +or* or testing is to be carried out on the Small Grid and the Small Grid 6ser becomes a+are that Safety Precautions are also required on the po+er system of other Small Grid 6sers, the Small Grid 1+ner shall be promptly informed of the required Safety Precautions on the System of the other Small Grid 6sers# The Small Grid 1+ner shall ensure that Safety Precautions are coordinated and implemented on the Small Grid and all Small Grid 6ser Systems# :$%$($ Sa4et" C !dinat !

)#:#4#'# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall assign a Safety -oordinator +ho shall be responsible for the coordination of Safety Precautions on the secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment at their respective sides of the -onnection Point# %ny party +ho +ants to change its Safety -oordinator shall notify the other party of the change# )#:#4#4# 3or purposes of safety coordination, the Safety -oordinator requesting that a Safety Precaution be applied on the po+er system of the other party shall be referred to as the $equesting Safety -oordinator +hile the Safety -oordinator that +ill implement the requested Safety Precaution shall be referred to as the >mplementing Safety -oordinator# )#:#4#(# >f +or* or testing is to be carried out on the Small Grid (or the Small Grid 6ser System) that requires Safety Precautions on the secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment of the Small Grid 6ser System (or the Small Grid), the $equesting Safety -oordinator shall contact the >mplementing Safety -oordinator to coordinate the necessary Safety Precautions# )#:#4#.# >f a Safety Precaution is required for the secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment of other Small Grid 6sers +ho +ere not mentioned in the request, the >mplementing Safety -oordinator shall promptly inform the $equesting Safety -oordinator# )#:#4#9# Dhen a Safety Precaution becomes ineffective, the concerned Safety -oordinator shall inform the other Safety -oordinator(s) about it +ithout
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delay stating the reason(s) +hy the Safety Precaution has lost its integrity# :$%$-$ Sa4et" L g0 and Re5 !d 4 Inte!>S"0te. Sa4et" P!e5a'ti n0

)#:#(#'# The Small Grid 1+ner and the Small Grid 6ser shall maintain Safety Logs to record, in chronological order, all messages relating to Safety -oordination# The Safety Logs shall be retained for at least one (') year# )#:#(#4# The Small Grid 1+ner shall establish a record of inter7system Safety Precautions to be used by the $equesting Safety -oordinator and the >mplementing Safety -oordinator in coordinating the Safety Precautions on secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment# The record of intersystem Safety Precautions shall contain the follo+ing information0 (a) Site and ,quipment >dentification of secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment +here Safety Precaution is to be established or has been establishedA (b) Location and the means of implementation of the Safety PrecautionA (c) -onfirmation of the Safety -oordinator that the Safety Precaution has been establishedA and (d) -onfirmation of the Safety -oordinator that the Safety Precaution is no longer needed and has been cancelled# :$%$2$ L 5ati n 4 Sa4et" P!e5a'ti n0

)#:#.#'# Dhen +or* or testing is to be carried out on the Small Grid (or the Small Grid 6ser System) and Safety Precautions are required on the Small Grid 6ser System (or the Small Grid), the $equesting Safety -oordinator shall contact the concerned >mplementing Safety -oordinator to agree on the location(s) at +hich the Safety Precautions +ill be implemented or applied# The $equesting Safety -oordinator shall specify the proposed locations at +hich >solation andFor Grounding are to be established# )#:#.#4# >n the case of >solation, the >mplementing Safety -oordinator shall promptly notify the $equesting Safety -oordinator of the follo+ing0 (a) The identification of each Point of >solation using the Site and ,quipment >dentification specified in Section )#'G (Site and E*ui#ment Identification)A and (b) The means of implementing >solation as specified in Section )#:#9 (Im#lementation of Safety Precautions)# )#:#.#(# >n the case of Grounding, the >mplementing Safety -oordinator shall promptly notify the $equesting Safety -oordinator of the follo+ing0 (a) The identification of each Point of Grounding using the Site and
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,quipment >dentification specified in Section )#'G (Site and E*ui#ment Identification)A and (b) The means of implementing Grounding as specified in Section )#:#9 (Im#lementation of Safety Precautions)# )#:#.#.# >f the $equesting Safety -oordinator and the >mplementing Safety -oordinator do not agree on the location(s), Grounding shall be established at the available points on the infeeds closest to the secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment# :$%$)$ I.p/e.entati n 4 Sa4et" P!e5a'ti n0

)#:#9#'# 1nce the location(s) of >solation and Grounding have been agreed upon, the >mplementing Safety -oordinator shall ensure that the >solation is implemented# )#:#9#4# >solation shall be implemented by any of the follo+ing0 (a) % disconnect s+itch that is secured in an open position by a loc* and affi=ing a Safety Tag to it or by such other method in accordance +ith the Local Safety >nstructions of the Small Grid 1+ner or of the Small Grid 6ser, as the case may beA or (b) %n adequate physical separation (e#g# Grounding -luster) in accordance +ith the Local Safety >nstructions of the Small Grid 1+ner or of the Small Grid 6ser# >n addition, a Safety Tag shall be placed at the s+itching points# )#:#9#(# The >mplementing Safety -oordinator, after establishing the required >solation in all locations on his system, shall notify the $equesting Safety -oordinator that the required >solation has been implemented# )#:#9#.# %fter receiving the confirmation of >solation, the $equesting Safety -oordinator shall inform the >mplementing Safety -oordinator of the establishment of >solation on his system and request, if required, the implementation of Grounding# )#:#9#9# The >mplementing Safety -oordinator shall ensure the implementation of Grounding and notify the $equesting Safety -oordinator that Grounding has been established on his system# )#:#9#)# Grounding shall be implemented by any of the follo+ing0 (a) % Grounding s+itch secured in a closed position by a loc* and affi=ing a Safety Tag to it or by such other method in accordance +ith the Local Safety >nstructions of the Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser, as the case may beA or (b) %n adequate physical connection (e#g# Grounding -luster) +hich
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shall be in accordance +ith the methods set out in the Local Safety >nstructions of the Small Grid 1+ner or those of the Small Grid 6ser# >n addition, a Safety Tag shall be placed at this point of connection and all related s+itching points# )#:#9#:# >f the disconnect s+itch or the Grounding s+itch is loc*ed +ith its o+n loc*ing mechanism or +ith a padloc*, the *ey shall be secured in a *ey cabinet# :$%$:$ A't9 !iEati n 4 Te0ting $efer to Section :#;#) (Aut%ori5in& of $estin&), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$%$%$ Can5e//ati n 4 Sa4et" P!e5a'ti n0 $efer to Section :#;#: ((ancellation of Safety Precaution), -hapter of the P/- and any amendments thereto#


3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#'G (System $est), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#'G (System $est), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$@$,$ S"0te. Te0t Re='i!e.ent0

)#;#'#'# System Test, +hich involves the simulation of conditions or the controlled application of unusual or e=treme conditions that may have an impact on the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System, shall be carried out in a manner that shall not endanger any personnel or the general public# )#;#'#4# The threat to the integrity of ,quipment, the Security of the Small Grid, and the detriment to the Small Grid 1+ner and other Small Grid 6sers shall be minimi ed +hen underta*ing a System Test on the Small Grid or the Small Grid 6ser System# :$@$($ S"0te. Te0t Re='e0t

)#;#4#'# >f the Small Grid 1+ner (or a Small Grid 6ser) +ishes to underta*e a System Test on the Small Grid (or the Small Grid 6ser System), it shall submit to the System 1perator a System Test $equest that contains the follo+ing0

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(a) The purpose and nature of the proposed System TestA (b) The e=tent and condition of the ,quipment involvedA and (c) % proposed System Test Procedure specifying the s+itching sequence and the timing of the s+itching sequence# )#;#4#4# The Test Proponent shall provide sufficient time for the System 1perator to plan the proposed System Test# The System 1perator shall determine the time required for each type of System Test# )#;#4#(# The System 1perator may require additional information before approving the proposed System Test if the information contained in the System Test $equest is insufficient or the proposed System Test Procedure cannot ensure the safety of personnel and the Security of the Small Grid# )#;#4#.# The System 1perator shall determine and notify other Small Grid 6sers, other than the System Test Proponent, that may be affected by the proposed System Test# )#;#4#9# The System 1perator may also initiate a System Test if it has determined that the System Test is necessary to ensure the safety, stability, security and reliability of the Small Grid# :$@$-$ S"0te. Te0t G! 'p

)#;#(#'# Dithin one (') month after the acceptance of a System Test $equest, the System 1perator shall notify the System Test Proponent, the Small Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent) and the affected Small Grid 6sers of the proposed System Test# The notice shall contain the follo+ing0 (a) The purpose and nature of the proposed System Test, the e=tent and condition of the ,quipment involved, the identity of the System Test Proponent, and the affected Small Grid 6sersA (b) %n invitation to nominate representative(s) for the System Test Group to be established to coordinate the proposed System TestA and (c) >f the System Test involves +or* or testing on secondary voltage or primary voltage equipment, the Safety -oordinators and the safety procedures specified in Section )#: (Safety (oordination)# )#;#(#4# The System Test Proponent, the Small Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent) and the affected 6sers shall nominate their representative(s) to the System Test Group +ithin one (') month after receipt of the notice from the System 1perator# The System 1perator may decide to proceed +ith the proposed System Test even if the affected Small Grid 6sers fail to reply +ithin that period#


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)#;#(#(# The System 1perator shall establish a System Test Group and appoint a System Test -oordinator, +ho shall act as chairman of the System Test Group# The System Test -oordinator may come from the System 1perator or the System Test Proponent# )#;#(#.# The members of the System Test Group shall meet +ithin one (') month after the Test Group is established# The System Test -oordinator shall convene the System Test Group as often as necessary# )#;#(#9# The agenda for the meeting of the System Test Group shall include the follo+ing0 (a) The details of the purpose and nature of the proposed System Test and other matters included in the System Test $equestA (b) ,valuation of the System Test Procedure as submitted by the System Test Proponent and ma*ing the necessary modifications to come up +ith the final System Test ProcedureA (c) The possibility of scheduling simultaneously the proposed System Test +ith any other test and +ith ,quipment "aintenance +hich may arise pursuant to the "aintenance Program requirements of the Small Grid or Small Grid 6sersA and (d) The economic, operational, and ris* implications of the proposed System Test on the Small Grid, the Po+er System of the other Small Grid 6sers, and the Scheduling and /ispatch of the Generating Plants# )#;#(#)# The System Test Proponent, the Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent) and the affected Small Grid 6sers (including those +hich are not represented in the System Test Group) shall provide the System Test Group, upon request, +ith such details as the System Test Group reasonably requires to carry out the proposed System Test# :$@$2$ S"0te. Te0t P! g!a.

)#;#.#'# Dithin t+o (4) months after the first meeting and at least one (') month prior to the date of the proposed System Test, the System Test Group shall submit to the System 1perator, the System Test Proponent, the Small Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent), and the affected Small Grid 6sers a proposed System Test Program +hich shall contain the follo+ing0 (a) Plan for carrying out the System TestA (b) System Test Procedure to be follo+ed during the test including the manner in +hich the System Test is to be monitoredA (c) List of responsible persons, including Safety -oordinators +hen necessary, +ho +ill be involved in carrying out the System TestA
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(d) %n allocation of all testing costs among the affected partiesA and (e) Such other matters as the System Test Group may deem appropriate and necessary and are approved by the management of the affected parties# )#;#.#4# >f the proposed System Test Program is acceptable to the System 1perator, the System Test Proponent, the Small Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent), and the affected Small Grid 6sers, the final System Test Program shall be constituted and the System Test shall proceed accordingly# 1ther+ise, the System Test Group shall revise the System Test Program# )#;#.#(# >f the System Test Group is unable to develop a System Test Program or reach a decision in implementing the System Test Program, the System 1perator shall determine +hether it is necessary to proceed +ith the System Test to ensure the Security of the Small Grid# )#;#.#.# The System Test -oordinator shall be notified in +riting as soon as possible of any proposed revision or amendment to the System Test Program prior to the day of the proposed System Test# >f the System Test -oordinator decides that the proposed revision or amendment is meritorious, he shall notify the System 1perator, the System Test Proponent, the Small Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent), and the affected Small Grid 6sers to act accordingly for the inclusion thereof# The System Test Program shall then be carried out +ith the revisions or amendments if the System Test -oordinator received no ob<ections# )#;#.#9# >f system conditions are abnormal during the scheduled day for the System Test, the System Test -oordinator may recommend a postponement of the System Test# :$@$)$ S"0te. Te0t Rep !t

)#;#9#'# Dithin t+o (4) months or a shorter period as the System Test Group may agree after the conclusion of the System Test, the System Test Proponent shall prepare and submit a System Test $eport to the System 1perator, the Small Grid 1+ner (if it is not the System Test Proponent), the affected Small Grid 6sers, and the members of the System Test Group# )#;#9#4# %fter the submission of System Test $eport, the System Test Group shall be automatically dissolved# )#;#9#(# The System 1perator shall submit the System Test $eport to the /"for its revie+ and recommendations#



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)#&#'#'# Tests shall be conducted in accordance +ith the agreed procedure and standards to confirm the compliance of Generating 6nits for the follo+ing0 (a) -apability of Generating 6nits to operate +ithin their registered Generation parametersA (b) -apability of the Generating 6nits to meet the applicable requirements of the Small Grid GuidelinesA (c) -apability to deliver the %ncillary Service that the Generator had agreed to provideA and (d) %vailability of Generating 6nits in accordance +ith their capability declaration# )#&#'#4# %ll tests shall be recorded and +itnessed by the authori ed representatives of the Small Grid 1+ner, Generator, andFor Small Grid 6ser# )#&#'#(# The Generator shall demonstrate to the Small Grid 1+ner the reliability and accuracy of the test instruments and ,quipment to be used in the test# )#&#'#.# The Small Grid 1+ner may at any time issue instructions requiring tests to be carried out on any Generating 6nit# %ll tests shall be of sufficient duration and shall be conducted no more than t+ice a year e=cept +hen there are reasonable grounds to <ustify the necessity for further tests# )#&#'#9# >f a Generating 6nit fails the test, the Generator shall correct the deficiency +ithin an agreed period to attain the relevant registered parameters for that Generating 6nit# )#&#'#)# 1nce the Generator achieves the registered parameters of its Generating 6nit that previously failed the test, it shall immediately notify the Small Grid 1+ner# The Small Grid 1+ner shall then require the Generator to conduct a retest in order to demonstrate that the appropriate parameter has already been restored to its registered value# )#&#'#:# >f a dispute arises relating to the failure of a Generating 6nit to pass a given test, the Small Grid 1+ner, the Generator andFor Small Grid 6ser shall see* to resolve the dispute among themselves# )#&#'#;# >f the dispute cannot be resolved, one of the parties may submit the issue to the /"-# :$A$($ Te0t0 t &e Pe!4 !.ed

)#&#4#'# The $eactive Po+er test shall demonstrate that the Generating 6nit meets the registered $eactive Po+er -apability requirements specified in
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Section .#(#4 (.eneratin& ,nit Power 'ut#ut)# The Generating 6nit shall pass the test if the measured values are +ithin J9 percent of the -apability as registered +ith the Small Grid 1+ner# )#&#4#4# The 3ast Start capability test shall demonstrate that the Generating 6nit has the capability to automatically Start76p, synchroni e +ith the Small Grid +ithin fifteen ('9) minutes and be loaded up to its offered capability, as specified in Section .#(#; ()ast Start (a#a"ility)# The Generating 6nit shall pass the test if it meets the 3ast Start capability requirements# )#&#4#(# The Elac* Start test shall demonstrate that the Generating Plant +ith Elac* Start -apability can implement a Elac* Start procedure, as specified in Section )#)#( (1lac6 Start Procedures)# To pass the test, the Generating 6nit shall start on its o+n, synchroni e +ith the Small Grid and carry Load +ithout the need for e=ternal po+er supply# )#&#4#.# The /eclared /ata capability test shall demonstrate that the Generating 6nit can be scheduled and dispatched in accordance +ith the /eclared /ata# To pass the test, the unit shall satisfy the ability to achieve the /eclared /ata# )#&#4#9# The /ispatch accuracy test shall demonstrate that the Generating 6nit meets the relevant Generation Scheduling and /ispatch Parameters# The Generating 6nit shall pass the test if0 (a) >n the case of synchroni ation, the process is achieved +ithin J9 minutes of the registered synchroni ation timeA (b) >n the case of synchroni ing generation (if registered as a Generation Scheduling and /ispatch Parameters), the synchroni ing generation achieved is +ithin an error level equivalent to 4#9I of Net /eclared -apabilityA (c) >n the case of meeting ramp rates, the actual ramp rate is +ithin J'GI of the registered ramp rateA (d) >n the case of meeting Load reduction rates, the actual Load reduction rate is +ithin J'GI of the registered Load reduction rateA and (e) >n the case of all other Generation Scheduling and /ispatch Parameters, values are +ithin J'#9I of the declared values# )#&#4#)# The %ncillary Service acceptability test shall determine the committed services in terms of parameter quantity or volume, timeliness, and other operational requirements# Generators providing %ncillary Services shall conduct the test or define the committed service# 8o+ever, monitoring by the Small Grid 1+ner of %ncillary Service performance in response to po+er system7derived inputs shall also be carried out#


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SITE AND E?UIPMENT IDENTIFICATION 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" ( only. 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section :#'4 ( Site and E*ui#ment Identification), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" )* refer to Section :#'4 (Site and E*ui#ment Identification), -hapter : of the P/- and any amendments thereto# :$,+$,$ Site and E='ip.ent Identi4i5ati n Re='i!e.ent0

)#'G#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall develop and establish a standard system for Site and ,quipment >dentification to be used in identifying any Site or ,quipment in all ,lectrical /iagrams, -onnection Point /ra+ings, Small Grid operations instructions, notices, and other documents# )#'G#'#4# The identification for the Site shall include a unique identifier for each substation and s+itchyard +here a -onnection Point is located# )#'G#'#(# The identification for ,quipment shall be unique for each transformer, 8igh !oltage (8!) line, 8igh !oltage (8!) to+er or pole, bus, circuit brea*er, disconnect s+itch, grounding s+itch, capacitor ban*, reactor, lightning arrester, --P/, and other secondary voltage and primary voltage equipment at the -onnection Point# :$,+$($ Site and E='ip.ent Identi4i5ati n La&e/

)#'G#4#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall develop and establish a standard labeling system, +hich specifies the dimension, si es of characters, and colors of labels, to identify the Sites and ,quipment# )#'G#4#4# The Small Grid 1+ner or the Small Grid 6ser shall be responsible for the provision and installation of a clear and unambiguous label sho+ing the Site and ,quipment >dentification at their respective System#

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SCHEDULING AND DISPATCH RESPONSIBILITIES %$,$,$ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 S.a// G!id O8ne!

:#'#'#'# The Small Grid 1+ner shall be responsible for providing the System 1perator +ith the data on the availability and operating status of the Small Grid facilities and ,quipment to be used in determining the constraints of the Small Grid for Scheduling and /ispatch# :#'#'#4# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for the Small Grid operations necessary to implement the /ispatch >nstructions of the System 1perator# :#'#'#(# The Small Grid 1+ner shall be responsible for ensuring that all /ispatch >nstructions from the System 1perator are implemented +ithin the /ispatch Tolerances# :#'#'#.# The Small Grid 1+ner is responsible for implementing the /emand -ontrol during an emergency situation# %$,$($ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 Gene!at !0

:#'#4#'# The Generator is responsible for submitting the -apability and %vailability /eclaration, /ispatch Scheduling and /ispatch Parameters, and other data for its Scheduled Generating 6nits to the System 1perator# :#'#4#4# The Generator +ith a Scheduled Generating 6nit shall be responsible for ensuring that all /ispatch >nstructions from the System 1perator are implemented +ithin the /ispatch Tolerances# :#'#4#(# The Generator shall be responsible for ensuring that its Generating 6nits can provide the necessary services +hen scheduled or instructed by the System 1perator to do so# %$,$-$ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 Di0t!i&'ti n Uti/it"

:#'#(#'# The /6s shall be the System 1perator since they are the off7ta*er of the Generators# :#'#(#4# The /6, as a System 1perator, shall be responsible for issuance of /ispatch >nstructions for all the Scheduled Generating 6nits and other Small Grid users#


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:#'#(#(# The /6, as a System 1perator, shall be responsible for the preparation and issuance of the /ispatch Schedule and shall publish and ma*e accessible to all Small Grid 6sers, relevant information on dispatch# :#'#(#.# The /6s are responsible for implementing the /emand -ontrol during an emergency situation# :#'#(#9# The /6s, as a System 1perator, shall prepare +ritten /ispatch Protocol "anual andFor Procedure applicable to the Small Grid system# The draft dispatch protocol manual andFor procedure shall be submitted to the ,$-, through the /"-, for revie+ and approval three months after the effectivity of the PSGG prior to signing by concerned parties# %$,$2$ Re0p n0i&i/itie0 4 Ot9e! S.a// G!id U0e!0

:#'#.#'# 1ther Small Grid 6sers are responsible for submitting to the System 1perator their /emand data for the Small Grid 1perations and "aintenance Program to be used in Scheduling and /ispatch# :#'#.#4# 1ther Small Grid 6sers are responsible for implementing all /ispatch >nstructions pertaining to /emand -ontrol during an emergency situation#

DISPATCH %$($,$ Di0pat59 P!in5ip/e0

:#4#'#'# The reliability and security of the Small Grid shall al+ays be observed in all aspects of scheduling and dispatch consistent +ith Section ) ( Small .rid '#erations)# :#4#'#4# $eal7time dispatch scheduling shall be underta*en by the System 1perator# :#4#'#(# The System 1perator shall underta*e the day7ahead load forecasting and dispatch scheduling based on the operational criteria that the synchroni ed generating capacity shall be sufficient to match, at all times, the forecasted Small Grid /emand and the required 4#;I Load 3ollo+ing# :#4#'#.# The System 1perator shall underta*e the implementation of the dispatch schedules through issuance of /ispatch >nstructions to all Small Grid 6sers, and shall monitor the Small Grid to ensure compliance# :#4#'#9# Small Grid 6sers shall submit scheduling and dispatch information that +ill enable the System 1perator to prepare a timely and accurate /ispatch Schedule# :#4#'#)# Small Grid 6sers shall follo+ all /ispatch >nstructions issued to them#

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:#4#'#:# -omplaints regarding non7compliance to /ispatch >nstructions by any Small Grid 6sers or unreasonable /ispatch >nstructions by the System 1perator shall be reported to the ,$- for resolution# %$($($ Di0pat59 S59ed'/ing

:#4#4#'# The System 1perator shall prepare a system load forecast for each Schedule /ay based on best available information# :#4#4#4# The Generators shall submit their generation scheduling and dispatch information to the System 1perator in an accurate and timely manner, +ith the follo+ing details0 (a) Nominations of available generating capacities for dispatch of energy and reserve# (b) 3orced and scheduled outages including de7rating of facilities +hich +ill prevent Generating 6nits from delivering energy or providing %ncillary Service to the Small Grid# (c) 1ther information +hich +ill pose additional constraints in the operation of their Generating 6nits# :#4#4#(# 1ther Small Grid 6sers shall submit the follo+ing scheduling and dispatch information to the System 1perator in an accurate and timely manner0 (a) 8ourly load forecasts of the Scheduling /ay# (b) -onstraints on its /istribution System (or Small Grid 6ser System) +hich the System 1perator may need to ta*e into account in Scheduling and /ispatch# :#4#4#.# The System 1perator shall prepare the /ispatch Schedule using the available scheduling and dispatch information submitted by all Small Grid 6sers considering the operational criteria# %$($-$ Di0pat59 I.p/e.entati n

:#4#(#'# The System 1perator shall issue /ispatch >nstructions to the Small Grid 6sers to ensure timely and accurate implementation of the /ispatch Schedule# 6nless other+ise instructed by the System 1perator, the Generators shall linearly ramp to their target schedules issued by the System 1perator# :#4#(#4# The System 1perator shall continuously coordinate +ith all Small Grid 6sers in the implementation of the real7time /ispatch Schedule to help ensure the reliability and security of the Small Grid#


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:#4#(#(# The follo+ing information shall be provided by the Generators to the System 1perator in the implementation of the dispatch0 (a) Status of the Generating 6nits, 8igh !oltage lines or "edium !oltage lines and substation facilities (b) Planned and forced outages (c) $eserve requirements and allocations, if any (d) Security constraints and contingency, if any (e) System emergencies :#4#(#.# Generators and other Small Grid 6sers connected to the Small Grid shall ac*no+ledge and comply +ith /ispatch >nstructions issued by the System 1perator# :#4#(#9# The System 1perator shall ta*e into account the follo+ing factors in re7 dispatching Generating 6nits and in satisfying needs for imbalance ,nergy in real time0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Po+er %greement bet+een Parties The /ispatch ScheduleA The /emand requirements of the 6sersA Small Grid congestion problemsA and System Loss#

:#4#(#)# The System 1perator shall continuously monitor the Small Grid to ensure compliance +ith /ispatch >nstructions by Small Grid 6sers# %ll non7 compliance to /ispatch >nstructions shall be reported to the ,$-#

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SECTION @ @$ METERING 3or Categ !" -* Categ !" 2 and Categ !" ), refer to -hapter ; (!istri"ution Re7enue Meterin& Re*uirements) of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or /6s under Categ !" , and Categ !" (, shall comply to Section ; (!istri"ution Re7enue Meterin& Re*uirements), of the P/- and any amendments thereto# 3or Categ !" , and Categ !" (, the Small Grid 1+ner and all Small Grid 6sers other than /6s shall ensure that at any -onnection Point in the Small Grid, the follo+ing standards shall be complied +ith0

METERING RE?UIREMENTS @$,$,$ Mete!ing E='ip.ent The "etering ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall consist of0 (a) (b) (c) (d) $evenue class metersA >nstrument transformersA Lightning protectionA %ll interconnecting cables, +ires, and associated devices, i#e#, test bloc*s, connectors, security seals, etc#A and (e) "ounting structures, metering cabinet andFor ground +ires, as may be applicable# @$,$($ Mete!ing Re0p n0i&i/it"

;#'#4#'# The "etering Services Provider ("SP) shall supply the revenue metering, instruments transformers and its accessories and responsible to erect the mounting structures# ;#'#4#4# >t shall be the responsibility of the "SP to demonstrate that its "etering ,quipment meets all the technical requirements and standards set forth in this Section# @$,$-$ A5ti6e Ene!g" and A5ti6e P 8e! Mete!ing

;#'#(#'# %ctive ,nergy and %ctive Po+er $evenue metering shall be required at every -onnection Point# The metering point shall be as close as possible to the -onnection Point, other+ise, a separate procedure shall be established to ad<ust energy loss bet+een the point of metering and the -onnection Point#


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;#'#(#4# The %ctive ,nergy and %ctive Po+er $evenue metering shall be provided independently for input to and output from the Small Grid# >t shall measure all quadrants in +hich %ctive Po+er flo+ is possible$ @$,$2$ Rea5ti6e Ene!g" and Rea5ti6e P 8e! Mete!ing

;#'#.#'# $eactive ,nergy and $eactive Po+er $evenue metering shall be required at every -onnection Point# The metering point shall be as close as possible to the -onnection Point, other+ise, a separate procedure shall be established to ad<ust energy loss bet+een the point of metering and the -onnection Point# ;#'#.#4# The $eactive ,nergy and $eactive Po+er metering shall be provided independently for input to and output from the Small Grid# >t shall measure all quadrants in +hich $eactive Po+er flo+ is possible#

METERING E?UIPMENT STANDARDS @$($,$ 3 /tage T!an04 !.e!0

;#4#'#'# The voltage transformers shall comprise three (() units for a three7 phase, four7+ire circuit, each of +hich complies as a minimum of G#( accuracy class based on the applicable %NS> standard, or G#4 accuracy class based on the applicable >,- standard# These voltage transformers shall be connected Dye7Dye +ith both star points grounded to a grounding Small Grid of acceptable resistance and shall provide a four7+ire secondary connection# ;#4#'#4# The total burden of each secondary circuit of the voltage transformers must not e=ceed the rated burden of the voltage transformer# >n no case shall the voltage drop from the voltage transformer secondary terminal to the input voltage terminal of the billing meter be more than G#':I of the nominal secondary voltage rating of the voltage transformer# @$($($ C'!!ent T!an04 !.e!0

;#4#4#'# The current transformers shall comprise three (() units for a three7phase set, each current transformer shall be certified to have been tested for ratio and phase deviation to be +ithin the %NS> accuracy class of G#( or better over the entire measuring range of the metering facility# ;#4#4#4# Provisions shall be made for another secondary +inding if a chec* metering current supply is requested by the Small Grid 6ser# The current transformerCs rated secondary current shall be either ' or 9 amperes# The neutral conductor shall be effectively grounded at a single point# The total burdens of each secondary circuit of the current should not e=ceed the rated burden of the current transformer# ;#4#4#(# The use of ?totali ing@, bac*7up andFor series current transformer connections shall not be allo+ed for revenue metering service#
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;#4#(#'# "eters shall be of the three7element type rated for the required site, comply +ith the appropriate international standards or equivalent national standards, for static +att7hour meter and other types of meters, and be of G#( accuracy class based on the applicable %NS> standard, or G#4 accuracy class based on the applicable >,- standard# The meters shall measure and locally display at least the *D, *Dh, *!%$, *!%$h, and cumulative /emand#

METERING E?UIPMENT TESTING AND MAINTENANCE @$-$,$ In0t!'.ent T!an04 !.e! Te0ting

;#(#'#'# Test on the >nstrument Transformers shall be done by the ,$- or a party authori ed by the ,$-, to be +itnessed by the concerned Small Grid 6ser# Test shall be done at least once every five (9) years or as the need arises# The tests shall be carried out in accordance +ith these Guidelines or equivalent international standards# ;#(#'#4# The tests to be performed on the revenue metering instrument transformers shall include, but not limited to0 (a) (b) (c) (d) $atio %ccuracy >nsulation $esistance Phase /eviation Eurden $ating !erification

;#(#'#(# %ll tests to be performed on instrument transformers shall be done +ith the use of measuring and testing instruments +ith an une=pired calibration and an established traceability to national andFor international standards of measurement# ;#(#'#.# % copy of all test reports conducted on the instruments transformers shall be furnished to all Parties# @$-$($ Mete! Te0ting The "SP and Small Grid 6ser, through the ,$- or an independent party authori ed by the ,$-, shall test and seal the meters in accordance +ith ,$- rules and procedures for the test and maintenance of electric "eters of /istribution 6tilities# ;#(#4#'# %ll Small Grid revenue meters shall undergo accuracy testing and appropriate functionality tests at commissioning to service by the ,$- or by an entity authori ed by the ,$- and at least once a year thereafter# The accuracy test shall conform to the method prescribed in the applicable international standard#


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;#(#4#4# The accuracy tests shall be performed +ith the use of measuring and testing instruments +ith an une=pired calibrations and an established traceability to national andFor international standards of measurement# ;#(#4#(# The "etering ,quipment 1+ner (/istributor), in coordination +ith the /istribution 6tility ("etering ,quipment 1+ner), shall perform the annual accuracy testing of revenue meters# 8o+ever, if the ,$- 5 installed meter seal is bro*en in the process of meter accuracy testingFcalibration by the "etering ,quipment 1+ner (/istributor), then it shall have the meter re7 tested and re7sealed by ,$-# ;#(#4#.# "eters that are found by test to be outside their accuracy specifications shall be replaced immediately# The replaced meter shall be submitted for testing and sealing by the ,$- prior to reinstallation# ;#(#4#9# The tolerance limits to be used for declaring a revenue meter to be in compliance +ith its accuracy specifications during accuracy testing shall be +ithin the prescribed limits set by the ,$-# @$-$-$ Re='e0t 4 ! Te0t

;#(#(#'# % Small Grid 6ser, /istributor, or Generator may request a test of the installed "etering ,quipment if it has reason to believe that the performance of the ,quipment is not +ithin the accuracy limits set forth in these Guidelines# The test shall be done by the ,$- or by a party authori ed by the ,$-# ;#(#(#4# >f the "etering ,quipment fails the test, the "etering ,quipment 1+ner shall pay for the cost of the test# >f the "eter ,quipment is found to have complied +ith the accuracy limits, the party +ho requested for the test shall pay for the test cost# @$-$2$ Maintenan5e 4 Mete!ing E='ip.ent

;#(#.#'# The "etering ,quipment at the -onnection Point shall be maintained by the "etering ,quipment 1+ner# %ll test results, maintenance programs, and sealing records shall be *ept for the life of the ,quipment# The ,quipment data and test records shall be made available to authori ed parties# ;#(#.#4# The "etering ,quipment 1+ner shall repair the metering System as soon as practical and in any event +ithin t+o (4) days if a metering System malfunctions or maintenance occurs# The "etering ,quipment 1+ner shall be allo+ed to charge the metering services, sub<ect to the approval of the ,$-# @$-$)$ Mete!ing E='ip.ent Se5'!it"

;#(#9#'# The /isconnect S+itches and other devices that can de7energi e the revenue metering circuit shall be under the control of the "etering ,quipment 1+ner#
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;#(#9#4# The "etering ,quipment 1+ner shall ta*e all reasonable steps to prevent unauthori ed interference +ith the ,quipment# The "etering ,quipment 1+ner shall provide seals and other appropriate devices to prevent unauthori ed alteration on meter settings and calibrations# The "etering ,quipment cubicle shall be completely and securely loc*ed and sealed, provided that, any register on ,quipment is visible and accessible# The "etering ,quipment 1+ner shall also provide appropriate security against unauthori ed access and against corruption of data in 8igh !oltage (8!) line#

METER READING AND METERING DATA @$2$,$ Mete! Reading and Re5 !ding Re0p n0i&i/it"

;#.#'#'# The meter reading, recording and do+nloading shall be done by the authori ed representative of the "SP and +itnessed by the authori ed representative of the /istributor andFor Small Grid 6ser on the agreed date and time# SECTION A A$ SMALL GRID TRANSITOR7 PRO3ISIONS

TRANSITIONAL COMPLIANCE PLANS A$,$,$ State.ent 4 C .p/ian5e Dithin si= ()) months from the effectivity of the PSGG, the Small Grid 1+ner and Small Grid 6sers shall submit to the ,$-, through the /"-, a statement of their compliance +ith the technical specifications and the performance standards prescribed in the Small Grid Guidelines# A$,$($ S'&.i00i n 4 C .p/ian5e P/an

&#'#4#'# Dhere the Small Grid 1+ner and Small Grid 6sers does not comply +ith specific provisions of the PSGG, it submit to the ,$-, through the /"-, a plan to comply +ith said provisions# &#'#4#4# The /6s +hich do not comply +ith any of the prescribed technical specifications and performance standards of the PSGG shall submit to the ,$-, through the /"-, a plan to comply# A$2$-$ Fai/'!e t S'&.it P/an 3ailure to submit a feasible and credible plan andFor failure to implement the same shall serve as grounds for the imposition of appropriate sanctions, fines, or penalties as prescribed by ,$-#


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A$2$2$ E6a/'ati n and App! 6a/ 4 P/an0 The ,$-, through the /"-, shall, upon receipt of such plan, evaluate the same and notify the NP-7SP6G, Small Grid Generators and /6 of its action#

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Appendix A Categ !"

The Small Grid shall be classified into the follo+ing categories0
Categ !"

Gene!ating C .pan"

T!an0.i00i n S"0te.

Di0t!i&'ti n S"0te.

"ore than '



"ore than '

C 6e!age


S"0te. C n4ig'!ati n "indoro %rea , Note 5 Portion of the 8igh !oltage line o+ned by /6# 1",-1 and 1$",-1


"ore than '




S"0te. C n4ig'!ati n

Pala+an %rea



"ore than '




S"0te. C n4ig'!ati n

-atanduanes %rea "arinduque %rea

3>-,L-1 "%$,L-1


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Categ !"

Gene!ating C .pan"

T!an0.i00i n S"0te.

Di0t!i&'ti n S"0te.



C 6e!age DU0
' %lbay >slands %rea -aluya, %ntique %rea -asiguran, %urora %rea Eantayan >sland %rea Easilan %rea Eatanes %rea Tingloy, Eatangas %rea "aripipi, Eiliran %rea Eusuanga >sland %rea -alayan, -agayan %rea
-agayan de Sulu, Ta+i7ta+i %rea



' None S"0te. C n4ig'!ati n

-amotes >sland %rea Talicud, /avao del Norte %rea Some %reas in /avao del Sur /inagat >sland %rea Gigantes, >loilo %rea Palanan, >sabela %rea Habugao, %payao %rea Lubang >sland %rea "asbate %rea Some %reas in Northern Samar Province of Siqui<or %rea Some %reas in Bue on $omblon %rea Some %reas in D# Samar Kumarraga, Samar %rea Siasi >sland %rea Limasa+a, Leyte %rea Some %reas in Sultan Hudarat Sulu %rea 8i*dop, Surigao del Norte %rea Ta+i7ta+i %rea Tablas >sland %rea Ticao >sland %rea None None ' None S"0te. C n4ig'!ati n '

%L,-1 %NT,-1 %6$,L-1 E%N,L-1 E%S,L-1 E%T%N,L-1 E%T,L,- >> E>L,-1 E>S,L-1 -%G,L-1 -%S,L-1 -,L-1 /%N,-1 /%S6$,-1 />,L-1 >L,-1 >>> >S,L-1 H%,L-1 L6E,L-1 "%S,L-1 N1$S%",L-1 P$1S>,L-1 B6,K,L-1 >> $1",L-1 S%",L-1 > S%",L-1 >> S>%S,L-1 S1L,-1 S6H,L-1 S6L,-1 S6$N,-1 T%D,L-1 T>,L-1 T>S,L-1


$omblon LG6

Note0M 7 -ategori

ation as of /ecember 4G''# -ategori ation may vary depending on the changes in the configuration of the


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