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Set 1

Q. Which type of column chromatography separates proteins on the basis of molecular weight(a)ion-exchange chromatography (b) Gel filtration chromatography (c) Affinity chromatography (d)Isoelectric focusing Q. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) cannot be used to(a)Separate types of organic pesticides. (b) Determine the mercury content of a fish sample. (c) Identify the various pigments from a leaf extract. (d) Determine the caffeine content of coffee samples. Q. A mixture of ethanol (C2H6O) and butanol (C4H10O) is approximately 90% ethanol and 10% butanol. The mixture is passed through a gas liquid chromatogram. The printout obtained is likely to show that, compared to butanol, the ethanol has(a) A shorter retention time and a smaller area under the peak. (b) A shorter retention time and a larger area under the peak. (c) A longer retention time and a larger area under the peak. (d) A smaller retardation factor and a larger area under the peak. Q. This of the following statements about paper and gas chromatography is correct(a) The Rf and Rt values of a substance are determined solely by the interaction of the substance with the stationary phase. (b) A substance with a long retention time in gas chromatography is likely to have a high Rf value in paper chromatography. (c) A high Rf value is indicative of a substance that adsorbs strongly onto the stationary phase.

(d) A long retention time in gas chromatography is indicative of a substance with a strong adsorption on to the stationary phase. Q. Acetone is an organic molecule with a semi-structural formula of CH3COCH3. A student runs a sample of acetone through a gas chromatogram at 50C. The acetone produces a peak after 4.2 minutes. The student then injects a mixture of unknown organic substances into the same column at the same temperature. There are peaks after 3.1, 4.2 and 7.4 minutes. From this information, it can be concluded that(a) The mixture has three components, one of which must be acetone. (b)The mixture has at least three components, one of which might be acetone. (c)The mixture has at least three components, one of which must be acetone. (d)The mixture has three components, but acetone is not one of them. Q. The basis of the technique of chromatography for separating components of a mixture is(a) The absorption of infrared radiation by the components. (b) The interaction of the components with both stationary and mobile phases. (c) The differing movement of particles of different mass in an electric field. (d) The deflection of charged particles in a magnetic field. Q. A new youth drink contains sugar, salt, alcohol and vitamin C. A gas chromatogram could be used to determine the(a) Alcohol content only. (b) Alcohol, sugar and vitamin C content only. (c) Concentration of all ingredients in the drink. (d) Alcohol and sugar content only

Q. Substance A is made up two components. O and P. A small sample of substance A was dotted onto chromatography paper, and a chromatogram was developed using an appropriate solvent. The result is shown below. Component O is adsorbed(a) Less strongly onto the stationary phase and has a larger Rf value than component P. (b) More strongly onto the stationary phase and has a smaller Rf value than component P. (c More strongly onto the stationary phase and has a larger Rf value than component P. (d)Less strongly onto the stationary phase and has a smaller Rf value than component P. Q. Which of the following is the most suitable gas to use as a carrier gas in a gas chromatogram-? (a) Helium (b) Oxygen (c) Methane (d) Carbon dioxide Q. Thin layer chromatography can be used to distinguish between different amino acids. If a particular amino acid has low solubility in the mobile phase used, then the amino acid (a) Will have a low Rf value. (b) Will spend more time dissolved in the mobile phase than attached to the stationary phase. (c) Must have a high molecular mass. (d)Will move at a speed close to that of the solvent.

Q. A student sets up a paper chromatogram and places a spot of green food dye on the origin. After six minutes the solvent has moved 12 cm and a blue spot has advanced 9 cm. After fourteen minutes the solvent has advanced a further 8 cm. How many cm from the origin is the blue spot likely to be(a)26 (b) 8 (c)18 (d)15 Q. characteristic feature of any form of chromatography is the(a) use of molecules that is soluble in water. (b) Use of an inert carrier gas. (c) Calculation of an Rf value for the molecules separated. (d) Use of a mobile and a stationary phase. Q. To obtain a buffer which should be suitable for maintaining a pH of about 4 5, we need to have in solution, a mixture of(a) A strong base + its salt with a weak acid (b) A weak base + its salt with a strong acid (c) A strong acid + its salt with a weak base (d) A weak acid + its salt with a strong base Q. A buffer solution contains of acetic acid and of sodium acetate. What will be its pH, if pKa of acetic acid is 4.75(a)4.00 (b)4.75 (c)5.00 (d)5.25

Set 2
Q. Which of the following buffers is the most important in maintaining(a) Carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffering system (b) Protein buffering system (c) Hemoglobin buffering System (d)Phosphate Buffering system

Q. Which of the following statements is wrong(a) INT=123; (b) val='A' * 'B'; (c) =20 * 'T' (d) count+5=res;

Q. C variable cannot start with(a) An alphabet (b) A number (c) A special symbol other than underscore (d)Both (2) and (3) Q. The maximum value that an integer constant can have is(a) -32767 (b) '32767 (c) 1.7014e+38 (d)-1.7014e+38 Q. which of the following is not a character constant(a) 'Thank You' (b) Quest videos- IT learning at its best'

(c) '23.56e-03' (d)Both (1) and (2) All of the above Q. The statement char ch='z' would store in ch(a) The character Z (b) ASCII value of Z (c) Z along with the single inverted commas (d) Both (1) and (2) Q. A character variable can at a time score(a)1 character (b) 8 character (c) 254 character (d)None of the Above Q. The real constant in C can be expressed which of the following forms(a)Fractional form only (b) Exponetial form only (c) ASCII form only (d)Both Fractional and Exponetial Q. C programs are converted into the machine language with the help of(a) An editor (b) Compiler (c) An operating system (d)None of the above Q. C can be used on(a) MS-DOS (b) Only Linux

(c)Only window (d)All of the above Q. C language has been developed by(a) Ken Thompson (b) Dennis Ritchie (c) Peter Norton (d)Martin Richards Q. Biochips are made up of (a)Semi-conducting molecules inserted into the protein frame work (b) Conducting molecules inserted into the protein frame work. (c) Non-conducting molecules inserted into the protein frame work. (d) Any of the above Q. Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) is used while separating proteins by poly acryl amide gel electrophoresis because(a) It helps in solubilization of proteins thereby making it easier to separate (b) It binds to proteins and confers uniform negative charge density thereby making them move during electrophoresis (c) (d) Decreases the surface tension of the buffer used for electrophoresis Stabilizes the proteins

Q. In gel electrophoresis, the tracking dye moves(a) (b) (c) (d) More slowly than all the different molecules of the sample. At the same rate as all the different molecules of the sample. More quickly than all the different molecules of the sample. Not at all

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