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BWPM9-ANTH3007-Essay 1-Aaron Parkhurst -Word Count: exa t!

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What are the differences between illness and disease and how does the distinction impact our understanding of how we experience sickness?

I saw it with my eyes, I heard it with my ears, but it was no longer me; it sweated and trembled by itself and I didn't recognize it any more. I had to touch it and look at it to find out what was happening, as if it were the body of someone else. [ I felt sinkings and fallings, as when you're in a plane taking a nosedi!e, or I felt my heart beating. "ut it didn't reassure me. #!erything that came from my body was cockeyed. $ost of the time it was %uiet and I felt no more than a sort of weight, a filthy presence against me; I had the impression of being tied to an enormous !ermin& $%ean Pau! &artre' 'ausea' 19()*

+ou ,ay a!! th-s ,eta.hys- a! sorro/ or th-nk -t has to do /-th 0e-n1 an art-st or a 2ery sad or sens-t-2e .erson3 But th-s -s a !ear exa,.!e o4 a d-sso -at-2e e: a !-terary de.- t-on o4 de.ersona!-5at-on3 A ord-n1 to 6&M-78' the ,a-n r-ter-a 4or de.ersona!-5at-on d-sorder are: a .ers-stent 4ee!-n1 o4 deta h,ent or estran1e,ent 4ro, one9s se!4 $as -4 one externa!!y o0ser2es one9s 0ody or ,enta! .ro esses*' a/areness that th-s 4ee!-n1 -s 0ut a 4ee!-n1 $-nta t onne t-on /-th rea!-ty*' s-1n-4- ant d-stress or -,.a-r,ent -n -,.ortant areas o4 4un t-on-n1 due to th-s 4ee!-n1' and no onne t-on 0et/een the e and .hys-o!o1- a! e44e ts asso -ated /-th a dru1 or so,e other ,ed- a! ond-t-on $199)*3

Being ill versus having a disease? Whether or not &artre a tua!!y ed de.ersona!-5at-on h-,se!4 does not rea!!y ,atter3 As you an see' a ontrast :u- k!y sur4a es: that 0et/een the !-2ed e o4 0e-n1 s- k $-!!ness*' and the ,a..-n1 o4 -t onto a s -ent-4- syste, o4 re.resentat-ons used 4or d-a1nos-s and treat,ent .ur.oses $d-sease*3 7n th-s essay 7 ex.!ore the d-st-n t-ons 0et/een d-sease and -!!ness' and on /hat !e2e!s and ho/ they ,atter' 0y dra/-n1 on /ork done 0y 2ar-ous a ade,- s su h as E-sen0er1' ;ood or 6-;-a o,o3 7 on !ude that the -!!ness-d-sease dua!-ty $not d- hoto,y* ,ay he!. /-den theoret- a! and .ra t- a! a..roa hes to on e.ts su h as the so -ou!tura! onstru t-on o4 -!!ness' .o!-t- s o4 hea!-n1' .at-ent e,.o/er,ent and ex.e tat-ons' u!tura! re!at-2-s, and 2a!-d-ty o4 non-Western ,ed- a! syste,s3 At the sa,e t-,e' the exa11erat-on o4 th-s .otent-a!-ty ,ay !ead to the reat-on o4 4a!se d- hoto,-es' /h- h -s a!/ays

0ad3 <ne need re,a-n a ute!y a/are and r-t- a! o4 the -,.!- at-ons o4 the d-sease--!!ness d-st-n t-ons3 7!!ness -s the -nd-2-dua!9s e o4 0e-n1 .hys- a!!y and=or ,enta!!y un/e!!' /h-!e d-sease -s /hat the .ra t-t-oners reate throu1h the-r theoret- a! !enses $Ca!a0rese "013*3 A ord-n1 to E-sen0er1' -!!nesses are es o4 d-s2a!ued han1es -n state o4 0e-n1 and so -a! 4un t-on' /h-!e d-seases are ,or.ho-.hys-o!o1- a! a0nor,a!-t-es $1977*3 When a d-sease -s extre,e' the .er2as-2eness o4 -!!ness -s -ne2-ta0!e' 0ut d-sease ,ay a!so o ur -n the a0sen e o4 -!!ness3 >or -nstan e' -n asy,.to,at- hy.ertens-on' the .at-ent9s ,enta! a/areness o4 the-r o/n d-sease ,ay not 0e re-n4or ed 0y a .hys- a! res.onse to the d-sease' /h- h a tua!!y ,eans that the-r e o4 the d-sease -s !-,-ted $other than ,ay0e tak-n1 ,ed- at-ons' or o,.!y-n1 /-th the d-et and !-4esty!e re:u-re,ents -,.osed 0y the do tor' thou1h E-sen0er1 does not ,ent-on these as.e ts o4 the d-sease*3 &o they ha2e a d-sease /-thout an -!!ness3 >urther,ore' s-,-!ar de1rees o4 or1an .atho!o1y ,ay 1enerate :u-te d-44erent re.orts o4 d-stress a ord-n1 to .at-ents9 u!tura! sett-n1s and ex.e tat-ons3 Th-s !eads to a sens-0!e and sens-t-2e :uest-on: /ho shou!d 0e res.ons-0!e 4or .at-ent o,.!-an e -ssues? 7t -s essent-a! to en:u-re ho/ /e an -n or.orate understand-n1s o4 -!!ness as a .sy ho!o1- a! e2ent so as not to assu,e that .at-ents shou!d a!/ays str- t!y 4o!!o/ ,ed- a! ad2- e' and that /hen they do not' they are the ones to 0e 0!a,ed3 There4ore' un!-ke the r-1-d on e.tua!-5at-on o4 d-sease as a d-s rete ent-ty -n a 4-xed syste, o4 ,ean-n1 and .ra t- es' the d-sease--!!ness dua!-ty ,ay endo/ th-s syste, /-th 4!u-d-ty and 4!ex-0-!-ty3

Consequences of different perspectives &onta1 has ar1ued that @7!!ness -s the n-1ht-s-de o4 !-4e' a ,ore onerous -t-5ensh-.3 E2eryone /ho -s 0orn ho!ds dua! -t-5ensh-.' -n the k-n1do, o4 the /e!! and -n the k-n1do, o4 the s- k3A $197B:3*3 Bu-!d-n1 on th-s ,eta.hor 7 /-!! no/ !ook at /hat ha..ens /hen do tors and the-r .at-ents ha2e d-44erent on erns' 0eha2-ours and ex.e tat-ons due to the-r d-44erent 4ra,es o4 understand-n1 o4 the sa,e d-sease: 4ro, a .ro4ess-ona!' na,e!y 4ro, an! .o-nt o4 2-e/3 A,er- an anthro.o!o1-st 6-;-a o,o /as d-a1nosed /-th Hod1k-n9s d-sease $!y,.hatan er* -n 19B0 and s.ent another 4-2e years -n the hos.-ta! -n the C3&3A3 under1o-n1 rad-o- and he,othera.y' and sur1er-es3 &he /rote an auto-ethno1ra.hy throu1hout the .ro ess so as to -,.ose order' .attern and ,ean-n1 on a !-4e that had 0e o,e 2ery rando, and 4r-1hten-n13 The d-a1nos-s had aused her 4ear and outra1e3 7t -s o4ten the ase that .at-ents9 -dent-t-es are assa-!ed as they 0e o,e /hat the -nst-tut-on ,akes o4 the, throu1h the sy,0o!har1e o4 an er st-1,a

$6-;-a o,o 19B7*3 &he tr-ed to es a.e that 0y do-n1 resear h on her d-sease and 0y assert-n1 her r-1hts and en1a1-n1 -n on2ersat-on /-th her on o!o1-st and rad-o!o1-st as ,u h as .oss-0!e3 Ne2erthe!ess' do tors /ou!d 1et an1ry /hen she /ou!d :uest-on the-r author-ty3 The standard-5at-on and de.ersona!-5at-on o4 .at-ent are are ne essary 4or e44- -en y and to the .at-ent9s 0ene4-t D -t -s use!ess to /ant to kno/ e2eryth-n1 a0out rout-ne .ro edures3 Pat-ents are thou1ht to 0e una0!e to hand!e the truth' and shou!d 0e .rote ted 4ro, -t3 What e,er1es -s an ad2ersary do re!at-onsh-. /here the 4or,er kno/s ,ore and 0etter than the !atter and 4or e44- -en y .ur.oses hard!y !ea2es any roo, 4or -ntera t-on outs-de the ,ed- a! .ro edures $d-sease-or-ented a..roa h*' and the !atter 4ee!s d-se,.o/ered and -so!ated /-thout rea!!y understand-n1 /hat -s 1o-n1 on $-!!ness-or-ented a..roa h*3 By !ook-n1 at e-ther s-des o4 the $see,-n1!y* sa,e o-n $ an er*' one an understand ho/ d-44erent ,ean-n1s' res.onses and

ex.e tat-ons are 1enerated 0y d-44erent .os-t-ons3 6-;-a o,o9s su0se:uent doses o4 he,othera.y /ere a! u!ated a ord-n1 to her BM7 and res.onses to .r-or treat,ent' seek-n1 e:u-!-0r-u,' there4ore her re!at-onsh-. /-th her on o!o1-st -n2o!2ed ,ore and ,ore ne1ot-at-on 4or !o/er doses' 1-2en that she /as -n 1reat .a-n and ou!d see that he,othera.y /as k-!!-n1 her 4aster than an er3 Th-s e2entua!!y he!.ed her de4-ne her .os-t-on as o!!a0orator rather than o0Ee t o4 treat,ent' /h- h /as an ant-dote to de.ress-on and 4ear3 Th-s !ear!y sho/s that -!!ness and d-sease are o,.!e,entary' not .o!ar o..os-tes' and Eust as they so,et-,es do not oex-st' they ,ay a!so do3 By ons-der-n1 0oth s-des one an a!so re-assess the -,.!- at-ons o4 4a-!ure3 7n 6-;-a o,o9s 2-e/' the 0urden o4 1reat ex.e tat-ons .!a ed on do tors9 shou!ders -n reases /-th the .at-ents9 -1noran e a0out the d-sease and .ro edures' there4ore .ro0!e,s and 4a-!ures are trans!ated -nto do tors 0e-n1 a used o4 $or sued 4or* ,a!.rax-s3 A 4urther -,.!- at-on o4 the d-44erent takes on -!!ness and d-sease -s that .at-ents ,ay @re0e!A a1a-nst the do tors -n /hat 6-;-a o,o a!!ed @ad2ersary re!at-onsh-.A: -n the &tates 0et/een 10-73F o4 .at-ents are nono,.!-ant' /-th h-1her rates -n -nter- u!tura! sett-n1s 0e ause o4 u!tura! d-44eren es -n ex.e tat-ons o4 treat,ent' and -nade:uate o,,un- at-on $G-r,ayer "001*3 Ho/e2er' 7 0e!-e2e no/adays' /-th the 1ro/-n1 su..ort o,,un-t-es and N;<s' and -n a t-,e /hen the 7nternet -s a ,ass-2e sour e o4 -n4or,at-on and su..ort' the .o!-t- s o4 0urden and res.ons-0-!-ty ,ay ha2e han1ed3 Th-s -s an -nterest-n1 area o4 resear h that -s un4ortunate!y outs-de the ,a-n 4o us o4 th-s .a.er3 6-;-a o,o9s auto-ethno1ra.hy -n ,any /ays see,s to -n or.orate a 4ou au!d-an .ers.e t-2e /here .at-ents are de.endent 2- t-,s /ho !a k kno/!ed1e' thus .o/er' so a on e.tua!-5at-on and .ra t- a! a..!- at-on o4 -!!ness as an extens-on to d-sease 4ro, /-th-n the ,ed- a! syste, so as to ena0!e .at-ents to exert the-r a1en y ou!d on!y 0ene4-t the /ho!e

syste,3 Ho/e2er' Hu.ton9s I>ou au!t and the ,ed- a!-5at-on r-t-:ue9 $1997* .ro2-des on2-n -n1 ounter-ar1u,ents' /-th /h- h 7 a1ree: the orthodox ,ed- a!-5at-on r-t-:ue 4a-!s to a kno/!ed1e the 2ar-ety o4 res.onses to the he1e,on- ,ed- a! d-s ourses3 7ts 0!a k-and-/h-te .ortraya! o4 Western ,ed- -ne 4a-!s to understand .eo.!e9s a,0-2a!en e to ,ed- -ne3 The ,ed- a! en ounter -s a d-s -.!-nary .o/er throu1h o0ser2at-on' exa,-nat-on' ,easure,ent and o,.ar-son o4 -nd-2-dua!s a1a-nst esta0!-shed nor,s not throu1h oer -on' 0ut throu1h .ersuas-on3 7t -s the esta0!-shed nor,s that onstant!y need to 0e ha!!en1ed' /h- h -s /hat the -!!ness-d-sease d-st-n t-on 0r-n1s to !-1ht3

Stories of the Navajo and olmo! wh" and how the" matter 7 /-!! no/ -n2est-1ate ho/ -!!ness -s so -o- u!tura!!y onstru ted -n trad-t-ona! hea!-n1 syste,s su h as a,on1 the Na2aEo Nat-2e A,er- ans or the Ne.a!ese +o!,o3 Th-s /-!! !ar-4y /hy and ho/ !ashes 0et/een Western and non-Western e.-ste,o!o1-es o ur' and that the -!!ness-d-sease d-st-n t-on ,ay !-e at the ore o4 these ex.!anatory syste,s3 >urther,ore' 0y a kno/!ed1-n1 the 2a!-d-ty o4 a..arent!y o..os-te ,ode!s /-thout .r-2-!e1-n1 Western e.-ste,o!o1y as ,ore rat-ona! and te hno!o1- a!!y ad2an ed $;ood 199)*' the -,.ortan e o4 ex.!anatory ,ode!s ,ay 0e re-assessed: they are use4u!' 0ut not un-2ersa!3 And that9s okay3 Wh-!e de- onstru t-n1 the Western ,ode! and ex.!or-n1 the a!ternat-2es thou1h' one ,ust 0e are4u! not to ro,ant- -5e trad-t-ona! hea!-n1 syste,s and re4ute the Western one a!to1ether3 A study on the Na2aEo done 0y Ca!a0rese -n "00B states that -n ,any trad-t-ona! hea!-n1 syste,s' -nter2ent-on -s o,,una!3 The hea!er -s a ,ed-ator 0et/een the .at-ent and the o,,un-ty' and 0et/een the o,,un-ty and the natura! en2-ron,ent $A0ra, 199(*3 Modern

Euro-A,er- an /or!d stresses the dyad- -nter2ent-on /here the .at-ent-hea!er re!at-onsh-. -s entra!3 &o /hat -s .sy hothera.eut- or ,ed- a! -nter2ent-on -n 4a t? Cnderstand-n1 the .arad-1, !ash a!!o/s !-n- -ans and .o!- y ,akers to su..ort trad-t-ona! .eo.!es -n the-r o/n e44orts at se!4-hea!-n13 Whereas -n Western !-n- a! s -en es there -s a stron1 o,,-t,ent to the u!tura! -deo!o1y /here0y autono,y -s the u!t-,ate 1oa! o4 de2e!o.,ent' Nat-2e A,er- an se!4hea!-n1s ons-st o4 o!!e t-2e -nter2ent-ons that o,0-ne thera.eut- e,.!ot,ent and ons -ousness ,od-4- at-on throu1h .har,a o!o1- a! and 0eha2-oura! te hn-:ues3 6es.-te the exa,.!es 7 ha2e d-s ussed a0o2e' the -dea o4 d-sease as a d-s rete ent-ty has not re,a-ned 4u!!y un:uest-oned -n the Western .arad-1,3 Nat-2e A,er- an se!4-hea!-n1s are seen as aesthet.er4or,an e' su.erst-t-on' dru1 a0use or ,an-4estat-on o4 ,enta! d-sorder and they are 0ased on .eyote use' a dru1 /h- h -s 4or0-dden and ons-dered 2ery dan1erous -n the &tates3 Ne2erthe!ess' the Peyote ,eet-n1 o4 the Nat-2e A,er- an Chur h -s an a e.ted -nter2ent-on 4or su0stan e a0use' so a4ter a!! -t ,ay not 0e so !ear that the Peyote r-tua! -s ,ed- a!!y -n2a!-d3 Moreo2er' standard ho!o1- a! tests ha2e .ro2en that Nat-2e A,er- an Chur h ,e,0ers /ho use .eyote re1u!ar!y sho/ no s-1n-4- ant d-44eren es -n ,enta! hea!th 4ro, non-users3 The .arad-1, !ash ons-sts o4 e-1ht !e2e!s o4 d-44eren e 0et/een the -nd-2-dua!-st dyad and the o,,una! 1rou. .ro ess' out o4 /h- h 7 /-!! address three3 >-rst o4 a!!' /h-!e Peyote -s not on!y a dru1' 0ut a!so a s.-r-tua! 0e-n1 /-th an o,n-s -ent 1a5e' se u!ar !-n- a! a..roa hes 2-e/ ta!k o4 su.ernatura! or s.-r-tua! 0e-n1s as a sy,.to, o4 .sy hot- d-sorder3 Then there -s the d-44eren e 0et/een the -nte1rat-on o4 ,ean-n1 -nto a ho!-str-tua!' and a se.arat-on o4 ,ean-n1- entered and .har,a o!o1- a! -nter2ent-on3 Hast' 0ut not !east' the Peyote r-tua! -s .re2entat-2e and 2a!or-5ed' he!.-n1 .eo.!e not on!y to hea!' 0ut a!so to -ate /hat they ha2e' and to 1a-n s.-r-tua! -ns-1ht -nto the-r !-2es' /h-!e Western

,a-nstrea, ,ed- -ne -s ,a-n!y re,ed-a! and st-1,at-5-n13 A!! these d-44eren es ,ay -ndeed 0e understood as re2o!2-n1 around the -dea o4 -!!ness-d-sease d-st-n t-on3 But -t does not ,ean that th-s -dea ex-sts -n a!! u!tures at the !e2e! o4 d-s ourse or -deo!o1y: as ,u h as -t a-ds the deonstru t-on o4 the 0as- assu,.t-ons o4 Western ,ed- -ne' -t -s a ,ed- a! anthro.o!o1- a! onstru t e,.!oyed and de.!oyed to ast !-1ht on the hea!-n1 syste,s' a onstru t that he!.s ,ake sense o4 the-r d-44eren es $or e2en s-,-!ar-t-es' 4or that ,atter*' .aradoxes and the-r under!y-n1 reasons3 6esEar!a-s /rote a0out @sou! !ossA $a!so understood as s.-r-t !oss /-th so,at- sy,.to,s* a,on1 the +o!,o -n Ne.a!3 Th-s -s a u0-:u-tous .heno,enon s-,-!ar to de.ress-on -n that the .erson es a !a k o4 -nterest -n and ,ot-2at-on 4or da-!y a t-2-t-es' 4at-1ue' !oss o4' and ,ore 0road!y a !a k o4 -nterest -n !-4e -tse!43 There -s no one reason /hy or /ay one /ou!d o,e to !ose the-r sou!: a ,other ,ay say a0out her e-1ht-year-o!d son that he has !ost h-s sou! -4 one day he see,s sad or a.athet- or does not /ant to eatJ a ,ore se2ere 4or, o4 dys.hor-a s-,-!ar to 1r-e4 a4ter !os-n1 a dear one ,ay a!so 0e a!!ed @sou! !ossA et 3 $199"*3 A Buddh-st sha,an r-te he!.s re--nte1rate !-4e 4or es -nto the .at-ent3 &o /hy do other .eo.!e use an u,0re!!a ter, to !a0e! su h a /-de ran1e o4 .heno,ena? 6oes -t ,ean that 0oundar-es 0et/een .atho!o1y and nor,a!-ty are 0!urr-n1 as an a ute d-sorder -s not -nter.reted -n a 0-nary o..os-t-on to an a!,ost .er4e t state o4 hea!th' 0ut on a 1rad-ent-!-ke s a!e? 7t ,ay /e!! do' and -4 so -t -s a ha!!en1e to the -!!ness-d-sease d-st-n t-on3 Here' does not stand 4or @-!!nessa..roa hA' or @hea!erA 4or d-sease a..roa h3 Ne2erthe!ess' 7 /ou!d not 1o so 4ar as to take u. <0eyesekere9s !-ne o4 ar1u,ent a0out the onne t-on 0et/een de.ress-on and Buddh-s,: that sy,.to,s o4 de.ress-on are s-1ns o4 1ood Buddh-s,' that a44e ts o4 sorro/ are 4ree-4!oat-n1 -n Western so -ety' /hereas -n Buddh-s, they are t-ed to os,o!o1y $19B#*3 A44e ts o4 de.ress-on

are un-2ersa!' 0ut the .ro ess o4 !a0e!-n1 -tse!4 -,.oses a d- hoto,y3 <n e a1a-n' ,ode!s are use4u!' 0ut not un-2ersa!' /h- h an 0e understood 0y ask-n1 ho/ -!!ness -s so -o- u!tura!!y onstru ted3

Conclusions 7 ha2e ex.!ored se2era! /ays -n /h- h the -!!ness-d-sease d-st-n t-on he!.s unra2e! d-44erent as.e ts o4 trad-t-ona! and non-trad-t-ona! hea!-n1 syste,s' o4 the so -o- u!tura! onstru t-on o4 s- kness' and u!tura! re!at-2-s, -n 1enera!3 7 ha2e /arned a1a-nst the e44e ts o4 o2erus-n1 th-s d-st-n t-on to onstru t a 4a!se d- hoto,y -n /h- h the Western ,ed- a! syste, -s a!! a0out d-seases' .o/er!ess .at-ents and -nd-2-dua!-st dyads' /h-!e trad-t-ona! hea!-n1 syste,s stress -!!ness-0ased' ho!-st- a..roa hes3 Po/er re!at-ons are not 4-xed' 0uy ,ay at any 1-2en t-,e and .!a e -n2o!2e stron1 a ts o4 ne1ot-at-on3 As ;ood has ar1ued' the on e.t-on o4 d-sease and -!!ness -s 4unda,enta! to ross- u!tura! stud-es o4 ,ed- -ne' and to ,ed- a! .ra t- e: de -d-n1 /hat data -s !-n- a!!y re!e2ant and /here ,ed- a! or thera.eut- -nter2ent-on shou!d o ur3 Mean-n1 -s not onst-tuted 0y /ord-to-o0Ee t !-nks /-th e,.-r- a! rea!-ty: /ords as s-1ns are so,e/hat ar0-trary and de.endent on !an1ua1e $1997*3 We need a theory o4 ,ed- a! !an1ua1e as a se,ant- net/ork ana!ys-s to understand .hys-o!o1- a!-a44e t-2e-sy,0o!- .ath/ays' the ro!e o4 !an1ua1e -n !-nk-n1 so -a! e to d-sease' the strate1- use o4 -!!ness !an1ua1e $ho,e are' -nst-tut-ona! sett-n1s et 3* and ho/ han1e -n the ,ed- a! !an1ua1e -s 1enerated throu1h 0roader so -a! han1e $4or -nstan e' -n the 6&M-7 -n 19#" ho,osexua!-ty /as ons-dered a so -o.ath- d-sorder' then /as de- !ass-4-ed as ,enta! d-sorder -n 1973*3 Warto4sky rea hed the on !us-on that d-seases are @-ntr- ate and ,any-!ayered net/orks o4 so -a!' .ersona! and or1an9

ontexts D 4ro, so -ety to e!!' so to s.eak D -n /h- h the do tor -nter2enes at s.e -4- .o-nts' 0oth d-a1nost- a!!y and thera.eut- a!!yA $197#: 79-B0*3 &o are there any un-2ersa! d-st-n t-ons 0et/een -!!ness and d-sease? We sha!! /a-t and see /here a ne/ theory o4 ,ed- a! !an1ua1e ,ay !ead us3

A,er- an Psy h-atr- Asso -at-on3 19#"3 (iagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) (*$+I3 1st ed3 Wash-n1ton' 6C3 Pr-nt3 A,er- an Psy h-atr- Asso -at-on3 19733 (iagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) (*$+II3 (th .r-nt "nd ed-t-on3 Wash-n1ton' 6C3 Pr-nt3 10

A,er- an Psy h-atr- Asso -at-on3 199)3 (iagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) (*$+I,. )th ed3 Wash-n1ton' 6C3 Pr-nt3 ABKAM' 63 199(3 -he *pell of the *ensuous3 8-nta1e Books' d-2-s-on o4 Kando, House' 7n 3 Ne/ +ork3 CAHABKE&E' %3 "00B3 IC!-n- a! Parad-1, C!ashes: Ethno entr- and Po!-t- a! Barr-ers to Nat-2e A,er- an E44orts at &e!4-Hea!-n193 #thos) .ournal of the *ociety for /sychological 0nthropology 3($3*: 33)-3#33 CAHABKE&E' %3 "0133 CCH He ture on 1(th < to0er "0133 6E&%AKHA7&' K3 199"3 9&ou! Hoss9$ "ody 0nd #motion) -he 0esthetics 1f 2ealing in the 'epal 2imalayas3 Cn-2ers-ty o4 Pennsy!2an-a Press3 ..3 13# D 1#73 6-;7AC<M<' &3 19B73 IB-o,eed- -ne as a Cu!tura! &yste,: An Anthro.o!o1-st -n the G-n1do, o4 the &- k9 -n Baer' H3 $ed3* #ncounters with "iomedicine) 3ase *tudies in $edical 0nthropology 3 ;ordon and Brea h & -en e Pu0!-shers3 E7&ENBEK;' H3 19773 I6-sease and 7!!ness3 6-st-n t-ons 0et/een .ro4ess-ona! and .o.u!ar -deas o4 s- kness93 3ulture, $edicine and /sychiatry 2o!3 1 -ssue 1' ..3 9-"33 ;<<6' B3 19773 IThe Heart o4 WhatLs the Matter: The &e,ant- s o4 7!!ness -n 7ran93 3ulture, $edicine and /sychiatry 1:"#-#B3 G7KMA+EK' H3 "0013 ICu!tura! 8ar-at-ons -n 6e.ress-on and Anx-ety93 .ournal of 3linical /sychiatry: (" su.! 133 HCPT<N' 63 19973 @>ou au!t and the Med- a!-sat-on Cr-t-:ueA3 Ch3 # -n Peterson' A and Bunton' K $eds3* 4oucault) 2ealth and $edicine Hondon: Kout!ed1e3 <BE+E&EGEKE' ;3 19B# I6e.ress-on' Buddh-s,' and the Work o4 Cu!ture -n &r- Hanka9 $ 7n' A3 G!e-n,an M B3 ;ood $eds*' 3ulture and (epression) *tudies in the 0nthropology and 3ross+3ultural /sychiatry of 0ffect and (isorder3 Berk!ey' H3A3' Hondon: Cn-2ers-ty o4 Ca!-4orn-a Press' ..3 13)-1#" &AKTKE' %3 P 19()3 'ausea3 Ne/ +ork: Ne/ 6-re t-ons Pu0!-sh-n1 Cor.3 Pr-nt3 &<NTA;' &3 197B3 Illness as metaphor. Ne/ +ork: >arrar' &trauss and ;-roux3 WAKT<>&G+' M3 W3 197#3 I<r1ans' <r1an-s,s and 6-sease: Hu,an <nto!o1y and Med- a! Pra t- e93 7n #!aluation and #5planation in the "iomedical *ciences3 H3T3 En1e!hardt' %r3 and &3 >3 &.- ker' eds3 6ordre ht: 63 Ke-de! Pu0!-sh-n1 CoJ ..3 (7-B33


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